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职务岗位职位和职级有什么区别职务岗位职位和职级有什么区别 职务、岗位、职位和职级有什么区别 职务即工作,job,,它是指企业员工所从事工作的类别。职务是指由一组主要职责相似的职位,或岗位,所组成~它是由实现企业职能的一个个具体活动所构成的相对独立体。职位即岗位,position,~它是指在一个特定的企业组织中、在一个特定的时间内、由一个特定 的人所担负的一个或数个任务所组成。简单地讲~职位是指企业的某个员工需要完成的一个或一组任务。 职务表示的是工作的类别~而职位表示的是工作任务,职务与机构没有直接的关系,确切地说~一个职务可为多个部门所有~而一个...
职务岗位职位和职级有什么区别 职务、岗位、职位和职级有什么区别 职务即工作,job,,它是指企业员工所从事工作的类别。职务是指由一组主要职责相似的职位,或岗位,所组成~它是由实现企业职能的一个个具体活动所构成的相对独立体。职位即岗位,position,~它是指在一个特定的企业组织中、在一个特定的时间内、由一个特定 的人所担负的一个或数个任务所组成。简单地讲~职位是指企业的某个员工需要完成的一个或一组任务。 职务表示的是工作的类别~而职位表示的是工作任务,职务与机构没有直接的关系,确切地说~一个职务可为多个部门所有~而一个部门也可以有多个职务,~职位与机构有直接的关系,即一个职位只能为某个具体的部门所拥有,。 职责与职权,职位与职务,工作职责和工作内容他们之间的区别是什么? 看一下他们的名称你会发现啊 职责:是指工作应承担的责任。 职权:是指在这个职位上你拥有的权力 职位:是指一中等级关系的 职务:是指工作的内容 工作职责:是指应该负责的范围和责任 工作内容是指工作的内容 就是具体做什么工作的意思 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 职务与职位的区别 职务即工作,job,,它是指企业员工所从事工作的类别。职务是指由一组主要职责相似的职位,或岗位,所组成~它是由实现企业职能的一个个具体活动所 构成的相对独立体。职位即岗位,position,~它是指在一个特定的企业组织中、在一个特定的时间内、由一个特定的人所担负的一个或数个任务所组成。 简单地讲~职位是指企业的某个员工需要完成的一个或一组任务。 职务表示的是工作的类别~而职位表示的是工作任务,职务与机构没有直接的关系,确切地说~一个职务可为多个部门所有~而一个部门也可以有多个职务,~职位与机构有直接的关系,即一个职位只能为某个具体的部门所拥有,。 在做工作时~有这样几个概念总是容易混淆。职责与责任有何区别,职位与岗位是不是一个概念,职位与职务有什么区别,工作分析与工作的区别和联系是什么, 因为这些基本概念大都是从西方引入的~所以~从其英文原意上理解可能会更有帮助。 我想从最基本的概念谈起: 微动作,Micromotion)~即工作中不能再分解的基本动作~如:按下机器的电源开关。 工作元素,Element)~即两个或两个以上的微动作的集合~这些微动作应该是有前后联系的。如:打开车床电源~安装工具等。 任务,Task)~即一组相关联的工作元素的集合。任务应该是有pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 目的性的~而且是有意义有价值的。而工作元素则可以是无目的无价值的。 职责,Duty)~相关联的任务就构成了一项工作的职责。任务是职责的子集~在中会包括多项任务。比如秘书的工作职责可能会包括:用电脑输入文件~组织会议~招待客人等任务。 职位,Position),当职责和责任结合到一起的时候就产生了职位。责任的英文单词是responsibility,即要履行的义务~它与权力相对应。 工作,Job),在主要任务和责任上相同或相似的一组职位就构成了工作。一个职位只能容纳一个人~而一项工作则可以有多个人来做。 职业,Occupation)~一组相似或相同的工作就形成了职业。它是从社会角度上来说的~不如说教师是一种职业~但每个教师可能是干教语文、教数学的不同工作。 在我的理解中~职位和岗位应该是一个概念~,Position也可以翻译成岗位)只是说法不同而已。因为在实际工作中我们说的岗位分析其实就是要编写职位说明书或岗位说明书。 不知我的理解是否正确,请继续指教:我觉得把这些概念搞清楚还是很有必要的~毕竟在做工作分进行沟通时~是建立在这种概念的基础上的。这对于划分职责也是很有意义的。 在做工作分析时~有这样几个概念总是容易混淆。职责与责任有何区别,职位与岗位是不是一个概念,职位与职务有什么区别,工作分析与工作设计的区别和联系是什么,麻烦您给予指点:谢谢: pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 职责:职务+责任~通常以职位说明书的形式公布~职责是职位说明书的重要组成部分。 职位与岗位不是一个概念: 我们说~经理是个职位~秘书是个职位~但很少说经理是个岗位。通常我们将岗位分为管理岗位或是一般岗位。职位是随组织结构定的~而岗位是随事定的~也就是我们常说的因事设岗。 