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善欲人见,不是真善善欲人见,不是真善 奉献与人生主题班会教案 高二年(1)班 陈友遵 【引 语】 如果说人生是一幅画,奉献就是最绚丽的色彩;如果说人生是一首歌,奉献就是最美妙 的乐章;如果说人生是一条路,奉献就是那坚实的路基;如果说人生是一颗树,奉献就是树 上美丽的花朵和丰硕的果实。奉献的人生最美丽,奉献的人生最充实,奉献的人生最有价值、 最有意义。 【班会目的】 1.让学生思考在当今时代背景下奉献的重要性; 2.让学生清楚奉献永不褪色,在我们人生中永不过时; 3.通过班会让学生树立正确的奉献观、人生观和价值观。 【班会筹备】 ...
善欲人见,不是真善 奉献与人生主题班会 高二年(1)班 陈友遵 【引 语】 如果说人生是一幅画,奉献就是最绚丽的色彩;如果说人生是一首歌,奉献就是最美妙 的乐章;如果说人生是一条路,奉献就是那坚实的路基;如果说人生是一颗树,奉献就是树 上美丽的花朵和丰硕的果实。奉献的人生最美丽,奉献的人生最充实,奉献的人生最有价值、 最有意义。 【班会目的】 1.让学生思考在当今时代背景下奉献的重要性; 2.让学生清楚奉献永不褪色,在我们人生中永不过时; 3.通过班会让学生树立正确的奉献观、人生观和价值观。 【班会筹备】 1.多媒体(奉献与人生) 2.《奉献》的歌曲,及感恩教育背景音乐 3.感恩教育材料及雷锋事迹材料 4.主持人主持稿书写 5.照片拍摄 6.学生交流讨论材料准备 【班会要素】 时 间:2013年3月26日 星期二 地 点:文广教学楼三楼高二年(1)班教室 班 主 任:陈友遵 主 持 人:杨雅诗 陈志坚 与会对象:高二年(1)班全体学生 【班会过程】 (用通过多媒体把主题班会“奉献与人生”呈现出来,同时播放背景音乐《奉献》) 音乐控制:奉献歌曲开头(播放音乐当背景) 《奉献》 苏芮 center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 作词:杨立德 作曲:翁孝良 长路奉献给远方 玫瑰奉献给爱情 我拿什么奉献给你 我的爱人 白云奉献给草场 江河奉献给海洋 我拿什么奉献给你 我的朋友 我拿什么奉献给你 我不停的问 我不停的找 不停的想 白鸽奉献给蓝天 星光奉献给长夜 我拿什么奉献给你 我的小孩 雨季奉献给大地 岁月奉献给季节 我拿什么奉献给你 我的爹娘 啦.... 主持人甲:一棵古老苍劲的大树,已经经历了许多风风雨雨后,本来可以尽情享受那温暖的阳光和和煦的春风了,可是它没有这样做,它仍然用它那宽大、浓厚的树冠为它的子子孙孙们洒下一片绿阴,当第一场春雨来临时,一棵棵幼嫩的小草探出它的小脑瓜,当雨过天晴后,那照耀万物生长的太阳将它的光辉洒向大地时,那些小草们更加茁壮成长。经过一次又一次雨水的滋润,一次又一次阳光的照耀,数十年后,小草终于长成了参天大树,为它们共有的家园---地球,做出了巨大的贡献,它们没有辜负大树、雨水和大阳有期望,终于做出了让人赞叹的辉煌成绩。 主持人乙:现在看来,那棵大树就好比我们的父母,给予了我们无私的爱,却不图什center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 么回报,希望我们能早日成材,为祖国做出贡献;那些雨不就好比我们的老师,不仅教会我们许多知识,而且教会我们怎样做人;那颗独一无二,崇高至上的万物之首---太阳,就是我们伟大的祖国,我们成长的摇篮,我们亲爱的母亲,我们无时无刻不在吸吮着祖国母亲的乳汁。所以,我们一定要尽全力去回报它,做出最辉煌的成绩,给父母带去成功的喜悦,给老师带去心灵的慰藉,给祖国带去美好的明天~父母、老师、祖国奉献给我们,我们就一定要回报给他们~ 主持人甲和乙:《奉献与回报》主题班会现在开始~ 主持人甲:什么是奉献呢, 学 生:畅谈对奉献的理解。 