

2017-09-01 31页 doc 88KB 12阅读




邮政经济快递的省份邮政经济快递的省份 北北京市 通州、顺义、昌平、密云、怀柔、平谷、大兴、房山、门头沟、延庆 京 天溏沽、东丽区、西青区、津南区、北辰区、汉沽区、大港区、蓟县、宝坻、天津市 津 武清、静海、宁河 辛集、晋州、藁城、无极、新乐、元氏、鹿泉、栾城、正定、深泽县、赵石家庄市 县、高邑县、赞皇县、平山县、灵寿县、行唐县、井陉县、井陉矿区 滦县、滦南县、乐亭县、迁安市、迁西县、遵化市、玉田县、唐海县、丰唐山 南、丰润 秦皇岛市 昌黎、抚宁、卢龙、青龙、北戴河、山海关 邯郸 大名、魏县、曲周、成安、临漳、磁县、武安、涉县、永年、...
邮政经济快递的省份 北北京市 通州、顺义、昌平、密云、怀柔、平谷、大兴、房山、门头沟、延庆 京 天溏沽、东丽区、西青区、津南区、北辰区、汉沽区、大港区、蓟县、宝坻、天津市 津 武清、静海、宁河 辛集、晋州、藁城、无极、新乐、元氏、鹿泉、栾城、正定、深泽县、赵石家庄市 县、高邑县、赞皇县、平山县、灵寿县、行唐县、井陉县、井陉矿区 滦县、滦南县、乐亭县、迁安市、迁西县、遵化市、玉田县、唐海县、丰唐山 南、丰润 秦皇岛市 昌黎、抚宁、卢龙、青龙、北戴河、山海关 邯郸 大名、魏县、曲周、成安、临漳、磁县、武安、涉县、永年、馆陶、峰峰 邢台 沙河、隆尧、任县、宁晋、南宫、巨鹿、平乡、威县、清河、临西 河 北 满城、清苑、涿州、高碑店、雄县、容城、定兴、徐水、高阳、蠡县、安保定 国、定州 张家口市 宣化、怀来 承德市 宽城县、平泉县、承德县、兴隆、滦平、丰宁、隆化、围场 廊坊市 三河市、香河县、大厂县、永清县、固安县、霸州市、文安县、大城县 沧州市 任丘、河间、黄骅、泊头、献县、肃宁、青县、盐山、孟村、东光、南皮 衡水 冀州、枣强、深州、武强、安平、景县、阜城 山太原市 古交市、清徐县、阳曲县、娄烦县 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 西 大同市 长治市 长治县、襄垣县 晋中市 太谷县、祁县、平遥县、介休市、灵石县 临汾市 侯马市、洪洞县 新绛县、稷山县、河津市、绛县、垣曲县、闻喜县、万荣县、平陆县、夏运城市 县、永济市、芮城县、临猗县 朔州市 怀仁县、应县 忻州市 原平市、定襄县 晋城市 阳城县、高平市、沁水县 吕梁市 孝义市、汾阳市、交城县、文水县 阳泉 呼和浩特 和林县、托克托县 包头 土默特右旗 内 蒙额尔多斯 达拉特旗、准格尔旗、棋盘井 区 呼伦贝尔 满洲里、牙克石、扎兰屯、鄂伦春 赤峰 宁城县、翁牛特旗、敖汉旗、松山区 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 通辽 科左中旗、奈曼旗、霍林河 沈阳 新民、辽中 大连 普兰店、瓦房店、庄河 鞍山 海城、岫岩 本溪 本溪县、桓仁 抚顺 丹东 东港、凤城 锦州 北镇、黑山 辽 宁 营口 大石桥、盖州 阜新 辽阳 朝阳 北票、凌源 铁岭 开原、昌图、西丰 盘锦 葫芦岛 兴城、绥中 吉长春市 双阳区、榆树市、九台市、德惠市、农安县 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 林 吉林市 永吉县、磐石市、桦甸市、蛟河市、舒兰市 延边州 龙井市、安图县、汪清县、和龙市、图们市、珲春市、敦化市 四平市 公主岭市、梨树市、伊通县、双辽市 通化市 通化县、辉南县、柳河县、集安市、梅河口市 辽源 东丰、东辽 白山 靖宇、长白、抚松、临江、江源 白城 洮南、镇赉、通榆、大安 松原 长岭、乾安、扶余 延寿、尚志、依兰、木兰、双城、阿城、方正、宾县、五常、呼兰、通河、哈尔滨 巴彦 齐齐哈尔 讷河、克山、拜泉 牡丹江 宁安、绥芬河、海林、穆棱、林口、东宁 黑 龙佳木斯 江 大庆 肇州、肇源、林甸、杜蒙 鸡西 鸡东、密山、虎林 绥化 安达、庆安、肇东、海伦 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 