

2018-02-10 16页 doc 48KB 16阅读




重庆市渝溪产业重庆市渝溪产业 重庆市渝溪产业,集团,有限公司 行政办公室主任岗位8S管理实施细则 一、检查办公室工作人员8S管理落实情况 1、办公室及办公区域是否清扫整理干净, 2、办公室物品用具表面是否干净整洁, 3、物品摆放是否符合规范要求, 4、办公桌面是否有多余物品, 5、办公室人员着装是否整洁规范, 6、办公室办公设备是否全部打开, 7、每天下班后检查设备电源是否断开、门窗是否关好。 二、办公室日常工作 1、每天对办公室上报的各生产经营情况进行总结分析~并拟定意见实施上报董事长办公室。 2、负责全公司员工...
重庆市渝溪产业 重庆市渝溪产业,集团,有限公司 行政办公室主任岗位8S管理实施细则 一、检查办公室工作人员8S管理落实情况 1、办公室及办公区域是否清扫整理干净, 2、办公室物品用具面是否干净整洁, 3、物品摆放是否符合要求, 4、办公桌面是否有多余物品, 5、办公室人员着装是否整洁规范, 6、办公室办公设备是否全部打开, 7、每天下班后检查设备电源是否断开、门窗是否关好。 二、办公室日常工作 1、每天对办公室上报的各生产经营情况进行总结分析~并拟定意见实施上报董事长办公室。 2、负责全公司员工大会、月生产调度会、经理办公会议等~做好记录~负责督促检查会议决议执行情况。 3、收集办公室当天要完成的相关事宜~需要各部门协助的~拟定安排意见转告各部门~就有关情况与办公室工作人员通气~协作做好当天各项工作。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 4、根据公司领导指示和有关会议决定~组织草拟和发布通知、通告、会议纪要及其他文件。 5、负责公司公文、函电、报表的初批、拟办和催办工作。 6、负责办理总公司领导交办的工作任务~按要求进行面或口头回复。 7、负责组号来信来访的接待工作~处理好信息反馈。 8、负责审核全司办公室及有关部门申请添置的办公文具和其它备品清单~报经分管领导批准后交采购员予以采购。 9、注意调查研究~主动了解、收集情况和问题~为领导决策时提供参考。 三、参与公司重大决策管理 1、认真贯彻执行党和国家制定的各项方针政策~对近期出台的相关政策性和法规性知识~尽快掌握熟悉加以宣贯和汇报公司领导~并熟悉各项工作业务环节~当好公司领导的参谋和助手。 2、在董事长、总经理的领导下~负责主持全司行政办公室的全面工作~负责办公室各岗位分工并制定工作职责和工作标准~建立部门工作~组织并督促全室人员全面完成本室职责范围内的各项工作任务。 3、贯彻落实本室岗位责任制和工作标准~密切各部门工作关系~加强协作配合做好衔接协调工作。 4、组织收集和了解各部门的工作状态~协助公司领导领导协items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 调各部门之间有关的业务工作~掌握公司主要活动情况~为公司领导决策提供意见和建议。 5、负责组织起草公司半年、年度工作计划、总结和领导汇报、讲话材料。并参与公司发展规划的编制和公司重大决策事项的讨论。 四、其他工作 1、每月25日前~对办公室收集的各单位生产经营情况数据及总结材料~进行修改整理, 2、统筹协调与各行政主管部门的联系与衔接, 3、检查文件档案资料收集整理落实情况, 4、负责审核办公室每月底整理出来准备销毁的资料, 5、负责制定安排各生产经营单位的集中培训~并整理培训学习前后的资料, 6、每自然年度开始~负责安排并牵头整理上一年的文件资料档案~整理成册后存档备查。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 重庆市渝溪产业,集团,有限公司 行政办公室副主任岗位8S管理实施细则 一、检查办公室工作人员8S管理落实情况 1、办公室及办公区域是否清扫整理干净, 2、办公室物品用具表面是否干净整洁, 3、物品摆放是否符合规范要求, 4、办公桌面是否有多余物品, 5、办公室人员着装是否整洁规范, 6、办公室办公设备是否全部打开, 7、每天下班后检查设备电源是否断开、门窗是否关好。 二、办公室日常工作 1、协助办公室主任每天搞好办公室日常工作。 2、协助主任每天对办公室上报的各生产经营情况进行总结分 析~并拟定意见实施上报董事长办公室。 3、负责全公司员工大会、月生产调度会、经理办公会议等~ items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 做好记录~负责督促检查会议决议执行情况。 4、每次到分公司~分厂临时检查情况要以书面的形式上报~并对布置的意见及时反馈。 5、协助办公室收集当天要完成的相关事宜报主任审批~需要各部门协助的~拟定安排意见转告各部门~就有关情况与办公室工作人员通气~协作做好当天各项工作。 6、根据公司领导指示和有关会议决定~组织草拟和发布通知、通告、会议纪要及其他文件。 7、负责公司公文、函电、报表的初批、拟办和催办工作。 8、负责办理总公司领导交办的工作任务~按要求进行书面或口头回复。 9、负责来信来访的接待工作~处理好信息反馈。 10、负责审核全司办公室及有关部门申请添置的办公文具和其它备品清单~报经分管领导批准后交采购员予以采购。 11、注意调查研究~主动了解、收集情况和问题~为领导决策时提供参考。