

2017-09-20 9页 doc 32KB 36阅读




3G工程师培训.3G工程师培训. 3G工程师培训 3G是英文3rd Generation的缩写~指第三代移动通信技术。相对第一代模拟制式手机(1G)和第二代GSM、CDMA等数字手机(2G)~第三代手机一般地讲~是指将无线通信与国际互联网等多媒体通信结合的新一代移动通信系统。它能够处理图像、音乐、视频流等多种媒体形式~提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务。为了提供这种服务~无线网络必须能够支持不同的数据传输速度~也就是说在室内、室外和行车的环境中能够分别支持至少2Mbps(兆字节,每秒)、384kbps(千字节,每秒)以及14...
3G工程师培训. 3G工程师培训 3G是英文3rd Generation的缩写~指第三代移动通信技术。相对第一代模拟制式手机(1G)和第二代GSM、CDMA等数字手机(2G)~第三代手机一般地讲~是指将无线通信与国际互联网等多媒体通信结合的新一代移动通信系统。它能够处理图像、音乐、视频流等多种媒体形式~提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务。为了提供这种服务~无线网络必须能够支持不同的数据传输速度~也就是说在室内、室外和行车的环境中能够分别支持至少2Mbps(兆字节,每秒)、384kbps(千字节,每秒)以及144kbps的传输速度。 3G是第三代通信网络~目前国内支持只有GSM和CDMA两种网络~GSM设备采用的是频分多址~而CDMA使用码分扩频技术~先进功率和话音激活至少可提供大于3倍GSM网络容量~业界将CDMA技术作为3G的主流技术~国际电联确定三个无线接口~分别是CDMA2000~WCDMA~TD-SCDMA~也就是说国内CDMA可以平滑过渡到3G网络~3G主要特征是可提供移动宽带多媒体业务~其中高速移动环境下支持144kbit/s 速率~步行和慢速移动环境下支持384kbit/s速率~室内环境支持2Mbit/s速率的数据传输。 3G工程师就是从事3G通讯技术行业的工程师. 职位描述:3G工程师包括3G无线软件开发工程师、3G无线研发质量工程师和3G无线网络、优化工程师等。 前景预测:业内专家指出.通信行业3G标准投入运营以后.每年将为我国创造80万至100万的新增就业机会。既懂互联网又掌especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 握电信技术的人员将成为企业新宠。 需要哪些素质: 由于3G技术对手机软硬件高级开发工程师有着非常高的要求~就一般企业而言~3G工程师必须拥有通信、电子类专业本科以上学历~熟悉移动通信原理及微波通信技术~能熟练使用C或C++语言编程~具有丰富的数字电路或硬件开发工作经验~或者具备CDMA、GSM或TD-SCDMA、WCDMA等手机软/硬件开发经验等。从3G对人才素质的要求来看~目前高校培养的应届毕业生似乎难以符合市场的要求~事实上~3G行业相关的服务企业也更加倾向于从通信行业从业人员中进行招聘。但这并不意味着大学生就没有入行3G的机会~通过学历教育打下的深厚基础~再辅以职业培训~大学生们还是能够在竞争激励的3G职场找到属于自己的一席之地。 国家信息产业部于2006年9月~在全国通信行业启动了3G职业资格认证及培训工作。 三大3G培训认证 1.摩托罗拉MCNE-UMTS系统工程师培训认证 由摩托罗拉工程学院推出~该学院是国内最早开展3G培训认证的机构。该项目重点为运营商、设备厂商、各种电信服务商以及关联行业培养“通用型职业技术人才”。培训内容涉及WCDMA、UTRAN、CoreNet-work等各分系统的功能、及实现方案的相关原理~并引入移动通信网络规划、建设及实施的项目管理知识。具体包括UMTS空间接口WCDMA原理,MCNE-U2,、UMTS UTRAN原理,MCNE-U3,、UMTSespecially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 核心网原理,MCNE-U4,、电信项目项目管理,MCNE-U4,四门课程。所有高级课程均由具备多年移动通信网络理论与实践经验的专家级教师讲解。通过全部考试者可获得摩托罗拉工程学院授予的MCNE-UMTS系统工程师证书。 