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银联联通手机支付项目方案银联联通手机支付项目方案 中国银联 基于中国联通CDMA1X网络 Brew/Wap/Unija业务平台的 手机支付项目方案 保密约定 本方案系保密资料,由联通华建网络有限公司向中国银联提供,仅限方案评估使用,任何人不得用作其他用途。 联通华建网络有限公司 2005年7月 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndro...
银联联通手机支付项目 中国银联 基于中国联通CDMA1X网络 Brew/Wap/Unija业务平台的 手机支付项目方案 保密约定 本方案系保密资料,由联通华建网络有限公司向中国银联提供,仅限方案评估使用,任何人不得用作其他用途。 联通华建网络有限公司 2005年7月 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 目 录 1. 背景介绍................................................................................................................... 4 1.1. 联通华建网络有限公司介绍................................................................................ 4 1.2. 项目定位,银联联通手机支付平台 ..................................................................... 4 1.3. 适用客户范围:CDMA手机用户........................................................................ 5 1.4. 联通增值业务技术平台介绍................................................................................ 6 1.5. 技术特色,随时、随地、安全、快捷.................................................................. 8 2. 业务描述................................................................................................................. 10 2.1. 业务特色.......................................................................................................... 10 2.2. 业务功能...........................................................................................................11 2.3. 用户操作流程....................................................................................................11 3. ................................................................................................................. 14 3.1. 系统框架结构................................................................................................... 143.2. 系统网络结构................................................................................................... 16 3.3. 数据通信安全................................................................................................... 18 4. 业务处理流程.......................................................................................................... 19 4.1. 注册................................................................................................................. 19 4.2. 业务设置.......................................................................................................... 21 4.3. 定向支付,主动付款(帐单缴费) ................................................................... 21 4.4. 定向支付,通知付款 ........................................................................................ 22 4.5. 非定向支付,转帐............................................................................................ 24 4.6. 非定向支付,虚拟商品购买.............................................................................. 25 4.7. 