

2017-10-15 12页 doc 176KB 49阅读




米聊、微信、飞聊、个信七大主流语聊社交通讯软件功能及市场分析米聊、微信、飞聊、个信七大主流语聊社交通讯软件功能及市场分析 在最近的聊天软件市场中,米聊、微信、飞聊、个信、翼聊和沃友口信这六款主流软件可谓是火爆全场。新颖的聊天方式,实用的软件功能都让很多机友们对它们是爱不释手。今天,我们就来点评一下这几款软件,看看他们到底优势在哪,缺点又是什么。 腾讯微信是这类软件中最早开始研发和测试的,但正式发布公测的时间却比米聊晚了点,加之它的语聊功能的推出也比米聊晚,所以让很多人误认为它是在抄袭米聊的功能。其实并非网友们所说的那样,做为从一开始就跟着微信内测过来的我,在这也为它做一个证实吧。 ...
米聊、微信、飞聊、个信七大主流语聊社交通讯软件功能及市场 在最近的聊天软件市场中,米聊、微信、飞聊、个信、翼聊和沃友口信这六款主流软件可谓是火爆全场。新颖的聊天方式,实用的软件功能都让很多机友们对它们是爱不释手。今天,我们就来点评一下这几款软件,看看他们到底优势在哪,缺点又是什么。 腾讯微信是这类软件中最早开始研发和测试的,但正式发布公测的时间却比米聊晚了点,加之它的语聊功能的推出也比米聊晚,所以让很多人误认为它是在抄袭米聊的功能。其实并非网友们所说的那样,做为从一开始就跟着微信内测过来的我,在这也为它做一个证实吧。 微信可以说是腾讯公司继QQ之后开发的最实用和强大的聊天软件了,加之目前腾讯将两着之间做了更多关联,软件的功能也是越来越强大。尤其是最近推出的LBS交友功能,能查找到自己所处位置附近使用微信的人,非常的有意思。 软件优点:微信最大的优势就是能收发各类与QQ相关的信息,而不需要再登陆各种客户端来查看。同时,软件支持语音聊天,支持群聊功能,支持LBS交友功能,非常的方便和有趣。 软件缺点:无法进行消息推送,只能双方都打开客户端的情况下才能进行新消息。 市场份额:微信自2011年1月发布以来,截止11月注册用户数已超过5000万,活跃用户达2000万。 【腾讯微信】 米聊 是国内最早发布公测客户端的公司,也是最早推出语音、群聊功能的语聊软件,一开始客户端的声势迅猛,但后来被资源强大的微信将声势盖了下去。不过,米聊上的涂鸦功能到是只此一家,非常好玩。自微信推出找附近的人之后,米聊也顺势推出了这个功能,这也让软件在查找好友方面更方便了~ 软件优点:找朋友功能强大,除了手机、查找附件的人之外,还能寻找人人、MSN好友,并且可以推荐好友的好友;广播功能,类似于微博;支持发送涂鸦、位置信息、表情包丰富;可查看聊天状态,包括已发送、已读、对方正在输入等。 软件缺点:无法记住帐号,每次都要登陆。在对话界面里,附近小助手、米聊小秘书、好友推荐小助手永远排在前3个,占掉了好大地方。非常不方便~另外,这个软件也不支持消息推送功能,只能登陆之后才能看得到消息提示。 市场份额:米聊自2011年1月发布以来,截止11月注册用户数已超过700万。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 【米聊】 飞聊 随着语音聊天市场越做越火爆,中国移动也坐不住了,推出了一款基于飞信的语音聊天软件。飞聊这个东西嘛,真说不好。首先,它的后台很硬,而且用飞聊给飞信的好友发的短信也是免费的,相当于飞信和米聊的结合体,虽然目前软件的界面和功能很让人过意不去,但毕竟目前它还只是个beta版嘛,成长空间还很大。只不过现在这种软件太多太多了,机友们都开始有审美疲劳了。 软件优点:直接使用手机号注册,和飞信共享好友,可以用流量发消息,也可以通过飞信发免费短信;可以绑定新浪微博和139社区;发送语音消息时还可以进行变声,包括海豚音、小沈阳啥的,也算给玩儿腻了的语音来个创新。 软件缺点:UI界面设计得比较一般,功能也比较少;在发送语音或文字时需要左右滑屏切换,有些麻烦;聊天界面中无法查看当前好友名片。 市场份额:飞聊自2011年9月份发布以来,截止2012年1月,飞聊下载次数超过1千万次。 【飞聊】 个信Lava这个软件虽然名气不大,知道的人也不如其他软件来得多,但其实它也是国内比较早做此类产品的,甚至比米聊要早,但它却赶了个晚集。也因此,个信在推出的时候就没打算和它们做成同一类型,像米聊、微信就比较偏向于纯IM,而个信则比较偏向于手机短信增强工具,要是它和其他那俩软件凑到一块还就真不错了。具体一点的说:米聊和微信只能在双方都在线的前提条件下,发出去的消息才能及时进行提醒,但如果对source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 方不在线的话,就一直都会看不到。而个信的话,如果对方不在线,则会将信息内容转变成普通短信来通知对方。虽然这是需要花钱的,但至少达到了通知的目的,只是如果你怕花钱的话,可以选择不发送~ 软件优点:就是上面说的,即使对方不在线,也能把消息及时发过去,所以它不能直接归为IM;注册方便,直接识别手机号;可以替代系统短信做为收发短信的工具;可以收淘宝的物流信息;有备份通讯录功能;支持群发。 软件缺点:加好友只识别手机号,微博好友只能发私信,不能发短信,所以好友方面薄弱,适用于熟人之间,有跟陌生人聊天需求的就没办法了;虽然有名片设置功能,但因为没法查找陌生人,所以用处不大。 市场份额: 【个信】 口信 是奇虎360旗下的产品,主打安全牌,整合了新浪微博与360安全软件。 软件优点:它的特色是快速便利的登录方式,除此之外与同类产品并无太大区别,大胆预测口信未来会在其他功能点上发力。 软件缺点:其弱点正如易观国际的分析师所说,360在移动端没有用户关系网络的优势,在移动IM市场若想寻求机会只能依靠新浪微博和用户手机通讯录的关系网络,但毕竟这不是其独有的资源。试想没有用户资源的产品,怎么能实现顺畅、大范围的沟通, source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 【口信】 翼聊 市场份额:自2011年10月中旬发布以来,截止2011年11月底,翼聊注册用户超过400万。 【翼聊】 沃友: 市场份额:自2011年8月发布以来, 【沃友】 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 从上面的测评来说,目前实力最强的当属腾讯的微信,米聊虽然早它开发,但却没有腾讯的那些基础资源。其 次应该是飞聊了,虽然这软件目前都还属于测试阶段,但它的后台优势太强了。而且支持免费发送短信,这在 消息提醒方面应该是最强的。排名第二,只能说是因为目前功能和使用人数还无法超越微信。而个信则是最没 用的一个软件,无论从个个方面进行对比,它都不存在什么优势。就目前最大的优势就只剩下界面简单和自动 将离线消息转成短信息发送了。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of
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