首页 > 二手房过户手续


2017-12-28 21页 doc 58KB 12阅读




二手房过户手续二手房过户手续 最近几年二手房市场异常火爆 房产 是老百姓必不可少的生活必需品之一,然而我发现很多人对于购买二手房 交易二手房 有很多的细节都不是很了解,在购买的过程中很盲从,现 在这里 我把关于二手房 交易过程中的细节流程 给大家说一说,帮助大家在二手房交易过程中,放心成交。这里只是针对苏州市场,我想其他地区也大同小异。 材料篇:二手房过户买卖双方所提供材料 卖方: 1, 房产证(共有证): 注:如果是房改的,另外复印房改页面(继承离婚和原市区发的证不需要换证,如换过了需调原两证) 2, 土地证: 3, 身份证...
二手房过户手续 最近几年二手房市场异常火爆 房产 是老百姓必不可少的生活必需品之一,然而我发现很多人对于购买二手房 交易二手房 有很多的细节都不是很了解,在购买的过程中很盲从,现 在这里 我把关于二手房 交易过程中的细节流程 给大家说一说,帮助大家在二手房交易过程中,放心成交。这里只是针对苏州市场,我想其他地区也大同小异。 篇:二手房过户买卖双方所提供材料 卖方: 1, 房产证(共有证): 注:如果是房改的,另外复印房改页面(继承离婚和原市区发的证不需要换证,如换过了需调原两证) 2, 土地证: 3, 身份证:(夫妻双方) 注:过户如果有代理人,还需要代理人身份复印件及委托公证书;如为拆迁房,则需户中所人员的身份证复印件 4, 结婚证(或单身证明、离婚证明): 注:结婚提供结婚证明;离婚需提供离婚证明,离婚前买房需提供财产判决书或离婚协议(盖民政局章);丧偶提供配偶死亡证明和继承公证书;存在产权继承的要先换证;换证后方可办理贷款、过户。如丢失到原婚姻登记的民政部门补办,其他证明方式不被承认。 5, 户口本或户籍证明: 注:未婚户口,户籍证明必须体现未婚,否则另外开单身证明;夫妻双方户口簿复印在同一张纸上;离婚户口本上显示离异;丧偶户口本上显示丧偶;户口本上未体现离婚、丧偶,需派出所出具证明。 商品房: 原购房合同、发票、契税单、维修基金发票(没有的需要调档、补交维修基金)。购买车库、阁楼合同(无发票去房管局调档,无契税单去契税征收管理所出证明,都不能提供的按照当时政策补交;有车库阁楼的还要提供房东合同) 房改房: 房改协议、公有住房出售专用收据(专用解款单不行)(原件或相关调档材料),无契税单 。 拆迁房: 拆迁协议、动迁办盖章的拆迁测量表、测量表上所有人都到场都提供身份证户口本结婚证,有未成年人到个区公证处做抚养声明公证、有死亡的做继承公证,到派出所调所有人信息的户表。市区的:(拆迁协议满五年有入住满五年证明:居委会证明或五年前水电煤发票等可免个税);契税单(若安置面积大于拆迁面积的,超出面积按照当时政策交契税) 买方: 1, 身份证: 注:夫妻双方身份证所有产权人,如果有代理人,还需要代理人身份复印件及委托公证书; 2, 结婚证明(或单身证明、离婚证明): 注:结婚需提供结婚证明;离婚需提供离婚证明;丧偶提供配偶死亡证明; 3, 户口本或户籍证明: in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 注:未婚户口户籍证明必须体现未婚,否则另外开单身证明;夫妻双方户口簿复印在同一张纸上;离婚户口本上显示离异;丧偶户口本上显示丧偶;户口本上未体现离婚、丧偶,需派出所出具证明 4, 收入证明: 单身共有提供各自收入并为月还款额的2倍、单身证明;夫妻 双方收入证明(A4纸打印盖公司公章或人事章)贷款才有 5, 学历证:含学位证和毕业证或户口本体现学历 贷款才有 6, 暂住证:外来人员需提供 7, 首付款收据:复印件上印客户联,财务章必须印清晰 港澳台及外籍人士--购房提交资料 对于华侨、港澳台及外籍人士来说,在购买二手房过程中重要就是如何提交资料以及提交什么资料的问题了,这直接关系到消费者能否快速、有效实现置业计划。