非定向支付,有形商品购买(现场支付)......................................................... 26 4.8. 非定向支付,网上支付..................................................................................... 27 4.9. 查询银行卡余额 ............................................................................................... 28 4.10. 银行卡帐户变动通知..................................................................................... 28 5. 客户成本、风险分析 ............................................................................................... 29 5.1. 客户使用手机银联的成本 ................................................................................. 29 5.2. 客户使用银联手机支付业务的风险 ................................................................... 29 6. 项目建设................................................................................................................. 30 6.1. 项目建设.......................................................................................................... 30 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 6.2. 市场开拓.......................................................................................................... 31 7. 合作共赢,分享增值收益 ........................................................................................ 31 7.1. 签署.......................................................................................................... 31 7.2. 协议内容.......................................................................................................... 31 8. 附:联通华建“银联手机支付”项目小组成员 ................................ 错误~未定义书签。 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 3 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 1. 背景介绍 1.1. 联通华建网络有限公司介绍 , 由中国联通股东之一华南通信投资有限公司与中国联通、中科院华建集团合作成立 , 中国联通公司全国范围全业务的代理商,致力于联通的增值业务和移动电子商务的 开发、应用与客户发展 , 在联通移动电子商务业务中扮演着重要角色,是联通“掌上股市”业务的独家代理和 合作商,协助联通已与国内将近40家主要的大中型证券公司签署了合作协议 , 在手机金融应用软件开发方面积累了丰富的经验,尤其是针对手机处理速度有限、 存储容量小的特点,其开发的手机客户端软件体积小、功能全、速度快、操作简便 , 具备全国增值业务SP资质 , 信息产业部发放的《跨地区增值业务许可证》 , 中国联通全网SP , 短信、WAP、Brew , UniJa、彩铃、彩e , 协助金融机构提供短信SP服务 , 银河、湘财、光大、大鹏等 1.2. 项目定位,银联联通手机支付平台 , 是中国银联既有技术/业务平台在联通CDMA1X网络的无线延伸,是银联传统银行 卡业务的一种新的技术实现手段:通过定制开发的Brew/Wap/Unija手机端软件, 把CDMA手机变成客户的随时、随地、安全、快捷的银联银行卡业务窗口 , 是中国银联与中国联通、联通华建(无线增值服务商/SP )合作推出的增值业务, 采用无磁有密方式,通过Brew/Wap/Unija等手机端实现方式,实现在手机上自助 完成支付、购物功能,为银联用户提供更多的便利,同时创造价值和增值收益 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 , 基于高强度加密、证书、手机号校验、双重密码等手段的安全体系,保手机支付过 程的安全性 , 实时通信,即时完成支付操作并获得结果 , 支持全国所有具备银联标识的银行卡 1.3. 适用客户范围:CDMA手机用户 , CDMA网络用户数据:据联通公布数字,2004年12月份联通CDMA网络新增加 了64.6万手机用户,2004年一共新增加了887万CDMA手机用户,截至2004年 末,CDMA网络用户群达到了2781万,并在持续迅速上升,预计今年末将达到4000 万~ 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 02002年中2002年末2003年中2003年末2004年中2004年末2005年 中国联通CDMA用户数(万) , 联通GSM用户不换号即可使用手机银联业务:联通已于2005年4月份推出双模 卡,所有联通GSM手机用户(130、131、132网段号码)均可使用CDMA网络, 无需更换手机号 , 联通GSM用户数超过8600万 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 5 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 1.4. 