

2017-09-27 39页 doc 867KB 82阅读




很厉害的纸飞机折法教学很厉害的纸飞机折法教学 复仇者~~~ 把纸对折以后将左上角折下来,另一面也是同样的 继续折叠 就像下面这样 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding ...
很厉害的纸飞机折法教学 复仇者~~~ 把纸对折以后将左上角折下来,另一面也是同样的 继续折叠 就像下面这样 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 你会得到这个 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 对折之 请动用你的尺子在图示位置画线,顺便说一下,这里是两厘米。如下 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 在尾部标记一个3厘米的位置 像这样 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 用尺子比着把翅膀折下来 然后把头部按照两厘米的线折向一边 你会得到 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 现在开始精心处理头部 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 首先将其恢复正常 你会看到出现了折痕 挤压头 部 借助指头把头部压紧 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 现在开始把头部继续往上折 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 把头部的尖端捏一下 目的是把它塞进机身里 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 现在把尖端反折以后塞进去 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 这就是完工以后的头部 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 接下去收拾一下尾巴 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 压扁它 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 在侧翼的部分竖起两厘米高 然后做出如图所示的2*1的区域 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 沿着1厘米的线剪开 然后按照2厘米的线向外折叠 另外一面也一样 竖起侧翼 后你会得到这个 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 这时候在主翼底部弄出两个2*0.5的调节用的小东西 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 现在所有部分完成后是这样的 在距头部大概整个机身三分之一的地方贴一块小小的胶带 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 完成~~~ status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs Sky king~~~~~~ 分享 【某Al的折纸课堂】【三大紙飛機系列最終篇】如何折出世界上最强的三大纸飞机之 三:Sky King来源: 王炎州 Alumien的日志 很感謝各位的支持, 也對各位表示歉意, 因為我在做完前兩個教程以後就搬家了, 一直以來事情很多, 也沒什麼心情繼續做紙飛機 現在條件稍有改善, 所以把這個 一直沒有發過的最終教程 給各位發上來 也當是我個人小小的新年禮物吧。 祝各位龍年大吉。 以後我也會繼續做些折紙作品發到網上來的, 還望各位繼續支持,不吝賜教。 今後也請繼續多多關照了~ 【關於一些問題】 首先我這個人是個攝影渣渣, 以前的折紙都是用手機拍的, 而且是沒有自動對焦的手機, 所以這個問題都不知道被吐槽了多少遍了, 這次也就是換了個2004年買的傻瓜相機而已, 我也想辦法用雙層紙來做了, 圖片有什麽問題,憑我我也就做到這樣了, 您要是還不滿意的話我也許以後會放視頻。 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 就是這樣。 其次呢,爲了讓各位更清楚地看出”裡外“, 我這次用白色和綠色的兩張紙疊起來做 這樣的話紙變厚了, 自然精確性很差, 而且有些地方會出現不想要的折痕, 我會在圖片下面注明的, 您折的時候自然不會有這些問題 請精細地折好了 關於諸位看官小時候折的飛機 比這個強啊什麽的, 這個我無條件相信, 希望您把教程放上來 我們交流一下好了, 光是吐槽啥也做不了。。。 您說是不是, 關於紙飛機的世界紀錄什麽的, 室內,室外,有風,無風, 用膠帶沒有,用刀具沒有, 您自己尋找即可, 我認為我沒有解釋這些東西的義務。 有什麽問題或者需要探討的地方請跟我聯繫,我們一起玩吧。alumien@gmail.com 最後,祝您玩得開心,這是我的唯一目的。 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 在很長時間里 DC-3和復仇者是紙飛機界的王者 美式的狂野或者是英式的精細是紙飛機fans的不二之選 當然,無數的愛好者們夜以繼日地研究新的紙飛機 其中也曾經包括我,當然,超越那兩者的真的少之又少。 直到這款飛機橫空出世 2009年4月11日, 日本折紙飛機協會主席Takuo Toda(戶田卓夫)先生创造了纸飞机的飞行时间的新世界纪 录:27.9秒, 比原时间长0.3秒。 