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优秀人民调解员优秀人民调解员 审 批 表 呈报单位: 临江市司法局 呈报日期: 2013年9月12 批准单位: 吉林省司法厅 批准日期: 年 月 日 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new ...
优秀人民调解员 审 批 表 呈报单位: 临江市司法局 呈报日期: 2013年9月12 批准单位: 吉林省司法厅 批准日期: 年 月 日 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 填表说明: 呈报单位为市,州,司法局 推荐单位为申报受表彰人民调解员所在县,市、区,司法局 政治面貌填写中共党员或民主党派名称或无党派群众 个人简历填写申报受表彰人民调解员主要学习和工作经历 填写一律用四号仿宋体打印 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 年政治姓名 石殿兴 57 性别 男 党员 龄 面貌 所在调 解 临江市新市街道黎红参加调解 2010 民族 汉 组织名村 工作时间 .6 称 1965年7月至1970年7月新市小学 1970年9月至1973年7月光华中学 个 1973年9月至1976年7月浑江一中 人 1976年9月至2010年4月黎红村两委委员 简 2010年4月至今任黎红村民委员会主任兼支部书记 历 2010年7月被中共临江市委评委农村党员创业帯富先锋 何时 2011年7月被中共临江市委评委优秀村党组织书记 何地 2012年6月被中共临江市委评委优秀村党组织书记 受过 何种 奖励 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 推荐 单位 意见 呈报 单位 意见 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 主要事迹 石殿兴~男~现年57岁~中共党员~临江市新市街道黎红村支部书记兼村级人民调委会主任~作为一名普通的调解员~他工作积极主动~立足本职~尽责尽力。只要群众需要~他都会不厌其烦地化解一个又一个矛盾~平息一场又一场纠纷~还居民一片安宁。 黎红村村~1515人~辖7个村民组~随着乡村经济的发展~村里土地纠纷时常发生耕地纠纷时有发生~给调解工作增添了不小的压力~家里的家务全靠其妻子一个人打理~根本没有时间照顾。在强大的生活和工作压力下~石殿兴没有被吓倒~他兢兢业业的在自己的基层岗位上为人民群众贡献着他的心血和汗水。 自担任黎红村支部书记、村委会主任以来~一直负责村人民调解委员会的工作~在抓好全村经济社会发展工作的同时~狠抓民间纠纷调解工作~他深知人民调解工作事关基层的稳定与团结~相对于经济发展、新农村建设、扶贫济困等这些工作来说~一直是最重要也最让人头痛的工作。矛盾隐患下的一些小事如果不及时处理~可能导致矛盾的加深~甚至激化。为此~他时刻以一名共产党员严格要求自己~时刻以党章要求来约束自己的行为。不管是什么时间、什么地方发生了纠纷~都会及时的赶到~从不推诿,当时可以解决的~马上就予以解决~不能马上解决的向当事人说明缘由~在最短的时间内解决。为了给老百姓调解、化解纠纷~他经常风里来雨里去~时常工作至深夜才回到家中~其间不知道走了多少路~摔了多少跤~在村子里的任何角落都时常可以见到他孤单、匆忙的the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 身影。近年来~他直接参与调解的家庭、邻里、婚姻等各类民事和预防矛盾激化及民转刑案件纠纷多达30余起~平均每年都指导和参与调解民间纠纷10余件~调解成功率达95%以上。 2010年黎红村7组的杨某一家人到田里干农活~留下仅6岁的儿子在家~其间小儿子突发疾病。身为7组组长的赵金涛骑着自己的摩托车途经门口~看到这种状况~马上抱起杨某的儿子驶往市医院~进行了及时的治疗。事不凑巧~在回来的路上~在黎红村桥头车轮打滑摔倒在地~导致潘某大出血~立即送往卫生院抢救并作了手术~脱离危险。作为黎红村支部书记兼人民调解员的黄建勋同志~主动到现场了解情况~并配合派出所同志侦查了现场~各方都希望事情有一个圆满的解决。但当时双方都很不冷静~特别是潘某的亲属更是悲痛欲绝~当时又哭又闹的就要把杨某告到法庭~并赔付医药费、手术费、误工费等费用~还是在一旁的石殿兴同志劝解双方冷静~又给他们分析事态的发展结果~潘某的亲属在权衡利弊以后~同意暂时不告对方。事态发生后的第二天~他就积极的在中间进行调解~潘某最初提出1万元的赔偿~但是作为赔偿方的杨某的确是经济困难~无法赔偿这巨大数额的赔偿金~他在了解情况后~11次进行调解~同时他还主动到交通部门咨询解决这次交通事故的最佳的解决~希望通过法律的途径解决这次案件~最后交通部门希望两家协商解决这次交通事故~最后在他三番五次的说和下~最终两家同意以2000元的赔偿及在潘某农活多时杨某义务帮工解决此次事故。 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 2007年~第二轮土地流转~村里土地纠纷时常发生、耕地纠纷时有发生~主要是一直在外打工的村民回来要地与签订了30年的种田大户不想让出多种的田之间的矛盾而引发的纠纷。 七组潘德清、三组秦亮军。经过几次党组成员和村组人一起组织的调解~和对其家人做工作达到了大家都满意的效果。满足他本人及其家属在村地基本面积~保证人均面积较少的该组村民~然后再保证外出打工人员回来务农的基本土地。 农村工作复杂琐碎~往往是“上边千条线~下边一根针”~很多矛盾纠纷都落到村一级班子上来。作为支部书记兼人民调解员的石殿兴~以他的真心和宽容~以他耐心细致的调解工作~ 架起了与村民心灵相通的连心桥~筑起了维护农村稳定的第一道防线。 几年来~他调处各类矛盾纠纷30余件~调解成功率达95%以上~化解可能“民转刑”案件5余起~在调解工作做到了“小事不出社~大事不出村”~上为政府分忧~下为百姓解难~将大量矛盾化解在基层~维护了农村的稳定。 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth
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