联通增值业务技术平台介绍 1.4.1. BREW , BREW 的全称是无线二进制运行时环境(Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless) , BREW是高通公司专为CDMA手机数据业务开发的业务平台: , 系统安全性高 , 运行速度快 , 程序瘦小 , BREW是强调安全、高效的手机金融业务的理想的实现平台 , 实现并在API级提供了RSA1024非对称加密算法、RC4-128字节对称加密算法、 MD5、SHA1摘要等算法。 , 支持HTTPS(SSL V3.0) , 支持X.509证书(可自行导入) , 支持对服务端的认证 , 具有较强的数据处理能力 , 软件认证:手机操作系统、定制手机端软件均经过中国联通、美国高通公司认证, 确保手机客户端无病毒、无后门 1.4.2. Unija , 是中国联通推出的基于CDMA 1X网络和Java(J2ME)技术的下载类增值服务 , 支持HTTPS(SSL V3.0) , 支持X.509证书(可自行导入) , 支持对服务端的认证 , 软件认证:定制手机端软件均经过中国联通认证,确保手机客户端无病毒、无后门 1.4.3. Wap2.0 , 新一代手机浏览器技术,支持HTTP、证书 移动支付技术手段对比 SMS STK USSD WAP2.0 UniJa BREW except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 对手机的所有 支持STK支持USSD支持WAP 支持UniJa 支持要求 卡功能 功能 2.0 BREW 交互方式 短消息 短消息 交互对话 字符内容图形化界图形化界 浏览 面 面 安全性 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 功能 少 较多 较多 较多 最多 最多 功能更新 空中下载 更新服务器更新网页 空中下载 空中下载 内容 通信费用 按短消息按短消息按短消息数按流量计按流量计按流量计 数量 数量 量 费 费 费 适用业务 信息通知,短信委托在线获取信在线获取在线获取在线获取 短信委托交易,不能息,可以实字符信息,图形化信图形化信 交易,不能实时交易 时交易 可以实时息,实时交息,实时交 实时交易 交易 易 易 全国开通是 是 尚未全国开是 是 是 范围 通 搭建系统较高 较高 较高 少 高 高 的投资 用户开办简单 复杂 简单 简单 简单 简单 业务的复 杂性 支持的手查询 查询、缴查询、缴费、查询、缴查询、缴查询、缴机银联业费、转帐、转帐、银证费、转帐、费、转帐、费、转帐、务功能 支付 转帐、支付、银证转帐、银证转帐、银证转帐、 电子商务 支付、电子支付、电子支付、电子 商务 商务 商务,外汇 买卖 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte第 7 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 1.5. 技术特色,随时、随地、安全、快捷 1.5.1. CDMA 1X , 全国全网:全国范围内,只要联通CDMA1X网络覆盖的地方,可以使用支持BREW 功能的CDMA1X手机进行手机银联业务操作 , CDMA安全通信:CDMA(码分多址)源于美国军方通信技术,防窃密,防窃听 , 高速通信:CDMA1X高达153.6kbps的速率, 在无线数据业务应用上具有无可比拟 的优势 1.5.2. HTTPS , 端到端安全体系:采用成熟的HTTPS安全通信体系,确保手机支付业务流程安全 , 已在Brew、Wap2.0、Unija技术平台实现HTTPS 1.5.3. Brew/Wap/Unija手机端技术 , 开通便捷:用户自行使用手机下载为联通华建定制开发的Brew/Unija手机端软件, 或进入联通手机Wap门户,即可进行支付业务操作 , 一个手机号可以绑定多个银行卡号,除手机支付业务登录密码,每次支付均要求用 户输入银行卡交易密码以确保交易安全 , 用户界面友好:手机端软件采用彩色图形界面,人性化设计,操作直观、简捷,无 需用户记忆命令代码 1.5.4. CDMA 1X vs. GPRS , CDMA网具有话音清晰、辐射小、掉线率低、保密性好、接通率高等优点。 , CDMA2000 1X RTT(即目前商用的CDMA1X网络)与同属于2.5代的GPRS相比, 在新业务承载方面更为先进成熟。基于这一技术的移动多媒体通信功能,使用户可 以随时随地、自由自在地接收发送包括语音、数据及动态图象在内的丰富多彩的多 媒体信息。 , 未来CDMA技术在宽广的无线频谱上支持多路同步通话或数据传输。对每路话音、 传真、数据或视像传输都分配一个网络的发送端和接收端都能识别一特定代码,以 便传输的信息可在接收端重新组合。其宽广频谱使它对于市区环境中干扰和多径传except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 播环境具有更高的抗干扰能力,使之成为多址接入系统的理想选择。 , 目前用户实际使用统计表明,CDMA1X上网一般可以达到60-90Kbps,而GPRS 只能达到10-30Kbps左右。而移动能信数据业务带宽的瓶颈值是50Kbps,这种技 术的差异让中国移动的数据业务一直停滞不前。 , 目前已经越来约少人使用GPRS上网卡,而CDMA1X上网卡用户数则迅速攀升。 这充分说明了当前CDMA1X的网络性能和数据通信能力明显超越了GPRS。 , 升级到3G: , 中国联通从CDMA1X RTT升级到3G的CDMA1X EVDO,是属于同网设备升 级,升级快捷、成本低廉:“从技术成本方面分析,联通第二代CDMA网络提 升至CDMA1X EVDO网络只须数天,而且投资仅为原网络的20%左右” , 中国移动从GPRS升级到3G的WCDMA则属于新建网络,不但投入大,而 且一般来讲,新建电信网络,至少需要3年时间才能达到网络稳定、性能优化, 中国联通的CDMA网络从2002建成到2004年用户认可网络质量达到稳定, 是这一行业规律的最现实的证明 , 从纯技术角度而已,CDMA1X EVDO的技术性能指标要远远超出WCDMA, CDMA1X EVDO可以实现峰值2.4Mbps的速率,而WCDMA的速度只有 384Kbps~ , 可见,在今后的至少三年内,中国联通CDMA1X是唯一现实可行的无线数据通信 网络/无线增值业务承载网络 GSM、GPRS、CDMA对比 对比项目 GSM GPRS CDMA1X RTT 向3G过渡技术解决方案 交换网络:采用GPRS过没有 已经商用 渡。 