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百事可乐PK可口可乐百事可乐PK可口可乐 弱势者的营销战略之百事可乐挑战可口可乐 双击页面自动向下滚动 发布者:中国品牌网 2006-4-20 阅读: 至少在我们截稿的这一天,乐凯与富士的合资前景依然暧昧。 上月末,一篇名为“柯达棋输一招,乐凯富士合资感光行业大变局”的文章报出“重大新闻”——乐凯和 富士将于7月中旬召开新闻发布会正式对外公布合资事宜。随即双方各自否认了媒体所披露消息的真实性 ,但却都留有余地,明眼人一眼就可以看出,媒体所报绝非空穴来风。 然而,我们所关注的并不是乐凯、富士究竟能不能合资成功,而是在中国这样一个巨大...
百事可乐PK可口可乐 弱势者的营销战略之百事可乐挑战可口可乐 双击页面自动向下滚动 发布者:中国品牌网 2006-4-20 阅读: 至少在我们截稿的这一天,乐凯与富士的合资前景依然暧昧。 上月末,一篇名为“柯达棋输一招,乐凯富士合资感光行业大变局”的文章报出“重大新闻”——乐凯和 富士将于7月中旬召开新闻发布会正式对外公布合资事宜。随即双方各自否认了媒体所披露消息的真实性 ,但却都留有余地,明眼人一眼就可以看出,媒体所报绝非空穴来风。 然而,我们所关注的并不是乐凯、富士究竟能不能合资成功,而是在中国这样一个巨大的感光市场上,原 柯达、富士、乐凯三足鼎立的战略格局将发生一个怎样的变化,作为绝对领先的行业领导者——柯达公司 是否将因为这样一个合资举动,而陷于被动与不利之中, 老二、老三紧密携手,共同向行业老大发起挑战和进攻,这就是行业挑战者的重要战略。我们看到,惠普 、康柏之联合,成为了蓝色巨人IBM强有力的挑战者;科龙、美菱之携手,意在掀动冰箱老大海尔的宝座 „„ 在任何一个细分市场上,都会有各自的领先者或领导者,比如可口可乐、宝洁、通用汽车等。同样,在他 们周围,还有着一群虎视耽耽的挑战者。“当那些市场领先者用习惯方法经营业务时,挑战者已经树立了 更大的雄心壮志和使用较少的资源正在扭转局面。” “在行业中占有第二、第三和以后位次的公司可成为居次者或追随者公司。例如高露洁、福by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 特、百事可乐 等公司。这些居次者可以采用两种姿态中的一种:他们可以攻击市场领先者和其他竞争者,以夺取更多的 市场份额——市场挑战者;或者他们可以参与竞争但不扰乱市场局面——市场追随者。”(菲利普?科特 勒) 中国市场的竞争日趋激烈,在任何一个行业或者同一个细分市场上,都有多个产品或品牌在竞争。面对一 个看似饱和、过度竞争的市场,新进入者或落后者的机会在哪里,如何与行业领导者对决,如何在敌手如 林的商战中获得一席之地、生存、发展并且壮大,这是众多企业面临的共同的和最重要的商业课题。 目前国内IT、汽车、饮料、家电等市场,已经出现了若干个成功的“挑战者”或“追随者”,他们成功的 轨迹蕴藏着丰富的商业方法、管理工具和营销思想内涵,具有极高的普遍价值和借鉴意义,需要社会各界 来探讨、挖掘。 《成功营销》本期以“弱势者的营销战略”为题,分析行业中居次者或三、四者之市场营销战略,它们分 别是—— * 市场挑战者战略 * 市场追随者战略 * 市场补缺者战略 * 市场扰乱者战略 一、市场挑战者战略 每一个屈居老二的企业大都瞄准了行业的领袖,梦想着有朝一日取而代之。 从挑战者变成领先者,可选择的途径有三种: * 攻击市场领先者。 挑战者需仔细调查研究领先企业的弱点和失误:有哪些未满足的需by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 要,有哪些使 顾客不满意的地方。找到领先者的弱点和失误,确定自己进攻的目标。