学 生 1:…… 学 生 2:…… 学 生 3:…… 主持人乙:总结学生交谈后的结论“奉献” 奉献在我们生活中无处不再,在我们人生中时刻存在,所谓的奉献……奉献就是一种不求汇报的给予,奉献既是一种高尚的情操,也是一种平凡的精神;既包含着崇高的境界,也包蕴含着不同的层次。 主持人甲:3月份是学雷锋的月份,雷锋一直是奉献的化身,我们对雷锋同志到底了解有多少呢, 学 生 4:钉子精神… 学 生 5:…… 学 生 6:…… 主持人乙:(讲述)雷锋日的由来。 雷锋日,为何定在3月5日呢,1963年3月2日,雷锋同志因公牺牲后,毛主席的题词 “向雷锋同志学习”刊出在《中国青年》。5日,全国各大报纸纷纷刊载毛主席向“向雷锋同志学习”的题词。后来,中央决定,把3月5日定为雷锋纪念日。 主持人甲:(反问)雷锋已然离开,但是雷锋精神始终在激励着我们的成长现阶段,流传着雷锋3月来,四月走的说法,那么我们怎么理解呢, 学 生 7:学生自由发言,谈当今社会上无私奉献的例子。 学 生 8: 512大地震中那些救援人员的无私奉献,还有无数好心人捐款;“美丽教师----张莉莉”…… center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 学 生 9:回答:感动中国2012人物 主持人乙:(接着话题)对了每一年我们身边都涌现出一大批让我们感动的人来,央视每年都有对感动中国人物进行颁奖,(总结)因此,时代需要雷锋精神,需要奉献,社会才有温情。 下面让我们共同来了解现时代的奉献与人生的典例: 视频播放:(多媒体,播放关于比尔盖茨及感动中国2012材料)升华主题 视频1.网络上关于忠诚、奉献的真实事例太多了,古今中外无所不包。比如曾经是世界首富的比尔盖茨将自己580亿美元财产全数捐给服务于全球人类的慈善基金会(Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation),一分一毫也不会留给自己子女。(580亿美元换算成人民币为3862亿,相当于一个人每天赚100万元,得赚1060年之久。) 比尔盖茨的正面回馈社会的行为的确让我们每一个人感到震惊和感动。但这并不是等于要求我们每一人要像他那样做出惊天地泣鬼神的奉献。其实我们每个人的能力不同,所处的位置也不一样,我们只要像他心中有爱,尽心尽责做好自己工作就是了。 回归生活,在我们的学校里,如何做才能算是忠诚奉献我们的母校呢,其实很简单:只要多关注一些细节,多做一些实事,并持之以恒就行了。 视频2.感动中国2012年的简单介绍(学生之前就组织观看了感动中国2012) 主持人甲:结合自身,我们能将奉献精神融入到我们的学习生活中,从小事做起,例如同学们的乐于助人,关爱集体,就是一种无私的奉献精神的现。那么,我们日常生活中哪些表现可以认为就是我们在奉献呢, 学 生 10:谈谈班级里同学中乐于助人关爱集体的好人好事。 学 生 11:…… 主持人乙:你能为班级做些什么力所能及的事呢, 学生行动:学生写下自己力所能及却又体现关爱集体的例子,并进行交流。 班 主 任:不要以为“奉献”离我们很远,不要以为“雷锋精神”离我们很远。希望同学们都能够细心观察生活,从生活发现那些默默却又闪光的奉献精神,并且从我们力所能及的小事开始,去关心我们的集体,关心身边的伙伴。用我们的行动和新时代中学生的独特个性去诠释奉献的新定义。 【结 束 语】 (点击课件中的背景音乐《感恩的心》,并通过PPT展示下面的结束语内容) 主持人甲和乙:因为奉献我们深情的演绎着人生;因为奉献我们微笑着写下人生的希望center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 擦去了功利,赠人玫瑰,手留余香;因为奉献,我们忍看桃熟留丹,李熟枝残,因为奉献, 我们选择诗满人间,画满人间。 