适合对象:业内技术人员、社会人士、高校学生。 2.摩托罗拉职业等级认证,MPC 该认证为摩托罗拉公司专业无线通信设备的技术等级认证~是移动通信领域最早推出并获得全球移动运营商普遍认可的认证标准之一~重点为行业内运营商、工程服务企业培养“专业型职业技术人才”。认证级别为基础理论级、专业技能级,中级和高级,和专家级。培训强调对从业能力的综合考核~不仅考核学员知识的掌握程度~更注重其实践能力和水平。学员参加理论课程培训后~将参加摩托罗拉全球统一的理论考试,英文,~通过考试后获得技术一级证书,具有2-3年相关工作经验~并通过理论考试和实际操作考试~可获得中级认证证书,具有5年实际工作经验~能熟练使用英语通过严格的理论和实践考试~并通过实际系统问题分析解决能力现场检验及项目答辩~可获得专家级认证证书。 适合对象:在通信领域从事技术工作1年以上~并具有一定英语水平的专业人员。 3.国家3G移动通信职业资格认证 该认证由国家信息产业部职业技能鉴定中心主办。培训内容包括第三代移动通信系统概述、WCDMA系统、CDMA2000系统、TD-SCDMAespecially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 系统、第三代移动通信系统业务、第三代移动通信系统网络规划~以及3G业务的应用与开发等。凡通过考试者~可获得相对应的信息产业技术水平助理工程师、工程师、高级工程师证书~该系列证书现已与全球相关认证实施互认。 适合对象:移动通信营运与制造企业、电信设计研究院的技术管理人员~维护、设计、开发人员~工程技术人员。 目前在北京~有多家公司有3G设备~可用于培训实习~Co-Exceed协力超越 就是典型代表~北邮、信科大等众多高校都接触到了目前最先进的3G通信设备~基站~并使用终端进行测试等实习。3G也在不断进步和完善之中。 3G培训认证 作为IT产业的重要组成部分~飞速发展的移动通信行业对人才有着更高的标准和更强的需求,而3G时代的到来~无疑进一步将这个行业对人才的需求推向新的高峰。合格的人才主要来源于教育和培训。而目前我国人才的主要供给渠道——高等院校由于体制和机制的原因~很难做到紧跟技术变革和应用创新~培养出符合行业最新需求的人才。因此~以企业为中心、以市场为导向、以技能培养为目标的职业教育和职业培训自然将成为3G人才输送的重要力量。针对此种需求~北京乐成职业教育研究院在信息产业部职能部门的悉心指导下~历时18个月~精心打造并推出了“数字通信软件开发工程师”课程~和“乐成数字通信学院”项目~并开始全面招生。 3G课程介绍: especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 3G手机嵌入式软件开发工程师—Symbian平台 本课程致力于培养手机嵌入式软件开发高级人才~以C++技术为主~基于Symbian OS系统的手机嵌入式软件开发高端人才。 主要就业企业为NOKIA、大唐移动、Sony Ericsson等大型手机制造商、手机软件客户端开发商及手机软件外包开发商。 3G手机游戏开发—JAVA ME平台 本课程致力于培养基于JAVA ME平台开发的高级人才~深入掌握JAVA、JAVA ME、JAVA WEB等技术~从事基于JAVA ME平台的手机游戏开发、手机嵌入式软件开发高端人才。 主要就业企业为盛大数位红、大头网等从事手机游戏开发公司~其公司类型为手机游戏开发公司或手机客户端软件开发公司 3G移动增值业务开发—WAP平台 本课程致力于培养移动增值开发类人才~具体包括短信、彩信、IVR开发工程师~WAP网站开发工程师~移动商务软件开发工程师等。 主要就业企业为空中网、猫扑、TOM等SP公司以及移动商务软件开发公司~其公司类型包括服务供应商SP公司、移动商务开发公司、经营WAP的CP公司、设备供应商公司等。 学员主要就业从事主要工作包括:手机WAP网站开发、彩信MMS开发、语音增值业务IVR开发、Java EE移动商务网站开发、Java EE企业级应用系统开发等。 以上课程为乐成数字通信学院培训课程 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there
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