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 重庆市渝溪产业,集团,有限公司 行政办公室文员岗位 8S管理实施细则 一、检查办公室工作人员8S管理落实情况 1、办公室及办公区域是否清扫整理干净, 2、办公室物品用具表面是否干净整洁, 3、物品摆放是否符合规范要求, 4、办公桌面是否有多余物品, 5、办公室人员着装是否整洁规范, 6、办公室办公设备是否全部打开, items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 7、每天下班后检查设备电源是否断开、门窗是否关好。 二、办公室日常工作 1、接听、转接电话~并对重要的电话~做好电话记录~及时通知到分管负责人详实办理。 2、负责接待来访人员。 3、每天在上午8:30分之前将各生产经营单位上报的各生产经营情况进行统计收集~并拟定意见实施上报董事长办公室。董事长审批意见后及时反馈各生产经营单位。 3、负责公司及外来文件的整理归档~并对领导拟办意见及时反馈给分管负责人。 4、负责公司公文、信件、邮件、传真、报刊杂志的分送。 5、负责公司公文、信件、内部刊物的校对工作。 6、负责办公用品的保管和领发工作~并做好入出库的领用登记。 7、负责总经理办公室的清洁卫生。 8、负责报刊的征订、送发工作。 9、负责技术图书、资料的购买、征订工作~负责技术图书、资料,包括音像,的管理工作。 10、接受其他临时工作。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 重庆市渝溪产业,集团,有限公司 人事劳资办主任岗位8S管理实施细则 1、协助办公室领导做好公司的日常行政管理工作。 2、负责公司行政印鉴及董事长、经理名章的使用、管理 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 工作。 3、负责编制申报工资计划。 4、负责编制劳动工资、各项补贴、津贴及公司的考勤管 理工作。 5、奖金分配及相关发放表的编制。 6、编制劳动工资月报表。 7、负责各类劳动工资报表的填报。 8、协助总经理增减工资及增资测算工作。 9、负责劳动纪录、安全、环境卫生的抽查工作。 10、负责定编、定岗、定员相关工作。 11、负责各项保险费基数测算统计及代扣代缴。 12、负责员工工伤保险及事故处理的办理工作。 13、负责员工工伤事故补偿金额核算工作。 14、负责工作转移职工工资等关系上转及承接工作。 15、负责办理员工劳动的签订、终止、解除等业务。 16、负责人力资源的招聘、选拔、录用工作。 17、负责人力资源的工作绩效考评、薪酬福利管理工作。 18、负责员工的管理档案工作。 19、负责公司重要文件的档案管理工作。 20、完成领导交办的各项工作。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 重庆市渝溪产业,集团,有限公司 采购员岗位8S管理实施细则 1、服从分配~听从指挥~并严格遵守公司的各项规章制度和有关规定, 2、负责公司的物资、设备的采购工作, 3、每天电话咨询收集各库房材料需求情况~在不耽误生产的情况下~及时进行采购, 4、对所采购材料质量、数量核对~及时入库~并办结相关手续, 5、有权拒绝末经领导同意批准的采购定单~但在保证不影响生产的情况下~及时与负责领导取得衔接~组织购买后~再补办采购手续, 6、负责办理交验、报账手续~定期进行报账。 7、负责保存采购工作的必要原始记录~做好统计~定期上报, 8、对所承担的工作全面负责, 9、对所采购的物资、设备要有申购单并上报采购主管, items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 10、协助做好有关物资采购工作的事项, 11、负责供应商的开发和与供应商的谈判~引进具有竞争力同时能带来公司赢利的商品。 12、按时与供应商定期进行账目核对~办结账目处理, 13、对发运的货物及时组织运输~以免耽误生产。 重庆市渝溪产业,集团,有限公司 驾驶员岗位8S管理实施细则 1、在车辆管理人员的领导下~认真做好对领导和各部门的驾驶服务。 2、车辆驾驶人员即为车辆保管人员。 3、必须由车辆负责人批准后方可出车。收车后车辆驾驶人员及时将车辆交回车辆管理人员。 4、工作积极主动~服从分配~同事之间搞好团结~有事提前请假~不得无故缺勤。 5、平时不出车时~必须事先和办公室和领导进行衔接~items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 并保证移动电话正常通话~以免需用车时找不到人的情况出现。 6、平时要注意对车辆的保养与清洁卫生~确保车辆处于安全、可靠、清洁的良好状态。 7、车辆驾驶人员不得私自将车辆交于他人驾驶~否则一切后果及损失由车辆驾驶人员负责。 8、车辆驾驶人员在驾驶中应严守交通规则。违反交通规则~其罚款由车辆驾驶人员负担。 9、驾驶人员要加强服务意识~热情服务~小心驾驶~以维护公司的良好形象。 10、车辆驾驶人员要保持良好的个人形象~保持服装整洁卫生~并注意个人言行。 11、完成领导交办的其他事项。 items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office
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