

2017-10-17 30页 doc 81KB 75阅读




50个不买保险的理由50个不买保险的理由 50个不买保险的理由 1.没必要。 您的意思是对谁没必要呢?是您的太太、孩子还是父母?我想他们的确是不需要,因为现在你就是他们的保险。 先生〈小姐〉,不知道您的家里有没有安装防盗门呢?其实防盗门也不是必需的。 如果没有人想到您家里去偷东西,防盗门又有什么用呢?不过问题就在于我们不能够确定是不是真的没有人来偷,您说对吗?保险的意义就跟您家里的防盗门一样,是一种很必要的保障。 2.没有钱。 先生〈小姐〉,我很明白您的想法,其实我的很多客户都有同样的顾虑.除此之外,有没有其他的原因令您不考虑保险呢,...
50个不买保险的理由 50个不买保险的理由 1.没必要。 您的意思是对谁没必要呢?是您的太太、孩子还是父母?我想他们的确是不需要,因为现在你就是他们的保险。 先生〈小姐〉,不知道您的家里有没有安装防盗门呢?其实防盗门也不是必需的。 如果没有人想到您家里去偷东西,防盗门又有什么用呢?不过问题就在于我们不能够确定是不是真的没有人来偷,您说对吗?保险的意义就跟您家里的防盗门一样,是一种很必要的保障。 2.没有钱。 先生〈小姐〉,我很明白您的想法,其实我的很多客户都有同样的顾虑.除此之外,有没有其他的原因令您不考虑保险呢, 现代人生活的开支是很大的,我们和家人的生活全靠收入.保险在这种情况下,并不是要增加我们的负担,相反它能够在有什么意外发生的时候,令我们和家人可以维持正常的生活,比如它可以和我们继续供楼,可以让您的儿子〈女儿〉继续受到好的教育,可以令您的父母晚年无忧„„ 当然我们也会在保险费这方面替客户考虑的,一般我们会建议客户将每月收入的10%—15%用于参加保障,都是以不影响客户的正常生活为前提的。 3.不用急/过一段时间再说吧。 先生〈小姐〉,我很明白您的想法。除此之外,有没有其他的原因令您不考虑保险呢? 如果我知道自己明天出事,那今天我去买保险,就是最划算的,您说是吗?我也认为那是最划算的.但问题是,我没办法知道这个明天是哪一天,会不会真的就是明天呢? 先生〈小姐〉我想像您这样的聪明人肯定都会明白,很多事情是我们无法预料也无法控制的。不如我们现在就做出这个决定吧,那您以后就可以安枕无忧了。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 4.没兴趣。 对保险没兴趣, 先生〈小姐〉,这太好了!假如您说对保险充满兴趣的话,不但是保险公司, 连我都会害怕,因为一个对保险特别有兴趣的人,往往有问题存在。而您对保险没兴趣,表示您不会存有道德上的风险,正是我们最佳的承保对象。 有一个业务伙伴,他有个客户的朋友主动找他投保,经过仔细调查,才知道他已经因胃癌开过刀,但他想隐瞒不告而投保,当然被拒绝了。类似这种太多了,人在平时都认为保险没用,但危难临头时,想到家人,想到即将到来的损失,恨不得多买些保险来弥补,但己经太迟了。所以在身体好的时候就应该防患于未然,因此保险不能当作兴趣来看待,保险就像船上的救生圈,车子的刹车、备用胎,家中的灭火器、防盗门,那是绝对的必需品,无法忽视和省却的配备。 5.保险对我没有多大的作用。 请问您搭车时系过乘客安全带吗? 据统计,是否会发生交通事故与有没有系安全带无关。但有50%以上的交通事故由于乘客系了安全带而使伤害程度降到最低。正如保险一样,当有了保险的保障,一旦发生事故,自己和家人所受的损失也会到最低程度。 6.我己人到中年,事业有成,所以保险我用不着考虑/我很有钱,不用买保险了。 先生〈小姐〉,我想您肯定都有留意到,我们所熟悉的一些名人,越有钱买的保险越多,比如香港富我李嘉诚、张国荣、梅艳芳等等,我们都相信李嘉诚先生是一个很精明的生意人,是吗? 有人称赞他事业成功时,他说其实真正属手他自己的只有他的人寿保险。像您这样事业有成的人士事实上更加需要保险,因为你我都知道,生意是不容易做的,总会有顺流逆流,保险是一种不会亏本的资产处理方式,可以为您的家人提供稳健的生活保障,也令您的事业无后顾之忧。