职务与职位有区别:我们说秘书是个职位~但秘书不是个职务。我们会说职位说明书~但不会说职务说明书~想来应该可以理解了。 工作分析与设计不同:制定职位说明书的过程是先进行工作分析~再根据组织实际~进行工作设计,组织结构~职权责的分配~任职资格条件等, 职位分析:JOB、POSITION与ROLE三者关系探讨 对于人力资源管理者来说~职位,JOB,、岗位,POSITION,和角色,ROLE,几个概念往往混淆~其一是中文翻译的过程中~没有统一的~从而导致几个概念混淆~其二是对概念的含义的误解~希望通过本文的澄清~能对您认识这三者的关系有所裨益。 1、首先来澄清三者的译文: ,1,JOB~有的文献和书籍译为“职务”、有的译为“岗位”~有的译为“职位”~在本文中统一译为“职位”。 ,2,POSITION~有的文献和书籍译为“职位”~有的译为“岗位”~在本文中统一译为“岗位”。 ,3,ROLE~一般被译为“角色”。 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 可以看出~由于翻译的原因~虽然看起来中文的名称一致~但实际应为含义就有差异了 2、澄清三者的含义: ,1,职位是按规定担任的工作或为实现某一目的而从事的明确的工作行为~由一组主要职责相似的岗位所组成。职位在任何时候都应根据组织机构的目标和流程而设置~不能因人来设置职位~也不能因任职者调离而舍弃该职位~它是组织机构的基本单位。 ,2,岗位是组织要求个体完成的一项或多项责任以及为此赋予个体的权力的总和。一份职位一般是将某些任务、职责和责任组为一体而成,而一个岗位则是指由一个人来从事的工作。 ,3,“角色”一词的源于戏剧~自1934年米德,G.H.Mead,首先运用角色的概念来说明个体在社会舞台上的身份及其行以后~角色的概念被广泛应用 于社会学与心理学的研究中。社会学对角色的定义是“与社会地位相一致的社会限度的特征和期望的集合体”。在企业管理中~组织对不同的员工有不同的期待和要 求~就是企业中员工的角色。这种角色不是固定的~会随着企业的发展和企业管理的需要而不断变化~比如在项目管理中~某些项目成员可能是原职能部门的领导 者~在项目团队中可能角色会变为服务者。角色是一个抽象的概念~不是具体的个人~它本质上反映一种社会关系~具体的个人是一定角色的扮演者。 3、三者关系探讨: ,1, 职位和岗位的关系 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 岗位与人对应~只能由一个人担任~一个或若干个岗位的共性体现就是职位~即职位可以由一个或多个岗位组成。比如:制造型企业的生产部门的操作员是一个职 位~这个职位有很多的岗位的员工担任~如果具体到某个工序的~就是岗位了~比如钻孔操作员~操作员的职位可能有钻孔操作员、层压操作员、丝印操作员等等岗 位组成。对于组织而言~岗位和职位的演变是随着组织的不断扩大而不断产生的。其演变过程和逻辑关系如下 要素,pactor,--活动,activity,--任务,tast,--职责,duty,--岗位,position,--职位,job, ,2, 角色和职位、岗位的关系 角色可以由不同的职位和岗位担任~比如管理者角色~可以由某个职能部门的经理~也可以由某个能力达到了角色的要求的非管理职位的员工担任。最常见的就是在项目管理中的不同角色。比如:就上个例子中的钻孔操作员可能在某个工序改善项目组中扮演项目成员的角色。 从上面可以看出三者是有联系和区别的~在人力资源管理中~对三者的区分尤显必要~因为~这三者是人力资源管理中最基础的部分。对于人力资源管理者而言~职 位、岗位和角色的综合表现形式就是相应的职位说明书、岗位说明书和角色说明书。前两种说明书大家已经不陌生了~而角色说明书将在未来组织形式中的显得越来 越重要~尤其对于知识密集型企业来说~直线职能型的组织结构的弊端将导致企业越来越多的采用矩阵式的组织结构~对于这种组织结构而言~原pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 有的职位说明书和 岗位说明书已经不能起到有效的管理作用了~需要设计相应的角色说明书来对矩阵中的角色活动进行和明确。就好像给戏剧中演员的剧本一样~告诉演员如何扮 演该角色。不同的演员看了剧本都可以很快就进入角色。对企业管理也是如此~角色说明书可以使员工更好的完成组织的期待和要求。 职务是内容~职位是形式、是对职务量的界定或称谓。 岗位和职位基本可以通用~职务带有一定行政管理色彩 岗位是对应工作职责的,比如员工管理岗 职位是对应每一个员工的,有编制的意思,比如同在员工管理岗这个岗位下可以对应一个或一个以上的职位,每个职位会对应一个员工 职务如楼上所说,有行政管理的色彩,比如人力资源部经理. 职级是划分层次的标准,如各部门的经理是一个职级,公司的各位副总是一个职级.一般情况下职级是和待遇挂钩的. pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run
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