

2017-09-25 20页 doc 62KB 84阅读




即使知道要见面即使知道要见面 . 即使知道要见面—泰国sara (都说三秒就能喜欢上这首歌.现在肯定有很多人都听烂了…如果你还没有请抓紧!!PS:她还有一首风格相同的--是否要忘记---也8错~~) 2. 月光—鬼束千寻(优美的调.好听的声音.完美的歌.很久以前听的..最近突然又听到.还是喜欢得不得了!强烈推荐!) 3. Tommai mai rub sak tee Special----Lydia(媲美前面两首的绝对要听的好歌。如果听了有说不好听的。我就真是无语了。。绝对超级好听~~~) 4. innocence (这首也是公认的超...
即使知道要见面 . 即使知道要见面—泰国sara (都说三秒就能喜欢上这首歌.现在肯定有很多人都听烂了…如果你还没有请抓紧!!PS:她还有一首风格相同的--是否要忘记---也8错~~) 2. 月光—鬼束千寻(优美的调.好听的声音.完美的歌.很久以前听的..最近突然又听到.还是喜欢得不得了!强烈推荐!) 3. Tommai mai rub sak tee Special----Lydia(媲美前面两首的绝对要听的好歌。如果听了有说不好听的。我就真是无语了。。绝对超级好听~~~) 4. innocence (这首也是公认的超级好听~前段时间也是喜欢的爱不释手。声音很好听。推荐~~推荐~) 5. just one last dance(这首不用说了吧。估计很多人因为听的太多而。。。) 6. moonlight shadow--- Groove Coverage;(几年前朋友推荐的。绝对好听。相信很多人都知道。个人觉得是Groove Coverag最好听的歌。没听过的强烈推荐) 7. The Saltwater Room---Owl City(相当好听的一首歌。男声绝对很精彩。女声更好听。也是一首一听便会喜欢的歌~不信你听~~) 8. yesterday----the beatles(这首适合自己一个人的时候听。。简单的调。高潮很好听~恩好听~~) 9. Traveling Light----Joel Hanson & Sara Groves(听到第一句,你就会喜欢上的。相信我~~节奏稍微较上面的快点。又一首好歌~) 10. i've never been to me—Charlene (舒缓忧郁的歌。还是那句---真的好听。别错过了~) 11. i still believe—Mariah carey (高潮曾经用作一段时间的铃声。相信很多人都听过。8错的歌。值得听~) 12. i remember---郭采洁(很好听且很赖听的一首歌。最近在听。很是8错~推荐了~~) 13. 柒月--- viany (有人说是女版周杰伦。对此我保留意见。但确实是很好听的一首歌~曲调很是8错。) 14. 止步爱情—剪刀石头布(很甜美的一首歌。节奏很可爱。真的挺好听~~推荐~她还有一首叫---确定一定以及肯定---也很8错。有时间去听听~) 15. 风色幻想(以前同学推荐的。真的很很好听。这声音和这歌很般配。拿出来和大家分享了。一定要听~) 16. 说爱我---梁一贞(MARS战神主题曲。没看过。但是这歌却是好听得没话说。很多人都听过。她还有一首叫---微笑眼泪----也很8错~) 17. 达尔文---(同样不知道是谁唱的。属于好听而不红的歌~词有点励志的感觉~伤伤的曲风。推荐~) 18. 一直在找一个人(冯玮君??!谁唱的记不太清了.很好听的一首歌.特别是高潮部分.很容易引起共鸣.!) 19. 醉清风—弦子(很久的一首歌了.个人认为是她最好听的一首歌了.不过她的其他的也不错.比如风筝.第三者的第三者.等等.有时间听听!!) 20. 远远在一起---龚诗嘉 (比较冷的一首歌..忧郁歌中的典范.特别是高潮部分.越听越有感觉.推荐!!建议搜搜她的其他歌.也很不错的)[PS:同类型的这两首不容错过: 现在才明白-萧贺硕欠你的幸福---陈诗慧 21. 