过渡中运营商需要更换设备 需要 不需要 无线网络:需要重建,用 过渡后现在手机仍能通话 不能 能 户更换手机。 数据传输理论极限 9.6kbps 171kbps 6Mbps 已实现的传输速率 9.6kbps 53.6kbps 153kbps 移动中的掉话率 有 有 理论上无 解密通话内容的难度 较难 较难 基本不可能 支持短消息能力 强 强 非常强 支持wap上网能力 弱 强 非常强 支持多媒体服务能力 无 弱 强 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 9 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 1.5.5. 手机支付vs.网上支付 , 中国目前互联网的用户群约1亿,但手机用户群超过3亿,其中CDMA手机用户 群约3000万。可见,手机支付业务的用户基础、增长潜力要大得多,将有利于手 机支付的业务推广 , 互联网的开放性也带来了安全性问题,黑客、木马和病毒的流行让用户不放心输入 自己的银行卡号和密码 , 中国联通CDMA1X增值业务从源头上控制了无线生态环境的安全。联通采取了多 种措施(例如:经过审批才可接入,下载软件必须经过严格测试等)确保CDMA1X 网络、应用的安全,用户在这样的环境中从事金融理财和交易,可以最大限度地得 到安全保障 , 移动是人的天性:手机相对于个人电脑可以更轻松方便地随身携带和操作 , 手机支付可兼容网上支付的全部功能,并由于其随身性,可增加多种新功能 2. 业务描述 2.1. 业务特色 , 基于国际通行的HTTPS安全通信 , 实时通信、即时交易业务 , 双重密码保护 , 客户端软件与IMSI号(手机号)绑定,保存有银行卡号等业务定制信息,用户 运行客户端软件需输入“手机银联”登录密码,以防范手机丢失/盗用等风险 , 凭银行卡交易密码进行转账、汇款、缴费等交易操作 , 采用C/S模式(Brew/Unjia),针对手机银联业务定制开发手机客户端软件的操作 流程、用户界面 , 直观、友好、简捷、交易信息清晰明了 , 可方便输入信息,进行转账/汇款等操作 , 业务操作前后均可方便地查阅交易业务的详细信息 , 可异地操作,极大地方面了商旅人士 , CDMA网络全国自动漫游,漫游(数据通信)不加费 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 2.2. 业务功能 , 业务设置类 , 设置用户基本信息、手机支付业务登录密码 , 选择、定制交费项目 , 接收付款订单等通知的方式 , 设置每日、每次最大交易金额 , 定向支付类业务 , 主动付款(帐单缴费) , 通知付款(用户被动支付) , 非定向支付类业务 , 银行转账支付 , 虚拟商品购买 , 有形商品购买 , 网上支付 , 银行账户信息服务 , 余额查询 , 变动明细查询 2.3. 用户操作流程 2.3.1. 注册开通 , 在手机中下载“银联支付”客户端软件 , 运行“银联支付”客户端软件 , 阅读并接受“银联支付”服务协议 , 选择证件类型,输入证件号码 , 确认开通服务的手机号码 , 设置“银联支付”登录密码 , 设置银行账号 , 选择开户银行、账号类型 , 输入银行账号及其密码 , 发送账号、密码验证请求,如果系统验证无误,返回设置成功信息 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 11 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; , 重复以上操作,可设置多个银行卡号 , 完成注册/银行账号设置 2.3.2. 业务设置 2.3.3. 定向支付,主动付款 , 收款方是签约的特定商户,包括交纳手机费、保险费、水电煤气费、电信费、养路 费、信用卡还款等收费类业务 , 需要用户首先定制交费项目 , 手机用户端业务流程 , 选择商户、交费项目,输入交费金额 , 选择付款银行卡、输入银行卡交易密码,根据需要输入其他交易相关信息 , 用户再次确认支付指令后,系统完成相关操作,返回结果信息 2.3.4. 定向支付,通知付款 , 收款方是签约的特定商户,包括交纳手机费、保险费、水电煤气费、电信费、养路 费、信用卡还款等收费类业务 , 需要用户首先定制交费项目 , 手机用户端业务流程 , 商户生成付款信息,提交给“手机支付SP平台”,系统可采用系统消息或短 信方式向用户发送付款通知及其详细内容 , 用户查阅付款信息后,确认并选择付款银行卡、输入银行卡交易密码(或拒绝 被动交费) , 用户再次确认支付指令后,系统完成相关操作,返回结果信息 2.3.5. 非定向支付,虚拟商品购买 , 购买虚拟数字产品,如各种电话充值卡、网上游戏卡、电子客票(机票)等等虚拟 数字产品 , 手机用户端业务流程 , 用户通过手机商城、订票系统等商户系统选择商品,决定购买 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 , 商户生成付款信息,提交给“手机支付SP平台”,系统可采用系统消息或短 信方式向用户发送付款通知及其详细内容 , 用户查阅付款信息后,确认并选择付款银行卡、输入银行卡交易密码(或拒绝 被动交费) , 用户再次确认支付指令后,系统完成相关操作,返回结果信息,包括所购买的 虚拟商品内容 2.3.6. 非定向支付,有形商品购买 , 实现与无线POS相似的功能,适用于签约的无POS机的小型销售店铺、批发市场 等场景 , 手机用户端业务流程 , 用户(购物者)选择商品、确定金额,决定购买 , 商户生成付款信息,提交给“手机支付SP平台”,系统可采用系统消息或短 信方式向用户发送付款通知及其详细内容 , 用户运行手机端软件查阅付款信息后,确认并选择付款银行卡、输入银行卡交 易密码(或拒绝被动交费) , 用户再次确认支付指令后,系统完成相关操作,返回结果信息,包括支付号 , 商户通过系统商户接口、手机端软件、短信提醒、语音电话等方式实时获知收 款信息和支付号,然后向用户交付相应产品或服务 2.3.7. 