例如,为了向亚洲的主要金融市场 东京发起挑战,香港和新加坡采取的策略是向顾客收取更低的费用,提供更自由的管理,努力克服官僚主 义作风等。 * 攻击与自己实力相当者。 设计夺取它们的市场阵地。 * 攻击小企业。 对一些地方性小企业中经营不善、财务困难者,可夺取它们的顾客,甚至这些企业本身。 * 连横伐纵。 与同行业的竞争企业结成战略伙伴或者整体合并。 但企业在确立挑战者的战略之前,一定要充分地审时度势,把握时机。而首先应该认清自己。挑战者要成 功地进攻领先者需要满足三个基本条件: 1(拥有一种持久的竞争优势,比如成本优势或创新优势。以前者之优创造价格之优,继而扩大市场份额 ;或以后者之优创造高额利润。 2(在其他方面程度接近。挑战者必须有某种办法部分或全部地抵消领先者的其他固有优势。 3(具备某些阻挡领先者报复的办法。必须使领先者不愿或不能对挑战者实施旷日持久的报复。如果没有 一些阻挡报复的办法,拥有资源和稳固地位的领先者一旦卷入战斗就能用进攻性的报复,迫使挑战者付出 无法承受的经济和组织代价。 当以上条件具备了之后,我们要选择的是进攻的战略。 从本刊精心选择的“百事可乐挑战可口可乐”、“朝日啤酒挑战麒麟啤酒”、“蒙牛挑战伊利”的案例中 ,我们可以十分清晰地窥见企业英雄们的不凡之举。 by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 选择进攻战略 正面进攻。 正面进攻应是集中全力向对手的主要市场阵地发动进攻,即进攻对手的强项而不是弱点。在 这种情况下,进攻者必须在产品、广告、价格等主要方面大大超过对手,才有可能成功。正面进攻的胜负 取决于双方力量的对比。正面进攻的另一种措施是投入大量研究与开发经费,使产品成本降低,从而以降 低价格的手段向对手发动进攻,这是持续实行正面进攻战略最有效的基础之一。 侧翼进攻。 侧翼进攻就是集中优势力量攻击对手的弱点,有时可采取“声东击西”的战略,佯攻正面, 实际攻击侧面或背面。这又可分为两种情况:一种是地理性侧翼进攻,即在全国或全世界寻找对手力量薄 弱地区。另一种是细分性侧翼进攻,即寻找领先企业尚未为之服务的细分市场,在这些小市场上迅速填空 补缺。 包围进攻。 包围进攻是一个全方位、大规模的进攻战略,挑战者拥有优于对手的资源,并确信围堵 的完成足以打垮对手时,可采用这种战略。例如,近年来日本精工公司已经在各个主要手表市场的销售 中取得了成功,并且以其品种繁多、不断更新的款式使竞争者和消费者瞠目结舌。该公司在美国市场上提 供了约400个流行款式,其营销目标是在全球制造并销售大约2300种手表。 迂回进攻。 这是一种最间接的进攻战略,完全避开对手的现有阵地而迂回进攻。具体办法有三种:一是 发展无关的产品,实行产品多角化;二是以现有产品进入新地区的市场,实行市场多角化;三是发展新技 术、新产品,取代现有产品。 游击进攻。 这主要适用于规模较小力量较弱的企业的一种战略。游击进攻的目的在于以小by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 型的、间断性 的进攻干扰对手的士气,以占据长久性的立足点,因为小企业无力发动正面进攻或有效的侧翼进攻。但是 ,也不能认为游击战只适合于财力不足的小企业,持续不断的游击进攻,也是需要大量投资的。还应指出 ,如果要想打倒对手,光靠游击战不可能达到目的,还需要发动更强大的攻势。 案例1 可乐争霸战 可口可乐(市场领先者) VS 百事可乐(市场挑战者) 挑战途径:攻击市场领先者 挑战策略:以价格战手段进行的正面进攻+以细分市场为手段进行的侧翼进攻+以地理性侧翼进攻将战火蔓 延到全世界 挑战结果:百事可乐与可口可乐的销售差距从1960年的2.5:1,缩小到1985年的1.15:1,可口可乐的领导 地位首次出现危机。