

2017-09-28 3页 doc 15KB 26阅读




蓝舌病Bluetongue蓝舌病Bluetongue Prepared by: Dr. Terry Hunt Translated by Dr. Fu Xiaoping 病因/发病机理 Cause & Pathogenesis 呼肠病毒属环状病毒引起—至少有24血清型 Orbivirus of the family Reoviridae – at least 24 serotypes 国际兽医组织列为A类病 OIE Reportable Disease – Level A , 反刍动物的昆虫源性病毒病,伴有卡他性口炎、鼻炎、跛行 Inse...
蓝舌病Bluetongue Prepared by: Dr. Terry Hunt Translated by Dr. Fu Xiaoping 病因/发病机理 Cause & Pathogenesis 呼肠病毒属环状病毒引起—至少有24血清型 Orbivirus of the family Reoviridae – at least 24 serotypes 国际兽医组织列为A类病 OIE Reportable Disease – Level A , 反刍动物的昆虫源性病毒病,伴有卡他性口炎、鼻炎、跛行 Insect borne viral disease of ruminants characterized by catarrhal stomatitis, rhinitis and lameness , 有库、伊蚊传播—蚊体内繁殖、唾液腺内释放 Transmitted by Culicoides – replicates in insect and released through salivary glands , 有时机械传播(针头和其他昆虫叮咬) Also can be mechanical transmission (needles and other biting insects) , 血清可传播而不是胚胎 Transmitted in semen but not embryos , 都数为绵羊病(某些品种羊易感) Mainly a disease of sheep (certain breeds of sheep more susceptible) 危险因素 Risk Factors , 媒介出现 Presence of vector , 牛携带者可为羊的感染源 Carrier cattle can serve as source of infection for sheep 临床症状 Clinical Findings 牛 Cattle , 多数为亚临床或温和型 Most infections are sub-clinical or mild , 临床型—很难与口蹄疫、水疱性口炎区别 Clinical –difficult to distinguish from FMD or Vesicular Stomatitis , 发热 Fever , 四蹄均有蹄叶炎 Laminitis in all feet , 舌头、唇、牙龈、鼻镜处有溃疡 Ulcerative lesions on tongue, lips, dental pad and muzzle , 嘴唇水肿、流涎 Edema of lips & excessive salivation , 多数流产、先天性不足 May cause abortion and congenital defects 绵羊 Sheep , 高发病率和死亡率 High morbidity and mortality , 发热 Fever , 头部水肿、口腔溃疡、流涎Edema of head, oral ulcers and salivation , 舌头发绀呈蓝色 Cyanotic “blue” tongue 流涕、肺水肿、肺炎 Nasal discharge, pulmonary edema and pneumonia , , 跛行、强直、歪脖、腹泻、死亡 Lameness, stiffness, wryneck, diarrhea and death , 流产、羊羔先天性缺陷等Abortion and congenital “dummy lambs” 诊断 Diagnosis , 临床症状、病毒分离、ELISA检测 Clinical signs, virus isolation & ELISA test 鉴别诊断 Differential Diagnosis , 口蹄疫 FMD , 水疱性口炎 Vesicular Stomatitis , 绵羊痘病 Sheep pox , 接触感染性脓疮 Contagious ecthyma (Orf) – sheep 实验室和病理学诊断Laboratory and Pathology , 病毒分离 Virus isolation , ELISA、AGID和血清中和实验ELISA, AGID and serum neutralization 治疗 Treatment , 支持疗法 Supportive treatment 预后情况 Prognosis , 牛的预后情况不明显 Generally Inapparent in cattle 后遗症 Sequelae , 流产、先天性缺陷犊牛 Abortion and calves born with congenital defects , Spread to sheep 预防 Prevention & Control , 疾病预防措施—检测来自病区的牛 Biosecurity measures – test cattle from endemic areas , 流行地区免疫接种 Vaccination program in sheep in endemic areas
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