非定向支付,网上支付 , 兼容已有的网上支付模式,商户端无需进行系统升级改造,只需要改动银联支付网 关部分 , 客户端业务流程 , 用户在网站选择商品并形成订单及订单号 , 在银联支付网关网页中选择付费方式为银联联通手机支付,并输入手机号 (IMEI号)/注册号 , 银联支付网关(商户)生成付款信息,提交给“手机支付SP平台”,系统可 采用系统消息或短信方式向用户发送付款通知及其详细内容 , 用户运行手机端软件查阅付款信息后,确认并选择付款银行卡、输入银行卡交 易密码(或拒绝被动交费) , 用户再次确认支付指令后,系统完成相关操作,返回结果信息,同时,支付网 关通知网站 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 13 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; , 网站向用户提供相应产品或服务 2.3.8. 银行卡账户信息服务 , 通过手机客户端软件,查询银行账户信息: , 银行账户余额 , 账户变动明细 , 银行卡帐户变动通知 3. 技术方案 3.1. 系统框架结构 系统主要包括5个部分: 1. 手机端系统(用户),主要是Brew/Wap/Unija等手机端软件 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 2. 商户端系统,例如航空公司订票系统(Brew/Wap/Unija客户端软件或Internet网站) 3. 手机支付SP平台,主要完成用户管理、商户管理、订单管理功能 4. 银联总中心端系统,包括联通华建前置系统、银联前置系统、总中心交换网络等 5. 商业银行总行的支持无磁有密方式的交易接口系统,例如网银接口或中间业务平台 接口 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 15 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 3.2. 系统网络结构 说明: 1. 手机用户通过联通的增值业务网访问商户销售系统、“手机支付SP平台” 2. 手机用户登录“手机支付SP平台”时,“手机支付SP平台”将通过“联通增值业 务综合管理系统”获得用户的手机号,并校验用户的登录帐号与登记的手机号是否 对应 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 3. 商户通过Internet或VPN与“手机支付SP平台”连接 4. “手机支付SP平台”通过专线或VPN与银联端系统连接 5. “联通华建前置系统”由联通华建针对“银联前置系统”要求定制开发,置于银联 端,由银联负责运维;“联通华建前置系统”负责: a) 用户银行卡密码在手机端软件或手机支付SP平台进行加密处理,然后才被传 送到“联通华建前置系统”,并在此解密;如果“银联前置系统”对银行卡密 码有加密要求,银行卡密码在手机端软件或“手机支付SP平台”按银联要求 进行加密处理,“联通华建前置系统”只是转发给“银联前置系统”) b) 把支付指令转换为8583格式,发送给“银联前置系统” 6. “银联前置系统”由银联负责开发、运维,负责接收“联通华建前置系统”提交的 支付指令,转交给银联总中心并返回结果 7. “银联总中心”通过各商业银行总行的无磁有密交易接口,最终完成支付操作,并 返回结果 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 17 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 3.3. 数据通信安全 说明: 1. 手机用户与商户系统的数据通信(如选择商品)直接采用HTTP或其他方式进行, 无安全通信要求 2. 商户系统与“手机支付SP平台”之间采用简单对称加密的方式,或基于双方CA 证书的强加密、认证方式,具体待定 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 3. 手机用户与“手机支付SP平台”之间的数据通信(如登录、确认订单、输入银行 卡号、密码等)采用HTTPS方式,手机端通过服务器的CA证书对服务端进行身 份认证 4. “手机支付SP平台”与银联端的“联通华建前置系统”采用HTTPS方式,并双 方服务器都采用CA证书进行强加密和身份认证,建立“手机支付SP平台”与 “联 通华建前置系统”的互相信任关系 5. “联通华建前置系统”与“银联前置系统”位于同一个局域网,或按照银联要求进 行安全通信 4. 业务处理流程 4.1. 注册 用户下载、运行Brew、Unija手机客户端软件,或进入联通Wap门户(“互动视界”)的“银联手机支付”频道,以手机号为注册号,以自助设置的登录密码自助开通(注册)或登录“手机支付SP平台”进行手机支付操作。流程图如下: 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 19 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 说明: (1) 匿名用户说明:系统自动获取手机用户IMSI号(UIM卡序列号),由“手机支 付SP平台”向联通“增值业务综合管理系统”查询对应的MDN(手机号),能 成功获得MDN为正常用户,否则为匿名用户 (2) 以手机号为注册号,并由用户自助设置登录密码,仅用于业务用户管理用途, 不与银行卡、身份证号等挂钩;支付交易的身份认证仅凭银行卡号、银行卡交 易密码(无密码的信用卡不支持,) except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 (3) 用户注册过程只需与“手机支付SP平台”交互,无需与银联端系统交互 4.2. 业务设置 4.2.1. 缴费项目设置 (1) Brew/Unija用户从手机客户端软件主菜单进入“缴费,>业务设置”界面,Wap 从联通Wap门户的“银联手机支付”栏目进入“缴费,>业务设置”界面 (2) “手机支付SP平台”返回可供选择的缴费项目,用户选中(定制)或取消选 中(取消定制)一个或多个缴费项目,选择确定,即可完成业务设置 4.2.2. 