在1985年底,百事可乐的销售额一度超过了可口可乐,到1986年古典可口可乐才夺回 宝座。 在饮料行业,可口可乐和百事可乐一个是市场领导者,一个是市场挑战者。世界上第一瓶可口可乐于1886 年诞生于美国,距今已有117年的历史。这种神奇的饮料以它不可抗拒的魅力征服了全世界数以亿计的消 费者,成为世界饮料之王。作为市场后起者,有两种战略可供选择:向市场领导者发起攻击以夺取更多 的市场份额——挑战者战略;或者是参与竞争,但不让市场份额发生重大改变——追随者战略。显然,经 过近半个世纪的实践,百事可乐深刻地意识到,后一种选择连公司的生存都不能保障,是行by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 不通的。于是 ,百事可乐向可口可乐发出太强有力的挑战,并在与可口可乐的交锋中越战越强,最终形成分庭抗礼之势 。 1902年可口可乐公司投下12万美元广告费,使可口可乐成为最知名的品牌。次年,可口可乐改变配方,除 掉古柯碱成分。由于受到广告刺激与禁酒运动的影响,可口可乐快速成长起来。 1915年,来自印地安那州霍特市的一位设计师推出了6.5盎司的新瓶装,使得可口可乐与其他仿冒品相比 ,显得不同。此后,这种新瓶装约生产了60亿瓶。 百事可乐最早是以Me-too(我也是)的策略进入市场,你是可乐,我也是可乐。CocaCola的命名是取可乐倒 进杯中,喀啦喀啦的声音,Pepslcola的命名则是取打开瓶盖可乐冒气“拍嘘”的声音,两种可乐音同而 首字不同。 在1970年后,可口可乐公司的重点从“清凉顺畅、心旷神怡”的软性诉求,转向 “只有可口可乐 才是真正可乐”的防御策略。提醒消费者可口可乐才是真正的创始者,其他都是仿冒品。后来更进一步将 CocaCola浓缩为Coke一字,以摆脱百事可乐的同名干扰。这样店老板再也不会搞不清是拿可口可乐还是拿 百事可乐。这是领导性品牌围、追、堵的很好策略。 百事可乐成长于30年代经济大恐慌时期,由于消费者对价格很敏感,因此1934年百事可乐推出了12盎司装 的瓶子,但与可口可乐6.5盎司的价格一样,也是5分钱。百事可乐利用电台广告大力宣传“同样价格、双 倍享受”的利益点。它成功地击中了目标,尤其是年轻人的市场,因为他们只重量不重质。 1954年可口可乐销售量降低了3%,百事可乐上升12%。1955年可口可乐不得不发动反击,by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 同时推出10盎司 、12盎司及16盎司新包装。但为时已晚。可口可乐从50年代以5?1的悬殊销售比领先百事可乐,到60年代 百事可乐已将比例缩小到一半。 百事可乐的另一个成功策略是抓住了“新一代”。从1961年开始,广告强调“现在,百事可乐献给自认为 年轻的朋友”,1964年喊出“奋起吧!你是百事的一代”,使这个观念更明确风行,大大影响了年轻人的 传统意识。 百事可乐广告的成功,在于充分掌握了年轻人的喜好,使电影和音乐的魅力再现于广告影片中。百事可乐 先后以“大白鲨”、“ET”、“回到未来”等主题拍摄饶富趣味的CF,特别是以流行音乐制做CM CONG, 引起广大青年人的共鸣。他们还率先聘请当代知名的摇滚红歌星如麦克?杰克森、莱诺?李奇、蒂拉?透 娜等作为电视广告主角,最近又与迈阿密风云男主 角唐强生(Don Johnson)签约演出新CF,声势更大。这 一系列广告影片,风靡了全世界的新一代,使其品牌形象不断上升,甚至有凌驾可口可乐之上的趋势。 百事可乐不仅在美国国内市场上向可口可乐发起了最有力的挑战,还在世界各国市场上向可口可乐挑战。 在美国市场,百事可乐因为可口可乐的先入优势已经没有多少空间。