

2017-09-20 50页 doc 1016KB 11阅读




女人衰老的主要原因女人衰老的主要原因 女人衰老的主要原因: 一缺气、二寒气、三肾亏 女人衰老的主要原因: 一缺气、二寒气、三肾亏 每天早上三片生姜、一杯蜂蜜水、三颗红枣,两天一瓶酸奶,平时多吃鸭 血猪血,其中特别提醒女性朋友:例假时期不能吃海带 海鲜 香蕉 西红柿 西瓜 。 另外还要记住做一些动作:梳头(百会穴),大家都知道慈禧太后80多岁 还有一头乌黑亮丽的头发,其中的秘诀就是梳头(不是有个小太监李莲英吗, 他天天给慈禧梳头~我们没有小太监给梳头就自己梳)。 三天更换枕巾,因为头发是很脏的,所以必须勤换枕巾。 洗完澡用电...
女人衰老的主要原因 女人衰老的主要原因: 一缺气、二寒气、三肾亏 女人衰老的主要原因: 一缺气、二寒气、三肾亏 每天早上三片生姜、一杯蜂蜜水、三颗红枣,两天一瓶酸奶,平时多吃鸭 血猪血,其中特别提醒女性朋友:例假时期不能吃海带 海鲜 香蕉 西红柿 西瓜 。 另外还要记住做一些动作:梳头(百会穴),大家都知道慈禧太后80多岁 还有一头乌黑亮丽的头发,其中的秘诀就是梳头(不是有个小太监李莲英吗, 他天天给慈禧梳头~我们没有小太监给梳头就自己梳)。 三天更换枕巾,因为头发是很脏的,所以必须勤换枕巾。 洗完澡用电吹风吹肚脐眼(丹田),这里要告诉大家电吹风比吹头发更 有用的地方:低血糖患者可用电吹风吹腰,月经不调者可以吹后脑勺,再者就 是暖丹田(吹肚脐眼)。 每天晚上泡个热水脚,如果方便可以加些艾叶,鹅卵石。有的朋友也许不 知道什么是艾叶(端午节门前插的那种植物)。 每天敲敲足三里(即膝盖外侧),不是有那么一句话吗,“每天一只老 母鸡,不如敲敲足三里. urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 手脚冰冷的人吃什么好呢 一种手脚冰凉是虚寒的表现,通常以服用温寒的食物。“虚寒”的原因,有天生的,也有后天生活习惯造成的。所以应该提倡多参加适宜的体育运动,饮食起居规律有序,注意温 寒添减衣物,不吃生冷食物等。 另外有一种手脚冰冷,中医叫“四逆”。“四”就是四肢的末端;“逆”就是厥冷的意思。这种情况是因为血液循环不能达到四肢的末梢,因而血液供应不足而导致的肢体寒冷。 女性在特殊生理期间也容易因贫血而引起畏寒,还有就是因为肠胃出血,血液流失过 多的人,也会有贫血畏寒现象。 另外,中医学上还有一种叫“血枯”的病,就是血液干枯减少导致的贫血而畏寒,这是需要补血。如果血液淤阻,就要用“破淤生新”的治疗方法,破除淤血生出新血,就是 我们常听说的“活血化淤”。 但这都得由专业中医师从脉搏和表现症状来判断决定归属于哪一类的怕冷。 一、营养原则 应多食具有补气、补血、补肾的性平、温热类食物。 二、适宜食物 可多食一些具有补肾阳虚作用的食品,如羊肉、狗肉、鹿肉、鸡肉,根据"春夏养阳"的法则,夏日三伏,每一伏可食用羊肉附子汤一次,配合天地阳旺之时,以壮补人体之阳。还可以吃韭菜、泥鳅来进行食补,药物则有肾宝、玉苁蓉、金匮肾气丸、右归丸等。 另外,多吃一些性属温热的食品,以提高机体耐寒力。常见的温热食物有:牛肉、大 蒜、辣椒、生姜、圆葱、山药、桂圆、当归等。 三、饮食禁忌 1.尽量避免吃一些生冷的食物,如冰冻饮品、冰激凌等。 2.在吃温补食物的同时,尽量避免同时食用滋阴类食物,出现相互抵消滋补功效。 四、其他 摆脱畏冷症,养成良好的生活习惯(供参考) 1.早上起床。有规律的生活方式是改善畏冷的第一步,早晨是一天的开始,不要老是蜗居在被窝里,振奋一下精神起床,然后好好的运动一下身体吧。心情愉悦的睁开双眼, 不仅能防止畏冷,还能提高一天的效率。 2.运动身体。早晨起来运动身体,能使全身肌肉彻底的放松并舒展开来,防止由于全身僵硬导致的畏冷,人体经过一晚上的睡眠,往往处于血液不循环的状态,因此适当的运 动放松身体很重要。 3.吃饱早餐。新的一天从早餐开始,好的体质也从好的早餐开始。 4.注意服装。切忌穿着紧窄的内衣,以及对身体有束缚的服装,不利于周身的血液循 环。 5.尽可能步行。步行是温暖身体的最方便、最快捷的方式。 6.通过午餐来温暖身体。进餐是改善畏冷的关键,通过一些高热量的午餐能够温暖身体。俗话说得好,中饭要吃的饱,一定要准时进餐,保证热量的摄取。多吃一些粥类,加 入梅干菜等阳性食品,对暖身非常有效果。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 7.与人谈话有奇效。与朋友聊天是减压的特殊方式,对防止畏冷有奇特效果。 8.补充适度水分。水分的补给是非常重要的,摄取水分的同时能够排出体内的废物, 更能使血液循环畅通,每天补充2升的水分为佳。 9.呼吸法。感觉疲劳的时候,慢慢呼吸对畏冷症有很好的疗效,将手放在胸部,吸气的时候鼓起腹部,采用此类腹式呼吸法,能把氧气输送到体内的各个部分,促使血液循环, 改善畏冷状态,在座位上就能轻松实行,亲身实践下吧。 10.晚餐。晚餐应有意识的选择一些能够温暖身体的阳性食品,阳性或阴性可以通过颜色等来识别。一些阳性食品主要为红颜色的暖色系食物,包括胡萝卜,生姜,梅干菜等。 一些阴性食品多为白色或冷色系食物,如热带水果等,所以一定要适度选择。 11.洗澡和洗脚。洗澡不仅能消除畏冷症状,更能调节身体状况,因而是十分重要的。 平时也坚持每晚用热水泡脚,加入有疗效的中药会更好,如红花等。 双红南瓜补血汤原料: 南瓜500克,红枣10克,红糖适量。清水2000毫升。 做法: 南瓜削去表皮挖瓤,洗净,切滚刀块儿。红枣洗净,去核。将红枣、南瓜、 红糖一起放入煲中,加水用文火熬至南瓜熟烂为止。 功效: 南瓜性温味甘,可补中益气,含有丰富的胡萝卜素,经人体吸收后转化为维生素A,并含有丰富的维生素E,女性经期服用,可益气补血。红枣则能补脾和胃,益气生津,滋阴养血。红糖含有微量元素和多种矿物质,有暖胃、补血、活血、散寒的作用。 经常食用,可使脸色红润,增加皮肤弹性。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 丰胸补血,归耆鸡汤 [原料及制作] 当归1钱,黄耆2钱,鸡腿1只,水4碗。 首先,将鸡腿洗净,切块,放入水中,以大火煮开; 然后,放入黄耆,和鸡腿一起炖至七成熟后放入当归,煮5分钟,加盐便可食用。 [特点及功效] 当归具有补血之功效。黄耆具有补气之功效。所以,本品具有让女性气血通顺、月经调和 之功效,在此基础上促进乳腺分泌健全,达到丰乳的目的。 养气补血的汤 花生杜仲牛尾汤 补血、益肾、强筋骨 花生60克、杜仲20克、牛尾1条、生姜3片。 花生洗净,浸泡;杜仲置镬中洒上淡盐水,慢火炒干;牛尾买时请售者代处理干净,洗净后放滚水中煮沸10分钟,再洗净。一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水3000毫升(约12碗水),武火煲沸后改为文火煲约3个小时,调入适量食盐和生油便可。此量可供3~4人用。 黄芪淮山河虾汤 补血养颜 黄芪、淮山各30克,当归、杞子各15克,桔梗6克(以上中药店均有售),河虾120克。 各药物洗净,稍浸泡;河虾洗净,剪去虾头,并去壳。先把中药一起放进砂锅内,加入清水1500毫升(约6碗水量),武火煲沸后,改为文火煲约40分钟,其汤汁约为750毫升(约3碗水量),将其汤汁放进锅内,不要药渣,加入虾仁同煎约10,15分钟,以熟为度, 调入适量食盐便可。饮汤食虾,此量可供2,3人用。 大枣淮山牛[月展]汤 养阳、补血、提神 淮山30克,大枣8个,党参、圆肉各20克,北芪10克(中药店有售),牛[月展]400克, 生姜3片。 各药材洗净,稍浸泡;牛月展洗净,整块不用刀切,放进滚水中煮片刻,取出洗净,即过“飞水”和“冷河”。一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水3000毫升(约12碗水量),武火煲沸后改为文火煲3个小时,调入适量盐、油便可。牛月展可捞起切条状,拌酱油佐餐 用。 蘑菇紫菜生蚝汤 滋肾养肝、补血明目 生蚝300克、蘑菇250克、紫菜30克、生姜3片。 生蚝浸泡、洗净;蘑菇洗净;紫菜浸泡、洗净。在铁镬加入清水1500毫升(约6碗水量),武火煲沸后放入蘑菇、生姜,滚后改文火滚15分钟,加入生蚝、紫菜,稍滚至熟,调入适 量盐、油便可。 云苓黄精生蚝汤 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 补血养气、滋润心脾 云苓、黄精各20克,红枣8个,新鲜生蚝300克,鸡肉350克,生姜3片。 各药材洗净,稍浸泡,红枣去核,生蚝浸泡、洗净;鲜鸡肉洗净。然后生蚝和鸡肉置沸水稍滚(即“飞水”),药材用煲汤袋装。一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(约10碗水量),武火煲沸改文火煲2小时,调入适量食盐和少许生油便可。药材弃之,此量 可供3,4人用。 莲藕红豆白鸽汤 补血生液、养阴滋肾 莲藕750克,鱿鱼干、红豆各50克,白鸽2只,红枣5个,生姜3片。 莲藕洗净去节,切块;鱿鱼干浸透,切中块;红豆、红枣洗净、浸泡并红枣去核;白鸽宰洗净,去内脏,并置沸水稍滚片刻,再洗净(即”飞水”),一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(10碗量),武火煲沸后,改文火煲约2小时,调入适量食盐和少许生油便可。供3,4人用。 黄精淮山杞子兔肉汤 补血润脏、益气生精 黄精、淮山各25克,杞子、桂圆肉各20克,陈皮1/4个,兔肉500克,生姜3片。 各配料洗净,稍浸泡,并将陈皮去瓤;兔肉洗净,切为大块状,置沸水中稍滚片刻,取出再洗净(即“飞水”)。然后与生姜一起放入瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(约10碗水量),武火煲沸后,改文火煲约2个小时,调入适量食盐和生油便可,此量可供3,4人食用。 百合白果牛肉汤 补血养颜 滋润肌肤 煮,至水量不多时,加入米酒煮约半小时便可。此量可供1~2人。 百合、白果各50克,红枣8个,牛肉300克,生姜3片。 白果去壳,浸去外衣洗净;百合、红枣洗净,并红枣去核;牛肉切为薄片。先把百合、白果、生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水2000毫升(8碗水量),武火煲沸,改文火煲至百合、白 果熟烂,加入牛肉滚至熟,调入适量盐和油便可。 云耳红枣煲黄鳝 养阴活血 调经补血 黄鳝2,3条、云耳3小朵、红枣10个、生姜3片。 云耳、红枣分别洗净、稍浸泡并撕开、去核;黄鳝宰洗净,用热水烫去黏液,洗净、切段,一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水2000毫升(8碗量),武火煲沸后,改为文火煲约1个小时,调入适量食盐便可。此量可供3,4人用,黄鳝、云耳可捞起拌入酱油佐餐用。 莲藕花生猪骨煲白鸽 补血生津 莲藕750克、花生80克、红枣4个、陈皮1,4个、墨鱼干1只、白鸽2只、猪骨250克、 生姜3片。 各配料洗净,红枣去核,陈皮去瓤,莲藕去节、切段块,墨鱼干稍浸泡;白鸽宰洗净,去脏杂;猪骨洗净,敲裂。一起与生姜下瓦煲,加水3000毫升(约12碗量),武火煲沸后 改文火煲2小时,下盐便可。为3,4人量。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 章鱼干猪脚姜汤 健腰膝 补血虚气弱 章鱼干1,2只(约150克)、猪脚2只、生老姜1块。 章鱼干略浸洗;老姜切片;猪脚去毛、甲,洗净,斩件,置沸水中稍滚片刻,再洗净(即“飞水”)。一起放进瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(约10碗量),武火煲沸后,改为文火煲约2小时,调入适量的食盐便可。此量可供3,4人用,章鱼干、猪脚可捞起佐餐用。 圆肉姜枣煲瘦肉 补血益气 养血安神 圆肉10克、生姜3片、红枣15个、猪瘦肉300克。 圆肉、红枣洗净,红枣去核;猪瘦肉洗净,切块。一起放进瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(约10碗量),武火煲沸后,改为文火煲约2小时,调入适量食盐便可。此量可供3,4人用。 天麻炖鸡汤 补血、和血、熄风 天麻30克(中药店有售)、老母鸡1只、生姜3片。 天麻稍浸泡,洗净;老母鸡宰洗净,去脏杂、尾部,切块。一起与生姜放进炖盅内,加入冷开水1250毫升(约5碗量),加盖隔水炖3小时便可。进饮时方调入适量食盐,此量可供 3,4人用。 红枣煲泥鳅鱼汤2 补血益血、调中益气 红枣4,6个、泥鳅鱼500克、猪瘦肉100克,生姜3片。 红枣去核,泥鳅鱼用盐或稍热的开水洗去生黏液,去脏杂,再洗净,一起与生姜、瘦肉下瓦煲,加水2500毫升(10碗量),武火煲沸改文火煲2小时,下盐便可,为3,4人量。 莲藕黑豆煲鲶鱼 调中益阳 补血滋阴 莲藕500克,沙参15克(中药店有售),黑豆50克,鲶鱼1条,猪脊骨250克,生姜3 片。 各物洗净。莲藕刮皮、切段;鲶鱼宰洗干净,煎至微黄,溅入少许水;猪脊骨敲裂。一起下瓦煲,加水3000毫升(12碗量),武火煲沸后改文火煲2小时,下盐便可。为3~4人量。 鲜鲍鱼炖老鸡 补肾壮阳、滋阴补血、益精添髓 鲜鲍鱼或急冻鲍鱼2只、老母鸡1只、猪尾骨300克、火腿50克、生姜3片、生葱3条。 鲜鲍洗净,用盐洗擦;鸡宰洗净,去脏杂、尾部,切块;猪尾骨洗净,切段,火腿切片。起油锅爆香姜葱,加水约半锅滚沸,下猪尾骨沸2分钟,下鸡、鲍沸3分钟,取起洗净,沥干。一起与火腿下炖盅,加冷开水1500毫升(6碗),加盖隔水武火炖20分钟,改文火 炖3小时便可。进饮时方下盐,为3~5人用。 高丽参炖乌鸡 补血调经 强身健体 高丽参10克、红枣6个、圆肉10克、杞子15克(以上中药店有售)。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 除高丽参外,各药稍浸泡,红枣去核,洗净;乌鸡宰洗净,切块,置沸水中稍滚片刻,洗净(即“飞水”)。一起放进炖盅内,加入冷开水1250毫升(5碗量),加盖隔水炖3小时便 可。进饮方下盐,为3~4人用。 黑豆鸡蛋米酒汤 温阳祛寒 补血通经 黑豆60克、鸡蛋2个、米酒100~120克。 黑豆洗净,与鸡蛋用清水500毫升(2碗量)共煮,蛋熟后取出去壳再煮,至水量不多时, 加入米酒煮约半小时便可。此量可供1~2人。 紫河车炖牛肚 益气补血 平喘止咳 紫河车12克,党参、王不留行各15克,通草5克(中药店有售),牛肚150克,姜3片, 蒜6个。 各物洗净。牛肚“飞水”后切块;药材包裹。起油镬炒香姜、蒜,与牛肚、药包下炖盅,加冷开水1000毫升(4碗)和少许胡椒粉、米酒,隔水炖3小时,进饮时方下盐,为3~4 人用。 芡实马蹄煲羊肉 健脾补虚 养心补血 芡实30克、马蹄8个、淮山20克、杞子15克(中药店有售)、去皮羊腿肉800克、红枣 12个、生姜5片。 各物分别洗净。药材浸泡;马蹄去皮;红枣去核;羊肉置沸水中稍浸片刻,再洗净(即“飞水”)。