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农村孕产妇住院分娩补助流程示意图农村孕产妇住院分娩补助流程示意图 附件1 农村孕产妇住院分娩补助流程示意图(供参考) 孕妇 县级妇幼保健机构按规定给 在外地住院分娩的农村孕产 妇结报财政补助经费;对乡住院 掌握孕情,宣传告知 级医疗卫生机构住院分娩服动员住院 务及补助情况进行指导、检 乡镇、县级定点医疗卫生机村医或乡妇女保查。 构接收孕产妇住院分娩。规范执健人员 行基本服务项目及限价收费标 准并有公示。对住院分娩的农村 孕产妇实行费用现场减免。 发放住院 分娩补助凭证 信息审核 通过妇幼保健工作网络管理孕 产妇,实施产前检查,规范管乡、镇卫生...
农村孕产妇住院分娩补助流程示意图 附件1 农村孕产妇住院分娩补助流程示意图(供参考) 孕妇 县级妇幼保健机构按给 在外地住院分娩的农村孕产 妇结报财政补助经费;对乡住院 掌握孕情,宣传告知 级医疗卫生机构住院分娩服动员住院 务及补助情况进行指导、检 乡镇、县级定点医疗卫生机村医或乡妇女保查。 构接收孕产妇住院分娩。规范执健人员 行基本服务项目及限价收费标 准并有公示。对住院分娩的农村 孕产妇实行费用现场减免。 发放住院 分娩补助凭证 信息审核 通过妇幼保健工作网络管理孕 产妇,实施产前检查,规范管乡、镇卫生院 机构报账 理孕产妇。定期核实上报住院 孕产妇住院分娩补助申领卡表 册至县。 对项目追踪问效,公 示受益者名单。 定点医疗机构定期按 要求向县项目办或妇报所通核发住院分娩补助 审核及备案 核对分娩补助卡备案编号资报账,做到申拨资金和实 过料,审核产科免费服务质量,际兑现补助资金相一致。申领卡统一编号盖章 复核项目执行单位上报资料与经办人、稽核人、负责人妇 孕产妇管理工作结合进行项目有效签名, 并附产妇的幼追踪问效、审核、监督。向县上报资料 县级卫生部门 出院结算资料,单位盖章。 财政部门定期汇总报送审核情保 况。 健 上报资料 上报资料 定期检查 工督促项目落实 作 网 下拨资金 上级卫生部门 络 县级财政部门 下拨资金 管 理 孕稽查、审核、监督、核 拨项目资金;进行项目追产 踪问效。 妇 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this ~ 实 施 持 附件2: 农村孕产妇住院分娩补助经费四联单(供参考) 医疗卫生机构名称: 编号: 年 月 日 孕产妇姓名/户主名 分娩时间 年 月 日 住院分娩补助卡编号 家庭住址 乡 村 组 分娩限价 分娩方式 阴道产 ? 剖宫产? 产科并发症 新农合报销金额,含农村孕产妇住院各种医疗保险报销住院总费用 分娩补助金额 金额, 县项目办盖章 医疗卫生机构盖章 补助人或家属签名 补助及报销总额 个人付费合计 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 注:此联由县项目办保存,第四联, 医疗卫生机构名称: 编号: 年 月 日 孕产妇姓名/户主名 分娩时间 年 月 日 住院分娩补助卡编号 家庭住址 乡 村 组 分娩限价 分娩方式 阴道产 ? 剖宫产? 产科并发症 新农合报销金额,含农村孕产妇住院各种医疗保险报销住院总费用 分娩补助金额 金额, 县项目办盖章 医疗卫生机构盖章 补助人或家属签名 补助及报销总额 个人付费合计 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 注:此联由医疗机构保存,第三联, 医疗卫生机构名称: 编号: 年 月 日 孕产妇姓名/户主名 分娩时间 年 月 日 住院分娩补助卡编号 家庭住址 乡 村 组 分娩限价 分娩方式 阴道产 ? 剖宫产? 产科并发症 新农合报销金额,含农村孕产妇住院各种医疗保险报销住院总费用 分娩补助金额 金额, 县项目办盖章 医疗卫生机构盖章 补助人或家属签名 补助及报销总额 个人付费合计 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 注:此联由新农合经办机构保存,第二联, tend the volunteer work contact angle.cial volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further exoffice and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other soThe fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization ld Juxian public security volunteers brandThree, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to bui ency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency.ficiis heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve ef and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task rtmentprogress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible depaing of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work lving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginnend appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, invo-Year ities, division of responsibility. To put thisOne is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibil2 医疗卫生机构名称: 编号: 年 月 日 孕产妇姓名/户主名 分娩时间 年 月 日 住院分娩补助卡编号 家庭住址 乡 村 组 分娩限价 分娩方式 阴道产 ? 剖宫产? 产科并发症 新农合报销金额,含农村孕产妇住院各种医疗保险报销住院总费用 分娩补助金额 金额, 县项目办盖章 医疗卫生机构盖章 补助人或家属 补助及报销总额 签名 个人付费合计 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 注:此联由补助对象保存,第一联, 说明: 1、住院总费用:指本县辖区内所有农业户籍产妇在住院分娩期间住院总费用的合计, 2、农村孕产妇住院分娩补助金额:本地区农村孕产妇住院分娩的财政补助金额。 