
英语科普小知识 亲子同床易导致婴儿猝死

2013-08-09 3页 doc 38KB 20阅读




英语科普小知识 亲子同床易导致婴儿猝死海量资料下载 免费学习英语 www.englishvip.com/xinlw.htm (申请网址) Parents who share a bed with their breastfed baby could face a fivefold increase in the risk ofcrib death(婴儿猝死综合症), even if the parents do not smoke, according to a new study. The research was led by th...
英语科普小知识 亲子同床易导致婴儿猝死
海量资料下载 免费学习英语 www.englishvip.com/xinlw.htm (申请网址) Parents who share a bed with their breastfed baby could face a fivefold increase in the risk ofcrib death(婴儿猝死综合症), even if the parents do not smoke, according to a new study. The research was led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and is published in BMJ Open. Crib death -- also known as cot death or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs) -- remains a major cause of death among babies under 1 year of age in high income countries. There is already a general consensus that sleeping with a baby increases the risk of cot death if the parents smoke or if the mother has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs. However, there are conflicting opinions as to whether bed sharing in general represents a risk when these factors are not present.   Some countries, including the US and the Netherlands, advise all parents against sharing a bed with their baby for the first 3 months. The UK currently only advises certain groups, including parents who are smokers, not to bed share.   The new study is the largest ever analysis of its kind. Researchers examined the individual records of 1,472 cot death cases and 4,679 control cases across five major studies. They found that the risk of cot death among breastfed babies under 3 months increased with bed sharing, even when the parents did not smoke and the mother had not consumed alcohol or drugs. This fivefold increase was in comparison to room sharing, where a baby slept in a cot in the parents' room.   The researchers estimate that 81% of cot deaths among babies under 3 months with no other risk factors could be prevented if they did not sleep in the same bed as their parents. The study also showed that the risk associated with bed sharing decreases as a baby gets older, and that the peak period for instances of cot death was between 7 and 10 weeks.   Professor Bob Carpenter from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine who was lead author on the study said: "Currently in the UK more than half of cot deaths occur while a baby is sleeping in the same bed as its parents. Although it is clear that smoking and drinking greatly increase the risk of cot death while bed sharing, our study shows that there is in fact an increased risk for all babies under 3 months who bed share, even if their parents do not smoke or drink.   "If parents were made aware of the risks of sleeping with their baby, and room sharing was instead promoted in the same way that the 'Back to Sleep' campaign was promoted 20 years ago to advise parents to place their newborn infants to sleep on their backs, we could achieve a substantial reduction in cot death rates in the UK. Annually there are around 300 cot death cases in babies under a year old in the UK, and this advice could save the lives of up to 40% of those. Health professionals need to make a definite stand against all bed sharing, especially for babies under 3 months."   The authors state that babies can still be brought into the parents' bed for comfort and feeding during the night, but that they should be placed in a cot next to the parents' bed to sleep. 共用一张床的人与他们的母乳喂养婴儿的父母可能面临的摇篮死亡的风险(增加了五倍婴儿猝死综合症),即使父母不抽烟,根据一项新的研究。领导这项研究是由英国伦敦卫生和热带医学学院,并发在BMJ打开。婴儿床死亡-也被称为婴儿猝死或婴儿猝死综合症(SIDS) -仍然是高收入国家的1岁婴儿死亡的一个重要原因。已经有一个普遍的共识是带宝宝睡会增加婴儿猝死的风险,如果父母烟雾或母亲已饮酒或服用药物。不过,也有一般同床是否代表了风险,当这些因素不存在的意见分歧。   一些国家,包括美国和荷兰,提醒所有的父母反对与他们的孩子的头3个月同床共枕。英国目前只向某些群体,包括父母谁是吸烟者,不床上份额。   这项新的研究是有史以来规模最大的同类。研究人员检查了1,472婴儿床死亡病例和4,679例在五个主要研究单个记录。他们发现,母乳喂养的婴儿在3个月之间的婴儿猝死的风险增加同床,甚至当父母不吸烟的母亲没有饮酒或药物。这增加了五倍比较合住,其中一个婴儿睡在父母的房间婴儿床。   研究人员估计,在3个月以下的婴儿没有其他危险因素有81%的婴儿死亡是可以预防的,如果他们没有因为他们的父母在同一张床上睡觉。研究还表明,与同床的风险随着婴儿长大,婴儿猝死的实例的高峰期是7周和10周之间。   伦敦卫生和热带医学学院的研究主要作者是谁教授鲍勃·卡彭特说:“目前在英国一半以上的婴儿床死亡时发生的一个婴儿其父母睡在同一张床上,虽然很清楚吸烟和饮酒同床婴儿猝死的风险,同时大大增加了,我们的研究表明,实际上是在3个月以下的婴儿谁床份额的风险增加,即使父母不吸烟或喝酒。   “如果父母知道与他们的孩子睡的风险,反而促进了客房共享同样的方式,”回去睡觉“运动升任20年前建议家长把他们的新生婴儿睡在自己的背影,我们可以实现了大幅降低婴儿猝死率在英国,每年有大约300名一岁以下的婴儿在英国的婴儿猝死案例,这个建议可以节省高达40%的生活健康。专业人士需要作出明确的立场,反对所有同床,尤其是3个月以下的婴儿。“   作者们指出,婴儿仍然可以被带进父母的床铺的舒适性和在夜间喂养,但他们应该被放置在父母的床上睡婴儿床旁边。 “成千上万人疯狂下载。。。。。。 更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料, 洛基内部秘密英语,技巧,策略 请在 网上 申请报名” 洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务
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