一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水3000毫升(12碗量),武火煲沸后,改为文火 煲2个半小时,调入适量食盐便可。为3~4人量。 无花果赤小豆生鱼汤 滋阴润燥 养气益肺 无花果6个、赤小豆100克、江珧柱40克、生鱼1,2条(约400克)、生姜3片。 各配料洗净,稍浸泡;生鱼宰洗净,慢火煎至微黄,并洒入少许水。然后一起与生姜下瓦煲,加水2500毫升(10碗量),武火煲沸后改文火煲两小时,调入适量食盐和生油便可。 此量可供3,4人用。 莲藕红豆煲牛腱 健脾补益养气 莲藕600克,红豆90克,牛腱400克,陈皮1/4个,红枣4个,生姜3片。 各物分别洗净,莲藕去节、切段;红豆浸泡;陈皮去瓤;红枣去核;牛腱切块。一起与生姜放入瓦煲内,加入清水3000毫升(12碗量),武火煲沸后改用文火煲2小时,调入适量食 盐便可。此量可供3,5人用。 补血当归鲫鱼汤 用料:鲫鱼(1条)、当归(1支)、枸杞(2汤匙)、黄耆(10片)、姜(5片) 调料:盐(1/4汤匙)、料酒(1汤匙) urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 补血当归鲫鱼汤做法: 1、鲫鱼洗净拭干水,在鱼背处横切一刀,将1汤匙盐均匀地抹在鱼身上,腌制15分锺。 2、当归洗净切成片,姜切成丝,枸杞和黄耆洗净沥干水。 3、将当归、黄耆、枸杞、1汤匙料酒和4碗清水大火煮沸,改小火焖煮25分锺。 4、往鱼腹塞入少许姜丝,将鲫鱼放入瓦煲内,倒入熬好的当归汤搅匀,大火煮沸改小火煮 35分锺。 、加1/4汤匙盐调味,便可出锅。 5 小贴士: 1、在鱼腹中塞入姜丝,熬成汤后,鱼腥味降低很多。 2、当归鲫鱼汤属大补之汤,适合痛经、体虚的女生饮用,一般人仅用鲫鱼熬汤,便可达到 补益之效。 3、鲫鱼煮汤有健脾利湿、和中开胃、活血通络和温中下气之效,适合中老年人、病后虚弱 者和产妇食用。 4、鲫鱼不宜和大蒜、白糖、冬瓜和鸡肉一同食用,吃鲫鱼前后忌喝茶。 猪肝枸杞菠菜汤 每个月“好朋友”来访的那几天都会让许多MM觉得难受,除了要保持愉快的心情以外,合理的饮食也不可以忽略,记得有一个广告说:“某某口服液,补铁补血效果真的不错。” 今天我也上一个补铁补血的汤,让MM们喝出红润好脸色。 1 猪肝150克左右,菠菜三棵,枸杞适量,油,盐,姜,三花酒,蒜,大葱 2 猪肝切成薄片,在水龙头下洗干净,用大量清水浸泡一个小时左右,因为肝是排毒的器官,所以通过浸泡,漂洗,把毒素清洗掉。看网上有提议用淘米水洗效果很好,下次我也 试试。 3 锅里放水烧开,把浸泡干净的猪肝放进去过水,把血沫逼出来,再在水龙头下冲洗干净。 菠菜整棵洗干净,去根 4 姜,大葱,蒜切末,把猪肝姜葱蒜末放进汤锅,倒进三花酒,放油,大火烧开,转小火, 煮到汤浓,放进洗干净的枸杞,接着放进菠菜,再放盐调味即可 枸杞红枣乌鸡汤 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 《内经》中有“人之所有者,血与气耳。气为血之帅,血为气之母”之说;《医宗必读》中也有一句话“气血者,人之所赖以生者也”。气血互为影响,一些慢性疾病例如贫血、肠胃的炎症、癌症等都会导致气血两虚。气血两虚的人看起来毫无生气,大多心悸失眠、倦怠乏力、面色萎黄,应非常注意饮食方面的调养,以补气兼补血的食物为主,忌食辛辣、 性寒、腌制品。 乌骨鸡可以温中益气、补肝益肾、延缓衰老、强健筋骨,对于月经不调、女性的缺铁性贫 血也有很好的改善作用。 主料:乌骨鸡 辅料:大葱、陈皮、高良姜、草果、枸杞、红枣、料酒 枸杞红枣乌鸡汤的作法: 1、将乌骨鸡清洗干净,剁成块。 2、将大葱切段;把陈皮、高良姜、草果用纱布包起来。 3、砂锅内放上水,将纱布包和鸡块放进去,加料酒、葱、枸杞、红枣同煮。 4、旺火煮沸后改用中小火炖熟、炖烂,然后捞出纱布包和葱段即可。 2013-3-20 17:44阅读(2)转载自陈瑞虎 , 赞(11) , 转载 , 分享 , 评论 , 复制地址 , 举报 , 更多 上一篇 |下一篇:核桃鸡蛋木耳治愈... urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 震惊世 界的中国秘方—里面的方子都是一个老中医几十年的心血:很强::珍惜身体一定要 看::(留着有用, urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 民间秘方~里面的方子都是一个老中医几十年的心血~~很强~~一定要看 说 明 1、 本所用药物~以食物为主~绝对无毒。 2、 为使读者易懂~剂量单位均用旧制~如:斤、两、钱等~有的用碗~是指一般性中碗。 3、 所用药物凡带有*记号的一般可到中药店买~药店都有。 4、 报告中所讲的醋~就是一般食用醋~如果用白醋的~报告中另有注明。 5、 报告中所讲的白酒~是指50度以上的白酒。 6、 有些疾病治疗期间需忌口~是指用药期间如不忌口~则会影响疗效。 7、 本报告共三部分~每部分最后均附有防病保健知识~本报告是一专家用了近十年时间~翻阅了大量的医疗保 健知识书刊~结合古代民间流传已久的传统秘方整理出来 的宝贵资料。它汇聚了古今诸多名方、妙方、秘术~不仅能为百姓带来方便~是每个家庭必备的报告资料~而且~对一些中西医专业医生来讲~也是很有参考价值 的。 民间实用土方,上, urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 一、 内 科 1、 初起感冒:葱白,连须,、生姜片5钱、水一碗煎开、加适量红糖乘热一次服下,葱姜不需服下,~并马上睡觉~出汗即愈。 2、 多日感冒:白天用法同第一条~另外~要在晚上睡觉前~用大蒜头捣成糊状~敷两足心,涌泉穴~每足心敷黄豆粒大即可,~用布包好~次日晨揭去~连用2-3天即愈。 3、 头痛,各种头痛均可,:生白萝卜汁~每次滴鼻孔两滴,两鼻孔都滴,~一日两次~连用4-5天~可除根。忌吃花椒、胡椒。 4、 头晕,头昏眼花、晕眩,:鸭蛋一个、赤豆20粒~搅匀蒸熟~早晨空服~每日一此~连用7天有特效。忌吃酒、辣。 5、 失眠、多梦:睡前用半脸盆热水~加一两醋双脚浸泡20分钟~并生吃葱白1-2根。 6、 干咳,感冒或其他原因引起均可,:生黑芝麻3钱,约一调羹,~冰糖适量~共捣碎开水冲早晨空服~3天痊愈~少吃鱼类。 7、 有痰咳,包括急性气管炎、支气管炎、儿童气管炎,:白萝卜二两~鸭梨二两~一起切碎加水一碗煮熟加适量冰糖食用~一日二次连用3天。清热化痰。可与第九条同用。 8、 老气管炎,慢性气管炎,:取冬天打霜后丝瓜藤*一两、甘草*一钱~水一碗煎汤一次服下~一日二次~连用半月至20天~可根治。忌烟酒、辣物~最好与第九条同用。 9、 长期咳嗽,肺气肿及气管炎等引起咳嗽,:明矾一两~研成粉用醋调成糊状~每晚睡前取黄豆大一团敷足心,涌泉穴~两足都敷,~用布包好、次日晨揭去~连用7天有特效。 10、 哮喘,儿童哮喘同,:干蚯蚓*半斤~炒黄研成粉~用白糖水冲服~一次2钱,约半调羹粉,一日二次~服完即愈。忌吃辣物。 11、 胃痛、吐酸、胃下垂、胃窦炎:大蒜头一次一两连皮烧焦~再加一碗水烧开、加适量白糖空腹食用~一日二次~连用7天可根治。 12、 胃、十二脂肠溃疡:鸡蛋壳30个炒焦研成粉~麦面粉半斤炒焦~一起抖匀~早晚饭前用。开水冲服~一次2钱,约半调羹,~一日二次~一般一付药可愈~重病需二付。 13、 高血压、高血脂:芹菜籽*一两~用纱布包好~放10斤水煎汤~早、中、晚饮1杯。不怕辣者~可~早中晚食生蒜2头~有降血压、血脂特效。 14、 心脏病、冠心病:花生壳一次一两~绿豆5钱~煎一碗汤服下~一日二次~需半月。 15、 肠胃炎、腹泻:每次用麦面粉半两炒焦~加适量白糖用开水调匀~饭前服~一日二次~2-3天有特效。忌吃柿子、香蕉、油腻。 16、 消化不良,儿童消化不良同,:鸡盹皮4两炒黄研成粉~饭前用白糖水冲服、一日二次~一次2钱,约半调羹,、儿童减半、一剂服完即可~忌吃田螺。 17、 胸闷气胀:白萝卜籽*5钱、煎一碗汤服~一日三次~连用3天有消积顺气之功效。 18、 神经衰弱:猪脑1两~加入蜂蜜一调羹~蒸熟吃~一日一次~连吃5-10天。 19、 贫血:杀鸡、鸭时~将鲜血流在一张干净白纸上~晒干揉成粉~用葡萄酒调服~一次半调羹粉~一日二次~连服半月。忌海带。 20、 内热口干:芦根*、绿豆各5钱~加一碗水煮开、加适量冰糖、去芦根吃豆喝汤~日服二次~连服3天。生津润肺~降火解热。 21、 慢性肝炎:每次用白茅根*二两~烧一碗水服汤~一日三次~一般需服半月~忌辣物。 22、 胆、肾、尿道结石:用鸡内金、玉米须50克~煎一碗汤一次服下~一日2-3次~连服10urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 天。忌吃肝脏、肥肉、蛋黄。 23、 急、慢性肾脏炎:4两重左右黑鱼一条~去鳞、肠等~绿茶叶2钱~包入鱼肚内用线捆好~加一碗水煮熟~吃鱼喝汤~一日一剂~连吃10-15天。忌酒、盐、香蕉、房事。 24、 胆囊炎:冬瓜籽、绿豆各5钱煎一碗汤~一次服下。一日三次~连用10日。 25、 糖尿病:猪胰一条~冬瓜皮1两~加水煮熟~少加些油、盐和调料,勿加酒、糖,吃下~一日一剂~连吃20天。 26、 记忆力差:鹅蛋一只~打入碗内加适量白糖搅匀~蒸熟早晨空服~连吃5天~有清脑益智功能~对增强记忆有特效~忌吃海带、花椒、动物血、酒、绿豆。 27、 小便不通:杨柳树叶1两~煎一碗汤一次服下~一日二次~2-3天即可通尿无阻。 28、 小便失禁,尿急、控制不住,:鸡肠一付~洗净晒干~炒黄研成粉~用黄酒送服~每次1钱~一日三次~服完即愈。忌姜、辣。 29、 尿频,小便次数多,:生韭菜籽*3两~研成粉~每次2钱用白开水送服~一日二次~一般需服2-10天。忌浓茶、牛奶。 30、 便秘,大便燥结、排便困难,:用煮熟的南瓜一碗~加入猪油5钱和适量的盐吃下~一日一次~一次见效~3日可愈。 31、 痢疾、泄泻:每次用大蒜两头~连皮放火内烧焦再煮一碗水空服汤~一日二次~连用3天可消炎解毒~治久泻不愈特别有效。 32、 打鼾:花椒5-10粒~睡前用开水泡一杯水~待水凉后服下,花椒不服下,~连服5天~以后再也不打鼾。 33、 打嗝:用手指甲一小条~点燃闻味~即止。 34、 晕车:乘车时切一片生姜含口中~或用一块膏药贴在肚脐上,此条孕妇禁用,~对于晕车教严重者~可两方同用~有特效。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 35、 中风:每日喝1两生芹菜只汁~病轻者服半月~病重者服一月可愈~忌吃羊肉、鸭血。 36、 神经病,又叫癫痫、羊癫痫、疯狂病、狐大仙,:干桃化*3两~用刀切成细末~分成十份~每次一份~在发病时用淡明矾水送服~一日二次~5天一疗程~连用3疗程。 37、甲状腺功能亢进症:黄药子*9-12克~用三碗水煎成一碗~每日一次,另可用50克泡1斤白酒~日服1两~5-8周代谢率明显降低。 38、 慢性肠炎:鸡蛋清1只~白酒半两~混合~每晚睡前服。 二、儿科 39、 小儿感冒,包括婴儿,:生姜5钱~水半碗煎开加入红糖服下~一日二次~2天可愈。 40、 百日咳,及婴儿气喘,:大蒜一头~去皮捣烂加白糖3钱~过半小时后用开水一两冲~两天可治小儿咳嗽、婴幼儿气喘~有特效。 41、 小儿遗尿:生葱白一根~捣烂~每晚睡前敷肚脐~用布包好~次日晨揭去~连用3-5天~可治愈。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 42、 夜啼:大人用一小撮绿茶放口内嚼碎~每晚睡前敷小儿肚脐~用布包好~次日晨揭去~连用3天。 43、 婴幼儿腹泻、腹胀:大蒜一头~连皮烧焦~再与半碗水烧开~加适量白糖服汤~一日一次~一般两三天即可消食止泻。 44、 盗汗,成人盗汗同,:老豆腐半斤~切片贴锅内烧成巴~再加水一碗~白糖适量~烧汤连巴一同食用~每晚睡前服~3天痊愈。 45、 打蛔虫:生南瓜籽20粒~去壳饭前空服~一次吃下~第二天虫子即可随大便排出。 46、 经常肛门痒:伤湿解膏一块~每晚睡觉前贴肛门上~次日晨揭去~连用三天。 47、 小儿厌食,不思吃饭,:山楂*3钱~鸡盹皮1钱~加半碗水煮熟饭前吃完~一日二次~连吃三天~有开胃、助消化之功效。 48、 腹痛,成人腹痛同,:用一片桔皮敷在肚脐上。再用半斤盐炒热,不要太烫,~敷在桔皮上~可立即止痛。 49、 误食杂物:韭菜半斤~不要切碎~炒熟多加些猪油~一次吃光~杂物可随大便排出。 50、 磨牙:每晚睡前吃一块生桔皮~连吃2-3天~可治小儿及成人睡觉磨牙。 51、 流口水,成人、老人睡觉流口水方法同,:泥鳅半斤~去内脏晒干~炒黄研成粉~用黄酒冲服~一次二钱~一日一次~服完即可。 52、 儿童缺钙:每次用虾皮5钱~海带1两~一起煮汤~加油盐食用~一日一次连用半月。 53、 腮腺炎:醋和墨汁按1:1配好~用毛笔蘸此~涂于患处~每天5-6次~一般二三天腮部肿胀自消。 54、 小肠气:生姜汁5钱~先给患儿洗澡~待周身出汗时~用姜汁擦患部~一日二次~连用三、四天~以后不再复发。 55、 考场镇静良方:学生进考场如临战场~往往由于过度紧张~使自己产生心慌、怯场现象~从而不能正常发挥而名落孙山。现介绍一种单方:酸枣仁*、绿豆各一两~煮一碗汤一次吃完~一日二次~次方要在考试前两天开始服~至考试结束~有镇静安神功效。 ——————————————————– 附:防病保健知识,一, 1、 为什么常吃烘烤食物易患癌:因烘烤食物时燃料中会产生大量的二氧化碳、二氧化硫和一种叫3~4-苯丙比的致癌物质~这些物质会遗留在食物上~所以人吃多了极易患癌。 2、 吃哪些蔬菜易中毒:1,、发芽、发青的土豆有毒。2,鲜黄花菜,即金针菜,有毒。3,腌制未透的菜。4,隔夜熟白菜、熟韭菜会将菜中的硝酸盐转化为亚硝酸盐~亚硝酸盐是强致癌物~熟白菜、熟韭菜放久了切勿吃。 3、 儿童不宜吃皮蛋:皮蛋在加工过程中加入一种氧化铅的物质~此物有毒~影响智力 4、 烂姜不宜吃:烂姜有极毒~能坏死肝细胞。 5、 豆油不可生吃:生豆油中含有苯~苯能破坏人的造血系统~所以做凉拌菜和饺陷不宜用生豆油~如将豆油下锅熬熟~苯就蒸发了。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 6、 久煮的水不能吃:隔夜开水和经久煮的水以及保温瓶中非当天的开水中~均含有一种叫亚硝酸铵的物质~此物是强致癌物。 7、 鱼、肉烧焦吃不得:鱼、肉等荤菜~烧焦就会产生一种叫苯丙比的致癌物质。 8、 新婚男子莫吃可乐:可口可乐~能将人体内精子杀死~所以婚后男子要想孩子切莫吃。 9、 吃嫩炒猪肝有害:猪的肝脏是解毒器官~肝内均含少量毒素~如不炒透~吃了有害。 10、 哪些水果忌海味,柿子、葡萄石榴、山查、香蕉~这些水果中含有鞣酸。鞣酸与海味中的钙结合~会形成一种难以消化的物质~而起肚疼、呕吐、恶心、腹泻等现象。 11、 哪些食物易使皮肤变黑,常吃肝脏、肾、赤豆、黑芝麻、乌鱼、浓咖啡、易使皮肤变黑。 12、 哪些食物易使皮肤增白,一般为黄绿色食品如芹菜、菠菜、洋葱、苹果、萝卜等。 13、 吃豆浆有哪些四忌,1,忌吃红糖2,忌冲鸡蛋3,忌不熟4,忌用保温瓶装。 14、 吃牛奶有哪五忌,1,忌加红糖2,忌冰冻3,忌掺开水4,忌空服5,忌同补药同服。 15、 油渣、锅巴不宜吃:油渣、锅巴中含有苯丙比~苯丙比是致癌物质~所以不宜吃。 ——————————————————– 民间实用土方,中, urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 三、外科 56、 关节炎、肩周炎,包括风湿性、类风湿性关节炎,:食用细盐1斤~放锅内炒热~再加葱须~生姜各3钱~一起用布包好~趁热敷患处至盐凉,一日一次~连用一星期~有追风祛湿之功效。 57、 劳伤腰痛:艾叶*一两~炒黄的蟹壳一两~浸白酒一斤~三日后用酒涂腰部~一日2-3次~7-10天~可治多年腰痛。 58、 肾亏腰痛:丝瓜籽半斤~炒黄研成粉。白酒送服~每次1钱~一日二次~服完即愈。此方还可治妇女产后腰痛。 59、 坐骨神经痛:食用细盐一斤~炒热后加艾叶*一两~用布包好敷患处至盐凉~一日一次~连用5-10天。,盐可每天反复使用,。 60、 颈椎痛:羊骨头,生的~煮过均可,二两~砸碎炒黄~浸白酒1斤~三日后擦颈部~一日三次~一般不过15天~可以根治。 61、 骨刺,骨质增生,:狗骨头三两~砸碎炒黄浸白酒1斤~三日后用酒擦患处,最好带吃此酒一盅,~一日三次~需用半月可愈。 62、 腿抽筋:桑树果*一两~煎一碗汤一次喝下~一日二次~5天痊愈。 63、 四肢麻木:老丝瓜筋*一两~煎一碗汤一次服下~一日二次~连服一星期~有特效。 64、 内、外痔疮:大田螺每天一只~将盖去掉。放入冰片*1钱~5分钟后取田螺水涂肛门~每天2次~7天痊愈~忌吃酒、辣物。 65、 打针结块:将土豆切成半公分厚的薄片~敷在患处~再用热毛巾捂~一日二次~一次20分钟~2-3天肿块消散。 66、狐臭:胡椒、花椒各50粒~研成粉~再加入冰片*2钱~用医用酒精调匀~每日取一小团涂患处并用胶布贴好~一日换一次~连用半月可根除。 67、 口眼歪,面部神经麻痹,:黄鳝血涂面部~向左歪涂左边~并用手掌从左向右反复抹~每次2分钟~一日二次~向右歪则反做~连用三四天即正。 68、 脱肛,解大便时肛门脱下,:每次用韭菜半斤~水2斤煎开洗肛门~一日二次~洗三天。 69、 落枕,睡觉时由于枕头或姿势不适~而引起的颈痛,:韭菜汁加热擦颈部~日擦七八次。2-3天可治好。 70、 戒烟:干南瓜藤*一两~煎一碗汤加适量红糖一次服~一日三次~7天后永不想抽烟。 71、 戒酒:活黄鳝一条~放一瓶白酒内浸二天后此酒~1次1-2两~一日三次~将酒服完后永远不想再喝一滴酒。 72、 喝酒不醉:葛根*1钱~在喝酒前泡一杯开水喝下再喝酒~酒精可解~所以人不会醉。 73、 疥疮,老烂脚,:豆腐渣炒热~敷患处~用布包好~日换一次~可治愈烂脚久不收口。 74、 淋巴结核:田螺壳炒黄研成粉~用芝麻油调匀敷患处~日换一次~连用7-10天。 75、 长寿保健药酒:磁石、何首乌*、大枣、核桃、枸杞*各一两~浸白酒或黄酒二斤~两天后按常日酒量吃此酒~如常饮能使老人面部红润~增强抗病力~有延迟衰老功效。四、皮肤科 76、 皮肤痒:鲜韭菜、淘米水~按1:10重量配好~先泡二小时再连韭菜一起烧开~去韭菜用水洗痒处或洗澡~一次见效~洗后勿用清水过身~一日一次~连洗三天永不再痒。 77、 牛皮癣、顽癣,银屑病,:侧柏叶*、苏叶*、各200克~蒺藜*40克~共研粗末~装纱布袋内~用水6斤沸煮后小火煮30分钟~涂洗患处~日3次。 78、 神经性皮炎,或过敏、或季节性发生,:老豆腐三、四两炒焦~用芝麻油调匀涂患处~一urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 日3次~三、四天有特效。 79、 湿疹(皮肤起红点、水泡、发痒):用绿豆3两炒焦研成粉~用醋调匀涂患处~一日二次~连涂一星期可根治。忌花椒、胡椒。 80、 风疹块、痱子:鲜韭菜汁每天涂患处~一次即明显见效~一日三次~2-3天即愈。 81、 白癜风:乌梅*30-50克浸泡在95%酒精100毫升中~2周后过滤再加二甲亚矾*5毫升~每日擦患处3次~每次用力擦5分钟。 82、 手气、脚气:生大蒜头两只~去皮放入半斤醋内泡3天~再用大蒜头擦患处~每日3次。连用7-10日~有消炎和杀死细菌之特效。 83、 手汗、脚汗太多:明矾*5钱、热水2斤~一起溶化浸手脚、一次10分钟、浸后让其自然凉干~一日一次~5天后手脚汗正常。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 84、 手足开裂、粗糙:生猪油二两~加白糖1钱。捣匀擦手脚~一日2-3次。一般7天克愈~ 再擦几天以后永不复发。 85、 冻疮未破:尖头辣椒5钱~白酒或酒精半斤一起放入瓶内浸3天后~在冻疮初起~皮肤红 肿发热时涂患处~一日五次~有特效~连用十天至半月痊愈除根~来年永不再发。 86、 冻疮已破:陈旧棉花,越陈旧越好,烧成灰~用麻油调匀涂患处~一日三次。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 87、 鹅掌风、灰指甲:醋1斤熬至半斤~加入去皮大蒜头一只~二日后用醋每天浸手二次~一次10分钟~浸后再用清水洗净~7天即可。 88、 疮、疔、疖:用生土豆捣烂~涂患处用布包好~日换一次~一般5天即可。 89、 鸡眼、侯子:先将患处外部老皮消去~再涂上清凉油~用香烟火熏烤~至疼时稍坚持后拿掉烟火~一日二次~5天可脱落不发。 90、 烫伤:可选用蛋清、白糖水、醋、蜂蜜、在烫伤时马上涂伤处~就不会起泡又易好。 91、 流火、丹毒,多患于下肢、皮肤红、肿、热痛并伴有寒战、高热、头痛,:用鲜丝瓜叶汁拌金黄散*成糊状~外涂患处~内服三妙丸*中成药有奇效。 92、 蚊虫咬伤,红肿、痒,:可选用大蒜、生姜擦或用醋、牙膏、盐水、香烟灰加水调匀涂~均可立即见效止痒、解毒消肿。 ——————————————————– 五、妇科、男性科 93、 妇女白带,白带多、有异味,:生鸡蛋一只~从一头敲一小洞~将7粒白胡椒装入蛋内~用纸封好蒸熟~去胡椒吃蛋~每日一只~连吃一星期~忌吃猪血、绿豆。 94、 月经不调,来经提前或推迟均在7天以上,:干藕节半斤~炒黄研成粉~白酒送服~一日三次~一次2钱~服完即可每月来经。 95、 血崩,月经量太多,:黑木耳3两~炒干研成粉~红糖水送服~一次3钱~一日二次。 96、 闭经,少女18岁后和非怀孕妇女二月以上不来月经,:茄子切片晒干~炒黄研成粉。黄酒送服~一日二次~一次5钱~十天可愈。 97、 通经,来经时腹痛,:用丝瓜筋一次一两~烧一碗汤服~一日二次~7天痊愈。 98、 外阴痒:葱白连根一两~花椒10粒~一起煎水一碗~洗阴部~每天二次~共洗3天。 99、 产后缺乳:莴苣籽*5钱~煎汤一碗~加白糖一次服下~一日二次~5天后乳汁充足。 100、 产前知男女:将孕妇清晨第一次小便滴入两滴医用酒精~变红者为男~无变化为女。 101、 女不孕:生鸡蛋一只开一小孔~放入红花*0.5钱左右~再蒸熟吃蛋~每天一只~连吃一个月~,要在月经干净后开始吃,。 102、 子宫、卵巢肿瘤:红花6克、黑豆30克~水煎服~去红花食黑豆与汤~日2次。 103、 男不育:每天用麻雀一只~去掉毛和内脏~将菟丝籽*2钱放入麻雀肚内~包好蒸熟后吃麻雀~连用半月~可治男子婚后久不生育。 104、 阳痿,男子阳茎不能勃起,:磁石,吸铁石,5钱~公鸡睾丸5只~浸白酒一斤~三日后按常日量吃酒~一般需吃半至一月。,磁石可反复使用,。如不吃酒人~每日炒二只公鸡睾丸吃~连吃半月至一月~完全恢复性功能。 105、 遗精,睡觉做梦流精,:猪腰子一个~切开放入韭菜籽*2钱~用线扎好蒸熟~再切碎加油盐吃~一日一个~连吃四、五个腰子。 106、 早泄,男子在房事时过早射精,:韭菜籽*半斤炎黄~用黄酒送服~一次2钱~一日三次~urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 服完即痊愈。 107、 小肠气:食盐半斤炒热~加入花椒20粒~用布包好~敷患处至盐凉~一日一次~最好睡前用~连用4、5天有特效。 108、 男子性功能减退,不属于阳痿~只是性功能减弱力不重心~多见于年老体弱者~也有房事过度引起的,:活大青虾或白虾一两~白酒1斤、浸5天后按常日酒量吃酒~酒完后将虾炒吃。连用半月~有补阴壮阳、补充男性激素、增强性机能之功效。 109、 前列腺炎:麝香0.5克~白胡椒7粒~研成细末~装瓶备用。将脐用酒精洗净~将麝香放入肚脐内~再将胡椒粉盖在上面~后盖圆白纸一张~外用胶布贴紧~每隔7-10日换药1次~10次为1疗程。 110、 前列腺肥大:冬瓜籽*30克、黑木耳15克、秦皮*15克~水煎服~日2次。 附:防病保健知识,二, urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 1、 怎样防止脱发,1,勤洗头~勿用碱性肥皂。2,勤梳头~要用梳子。3,忌用化学品染发。4,少吃过辣、过酸。5,常保持精神愉快。 2、 怎样防止面部起皱纹,1,洗脸水宜30-40度。2,经常按摩面部。3,晚上睡前适当涂些营养霜。4,勿长期用单侧牙吃饭。5,枕头勿太高。6,少做以下动作:托腮、挖鼻孔、剔牙、咬嘴唇、吹口哨、斜眼歪嘴、用吸管吸饮料。 3、 怎样防止失眠,睡前少讲太多话~忌饮浓茶、睡前勿用脑、用热水加醋洗脚。 4、 妇女经期有六忌:忌寒冷着凉、忌吃浓茶、过辣~忌饮冷食、忌盆浴和游泳、忌同房、忌过度疲劳。 5、 怎样才能生一个智力较高的宝宝,1,晚婚晚育。2,孕妇忌吃辣。3,孕妇常保持乐观心情。4,孕妇和哺乳期妇女忌饮可乐饮料和咖啡浓茶~因这些饮料中含有咖啡因~咖啡因能诱发后代畸形和损伤胎儿脑力。 6、 怎样使孩子更聪明,科学研究证明~如果让孩子常吃鹅蛋、鸽蛋、鱼头~就会更聪明。 7、 哪些人不能睡午觉,经常失眠和体重超标准或65岁以上的人~心脏病和心肌梗塞的病人。 8、 哪些病人不能过性生活,患有传染病、性病、大病初愈或病中、妇女产前产后或经期~心脏病、高血压、肝炎、肾炎、肿瘤病人。 9、 哪些人不能吃糖,胃病、肾病、高血压、高血脂、糖尿病、肝炎、神经衰弱等病人。 10、老年保健有九忌:忌过饱、过甜、过咸、厚腻、烟酒、大喜大怒、久蹲、懒散、便秘。 11、哪些人不宜吃啤酒,胃炎及溃疡病人、哺乳期妇女、秘尿系统结石和肝病人、儿童。 12、哪些人不宜吃螃蟹,发热、胃病及溃疡、肝炎、腹泻、胆囊炎、胆结石等病人。 13、儿童生活有哪四不宜,不宜戴有色镜、不宜睡弹簧床、不宜穿高跟鞋、不宜烫发。 14、用矮桌进食有啥害,积食滞气、影响消化。 15、按电器开关或拿插头为什么最好用右手,因人的心脏在左侧~如遇漏电时用左手极危险。 民间实用土方,下, 六、五官科 111、 牙痛,神经性、过敏性、蛀牙痛均可,:花椒10粒~白酒一两~将花椒浸在酒内~十分钟后用酒口含~几分钟即见效~一日2次每次10分钟~3-4天痊愈。 112、 牙周炎、牙龈炎:用一只鸡蛋清加等量白酒搅匀喝一口~含口中~5分钟后吐掉~一日二次,一日一只蛋,~2-3天消炎止痛。 113、 牙出血,经常出血或刷牙引起,:花椒10粒~醋三两~浸2天后口含~一次3分钟~一日2次~连用5天有特效。 114、 电光性红眼病:用人乳滴入眼内~闭眼10分钟~一日二次~一次二滴~有特效~忌辣。 115、 结膜炎,非电光红眼病,:用绿茶水~每日洗眼3-5次~一般2-3天有消炎抗菌之功效。urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 忌吃酒、辣物。 116、 流泪眼、沙眼:干桑叶*1两~加一碗水烧开、每日洗眼3-5次~连用一星期。 117、 视力衰退,老光、老花、视物不清,:白菊花*2钱~枸杞子*2钱~每日用开水泡饮,一剂可泡三遍,~连饮半至一月~有清水明目之功效。忌吃辣物、海带。 118、 偷针眼:用缝衣针的针鼻部反复摩擦患处~并稍用力挤压~每日2-3次~不出二日即可治愈。 119、 白内障,晶状浑浊、使视力下降,:白蒺藜*250克~羊肝250克~白糖200克~研为末~每次服15克~日服2次~8周见效。 120、 青光眼,眼球内压力太高~角膜水肿或呈雾状~视力下降,:猪眼一付~加绿豆一两煮熟~再加油、盐适量~每日吃一剂~连吃半月~能使眼内轻松~眼睛明亮。 121、 中耳炎,耳内长期流水、流浓、胀痛,:鲜韭菜汁5钱~加入明矾半钱~溶化后滴入耳内~一次1-2滴~一日2次~连用5天。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 122、 耳鸣、耳聋:当归*15 钱~黑豆30克~红糖30克~水煎服~日2次~2周见效。菊花*30克~芦根*30克~冬瓜皮*30克~水煎服~每日2次~2周见效。 123、 虫入耳:用猫尿一滴~滴入耳内~虫子会自动出来。,提取猫尿法:用大瓣大蒜头~去皮擦猫鼻子~猫即撒尿,。 124、 口疮,又叫羊胡疮~在口内叫口腔溃疡,:醋、蒸馏水等量搅匀~涂患处~一日5次~连用2-3天~可消炎止痛~效果极佳。 125、 咽喉痛,咽部干燥疼痛、有异物感~急、慢性均可,:用绿茶叶泡浓茶约2两水量~加入半两蜂蜜搅匀~每日分几次漱喉并慢咽下~每日一剂~连用3-5天~消炎镇痛~湿润咽喉~治急、慢性咽喉炎。忌吃烟、酒~一切有刺激性食物。 126、 扁桃体炎,嗓子二侧发起红肿、痛、一般多发于着凉后,:黑木耳一两~炒干研成粉~每次用半调羹粉与蜂蜜调匀口服~一日二次连服5天永不再发,此方在扁桃体炎正在发作时用,。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 127、 声音哑,咳嗽、讲话太多、唱歌、内火大等原因引起的音哑,:鸡蛋一只、打入碗内~加醋一条羹、搅匀蒸熟食用~一日一剂~连吃2-3天~声音响亮。忌辣。 128、 口臭:芦根*,鲜、干均可,一两~煎汤一碗加冰糖适量内服~一日一次~早晨空服~连服一星期。清火解毒~治内热胃火。 129、 鱼刺卡喉:较轻者用好醋喝一口即可。如果不行~可用鸭口水一调羹喝下~鱼刺可自动化掉。,取鸭口水法:用一片生姜~放入鸭嘴内~再将鸭倒吊~鸭即流口水,。 130、 鼻炎,包括过敏性、萎缩性和鼻窦炎~有的流脓流水、鼻涕多、有的闻味不灵敏,:用黄砖一块~放火上烧烫~取下~将一调羹醋倒在热砖上~此时有大量热气上冒~患者用鼻闻其热气~一日二次~连用7天~消热、消炎~解毒通窍~治各类鼻炎~有特效。 131、 流鼻血:藕节*、芦根*等量~一起切碎~煎一碗水一次喝下~一日二次~连用5日~清热止血~永不复发。 ——————————————————– 七 、美容 132、 除面部皱纹:鲜黄瓜汁二调羹,加入等量鸡蛋清(约一只蛋)搅匀,每晚睡前先洗脸,再涂抹面部皱纹处,次日晨用温水洗净,连用半至一月,能使皮肤逐渐收缩,消除皱纹有特效. 133、 皮肤粗黑:靠化妆品增白皮肤,只能一时掩饰,治表不治本,现向你介绍一种治表治本能使皮肤增白而真白的妙方,既简单又有特效:用白醋\甘油按5:1混合, 常擦皮肤(一日二\三次)能使皮肤湿润,减少黑色素沉积,一月后皮肤即细腻白嫩,洁净光滑富有弹性,充满美感。(此方对遗传黑皮肤均有效). 134、 除雀斑:杏仁*5钱,研成细粉,用鸡蛋清调匀,每晚睡前涂面部,次日清晨用温水洗去,一日一次,10-15日显效,以后不发. 135、 黄褐班\蝴蝶斑:冬瓜汁\白醋等量,调匀涂面部,一日2-3次,涂后过10分钟洗去.连用半月即可除净. 