境外人士购买二手房需提交的资料归纳如下: 1、身份证明: 港澳同胞:中华人民共和国香港(澳门)特别行政区护照或居民身份证或往来大陆通行证。 台湾同胞:台胞证或旅行证或经确认的身份证明。 外国人:护照和外国人居留证(无外国人居留证的提交中国公证机构的护照中文译本)。 2、提交南京市涉外项目国家安全审查批准文件。 3、需要进行译名公证。 4、提交证件中有外文的,应同时提交经公证的中文译本。 如果需要贷款,还应提供如下资料: 1、贷款人的收入证明及营业执照(盖章/需有当年年检页)、学历证明及资信证明(针对贷款额度比较大的); 2、合法有效首付凭证; 港澳台同胞:提供居住证或暂住证、往来大陆通行证、大陆就业许可证、户口本(红黄本)、结婚证(离婚证/单身证明)。 备注: 1、台湾人不能申请贷款;(华夏银行和中国银行可能能批) 2、外籍人士的收入证明若不是北京的证明还需要提供下述资料: 1)真实性公证;2)在当地有担保人(亲戚或朋友);3)如果是外文证明,需进行中文翻译 外籍人士置业流程与须知 外籍人士买房现象越来越普遍,他们所享受的相关政策与国人基本相同。但受身份、国籍等因素限制,外籍人士买房时,程序上还有一些特殊性,需要提供更多的资料,买卖合同也必须经过公证处办理公证手续。 提醒一:明确委托代理人权限 >> 代理购房人向银行借款过程中有关合同公证,抵押登记,保险等有关贷款事宜。 >> 借款发生后,也可按期由代理委托人(购房借款人)还款;借款人在银行开立活期储蓄帐户,委托代理人每月将所需还款额存入活期储蓄帐户。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: >> 如发生个人住房贷款逾期,时间超过六个月,借款人授权委托代理人全权处理委托人所购物业。支行通过与委托代理人联系,即可处分抵押物业,保证逾期催收成功。 提醒二:外籍人士申请贷款所需资料 >> 护照、中国大陆有效居留证原件及复印件。 >> 婚姻证明原件及复印件。需经我国驻该国使、领馆认证的居住国公证机关出具的婚姻状况证明或该国驻华使、领馆出具的婚姻状况证明( 包括本人无配偶的证明),如为英文版本的,应附外事办出具的中文翻译件。 >> 申请人或共有人不能亲自到现场办理按揭贷款的: ?已婚人士:夫妻双方不能同时到场的,不能到场的一方可签署《授权委托书》委托其配偶办理(夫妻双方至少一方亲自前来),该《授权委托书》应经该国公证机关公证,且经我国驻该国使、领馆认证;或由我国驻该国使、领馆进行公证;或由该国驻华使、领馆进行公证(如为英文版本的,应附外事办出具的中文翻译件,并加盖相关印章)。 ?未婚人士:外籍人士如系未婚的,只能委托直系亲属代为办理,《授权委托书》同上。 提醒三:贷款成数、利率 >> 外籍人士在大陆买房,虽然贷款成数与国人相同,但银行贷款有多种选择,币种上既可选择外币也可选择人民币,21世纪不动产金融部赵先生建议外籍人士选择人民币贷款,这样不必操心外币与人民币之间的转换,更避免了汇率的变动。 >> 外籍人士贷款利率享受与国人相同的待遇,按照人民银行规定的个人住房贷款利率执行。国家规定利率5年以上6.12%,第一套住房贷款利率优惠10%,降为5 年以上5.508%;如为第二次购房贷款不执行优惠利率,同时随利率调整而变动。 提醒四:合同必须执行公证 与中国人买房最大的不同,境外自然人、法人和其他组织买卖商品住房签订的合同,需要办理合同公证手续,这个公证是强制性的。据上海市公证处介绍,境外人士在办理合同公证手续时,有五个方面需要注意。 >> 境外自然人、法人和其他组织买卖商品住房的,统一由上海市公证处对合同进行公证;境内外人买卖非商品住房外销房的以及境外人买卖非商品住房内销房的,仍按原规定由市公证处对合同进行公证。 >> 作为购销主体的“境外的自然人、法人和其他组织”大致有这样几种:外国公民、港澳台地区公民、持有中国护照并在外国取得永久居留权的人士、其他境外个人、在外国和港澳台地区登记、注册的法人和其他组织等等。 >> 办理涉外房地产买卖合同公证所需的证明、材料有明文规定。对买方而言,如为自然人的,依不同情况需要提供户口簿、身份证、护照、台湾居民来大陆通行证及其他身份证明(如境外居留证等);此外,若委托他人代办公证的,还需提交有效的委托书。买方如为法人或其他组织的,则需要提供营业执照、法定代表人/负责人的身份证件;若委托他人签约和代办公证的,还应提供法定代表人/负责人有效的委托书和代理人的身份证件。 >> 对房地产商而言,如办理预售房产公证的,需提供商品房《预售许可证》;如办理出售房产公证的,需提供《房地产权证》。 >> 而对《买卖合同》卖方而言,应提供《房地产权证》和当事人身份证件等(具体要求同买方)。双方当事人需亲自到场在公证员面前签订合同。如有特殊困难的,公证员可上门受理。 贷款篇:二手房买卖贷款 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 1, 贷款材料:上面材料准备齐,在到银行签一份和谈话笔录就可。 2, 贷款比例:二手房按揭贷款45-90平米首付2成,其它视情况而定, 3, 公积金贷款: 申请住房公积金贷款应同时具备以下四个基本条件: ?借款人申请之月前按期足额缴存住 房公积金六个月以上;?购房首期付款,新 建 普通住房不低于20%,二手房(存量成套 能够落实贷款担保;?借款人和配偶及其他共有产人均没有住房公住房)不低于30%。? 积金贷款债务,个人信用状况良好。 贷款额度同时按以下三种方式计算,取最小的一种为最高限额: ?借款申请人缴存住房公积金的月工资基数或月工资基数之和×35%(规定 比例) ×12(月)×贷款年限(年); ?新建普通住房总房价的80%以内;二手房购房款、自(翻)建住房评 估 认 定价的70%以内; ?贷款最高额度。最高额度由住房公积金管委会规定,目前苏州市新建普通 住房每笔 不超过50万元,二手房每笔最高不超过35万元。如借款人及其他共有人仅一人符合贷款 条件或无配偶的,新建普通住房最高不超过30万元,二手房、 自(翻)建住房最高不超 过21万元。 个人住房商业贷款利率(下浮30%)每万元个人住房商业性贷款偿还金额 2008年12月23日起执行 贷款期(年) 年利率% 月利率% 等额本息还月款法(元) 等额本金还月款法(元) 1 3.7170 3.09750 ,850.207 ,864.3083 2 3.7800 3.15000 ,433.271 ,448.1667 3 3.7800 3.15000 ,294.262 ,309.2778 4 4.0320 3.36000 ,225.934 ,241.9333 5 4.0320 3.36000 ,184.310 ,200.2667 6 4.1580 3.46500 ,157.173 ,173.5389 7 4.1580 3.46500 ,137.417 ,153.6976 8 4.1580 3.46500 ,122.629 ,138.8167 9 4.1580 3.46500 ,111.154 ,127.2426 10 4.1580 3.46500 ,101.998 ,117.9833 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 11 4.1580 3.46500 ,94.528 ,110.4076 12 4.1580 3.46500 ,88.322 ,104.0944 13 4.1580 3.46500 ,83.089 ,98.7526 14 4.1580 3.46500 ,78.620 ,94.1738 15 4.1580 3.46500 ,74.763 ,90.2056 16 4.1580 3.46500 ,71.402 ,86.7333 17 4.1580 3.46500 ,68.450 ,83.6696 18 4.1580 