

2017-09-30 10页 doc 35KB 11阅读




各种食物的升糖指数各种食物的升糖指数 低升糖指数食物(GI 55或以下) 五谷类:全蛋面、荞麦面、粉丝、黑米、黑米粥、通心粉、藕粉 蔬菜:魔芋、粟米、大白菜、黄瓜、芹菜、茄子、青椒、海带、鸡蛋、金针蘑、香菇、菠菜、蕃茄、豆芽、芦笋、花椰菜、洋葱、生菜。 豆类:黃豆、眉豆、鸡心豆、豆腐、豆角、綠豆、扁豆、四季豆。 生果:苹果、水梨、橙、桃、提子、沙田柚、雪梨、車厘子、柚子、草莓、樱桃、金桔、葡萄。 奶类:牛奶、低脂奶、脫脂奶、低脂乳酪、红茶、优格、无糖豆漿。 糖及糖醇类: 果糖、乳糖、木糖醇、艾素麦、麦芽糖醇、山梨醇。 2、中升糖...
各种食物的升糖指数 低升糖指数食物(GI 55或以下) 五谷类:全蛋面、荞麦面、粉丝、黑米、黑米粥、通心粉、藕粉 蔬菜:魔芋、粟米、大白菜、黄瓜、芹菜、茄子、青椒、海带、鸡蛋、金针蘑、香菇、菠菜、蕃茄、豆芽、芦笋、花椰菜、洋葱、生菜。 豆类:黃豆、眉豆、鸡心豆、豆腐、豆角、綠豆、扁豆、四季豆。 生果:苹果、水梨、橙、桃、提子、沙田柚、雪梨、車厘子、柚子、草莓、樱桃、金桔、葡萄。 奶类:牛奶、低脂奶、脫脂奶、低脂乳酪、红茶、优格、无糖豆漿。 糖及糖醇类: 果糖、乳糖、木糖醇、艾素麦、麦芽糖醇、山梨醇。 2、中升糖指数食物(GI 56-69) 五谷类:红米饭、糙米饭、西米、烏冬、麥包、麦片。 蔬菜:番薯、芋头、薯片、番茄、莲藕、牛蒡。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 肉类:鱼肉、鸡肉、鸭肉、猪肉、羊肉、牛肉、虾子、蟹。 豆类:焗豆、冬粉、奶油、炼乳、鲜奶精、优格乳。 生果:木瓜、提子干、菠萝、香蕉、芒果、哈密瓜、奇异果、柳丁。 糖及糖醇类: 蔗糖、蜂蜜、红酒、啤酒、可乐、咖啡 3、高升糖指数食物(GI 70或以上) 五谷类:白饭、馒头、油条、糯米饭、白面包、燕麦片、拉面、炒饭、爆米花。 肉类:贡丸、肥肠、蛋饺。 蔬菜:薯蓉、南瓜、焗薯。 生果:西瓜、荔枝、龍眼、凤梨、枣。 糖及糖醇类:葡萄糖、砂糖、麦芽糖、汽水、柳橙汁、蜂蜜。 低升糖指数饮食法好处多,但要控制食物份量,然后才拣选低升糖指数食物种类。 不要以为低升糖指数食物对血糖影响小,就可以任食,其实不论低或高升糖指数的食物,当中的碳水化合物,都会直接影响血 on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface disuses the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation foc . Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side ofsurface distortion is less than 1mm 2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-ail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~Side rrail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. ce is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height differene installation and1 hingth the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. 8.2.3.e installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected wihing essories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter andcar lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the acc directional gate leaf on a-location is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi2 糖,食得过量,结果同样会令血糖速升。所以控制血糖的第一守則,就是因应自己需要,摄取适量的碳水化合物。 第二守則,当然就是选择低GI的食物,指数在55或以下是低升糖指数食物,介乎56至69是中升糖指数食物,70或以上是高升糖指数食物。不同食物,虽然同一份量,但对血糖的影响则不同,例如十粒提子含的碳水化合物,等于一個苹果,或一碗西瓜,但身体对提子及苹果的糖分吸收较慢,对西瓜吸收则较快,所以虽然同等份量,但吃低升糖指数的提子或一個苹果,好过吃高升糖指数的西瓜。 影响食物升糖指数的有六大因素: 一、食物中的碳水化合物含量愈多,升糖指数就愈高,特別是精製的白面包、白饭、白砂糖。 二、纤维量愈高升糖指数愈低,所以多数全麦食物及蔬菜,都列为健康食物。三、食物愈成熟升糖指数愈高,例如熟透的水果比未熟的有较高的升糖指数。 四、酸硷值较低的食物,升糖指数会相对较低。 五、稀烂、磨碎或切粒的食物,较易被消化及吸收,所以升糖指数較高。 六、脂肪量较高的食物,升糖指数会相对较低。 r sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is lesd reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Centeweldeprocess of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then ace flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surf-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-nter within the scope of the work is less than +2~e each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top ceother end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation tak than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to theand? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation k ? ? Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstoce fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation od. After you check the accessories complete thdirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting r-0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi s than3 虽然,低升糖指数飲食法,是讲求高纤维低糖的健康饮食方法,但因为只重食物中的碳水化合物质量,较易忽略食物中的脂肪对身体的影响,所以低升糖指数的高脂肪食物,过量进食,同样会严重影响体重及心血管健康。 升糖指数和健康的影响 营养治疗建议每日热量的60%-70%最好來自碳水化合物和单键不饱和脂肪酸。也就是说应该多摄取全穀类、水果、蔬菜、低脂牛奶,也就是低糖低脂的饮食原则,但到底应如何选择低糖(碳水化合物)则不甚了解。 首先,介紹一种对碳水化合物(醣类)的定量方式也就是所谓的升糖指数(GI)它的意义就是在定量下(一般为50公克)某种食物中碳水化合物造成血糖上升所产生的血糖時间曲线下的面积和标准物质(一般为白面包或葡萄糖)所产生的血糖時间下面积之比值,也就是建议使用吸收较慢的碳水化合物以減缓饭后高血糖的幅度,换言之,就是尽量避免升糖指数较高或吸收较快的食物。 