136、 除面部色素斑:鲜西红柿汁\蜂蜜,按5:1混合,涂面部,过10分钟后洗净,连用urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 10-15日,能使黑色素分解,皮肤变白红润. 137、 除粉刺(酒刺\青春豆\座疮):鲜黄瓜汁\白醋等量调匀,先用热水洗脸后再涂脸,一日三次,涂后过10分钟用温水洗去,连用半月可愈,以后不老. 138、 除黑痣:花生仁烧焦捣碎,用酒精调匀,涂痣上,每晚睡前涂上并包好,次日晨洗去,连用半月可除,(大痣需涂一月). 139、 脱发\头屑\头痒:每次用桑树根皮*4钱,水二斤,烧开洗头,一日一次,洗后勿用清水过头连用5天,能促进头皮血液循环,有固发作用,并治头屑\头痒,可再生发. 140、 斑秃\秃顶:按134条使用,并用老姜片每日擦头皮3-5次,与134条同用半月,以后不出一两月便会重新长出一头浓发. 141、 头发增亮:啤酒\醋按2:1混合.每日用毛巾吸湿再涂头发一次,连用半月. 142、 白发变黑:何首乌*\黑芝麻各三两,一起炒干研碎,用白糖水调服,每次3钱,一日一次,连服半月,可补肾健发.忌蚕豆. 143、 减肥:干荷叶*\干冬瓜皮*按1:2配好,每日用一两泡一斤左右热水喝,有去厚腻\刮油手之功效,忌肥肉. 144、 瘦人增胖:鸡蛋二只,打在碗内,加生番茄汁一调羹和适量白糖,用等量开水冲成半熟食用,每日一次,早晨空服(也可吃稀黄荷包蛋)连吃一月,以后会逐渐变胖. 145、 牙变白:用食盐\小苏打等量,加入调成牙膏状,每日刷牙一次,3-4天可除牙齿表层所有色斑,使牙齿洁白. 146、 除汗毛\胡须(多毛症):旧电池粉\碱粉等量,用医用酒精调匀,过5分钟即可自动洗去,一日一次,5-7天后汗毛\胡须即可自动脱落,以后不会再发,此方对皮肤无过敏,无刺激,无任何副作用. urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 八、食物相克 两小时内不可同吃~摘于有关保健书刊。 1、 鸡蛋忌糖精?-同食中毒、死亡 2、 豆腐忌蜂蜜?-同食耳聋 3、 海带忌猪血—同食便秘 4、 土豆忌香蕉—同食生雀斑 5、 牛肉忌红糖—同食胀死人 6、 狗肉忌黄鳝—同食则死 7、 羊肉忌田螺—同食积食腹胀 8、 芹菜忌兔肉—同食脱头发 9、 番茄忌绿豆—同食伤元气 10、 螃蟹忌柿子—同食腹泻 11、 鹅肉忌鸭梨—同食伤肾脏 12、 洋葱忌蜂蜜—同食伤眼睛 13、 黑鱼忌茄子—同食肚子痛 14、 甲鱼忌苋菜—同食中毒 15、 皮蛋忌红糖—同食发呕 16、 人参忌萝卜—同食积食滞气 17、 白酒积柿子—同食心闷 ——————————————————– 附:防病保健知识,三, urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 1、饮茶有那些好处,振精神、增记忆、除疲劳、抗肿瘤、抗衰老、助减肥。 2、哪种茶的保健功能最强,排列顺序是:绿茶、花茶、红茶。 3、哪些人不宜饮茶,孕妇、妇女经期及浦乳期、患失眠、便秘、贫血、溃疡病、肝病、高血压、发热病人和献血后的人~均不宜饮茶。 4、 饮茶有哪十忌,忌空腹饮茶、烫茶、冷茶、浓茶、睡前饮茶、早起饮茶、饭后立即饮茶~冲泡时期过长的茶~饭前饮茶和茶水服药。 5、隔夜茶能不能饮,隔夜茶经过长时间浸泡~不仅完全无营养~而且还会繁殖许多有害细菌~如饮用易伤脾胃~所以最好不饮。 6、一年四季如何选择茶种,春宜花茶、夏宜绿茶、秋宜青茶、冬宜红茶。 7、 新茶好还是陈茶好,俗话说“酒越陈越香~茶越陈越次”~陈茶易回潮霉变和被虫卵等污染~所以还是饮新茶为好。 8、 酒后饮茶好不好,人饮酒后酒精在人的肝脏中转化为乙醇~与茶叶中的茶碱迅速进入肾赃~对肾脏刺激太大~会损伤肾功能。 9、 茶能解酒吗,据科学研究证明~茶中根本没有分解酒精的成分~况且茶酒同饮还会损伤肾功能~所以酒后切忌饮茶~特别是浓茶。 10、 饮酒有哪八忌,忌过量、忌一饮而尽~忌空腹饮酒、忌掺混酒、忌带病饮酒、忌酒后服药、忌酒后喝浓茶、忌孕妇、儿童饮酒。 11、 为什么早晨不能吃酒,因为人从早晨6点钟开始~体内的醚逐渐上升~到早晨8点到达高峰~此时饮酒~酒精与醚结合~会使人整天感到疲倦。 12、 喝醉酒怎样解,用手指和筷子反复触摸咽喉部~使其呕吐~再喝几碗水~再吐~起洗胃作用,可选用醋开水~苏打水喝下。 13、哪些人不宜饮酒,胃病、泌尿系统结石、肝病、孕妇和儿童均不宜饮白酒、黄酒urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 和啤酒。 14、儿童饮酒有何害,伤肝、伤肾 日志 返回日志列表 [转] 这样洗脸,六十岁都没皱纹~ 2013-3-14 19:21阅读(18)转载自美丽教主 , 赞 , 转载(18) , 分享(6) , 评论 , 复制地址 , 举报 , 更多 上一篇 |下一篇:生活小窍门让你活... urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 我们天天都在洗脸,只是知道每天洗脸可以让自己的皮肤变的更干净一些,其实我们在洗 脸的时候只要在我们的脸盆中放一点东西,就可以让我们的皮肤变的白嫩,有弹性,我们 还等什么,一起去看看吧。 1、在水盆里放上一点盐,它不光只有杀菌的作用,还可以祛除我们脸上的油脂,特别是那 些油性肌肤,长期使用可以清除我们脸上的油脂,这样我们的脸上就不容易长痘痘了。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 2、如果你的脸是干性皮肤,可以在您的脸盆里适当的加一点蜂蜜。洗脸的时候,轻轻的拍打你的脸部,长期使用,可以让你的肌肤年轻10岁,以前你的干燥皮肤也会慢慢的消失的。 3、在你的脸盆中放一点醋,可以让你的皮肤变的光滑有弹性,因为醋本身就可以改变我们肌肤的酸碱度,长期用它洗脸我们脸上还不容易长痘。 4、如果你是工作在电脑前的白领女性洗脸的时候在水中加一点绿茶可以有效的抵抗辐射,茶叶的鞣酸作用可以让我们干燥的皮肤消失的无影无踪。长期使用还可以让你的肌肤毛孔变细。其实在生活中只要多加那么一点料就可以让我们的肌肤变的更加白晳有光泽。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 靠一双手的几个手指在脸上拍拍打打,就能把皱纹拍掉,若不是亲眼所见牛尔的现场示范,还真不相信。 [/url] 去眼袋的天然食材 1、淘米水+蜂蜜 淘米水是一个神奇的护肤法宝,不但会使皮肤变得白皙无暇,还能有效的去除浮肿。而蜂蜜更是护肤良品,含有大量蜂胶,能够有效地拉紧皮肤纤维,紧致肌肤。因此有眼袋的mm可以将两者混合,取眼膜一枚浸在混合物中,然后敷在眼睛上,大约过15分钟取下。连续敷一个星期,对去眼袋有奇效。 2、冬瓜片去眼袋 冬瓜的主要功效是利尿去湿,并能够消肿排毒,因此冬瓜对去眼袋也有一定的效果。冬瓜去眼袋的操作方法十分简单,将冬瓜切成薄片,然后敷在眼周,15分钟即可取下。 3、胡萝卜+蛋清+藕粉 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 方法也很简易,将胡萝卜、藕粉和蛋黄放入搅拌机搅拌,然后直接涂于眼周,等干了以后就可以洗掉了。这个方法其实也可以用于全脸,它可以在皮肤上形成一层膜,使皮肤拉紧,回复弹性和细腻。小编自己亲自试过这个方法,效果还是不错的。 4、物理方法去眼袋 物理方法主要是指冷敷热敷法。如果mm的眼袋是刚刚才形成的,那么这种方法很有效。热敷法主要是在睡觉前使用,这样可以有效的促进血液循环,保证明天早上不会形成眼袋。而冷敷法则多用于清晨,主要是为了救急,让眼袋略有缩小。冷敷最好是用盐水,而热敷最好是用橄榄油,这两种液体都有益于减缓眼袋。 5、眼霜选择去眼袋 很多人都觉得既然眼袋是水肿形成的,那就证明眼部的水分过于充足,就不应该选择保湿的眼霜。其实这种认识是十分错误的,眼袋的存在恰恰说明了眼部缺水,因为眼部没有皮脂分布,而血液循环的缓慢,让水分很难在眼部储存。因此有眼袋的mm选择眼霜首先就要选择保湿的。 每天拍脸300下 世界著名品牌-法国玛丽艳最近邀请台湾美容教主--牛尔老师,为杭州的VIP会员开讲了一堂“肌肤无龄保养法”的美容讲座,同时现场示范擦脸,可不能小瞧这个拍拍打打,牛尔说他认识一个60岁的老妇人,脖子上愣是没有颈纹,其窍门是每天用化妆棉沾上滋润爽肤水轻轻拍打至少300下,坚持一段时间,把脖子上的角质层愣是给拍没了。 同样的道理亦可以用在脸上有皱纹的部位,比方对付鱼尾纹,就用两根手指撑开侧脸,用眼部活肤眼霜每天至少轻拍200下,过半个月,就会发现鱼尾纹也被擦掉了。 [/url] urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 太神奇了~看哪个部位不顺眼就用擦、拍和敷三个最简单的动作,而且300下并不可怕,一边做其他事一边就拍完了。俗话说得好:没有丑女人,只有懒女人。 介绍女性应如何延缓颈部皮肤衰老 不少女性都只将目光放在自己的脸部肌肤上,忽略了颈部肌肤。 据上海时光整形外科生活美容科左副院长介绍,颈部皮肤是人体最脆弱的部分之一,也是最容易衰老的部分之一。所以,美颈保养得当能够守住你的年龄秘密。 颈部4步骤 第1步:前后活动脖颈,向前要达到胸部,向后时也要让颈部深深地弯曲,让头部和地面达到平行。 第2步:侧向活动脖子向左右两侧交替转动脖颈,使它的侧面肌肉充分得到伸展。 第3步:全方位转动脖颈,用头部画大圈带动脖颈,向右转完,再向左转。 第4步:用双手内侧手掌和指肚部位交替从锁骨向上轻拉至下巴,这个动作双手从颈部一侧开始移动到另一侧,重复做6~8次即可。 让你变年轻的4大排毒饮食 解毒四杰——木耳、猪血、绿豆、蜂蜜 这些是功效显著且最为廉价的解毒食物。木耳因生长在背阴潮湿的环境中,中医认为有补气活血、凉血滋润的作用,能够消除血液中的热毒。此外,木耳、猪血因具有很强的滑肠作用,经常食用可将肠道内的大部分毒素带出体外。绿豆味甘性寒,有清热解毒、利尿和消暑止渴的作用。蜂蜜生食性凉能清热,熟食性温可补中气,味道甜柔且具润肠、解毒、止痛等功能。印度民间把蜂蜜看成“使人愉快和保持青春的良药”。 解毒二君子——苦瓜、苦茶 一般说来,苦味食品都口感略苦,余味甘甜,具有解毒功能,并可清热去热。苦瓜具有消暑涤热、明目解毒之功效。科学家对苦瓜所含成分进行分析后发现,苦瓜中存在一种具有明显抗癌生理活性的蛋白质,这种蛋白质能够激发体内免疫系统防御功能,增加免疫细胞的活性,消除体内的有害物质。 中医认为,茶叶味甘苦,性微寒,能缓解多种毒素。茶叶中含有一种丰富活性物质茶多酚,具有解毒作用。茶多酚作为一种天然抗氧化剂,可清除活性氧自由基;其对重金属离子沉淀或还原,可作为生物碱中毒的解毒剂。另外,茶多酚能提高机体的抗氧化能力,降低血脂,缓解血液高凝状态,增强细胞弹性,防止血栓形成,缓解或延缓动脉粥样硬化和高血压的发生。 排毒使者——海带 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 海带中含有一种叫作硫酸多糖的物质,能够吸收血管中的胆固醇,并把它们排出体外,使血液中的胆固醇保持正常含量。海带表面有一层略带甜味的白色粉末,是极具医疗价值的甘露醇,它具有良好的利尿作用,可以治疗肾功能衰竭、药物中毒、浮肿等。 排毒小卒——日常蔬菜 在我们常食的蔬菜中,也不乏解毒功臣者,如西红柿甘酸微寒,可清热解毒、生津止渴、凉血活血;冬瓜甘淡微寒,清热解毒、利尿消肿、化痰止渴作用明显;丝瓜甘平性寒,有清热凉血、解毒活血作用;黄瓜、竹笋能清热利尿;芹菜可清热利水、凉血清肝热,具有降血压之功效;胡萝卜可与重金属汞结合将其排出体外;大蒜可使体内铅的浓度下降;蘑菇可清洁血液;红薯、芋头、土豆等具有清洁肠道的作用。 日志 返回日志列表 [转] 这样洗脸,六十岁都没皱纹~ 2013-3-14 19:21阅读(18)转载自美丽教主 , 赞 , 转载(18) , 分享(6) , 评论 , 复制地址 , 举报 , 更多 上一篇 |下一篇:生活小窍门让你活... urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 我们天天都在洗脸,只是知道每天洗脸可以让自己的皮肤变的更干净一些,其实我们在洗 脸的时候只要在我们的脸盆中放一点东西,就可以让我们的皮肤变的白嫩,有弹性,我们 还等什么,一起去看看吧。 1、在水盆里放上一点盐,它不光只有杀菌的作用,还可以祛除我们脸上的油脂,特别是那 些油性肌肤,长期使用可以清除我们脸上的油脂,这样我们的脸上就不容易长痘痘了。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 2、如果你的脸是干性皮肤,可以在您的脸盆里适当的加一点蜂蜜。洗脸的时候,轻轻的拍打你的脸部,长期使用,可以让你的肌肤年轻10岁,以前你的干燥皮肤也会慢慢的消失的。 3、在你的脸盆中放一点醋,可以让你的皮肤变的光滑有弹性,因为醋本身就可以改变我们肌肤的酸碱度,长期用它洗脸我们脸上还不容易长痘。 4、如果你是工作在电脑前的白领女性洗脸的时候在水中加一点绿茶可以有效的抵抗辐射,茶叶的鞣酸作用可以让我们干燥的皮肤消失的无影无踪。长期使用还可以让你的肌肤毛孔变细。其实在生活中只要多加那么一点料就可以让我们的肌肤变的更加白晳有光泽。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 靠一双手的几个手指在脸上拍拍打打,就能把皱纹拍掉,若不是亲眼所见牛尔的现场示范,还真不相信。 [/url] 去眼袋的天然食材 1、淘米水+蜂蜜 淘米水是一个神奇的护肤法宝,不但会使皮肤变得白皙无暇,还能有效的去除浮肿。而蜂蜜更是护肤良品,含有大量蜂胶,能够有效地拉紧皮肤纤维,紧致肌肤。因此有眼袋的mm可以将两者混合,取眼膜一枚浸在混合物中,然后敷在眼睛上,大约过15分钟取下。连续敷一个星期,对去眼袋有奇效。 2、冬瓜片去眼袋 冬瓜的主要功效是利尿去湿,并能够消肿排毒,因此冬瓜对去眼袋也有一定的效果。冬瓜去眼袋的操作方法十分简单,将冬瓜切成薄片,然后敷在眼周,15分钟即可取下。 3、胡萝卜+蛋清+藕粉 方法也很简易,将胡萝卜、藕粉和蛋黄放入搅拌机搅拌,然后直接涂于眼周,等干了urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 以后就可以洗掉了。这个方法其实也可以用于全脸,它可以在皮肤上形成一层膜,使皮肤拉紧,回复弹性和细腻。小编自己亲自试过这个方法,效果还是不错的。 4、物理方法去眼袋 物理方法主要是指冷敷热敷法。如果mm的眼袋是刚刚才形成的,那么这种方法很有效。热敷法主要是在睡觉前使用,这样可以有效的促进血液循环,保证明天早上不会形成眼袋。而冷敷法则多用于清晨,主要是为了救急,让眼袋略有缩小。冷敷最好是用盐水,而热敷最好是用橄榄油,这两种液体都有益于减缓眼袋。 5、眼霜选择去眼袋 很多人都觉得既然眼袋是水肿形成的,那就证明眼部的水分过于充足,就不应该选择保湿的眼霜。其实这种认识是十分错误的,眼袋的存在恰恰说明了眼部缺水,因为眼部没有皮脂分布,而血液循环的缓慢,让水分很难在眼部储存。因此有眼袋的mm选择眼霜首先就要选择保湿的。 