3.46500 ,65.839 ,80.9463 19 4.1580 3.46500 ,63.515 ,78.5096 20 4.1580 3.46500 ,61.434 ,76.3167 21 4.1580 3.46500 ,59.562 ,74.3325 22 4.1580 3.46500 ,57.870 ,72.5288 23 4.1580 3.46500 ,56.335 ,70.8819 24 4.1580 3.46500 ,54.937 ,69.3722 25 4.1580 3.46500 ,53.660 ,67.9833 26 4.1580 3.46500 ,52.489 ,66.7013 27 4.1580 3.46500 ,51.413 ,65.5142 28 4.1580 3.46500 ,50.421 ,64.4119 29 4.1580 3.46500 ,49.505 ,63.3856 30 4.1580 3.46500 ,48.657 ,62.4278 苏州住房公积金贷款、组合贷款(商业)利率与万元月等额本息还款表 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 交税篇:二手房买卖交易费用 交易综合管理费:6元/?(私产房)/3元/?(房改房) 契税:普通住宅1%*(成交价与评估价最高值)非普通住宅2%*(成交价与评估价最高值) 工本费:80元(没个区价格不一样) 抵押登记费:80元 不贷款没有 物业维修基金:2%*原成交价(一般的都交过 个别拆迁房可能有) 过户评估费:0.5%过户评估价 贷款评估费:0.3%贷款评估价(不贷款没有)(这两个费用一般是中介公司收取的) 个税:(成交价—原购房价)*20%或按核定的1% 营业税:不满2年(转让收入减去住房原价的差额的5.55%)满2年免征营业税 贷款服务费:贷款额的1% 个别房子 视情况而定 个人所得税免征须满足两个条件:1.个人转让自用满5年(房产证满5年或者契税单填发日期满五年,且必须为同一姓名)2.家庭唯一生活用房取得的所得,免征个人所得税(判断是否唯一,需身份证、户口本等其他相关材料均无体现第二套房屋地址) 过户篇:二手房买卖过户流程 买卖双方材料齐全--->网签(双方)---资金托管——贷款---->过户签字(买卖双方夫妻)--“出两证,他证--->托管中心领款 (卖方银行卡持卡人) 过户签字,资金托管:买卖双方客户(夫妻双方)携带买卖双方夫妻双方的身份证、户口本、结婚证;买卖双方的中国银行或工商银行卡(最好是存折,借记卡也可,但是信用卡不可。)及过户评估费、印花税到房管局现场 交税:交税人(不是本人也可)到房管局缴纳即可。所交税费包括:营业税、个税、契税、转让费、登记费、抵押登记费。 托管中心申请款:卖方产权开户人带身份证、托管协议、托管凭证、银行卡 户口篇:苏州二手房买卖户口迁移问题 1,首先购房方面。调整前的政策是单身人员应达,,平方米以上、已婚人员应达,,平方米以上,取得房屋所有权证,年以上,且被单位合法聘录用,年以上,按规定参加社保,年以上,具有合法稳定的经济收入的,允许其本人、配偶及其未成年子女整户迁入,购买市区成套商品住房90平方米以上,取得房屋所有权证2年以上,按规定参加社保1年以上,具in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 有合法稳定的经济收入的,允许其本人、配偶及其未成年子女整户迁入。 