你的香气 (都说词写得不错..百听不厌!强烈推荐!就像歌中如果”擦身而过”,你会后悔!) 22. 遇—aimini (这首大家估计都听过。不用我说了。) 23. 烟雨烟雨—aimini (同样是aimini的歌。个人认为比上面的好听点。听起来真的很有感觉!千万不要错过啊~)ps:还有3首---1.春天的味道 2.爱100(调皮的曲风)3.三人 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 24. 大声说爱我---刘依纯(和上面的风格有点象。不过不是相当好听的我不会在这说的~而且大家很多也听过这首~真的8错~) 25. 两个世界----胡清蓝(相当好听。错过后悔。只这两句~) 26. angella----蓝雨(从同学那听到的。真的很8错~) 27. 类似爱情—萧亚轩(第二遍可能就会喜欢上。自己听吧) 我又找了几个简单介绍一点, 1快歌(中文歌) ---《就是我》林俊杰,不知道能不能算快歌,不过想了半天就只有这首 2慢歌(中文歌) ---《沿海地带》弦子,曾经一度非常喜欢,有点悲伤哦~ 3伤感的(中文歌) ---《越长大越孤单》牛奶咖啡,有点像我现在的心境啊~ 4欢快的(中文歌) ---《真心话》何润东,自己非常喜欢的一首歌,轻快旋律,很喜欢。 5老歌(中文歌) ---《一路上有你》,很有感觉,喜欢。 6韩文歌 ---《镜子》申彗星,是我非常喜欢的韩国歌手,现在耳边就是这首。 7英文歌 ---《give my love》演唱的人不知道,是一部韩剧的主题曲,非常好听。 8你最喜欢的(随便) ---《如果爱,就现在吧》黄义达,这首是我最近非常喜欢的。 9电视主题曲(中文歌) ---《对望》林志颖,放羊的星星主题曲。 10电影主题曲(中文歌) ---《画心》和《我们说好的》张靓颖,画皮的主题曲,挺好听的。 流行; 手牵手 米儿丝 越来越不懂 蔡健雅 牛仔很忙 周杰伦 那时候 梁汉文 爱上青蛙 冰淇 月牙湾 F I R ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 是非题 范玮琪 无花果 周杰伦 两个人 1983组合 浏阳河2008 周笔畅 爱蔓延 武家祥 Ella T. 梁川宇 - 一个人的感受 一个人走 光良 卫兰 品冠 卓文萱 - 忘了我是谁 就让这首歌 张震岳 MC HOTDOG 侯佩岑 快乐地图 卫兰 曹格 张敬轩 深情; 赵节 - 这个女人 男人KTV 胡彦斌 你的容颜 陈浩 张可欣 亲爱的 多情总被无情伤 王小小 擦肩而过 离开我 卢学睿 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 小小女人 (朱昱) 海之外 李勇 最新中国风: 西子缘 若相惜 花魁楼 李勇 蝶离飞 荷花亭 三世离愁 月.玄 我的林黛玉 王子鸣 潇湘雨 胡彦斌 爱忧伤 少年游_魏晨 笑望蝶 动感: 温岚 - 热浪 赵姝 凌波微步 必杀技 罗志祥 Let’s Pop 钟舒漫 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 玩酷 潘玮柏 特务J 蔡依林 去海边 关鹏 任意门 日不落 蔡依林 苏打绿 女爵 快乐阿拉蕾 DJ舞曲 Home Pay money To my Pain L.M.L. VIRGOS(圣女天团) dog mix 舞曲版 Donna Lewis Gone going 冠军 PSY Be What You wanna Be ghost of you and me_Bbmak I Am Gonna Getcha Good(Shania Twain) don't phunk with my heart Le Papillon 我们的天空 李孝利 Raise it Up TM feat. Jiho jinbo 劲舞世界 