其他设置 可以在相应的设置界面设置其他信息,包括: , 修改手机支付业务登录密码 , 接收付款订单通知、帐户变动通知等的方式,如允许短信通知(用户需承担短 信息的通信费、甚至可以收取信息费) , 设置每日、每次最大交易金额 4.3. 定向支付,主动付款(帐单缴费) 用户为事先指定的账户进行缴费,如支付本机话费、支付公用事业单位账单、信用卡还款等。 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 21 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 说明: (1) 用户使用手机端软件登录“手机支付SP平台”,选择缴费项目,输入缴费金额, 然后选择(输入)付款银行卡号,并输入密码,向手机支付SP平台提交付款 信息 (2) 手机支付SP平台向银联端联通华建前置系统发出支付指令;联通华建前置系 统把支付指令转换为8583格式,发送给银联前置系统;银联前置系统把支付 指令发送给银联总中心交换网络 (3) 银联总中心交换网络把支付指令发送给商业银行总行无磁有密交易接口 (4) 商业银行总行完成扣款操作后,返回结果给银联总中心 (5) 银联总中心通过前置系统把支付结果发送给“手机支付SP平台” (6) “手机支付SP平台”把消账请求发送给商户系统 (7) 商户系统把结果信息发送给“手机支付SP平台” (8) “手机支付SP平台”通知用户付款结果 4.4. 定向支付,通知付款 由商户系统(账户中心)向“手机支付SP平台”发起扣款请求,由“手机支付SP平台”将扣款请求发给用户。用户可以通过手机端软件的相关缴费菜单,进行缴费或拒绝支付。 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 说明: (1) 商户系统登录“手机支付SP平台”,提交订单请求,提交信息包括:申请日期、 申请时间、商户标识、摘要说明、交易金额、手机用户标识号(可选)、订单 有效期(如指定30天有效),并凭CA证书进行签名或以(“手机支付SP平台” 分配给商户的)密钥进行加密;“手机支付SP平台”生成订单,订单信息包括: 申请日期、申请时间、商户标识、交易金额、摘要、手机用户标识号(可选)、 订单号、订单时间、订单有效期、检索号(随机或按一定规则生成,在有效订 单中具备唯一性) (2) “手机支付SP平台”通知商户系统订单已生成,并告知订单有关信息(订单 号、检索号) (3) “手机支付SP平台”和/或商户系统(通过短信等方式)通知用户缴费通知信 息(此步骤可选) (4) 用户使用手机端软件登录“手机支付SP平台”,系统提示有未支付订单,用户 查看并确认缴费后,选择(输入)付款银行卡号,并输入密码,向手机支付 SP平台提交付款信息 (5) 手机支付SP平台向银联端联通华建前置系统发出支付指令;联通华建前置系 统把支付指令转换为8583格式,发送给银联前置系统;银联前置系统把支付 指令发送给银联总中心交换网络 (6) 银联总中心交换网络把支付指令发送给商业银行总行无磁有密交易接口 (7) 商业银行总行完成扣款操作后,返回结果给银联总中心 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 23 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; (8) 银联总中心通过前置系统把支付结果发送给“手机支付SP平台” (9) 手机支付SP平台修改订单状态,并把支付结果发送给用户 (10) 手机支付SP平台通知商户订单已支付完成 4.5. 非定向支付,转帐 用户通过选择手机上的转账菜单可以进行卡与卡之间的转账,可以是同一用户不同银行卡之间的转账,也可以是不同用户银行卡之间的转账,对转入的银行卡用户没有任何限制。 说明: (1) 转出卡用户通过手机上的转账菜单,输入(选择已登记的)转出、转入卡号、 转账金额、银行卡密码向“手机支付SP平台”发起转账请求 (2) “手机支付SP平台”将带有转入卡号和转出卡号的转账交易请求发送给银联 系统 (3) 银联系统将转账信息发给转出卡的发卡行A (4) 发卡行A收到转账请求后,验证合法性,进行扣款处理后,并向银联系统回应 转账结果 (5) 银联系统收到发卡行A的扣帐成功信息后,向转入卡的发卡行B发送转入信息 (6) 发卡行B收到信息后,对转入卡进行入账,并回应转账结果给银联系统 (7) 银联系统将转账结果送给“手机支付SP平台” except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 (8) “手机支付SP平台”通知转出卡用户 (9) 转出卡用户通知转入卡用户(持卡人) (10) 转入卡用户可自行登录系统查看资金余额和交易历史信息 4.6. 非定向支付,虚拟商品购买 用户可以直接在手机上通过无线网络连接商户销售系统,浏览相关产品并用手机支付 (如手机购机票),也可以通过互联网选择商品,再通过手机进行支付。流程如下: 说明: (1) 用户使用手机端软件选定商品,例如通过商品目录查找或进行订机票操作,发 出购买要求(购物付款),手机端系统自动把手机标识号(IMSI号或其他用户 特征号)发送给商户系统 (2) 商户系统登录手机支付SP平台,并提交订单请求,提交信息包括:申请日期、 申请时间、商户标识、摘要说明、交易金额、手机用户标识号(可选),并凭 CA证书进行签名或以(手机支付SP平台分配给商户的)密钥进行加密;手机 支付SP平台生成订单,订单信息包括:申请日期、申请时间、商户标识、交 易金额、摘要、手机用户标识号(可选)、订单号、订单时间、订单有效期(如 默认2小时有效)、检索号(随机或按一定规则生成,在有效订单中具备唯一 性) 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 25 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; (3) 手机支付SP平台通知商户系统订单已生成,并告知订单有关信息(订单号、 检索号) (4) 商户系统通知用户订单已生成,可以进行支付操作 (5) 用户登录手机支付SP平台,选择查阅支付订单信息 (6) 手机支付SP平台把订单信息发送给手机用户 (7) 用户确认订单信息,选择(输入)付款银行卡号,并输入密码,向手机支付 SP平台提交付款信息,包括:付款卡号、密码、订单号 (8) 手机支付SP平台向银联端联通华建前置系统发出支付指令;联通华建前置系 统把支付指令转换为8583格式,发送给银联前置系统;银联前置系统把支付 指令发送给银联总中心交换网络 (9) 银联总中心交换网络把支付指令发送给商业银行总行无磁有密交易接口 (10) 商业银行总行完成扣款操作后,返回结果给银联总中心 (11) 银联总中心通过前置系统把支付结果发送给手机支付SP平台 (12) 手机支付SP平台修改订单状态,并把支付结果发送给用户 (13) 手机支付SP平台通知商户订单已支付完成 (14) 商户向用户交付虚拟商品 4.7. 