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绿色食品植物蛋白饮料标准绿色食品植物蛋白饮料标准 标准类别:NY/T行业推荐标准,关键词:绿色食品植物蛋白饮料,标准号:NY,T 433—2000, 标准名称:中华人民共和国农业行业标准,绿色食品植物蛋白饮料,标准分类:无公害/绿 1-1。 色/有机食品标准,实施日期:2000- NY,T 433—2000, 绿色食品植物蛋白饮料 1 范围 本标准规定了绿色食品植物蛋白饮料的定义、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、标签、包装、运输及贮存。 本标准适用于A级绿色食品植物蛋白饮料的生产和流通。 2 引用标准 下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标...
绿色食品植物蛋白饮料 标准类别:NY/T行业推荐标准,关键词:绿色食品植物蛋白饮料,标准号:NY,T 433—2000, 标准名称:中华人民共和国农业行业标准,绿色食品植物蛋白饮料,标准分类:无公害/绿 1-1。 色/有机食品标准,实施日期:2000- NY,T 433—2000, 绿色食品植物蛋白饮料 1 范围 本标准规定了绿色食品植物蛋白饮料的定义、要求、试验、检验规则、标志、标签、包装、运输及贮存。 本标准适用于A级绿色食品植物蛋白饮料的生产和流通。 2 引用标准 下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。本标准出版时,所示版本均为有效。所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性。 GB 317—1998 白砂糖 GB 2760—1996 食品添加剂使用卫生标准 GB 4789.2—1994 食品卫生微生物学检验 菌落总数测定 GB 4789.3—1994 食品卫生微生物学检验 大肠菌群测定 GB 4789.4—1994 食品卫生微生物学检验 沙门氏菌检验 GB 4789.5一1994 食品卫生微生物学检验 志贺氏菌检验 GB 4789.10—1994 食品卫生微生物学检验 金黄色葡萄球菌检验 GB 4789.11—1994 食品卫生微生物学检验 溶血性链球菌检验 GB 4789.15—1994 食品卫生微生物学检验 霉菌和酵母计数 GB 4789.26—1994 食品卫生微生物学检验 罐头食品商业无菌的检验 GB,T 5009.11—1996 食品中总砷的测定方法 GB,T 5009,12—1996 食品中铅的测定方法 GB,T 5009.13—1996 食品中铜的测定方法 GB,T 5009.16—1996 食品中锡的测定方法 GB,T 5009.17—1996 食品中总汞的测定方法 GB,T 5009.18—1996 食品中氟的测定方法 GB,T 5009.19—1996 食品中六六六、滴滴涕残留量的测定方法 GB,T 5009.22—1996 食品中黄曲霉毒素B1的测定方法 GB,T 5009.28—1996 食品中糖精钠的测定方法 GB,T 5009.29—1996 食品中山梨酸、苯甲酸的测定方法 GB,T 5009.36—1996 粮食卫生标准的分析方法 GB 7718—1994 食品标签通用标准 GB,T 10220—1988 感官分析方法总论 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there GB,T 10790—1989 软饮料的检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存 GB,T 10791—1989 软饮料原辅材料的要求 GB,T 12143.1—1989 软饮料中可溶性固形物的测定方法 折光计法 GB,T 14771—1993 食品中蛋白质的测定方法 GB,T 14962—1994 食品中铬的测定方法 GB 16322—1996 植物蛋白饮料卫生标准 2000 绿色食品 产地环境技术条件 NY,T 391— NY,T 392—2000 绿色食品 食品添加剂使用准则 3 定义 本标准采用下列定义。 3.1 绿色食品 green food 见NY,T 391—2000中3.1。 