每天拍脸300下 世界著名品牌-法国玛丽艳最近邀请台湾美容教主--牛尔老师,为杭州的VIP会员开讲了一堂“肌肤无龄保养法”的美容讲座,同时现场示范擦脸,可不能小瞧这个拍拍打打,牛尔说他认识一个60岁的老妇人,脖子上愣是没有颈纹,其窍门是每天用化妆棉沾上滋润爽肤水轻轻拍打至少300下,坚持一段时间,把脖子上的角质层愣是给拍没了。 同样的道理亦可以用在脸上有皱纹的部位,比方对付鱼尾纹,就用两根手指撑开侧脸,用眼部活肤眼霜每天至少轻拍200下,过半个月,就会发现鱼尾纹也被擦掉了。 [/url] urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 太神奇了~看哪个部位不顺眼就用擦、拍和敷三个最简单的动作,而且300下并不可怕,一边做其他事一边就拍完了。俗话说得好:没有丑女人,只有懒女人。 介绍女性应如何延缓颈部皮肤衰老 不少女性都只将目光放在自己的脸部肌肤上,忽略了颈部肌肤。 据上海时光整形外科生活美容科左副院长介绍,颈部皮肤是人体最脆弱的部分之一,也是最容易衰老的部分之一。所以,美颈保养得当能够守住你的年龄秘密。 颈部护理4步骤 第1步:前后活动脖颈,向前要达到胸部,向后时也要让颈部深深地弯曲,让头部和地面达到平行。 第2步:侧向活动脖子向左右两侧交替转动脖颈,使它的侧面肌肉充分得到伸展。 第3步:全方位转动脖颈,用头部画大圈带动脖颈,向右转完,再向左转。 第4步:用双手内侧手掌和指肚部位交替从锁骨向上轻拉至下巴,这个动作双手从颈部一侧开始移动到另一侧,重复做6~8次即可。 让你变年轻的4大排毒饮食 解毒四杰——木耳、猪血、绿豆、蜂蜜 这些是功效显著且最为廉价的解毒食物。木耳因生长在背阴潮湿的环境中,中医认为有补气活血、凉血滋润的作用,能够消除血液中的热毒。此外,木耳、猪血因具有很强的滑肠作用,经常食用可将肠道内的大部分毒素带出体外。绿豆味甘性寒,有清热解毒、利尿和消暑止渴的作用。蜂蜜生食性凉能清热,熟食性温可补中气,味道甜柔且具润肠、解毒、止痛等功能。印度民间把蜂蜜看成“使人愉快和保持青春的良药”。 解毒二君子——苦瓜、苦茶 一般说来,苦味食品都口感略苦,余味甘甜,具有解毒功能,并可清热去热。苦瓜具有消暑涤热、明目解毒之功效。科学家对苦瓜所含成分进行分析后发现,苦瓜中存在一种具有明显抗癌生理活性的蛋白质,这种蛋白质能够激发体内免疫系统防御功能,增加免疫细胞的活性,消除体内的有害物质。 中医认为,茶叶味甘苦,性微寒,能缓解多种毒素。茶叶中含有一种丰富活性物质茶多酚,具有解毒作用。茶多酚作为一种天然抗氧化剂,可清除活性氧自由基;其对重金属离子沉淀或还原,可作为生物碱中毒的解毒剂。另外,茶多酚能提高机体的抗氧化能力,降低血脂,缓解血液高凝状态,增强细胞弹性,防止血栓形成,缓解或延缓动脉粥样硬化和高血压的发生。 排毒使者——海带 海带中含有一种叫作硫酸多糖的物质,能够吸收血管中的胆固醇,并把它们排出体外,使urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 血液中的胆固醇保持正常含量。海带表面有一层略带甜味的白色粉末,是极具医疗价值的甘露醇,它具有良好的利尿作用,可以治疗肾功能衰竭、药物中毒、浮肿等。 排毒小卒——日常蔬菜 在我们常食的蔬菜中,也不乏解毒功臣者,如西红柿甘酸微寒,可清热解毒、生津止渴、凉血活血;冬瓜甘淡微寒,清热解毒、利尿消肿、化痰止渴作用明显;丝瓜甘平性寒,有清热凉血、解毒活血作用;黄瓜、竹笋能清热利尿;芹菜可清热利水、凉血清肝热,具有降血压之功效;胡萝卜可与重金属汞结合将其排出体外;大蒜可使体内铅的浓度下降;蘑菇可清洁血液;红薯、芋头、土豆等具有清洁肠道的作用。 赞女人内分泌的正确调理! 如果你是女生:假如你没有耐心看完,请保存下,或者转一下,有时间再看吧~ 人做得越纯粹,皮肤和身材就越好,没有一个步入更年期的女人能保持少女的模样。脐下三寸之地就是美丽的后花园,问问自己:有没有炎症,有没有痛经,有没有包块和淤塞,已婚女人很难都没有,只要有其一,它们就是皮肤的杀手,用多少化妆品都没有用。 我们的后花园需要如何保护呢, 一,女人不能让自己冷 冷是一切麻烦的根源。冷女人血行不畅,手脚冰凉而且痛经。血行不畅,面部就会长斑,体内的能量不能润泽皮肤,皮肤就没有生气,所以很多女人皮肤像细瓷一样完美,却一点不青春,假假的感觉;而一些年青女人再怎么长豆豆还是很有生机。更可怕的一点是,我们的生殖系统是最怕冷的,一旦体质过冷,它就会选择长更多的脂肪来保温,我们的肚脐下就会长肥肉。而一旦气血充足温暖,这些肥肉没有存在的必要,自动就会跑光光。 女人体质冷、手脚易凉和痛经是普遍的现象。现在就更加普遍: urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 第一,MM们节食,只吃青菜水果,怕脂肪不敢吃红肉,而青菜水果性寒凉的居多。其实,红肉是女姓的恩物,尤其是牛肉和羊肉,都含大量的铁质,可以有效地避免贫血。贫血的MM脸色自然苍白。 第二,MM们白领居多,天天上班坐着看电脑,下班倒着看电视,穿高跟鞋也实在不适合多动。出去约会GG开车来接,买一张健身卡一年用不了两次。因为坐得太多,血都淤在小腹部位。流水不腐,老是不流动的血积压在我们的盆腔,盆腔怎么能不长炎症。一旦有炎症,脸上自然就会发黄起斑。就算不至于发炎,不畅通的血堵在皮肤的毛细血管里,就会肤色不均匀。 第三,MM们爱美,用束身内衣把腰束得紧紧的,其实那一点用没有。束得太紧了,你的生殖系统没有血供应,就更冷,冷就长更多的肉肉。现在冬天都流行穿裙子啊,下面就是一条薄袜子,整个下身都冷了,寒从脚下起嘛。 还有,MM们爱吃冰,为了不生痘痘更爱喝凉茶。其实,女人怕冷,最好是少接触寒性的中药。长豆豆中的很多人不是阳气太旺,而是因为阴虚,阴不能涵阳,与其损其阳气,不如滋阴更合适(后面再说这个)。我观察过,南方喝凉茶多的省份如两广,女人生育之后面部长斑的情形更为严重(生育之后的肥肉不是月子里补的,是生育使生殖系统功产生了伤口、炎症、不通畅,恢复中的系统更脆弱怕冷需要更多脂肪保护)。甚至古代的妓女,为了有效避孕会服用寒凉的中药,可见这些药对生殖系统的伤害。在凉茶中,有一些滋阴补气的,是可以服用的,但性太寒的,就不能用,比如MM流行生食芦荟,这很恐怖,芦荟中最有效的成urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 份大黄素,是极其阴冷的,芦荟外用可治烧伤(像蜈蚣),可想而知它有多冷,没事还是少吃为妙。 呵呵,说了这么多,就是要大家不做冷美人,多吃红肉,生姜、红枣、动物血、糯米酒、樱桃„„总之,含铁丰富或比较温和的东西;有些好东东像银耳、柠檬、笋什么的不要在月经期间吃;随时注意保温,不要喝太冰的东西,多喝热饮;别老在空调房里呆着,也不要要风度不要温度,秋凉了还穿露脐装。冬天最好的保温方法是泡热水,不要节省燃气,在热水里泡上三十分钟,加上按摩,再冷的身体也热了。没法泡浴泡脚也行。再不行就整天捧一杯热开水,怀抱暖水袋,女人怕冷是天经地义的。 当然最好是主动让自己热起来,过分的剧烈运动并无利于减肥,最有效的是腰腹部和大腿内部的拉伸动作,比如早上起来的压腿,前后下腰,总之是以腰部为重点的运动,不要太急促,否则一停下来血会更多地淤集在腰部。温和的瑜伽很有效,拉丁舞也很好。但我更推荐瑜伽,因为瑜伽更注重呼吸,气行才能血行。 还有就是要注意服用一些活血化淤的中药和食品。这一点要很小心,不是每个人都有淤血,化瘀过甚,就会损伤身体,比如造成月经量过多。所以MM可以根据月经量和经血的粘稠度、脸上有没有斑点来判断。活血化瘀类的中药有:益母草、桃花、桃仁、红花,这是从温和到厉害排的,越往后越厉害,我个人建议吃前两种就行了。可泡茶服用(热茶),用桃花泡酒更管用,这些茶和酒还可以用来擦脸,去脸上的黑斑。 二,女人要激素 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 说起来女人真是可怜啊,从第一次月经到绝经就是400多颗卵子,真的是用一颗少一颗,等用完了,咱作为小美女的命运也就基本over了,只能尽力做一个优雅的老太太。每一次排卵的过程就是一次激素的代谢,体内激素水平正常的女人,脸色红润细腻。代谢不好的女人,脸上就会出现各种各样的毛病,我每次在医院体检,偷看那些来治妇女病的女人,一个个脸色灰黄满脸斑点,都不忍心看。 当然激素太多了不好,有时激素过多的结果真的就是特别的好皮肤,我认识一个女人40多岁了脸色比少女还漂亮,后来知道是得了重病不得已用激素治疗才会那样,后果是造成乳腺和子宫的增生,这太极端了。人工激素就是这样的,天然激素就不同,很多都有双向调节功能,能抑制激素太多。所以我反对使用人工合成激素,加在化妆品里我也怕怕。有些高级化妆品声称添加纯天然植物激素,没亲眼见有点不信。 本来嘛,含天然激素的东东很多,吃多点不就完了嘛,我列一下喔:大豆、石榴、淮山、当归、小茴香、雪蛤、蜂王浆„„最有效最有效的就是喝豆浆,因为大豆含有双向调节功能的微量雌激素,又便宜可以当水喝。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 据说日本女性的绝经期比西方女性晚就是大量服用大豆制品的结果。我是深有体会的,自从买了豆浆机每天喝一大杯之后,周期延长到35天。正常女性是28天吧。每个月我偷得7天,如果我仍有200个排卵机会,就为自己争取了1400天,差不多4年时间。 这里补一句,周期也不是越长越好。如果因为生殖器官有病变或比较虚弱,月经周期太长,时间久了生殖器官得不到正常的激素周期的刺激,会早衰的。所以几个月才来一次的MM也不要以为赚到了,不能走极端。 据调查40岁之前女人服用大豆就够了。40岁之后可补充雪蛤或蜂王浆(动物的东东就是厉害一些)。雪蛤很好吃,现在也可以吃,一周一次就好,补多了皮肤好但子宫会长东东。蜂王浆到40岁以后可以开始喝了,可以让更年期延期而且减轻更年期症状。豆浆和蜂王浆都可以外用,生的新鲜豆浆可以用来做水分面膜,豆渣可以用来按摩身体去角质,蜂王浆也可以擦脸,比化妆品便宜天然,都是好东东。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 很重要的一点是要珍惜自己的身体。尤其婚后女性,如果不讲究卫生或频繁人工流产,造成粘连或炎症,整个生殖系统会遭受重创,再怎么调养也很难有面子喔。一次宫外孕就可能造成整个卵巢功能全失。还有一种情况,怀疑自己不孕的女性,用保守的中药调养加运动的方法更安全。不要轻易使用西医的促排卵药物,为了加强受孕的机会(有些MM想要双胞胎),西医可以促使你一次排出多枚卵子,但这是以抑制你以后排卵机能为代价的。你想,一个器官这个月辛苦太多,下个月是不是要休息呢。可是你求子心切不能让它休息,不停使用药物,因为就算是排了多枚卵子,也不能保证一次成功的,促排卵药一次可使你排出6枚卵子,想想女人一生才400枚,你有多少个月可以浪费啊。一旦使用太多,卵巢机能就会严重抑制甚至早衰,它早衰,你青春的基础就没了。俗话说留得青山在不怕没柴烧,中医常说“暖宫孕子”,只要子宫、盆腔气血通了,炎症消除自然就怀上了。乱用促排卵药,如同“杀鸡取卵”一样可怕。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 三,女人要涵养自己的水源 女人就是水做的嘛,脸要水灵灵,眼要水汪汪。不过按中医说法不是养水,而是要养阴。前面我也说了,女人长豆豆不是阳气太盛而是阴气不足,阴不足以涵阳,表现出来的就是火气。 那水能灭火,就多喝水好了,不然,水喝多了也会中毒,肾会负担不了,眼皮会肿起来。那不是真元之气。 女人体内的水分,不能损耗过度。相对我们的身体,很多外在的东东都可以算作火气。比如,五味过甚。太咸太辣太苦的食物,都需要我们用中气来调和,这就是火气。偏偏有些MM口味比较重,或者哪天心情不好压力大,只怕都想来一碗辛辣的陕西凉皮或是水煮鱼痛快一下。中餐是把食物归入五味中的某种味道,其实只是食物并不要紧,关键是调料,尤其是香料。中国的香料世界有名,一碗菜肴里面,比如五香粉,就是桂皮、八角、小茴香、芫荽籽、花椒五íí香料,多半还会再加入姜、葱、蒜、辣椒、陈皮,唉我都数不清了„„这些味道极其浓重的食物会损耗我们的水源~如果它们的温度不是适中的,而是特别冷或特别烫的菜肴,就更多一层损耗。 还有零食~那些经过油炸或烤制的东西,都很香脆。炸过东西的人都知道,油炸就是脱水的过程嘛。口感虽然好,但是脱了水的食物进入我们的身体,就会立刻吸收体内的水分,所以吃多了你感到口干。其实它吸收的不是水,而是身体里的津液。我理解就是一种粘液,和水是不全一样的。 还有我们的心情,如果不宁静平和,而是愤怒、压抑、悲哀、狂喜,urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 这在职场又有什么奇怪呢,可我们要动用身体的中气去中和它。 说来说去我们身体里的这个水源,只要凡事不过度,就是在涵养它了,饮食清淡一点,心情平和一点。那些温和的、口味不太重的、新鲜不加太多调料的食物都是好东东。带有粘液(胶质)的东西特别好,比如猪蹄(炖就好,麻辣的算了)、鱼冻(鱼鳞冻)、花胶(就是鱼的鳔)、银耳、鸡软骨、鱼翅。口味清淡的汤更好,因为它能留在身体里更长时间,而不会被当成水过快地排出体外。女人是滋补出来的,这可一点没错啊。还有,在空调房里要多喝水或用加湿器。 身体里有一定的水份且代谢畅通就好了。水份滞留在体内的人会显得胖胖的,好像多出一层肉肉,脸圆鼓鼓的,眼皮肿肿的。MM们通常用冰块或茶叶敷眼睛。那只是治标之策。体内水份滞留是肾和淋巴的问题。urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 也可能是摄取太多高盐食物造成的。很多减肥药含有利尿剂成份,也是以排除身体水份为主,会加重心脏负担,引发不良后果。 解决方法很多,比如低盐饮食,或按摩淋巴和肾。人体的淋巴比较集中在脖子、腋下、大腿根。可以在晚上洗澡时加点润肤油按摩这些部位,或搓热双手按摩后腰,促使肾脏血液循环加快。 还有一个食疗方法,服用冬瓜。削掉皮,把瓜肉和瓜子一起用搅拌机打成汁(一定要用瓜子,最有效的就是它),在锅里煮,等汁变粘后加冰糖,再煮一会,冷却后会凝成一块。吃法就是用一勺的量泡茶喝。夏天喝这个真是超级清理肾脏废物,还是排除多余水份的好方法。你的小脸会变得很结实,小腰也是喔。 四,UP,就是向上的力量 记得有个叫萧芳芳的女明星说,女人啊,一过了40,除了年龄往上长,什么东西都在往下掉。恐怖喔,我们的皮肤、内脏、咪咪、屁股都时刻在重力作用下,DOWNDOWN,55555„„我家阳台上那棵树,一到春天枝叶就腾腾腾向上窜。有一篇写植物的书说,植物的根扎在土里很深,它的生命力能把土地最深处的能量一直带上云端。人的身体内部也有这种生命力,才能部分抵消重力的影响。 其实相比皮肤和咪咪,更早下垂的是我们的内脏,因为内脏是没有太多支撑的。中年女人容易积蓄脂肪和生理有关,可是中年男人也会长啤酒肚。肚子里有部分是脂肪,更多的是本来应该在上位的内脏掉下来urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 了,肚子就变得特别大。如果没有肋骨的支持,只怕有些人连心肺都会下垂吧。女人也有这样,按说,只有脂肪的腹部应该软软的,但很多人发胖的人,小腹部却是硬梆梆的,这就是因为内脏向下,肠子受到挤压的原因。