非定向支付,有形商品购买(现场支付) 说明:业务流程及流程图同“4.6非定向支付,虚拟商品购买”,具体为: (1) 用户在商户现场选择商品,双方确定价格,用户决定购买,告知手机支付用户 标识号(如注册号或手机号,因用户可能不愿意向商户透露个人信息,此为可 选项) (2) 商户(通过平台商户网络接口或使用商户版手机端软件)登录“手机支付SP 平台”,提交订单请求,提交信息包括:申请日期、申请时间、商户标识、摘 要说明、交易金额、手机用户标识号(可选),并凭CA证书进行签名或以(手 机支付SP平台分配给商户的)密钥进行加密;手机支付SP平台生成订单,订 单信息包括:申请日期、申请时间、商户标识、交易金额、摘要、手机用户标 识号(可选)、订单号、订单时间、订单有效期(如默认2小时有效)、检索号 (随机或按一定规则生成,在有效订单中具备唯一性) (3) 手机支付SP平台通知商户系统订单已生成,并告知订单有关信息(订单号、 检索号) (4) 商户通知用户订单已生成,告知检索号,可以进行支付操作 (5) 用户登录手机支付SP平台,选择检索支付订单信息,并输入检索号 (6) 手机支付SP平台把检索号(唯一)对应的订单信息发送给手机用户 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 (7) 用户确认订单信息,选择(输入)付款银行卡号,并输入密码,向手机支付 SP平台提交付款信息,包括:付款卡号、密码、订单号 (8) 手机支付SP平台向银联端联通华建前置系统发出支付指令;联通华建前置系 统把支付指令转换为8583格式,发送给银联前置系统;银联前置系统把支付 指令发送给银联总中心交换网络 (9) 银联总中心交换网络把支付指令发送给商业银行总行无磁有密交易接口 (10) 商业银行总行完成扣款操作后,返回结果给银联总中心 (11) 银联总中心通过前置系统把支付结果发送给手机支付SP平台 (12) 手机支付SP平台修改订单状态,并把支付结果同时发送给用户 (13) 手机支付SP平台通知商户订单已支付完成 (14) 商户向用户交付有形商品 补充:本功能接近传统POS刷卡业务流程,并可适用于批发市场、普通零售场所、物流 配送(送货上门、收款)等场所。举例: (1) 批发市场:商家首先注册成为本业务的商户,使用手机实时申请生成订单、查 阅银行帐号资金状况 (2) 物流配送:例如B2C网站(当当、大洋网、etc.)、送机票、烟草配送,客户 下达送货通知后,商家系统通过“手机支付SP平台”商户接口系统登录商户 管理系统,申请生成订单,并把订单的检索号附于货物,送货员送达货物,用 户用手机进行检索订单、支付后,商家得知收款信息后,短信或电话通知送货 员(或送货员使用客户端软件查询订单成交状态),送货、收款任务结束。 4.8. 非定向支付,网上支付 参照以上虚拟商品购买功能,由银联改造网上支付网关,以兼容已有的网上支付模式, 无需网上支付商户端(网站)进行系统升级改造。具体流程: (1) 用户通过网站选择商品后,在银联网上支付网关网页中选择付费方式为“银联 联通手机支付” (2) 网上支付网关以以上“4.6非定向支付,虚拟商品购买”流程中的“商户”角 色,代理网上支付的商家(网站)向“手机支付SP平台”提交生成订单申请, 并继续执行以上虚拟商品购买流程的步骤(2)-(11) (3) 商户管理系统更新订单信息后,通知网上支付网关(商户),网上支付网关通 知网上支付的商家(网站) (4) 网上支付的商家向用户交货 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 27 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 4.9. 查询银行卡余额 说明: (1) 用户使用手机端软件登录“手机支付SP平台”,选择查询金额,然后选择(输 入)付款银行卡号,并输入密码,向手机支付SP平台提交查询指令 (2) 手机支付SP平台向银联端联通华建前置系统发出查询指令;联通华建前置系 统把查询指令转换为8583格式,发送给银联前置系统;银联前置系统把查询 指令发送给银联总中心交换网络 (3) 银联总中心交换网络把查询指令发送给商业银行总行无磁有密交易接口 (4) 商业银行总行返回查询结果给银联总中心 (5) 银联总中心通过前置系统把查询结果发送给“手机支付SP平台” (6) “手机支付SP平台”通知用户查询结果 4.10. 银行卡帐户变动通知 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 5. 客户成本、风险分析 5.1. 客户使用手机银联的成本 , 一次性投入:购买/租借具备CDMA1X增值业务功能(Brew/Wap/UniJa)的手机 , 每月投入,CDMA1X流量费 , 标准资费为0.02元/KB,一次操作(如查询余额、或转账交易)流量大约1-5KB, 即0.02-0.1元 , 在联通的资费套餐中,常见流量打包政策,此时,用户流量一般不会超支,即 无需额外支付手机银联的流量费 , 每月投入,增值业务信息费 , 由中国银联与联通华建公司共同定价 , 联通华建公司建议定价为包月5元 5.2. 客户使用银联手机支付业务的风险 , 丢失手机:但由于需要凭密码登录、使用客户端软件,而且手机的运行环境(操作 系统)是封闭的,无法导出内存信息、或外挂破解软件,所以保存在手机中的信息 无法被盗用或破解,用户的损失只限于手机购买成本 , 手机采用HTTPS安全通信方式,但手机支付SP平台服务器的公钥证书是内置在 客户端软件中的,不可更换的,所以: , 一方面,需要确保客户端软件的分发途径是安全的,从而确保证书的可信性; 目前中国联通Brew/UniJa软件的测试、上线都有一套完整的认证、签名机制, 并垄断了Brew/UniJa软件的分发(下载)渠道,所以银联必须信任中国联通, 同时也确认了客户端软件的分发过程是安全可靠的 , 另一方面,理论上,在服务器正式到期之前,应主动通知手机用户升级客户端 软件,从而更新证书,有由于证书有效期较长(一般为10年以上),而手机的 生命周期一般只有2-3年,基本可以忽略此项 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 29 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 6. 