另外,保险还是海外富豪避税的-种重要方法..... thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 7.保险没有意思还不如存银行。 先生〈小姐〉,我知道您是一个非常明智的人,存银行的确是必不可少的,不过,现代的理财观念认为钱不应该全部存进银行,而要分散投资。 要不我先跟您一起研究一下钱存银行和买保险的区别: 张三和李四都是某外资企业的部门主管,年收入一样都是5万元,两人都是传统的中国男人非常有责任心、有爱心,想在自己有生之年多挣点钱好让自己家人生活过得好一点,他们也都清楚有的事情是自己意料不到,控制不了的,所以也知道要有一大笔现金来应急,以保证整个家庭的正常生活,仅有的区别就在于他们的理财观念不一样——张三选择了把钱都存在银行,每年存3万; 而李四则每年将其中的2.5万存入银行,再把剩下的5000元存进保险公司换取了20万的保障。一年后,张三家的应急资金是3万,而李四家的应急资金是22.5万。若干年后,我们再看看这两个家庭,张三辛辛苦苦终于积累下30万,而李四也千辛万苦,但他积累的是45万,假如同一年张三李四都病倒了.... 所以对于我们现代人来说,理财除了安有一定的银行存款以备不时之需之外,保险也是一个很重要的元素,它更加能够保障我们,当然同时也保障我们辛辛苦苦赚回来的财产。 8.我买消费性的定期保险或意外险就好了。 一般说来,定期险和意外险都是有特殊用途的,定期险应该在经济不是很充裕时,或是有特别需要时,如贷款、遗产税、员工福利等。 而意外险,更应该定位在对员工的安全保障、短期性质的风险承担等。单独投保虽然可以享受保费低支出的好处,但万一发生的不是意外事故时,后悔就来不及了。 9.做一份保险需要很长的时间。 您说得很对,保险本来就是愈长愈好,时间短,买保险的人怎么能得到好处呢? 其实保险公司最喜欢您投短期保险。因为投保的期间短,保险公司所承担的风险相对也降低不少,而且约定的时间到了,满期金一领走,他们就不再承担任何责任。人年轻时thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 毛病少,年老时毛病多,医疗消耗大,而且距离报废的时候也较近。因此,您投保的时间越长,所能享受的利益越多。 想想看,您在身强体健时,把有无穷活力的生命托给保险公司承保,却在年老力衰时,将危机重重的身体交付给自己。若以投资或做生意的眼光来看,是否错得太离谱? 反之,您在年轻时买保险,不但保费缴得少,而且保障期间长,可将保费分摊得比较低,应该是非常划算的。 10.万一保险公司倒闭了我不是损失了吗? 这个问题保监会已经替您想好了,保险公司开业时就把注册资金的20%存在保监会指定的银行。按照我国保险法规定是不允许保险公司倒闭的。而且AIG集团已经生存了86年,有超过100,000,000人买我们的公司的保险,经历了两次世界大战及100,000,000人的考验,我就不相信,您一买保险我们公司就倒闭~ 11.现在的代理人这么多,保险公司又这么多,天天来烦我,我即使要买也不知从何处入手,还不如不买。 :买保险不能买太少且不切实际,或一次买太多而影响生计,过与不及皆不合宜,取得平衡点才是买保险的最佳选择。只要您现在用一点时间让我为您设计一份最适合您的保障计划,在我们友邦保险这样一间具有一流国际信誉的保险公司投保,那您以后都不需要为这个问题烦恼了。 12.我现在身体很好没有必要买重大疾病保险。 答案:您知道很多身患重疾的人最后悔的是什么吗?就是他们没在健康的时候投保,在他们出现症状时,想买已经太迟了,保险公司已经不能承保,他们要自己筹备巨额的医疗费用。我们的重大疾病保险兼有保障和储备的功能,您就不用再犹豫了。 l3.我没有考虑要买养老保险。 答案:现在一对夫妇只能生一个小孩,您的孩子以后如果要负担几位老人家的生活,即使他是有心也无力我们为了减轻孩子的负担,最好的办法就是及早准备,未雨绸缪。我们公司有一些养老保险非常受欢迎…… 14.买保险没有做投资来钱多,不如把买保险的钱拿去投资。 