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 还有你看下: 1、爱被风吹过——王建 2、不是因为寂寞才想你——TRY 3、伤了我也伤了你自己——骆超勇 4、刺心——常艾非 (更新日期:7月31日) 1、秋天的童话——最后一个情人 2、周武彪——爱你所以放开你 3、阿龙正罡——那一次我真的爱过你 4、初百军——悄悄为你流过眼泪 5、顾建华——爱你今生到永远 6、528天前——林剑衡 7、周新诚——十三月的雪花 8、陈淘——爱难用恒 9、随风缘——温兆伦 (更新日期:7月25日) 1、当我孤独的时候还可以抱着你——郑源 2、无情的温柔——郑源 3、女人的眼泪——南妮 4、也许不该相爱——郝强 5、错误的选择——段千寻 (更新日期:7月15日) 1、为爱伤心为你痛——张克帆 2、不爱我就离开我——罗瑜 3、尘缘若梦——王强 (更新日期:7月9日) 1、你就是我想要的人——老猫 2、发现——路绮欧 3、我最爱的人——阿华 4、其实我很在乎你——王袁 5、不要再说你还爱我——谈欣 6、原谅我一次——欢子 7、谁是谁的谁——艾丽莎 (更新日期:7月1日) 1、爱走了心碎了——雷龙 2、唱歌给谁听——韩晶 3、放弃我是你的错——陆萍 4、有人为你偷偷在哭——苏永康 5、第一次喝醉——郑宇文 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 6、你的泪会说谎——田一龙 7、分手了就不要再想起我——小翼 8、来生不分手——范思威 9、如果他比我爱你——龙军 10、最后说一声我爱你——高浚 11、就算分开你也是我最爱的人——金木 12、不要说这都是谁的错——于夫 13、我一直站在被你伤害的地方——辛欣 (更新日期:6月1日) 1.最爱的人最是伤害——韩晶 2.爱上你等于爱上了错——符号 3.爱你所以放开你——周武彪 4.越爱越难过——吴克群 5.就算不能在一起——万阳 6.等爱的玫瑰——凤凰传奇 7.一辈子不后悔——段千寻 8.唱情歌的人——东来东往 9.我的爱情被你烧成灰——游鸿明 10.离开你不是我想要的结果——徐崎封 11.擦肩而过——宇桐非 12.爱上你是一个错——杨培安 13.我们的爱还在不在一起——顾建华 14.被抛弃的人——韩信 15.会呼吸的痛——梁静茹 16.不顾一切爱你——易欣 17.陈德志——错 18.我把自己的爱弄丢了——小村 19.不要再为爱哭泣——阿龙正(四正) 20.男人的眼泪——刘嘉亮 (更新日期:5月1日) 21.你是我爱的那个人——刘嘉亮 22.留给我一点温柔——雨天 23.爱一个人可以爱多久——吴炜 24.你失去了最爱的人——洋旭 25.过期的情——郑源 26.下辈子嫁给你好吗——江南 27.怎么会很心伤害我——郑源 28.忘了我忘不了你——饶天亮 29.当泪流干的时候——张津涤 30.别让爱你的人心碎——苦丁 31.爱是否会再轮回——周乐天 32.安旭伤口缺口——安旭 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 33.姜鹏男人的泪——姜鹏 34.为什么你要伤害一个爱你的人——徐志强 35.如果爱下去——张靓颖 36.如果你是我眼中的一滴泪——阿正 37.不要在我寂寞的时候说爱我——T.R.Y 38.不再为谁流眼泪——陈飞彤 39.爱不在就放手——乌兰托娅 40.只为你流泪——候旭 (更新日期:4月1日) 41.十万个对不起——田跃君 42.寂寞才说爱——刘可 43.留不住你的温柔——李泽坚 44.分手在那个秋天——浩瀚 45.念念不忘的情人——陈明真 46.香烟爱上火柴——张政 47.爱情里没有谁对谁错——郑源 48.我不愿错过——高一首 49.最爱的人也伤我最深——Fire 50.爱你今生到永远——顾建华 51.感动天感动地——宇桐非 52.爱上别人的人——符号 53.离开你我哭了——孤单 54.爱情的傻瓜——杨克强 55.蓝眼泪——陈冠蒲 56.