

2017-10-24 23页 doc 261KB 12阅读




乌龟靠垫的编织方法乌龟靠垫的编织方法 哪位朋友也想织一个乌龟靠垫~我会把编织方法耐心地告诉您的~现在我就分述如下~并送给看花临水和深院锁清秋~以及其他喜欢编织的朋友们。 整个过程大概分五步。 一、背部。背部由三片组成~先织哪片都行~两边的两片织法一样。大约需三两线。 中间片织法:起19针,小乌龟起11针,开始advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, t...
乌龟靠垫的编织方法 哪位朋友也想织一个乌龟靠垫~我会把编织方法耐心地告诉您的~现在我就分述如下~并送给看花临水和深院锁清秋~以及其他喜欢编织的朋友们。 整个过程大概分五步。 一、背部。背部由三片组成~先织哪片都行~两边的两片织法一样。大约需三两线。 中间片织法:起19针,小乌龟起11针,开始advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 织平针~在从两边数4针处,小乌龟2针,~隔一行分别加1针~一直加到针数为31针,小乌龟起19针,时开始减针~位臵和加针时一样。减至19针,小乌龟起11针,时~用另一种颜色的线织出一道反针~然后再开始加针~同前面说得一样~重复3次~共四个小块。 两边两片的织法:起19针,小乌龟起11针,~织平针~从左边起3针处开始加针~隔一行加2针,注意是只加一边~要织出一个三角形的,~直到19针,小乌龟11针,~全织齐时~换另一种颜色的线,要和中间的那片一致,织出一道反针~然后再开始加针~与中间片一样~重复三次~这时针数应是19针,小乌龟11针,~开始减针~与起头时对称~隔一行减2针~剩3针时收边~即织好一片~共织两片。 最后一步是三片缝合。从中间片开始~用上述打反针时的线~顺着一侧挑针~每个小辫内挑一针~全挑齐后再织一道反针返回开始处~与另一片从反面缝合~缝法就像我们织毛衣上袖子一样。然后再从另一侧~以同样的方法缝合另一片。 至此~最复杂的背部就完成了~其余都简单了。 二、腹部。大约需一两半线。可以换一种颜色~也可不换~看您如何搭配好了。起61针,小乌龟33advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 针,~织平针~分别从两边数14针,小乌龟6针,~处开始加针~隔一行两边分别加2针~直到把61针,小乌龟33针,~全织齐时~不加针不减针再织94行,小乌龟56行,~其实就是织到两侧各有47个,小乌龟28个,小辫时即可~开始减针~和起头时对称~隔一行两边分别减2针~减到剩33针,小乌龟21针,时收边~腹部就完成了。 三、背部和腹部缝合。用织反针道时的线~先把背部顺着边沿挑针~共挑216针,小乌龟122针,~基本是每个小辫1针~织3圈后换原来的深色线~织6圈~再换回浅色线织3圈~不收边~就穿着针待用。然后将腹部也以同样的方法织出一个边来~两片缝合时~反针冲上~也就是腹部对着我们进行缝合~让缝合时留下的小辫在腹部。 这一步的关键是:两大片的位臵一定要对好~腹部与背部要对称~否则~整个形状会扭曲~不好看。到这儿主体基本完成。 四、脚、尾和头 脚:起24针,小乌龟18针,~转圈织平针。织12圈,小乌龟10圈,后开始织片~从任意一处留3针开始~每圈两边各加一针~织出一个弯状~剩一针时开始收针~就像我们织鸡心领毛衫时收领口一样~advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 三针并一针~真到收完~这时一个弯弯的尖脚就完成了~共织四只脚。 尾:起24针,小乌龟18针,~织平针。织12圈后开始减针~这个没什么规定~您只要酌情减出一个尖尖的尾巴就可以了~全长两寸半左右,小乌龟两寸,。 头:起22针,小乌龟18针,~来回织平针~隔一行两边各减1针~剩8针时~开始加针~顺着原来减针的小辫挑~速度一样~22针,小乌龟18针,全织齐时~把起头时的22针,小乌龟18针,一起挑起~共44针,小乌龟36针,转圈织~与我们小时候织袜子的方法以一样~织四五圈后开始减针~只在一面减~一般选挑针的一面~让它作为头的下面~隔一圈减2针~分别从22针,小乌龟18针,的两边减~这样能保持头部的上面光滑好看~减到剩30针,小乌龟24针,时~不再加减~再织一寸收边即可。 眼睛是最出彩的地方~我在上篇日志里已大概说了做法~您完会可以开动脑筋~再想出些更好的办法来与大家交流。嘴巴是缝出来的~我用的倒钩针~目前还没有发现更好的办法~期待您能想出好方法来。 五、最后就是组装了。