2,苏州户口迁移政策 下列人员户口准入,由市或县级市人事局受理: (一)具有高级专业技术职务任职资格或硕士及以上学位的人员; (二)在国外、境外取得学位的留学人员; (三)具有中级职称或本科学历,且年龄男性40周岁以下、女性35周岁以下 的专业技术和管理人员; (四)被单位合法聘用(经劳动和社会保障部门备案并办理特聘工作证),连续工作满2年以上,同时段交纳社保、医保、公积金,具有大专或中专学历且年龄在30周岁以下,并拥有合法固定住所的人员; (五)按照毕业生就业政策,接收安置的毕业研究生、本科生、专科生及苏州市生源的大中专毕业生; (六)因家庭实际困难需要照顾父母、配偶而调动的在职干部及符合随迁条件的配偶和未成年或待业未婚子女; (七)需人事局审批准入的其他人员; 上述(一)至(三)项人员除本人户口准迁外,允许其配偶及未成年或待业未婚子女随迁。 下列人员户口准入,由市或县级市劳动和社会保障局受理: (一)因家庭实际困难需要照顾父母、配偶而调动的在职职工及符合随迁条件的配偶和未成年或待业未婚子女; (二)生产急需,经考核符合要求引进的技术、管理人员; in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: (三)按照毕业生就业政策,接收安置毕业的苏州市生源技(职)校毕业生; (四)往届技(职)校毕业生被单位合法录用,参加社保、医保、公积金,年龄在30周岁以下,工作满2年,并拥有合法固定住所的; (五)需劳动和社会保障局审批准入的其他人员。 第七条 下列人员户口准入,由公安机关受理: (一)在市区个人投资实收资本人民币100万元以上,并合法经营3年以上,或近3年累计纳税人民币20万元以上,按规定参加社保3年以上,并拥有合法固定住所的人员,允许其本人、配偶及其未成年子女整户迁入; (二)购买市区成套商品住房75平方米以上,取得房屋所有权证3年以上,且被单位合法聘录用3年以上,按规定参加社保3年以上,具有合法稳定经济收入的,允许其本人、配偶及其未成年子女整户迁入; (三)购买市区成套商品住房75平方米以上,取得房屋所有权证3年以上,在市区经商、兴办企业3年以上,近3年累计纳税5万元以上,按规定参加社保3年以上,允许其本人、配偶及其未成年子女整户迁入; (四)投靠父亲或母亲的未成年子女; (五)结婚后需投靠的外市无业城镇或农村配偶; (六)需投靠子女的城镇退休(无业)父母或农村男60周岁、女50周岁以上的父母; (七)符合准入迁移后的人员申请父母投靠的,需自迁入后满5年以上方可提出投靠子女申请迁移,且迁入后人均住房面积和生活保障水平不低于苏州市最低; (八)需公安机关审批准入的其他人员。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 第八条 凡被本市各类院校录取的本市籍学生,入学时不再迁移户口,被外地院校录取的,允许不迁户口的可不迁,均待其毕业后根据分配去向直接将户口迁往工作单位所在地或实际居住地。被本市各类院校录取的外市籍学生,户口迁移仍按照国家有关规定办理。 第九条 凡本办法第五至第七条中所涉及的年龄、工作年限、投资纳税金额或购房面积,各县级市可根据本地实际确定。 第十条 凡涉及国家指令性计划安置的人员,由相关部门按国家有关政策办理。 第十一条 本市居民在市区范围内的户口迁移和农民子女出生、录取学生办理的迁移登记,只作户籍变更登记,不与经济利益挂钩,如涉及经济、土地分配和计划生育等问题的,按国家有关规定办理。 第十二条 凡提出申请要求的人员,应根据申请的理由,提供相应的证明材料。提供证明材料要求由相关受理部门公示。凡以虚假证明材料骗取户口的,注销其已迁入的户口退还原籍,并依照国家相关法规作出处理。 第十三条 经人事、劳动和社会保障部门批准迁入苏州市区或县级市的人员,统一凭《调动人员情况登记表》至迁入地公安分局或县级市公安局开具《户口准予迁入证明》;经公安机关批准的,由公安分局或县级市公安局开具《户口准予迁入证明》;当年大中专以上毕业生,凭加盖市或县级市人事部门专用章的《户口迁移证》至迁入地公安派出所办理落户手续。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process:
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