3.2 A级绿色食品 A grade green food 见NY,T 391—2000中3.3。 4 要求 4.1 产地环境要求 4.1.1 产地环境应符合NY,T 391的要求。 4.1.2 植物蛋白果实应出自绿色食品产地。 4.1.3 加工用水应符合GB,T 10791—1989中4.1的规定。 4.1.4 白砂糖应符合GB 317中优级品要求。 4.1.5 乳化剂应符合GB 2760要求。 4.2 感官要求 感官要求应符合1规定。 表1 感官要求 项目 指标 色 泽 色泽鲜亮一致,无变色现象 性 状 均匀的乳浊状或悬浊状 滋味与气味 具有本品种固有的香气及滋味, 不得有异味 杂 质 无肉眼可见外来杂质 稳定性 振摇均匀后12h内无沉淀、析水, 应保持均匀体系 4.3 理化要求 理化要求应符合表2规定。 表2 理化要求 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 项目 指标 蛋白质/(m,V),% ? 0.60 可溶性固形物(20?),% ? 8.0 净含量,mL 按包装标示规定,负偏差符合国 家包装商品计量规定 4.4 卫生要求 卫生要求应符合表3规定。 表3 卫生要求 项目 指标 黄曲霉毒素B1,μg/L ? 5 0.05 氰化物(以杏仁等为原料,以HCN计), (mg/L) ? 阴性 脲酶试验(以大豆为原料) 铅(Pb)(mg/L) ? 0.04 (0.3) 砷,mg/L ? 0.10 铜,mg/L ? 1.00 汞,mg/L ? 0.01 氟,mg/L ? 0.10 铬,mg/L? 0.10 锡,mg/L ? 10 山梨酸,g/L ? 0.5 苯甲酸,g/L 不得检出 糖精钠,g/L 不得检出 六六六,mg/L 不得检出 滴滴涕,mg/L 不得检出 菌落总数,个/mL ? 100 大肠菌群,MPN/100mL ? 3 致病菌 不得检出 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 霉菌和酵母总数,个/mL ? 20 a 仅限于以杏仁等为原料的饮料。 b 仅限于以大豆为原料的饮料。 注 1 如使用两种或两种以上的乳化剂,则其总量不得超过NY/T 392所规定的其中一个限量 值最低的乳化剂限量,其他食品添加剂不得检出。2 罐装植物蛋白饮料还应符合商业无菌。 5 试验方法 5.1 感官分析按GB/T 10220规定执行。 5.2 蛋白质的测定按GB/T 14771规定执行。 5.3 可溶性固形物测定按GB/T 12143.1规定执行。 5.4 氰化物的测定按GB/T 5009.36规定执行。 5.5 脲酶试验按GB 16322—1996附录A执行。 5.6 铅的测定按GB,T 5009.12规定执行。 5.7 砷的测定按GB,T 5009.11规定执行。 5.8 铜的测定按GB,T 5009.13规定执行。 5.9 汞的测定按GB,T 5009.17规定执行。 5.10 氟的测定按GB,T 5009.18规定执行。 ,T 14962规定执行。 5.11 铬的测定按GB 5.12 锡的测定按GB,T 5009.16规定执行。 5.13 山梨酸、苯甲酸的测定按GB,T 5009.29规定执行。 5.14 糖精钠的测定按GB,T 5009.28规定执行。 5.15 六六六、滴滴涕的测定按GB,T 5009.19规定执行。 5.16 黄曲霉毒素B1的测定按GB,T 5009.22规定执行。 5.17 净含量用计量检定合格的标示容量相适应的量具量取。 5.18 菌落总数的测定按GB 4789.2规定执行。 5.19 大肠菌群的测定按GB 4789.3规定执行。 5.20 致病菌检验按GB 4789.4、GB 4789.5和GB 4789.10、GB 4789.11规定执行。 5.21 霉菌和酵母菌总数的测定按GB 4789.15规定执行。 5.22 商业无菌的检验按GB 4789.26规定执行。 6 检验规则 6.1 组批规则 以同一班次、同一生产线生产的同品种、同规格且包装完好的产品为一组批。产品应经生产 厂按本标准检验合格,签发合格证后方可出厂。 6.2 抽样方法 在生产线上或成品库中每组批产品中随机抽取1.5L样品供出厂检验,或4L样品供型式检验。 每批样品不得少于6个包装。 6.3 型式检验 型式检验是对产品进行全面考核,即本标准规定的全部要求进行检验。有下列情况之一者应 进行型式检验。 