答案:我知道先生〈小姐〉您很会投资理财,而且很会为自己和家人设想。如果能把风险和各种不利于投资的因素除掉,投资当然比保险好太多了。但问题是投资必须拿出本thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 钱、负担风险,就算这两关您闯过了,谁会知道上帝会给您多少时间去赚钱!而保险最重要的功能就是保证客户有足够的时间。 15.我没必要买保险,有事情我自己可以应付。 答案:您真是一个很有担待的人。其实无论您是否参加保险计划,您都有保险,只是风险由谁承担而已。如果不参加任何计划,也就是自己承担所有风险;如果参加保险计划,就等于用相对少的资金将风险转移给保险公司。先生〈小姐〉您是个聪明人,我想你会做出明智的抉择。 16(通货膨胀一来,什么都不值钱,买什么保险还不如及时消费,现在花钱比把钱留在将来花合算。 答案:没错,钱一定会贬值,投保时预计未来可领回的钱一定会较没价值,但您不要忘记,您所缴的钱也会跟着贬值,保险公司不会因为通货膨胀而调升您的保费。事实上,最怕贬值的东西其实不是保险或财产,而是以一个人的赚钱能力。当赚钱能力受损的时候,才是他生存受威胁最需要援助的时候。保险的助力,或许就是他力图振作的最好依据。 17.保险好是好,不过我还是要考虑考虑。 答案:一般人参加一份保险计划时所关心的无非是几个方面: a.公司背景 b.计划是否适合个人需要 c.保费是否在预算范围之内。 请问您要考虑的是哪方面的问题呢? 18.我要和家人商量商量在作决定。 答案:我知道您很重视您的家人,不过我想最响想了解他们需不需要保险的是您,因为现在您就是他们的保险。如果在您的预算之内,这个决定应该有您来下。 19.我的朋友说不必买保险。 答案:如果您的朋友白纸黑字向您承诺,无论发生什么事,他都可以保证您和家人的生活费,那您可以就听他的,不必买了。 20.我每天坐在办公室没什么风险,所以保险没有必要。 答案:是不是真的立刻需要保险我不敢说,但在您的办公室或家中,总有一些东西不常用却不得不准备,比如墙角的灭火器,或许过了使用年限都没派上用场;小偷不一定上门,您能放心不锁门吗?风险是无处不在的,即使我们24小时躲在防空洞里,也不能担保万无一失。不过您的职业的确风险比较小,所以您的保费也比其他的一些职业要低。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 21.条款对你们有利,打起官司我们肯定赢不了。 答案:很多人视有偌大资产的保险公司如庞然巨兽,总是担心买了保险之后,万一对簿公堂,也有苦难言,有冤无处伸。的确,条款已经订好,而保险公司也有专门人员处理纠纷事宜,但若真的上了法庭,保险公司不见得能占便宜。法律会保护善意的第三者,因为买保险的人不可能就条款逐条研讨后才买保险,而保险公司也无法随买保险人的意思拟定条款,.所以当双方有争执时,法院通常比较保护买保险的人。 22.我已经买过保险了。 答案:恭喜您了!现在像您这样有保险意识的人真不多见,看得出来您是一位很有责任感的人。那您清楚您的保障内容吗?其实我们公司有项这样的服务,服务的对象很多时候是在其他保险公司投保了的客户,但是他们不清楚保障的内容,很多时候他们的保险计划也不一足符合他们的需求,我们可以给这些客户解释他们现在的保障。如果您的保障已经足够了,那恭喜您,您已经不需要参加其他任何保险计划了,如果保障不是那么全面的话,我您也会有您的想法了。 23.我死后钱给别人领,不需要买保险。 答案:我也明白您的意思,不过在某些情况下,保险最主要的作用是保护自己,您愿不愿意花15分钟时间为自己打算一下?〈假如一个单身汉,不小心有了麻烦,不论是意外还是重大疾病,如果可以马上走,那还算好,一了百了省得其他人麻烦,顶多筹一笔费用料理后事罢了。麻烦的是,通常不会立刻就走,有时要在病床上赖死赖活地好一段时间,如果这样的话,受罪的是谁?庞大的费用谁来支付?这些费用平时就要想到,父母情深似海,不可须央淡忘?如何回报应仔细思量。人只有在危急时,才会想到父母可以依靠,而是否会想到,您有危急时父母要依靠谁呢?〉 