3、新农合报销金额:按新型农村合作医疗制度规定给予报销的费用。 4、补助及报销总额:本地区农村孕产妇住院分娩的人均财政补助金额与按新型农村合作医疗制度规定给予报销的费用,含各种医疗保险报销金额,之和。 5、个人付费合计:指住院分娩总费用中除住院分娩项目补助费用以及诸如新农合等其他医疗保险报销费用后~需要个人承担的住院分娩费用。 6、表中逻辑关系: ,1,住院总费用?农村孕产妇住院分娩补助金额+个人付费合计, ,2,补助及报销总额?农村孕产妇住院分娩补助金额+新农合报销金额, ,3,个人付费合计=住院总费用-补助及报销总额。 volunteer work contact angle.nteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social voluThe fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization public security volunteers brand Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. y, andy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiencpolice department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavthe This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and e year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress.lving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of thend appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, invo-Year ities, division of responsibility. To put thisOne is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibil— 3 — 附件3 江苏省农村孕产妇住院分娩补助项目季度统计表 ,20 年 季度, 市(盖章) 县域内住院分娩补本县农村户籍产妇数 合 计 县域外住院分娩补助 分娩方式(人) 孕助 产其中 人数(人) 县域内 县域外 本县户补助对县(市、产妇 妇籍产妇项目补象的住项目补个人付参加区) 总数 死经费(万人数数 总数 生育助人数院分娩助经费费合计经费(万元) 小省省阴道剖宫阴道剖宫亡外分元) (人) (人) 总费用(万元) (万元) 保险计 内 外 产 产 产 产 数 娩数 (万元) 数 注,本季报表自2011年启用。 tend the volunteer work contact angle.cial volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further exoffice and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other soThe fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization ld Juxian public security volunteers brandThree, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to bui ency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency.ficiis heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve ef and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task rtmentprogress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible depaing of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work lving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginnend appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, invo-Year ities, division of responsibility. To put thisOne is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibil4 填表人: 审核人: 报出日期: volunteer work contact angle.nteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social voluThe fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization public security volunteers brand Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. y, andy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiencpolice department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavthe This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and e year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress.lving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of thend appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, invo-Year ities, division of responsibility. To put thisOne is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibil— 5 — 江苏省农村孕产妇住院分娩补助项目季度统计表填表说明 一、指标解释 (1)产妇数:指辖区内本省户籍产妇数,与妇幼卫生年报要求一致。 (2)本县户籍产妇数:指具有本县户籍的产妇数。 (3)本县农村户籍产妇数:指具有本县农村户籍(或长期居住在农村)的产妇数。 (4)孕产妇死亡人数:指辖区内本省户籍孕产妇死亡数,与妇幼卫生年报一致。 (5)县域内住院分娩补助人数:户籍在县辖区内,在本县域内定点医疗卫生机构住院分娩的农业户籍产妇数; (6)县域外住院分娩补助人数:户籍在县辖区内,在本县域外医疗卫生机构住院分娩的农业户籍产妇数; (7)住院分娩总费用:指本县辖区内所有农业户籍产妇在住院分娩期间住院总费用的合计; 8)个人付费合计:指住院分娩总费用中除住院分娩项目补助费用以及如新农合等其他医疗保( 险报销费用后,由个人承担的住院分娩费用; (9)经费单位均为万元,保留小数点后2位。 二、相关说明 定点医疗卫生机构是指由县级卫生部门会同财政部门确定的当地具备助产技术服务资质、承担农村孕产妇住院分娩任务的医疗卫生机构。 户籍在县辖区内的农村孕产妇在本县域内定点医疗卫生机构住院分娩的,均在定点医疗统计范围内。 户籍在县辖区内的农村孕产妇在本县域之外住院分娩的,均在项目办统计范围内。 报表时间分为:一季度、二季度、三季度、四季度、全年。 三、逻辑关系: ?本县户籍产妇数?本县农村户籍产妇数 ?合计中:住院分娩总费用(万元)?项目补助经费(万元) 住院分娩总费用(万元)?个人付费合计(万元) 住院分娩总费用?项目补助经费(万元)+个人付费合计(万元) ?县域外住院分娩补助中:小计=省内+省外 tend the volunteer work contact angle.cial volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further exoffice and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other soThe fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization ld Juxian public security volunteers brandThree, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to bui ency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency.ficiis heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve ef and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task rtmentprogress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible depaing of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work lving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginnend appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, invo-Year One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this6 附件4 江苏省农村孕产妇住院分娩补助项目基本情况登记表(医疗机构) 医疗卫生机构名称/其他(盖章): 年 月( 月 日-- 月 日) 单位:元、人 医疗保险住院住院分医疗保经办院审审核序产妇分娩时分娩方个人自报销 住院号 身份证号码 (合疗)总费娩补助险报销人签核意人签号 姓名 间 式 付金额 时间 卡号 用 金额 金额 字 见 字 说明: 1.此表一式二份,附农村孕产妇汇总表上报项目办,审批后医疗机构和项目办各存档一份。 2.此表由医疗机构结算时登记填写,院审核人签注审核意见。 , 7 , 附件5: 江苏省农村孕产妇住院分娩补助项目考核评估标准 考核内容 具 体 要 求 分 值 1、市、县(市、区)政府项目管理组织健全,主要领导为第一责任 4 人。 一、政府重视 2、列入市、县(市、区)政府重要议事日程和政绩考核内容。 4 (14分) 3、市、县两级制定具体项目实施,建立督促检查和考核评估 6 制度。 4、项目补助资金纳入当地政府财政预算,并及时足额到位。 10 二、资金管理 5、市、县两级制订项目补助资金,各类资金严格管理、(18分) 8 专户储存、专款专用。 6、市、县两级妇幼保健服务网络健全,妇幼保健机构为独立建制, 10 并达到标准化建设要求。 三、体系建设 7、城乡基层医疗卫生机构的妇幼保健服务功能完善。 4 ,18分, 8、爱婴医院管理规范,以县,市、区,为单位年度爱婴医院合格4 率?95%。 9、妇幼保健机构负责项目的业务管理和技术指导,建立项目管理 8 办公室,对城乡基层医疗卫生机构的业务指导到位。 四、服务规范10、孕产妇保健服务按要求实行分级管理,使用省统一的孕产妇4 保健手册为孕产妇建卡。 ,18分, 11、各级医疗保健机构为孕产妇住院分娩提供规范服务,并执行6 省定限价标准,剖宫产率符合规定要求。 12、市、县两级成立项目技术指导组,可与其它妇幼卫生项目共 4 用,,市级每半年、县级每季度对项目工作指导1次。 13、以县,市、区,为单位,年度项目任务完成率达到100,。 五、项目实施 8 14、目标人群相关知识知晓率达到规定要求。 3 ,18分, 15、以辖区市为单位,每季度报告项目实施的相关信息、半年报 3 告项目进展情况。 16、建立项目定期督导机制, 市级每半年、县级每季度对项目督4 导1次。 六、监督评估 17、制定项目考核评估细则,并定期开展考核评估。 4 18、群众满意率?90%。 3 (14分) 19、将项目单位的补助资金拨付与考核评估结果挂钩,对项目进3 展缓慢、任务落实不到位的,视情况扣减项目补助资金。 8 江苏省卫生厅办公室 2011年5月5日印发 , 9 , 校对,徐妍 共印300份 Sj023-d0100-2011-047 10
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