

2018-05-02 12页 doc 103KB 20阅读




广州本色酒吧考察有感广州本色酒吧考察有感 tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone...
广州本色酒吧考察有感 tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 广州本色酒吧考察有感 难得有时间出来透个气,一年了,再不出来看看外面的世界,我将直接被淘 汰,所以第一站我就选择了广州,本色酒吧~ tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 我到达广州已经是晚上6点半了,开好房间,随便吃了点沙县小吃,打了个出租车,直奔本色酒吧,一到沿江路,我就叫司机停了下来,顺便看看这条街的其他酒吧。珠江的夜,斑斓而缤纷。的确,是广州夜晚的一道风景线,而广州的夜生活都汇聚在这里,尽现各自特色风采。 刚到本色酒吧,还没找到进门。门头的招牌和亮化不是很显眼,不过房子矗立在珠江上,临着沿江路,与其它酒吧不同,站在本色酒吧,你会感觉到自己在珠江的水面上,别具一格~前厅穿着白色衬衫的迎宾,顶着白旅帽,黑色的短裙,热情的和你打招呼。进去后才知道只剩下门口的3张台子,其他全部订满。上了一套轩威880元含两支自配的橙汁。果盘88元,小吃40元每份。其中果盘小吃另外买。酒水单分两面,很简单,啤酒基本上60元一支,680元一打。基本上每台单点每次就可达到1000元。单台最低消费800元。 我环视着这个本色,层高6米左右,顶部吊顶就是灯光的铁架,空隙处用人工麻石走线吊顶,麻石上有本色的英文字,灯光部位很完善,花了设计师和灯光设计师不少精力,灯光和设计配合的很细腻,没有一点凌乱的感觉。进门对面,临江一面是玻璃,玻璃外面是方格大小一平方米的钢材,两边有圆弧的欧式门样式的钢材,这样和玻璃粘合在一起,从地面到顶部,珠江的夜景,透过这扇玻璃墙,一览无遗。玻璃外面还有一条窄小的栏杆走廊,玻璃外面是江,玻璃墙里面是棕色的卡座,卡座和散桌皆是玻璃结合钢材做成的,这也契合了现代时尚的元素。进门后,大厅的左手边靠强的一一排卡座,可以看到卡座顶部横切了一层,据工作人员介绍,里面是包厢,而整座墙面,有几道简单的LED暖光,白色,简单,只有四道,看起来像人的脸框线。大厅的四个角都做了几个欧式门的钢材造型,从地面一根钢管,到顶部圆弧。进门大厅的左手边是一个酒柜,酒柜外面是一个长方形的吧台,里面有几个吧仔,吧台的台面和侧面材料都是大理石和玻璃为主。酒柜就好似不锈钢和玻璃的结合,其实我觉得这个酒柜不好看,很简单,上面放的都是一些香槟,XO,红酒。当客人点了这些酒的时候,机械吊杆会把一个穿天使的女孩,由吧台里面吊到2楼取酒,引取现场的注意,这个噱头只适合部分人,而更多的人看的是这个女人的身材,对酒没有过分奢求。 DJ台矗立玻璃墙的对面,也就是沿江路这边,进门时,如果没有DJ在上面你会跟难找到DJ台,DJ台用了几个木墩支撑着设备,对着全场,DJ台背后一个正方形的液晶电视墙,电视墙脚下一排卡座,DJ台也视乎矗立在场中间,DJ台正对面是玻璃墙,玻璃墙脚下是一个6平方米的长方形舞台。玻璃墙和舞台中间隔着一排卡座。连接舞台和DJ的是一个长条的升降舞台,有15米的长度,设计这个长台,也是为了提供模特走秀。但是这个大理石面的长台,升降起来很麻烦,需要保安监督,防止碰伤客人,实际抄作有些麻烦。 全场使用现场的摄像视频结合,让很多美女满足了被关注的愿望,一根长杆来回的在场内摇动,尤其是演出的时候,结合的不错。 音箱品牌是马田的,线振背对背的吊在层高3.5米的地方,这样线型的走位确保了每个部分音量的均衡,加上马田的力量,打HOUSE这类鼓点比较猛的音乐,是很能让人动的起来。 卫生间有两扇门,设计很好,人流畅通,一点也不拥挤,休闲区沙发就在这个走道上,提供人休息和打电话。 开场之前全场都是服务人员,600平方米的大厅,基本上是一个人管两个台面。除了拥挤的时候,基本上都是服务人员一整晚的帮我倒酒,地面和台面清理的很干净,热情洋溢的笑容,服务的确还可以,整晚有3个客服上来发名片,其tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 中一个玩了几把色盅,离台的话都是“有什么需要,请电我。”服务员推销过一次。本色这次VI器皿都是自己设计的为主。有很多值得参考的,比如小吃碟是不锈钢做的,不容易摔坏,饮酒壶顶部半封闭的盖子,不会漏酒水,桌面和地面干净。 音乐排的很流畅,整晚没感觉到一处衔接不好的地方,更不会出现跑马,或者音色锐耳,音量大小每首歌不均衡的低级错误。