上上海市 崇明 海 南京 高淳、溧水 无锡 江阴、宜兴 徐州 丰县、沛县、睢宁、邳州、新沂、铜山 常州 金坛、溧阳 苏州 昆山、张家港、 常熟、太仓、 吴江 南通 海安县、如皋市、如东县、通州市、海门市、启东市 江连云港 赣榆县、东海县、灌云县、灌南县 苏 淮安 涟水、洪泽、 金湖、盱眙 盐城 东台、大丰、建湖、射阳、阜宁、滨海、响水 扬州 江都、高邮、宝应、仪征、胥浦 镇江 丹阳、扬中、句容 泰州 泰兴、兴化、 姜堰、靖江 宿迁 沭阳县、泗阳县、泗洪县 浙杭州 萧山、余杭、临安、富阳、桐庐、建德、淳安 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 江 宁波 慈溪、余姚、奉化、镇海、北仑、宁海、象山 温州 乐清、瑞安、苍南、永嘉、平阳、文成、洞头、泰顺 嘉兴 平湖、海宁、海盐、嘉善、桐乡 湖州 德清、长兴、安吉 绍兴 诸暨、上虞、嵊州、新昌 金华 义乌、永康、东阳、武义、兰溪、磐安、浦江 衢州 常山、江山、开化、龙游 台州 临海、仙居、温岭、天台、玉环、三门 丽水 青田、缙云、松阳、庆元、遂昌、龙泉、云和、景宁 合肥 长丰县、肥东县、肥西县 阜阳 颍上县、临泉县、太和县、界首县、阜南县 芜湖 芜湖县、南陵县、繁昌县 安蚌埠 固镇县、五河县、怀远县 徽 安庆 枞阳县、怀宁县、太湖县、岳西县、桐城县、宿松县、望江县、潜山县 宿州 肖县、灵璧县、泗县、砀山县 黄山 黄山区、歙县、祁门县、黟县、休宁县 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 滁州 定远县、凤阳县、全椒县、天长县、明光县、来安县 六安 寿县、金寨县、霍邱县、舒城县、霍山县 巢湖 和县、无为县、含山县、庐江县 南昌市 南昌县、新建县、安义县、进贤县 德安、共青、永修、星子、九江县、修水、武宁、瑞昌、湖口、彭泽、都九江市 昌 鄱阳、余干、万年、婺源、德兴、广丰、玉山、铅山、横峰、弋阳、上饶上饶市 县 抚州市 临川、崇仁、乐安、宜黄、南丰、南城、黎川、金溪、广昌、资溪、东乡 宜春市 丰城、樟树、高安、万载、上高、宜丰、铜鼓、奉新、靖安、袁州区 江吉安县、吉水、永丰、永新、新干、峡江、泰和、遂川、万安、安福、井西 吉安市 冈山 赣县、南康、信丰、大余、上犹、崇义、安远、龙南、定南、全南、宁都、赣州市 于都、兴国、瑞金、会昌、寻乌、石城 景德镇市 乐平市、浮梁县 萍乡 上栗县、芦溪县、莲花县、湘东区 新余 分宜 鹰潭 贵溪、余江 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 济南市 章丘、济阳、商河、平阴、长清 青岛市 开发区、即墨、崂山、胶州、胶南、平度、莱西、城阳 淄博市 博山、淄川、临淄、周村、桓台、沂源 枣庄市 滕州市、薛城区、台儿庄、山亭区 东营市 广饶县、垦利县 福山、牟平、开发区、莱山、龙口、莱阳、莱州、蓬莱、招远、栖霞、海烟台市 阳 潍坊市 安丘、青州、寿光、昌乐、昌邑、高密、临驹、坊子、寒亭、诸城 山 东 济宁市 兖州、曲阜、泗水、邹城、微山、鱼台、金乡、嘉祥、汶上、梁山 泰安市 新泰、肥城、宁阳、东平 威海市 文登、乳山、荣成 日照市 莒县、五莲县 莱芜市 滨州市 惠民县、无棣县、博兴县、邹平县 德州市 陵县、临邑、乐陵、宁津、庆云、夏津、平原、武城、禹城、齐河 聊城市 临清、高唐、茌平、东阿、莘县、阳谷、冠县 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 临沂市 费县、平邑、苍山、郯城、莒南、沂水、蒙阴、沂南、临沭 菏泽市 郓城、定陶、巨野、鄄城、成武、单县、曹县、东明 福州 福清、长乐、闽侯、连江、闽清、平潭、永泰、罗源 厦门 莆田 仙游县 三明 永安、沙县、大田、尤溪、明溪、清流、宁化、将乐、泰宁、建宁 福泉州 晋江、南安、石狮、安溪、惠安、永春、德化 建 漳州 龙海、漳浦、云霄、东山、诏安、平和、南靖、长泰、华安 