主持人甲和乙:宣布 主题班会—奉献与回报 班会教具:多媒体、电子琴 班会目的:培养学生形成正确的公德观、人生观和价值观 班会重点:培养学生的良好道德品质,明确公民道德的生活实际内涵 班会难点:自觉提高道德认识水平 准备过程:1、教师组织学生学习《公民道德实施纲要》 2、师生共同讨论形成本次主题班会的设计 3、成立班会筹备会 ? 组织班会材料?师生共制课件?评审筛选节目 4、主持人的挑选与班会教案的制定 实施过程: 主持人:同学们,你们还记得《公民道德实施纲要》的内容吗, (大家齐答):记得~爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭 自强、敬业奉献 主持人:非常好~但它们不是只需要我们口头上记住的字条, 而是需要我们去理解它的内涵,从而认真努力地按照这些道德 准则去做,不断提升自身的道德品质和修养,不断完善自身的 素质,做一个合格的跨世纪的社会主义接班人。同学们,你们 能做到吗, (大家齐答):能~ 主持人:好,那下面就让我们开始今天的主题班会吧。 (大家鼓掌) 主持人说开场白 甲:一棵古老苍劲的大树,已经经历了许多风风雨雨后,本来 可以尽情享受那温暖的阳光和和煦的春风了,可是它没有这样 做,它仍然用它那宽大、浓厚的树冠为它的子子孙孙们洒下一 片绿阴,当第一场春雨来临时,一棵棵幼嫩的小草探出它的小 center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 脑瓜,当雨过天晴后,那照耀万物生长的太阳将它的光辉洒向 大地时,那些小草们更加茁壮成长。经过一次又一次雨水的滋 润,一次又一次阳光的照耀,数十年后,小草终于长成了参天 大树,为它们共有的家园--地球,做出了巨大的贡献,它们 没有辜负大树、雨水和大阳有期望,终于做出了让人赞叹的辉 煌成绩。 乙:现在看来,那棵大树就好比我们的父母,给予了我们无私 的爱,却不图什么回报,只希望我们能早日成材,为祖国做出 贡献;那些雨不就好比我们的老师,不仅教会我们许多知识, 而且教会我们怎样做人;那颗独一无二,崇高至上的万物之首 --太阳,就是我们伟大的祖国,我们成长的摇篮,我们亲爱 的母亲,我们无时无刻不在吸吮着祖国母亲的乳汁。所以,我 们一定要尽全力去回报它,做出最辉煌的成绩,给父母带去成 功的喜悦,给老师带去心灵的慰藉,给祖国带去美好的明天~ 父母、老师、祖国奉献给我们,我们就一定要回报给他们~ 好~《奉献与回报》主题班会现在开始~(大家鼓掌) 进入第一乐章《我爱我家 真情永远》 主持人:世上只有妈妈好,妈妈,多么亲切,多么慈爱的称呼 啊,她们为我们付出了好多好多,而却从来都是无怨无悔,杜 甫写的那首《游子吟》的确诠释出了母爱的伟大,"谁言寸草 心,报得三春晖",妈妈为了我们付出了那么多,此时,就让 我们一吐心声,大声说一句:"世上只有妈妈好"吧~ (大家齐说):世上只有妈妈好~ 1、电子琴伴奏:世上只有妈妈好~(电视录像同时播放) 主持人:有一位诗人曾经说过:"世上最伟大的爱就是母爱"。 的确,世上没有任何一种爱可同母爱相提并论,母爱透彻无私, 纯洁伟大,让我们一起来歌颂母爱吧。 2、下面请欣赏组诗《母爱》 主持人:母亲的爱细腻,父亲的爱深沉,父母都为我们操了很 多心,两鬓也渐渐长出了银丝白发,鱼尾纹也悄悄爬上了额头, center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 可是他们仍然时时刻刻在牵挂担心着我们,因此,我们一定不 能让他们失望,下面请听: 3、一个真实的故事《俺爹俺娘》 主持人:父母平时为我们付出了那么多,我们一定有许多话要 对他们讲吧。好,下面就给你这个吐露心声的机会。 