a)申请绿色食品标志的产品; b)前后两次交收检验结果差异较大; c)因人为或自然因素使生产环境发生较大变化; especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there d)国家质量监督机构或主管部门提出型式检验要求。 6.4 交收检验 每批产品交收前,生产单位都应进行交收检验,交收检验内容包括感官要求、理化要求。对于以杏仁为原料的植物蛋白饮料,还应测氰化物;对于以大豆为原料的植物蛋白饮料,还应测脲酶。 6.5 判定规则 6.5.1 一项指标试验不合格,则该批产品为不合格产品。 6.5.2 为确保理化、安全卫生要求中项目检验不受偶然误差影响,凡某项目检验不合格,应另取一份样品复检,若仍不合格,则判该项目不合格;若复检合格,则应再取一份样品作第二次复检,以第二次复检结果为准。 6.5.3 对包装、标志、标签不合格的产品,允许生产单位进行整改后申请复检。 7 标志、标签 7.1 标志 包装上应有绿色食品标志,其设计按有关规定执行。 7.2 标签 应按照GB 7718规定执行。 8 包装、运输、贮存 应按照GB 10790执行。 备注: 为判定绿色食品植物蛋白饮料的质量和安全性,特制定本标准。 本标准由中国绿色食品发展中心提出并归口。 本标准起草单位:中国农垦北方食品监测中心。 本标准主要起草人:张宗城、邱元亨、刘宁、翟卉、罗斌。 植物性及其他食品卫生标准目录 2008-10-27 17:43 【大 中 小】 序号 标准名称 标准代号和编号 代替标准号 谷类、豆类及其制品卫生标准 1 非发酵性豆制品及面筋卫生标准 GB2711,2003 GB2711,1998 2 发酵性豆制品卫生标准 GB2712,2003 GB2712,1998 3 淀粉类制品卫生标准 GB2713,2003 GB2713,1996 4 粮食卫生标准 GB2715,1981 5 糕点面包卫生标准 GB7099,2003 GB7099,1998 6 饼干卫生标准 GB7100,2003 GB7100,1986 7 食用豆粕卫生标准 GB14932.1,2003 GB14932.1,1994 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 8 油炸小食品类卫生标准 GB16565,2003 GB16565,1996 9 方便面卫生标准 GB17400,2003 GB17400,1998 10 膨化食品卫生标准 GB17401,2003 GB17401,1998 11 速冻预包装面米食品卫生标准 GB19295,2003 蔬菜、水果及其制品卫生标准 1 酱腌菜卫生标准 GB2714,2003 GB2714,1996 2 食品工业用浓缩果蔬汁(浆)卫生标准 GB17325,1998 食用油脂卫生标准 1 食用植物油卫生标准 GB2716,1988 2 食用植物油煎炸过程中的卫生标准 GB7102.1,2003 GB7102.1,1994 3 猪油卫生标准 GB10146,1988 4 色拉油卫生标准 GB13103,1991 5 人造奶油卫生标准 GB15196,2003 GB15196,1996 6 精炼食用植物油卫生标准 GB15197,1994 7 食用氢化油卫生标准 GB17402,2003 GB17402,1998 饮料及冷冻饮品卫生标准 1 冷冻饮品卫生标准 GB2759.1,2003 GB2759.1,1996 2 碳酸饮料卫生标准 GB2759.2,2003 GB2759.2,1996 3 固体饮料卫生标准 GB7101,2003 GB7101,1994 4 茶叶卫生标准 GB9679,1988 5 含乳饮料卫生标准 GB11673,2003 GB11673,1989 6 乳酸菌饮料卫生标准 GB16321,2003 GB16321,1996 7 植物蛋白饮料卫生标准 GB16322,2003 GB16322,1996 8 瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准 GB17324,2003 GB17324,1998 9 茶饮料卫生标准 GB19296,2003 10 果、蔬汁饮料卫生标准 GB19297,2003 11 瓶(桶)装饮用水卫生标准 GB19298,2003 调味品 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 