MM们不能只重视面上功夫,使内脏保持向上的健康姿态,脸上和身上的其它部分就会挺拔。 经常按摩腹部可以保持腹部活力,最推荐瑜伽的腹式呼吸。很简单,在任何可能的时候,关注自己的呼吸,吸气让小腹涨满,呼气让小腹内收。睡前或等车的时候锻炼几分种,腹部就能得到良好的触动。用手按摩是一种外力,而用自己的气息可以调动全身力量。还有一个简易加强版:空腹的时候,双腿站立与肩宽,可略弯腿,尽力向外呼气同时尽力向内收瘪小腹,同时气息向上提,坚持片刻,肛门会自然向内紧收,下巴贴向胸骨,然后慢慢吸气,待小腹恢复正常。这个动作很累人,一开始做三次就好,逐渐加到五次。经常做,小腹内收的程度会越来越大,内脏得到更好的按摩,肠道内的脏东西会更有效地排出体外,腰变细,消化功能也会变得更好。 站着或躺着的时候,经常曲膝压一下自己的小腹,也能消除涨气,排除肠子里的油和废物。要用自己的能量排除这些东西。和减肥药不同,你的身体很知道自己应该排泄什么,药就不知道,它会把身体里的好东西比如水份一起带出去,而体内积蓄脂肪的环境没有改善,很快又会堆起来。 有了有活力的内脏,皮肤才有足够弹性抵消向下的重力,该前突后urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 翘的地方一点也不含糊。 五,节食减肥,不要啦~ 我强大的消化系统简直是金属也熔化了,怕那点脂肪做什么。代谢正常的人就会有最好看的身材。丰乳细腰肥臀是e良好生育力的表现,至于怎么保持良好生育力前面都说过了。食物从泥土里生长出来,带着来自泥土的巨大能量,我种的小葱香菜韭菜,剪了一轮又一轮,我老公都说怪不得把韭菜比成革命者,革命者是杀不完的,哈哈~ 不过,吃食物的方式很讲究,一般人只考虑食物中的营养,其实,还有看不见的能量,就是让我们UP一点,让我们的血不会堵在某个地方的那种能量。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 首先,要吃应季应地的食物,现在我都快没有季节感了,因为青菜水果一年四季都有卖,我们在夏天吃本应冬天才出产的食物,我们的身体与自然之间的微妙联系就断掉了。应季的食物往往最能应对那个季节身体的变化。过去冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,春天吃葱韭,夏天就吃大冬瓜,都是很有道理的。 夏天虽热,但阳气在表,阴气在里,内脏反面是冷的,容易腹泄,所以要吃暖胃的姜;冬天阳气内收,内脏反而是燥热的,要吃罗卜清胃火。再如,我吃肉,却不是每个季节都吃一样的肉,秋冬季节我吃大量红肉,到了春夏,就吃多鱼肉和鸭肉。如果我们不分时节地乱吃,可能在需要清火时却吃了热得要命的东西。何况反季节蔬菜有好多加了化学成分,膨大剂甜味剂什么的,样子漂亮却没味道,化学残留物积累在身体里,损害我们的肝肾。化学的东东太多了,它们解毒的任务好重啊。 再说地域,一个地方的饮食习惯和它的气候风土有关,喜辣的地方,一般都是湿气重或容易发生食物中毒的地方。四川女孩子吃多麻辣也不上火,因为四川湿气重。可是到了干燥的要命的北方,也吃四川菜,本来没什么水分了再除点湿,不长豆豆才怪。墨西哥和印度也吃辣,是因为那些地方热,多辣味可以除肠道寄生虫。我们没有虫也吃,唉,都坏在这张嘴上。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 六,要吃完整的原味的食物 现在的东西不知道为什么都长得那么大,切一小块就能吃饱了。品种也极大丰富。有些人还专门吃食物的一小部分,比如只吃鱼唇、鸭舌,罪过啊。 一个完整的食物,能量和效用也是完整的,分割开来就不是那么回事了。比如鸡蛋,蛋白是凉性的,蛋黄是温热的,加起来吃,是性平的。荔枝是最热气的,荔枝皮却很凉,所以我吃荔枝的方法是先吃够本,再拿几个皮洗干净来泡茶喝。桔子吃多了会上火,可是桔皮却可以清热化痰。建议大家吃粗加工甚至未加工的食物,就是保证食物的某些部分没有被去除。我们现在吃的精米,米胚芽就被基本去掉了。再做成米饼,基本上没有任何对人有用的东西了。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 有时候那些被我们扔掉的东西比吃下去的更有益。我们在吃却不知自己为什么吃。比如玉米,玉米里最有美容功效的是玉米胚芽,就是接近玉米芯的那个一个小小的半圆形的东西,里面富含维生素E,和我们花大钱去买小麦胚芽油来吃是一个效果。所以我吃玉米超狼狈的,就是为了保证那些小胚芽一个不漏。再说吃鱼把鱼鳞扔掉,其实鱼鳞里含大量胶原蛋白,鱼鳞和鱼骨头熬的鱼鳞冻,比皮冻还好。葡萄的皮和籽比果肉更有用,可是我们吃果肉,把皮和籽吐了,再花钱去买葡萄籽精华素来美容。其实市面上买得到带籽的葡萄干,里面的籽晒干后脆脆的,很好吃,还润肠通便,治疗过敏体质。可能是如果便宜的东东MM们会觉得亏待了自己的脸吧。 去饭店吃饭,更要命,不管什么菜,油盐作料一大堆,完全盖过了食物的原味。建议MM们吃完整的食物,多吃小小的食物,小豆子小芝麻小鱼小虾,它们的能量是最完整的。 讨厌啊,到处都在做维生素的广告,好像不吃维生素就不是现代人。还有好多奇怪的营养品。吃,还是不吃,我觉得可以吃一点点,但有三条原则:一,你得明白为什么吃;二,是在食物确实不能满足需要的情况下才吃。三,别吃多了。 那些推销药片的才不管你呢,他告诉你维生素和矿物质是万用药,谁吃了都好。而且卖给你复合的多种维生素,你也就图个省事。劳驾如果什么都缺乏,你应该考虑的是换个食谱了。 推销维生素的还会告诉你很多营养是从食物中吸收不到的,这绝对是谎言~人类就是在现有的食物基础上进化过来的,是我们的体质适应urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 了现有的食物环境,如果不能适应,我们早该像恐龙一样灭绝才是。 尽量从食物中得到足够维生素,但有时我们的身体会有些特殊情况:比如心情紧张时,体内的维B会大量代谢,为舒缓压力我们可以补充维B。适用于女人经前紧张综合症,工作压力特大的时候,以及喝咖啡的女人。维C可以有效防止日光灼伤皮肤,盛夏暴晒后或从海边回来,可以额外补充维C。补钙的时候要同时补充维D,但要同时多晒太阳。准备怀孕或是孕初期保胎可以补充维E(医嘱)。有些维生素补多了没什么大事,水溶性的维生素比如B、C,吃多了最多小便发黄,拉点小肚子。而有些补多了会中毒,像脂溶性的A、D、E还是要听医生的。区分这两种很简单,药片的就是水溶性,胶囊一般就是脂溶性的。其实少吃药更好,补维 B不如口服一点花粉,补维C不如泡个柠檬茶,至于被奉为美容圣品的维E,吃玉米、芝麻就补上了。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 七,吃进嘴里的和抹在脸上的 我所有抹在脸上的东东都是从嘴里省下的,可以抹的东西很多,但是我们的脸相对于内腑五脏只是一个末稍器官,不能让它太疲累,不能整天剌激它。 牛奶:能喝出好多花样,玫瑰的,姜汁的,桂圆的,杏仁的各种奶茶,香蕉、草莓、木瓜、蕃茄的各种奶昔,省一口加一个纸膜可以敷脸。牛奶是敷脸的超级好东东。可以美白、镇静皮肤,特别夏天恢复日晒后皮肤的水份。牛奶里含牛奶酸,比化妆品的果酸温和。敷脸一定要在晚上,白天敷脸再被晒过会长印子。冬天用普通纯牛奶,夏天用脱脂牛奶,但牛奶酸都在牛奶的脂肪里,所以脱脂奶的效果没有全脂奶好。我的折衷方法是自己做半脂奶:把牛奶放在微波炉里加热,冷却后上面形成一层衣,那就是脂肪,揭掉它一次可以去掉一部分脂肪。隔一会再揭一层,牛奶基本上就不含脂肪了。这样你能控制牛奶的含脂肪量,牛奶敷脸不长豆豆,是秘方喔。 蜂蜜:白砂糖是比较热气的,爱吃甜品,可以热饮用冰糖代替,冷饮就是蜂蜜了。蜂蜜是不会坏的,它本身就抑制细菌生长。胃溃疡的人喝它能在胃表形成保护膜,使溃烂的地方得到保护。同样道理,蜂蜜也能护肤,抑制皮肤的细菌生长,用蜂蜜敷脸更简单,连纸膜都省了,顺便可以用它按摩嘴唇、手脚,让它们也得到一点特殊照顾。 橄榄油:橄榄油有软化皮肤的作用。自制矿泉喷雾里滴一点橄榄油,用来喷头发,发质较硬、干燥的,喷过后会变柔顺,还能防止头发被晒urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 伤。橄榄油还可以抹在身上,用手一直抹到脚丫子,它没有想象中油腻,抹完之后用热水冲一阵就好了。在夏天,先抹,再用沐浴露。橄榄油软化皮肤的效果好于我用过的所有润肤露。 珍珠粉:维B和钙是一种超能组合(安利的维B药片就是加钙的),而珍珠粉就是维 B和钙的完美结合。人在精神紧张的时候钙和维生素B的排出量同时加快。所以不管是工作太劳累,经前紧张,还是喝咖啡,都应该同时补充这两种东东。缺乏维B 对皮肤影响很大,会造成感染不易愈合(口腔溃疡或皮肤感染)和脱皮(手脚的皮屑或头皮屑)。珍珠粉还有其它好处:对看电脑的MM可以明目,对睡眠不好的 MM可以安神,对皮肤或其它地方有热毒的可以解毒,对我这种大肚婆它还能安胎。只是要买真正的珍珠粉,不要是贝壳粉~ 啤酒:前面说了缺维B会起皮屑,而啤酒酵母含有大量维B,所以喝剩下的啤酒可以用来洗头。先用水把头发浸湿,然后淋上啤酒,用毛巾包起来,过十分种再按正常程序洗头就好了。以前用奥尼啤酒香波觉得挺好用的,现在找不到了。 花粉:维生素在两种食物中含量最全最丰富,就是花粉和香菇,所以一般情况下吃了花粉就不要再多补维生素了。花粉就是植物的精子啊,含有很多核酸,也是食物中最佳的核酸来源。想生宝宝的MM可以吃喔,保证你的优良基因能传下去。不过花粉含有微量激素,怀孕后就不要再吃了。花粉表面一般都有一层花粉壁,不把它打破,里面的营养就吸收不了。所以冲泡它的时候要热一点的水,而且用勺子把它们全碾urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 碎了再喝。 八,滋阴 我们说的滋阴,其实是相对于不同内脏的火气说的。不同的人火气在不同的地方,有些人胃火大,胃灼热,有口臭;有的人肝火旺,整天发脾气;也有些有肺火,热咳嗽。不过我想大部分MM都没什么病,只是身体暂时失调时,有一点点火气罢了,用不着乱吃药。我更赞成不要整天忙着去什么火,等身体真起了火再去它。因为很难把握尺度,去过了,又太寒凉而伤脾胃。最好平时饮食清淡多样,情绪不要走极端,心平气就平。 滋阴的东西很多,如我们常喝的枸杞,滋补肝肾。枸杞的根,制过之后就是熟地黄,是六味地黄丸的主要成份。我不吃六味地黄丸因为是药,是药三分毒,不如在煮粥时放一点枸杞。再比如苦瓜,去心火,南方到了夏天常用它煲汤,或打成苦瓜菠萝汁来喝。 还有很多:银耳、阿胶、桑椹子、女贞子、玉竹、鸭蛋、冰糖、西洋参、老鸭、百合、墨鱼、莲子、椰子和椰汁。 燕窝,非常滋补。滋阴就是滋养体内的阴液。燕窝是燕子的唾液,凝结后成为胶状,用来保护小燕。一旦被采摘,燕子妈妈只好再吐,到没有唾液了,就会??血,也就是人觉得最滋补的血燕。 雪蛤,是东北一种林蛙的输卵管,和燕窝的效果相似,但雪蛤含激素,不如燕窝性平。如果一星期吃一次,少量激素是好的,加上炖雪蛤urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 一般会加椰汁,椰汁是比较凉的,所以不会有什么问题。 话说回来,要是我们已经上火,再去滋补,不如从一开始就不上火,现代人容易上火或不调,是因为吃五谷太少而制成品太多五味太丰富。其实五谷是正气,补充了中气才是最好的。 九,一树繁花 两年前买了一盆花,艳丽得很。可抱回家不久就开始败落,只一个星期,花全落光了,叶子也枯黄了。有经验的人说这花是喷了激素的,为了卖相好,也有可能只是剪下来的花枝插进盆里,下面没有根的。 我没法验证这些说法,一年来用尽各种办法,买了必开花、花之肥来喷洒。这盆花始终蔫蔫地。直到有一天,家里养的小鱼死了一条,我将它埋在花下。天热了,给鱼换水的机会也多,小鱼的便便全便宜了这盆花,今年春天,花忽然开了一朵,接着就像火星一样,呼拉一下全开了。 如果不是养花,我不会明白女人要怎么爱护自已。25岁以后我试用过各种牌子的护肤品,给我最大打击的是一支VICKY的美白系列的精华素,用后皮肤严重过敏,起水泡。后来才得知这一系列加入的东东是?酸(也叫曲酸),是酿造酱油的时候的副产品,在科学界被广泛怀疑可能诱发皮肤癌。后来试用过SKII 的多元修护精华,用完之后长了一脸豆。 朋友也深受现代美容之苦,在一家高档美容院做皮肤护理,记得是秋天,她的皮肤变得很水润,红红嫩嫩,我都动心了。可到了次年春天,urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 她的脸严重过敏,脸上红一片白一片还脱皮。现在常年在医院皮肤科挂号,只要一停药马上变成大花脸。 我觉得我们简直是被喷了激素讨个好卖相的花。喜欢植物的人都明白,要花开得持久,土地就要有足够的肥力来支撑,那些在花蕾上点一点就能立刻开花的药剂,一停用花就蔫了。 所以朋友送我SKII的美白面膜,说超级有效,用过一次皮肤马上白了许多,我一听说没敢用。 十,化肥 沤农家肥的过程,不怕花钱怕麻烦,小时候家人用蛋壳、草木灰、不吃的鱼腮鱼肠,淘米水,沤出一缸子臭东西去浇菜园。现在我们吃不到这样种出来的菜了,都是化肥催出来的。 人也是化肥催出来的,以手边的口香糖为例,它的配料:木糖醇、麦芽糖醇、胶基、D-甘露糖醇、香料、阿拉伯胶、甘油、明胶、巴西棕榈蜡、乳化剂、甜味素(含有苯丙氨酸)、柠檬黄、靛蓝、抗氧化剂„„MM们买零食也可以试看它的配料表,你就会明白你脸上那些斑点是从哪来的,从一些我们的身体完全代谢不了的废物中来。 人的身体是从自然界的食物环境中获取足够营养。可是如果我们全部从农产品而非工业制成品获取营养,食品加工企业怎么生存下去,所以他们做广告甚至改变我们的营养观念,让我们觉得那些经过无数次加工的食品比刚从地里摘下来的东东更好。 其实,我们用于保养的东西离开土地越久,它的效果就越差。中药urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 里的美容秘方,很多是要强调时间性的。如“新摘的益母草挤汁,配以新鲜乌骨鸡血,用于涂面„„”,一些高档化妆品也许真是用某些稀有植物提取物制成的,可惜这些稀有植物不长在我们家后院,它们被摘下到用于我们的面部,很可能已经历上百道工序并且相隔数年之久。 糯米酒是好东西,特别是冬天,它能补脾胃、益肺气。温能养气,正气旺盛,身体也就温暖了。在冬天加进一些红枣、桂圆、花生,简直就是补血丰胸的不二方。可是好的糯米酒,在超市买不到。小时家酿的糯米酒,几斤米才出一斤酒呢。算一下超市的酒一大瓶才几块钱,加了很多糖水,没几粒米的。自制方法:把糯米蒸熟放凉,拌一些酒曲,然后中间挖一个洞(酒就是渗到那个洞里的),用毯子把整个酒坛包起来,放几天酒香就飘出来了。如果在酒里加女贞子或枸杞,就是女儿酒了。 普通的绿豆芝麻也很美容啊,如果你吃的绿豆糕和芝麻糊没加太多urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 糖和防腐剂。至于它加了没有谁知道呢。工业社会就是如此嘛。MM要是也相信天然的东东,也自已沤肥料试试看。 Q:长痘 MM因为怕长豆而不敢吃红肉的情况很普遍,都觉得红肉热气。