24.我不要买保险,我买保险,如果我死了,那保险金岂不是留给我老婆作嫁妆吗? 答案:平常太太和我们一起为了家庭而费尽心思,万一哪天突然失去依靠,如果她没有特别专长也没有财产,那该怎么办?生活费用高,小孩学费重,如何支付呢?若是有人代替我们照顾她们以后的生活,有什么不可以呢?不过人都有私心,总是希望自己心爱的人,这辈子只爱他一个。当然,也不是每个太太都一定会改嫁,但基于这一点,是否该为最坏状况作准备?天有不测风云,人的旦夕祸福也在转,瞬间,若是能防患于未然,早日买保险,让未thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 来的生活有所保障,或许在遭遇大变故时,妻子能利用保险金安心地度过未来的日子,否则生活没有着落,才是迫使太太再嫁的原因。 25.我还年轻不需要保险 / 等我老一点再买。 答案:我的很多年轻客户都有您这样的想法。正因为您年轻,我才鼓励您尽早拥有这份保险,您听说过年轻时你不理财,年老时财不理你这句话吗?所以尽早进行入生的财务规划,为自己做一个保障,既可保障自己和家人的生活,又可以使自己的资产保值、增值,何乐而不为呢。先生〈小姐〉,您实在太会算了。恕我无礼,有时候您这样盘算并不一定对,因为其中还存在有几个不太妙的问题。第一问题是事故不一定等到我们老一点的时候才会发生,假如有一个人还没有老就碰到事故,他的家人岂不惨了,有句话您听了不要生气,俗语说:“坟墓里装的是死人不是老人”。第二个问题就是 ,保险公司也不是傻瓜,您准备老的时候才投保,当然是想少缴些保险费,但事实上那时候缴的保险费却会把您吓倒。第三个问题,您想投保的时候,保险公司不一定会接受。人的年纪一大,身体状况总是比较差,而且毛病也比较多,保险公司不一定会承保。 26.养儿育女就是保障,何必买保险。 答案:先生〈小姐〉,养儿防老确实是老有所养的办法,但您是否也该考虑时代的变化而增加新的预防措施呢?我们先来看看几个事实,再决定是否有此必要: 1、子女长大后,当然大都会尽孝道,以奉养双亲为己任,但现代社会竞争激烈,社会经济不太稳定,下一代的经济承受力是否确保长期有虞实在是未知数,我们应该替他们考虑一下; 2、中国人的观念里,有土才有根,再怎么样也要买房,但现在房价高昂,往往都是凭着 大额的贷款才买下的,何苦再增加下一代的负担; 3、人伦观念的淡薄已是不争的事实,而且现代盛行小家庭,当三代共在于不是很大的房 子里时,日久恐怕难免有磨擦,代沟问题并非我们所愿,但却是难以避免的事实;4、有 人说人老要活得有尊严,尊严是由"老友、老伴、老身、老信、老本"所建立起来的,没 有老年的朋友,老伴先走,又没有好的身体和自信心,再加上没有一些属于自己的财富 在身边,岂能活得安稳?可以说,付保险费就像付小孩的生活费,小孩长大后不一定保证 个个能回馈,可是保险费付到一定期限后,却是铁定能收回的,这样的投资难道不值得 吗? thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 27.我有社保就可以了。 答案:先生〈小姐〉,我想请问您,平日努力工作赚钱的目的是什么?是不是为了提升自己和家人的生活品质?社保固然好,但社会医疗保险有二定的免赔,无身故保障;而养老保险则只是最低的生活保障,根本不可能维持您现在的生活水平。换言之,公司给您发了工作服,您就不再自己买衣服了吗? 28.我不需要保险,因为我平常都是很小心的。 答案:您心里一定在想:我平日很小心,不需要买保险。我绝对相信,因为您既健康且谨慎小心,但很多事情却不是我们自己的因素造成的。我看过很多需要保险的人,最后不是来不及就是真的不需要买了。虽然谁都不喜欢保险,但在必要时,却是谁也不能拒绝,反倒欢迎都来不及了。何况,保险并不单是为自己买的,如果只为自己,苦一点也就算了。问题是有了家人,有了下一代,为了替他们着想,是否该慎重考虑,以自己现有的财产现金,若是发生事情,对于家人未来的生活有没有足够的保障?