百事可乐的战略就是进入可口可乐公 司尚未进入或进入失败的“真空地带”,当时公司的董事长唐纳德?肯特经过深入考察调研,发现前苏联 、中国以及亚洲、非洲还有大片空白地区可以有所作为。 1959年,美国展览会在莫斯科召开,肯特利用他与当时的美国副总统尼克松之间的特殊关系,尼克松 by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine “想办法让苏联领导人喝一杯百事可乐”。于是在各国记者的镜头前,赫鲁晓夫手举百事可乐,露出一脸 心满意足的表情。这是最特殊的广告,百事可乐从此在前苏联站稳了脚跟。1975年,百事可乐公司以帮助 前苏联销售伏特加酒为条件,取得了在前苏联建立生产工厂并垄断其销售的权力,成为美国闯进前苏联市 场的第一家民间企业。这一事件立即在美国引起轰动,各家主要报刊均以头条报道了这条消息。 在以色列,可口可乐抢占了先机,先行设立了分厂。但是,此举引起了阿拉伯各国的联合抵制。百事可乐 见有机可乘,立即放弃本来得不到好处的以色列,一举取得中东其他市场,占领了阿拉伯海周围的每一个 角落,使百事可乐成了阿拉伯语中的日常词汇。 70年代末,印度政府宣布,只有可口可乐公布其配方,它才能在印度经销,结果双方无法达成一致,可口 可乐撤出了印度。百事可乐因此乘机以建立粮食加工厂、增加农产品出口等作为交换条件,打入了这个重 要的市场。 在与可口可乐角逐国际市场时,百事可乐很善于依靠政界,抓住特殊机会,利用独特的手段从可口可乐手 中抢夺市场。 百事可乐与可口可乐的销售差距从1960年的2.5?1,缩小到1985年的1.15?1,可口可乐的领导地位首次 出现危机。在1985年底 ,百事可乐的销售额一度超过了可口可乐,到1986年古典可口可乐才夺回宝座。 专家点评: 百事可乐从产品命名开始便矛头直指强势对手可口可乐,到更新包装低价攻击,再到寻求可by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 口可乐的弱势 市场谋划布局,直至精心设计CF演绎品牌内涵,无一不表现出百事可乐对市场和消费者的深刻理解与独到 诠释,而这种入木三分的认识和独具匠心的运筹帷幄,全来自百事可乐卓越的市场感知能力。基于丰富市 场知识基础之上的市场感知能力,不仅能了解顾客价值曲线上的各价值要素,还能辨别在不同的环境下, 不同细分市场和目标顾客对各价值要素的敏感程度,并且在深入分析顾客的同时,时刻不忘竞争对手,密 切监测竞争对手的动向,把握适时的竞争格局,据此制定极具针对性的竞争战略和营销策略。这种市场驱 动型战略思维正是企业获得与维持竞争优势的有效途径。 可口可乐公司的“自乱”也给了百事可乐以可乘之机。文中没有提到的是,可口可乐公司营销战略中最大 的败笔是其全面更改可口可乐的配方,降低了大批消费者的忠诚度,导致市场占有率大幅下降,而百事可 乐借机扩张市场,最后可口可乐公司不得不重新使用老配方,但市场版图已是今非昔比。 案例2 朝日挑战麒麟 麒麟啤酒(市场领先者) VS 朝日啤酒(市场挑战者) 挑战途径:攻击市场领先者 挑战策略:集中全部资源发展新产品进行迂回进攻+实力足够强大后发起以价格战为手段的正面进攻 挑战结果:1976年麒麟啤酒占有日本啤酒销售量的64%,朝日啤酒险些连行业第三的位置也保不住,1993 年,朝日的“舒波乐”成为日本啤酒行业中的第一品牌;1998年,“舒波乐”登上了单个品牌市场份额第 by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 一的宝座;2000年,朝日啤酒公司总销量第一。 2002年发布的数据表明,多年雄踞日本啤酒类制品销量第一的麒麟让位给了老对手朝日。