

2017-10-16 11页 doc 37KB 13阅读




春天应该注意什么春天应该注意什么 春天应该注意什么一 冬天大地水分易蒸发,气候最干燥,西北风吹大地更显得干寒,这会大大削弱人体上呼吸道的防御功能。 “立春”一过,有些人认为春天到了,于是就急急忙忙地脱下冬装,俏美起来,殊不知这对人体保健没有一点好处。 因为早春季节乍暖还寒,正是西北风和东南风相互交替的时候,冷暖气流经常呈拉锯状态,因此气候忽冷忽热,变化无常,若忽视保健极易得病。 这时的气候正如谚语所说:“春天猴子脸,气候随时变。” 春寒虽不像寒冬腊月“三九”、“四九”那样酷冷,但若过早地追求“俏美”,很可能使人体防御功能进一步被摧毁,...
春天应该注意什么 春天应该注意什么一 冬天大地水分易蒸发,气候最干燥,西北风吹大地更显得干寒,这会大大削弱人体上呼吸道的防御功能。 “立春”一过,有些人认为春天到了,于是就急急忙忙地脱下冬装,俏美起来,殊不知这对人体保健没有一点好处。 因为早春季节乍暖还寒,正是西北风和东南风相互交替的时候,冷暖气流经常呈拉锯状态,因此气候忽冷忽热,变化无常,若忽视保健极易得病。 这时的气候正如谚语所说:“春天猴子脸,气候随时变。” 春寒虽不像寒冬腊月“三九”、“四九”那样酷冷,但若过早地追求“俏美”,很可能使人体防御功能进一步被摧毁,导致流感、肺炎、哮喘等呼吸道疾病的发生,或使原有的疾病加重。 忽冷忽热的气候,易使人体的血管不断收缩扩张,很不稳定,这对患有高血压、心脏病的人危害极大,它会使患高血压病人发生“脑中风”,诱发心绞痛或心肌梗塞。 忽冷忽热的干寒气候更易使体弱的儿童遭受“倒春寒”之苦,感染白喉、百日咳、猩红热、感冒等疾病。 据医学史料记载,早春患胃肠溃疡病的人比平时多,病情易加重。 祖国医学强调“春捂”。一是因为人们刚刚度过“冬藏”阶段,代谢功能、抗病能力较低;另一依据是受严寒的激发,人体肾上腺素和甲状腺素分泌量都大大增加,以维持人体产热的高度均the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 衡。当春天来临时,随着气温变暖,体内产热逐渐减少,代谢也随之变化,这时负责保持体内恒温的下丘脑和体内各系统,对气候变化的应变能力需要经过几个星期的时间才能调节好。早春忽冷忽热的气候给肌体调节增加了困难。加之冬季闭合的汗腺早春逐渐放开,春寒就更易侵入人体使人致病。强调“春捂”正是为了使人在体内产热量下降后免遭春寒侵袭。究竟应该捂到什么时候,则要看个人体质的好坏,不能强求一致。 体弱者预防春寒病要注意这样几点: (,)适当多捂一段时间中医学讲风为百病之长,春季多“风病”。老弱者早晚外出,特别是大风降温之时更应注意保暖。人的背部为“阳之之阳”,主持人体气血运行的肺脏心脏,都在胸背部。若背部保暖不好,风寒之邪极易通过背部侵入人体,使旧病复发,病情加重。 (,)多吃健脾壮阳食物。中医学讲“当春之时,食应减酸宜甘以养脾壮阳”。老弱者春季进补,可多吃些含维生素、微量元素丰富且易消化的食物,如鸡、鸭、瘦肉、蛋类、新鲜蔬菜、水果、野菜,不但能健脾壮阳,也利于消化。 (,)居室宜除尘通风居室紧闭一冬,会有不少灰尘积聚,早春除尘通风,能减少和抑制病菌病毒繁殖,预防疾病。 (,)莫负春光去锻炼春天万物复苏,到处是生机盎然、赏心悦目的景象,是老弱者外出锻炼的大好时机。到丛绿环境中去锻炼,能吸收到更多新鲜氧气,改善心肺功能,提高大脑的兴奋the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 度,使肌体更迅速更准确地调节好体温,适应春季多变的气候; 阳光中的紫外线能抵御和杀死多种病菌病毒,有效地预防流脑、 流感、麻疹等疾病;阳光中的紫外线还能使皮肤中的脱氢胆固醇 转化为维生素,,促进肌体对食物中钙和磷等微量元素的吸收, 起到防治皮肤癌和老年性骨质疏松的作用。 