如果你本身不喜欢吃肉可以不吃,用其它方式补充铁质也可以。如多吃深红色水果,樱桃、草莓、桑椹、红枣。光吃水果体温会太低,怕红肉热气就不要加太多香辛料,炖就好。加一些蔬菜更好,如烧牛肉加胡萝卜,羊肉火锅同时吃豆腐和白菜。 长豆有很多可能,如果因为激素,可以喝豆浆用豆浆做面膜;特殊时期发豆,喝一些益母草化瘀血;出于压力,吃富含维生素B和钙的食物。太热的天,用蜂蜜水敷脸可以杀菌(蜂蜜放不坏,它本身就杀菌),珍珠粉可以去除面部油脂同时也富含维生素,。都不会有副作用。 不要吃太多太凉的东西,像龟苓糕本身是滋阴的好东东,但吃太多,或吃太冰的就会伤脾胃。一次一小碗,吃到秋凉就行了。手脚冷并且豆印子老也消不去,说明体内有淤血,在月经前后一定保暖,吃温东西。脾胃不是很好的MM,可以在做炖品的时候加薏米,或把薏米蒸熟压成泥吃,可以调养脾胃。薏米对改善粗大毛孔和黑斑有效。 三十以后长的是所谓的熟女豆,不是青春豆。青春豆是皮脂腺分泌旺盛造成的,我们的一般是内分泌出现了小不调造成的,多多活动骨盆,让整个下腹部血液通畅,比如扭腰,摇胯或拉伸大腿韧带,都有利于这个部位的血液循环。 豆豆有两种类型,脾胃蕴热型,豆豆红色,发作面大,可挤出粉粒,urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 同时有口干便秘牙痛口臭等症;气血郁滞型的,豆豆颜色暗红或紫红,经期病情加重。 Q:水果vs.果汁 只有懒女人,没有丑女人。严重赞成这句话。 夏天快到了,超市疯狂促销可乐、七喜、汇源果汁。可是我喝自已榨的果汁。早上起来看见耀眼的阳光,喝一大杯鲜榨橙汁吧。酸酸的味道含了特丰富的维 C,可以镇静、消炎,美白皮肤。维C是非常容易被分解的,只有自已鲜榨的橙汁才有效喔。总之太阳越大喝得越酸,喝冰茶的时候要猛加柠檬汁。 春天是阳气上升的季节,聚积一冬的内热要散发出去。天气忽暖忽 、C的新鲜水果蔬热,身体很容易失调,皮肤容易过敏起豆。富含维B 菜能增强皮肤对阳光和过敏源的抵抗力。这个季节的MM因为日晒会起一些小斑点,把它们“吃掉”吧~用柠檬汁等酸性的东东做面膜,在春天要小心一点,因为春天的皮肤太敏感了。 所有新鲜上市的水果都榨而饮之。蕃茄黄瓜汁加上一点玫瑰花,是超能美白饮料。菠萝汁(榨的时候加一点点盐)不但好喝,而且菠萝蛋白酶可以帮助消化,对吃了肉肉而内疚的MM是救星。木瓜汁也好,木瓜含有木瓜蛋白酶和木瓜酵素,能帮助消化,分解脂肪,美白丰胸喔~ 可能有人会说,直接吃水果不就完了,干嘛费劲打成果汁呢。水果一般饱腹感强,吃两个水果肚子就饱了,打成果汁可以喝更多,也不增加胃肠负担。还可以制程多种水果搭配的复合果汁。 Q:豆浆 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 自制最好,超市里的加糖太多了。自己制可以加冰糖,冰糖比白砂糖清润。自制还有其它好处,想补肾的加点黑豆,补血可以加花生,还能做杏仁茶。秋天喝这个可以润肺止咳。 Q:热茶 之所以只说热茶,是怕大家在天气转热而且干燥的时候贪喝凉茶和冰茶。说到解渴,热茶更理想。天热了肠胃机能一般会差一点,再喝冰东西很伤害脾胃。喝热茶就是当时感觉不够畅快,但过后身体很解渴。其实,温热的茶水会使食物里有效的东东更快运行到身体各处,冰茶就没有这种效果。 推荐:罗汉果一小块,玫瑰花3-5朵,红枣3-5颗,枸杞10颗。热水冲泡, 这壶茶里,罗汉果清热解暑、化痰止咳、凉血、清肺润肠和生津止渴;虽然有甜味却并不含热量;红枣健脾胃、补气血;枸杞明目、滋补肝肾;玫瑰花活血调经,舒肝理气。暑天时一杯热茶下肚,额头上马上出汗。 Q:早上喝盐水 如果没有高血压或肾脏问题,喝盐水没什么不好。尽量淡一点就行。盐水可以去掉胃里的毒素和火气。便秘吃红薯很有效。 Q:斑 眼下的斑点一般对应的是子宫的问题,而颧骨上长的斑点和肝气郁结有关。如果在鼻子和嘴附近就是胃火气比较大。 Q:胃火大 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 胃火分虚实。实火表现为多食善饥、上腹不适、口苦口干、大便干硬。可用栀子、淡竹叶泡茶喝。虚火表现为轻微咳、饮食量少、便秘、腹胀、舌红少苔,可吃些有滋阴作用的梨汁、甘蔗汁、蜂蜜等。火大到不致于要用药的程度,饮食调养就好。少吃香辛刺激性的、油炸的食品,多吃清淡的食物和新鲜蔬菜水果。 Q:皮肤发黄,色不均,眼角有斑,手脚凉,皮肤干 肤色黄表明肝肾功能不旺;眼角的斑点对应子宫气息不畅;手脚凉是MM的通病;一般是生殖系统比较寒凉;气血不通则体内能量不能到达皮肤,皮肤就会比较干燥。皮肤只是一个末梢,它对应的是内部器官的活力。 调养生殖系统是一个很整体的事情,不是吃一点食物或药就行了。运动,饮食和生活习惯都有关系。一旦调养好,好起来的也不只是一个部位,卵巢、盆腔、子宫等各个器官都会相应地好起来,皮肤上各种毛病的消除只是附带效果。客观地说,想靠只吃一两种药立刻治好某一处豆豆或是斑点是不可能的,人体各处是一损俱损一荣俱荣。 Q:特殊时期的痛 战斗的武器,就是老姜。 可能很多人都试过在痛的时候喝姜汤吧。喝一两次效果不一定明显。姜是最能温暖身体的了,并且不会像益母草那样多喝有副作用。一定要老姜,在感觉日子快到或第一天痛的时候吃。把姜削成薄片(姜皮一定要保留),尽量多几片,越辣越好,加几勺红糖。不用怕热量高,女人在此期间可大量吃糖且不会胖。可以再加一点红枣和桂圆。用沸水urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 泡姜茶喝。要喝滚烫的姜茶才有效。如果一杯不够可加红糖再泡一次,两大杯下肚,会喝出一身汗来,痛感能立刻减轻。关键点,姜要够多,茶要够烫。 女人保养自己 爱护自己是很重要的希望能帮助到可爱的女性校友们。 信不信由你:令你美貌无敌的60条美丽箴言~ 1、痘痕是美女的大敌,如果没有遮瑕笔,可以用棉签蘸一点水、一点粉饼涂在需要的部位,也能起到不错的遮瑕效果。 、每天连续做扬头,低头侧转头及水平环转头练习数次,并在生 2 活保持抬头挺胸,可削减颈间脂肪,赶走肉下巴。 3、无论是在家里还是在自助餐厅吃饭,试着比你实际想吃的分量少盛些,这样就不会因为受不住诱惑而进食过量。 4、将薰衣草纯精油滴在枕头上、睡衣的衣领上或滴在棉花球上再塞在枕头底下,能让你睡好一个美容觉。 5、选择喜欢的精油(水果香、花香、青草香)滴在纸巾上,然后放入密封的砂糖罐里保存至少一个星期后,你就能拥有独一无二的芳香砂糖。 6、在食物中加入调味品:橄榄油,大蒜以及新鲜黑胡椒,这样在品尝美味时你会感觉吃的不多也能心满意足。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 7、在汽车方向盘上,放一块滴了2滴紫苏、柠檬或迷迭香精油的棉片,可预防开车打瞌睡。 、随身带一小瓶保湿喷雾,不仅能够保湿,当发丝如群魔乱舞或 8 者裙子不配合地粘在大腿上时,你会发现它更多的妙处。 9、即使你用了锁色唇膏,也难免让美酒佳肴弄得色泽黯淡,颜色淡淡的透明唇蜜能迅速让双唇焕发诱人光采,并不与之前的唇色相斥。 10、饭后喝一杯浓咖啡或者是卡布其诺。咖啡因是一种温和的食欲抑制剂,能帮助你促进新陈代谢。 11、使用植村秀水嫩保湿粉底液不仅遮暇还能强化润肤~其40%与人体体液接近的深海海洋水成分,能让你的妆容清新水嫩。 12、涂睫毛膏时要始终小心地从睫毛根部开始向毛尖方向涂,眼角处的细毛也要涂到,稍有涂到外面的睫毛膏你可以用一根棉签修改掉。 13、不同唇彩可每种颜色单独使用,或按不同比例调和使用,再或者能依次叠加使用,为你的双唇演变出更多诱惑美丽。 14、训练自己只在用餐时进食。戒掉零食可能需要5-10天的时间,在这个过程中,如果嘴巴想嚼点什么,想办法转移注意力。 15、减肥要趁年轻,否则年纪大了皮肤松弛,一旦瘦下来会形成较多的皱纹。 16、每天再怎么熬夜,千万记得在经期结束第一周内加强修复,这是内分泌的重建时刻,要吃饱睡好,反之,老化的速度也会加倍。 17、勿抽烟,抽烟会导致口腔周围的皮肤提早老化,也因皮下微血管的血液供应较少,而加速皱纹的产生。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 18、不管是白领还是蓝领,在闺中还是初为人妻,作为女人的你永远不要大大咧咧,风风火火。要记住,凡事有度;矜持永远是最高品位。 19、自我按摩是护发妙招:将手指在头皮上轻轻揉动,按头皮血液流向心脏的方向,按前额、发际、两鬓、头颈、头后部发际的顺序进行。 20、25岁后不保养,肌肤就会加速老化~但不必花重金投资昂贵保养品,选择有抗氧化成份的产品已足够,如维C或植物萃取复合物都可。 21、OL由于不经常走动,血液回流不顺畅,足部容易疲劳,所以要尽可能在办公室利用闲暇时间走动,常穿舒服平底鞋,定期做足底按摩。 22、用吹风机吹头发不用吹得很彻底,最多只把发根吹干,形成自然蓬松。发干和发梢则让其处于半干状态,这样上护发品时会更方便打理。 23、常饮绿茶、蔬菜汁(芹菜汁、番茄汁等)、果汁,或薯类、杂粮、海藻等食物能帮助排毒,你可每周花两天只吃素食,让肠胃好好休息。 24、通过运动来丰胸是很多女性选择的方法,不仅可以丰胸,还能防止下垂,预防乳腺癌。 25、在家里泡浴时可加入精油,如柠檬草3滴+马郁兰3滴+迷迭香3滴,可去除宿便,排解毒素。 26、运动的同时要时刻补充水分,可以喝水或绿茶,但绝不能喝碳酸饮料,坊间的运动型饮料会影响运动排毒的功效,需警惕~ 27、如果爱吃糖,最好少吃巧克力、糖果这类单糖,尽可能吃水果urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 或淀粉类的多糖,一来可减少身体负担,另一方面也达到摄取糖类的目的。 28、将3匙红糖加热,待溶至黏稠状时熄火,冷却到15度后涂于洗净的脸上,15-30分钟后洗掉,每周2次,这是日本最IN养颜法。 29、保持健康趾甲要多吃含锌、铁和基础脂肪酸的食物;如瘦肉、鸡蛋等。天气干燥时要经常用一些专业的足部乳霜保持足部的湿润、娇嫩。 30、让脚透透气,是防止脚臭的好方法。如公司允许,可以放一双拖鞋在办公室,如果不能,趁上厕所时,脱一下鞋,让脚透透气。 31、晚霜中多含的果酸、A酸成分,因其高感光性和吸光性,不适用于白天。如青睐柠檬、柑橘等果酸的美白效果,也一定不要在白天使用。 32、变瘦的要决就是多动少吃。如果想紧急变瘦,晚餐最好只吃蔬菜汤或小火锅,勿食甜的饮料或点心,少量多餐几天后,脸至少能尖一点。 33、如果皮肤出现过敏或不明原因的小红点,这时应加强保湿,可用没有酒精的化妆水湿敷患处,再涂一点不太油性的凝露保湿。 34、用到处都买得到的眼枕泡热水再泡冰水,交替冷热敷在眼部几分钟,可消除临时性眼睛浮肿。 35、涂上护手霜后,将手浸入热水中,几分钟后再重新擦干手,再涂一层,这样手会变得温暖柔软,有预防手部变糙老化的作用。 36、喝酒或缺乏睡眠会使你的双眼看来非常疲倦,布满血丝,滴上urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 一两滴具有缓和疲劳效果的眼药水,能舒缓眼部毛细血管充血症状。 37、用眉笔在手臂上涂上颜色,用眉刷蘸上颜色,均匀地扫在眉毛上,你会惊喜地得到更为自然柔和的化妆效果。 38、把微湿的化妆海绵放到冰箱里,几分钟后,再将海绵拍在抹好粉底的肌肤上,你就会觉得肌肤格外清爽,彩妆也显得特别清新。 39、温和的洗发水加上少量护发素可用来清洗化妆刷,能令刷毛柔软;用温水稀释清洁剂清洗旧眉刷,是使眉刷恢复原貌的最好方法。 40、如果你戴的是远视眼镜,镜片会放大双眼和化妆,这时候应选择偏暗的眼部色彩;配戴近视眼镜会使双眼显得细小,宜选用明亮的色彩。 41、如果你需要光彩照人,可以试试纯正红色唇彩。这种举足轻重的颜色,会使你的脸变得有磁性,在很多重要场合里都是成功女士的最爱。 42、早上空腹喝一杯槐花蜂蜜或是枣花蜂蜜,既可防止皱纹,又可排毒,长期坚持美容效果非常明显。 43、每天咀嚼15-20分钟的口香糖有助于美容,这是因为咀嚼能促进面部肌肉运动,改善血液循环,提高皮肤细胞的代谢活动。 44、如果胃没有毛病,绿茶和乌龙茶特别适合女性,茶是最天然、最有效的减肥剂,再没有什么比茶叶更能消除肠道脂肪的了。 45、当你涂抹面霜时,挤出比平常稍小的一团用双掌揉开预热,这urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 样更容易使乳液分散在皮肤上。 46、从25岁起,平均每年你都会增加半磅脂肪,特别是在面部和颈部。定期的性生活能增强身体呼吸能力,为皮肤带来更多氧 47、在湿润的皮肤上使用保湿剂,能使保湿剂产生最佳效果,因为它们可以帮助保存水分,为皮肤快速加湿。 48、在眼睛四周涂化妆品时要非常小心,因为这部位的组织特别细嫩,切勿有拉或扯的动作,这会使眼部皮肤组织变松。 49、夜晚是对付粉刺的最好时机,皮肤专家认为用含抗菌成分和控油成分(如锌)的保养品来护理皮肤,有可能让它在一夜间消失。 50、如果一天里连着参加聚会,应在两个聚会之间有意识地安排一份健康加餐,以凉拌、清蒸、或水煮的绿叶蔬菜为主。 51、只要你认为某段时间合适,它就是你合理的运动时间,这完全取于你什么时候想运动的兴趣。关键在于要每天坚持。 52、每晚护肤时给颈部涂保湿乳液,由下至上按摩20-30下,直至乳液完全被吸收。按摩时千万不能直上直下,而要用打圈的方法。 53、用一个小箱子来专门存放香水。如果存放得当,好的香水气味可以持续18个月或者更长的时间。夏季要将冬天用的香水存放入冰箱。 54、喷香水前先涂上润肤露。因为干燥的肌肤会令香氛迅速散发,所以应先以含天然油分的润肤露与香氛混合,则可令香氛更持久。 55、香氛会随时间逐渐散发,所以每隔4-6小时便需重新喷洒一次。同样,若你想在同一天内转换香氛,应在涂香氛后4-6小时进行。 56、涂上防晒霜并不表明万事大吉。通常防晒霜在皮肤上涂抹量为urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 每平方厘米2毫克时,才能达到应有的防晒效果。 57、由于肌肤白天的吸收效果大大低于晚间,为了发挥最大作用,精华素最好都在晚间使用,这样还可延长其使用期限。 58、在进行牙齿美白期间不要饮用咖啡,红酒,茶,如果你实在忍不住,可以尝试用吸管,而不要直接饮用。 59、最简单、方便的美白方法就是多喝水。这样不但可以促进肌肤排毒,还能将因紫外线照射皮肤底层增生的麦拉宁黑色素也一并排出。 60、艳阳天时最好不要食用“感光”蔬菜,如:芹菜、香菜、木瓜等,这些蔬菜会让爱长斑的皮肤更容易长出斑点。 黑豆----百病的克星 黑豆泡醋 制作方法及功效:黑豆煮成七八成熟~然后捞出来用醋泡~大概的比列是10斤黑豆2斤醋~泡一个星期后即可食用~在吃晚饭前吃个20多粒~当零食吃就可以。 黑豆泡醋功效:养肾、补肾。主要症状是~治疗白头发~耳鸣听力下降~眼花~记忆力下降~因肾影响到脾不好。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 视力下降~头晕目眩,这是案头工作的人最大的痛苦。吃黑豆 就能缓解这些不适。黑豆的功效已得到人们高度评价。明朝李时珍在《本 草纲目》中有记载:“常食黑豆~可百病不生。”中国中医科学院西苑 医院张国喜教授指出~黑豆能够滋补肝肾~而肝肾的健康对改善视力有 很大的帮助。