1 酱油卫生标准 GB2717,2003 GB2717,1996 2 酱卫生标准 GB2718,2003 GB2718,1996 3 食醋卫生标准 GB2719,2003 GB2719,1996 4 味精卫生标准 GB2720,2003 GB2720,1996 5 食盐卫生标准 GB2721,2003 GB2721,1996 糖与糖制品卫生标准 1 糖果卫生标准 GB9678.1,2003 GB9678.1,1994 2 巧克力卫生标准 GB9678.2,2003 GB9678.2,1994 3 白糖卫生标准 GB13104,1991 4 蜜饯食品卫生标准 GB14884,2003 GB14884,1994 5 蜂蜜卫生标准 GB14963,2003 GB14963-1994 GB13109-1991 6 赤砂糖卫生标准 GB14964,1994 2003 GB15203,1994 7 淀粉糖卫生标准 GB15203, 8 胶姆糖卫生标准 GB17399,2003 GB17399,1998 9 果冻卫生标准 GB19299,2003 罐头食品卫生标准 1 食用菌罐头卫生标准 GB7098,2003 GB7098,1996 2 果蔬类罐头食品卫生标准 GB11671,2003 GB11671,1989 、GB13099,1991 4 肉类罐头食品卫生标准 GB13100,1991 5 鱼罐头卫生标准 GB14939,1994 酒类卫生标准 1 蒸馏酒及配制酒卫生标准 GB2757,1981 2 发酵酒卫生标准 GB2758,1981 3 汽酒卫生标准 GB7103,1986 干制(炒、坚果)食品食用菌卫生标准 1 食用菌卫生标准 GB7096,2003 GB7096,1996 2 银耳卫生标准 GB11675,2003 GB11675,1989 3 干果食品卫生标准 GB16325,1996 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 4 坚果食品卫生标准 GB16326,1996 5 烘炒食品卫生标准 GB19300,2003 食品容器与包装材料 1 食品容器、包装材料用聚氯乙烯树脂卫生标准 GB4803,1994 2 搪瓷食具容器卫生标准 GB4804,1984 3 食品罐头内壁环氧酚醛涂料卫生标准 GB4805,1994 4 食品用橡胶制品卫生标准 GB4806.1,1994 5 橡胶奶觜卫生标准 GB4806.2,1994 6 食品容器过氯乙烯内壁涂料卫生标准 GB7105,1986 7 食品容器漆酚涂料卫生标准 GB9680,1988 8 食品包装用聚氯乙烯成型品卫生标准 GB9681,1988 9 食品罐头内壁脱膜涂料卫生标准 GB9682,1988 10 复合食品包装袋卫生标准 GB9683,1988 11 不锈钢食具容器卫生标准 GB9684,1988 12 食品容器、包装材料用助剂使用卫生标准 GB9685,2003 13 食品容器内壁聚酰胺环氧树脂涂料卫生标准 GB9686,1988 14 食品包装用聚乙烯成型品卫生标准 GB9687,1988 15 食品包装用聚丙烯成型品卫生标准 GB9688,1988 16 食品包装用聚苯乙烯成型品卫生标准 GB9689,1988 17 食品包装用三聚氰胺成型品卫生标准 GB9690,1988 18 食品包装用聚乙烯树脂卫生标准 GB9691,1988 19 食品包装用聚苯乙烯树脂卫生标准 GB9692,1988 20 食品包装用聚丙烯树脂卫生标准 GB9693,1988 21 铝制食具容器卫生标准 GB11333,1989 22 食品容器有机硅防粘涂料卫生标准 GB11676,1989 23 水基改性环氧易拉罐内壁涂料卫生标准 GB11677,1989 24 食品容器内壁聚四氟乙烯涂料卫生标准 GB11678,1989 25 食品包装用原纸卫生标准 GB11680,1989 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 26 食品容器及包装材料用聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯成型品卫生标准 GB13113,1991 27 食品容器及包装材料用聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯树脂卫生标准 