要是没有这个把握,那么保险就是最好的保障,它是一个以小搏大的投资,您说是吗?再仔细想一下,如果有一天一个人出了家门,就再也没有回来,他是否留给家人足够的费用呢?如果没有,家人往后将如何赖以生存? 29.保险不吉利,人家都说,保险不买没事,一买就出事。 答案:您知道,保险其实是一种风险的分摊,简单地说,它就是集合一大群人的资金,来承担其中少数人的损失。如果真的是不买没事,一买就出事,那保险公司早就因为不能生存而消失了。 30.以前的人不买保险不是也过来了吗?我何必要买呢? 答案:说的也是。以前没有医院也照样过来了!现在要是没有医院会怎么样呢?以前有很多东西我们现在都没有了,比如铁饭碗、公费医疗、退休金等等,时代不同了,现在都要靠自己打算,保险就是为了适应现代的生活。以前没有非典,没有环境污染,但是现在呢„„ 31.公司已替我买了保险了,我自己不用再买了。 答案:您公司的福利挺好的。不知道您了不了解保障内容呢?一般公司提供给员工的保险都会是比较基本的保障,而且如果员工离开了公司,这个保障和福利就没有了。现在一份工作不一定是终身的,将来如果有更好的发展机会,我想您好也会考虑的,对吗?一份好thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 的保障计划,应该由自己控制,无论到哪里,利益都不会受影响。要不我先给您做一个财务„„ 32.不知道什么样的保险最好。 答案:什么样的保险最好?很难说,合适的保险就是最好的保险.依客户的年龄、收入、家庭状况做客观分析,以运用部分资金,弥补自己的不足及不必要的支出为原则。 33.等老李买了我再买。 答案:先生〈小姐〉,您一定在想,要买大家一起买,买对了对大家都有好处,买错了也不会被笑对不对?有很多东西可以看别人买,自己再跟进,像汽车、房子、家用电器等,但唯独保险不可以。人云亦云,因为每个人都有不同的家庭背景、经济因素、健康状况等,绝对不能用一个模式让大家受用。其实,每个人都需要保险,富有的人可靠保险保护他的财产,小康的人可藉保险保护他的家人,较低收入的人可藉保险使他避免陷入衣食缺乏的地步。胡适博士说过,保险是为了明天,为了老年,为了家人,绝对不是为别人才投保。所以我今天特地针对您的状况,提供一份适合您的保险计划,希望您能客观地了解和投保。 34.买保险最傻了,钱都给保险公司赚去买大楼了。 答案:没错!保险公司的确可以赚钱。我们平心而论,如果您买的这家公司不赚钱,您还敢投保吗?钱是没可能自己赚得完的,我们无论是买菜、买衣服、吃饭、坐车„都有人在赚我们的钱。再说买保险的人只缴一点钱买一份保单,万一中途出了事,所得到的理赔金可能是所缴保费的十倍或百倍,因此谁赚谁的钱还不一定呢? 35.保险死了才能赔,一点意思都没有。 答案:人死了有钱赔才是保险,否则干嘛去买保险呢?但除了身故有钱赔外,生老病也是保险的功能,很多状况都可以领保险金,所以保险并不完全是为引人而设计的。谁能保证自己一生都衣食无忧呢?年轻时辛苦奋斗,中年时发扬光大,老年时颐养成果,这是大家一生追求的写照,可是上天难顺人意, 天灾、人祸、经济不景气、健康受损、意外灾害,处处潜伏危机。透过保险大数法则,我们不过付出一点费用,老年时多一重保障,生病或发生意外时多一重医疗保障,这不是相当有益处的措施吗? 36.投保后如果无法继续缴费怎么办, thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 答案:由七个办法可办理——1、可以利用宽限期延迟缴费;保单通常有60天的宽限期;2、以年缴改为半年缴或季缴、月缴,以减轻保费压力;3、保费自动垫缴:保单若有现金价值,事先申请用保单内现金价值垫付保费,直到现金价值用完为止;4、改为减额缴清保险:降低保险期限和方式不变得一种变通方法;5、改为保费垫缴保险:保额不变,但期限缩短的一种方法。6、贷款:保险已有现金价值时,可将此金额借出来使用或缴纳保费,通常可贷到七成左右;7、解约:这是最下策的方法,也是真的没办法时才使用的方法。 37(我有个亲戚是做保险的,我可以跟他买。 