南平 建瓯、建阳、邵武、武夷山、浦城、松溪、政和、光泽、顺昌 宁德 福鼎市、福安市、霞浦县、古田县、周宁县、寿宁县、屏南县、柘荣县 龙岩 长汀县、永定县、上杭县、武平县、漳平市、连城县 郑州 上街区、荥阳市、中牟县、新郑市、巩义市、登封市、新密市 开封 杞县、通许县、尉氏县、开封县、兰考县 河 南 偃师市、孟津县、新安县、伊川县、汝阳县、嵩县、洛宁县、栾川县、宜洛阳 阳县 平顶山 宝丰县、叶县、鲁山县、汝州市、郏县、舞钢市 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 安阳 林州市、安阳县、汤阴县、滑县、内黄县 鹤壁 浚县、淇县 新乡 新乡县、卫辉市、长垣县、获嘉县、辉县市、原阳县、延津县、封丘县 焦作 修武县、博爱县、沁阳市、孟州市、温县、武陟县 濮阳 濮阳县、清丰县、南乐县、范县、台前县 三门峡 义马市、渑池县、陕县、灵宝市、卢氏县 许昌 禹州市、长葛市、鄢陵县、许昌县、襄城县 漯河 临颍县、漯河郊区、舞阳县 商丘 永城市、夏邑县、虞城县、商丘郊区、柘城县、宁陵县、睢县、民权县 西华县、扶沟县、商水县、项城市、沈丘县、淮阳县、太康县、鹿邑县、周口 郸城县 确山县、泌阳县、遂平县、西平县、上蔡县、汝南县、平舆县、新蔡县、驻马店 正阳县 南召县、方城县、西峡县、南阳郊区、镇平县、内乡县、淅川县、社旗县、南阳 唐河县、邓州市、新野县、桐柏县 息县、淮滨县、信阳郊区、潢川县、光山县、固始县、商城县、罗山县、信阳 新县 济源 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 武汉市 江夏、黄陂、蔡甸、新洲 荆州市 公安,松滋、石首、洪湖、监利、江陵 襄樊市 枣阳、襄阳、老河口、宜城、南漳、谷城、保康 黄冈市 团风、蕲春、浠水、武穴、麻城、英山、罗田、黄梅、红安 孝感市 汉川、应城、安陆、云梦、大悟、孝昌 宜昌市 宜都、枝江、当阳、长阳、秭归、夷陵 十堰市 丹江口、郧县、郧西、房县、竹山、竹溪 恩施州 利川、建始、巴东 湖 北 荆门 钟祥、京山、沙洋 咸宁市 通城、通山、崇阳、赤壁、嘉鱼 黄石市 大冶、阳新 随州市 广水、随县 鄂州市 仙桃市 天门 潜江 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 长沙 长沙县、望城县、浏阳县、宁乡县 益阳 沅江县、南县、桃江县、安化县 湘潭 湘潭县、韶山市、湘乡县 张家界 桑植县、慈利县、武陵源区 湘西自治泸溪县、凤凰县、古丈县、花垣县、保靖县、永顺县、龙山县 州(吉首) 株洲 株洲县、醴陵县、攸县、茶陵县、炎陵县 岳阳 岳阳县、华容县、临湘市、汨罗市、平江县、湘阴县 湖常德 鼎城区、临澧县、石门县、津市市、澧县、安乡县、桃源县、汉寿县 南 娄底 涟源市、冷水江市、新化县、双峰县 中方县、洪江市、洪江区、会同县、靖州县、通道县、芷江县、新晃县、怀化 溆浦县、麻阳县、辰溪县、沅陵县 衡阳 衡南县、衡阳县、衡山县、衡东县、常宁市、祁东县、耒阳市、南岳区 邵阳县、隆回县、洞口县、武冈市、城步市、绥宁县、新宁县、邵东县、邵阳 新邵县 永兴县、资兴市、桂东市、安仁县、汝城县、宜章县、临武县、桂阳县、郴州 嘉禾县 双牌县、道县、江永县、江华县、宁远县、新田县、蓝山县、东安县、祁永州 阳县 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 广州 花都区、番禺区、增城市、从化市 深圳 宝安区、龙岗区 佛山 顺德、南海、三水、高明 肇庆 高要市、四会市、广宁县、怀集县、德庆县、封开县 珠海 斗门县 清远 英德市、佛冈县、清新县、阳山县、连州市 江门 新会、台山、恩平、开平、鹤山 云浮 新兴县、罗定市、郁南县 广 东 湛江 徐闻县、雷州市、遂溪县、廉江市、吴川市 韶关 乳源县、始兴县、曲江区、仁化县、南雄市、翁源县、乐昌市、新丰县 阳江 阳春市、阳东县、阳西县 东莞 惠州 博罗、惠东、惠阳、龙门 汕头 