户田卓夫把这架纸飞机命名為“空中之王”(Sky King), 仅由一张纸折叠而成, 這當年曾經是個了不起的消息, 這樣所謂”世界上最強的三大紙飛機“就此湊齊 戶田先生公開了折叠, 從結果看這架飛機真的非常熟悉,它的藍本非常常見,而產生的效果的確不錯 良好的重心位置和碩大的滑翔翼,這就是空中之王 這裡我們就一起試著做做吧~ 好,現在開始。 你所需要的東西是一張紙,一把尺子,一支鉛筆,一把剪刀,以及,當然,一個心靈手巧的 人。 【教程開始】 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 材料一覽,需要注意的是,我爲了讓各位看得更清楚,決定用綠色的和白色的兩張紙疊起來做紙飛機,這樣更容易看清楚內和外,各位做的時候一張紙就可以。 我把紙叠了起來 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 現在請把紙上下對折。 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 折好之後自然是這樣的。請務必在此和以後的步驟中折得”毫釐不差“,只有精確才能誕生完美。 打開之後將一側的兩角折下來。這是個熟悉無比的步驟,你會得到這個(請注意我用的是兩張紙,這是爲了看清楚內外) status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 在中折痕距尾部三釐米處做個標記,這裡表示戶田先生貌似是在一英寸甚至一釐米的地方做標記的,我覺得一釐米不太可能,一英寸的據我個人實驗反而不如三釐米的好,各位可以自己做做實驗,應該還有更好的位置,要是確認的話請千萬跟我說一聲啊。謝謝。 將上半部份反折回去使尖端和那個標記重合,這裡各位可能會覺得相當熟悉,除了做了個標記之外就像小時候最普通的紙飛機一樣。正反面是一看就明白的吧。。。。 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 這一步想必也很熟悉,繼續將左側的兩個角向裡折,折好再打開就變成下面這個樣子了 但是請注意我們的目的是折痕,這個有點不一樣,所以弄好以後請原樣打開,就是這樣 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 可以看到我用了兩層紙所以出現了皺褶,這個不要擔心,各位用一張紙折的時候是絕對沒有的。 有趣的地方出現了:再折,這次是以上次折的折痕和邊上對齊,另外一側如法炮製,你們會得到這個 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 打開看是這個樣子,現在按照折痕一層層折回去,就得到下面這個東西 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 現在請把頭部的尖端往回折,其實也就是把整個頭部平分 會得到這個(請注意我用的是兩層紙,諸君折的時候不會這樣的) status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 頭部就這樣留下了折痕,因為是兩層所以不太清楚,各位折的時候一定很清楚的 現在把它的下半部份反折上來,就是這樣子 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 我用的是兩層紙。。。。然後就是最麻煩的(其實也不麻煩)的頭部處理了 像我剛才那樣放指頭的話只要折起來頭部就會變成這樣,好 現在順著折痕壓回去 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 就是這個 然後請把頭部的上端折下來,就像下面這樣。我把白色的那層折下來是爲了讓各位看得清楚一點,用一層紙的話完全沒有這個問題 現在我去掉綠色的那層,各位折的話應該就是下面這個樣子了 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 現在是一件簡單的工作,只要把兩邊往回折就好了 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 仔細看頭部,不是正好有一條線么,按著這條線把翅膀向下折,請一定要折得平啊,我把綠色的那層拿掉以後白色的這層就會顯得空,所以這隻是個示範,折好了也是飛不好的,諸君折的時候不會這樣的。 就是這樣,另外那邊也一樣。我只是做個示範,所以這裡就不精細的折了,各位自己做的時候請務必認真 會得到這個 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 現在請折出垂直翼,大概就是一釐米高左右 status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs 基本上的樣子就大概做好了,就是這個 最後的一些小調整,請在距兩側翼端2釐米的地方切兩個0.5*2的小東西 這是調整用的 就像這樣 最後你會得到我們的Sky King status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs status of bus route map (3) public transit hub station Yibin existing bus 623, 10m~13m vehicle length, standard unit conversion factor of 1.3, a total of 810. Owns 12.3 million people (population excluding South stream, Li Zhuang populations), and meet regulatory requirements. Current planning and construction of major passenger hubs
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