答案:我的客户一般都认为找亲戚买保险,主要有两点不方便:一是一般人都不太愿意将个人隐私告诉太熟的朋友和亲戚;二是保险需要很好的售后服务,如果亲戚提供的服务不太满意,客户一般也只有自己认了,这样会带来很多麻烦。其实只要保险计划本身适合您的需要,保险公司信誉好,不找亲戚买反而更方便。 38(加费投保我不要 / 买高额保险还要体检,太麻烦了。 答案:其实您已经比很多人幸运了,因为公司还可以承保您。有些人错过了投保机会,即使再加费也没保险公司承保了。 /体检怎么会麻烦呢,健康的身体是赚钱的基本条件,我们都不希望身体有不良情况发生,但有时候很多潜伏的毛病会因疏忽而出现,等到严重时,才要花费很多精力、财力及时间其治疗和补救,那才是真正的麻烦。我这么说,并非是大家一定会生病,不过人有旦夕祸福,很多情况时我们无法控制及掌握的。就像一部机器用了三四十年,即使不报废,也是毛病多多。人的生命力较强,天天在动,所以毛病不会很多,但也要常常保养及维护,定期检查,及早把对人体不利的因素找出来。所以不单是这次体验而已 ,您应该每半年,最迟一年作一次全身健康检查才对.况且我们提供给您的体检,是不需要花钱的,您只要挪出一点时间就可以了,何乐而不为呢?这也是为自己身体负责的一个机会。 39.我自己是白手起家的,所以我也希望我的孩子能够独立,所以我不用为他买保险。 答案:先生〈小姐〉您好真的很有本事,而且您和李嘉诚在教子方面的想法很相似。孩子有独立的性格对他们以后确实很有好处。李嘉诚先生的两位公子都很成器,不过我thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 想李嘉诚先生买的保险没对他们有什么负面的影响,相反一些恰当的扶助会令他两兄弟的成就更加出众。我想您在创业的初期如果有人助您一臂之力,成功会来得更早,对吗, 40(我投保就可以了,太太不用。 答案:先生,一般人都会有这样的想法。不过,太太假如有收入的话,对家庭的贡献已不仅是心力而已。她对家庭的稳定性扮演着举足轻重的角色。您想想看,假如太太不辞而别,先生除了少一份收入的伙伴外,还要增加她为家庭支出所耗心力应折算的费用。如果太太没有工作收入,那么她在家里相夫教子,为家里节省下来的管理费用、子女教育费用,也是一笔难以估计的数字。先生总不能不设法预防这个损失吧~ 41(短期解约吃亏,怎能投保。 答案:先生〈小姐〉,人寿保险真正提供的并不在于解约金的高低,而在于“平时有准备,急时不着急。自己用不到,施福于后人。”如果真要计较解约金多少,那就不要买保险,该计较的是付了保费后得到的保障是否合理合适。况且买了保险后,怎么可以轻易想解约呢,保险,顾名思义就是提供保障,消除风险。只要社会或个人周围还有风险,保险就不能少。 42.我想将产品进行详细比较后再买 / 想跟朋友商量商量。 答案:先生〈小姐〉,我非常理解您的想法,因为这是一项几十年甚至一辈子的计划,确实要认真比较的。但假如 有一天您感到不舒服,您会去找朋友还是找医生呢,现在我就是扮演着保险专业人士这个角色,请允许我替您作专业的比较。 43.人都不在了,留下线也没什么用。 答案:先生〈小姐〉,前段时间网上有一则消息,说人的一生中最担忧的主要有三个问题:去的太早、中途波折、活得太久。去得太早——担心小孩的教育金、妻儿老小的生活费;中途波折——老伴走了、老友去了、老屋没了、老身体差了要是连老本也没有那老脸往哪搁,更别说尊严何在~ 44.我很有钱,还有大把物业不需要毛保险。 答案:先生〈小姐〉假如在您的办公室的地上有一张百元钞票,您会捡起来吗,没有人会嫌自己钱多的,您现在不了解保险,所以您会觉得没用。其实保险是可以令人变得更有钱,还可以使资金更安全。在外国以及香港,有钱人更是利用保险来避税,因为遗产税确实高得可怕通常是遗产税的40%—60%,而且是人死后先冻结财产,经过清点、评thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 估,继承人拿现金交了税后再冻结。 45.我老公很有钱,不需要买保险。 