用0.5公斤,小乌龟3两左右,膨松棉~除了塞满头、尾和脚外~全部填入advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 主体内~刚填入时像个足球~您需要把它挤压一下~使膨松棉在里面均匀些、踏实些~然后用钩针从上下两片里边的挑针处缝合~当然要用同一色的线~记住在缝合时~尽量使膨松棉充满边沿~这样才更有立体感。然后将其余零件尽时仔细的缝到主体上~你的作品就大功告成了: 看见写了这么多~还临时学了画图解~也不知介绍清楚了没有~其实做起来比写起来要简单的多~您在编织过程中会发现~原来并不复杂。 笛韵祝您编织出更加靓丽的作品来: advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 中间:起20针,开始加针,正针加,反针不加,两边各留两针, 加到46针,在用同样的方法减针到20针锁住。 边:起46针,平织14行,开始减针,正减反不减,两边各留两针, 减到20针锁住,织六片。编织人生-毛衣编织图案、十字绣图、手工制 作、儿童毛衣图片和毛线批发网站六片:全穿起来转圈织,两行深色线 10行浅色,再深一行正,一行反,一行正,浅10行,深一行平锁住。 advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 编织人生-毛衣编织图案、十字绣图、手工制作、儿童毛衣图片和毛线 批发网站 肚皮:起40针加到76针,织50行再收针到40针。编织人生-毛衣编织图案、十字绣图、手工制作、儿童毛衣图片和毛线批发网站 尾巴:起30针转圈织20行,分成三份,隔一行收针,剩下5针穿起来。编织人生-毛衣编织图案、十字绣图、手工制作、儿童毛衣图片 和毛线批发网站 头:起30针转圈织,织20行,织6针返回,每次到头带过来1针剩下6针织2针加1针后平织15行,分成5份,隔行2并1,剩下 5针穿起来。 脚:起29针,平织2行,先织4针返回,每到头带过来1针,剩下1针开始隔行3并1,剩下6针穿起来。编织人生-毛衣编织图案、十字绣图、手工制作、儿童毛衣图片和毛线批发网站 a1N7m B9|4_ W E x#Z _ 备注:小彩龟照此针数减一半,就可以织出可爱的小乌龟。 毛线棒子编织的漂亮包有图解很实用 - 芙蓉的日志 - 网易博客 advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 2010-04-18 15:00:09| 分类: | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 毛线棒子编织的漂亮包有图解很实用 棒针编织 2009-06-03 21:38:36 3两10#棒针。边起头100针,织单罗纹,织下针,挑上针,来回两行,第三行,换成双罗纹. advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 三针并一针,花样织完 收包底:100针分成4等分,每份25针,每圈每份减1针,(每圈减4针); advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 减剩4针,断线,用这线头将剩下的4针穿起并抽紧,然后,把线头藏好,包体完成 双罗纹12行,织1行交叉针(2针下针先织后边1针,再织前边1针); 织双罗纹6行,织1行交叉针(同上); 织双罗纹4行,再织5行上针(这里是没有定律的,根据自己的喜好而定); 织花样:10针一花,1针下针,9针上针。共100针,织10组花。 在1针下针的两边各加1针,隔行加针,共加8次,那个浅咖啡的是加了10次, (这里是没有定律的,根据自己的喜好而定); ) 然后,在叶子的两边各减1针(右边是拨收1针,左边是二并1针); 最后,三针并一阵,花样织完。 再织5行上针,收包底; advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 用活节起头法,起针4针织下针成圆桶状织到2尺半左右。活结起头法:就是用钩针钩一小辩 5至6针。双面都织叶花。 advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts advantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts
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