长期服用高升糖指数的食物,会有三种直接效应: (1)较为明显的是饭后高血糖现象; (2)增加游离脂肪酸量; uses the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation foc . Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side ofsurface distortion is less than 1mm 2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-ail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~Side rrail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. ce is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height differene installation and1 hingth the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. 8.2.3.e installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected wihing essories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter andcar lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the acc directional gate leaf on a-location is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bion family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dis4 (3)反调节荷尔蒙的启动。 三者共同加重胰脏细胞之耗竭发生。而反调节荷尔蒙和游离脂肪酸所引发的胰岛素阻抗性也会加重细胞的衰竭。因此长期大量服用高升糖指数食物,当存在有糖尿病的潜在因子,加上不运动的生活习性及肥胖的情況下,就容易引发2型糖尿病。 当进食升糖指数高的食物后,血中胰岛素会快速增加,使血糖急速下降,因此两餐间较容易有饥饿感,接著可能会引起过量的进食,所以选择低升糖指数的碳水化合物,在理论上是有助于糖尿病的治疗,其原则不外乎是減缓饭后高血糖的程度和饭后末期低血糖所引起的反调节荷尔蒙和增高的游离脂肪酸,而后两者更会加重胰岛素阻抗性的发生。 研究证实“低升糖指数”可减低糖尿病并发症风险。医生表示,“所谓升糖指数是指该食物中的碳水化合物令身体血糖上升之幅度,指数愈高,血糖上升的幅度就愈大,长期或经常吸取高升糖指数的饮食,患糖尿病及其并发症的风险也就越高。” 研究发现,选择低升糖指数食物来替代传统或高升糖指数食物,对于糖尿病患者的中期血糖控制具有临床效用。当升糖指数低于五十五,便被定为低升糖指数。 低升糖指数的碳水化合物食品包括豆、花生、面包及香蕉等。 weldeprocess of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then ace flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surf-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-nter within the scope of the work is less than +2~e each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top ceother end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation tak than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to theand? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation k ? ? Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstoce fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation od. After you check the accessories complete thdirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting r-0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi s thanr sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is lesd reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Cente5 低升糖指数食物可缓减消化及吸收,进食后能逐渐提升血糖及胰岛素之水平,有助控制食欲及延缓饥饿的感觉,帮助控制体重。 在这补充一下,本文只是给大家了解食物升糖指数的基础原理。健美的基础饮食千变万化,也不是按着那些基础定律一成不变的,至于怎样安排好自己的基础饮食还得自己看着身体的变化和训练的阶段而作出适当调整。 以下是一些进食时间的基础知识,也适合大部份健身者(注意:水平比较高的朋友自行设计,因为现在很多营养师已使用混合升糖或间中插入的手法打造饮食了。) 早上起来使用快速消化高升糖的碳水化合物。 训练前后使用快速消化高升糖的碳水化合物。 其他时间为了保持胰岛素的稳定一般选择使用缓释低升糖指数的碳水化合物。 (还提示一下不要忘记还有我们构建肌肉的原料蛋白质,维生素和各类微量元素,注意小食多餐,看着自己的训练量和每餐对营养的吸收能力而控制食物的摄入量) e installation and1 hingth the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. 8.2.3.e installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected wihing essories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter andcar lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the acc directional gate leaf on a-location is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bion family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface disuses the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation foc . Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side ofsurface distortion is less than 1mm 2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-ail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~Side rrail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. ce is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height differen6
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