4、小记者采访(大屏幕播放同期录像) 主持人:父母很伟大,但还有一种人,其伟大的程度也足以让 世人折服,那就是教师。曾有一位很著名的哲学家说过:"教 师是人类灵魂的工程师",这句话足以看出教师这种职业的伟 大,然而更伟大的是他们将那伟大的爱无私地灌入了我们幼小 的心田,在教会我们知识的同时,更教会了我们如何去做人。 下面进入第二乐章,师恩情重,无私无怨。 主持人:静静的深夜,群星在闪耀,在这静寂的深夜,我们都 已进入梦乡,可老师却还辛勤地在灯光下忙碌,不顾身心的疲 惫,只想着学生,学生,学生让我们在此由衷地向老师道一声: (大家齐说):老师,您辛苦了~ 、大合唱《每当我轻轻走过您窗前》(大屏幕播放师生录像) 1 主持人:老师为了我们能获得更多的知识,终生都扑在教学岗 位上,辛辛勤勤,兢兢业业地面对工作,认认真真地面对学生, 而从来都是不求任何回报,只求学图形能更出色,更出色~ 此时,让我们把心里所有的感激都化作一句话吧: (大家齐说):老师,我们爱您~ 2、下面请欣赏诗朗诵《老师,我爱您》 主持人:老师这样地爱我们,可是最近在我们的校园里却发生了令老师生气的事,这是怎么 一回事呢,让我们一起去现场看一看。 3、校园现象大家说:小品《撒气儿》 主持人:同学们,对于这件事,你们有何想法呢,不要急下面 就让你们自由发言。 4、小记者采访 主持人:父母、老师的付出都是为了我们能更好地为我们伟大 center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 的祖国做出贡献,而祖国正是我们真正要为之付出的,因为今 天的我们以生长在这个祖国而自豪,明天祖国将以拥有我们为 骄傲,因此我们一定要尽全力去富强祖国~ 下面进入第三乐章,歌颂祖国,畅想明天。 主持人:祖国山河壮丽,风景怡人,改革开放后,我们的祖国 以惊人的速度发展着,好多科技人材又研究出了好多科研成 果,其中一些屡屡获世界大奖,面对着今日如此昌盛的祖国, 再想想以前蒙受耻辱的祖国,我们能不抒发心中的感慨吗, 1、下面请欣赏组诗《祖国》(大屏幕播放长江、长城、黄河) 2、主持人:在我们日渐强壮的祖国中,的确大多数人都在不 断完善自己的道德品质,可是还有一些人目无法纪,不顾道德 修养,做一些对国家对社会有害的事,下面让我们一起去看看 小品《倒霉的伐木者》吧。 主持人:同学们,对于这件事你们是不是有许多话想要说啊, 好,下面就给你们这个机会。 主持人:五十六个星座,五十六枝花,五十六个兄弟姐妹是一 家。我国自古就是个多民族的国家,五十六个兄弟姐妹亲同手 足,互敬互爱,团结向上,才有了我们祖国今天的繁荣景象。 3、下面请欣赏电子琴独奏《爱我中华》(学生手语配合) 主持人:在我国那段黑暗的时期里,中国人对自己的前途似乎 遥不可知,可是那些仁人志士总是执著,永远都不放弃希望, 终于取得了今天辉煌的成就,今天的昌盛祖国正映显了那些仁 人志士永不灭的精神和希望。正是因为他们那不灭的希望,才 赢得了今天的阳光。 4、下面请欣赏舞蹈《中国永远收获着希望》 主持人:下面请班主任老师为今天的班会做总结。 班任总结:同学们,我们要明理诚信,勤俭自强去回报我们的 父母,团结友善,勤奋创新去回报我们的老师,爱国守法,敬 业奉献去回报我们的祖国,我们要不负众望,努力学习,踏实 做人,从小端正自己的德、行,以实际行动去证明我们是社会 center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 主义事业心合格的接班人和建设者,是父母,老师和国家明天 的骄傲~ 主持人:《奉献与回报》主题班会到此结束。 center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction
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