GB13114,1991 28 食品容器及包装材料用不饱和聚酯树脂及其玻璃钢制品卫生标准 GB13115,1991 29 食品容器及包装材料用聚碳酸酯树脂卫生标准 GB13116,1991 30 陶瓷食具容器卫生标准 GB13121,1991 31 硅藻土卫生标准 GB14936,1994 32 食品容器、包装材料用聚碳酸酯成型品卫生标准 GB14942,1994 33 食品包装用聚氯乙烯瓶盖垫片及涂料卫生标准 GB14944,1994 34 胶原蛋白肠衣卫生标准 GB14967,1994 35 食品容器、包装材料用偏氯乙烯,聚氯烯共聚树脂卫生标准 GB15204,1994 36 食品包装材料用尼龙6树脂卫生标准 GB16331,1996 37 食品包装材料用尼龙成型品卫生标准 GB16332,1996 38 食品容器、包装材料用橡胶改性的丙烯腈,丁二烯,苯乙烯成型品卫生标准 GB17326,1998 。39 食品容器、包装材料用丙烯腈,苯乙烯成型品卫生标准 GB17327,1998 40 植物纤维类食品容器卫生标准 GB19305,2003 食(饮)具卫生标准(包括工具、设备用洗涤、消毒剂) 1 食品工具、设备用洗涤剂卫生标准 GB14930.1,1994 2 食品工具、设备用洗涤消毒剂卫生标准 GB14930.2,1994 3 食(饮具)消毒卫生标准 GB14934 ,1994 食品添加剂 1 食品添加剂使用卫生标准 GB2760,1996 食品营养强化剂 1 食品营养强化剂使用卫生标准 GB14880,1994 特殊膳食食品标准 1 婴幼儿配方粉及婴幼儿补充粉通用技术条件 GB10767,1997 2 婴幼儿配方乳粉 1 GB10765,1997 3 婴幼儿配方乳粉 II、III GB10766,1997 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 4 婴幼儿断奶期辅助食品 GB10769,1997 辐照食品卫生标准 1 辐照熟畜禽肉类卫生标准 GB14891.1,1997 2 辐照花粉卫生标准 GB14891.2,1994 3 辐照干果果脯肉类卫生标准 GB14891.3,1997 4 辐照香辛料类卫生标准 GB14891.4,1997 5 辐照新鲜水果、蔬菜类卫生标准 GB14891.5,1997 6 辐照猪肉卫生标准 GB14891.6,1994 7 辐照冷冻包装畜禽肉类卫生标准 GB14891.7,1997 8 辐照豆类、谷类及其制品卫生标准 GB14891.8,1997 9 辐照薯干酒卫生标准 GB14891.9,1994 良好生产卫生 1 巧克力厂卫生规范 GB 17403,1998 2 膨化食品良好生产规范 GB 17404,1998 3 保健食品良好生产规范 GB 17405,1998 4 饮用天然矿泉水厂生产规范 GB 16330,1996 5 食品企业通用卫生规范 GB 14881,1994 6 面粉厂卫生规范 GB 13122,1991 7 乳品厂卫生规范 GB 12693,2003 8 肉类加工厂卫生规范 GB 12694,1990 9 饮料厂卫生规范 GB 12695,2003 10 葡萄酒厂卫生规范 GB 12696,1990 11 果酒厂卫生规范 GB 12697,1990 12 黄酒厂卫生规范 GB 12698,1990 13 罐头厂卫生规范 GB 8950,1988 14 白酒厂卫生规范 GB 8951,1988 15 啤酒厂卫生规范 GB 8952,1988 16 酱油厂卫生规范 GB 8953,1988 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 17 食醋厂卫生规范 GB 8954,1988 18 食用植物油厂卫生规范 GB 8955,1988 19 蜜饯厂卫生规范 GB 8956,2003 20 糕点厂卫生规范 GB 8957,1988 21 熟肉制品企业生产卫生规范 GB 19303,2003 22 定型包装饮用水企业生产卫生规范 GB 19304,2003 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there
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