此外~黑豆中富含抗氧化成分——花色素和对眼睛有益的 维生素a。这两种重要的营养素不仅能缓解眼睛疲劳~也助于防止视力 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 下降。其中陈醋能促进黑豆中的营养元素溶出~有助于高效摄取营养成份。 醋泡黑豆做法非常简单~首先准备一个平底锅~放入黑豆~但不放油~用中火炒5分钟左右~等黑豆皮迸开后~改为小火~再炒5分钟~注意不要炒煳。将炒好的黑豆晾15分钟后~放入带盖子的干净容器中~之后加入陈醋~浸泡两个小时左右~陈醋被黑豆吸收后~就可以食用了。 醋泡黑豆除了能帮助抑制视力下降外~对治疗慢性疲劳、寒症、肩膀酸痛、高血压、高胆固醇等也都很有效~这些都是在办公室里工作的人最容易得的疾病。 醋泡黑豆做好后当天就可食用~放入冰箱可以保存半年~因而可每次多做一些。黑豆本身具有天然的甜味~醋泡黑豆味道醇和~比较好吃。如果不喜欢醋的酸味~还可以加入少量的蜂蜜。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 黑豆营养丰富~每百克含蛋白质36.1克、脂肪15.9克、膳食纤维10.2克、碳水化合物23.3克、钙224毫克、镁243毫克、钾1 377毫克、磷500毫克~还含有人体必需的维生素b1、b2、c、烟酸和微量元素铁、锰、锌、铜、钼、硒等。黑豆是植物中营养最丰富的保健食品。 黑豆中蛋白质含量是牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉的两倍多~牛奶的12倍~不仅蛋白质含量高~而且质量好。黑豆蛋白质的氨基酸组成和动物蛋白相似~其赖氨酸丰富并接近人体需要的比例~因此容易消化吸收。黑豆脂肪含有较多的不饱和脂肪酸~熔点低~易于消化吸收~不会沉积urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 在血管壁上。其最大特点是含有植物固醇~植物固醇不但被人体吸收~而且能抑制胆固醇的吸收。因此~黑豆对于动脉硬化的中老年来说~是一种理想的保健品。黑豆中富含的钙是人体补钙的极好来源。 黑豆中的钾在人体内起着维持细胞内外渗透压和酸碱平衡的作用~可以排除人体多余的钠~从而有效预防和降低高血压 。黑豆中的铁可预防人体缺铁性贫血~碘可预防甲状腺肿大。钼可抑制强致癌物亚硝胺在人体内合成。黑豆中的异黄酮是一种植物性雌激素~能有效抑制 乳腺癌 、前列腺癌和结肠癌~对防治中老年骨质疏松也很有帮助。在豆皮和豆渣中含有纤维素、半纤维素等物质~具有预防便秘和增强胃肠功能作用。黑豆的血糖生成指数很低~只有1 8~而国人主食的大米饭和小麦馒头却高达88~是黑豆的近5倍。因此~黑豆很适合糖尿病人、糖耐量异常者和希望控制血糖的人食用。 黑豆的吃法很多:磨面可蒸成馒头,煮熟可做凉拌菜,炒熟可做零食 、小吃,磨成豆浆饮料 ,生豆芽可当蔬菜。黑豆虽系保健佳品~但一定要做熟吃~因为在生黑豆中有一种叫抗胰蛋白酶的成分~可影响蛋白质的消化吸收~引起腹泻. urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 黑豆有补虚养血之功~又名乌豆~内含丰富的蛋白质、多种矿物质和微量元素。中医认为~其味甘、性平、无毒。有解表清热、养血平肝、补肾壮阴、补虚黑发之功效。李时珍曰:“黑豆入肾功多~故能治水、消胀~下气~治风热而活血解毒。” 我国自古就有“大豆数种~惟黑入药”的记载~并有大量中药验方。在许多中药中添加黑豆成分~对体虚盗汗、咳嗽、夜尿症、妇科疾病有很好疗效。 黑豆用作食疗的方法很多: 治疗产后百病:黑豆3升~炒热至有烟出~入酒瓶中~经1日以上~每次服此酒半小杯~每日服2至3次~令微出汗~身润即愈。产后常服~既防风气~又消结血,此方名叫豆淋酒,。 治疗虚症:治肾虚消渴~炒黑豆、天花粉各等分~研末~面糊和丸如梧桐子大~每次服70丸~煮黑豆汤送下~1日两次,此方名叫救活丸,,治肝虚目眩~用醋同牯牛胆盛黑豆~悬于通风处~取出后每夜服3至7粒~日久自愈, urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 治疗体虚盗汗:黑豆衣15克~浮上麦15克~水煎服,治老人肾虚耳聋、小儿夜尿~猪肉500克~黑豆100克~煮烂熟~任意食之。 治疗各种血症:治男子便血~黑豆1升~炒焦研末~热酒浸之~去豆饮酒,治坏血病~山楂、黑豆、白糖各120克~捣碎加水3杯煎沸~再加黄酒60克~一次服下,治一切下血~将黑豆以皂角汤微浸~炒熟去皮研末~炼猪油和丸,梧桐子大,~每服30丸~陈米汤送下。 治疗各种白发:治老年白发~黑豆适量~蒸熟晒干~反复几次~用时每取6克~口嚼后淡盐水送下~日服两次,治各种非遗传性白发~黑豆120克~米醋500克~以醋煮黑豆如稀糊状~滤去渣~以洁净牙刷蘸药醋~外刷毛发~每日1次,治脱发~黑豆500克、水1000克,夏季各用1/4量,文火熬煮~以水尽豆粒饱胀为度~取出放器皿上~潮干时撒细盐少许~贮于瓷瓶备用~每在饭后服6克~1日两次~温开水送下即可。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 现代科学研究证明~黑豆富含异黄酮和黄酮混合物、大量的食物纤维和不饱和脂肪酸~特别是黑色种皮含有多种色素和皂甙及独特的活性物质~在黑色食品开发中具有很大的潜力。 黑豆含有大豆皂草甙、燃料木甙等物质~有很强的解表清热和滋养作用,黑豆油可预防动脉粥样硬化~胃、肠溃疡~肠炎及皮肤病,从黑豆中提取的卵磷脂及大豆异黄酮、皂甙等活性物质~可预防和治疗心血管病、高血压病及癌症。黑豆食品有清除自由基~延缓衰老~改善营养性贫血~增强免疫力~提高性功能以及抗应激功能。 黑豆和黄豆、大豆的营养成分相同~但黑豆的蛋白质及铁质的含量较高~所以不少人喜欢使用它制成各种食品~像黑豆浆、泡黑豆酒等。根据日本科学家的临床试验证实~黑豆有降血压功效~传统中医也认为“黑豆解毒补肾”~有利尿、治感冒、活血和解毒等功效。豆类除富含优质蛋白外~也被列为异黄酮的最佳来源~黑豆、大豆含量约118.5毫克、豆粉148.6毫克~其它豆类制品及花生、绿茶也都含有一定的量。异黄酮最直接的作用是改善心悸、盗汗、失眠等更年期症状~尤其可促进人体对于钙的吸收~可改善骨质疏松症状。 目前十分风行的黑豆咖啡~以3:1的比例综合黑豆及咖啡粉~对头痛、肩酸、减肥、降血压都很有效~甚至也出现了黑豆香肠、黑豆冰淇淋、黑豆面条、黑豆酸奶等。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 在长期的农耕社会中~人们发现~牲畜食用黑豆后~体壮、有力、抗病能力强~所以~以前黑豆主要被用作牲畜饲料~其实这是黑豆的内在营养和保健功效所决定的。那时人们崇尚白色食品~只有贫者和食不果腹的人才无奈食用黑豆。但医者和养生者却发现并总结出黑豆的医疗保健作用。 (1)治肾虚消渴 炒黑豆~天花粉各等分~研末~面糊和丸如梧桐子大~每服7 O丸~煮黑豆汤送下~一日二次。 (2)治肝虚眩晕黑豆和醋同放于牛胆中~悬于通风处阴干~取出后每晚服7粒~日久自愈。 (3)治阴虚盗汗黑豆衣1 5克、浮小麦1 5克~水煎服。 (4)治老人肾虚耳聋、小儿夜尿猪肉500克、黑豆1?克~煮熟任意食之。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway (5)治中老年白发黑豆适量~蒸熟晒干~反复几次~日服二次~每次6克~嚼后淡盐水送下。 6)治各种非遗传性白发 黑豆1 20克~米醋500克~以醋煮黑豆如稀( 糊状~滤渣~以洁净牙刷蘸白醋~外刷毛发~日一次 (皮肤病者不宜)。 (7)治脱发 黑豆500克~水1 000克~文火熬煮~以水尽为度~取出放器皿上~微干时撒些细盐~装于瓶中~每服6克~日二次。 (8)治产后风气、血结黑豆3升~炒热至烟出~装入酒瓶~浸一日后~每服此酒半小杯~日3次~令微出汗~身润即愈。 (9)治妇女闭经黑豆30克~红花8克~水煎后冲红糖50克温服。 (10)治男子便血黑豆一升~炒熟~热酒浸之~去豆饮酒。 (11)治小儿胎热黑豆6克、甘草3克、灯芯草7寸、淡竹叶1片~水煎服。 (12)治高血压黑豆200克~陈醋500克~浸一周后~每次嚼服30粒~日三次。 (13)解巴豆中毒水煎黑豆汁饮之。黑豆全国各地均有栽培~因其品种、气候、土质的不同~品质也存在着一定差异~以色黑、光为佳。黑豆的吃法也有很多种~磨面可蒸成馒头,煮熟可作凉拌菜,炒熟可作零食小吃,打豆浆可作饮料,生芽可作蔬菜~既增加维生素的含量~蛋白质和脂肪也更利于消化。黑豆虽系营养保健佳品~但一定要熟吃~因为在生黑豆中有一种叫抗胰蛋白酶的成分~可影响蛋白质的消化吸收~引起腹泻。在煮、炒、蒸熟后~抗胰蛋白酶被破坏~消除了黑豆的副作用。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 黑豆是大豆的一种~传统中医学认为~黑豆是一种既便宜又有助于抗衰老~具有医食同疗的特殊功能的食品。含较丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物以及胡萝卜素、维生素B1、B2、烟酸及粗纤维~钙~磷~铁等营养物质~并含少量的大豆黄酮甙染料木苷。这两种物质均有雌激素样作用。黑豆叶中含叶酸、亚叶酸、核黄素、维生素A及类胡萝卜素等。黑豆衣含果胶、乙酰丙酸和多种糖类。性味归结:味甘性平~入脾经、肾经。 《本草纲目》说:“豆有五色~各治五脏~惟黑豆属水性寒~可以入肾。治水、消胀、下气、治风热而活血解毒~常食用黑豆~可百病不生。”“黑豆入肾功多~故能治水、消肿下气。治风热而活血解毒。”药理研究结果显示~黑豆具有养阴补气作用~是强壮滋补食品。但黑豆也不可多食。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 现在研究:发现黑豆具有一般食物没有的独特物质~正是这些独特物质~提升了黑豆在豆类中的营养保健地位。科学研究显示:黑豆具有 40,~相当于肉类含高蛋白、低热量的特性~其蛋白质含量高达36,— 量的2倍、鸡蛋的3倍、牛奶的12倍,富含18种氨基酸~特别是人体必须的8种酸含量~比美国FDA规定的高蛋白质标准还高。黑豆还含有19种油脂~不饱和酸含量达80,~吸收率高达95,以上~除能满足人体对脂肪的需要外~还有降低血液中胆固醇的作用。因为黑豆基本不含胆固醇~只含植物固醇~而植物固醇不被人体吸收利用~却有抑制人体吸收胆固醇、降低胆固醇在血液中含量的作用。因此~常食黑豆~能软化血管~滋润皮肤~延缓衰老~特别是对高血压、心脏病~以及肝脏和动脉等方面的疾病有好处。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 胆固醇是许多老年性疾病的罪魁祸首~而黑豆即是扮演着不含胆固醇~只含一种植物固醇~具有抑制人体吸收胆固醇~降低血液中胆固醇含量的角色。对于老年人而言~能软化血管、滋润皮肤延缓老化~特别是对高血压、心脏病、肝脏、动脉硬化等老年性疾病大有益处。 黑豆可以抑制血液中的低密度脂蛋白氧化速度~有效降低三酸甘油脂的浓度~减少心血管疾病的威胁。而且~无论是身体健康的人~或是动脉粥状硬化的病人~黑豆都显现出降血脂的效果。 在动物实验上~则是吃了维生素E的高血脂兔子~没有动脉粥状硬化病变~黑豆组效果次之~吃黄豆和一般饲料的兔子血管栓塞很严重。令人惊讶的是~在降低动脉血管硬化、预防血管栓塞的效果上~黑豆竟然比黄豆好~ 黑豆还含有丰富的抗氧化剂——维生素E~能清除体内的自由基~减少皮肤皱纹~达到养颜美容、保持青春的目的。 在古代很多药典中~都记载黑豆可以驻颜、明目、乌发、使皮肤变白嫩。宋朝著名文学家苏东坡就曾记述~当时京城内外~少男少女都为了养颜美容而服食黑豆。 过去~曾有青春痘患者在食用黑豆一段时间后~情况好转。这应该是因为黑豆中的纤维质含量高~吃了一段时间后~自然会加强肠道的排毒作用。如果你想减肥或者治疗便秘,醋黑豆是很有效的一种方法。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 民间多称黑小豆和马科豆~是因它色黑形小、能作猪马的精饲料之故~与黄豆同属大豆类。药用还有用黑豆加工的大豆卷、豆豉、黑豆衣等。 ?黑豆的药用 ?治痄腮:黑豆80克、绿豆100克、冰糖50克。水煮至豆烂,待冷后食用,一日一次,连用2,3日。 ?治风湿性关节痛:黑豆100克,生姜100克,木瓜60克。水煮至豆烂,食豆与汤,一日一次,连服3,5次。 ?治肾虚腰痛:黑豆80克,小茴香5克,杜仲10克,猪腰1只。水煮至urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 猪腰熟透为止,空腹时食猪腰及汤,一日一次,连吃三天。 狗肉100克,食盐适量。水炖至肉熟豆?治小儿夜间遗尿:黑豆50克, 烂,在睡前一小时吃完。连服5,7天即效。 ?治老年性耳聋或肾虚耳聋:黑豆100克,黑狗肾l只,食盐适量。水炖至豆烂。每早空腹吃,一日一次,连吃3,5日即效。 ?治肝虚眼花:黑豆100克,猪肝100克,食盐5克,水适量,文火煮至豆烂。一日一次,早上空腹吃,连吃5,7天。 ?治妇女白带:黑豆100克,淮山50克,党参30克。水煮豆烂加白糖一次服完,一日一次,连服3,7天。 ?诸鱼中毒:黑豆50克~煮汁一碗~饮之即可解毒。 ?老人肾虚耳聋:取猪肉500克~黑豆100克~煮至烂熟~任意信之即可。 ?黑豆可降血压 日本科学家通过9年的临床试验~证实黑豆有降低血压等效用。在传统urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 的中医药学里~黑豆是一种药材~对肾脏起作用~有利尿、治疗感冒、 活血和解毒等功效。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 我07年~腿痛~走路一瘸一拐。80多岁的刘老师看到了。告诉我一个治腿痛的药方。我用了以后~果然效果明显。直到现在我的腿没再那么痛过。刘老师也是用此方治好了她的腿痛。 我的腿痛了几年了。越来越重。用了很多药方都不见效。我的皮肤过敏。有些药方~用了以后没治好腿痛。反而起了红疙瘩~非常痒。还要治过敏。 这个方子首先不过敏。尤其实合过敏体质的人用。 2斤麦麸。2斤醋。2两花椒。2两{100克}徐长卿~{药店买}。一大把艾子。共5样药材。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 首先用水把花椒~艾子~徐长卿放些水{不要太多}煎一下~再把醋倒进去烧开~然后把麦麸放进去拌匀。要不干不湿。 再准备个棉布袋~把拌好的药装进去。放到腿痛部位热敷。为了防止散热快。上面盖上毯子保暖。好了。等药凉了拿下来。你起来走走。就轻快多了。再用时~把布袋里的药放在锅里蒸一蒸~热了可以再用。一直用下去。常蒸它也不坏。 每天一次或者两次。天天热敷一直到好。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway
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