答案:您的老公有钱,您的确不需要买保险。因为现在您的老公就是您保险~万一您的老公基于某种因素不再给钱您花时,您该怎么办~所以您必须要有两个老公~当第一老公不能照顾您的时候,您的第二个老公就会毫不犹豫地挺身而出照顾您,就好像您的第一个老公还在身边一样——这第二个老公就是您先生为您而买的保险。所以您不但要支持您先生买保险,而且要鼓励他买份大的~ 46.等我有需要的时候再买吧。 答案:以前我的一些客户也有同样的看法。但后来他们都改变了这种看法,因为他们明白并不是所有事情都会等自己准备好了再发生的。或许有一天您真正需要保险的时候我已经不能卖给您了。 47.等我付完贷款后再说吧。 答案: 先生〈小姐〉您确信付完这笔贷款后就不会再有负债吗?其实以目前的社会形态,负债是有良好信用的表现,我们可以籍着贷款的方式达成很多人生的目标。因此,我们可能一辈子都在重复做偿还贷款这个动作。事实上,要收入正常,收支平衡,贷款并不可怕,不用担心。但是家庭支柱发生意外,永远不能再有收入,我的意思您明白吧,这对家庭的打击会更大。假如贷款的项目是房子,一旦贷款偿还不了,银行会立即拍卖抵押品,收回贷款剩下的额度。万一房价搓跌,搞不好拍卖的钱还银行的钱都不够,整个家庭又回到了一无所有的地步,这样的生活又有什么意思呢,但若以贷款买了保险,再加上该有的生活费用等,就算有最坏的状况发生,也不至于家庭陷入绝境,以往一家辛苦奋斗创业置产的努力也才有意义,您说对吗, 48.我要是有什么事,家人都可以独立生活。 答案:没有错。一枝草一点露,每个人总要活下去,每个人也有他生存的方式,但差别在于有的人活得较舒适如意,有的人活得较没有尊严。上一代的人都是从贫穷痛苦的日子中熬过来的,所以受苦对他们来说已经不算什么了。而我们下一代,大部分从小就享受舒适如意的日子,如果要他们因为失去父母的照顾而去忍受痛苦、从头开始,我认为这是不公平而且也不必要的饿。因为透过现在化的保险管理,只要一些费用即可解除对太太、小孩的威胁,为什么还硬要他们有后顾之忧, thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 49.你把计划书留下,我研究完再说。 答案:您先看看计划书,我可以等您看完,要研究什么问题,我们一起讨论。坦白说,一般把计划书留下来之后,大概再也不会去研究它了。因为现代人都很忙,可能一忙,就把这给耽搁下了。然后有一天在收拾抽屉时,才发现有这么份建议书,而且还没有看过呢~您可能因此错过许多一保护自己权益的机会。话又说回来,假如一个人有心要买保险,可是还要考虑再三,甚至比较再比较,如此一来,万一在他研究期间发生事故,可真后悔莫及,更何况契约是死的,无法对任何人特别有利,但我却是活的,可以凭着经验为您作最好的组合,并且在和您当面详谈后,根据您个人的状况的最理想的保障。所以您只要抽出一点点时间来研读这份计划书,就会发现及了解,这份计划书所带给您绝不只是白纸黑字,它代表的是让您有更美好的未来,足以保障您和家人的生活。所以请不要轻易拒绝,如果您有心想了解,请马上处理。 50.什么理财不理财的,我觉得钱放在银行最放心。 答案:先生〈小姐〉,您的想法和我以前一样,那时候我也把所有的钱都放在银行,到时候提出来,既放心又安全。现在情况不一样了,银行的利息越来越低,再加上利息税和通货膨胀的影响,放在银行的钱很难获得保值、增值的效果。当然存银行也是理财方式的一种,如果让专家为您进行渠道更多、资金更大、信息更多的专业理财,这不但减少您的麻烦,并且我们可以给您最低的收益保证,这才是赚不赔的生意。 ???我知道今天说服不了您投保,但我真的很想知道我今天有什么地方做得不够,有哪些地方解释得不够清楚,还请您指教,好让我能够更快成长。谢谢您, 决定买保险的只有四种人 有爱心的人 有孝心的人 有责任心的人 有感情的人 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are
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