1976年,麒麟啤 酒是曾经占有日本啤酒销售量的64%的垄断企业,朝日啤酒却曾经险些连行业第三的位置也保不住。时隔 20多年后,一个弱小的企业竟然在竞争中越战越强,销量跃居第一。这一进一退,引起了日本经济界的关 注。《日本经济新闻》发表社论,题目是“啤酒业界的首位交替的教益”。文中指出:“弱小企业战胜强 大竞争对手必须具备下述三个条件:其一,挑战者的技术革新;其二,有评价这一企业努力的自由市场机 制;其三,竞争对手的失误。” 回顾日本啤酒业的发展史会发现:在市场发生大的变化时期,抓住消费结构变化和市场结构变化的机会是 企业起飞的重要因素。然而,能不能及时地洞察、把握这种市场变化,是能不能抓住发展机会的决定性要 素。战前,大日本麦酒独步天下,麒麟要弱小的多。战后,麒麟是靠抓住消费结构变化机会起飞的,也是 因为未能洞察消费结构变化、被朝日捷足先登而开始走下坡路的。 在战后的相当长的时间内,朝日啤酒由于允许三得利公司运用自己的特约店销售系统,销售额每况愈下。 到1980年,几乎连啤酒行业第三位的位置也保不住了。朝日啤酒真正由退却转向进攻战略是在1986年,这 一年,樋口广太郎担任了朝日啤酒的社长,在生产上采用了非加热技术生产,提高原材料质量、开始大规 模的广告攻势。同时,花费15亿日元全面回收朝日的陈旧啤酒,给朝日带来了一新的面貌。次年,朝日啤 酒迈出了决定性的一步,推出了“舒波乐”品牌。“舒波乐”的开发,推出了“干啤”这一啤酒新观念, by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 把握了随着食品构成的变化而来的消费者嗜好的变化,给没有强势品牌的日本啤酒业带来了革命性的变化 ,掀起了日本啤酒业树立品牌之战。 挑战者的战略——鲜度经营 朝日推出“舒波乐”的第一年度,销售额比上一年度增加了33%。看到了成功的朝日啤酒迅速地扩大了生 产规模,在消费者热情的支持下,朝日啤酒的市场份额开始迅速回升,从1986年的10%左右上升为1988年 的20.6%。 1993年濑户决定实施“鲜度经营”战略,这是他挑战日本啤酒行业第一的方略,那就是在舒波乐品牌上集 中经营资源、挑战第一的大战略。濑户首先对“舒波乐”和朝日的其他品牌进行了定位,他认为朝日的其 他品牌与“舒波乐”相比,只是“行星”,“舒波乐”才是太阳。而朝日当时作为第二位的企业,在拥有 的经营资源数量和质量上,都要略逊于第一位的企业。濑户反复地强调“第二位的企业要挑战第一位企业 是有方法的”,那就是“集中经营资源”。在“集中经营资源”的指导思想下,朝日啤酒把经营资源集中 到了通过“鲜度经营”增加了能量的“舒波乐”品牌上,把广告费用集中投向“舒波乐”品牌,彻底强调 舒品牌的“杀口”、“爽快”和“鲜度”三大特点,开始了夺取第一的挑战。 濑户雄三用“更为执着的鲜度追求”来概括后来的鲜度战略,他回顾朝日挑战鲜度的历史时说了下述这样 一段话: 公开了“生啤No.1宣言”之后,我趁势进一步追求“啤酒就靠鲜度”这一近乎偏执的概念。职员们的慢吞 by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 吞的想法是“一点点地增加鲜度就行了”,我却大声疾呼:“一鼓作气干到底”。迄今为止,啤酒从成品 到送到顾客手里要花15天,我却说:“10天以内送到~”要做到这一点,不改变包括各种条件的整个系统 是办不到的。大家的反应是“办不到”。这时候就要看主帅的领导能力了。我只有一句话:“干”~花了 一年,这个目标大致实现了。我又说了,“只要干不就实现了,再缩短点~”当时,从成品到出厂4天, 从工厂到销售店7天,所以最初认为不可能的10天目标大致实现以后,9.5天、8天、7天,逐渐缩短。