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 春天应该注意什么二 春天来了,天气乍暖还寒,养生请注意以下几点: 一、起居规律 在春天到来之时,皮肤舒展,末梢血液供应增多,汗腺分泌也增多,身体各器官负荷加大,而中枢神经系统却发生一种镇静、催眠作用,肢体感觉困倦。这时千万不可贪图睡懒觉,因为这不利于阳气升发。为了适应这种气候转变,在起居上应早睡早起,经常到室外、林荫小道、树林中去散步,与大自然融为一体。 春天气候多变,时寒时暖,同时人体皮疏松,对外界的抵抗能力减弱,所以春天到来之时不要一下子就脱去厚衣服,尤其是老年人和体质虚弱者。 二、饮食调养 春季人体新陈代谢开始旺盛,饮食宜选用辛、甘、微温之品。 春季饮食应避免吃油腻生冷之物,多吃富含维生素B的食物和新鲜蔬the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 菜。现代医学研究认为,饮食过量、缺少维生素B是引起春天发困的原因之一。 春天是肝旺之时,多食酸性食物会使肝火更旺,损伤脾胃。应多吃一些味甘性平,且富含蛋白质、糖类、维生素和矿物质的食物,如瘦肉、禽蛋、牛奶、蜂蜜、豆制品、新鲜蔬菜、水果等。 三、养足精神 人的精神活动必须顺应气候的变化。人体受季节影响最大的时候是季节更替期间,尤其是冬春之交。有些人对春天气候的变化无法适应,易引发精神疾病。现代医学研究表明,不良的情绪易导致肝气郁滞不畅,使神经内分泌系统功能紊乱,免疫功能下降,容易引发精神病、肝病、心脑血管病、感染性疾病。因此,春天应注意情致养生,保持乐观开朗的情绪,以使肝气顺达,起到防病保健的作用。 阳春三月是万物始生的季节,此时要力戒动怒,更不要心情抑郁,要做到心胸宽阔,豁达乐观;身体要放松,要舒坦自然,充满生机。 四、运动养护 入春以后要适应阳气升发的特点,加强运动锻炼,可以到空气清the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 新的大自然中去跑步、打拳、做操、散步、打球、放风筝,让机体吐故纳新,使筋骨得到舒展,为一年的工作学习打下良好的基础。实践证明,春季经常参加锻炼的人,抗病能力强、思维敏捷、不易疲劳、办事效率高。 五、保暖防病 春天到来,天气转暖,致病的细菌、病毒等也繁殖迅速,因而流行性感冒、麻疹、流行性脑膜炎、猩红热、肺炎等传染病最容易发生。“春捂秋冻”就是顺应气候的养生保健经验。因为春季气候变化无常,忽冷忽热,加上人们用棉衣“捂”了一冬,代谢功能较弱,不能迅速调节体温。如果衣着单薄,稍有疏忽就易感染疾病,危及健康。患有高血压、心脏病的中老年人,更应注意防寒保暖,以预防中风、心肌梗塞等疾病的发生。 春天强调要防风温,是因为此时是由寒转暖,温热毒即开始活动。如果平时身体虚弱,就会因受风热外邪而发生风温病(如流感等)。根据民间经验,可用下述方法预防:其一是在水中浸泡贯众。取贯众500克,放置于水缸或水桶中,每月更换1次。其二在住宅内放置一些薄荷油,任其慢慢挥发,以净化空气。实践证明,此方法有一定的灭菌作用。 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 此外,春天百花争艳,花粉随风飞扬,过敏性哮喘患者最容易发 病。其预防方法首先是坚持身体锻炼,提高机体抗病能力;其次要讲 究卫生,消除病虫害以杜绝病源,要保持室内空气新鲜,多开窗户。 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole
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