最后一滴泪——易欣 57.该死的温柔——马天宇 58.决不放手——黄征 59.连哭都是我的错——东来东往 60.不要用我的爱来伤害我——韩晶 (更新日期:3月1日) 61.难道爱一个人有错吗——郑源 62.有一种爱叫做放手——阿木 63.下辈子也要找到你——张艾文 64.好聚好散——郑源 65.别让我最后才知道——刘嘉玲 66.找个好人就嫁了吧——刘思伟 67.等一分钟——徐誉腾 68.绝情人——小豪 69.下辈子不做女人——陈瑞 70.别怕我伤心——张信哲 71.北极星的眼泪——张栋梁 72.可不可以不勇敢——范玮琪 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 73.有谁能够爱你超过我——李堔 74.我的爱有罪——凌飞 75.爱断了一双翅膀——雨天 76.不爱我放了我——许茹芸 77.戒烟容易戒你太难——盛延 78.爱我还要背叛我——王羽泽 79.走了你还有谁——南风 80.忘不掉的伤——姜玉阳 (更新日期:2月1日) 81.对不起我的最爱——杨川平 82.你是我一生最爱的人——阿唯 正(四正) 83.我是一个被爱伤过的人——林峰 84.分手那天——徐靖博 85.让泪化作相思雨——南合文斗 86.爱到尽头——雨天 87.不愿放开你的手——雨天 88.冰吻——王健 89.我不想看见你哭——雨天 90.好想再听一遍——陶莉萍 91.为什么相爱的人不能在一起——郑源 92.一万个理由——郑源 93.爱一个人需要理由吗——满文军 94.满天的雨水都是我的泪——陈少华 95.痛彻心扉——张栋梁 96.给我一个不伤心的理由——胡力 97.爱你永不后悔——张启辉 98.秋天不回来——王强 99.别再说你爱着我——易欣 100.你从什么时候不再爱我——丁咚 101.难道你嫌我伤的不够深——张振宇 102.不要再来伤害我——张振宇 103.全世界最伤心的人——陈少华 104.请你不要对我说再见——刘嘉亮 105.爱我就别伤害我——刘嘉亮 106.不想你哭——王强 107.我爱你你却爱着他——黑龙 108.你的选择——易欣 最后,也不知道楼主年龄有多大,四大天王的歌曲其实挺有味道的,虽然有点老。希望大家 能够喜欢,也希望你有一个好的心情和运气~~~ 45 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 回答者: guoxu222221 - 参将 八级 2009-6-5 08:35 我来评论>> 相关内容 • 以我这个类型来看什么歌最好听? • 东方神起的什么歌最好听的,,大家给点意见啊,都喜... • VAE的什么歌最好听 • 裴勇俊的什么歌最好听, • 你认为什么歌最好听, 更多相关问题>> 其他回答 共 6 条 太多了``` 回答者: yykissff - 魔法师 四级 2009-6-4 22:44 有好多的 具体点么 回答者: sisixk - 江湖新秀 四级 2009-6-4 22:44 蔡依林-花蝴蝶 徐誉滕-天使的翅膀 蔡依林-你快乐我内伤 TANK-全世界都停电 梁咏琪-错过 刘力扬-一个人就好 A-ONE-你撕碎了我的心 陈奕迅-还有什么可以送给你 木子俊-全世界只有你在乎我 飞轮海-Only You 胡杨林-喜欢 刘德华&舒淇-I Do A.R.Rahman&The Pussycat Dolls-Jai Ho 林妙可-我有一个家 蔡卓妍-氢气球 by2-Don't Go Away 王啸坤-北京下雨了 Ronan Keating-Make You Feel My Love 张敬轩-未来的回忆 BoA-Look Who's Talking 成龙&刘媛媛-国家 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction
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