项目建设 6.1. 项目建设 6.1.1. 平台建设 , 银联负责开发“银联前置系统”,并向联通华建提供该系统的接口 , 联通华建负责开发“手机支付SP平台”和“联通华建前置系统” , 银联以专线或VPN方式与手机支付SP平台连接,进行交易请求的转发处理 6.1.2. 客户端软件,Brew/Wap/Unija , 联通华建技术团队是中国最早的BREW/J2ME应用开发商,测试通过率高,且与众 多BREW/J2ME手机厂商合作密切 , 联通华建已经投入一定资金,开发目前最先进的BREW手机银联客户端软件 , 使用客户端软件的客户交纳信息费(月租费),用于长期技术升级、维护,具体方 式可以协商 6.1.3. 商户接入 , 银联、中国联通、联通华建三方共同制定开放式技术接口、业务,对商户公布; 商户按此规范进行接入,开展业务 , 联通华建负责商户接入的技术实施工作,业务管理由银联、中国联通、联通华建共 同负责 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; 银联手机支付方案 6.2. 市场开拓 6.2.1. 中国联通 , 向联通用户介绍手机银联业务的服务内容、特点及使用方法的各种宣传。 6.2.2. 中国银联 , 在中国银联的电子媒介宣传渠道中(网站等),宣传银联手机支付服务的内容、特 点、使用方法、操作使用流程,进行品牌与形象宣传 , 调动商业银行资源,通过商业银行进行宣传,如在银行营业网点置放各种宣传品 6.2.3. 联通华建 , 负责银联手机支付客户端软件开发及服务 , 与银联共同完成平台建设工作 7. 合作共赢,分享增值收益 7.1. 协议签署 , 签署方式:由中国银联、中国联通、联通华建,共同签署三方合作协议 , 签署主体:中国银联、中国联通、联通华建 7.2. 协议内容 , 信息服务费(月租) , 持卡人(手机用户)使用手机支付业务的基础服务费(建议:5元/月) , 银联账号资金变更实时短信通知0.1元/条 第except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome afte 31 页 共 32 页 r cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method; , 对于收取的信息服务费,联通扣除15%-20,代收手续费,其余80%-85,由银 联、联通华建分成 , 银行卡信息转接费(交易佣金) , 为交易额的一定百分比,由银联(按照有关规定、行业惯例)具体制定,向商 户收取,由发卡行、收单行、转接方(银联)分享,联通、联通华建不参与 , 商户佣金差 , 各方均可直接或通过代理商发展商户,从商户协议收取的交易佣金高于银行卡 信息转接费的部分,由发展商户的一方(代理商)得大部分,剩余部分由订单 (商户)管理系统的平台运营商获得,作为平台运营商的收益 , 其它业务的收费:具体商议 except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer ... Clinical technical cases (?) peripheral venipuncture (trainee) 1 lumbar puncture (trainee) 1 Naso-gastric tube placement (internship) 1 (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: reading English documents, assist in clinical teaching (theory and practice), and participate in clinical research activities. (J) obstetrics and Gynecology 1. Rotary objective: torsion of ovarian tumor, ectopic pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prenatal postpartum haemorrhage, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment; normal delivery process; common gynecological physical examination, after posterior FORNIX of vagina puncture indication and operating methods, obstetric apparatus using methods commonly used. Familiar with: Pregnancy, pregnancy and normal delivery of knowledge spontaneous abortion, premature birth, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genital inflammation, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of cervicitis; principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of vaginal bleeding; abdominal amniocentesis indication and operation method;
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