我现 在强调的是“从成品到销售店缩短到4天”,追求是没止境的~ 麒麟犯了错误 《日本经济新闻》的社论指出:“居于首位的企业,在收集的市场信息量和人才等经营资源的动员能力上 ,都比处于较低地位的企业有很大的优越性。如果他们不犯错误,是没有可乘之机的。”那末,麒麟有没 有战略上的错误呢,当然有。 1993年朝日啤酒在电视上播出了“生啤酒销量No.1舒波乐”的广告。这个举动引起了竞争对手麒麟啤酒的 恐慌,也引发了对手战略上的错误。1996年麒麟啤酒公司轻易地把自己的深受消费者爱戴的强势品牌“麒 麟lager”改成了非加热制造,犯了在自己不熟悉的领域与对手决战的兵家大忌,最终失去了传统消费者 的支持,销量急落。 在销售战略上,一向处于优势的头号厂商给零售商的回扣和用于赠送顾客的礼品是最少的,虽然自己的特 约批发商可以搞专营,但零售商那里却是要顺应顾客要求的,同样的销售条件下,回扣和礼品多的厂商自 by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 然会赢得零售商的欢迎。应该说:作为第一大厂商麒麟的跋扈是导致战略失误的根本原因。?? 从这一年起,“舒波乐”上升为日本啤酒品牌中名副其实的第一品牌。1998年,在舒波乐品牌诞生10年 以后,终于登上了啤酒市场份额第一的宝座。 如前所述,日本啤酒行业历来没有价格竞争,1994年以后,随着泡沫经济崩溃后的萧条长期化,日本消费 者期待低价格商品的心理逐渐表现出来,三得利的发泡酒打响了价格战的第一枪,札幌和麒麟相继加入, “麒麟淡丽”品牌的诞生扭转了发泡酒作为廉价啤酒的形象,使之商品价值大大提高,发泡酒成为啤酒最 有力的替代商品。当时,朝日为了集中经营资源把舒波乐市场扩展到顶峰,一直宣称不搞发泡酒。2000年 下半期,由于长期萧条、国民收入下降的影响,舒波乐的市场扩展暂时告一段落,朝日开始集中经营资源 突破发泡酒,“朝日本生”品牌、味觉、宣传都给人以耳目一新的感觉,销量突飞猛进,一举把朝日啤酒 推上了啤酒制造厂商单独结算销售额第一的地位。 专家点评: 朝日战胜麒麟的案例,是一个典型的利用价值创新的战略逻辑来超越竞争对手,获得竞争优势的案例。价 值创新的战略逻辑与一般的创新思维最大的不同点在于,它是从顾客而非技术的角度来分析创新活动,并 借助价值曲线这一工具来描述最终的创新结果,其目标是努力超越现有产品或服务的价值标准,使新产品 的价值曲线显著不同于原有产品或服务的价值曲线,其成功是以顾客最终接受新产品或服务的价值标准为 标志。 by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 消费者的喜好是不断变化的。这些变化对市场导向的企业意味着机会,而对于内部导向的企业则无异于一 场灾难。麒麟的起飞是靠抓住了消费结构的变化,而被朝日捷足先登也是由于未能洞察消费结构的变化。 朝日敏锐觉察到消费者对啤酒潜在需求上的变化,全力推出“干啤”这一啤酒新观念,并为了保证战略构 想的实施,集中企业资源,全力打造标志性干啤品牌。这一过程中最为重要的是,朝日重组了顾客的价值 曲线。经过持续的运营改善,朝日大大提高了“啤酒鲜度”这一价值要素,其结果是朝日所描绘的价 值曲线显著不同于竞争对手,并且这种新的价值标准是为顾客所接受的,最终赢得了顾客,赢得了市场。 但需要注意的是,以这种价值创新的途径所形成的新经营模式,若不能以企业自有核心技术作为支撑,可 能很容易被竞争对手模仿,企业只能在有限的时间内获得竞争优势。长久之计在于,企业应利用这段有限 的时间,利用学习曲线迅速的降低成本,从成本上来阻遏竞争对手的模仿。 by Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine
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