DJ现里还可以的,打的音乐DJ也很熟悉,可以做到边打边唱,边煽动肢体,带动气氛,直到一点钟,有一个本土DJ,两个外国DJ。前场情调,带有人声的英文歌曲,没有RNB,没有HIP,没有另类的鼓点。都以一些流行的,打榜的,人声很美,音色很干净,很流畅的,平稳的音乐做情调,鼓点走向往上,开场是一个女歌手,女歌手唱之前,放了及小节的BREAKB的干鼓,告诉大家,歌手来了。三首歌结束后,直接打榜的,PTBB,以纯四拍为主的弹性鼓点,慢慢往上走,过度到HOUSE,,中途节目上了一个舞蹈,知道12点开始模特走秀。随着一阵尖叫声,鬼妹开始走秀了,的确身材很好,来的都是打酱油的。走秀拍的很到位,绝对是专业的人指导出来的。 渐渐的酒喝点有点上头,本来还想听一下后面的音色走向的,但是朋友明天要上班,我这些天也有些累,就离开酒吧了,我走的时候,没有一桌离开,我知道夜生活才刚刚开始。所以下次去玩,一定找好搭档。 走出酒吧的大门,街道上的人多了起来,烧烤,夜宵摊,酒吧里和街上外国人都比较多,站街女也很多,街边卖唱的一点水平也没有,调跑到美国去了,我今夜真的醉了,醉在这陌生的城市里,看着珠江两条昏黄惚恍路灯,自己仿佛迷失在人生的旅途上。沿着河廊走到,我想了很多 ,,,,,,,, 本色上海店这几天开业,重庆,其他城市一共加起来,好像有5家店,具体的不清楚。这样一个模式,的确有些新颖,装修看似简单,但是时尚的一个产品。的确对于国内娱乐市场起到了推动的作用。当苏荷,88这种模式,已经被人厌倦和过时后,潮流必须由新的娱乐餐品来代替,于是,苏格MUSE和本色在进一两年内抓住了这个时机。迅速发展,霸占着这个市场,其实走的商业模式和以前的连锁加盟店是一样的。这样的连锁酒吧投资商在加盟店里已经尝到了甜头,当娱乐打出品牌以后,商品品牌的价值不是用营业额来衡量的。用战略的营运方式去经营,是很多投资商想得到,但是却做不到的。 当地球绕着太阳转的定律成为事实的时候,就注定地球上的一切都在变化!所以娱乐也一直在更新,而在这样的更新市场里,太多的模仿,却很少有各自的特色,当苏荷88盛行的时候,5年前所有酒吧装修基本一个模型,当MUSE和本色出来,是现代的。已经有些人开始模仿了。五年后,10年后,当MUSE和本色接近尾声的时候,有会有新的模式所取代,而这种模式会是什么样,又有谁会想得到,引领这个市场,不是所有人都可以做到。多少夜店,投资几千万,没有回报,多少企业根据没有站稳,就想鱼跃龙门,如果本色没有加盟苏荷,没有借助苏荷这个品牌,其实什么都是不是~装修没装修,音乐没什么特色,放的歌都听过,其他的只能说达到了一线的水准,但不是顶尖的水准。没有苏荷的内功和映射力,就没有本色的成功。光靠深圳的本色前身,在国内没有冲击力。 但是本色的理念是很前卫的,“国际,品质,亲切,艺术”。这样的企业精神口号,也只有在一线城市才能做到。当然在行内人士看来,所有华丽的外表都是为了掩盖投资的直接目的,盈利~盈利才是真正商业的根本目的。在这个目的表面披上华丽的外衣,是企业形象体现。 本色是成功的,不他的营业额可以达到多少,这样的模式总体上是被人tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 认可的,借住这样的模式,可以扩散出去。的确花了不少他们工作人员的心血。所有筹备过酒吧,组建过团对的人都知道,一个成功的夜店,需要付出多少的艰辛,更何况是本色这样的品牌夜店。据说本色筹备了两年。每个夜店的经理人,都可以换过来思考一个问,假如你是总经理,你是执行这个品牌夜店的总执行官,要你一手打造一个团队,去完善这个场所,当没有开业之前,结果你能做到这样吗,每个人的答案都是否定的~这好比一辆宝马汽车,你可以是发动机的制造者,你也懂每一个零部件的抄作,和工艺,但是要你单独或者请一些零时工去完成是不可能实现的。所以回到了那些成旧的话题,团队,企业本身的根基文化,人才,品牌映射力,广州这样的城市,都是要汇聚天使地利人和的。绯闻潜女艺人,上街游行的奥特曼反对珠江上开酒吧,曾经的一些小鬼,困难都阻挡不了本色酒吧的前进,这好比是“反清复明”的口号,逆天必亡,潮流的步伐紧跟时代,是哲学道理,本色换个地方照样火爆~阻挡无济于事。 而我作为从事娱乐行业也十年了的一个小角色,也在思索自己的出路,不管是为了理想,还是为金钱,都希望自己在这个圈子里,有所作为。当谋一天,我们告别夜店的时候,我们可以做到回眸一笑~ 阿赖 2012年3月 tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor
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