梅州 梅县、兴宁、五华、大埔、丰顺、蕉岭 潮州 潮安、饶平 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 揭阳 普宁、揭东、揭西、惠来 河源 龙川、紫金 汕尾 海丰、陆丰 茂名 高州、化州、信宜、电白 中山 南宁 横县、宾阳、隆安、上林、武鸣、马山 贵港 桂平、平南 来宾 忻城、台山、武宣、象州、金秀 贺州 钟山、富川、昭平 百色 田阳、田东、平果、德保、靖西、那坡、凌云、乐业、田林、隆林、西林 广 西北海 合浦 区 河池 宜州、罗城、环江、南丹、天峨、东兰、巴马、凤山、都安、大化 玉林 容县、北流、博白、陆川、兴业 崇左 扶绥、宁明、龙州、大新、天等、凭祥 梧州 苍梧、岑溪市、藤县、蒙山 防城港 上思、东兴 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 临桂、灵川、阳朔、全州、兴安、永福、灌阳、龙胜、资源、平乐、荔浦、桂林 恭城 钦州 灵山、浦北 柳州 柳江、鹿寨、柳城、融水、融安、三江 海海口市 南 渝北、北碚、长寿、巴南、万盛、綦江、江津、合川、铜梁、潼南、永川、重重庆市 荣昌、璧山、大足、万州、开县、忠县、云阳、奉节、巫山、巫溪、梁平、庆 城口、涪陵、南川、丰都、垫江、武隆、黔江、酉阳、秀山、彭水、石柱 双流县、郫县、龙泉驿区、新都区、都江堰市、彭州市、温江区、邛崃市、成都 大邑县、青白江区、崇州市、金堂县 南充 仪陇县、阆中市、南部县、营山县、蓬安县、西充县 宜宾 宜宾县、江安县、筠连县、南溪县 泸州 合江县、泸县、古蔺县、叙永县 四 川 绵阳 三台县、江油市、盐亭县、安县、梓潼县 达州 渠县、宣汉县、大竹县、开江县 广安 岳池县、邻水县、武胜县、华蓥市 德阳 中江县、广汉市、什邡市、绵竹市 遂宁 射洪县、蓬溪县、大英县 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 内江 资中县、隆昌县、威远县 眉山 仁寿县、彭山县 自贡 荣县、富顺县 资阳 简阳市、安岳县、乐至县 乐山 峨眉山市、犍为县、夹江县、五通桥区 广元 剑阁县、苍溪县、旺苍县 凉山州 巴中 攀枝花 安宁市、东川区、禄劝县、宜良县、呈贡县、嵩明县、晋宁县、寻甸县、昆明 富民县、石林县 曲靖 宣威县、富源县、罗平县、沾益县、陆良县 文山 广南县、富宁县、砚山县、马关县 云 南 红河 蒙自县、开远市、弥勒县、建水县 大理 祥云县、洱源县、鹤庆县 普洱 景谷县 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 保山 施甸县、腾冲县、昌宁县、龙陵县 昭通 镇雄县、永善县 贵阳 清镇市、修文县、息烽县、开阳县 遵义 遵义县、仁怀市、桐梓县、绥阳县、湄潭县 黔南 独山县、福泉市、瓮安县、贵定县 贵 州 黔东南 镇远县、天柱县 毕节 大方县、黔西县、织金县 六盘水 六枝特区、盘县、水城县 西 藏拉萨市 区 西安 长安区、临潼区、户县、阎良区、杨凌区、周至县、蓝田、高陵 咸阳 兴平市、三原县、武功县、乾县、泾阳县、礼泉县 延安 陕 西 宝鸡 岐山县、陈仓区、凤翔县、眉县、扶风 渭南 大荔县、富平县、韩城市、蒲城县、合阳 汉中 城固县、勉县、南郑县 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 安康 兰州市 甘天水市 麦积区、秦安县、甘谷县 肃 酒泉市 敦煌、玉门 银川市 永宁县、贺兰县、灵武市 石嘴山市 惠农区、平罗县 宁 夏吴忠市 青铜峡市、同心县、盐池县 区 中卫 沙坡头区、中宁县、海原县 固原市 西吉县、隆德县、泾源县、彭阳县 青西宁市 海 乌鲁木齐 新 疆巴州 区 喀什 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should
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