首页 > 果汁和蔬菜汁的做法


2018-03-20 35页 doc 100KB 8阅读




果汁和蔬菜汁的做法果汁和蔬菜汁的做法 草莓综合果汁 主材料:草莓100克,优酪乳1/2杯 副材料:柠檬1/3个,冰片1-2片,方糖1小茶匙 做法: 将草莓、柠檬去皮, 全部放进压榨器中榨汁,并与优酪乳混合。 再注入杯中,放进冰片与甜料。 作用: 草莓是维生素C含量最高的水果,对面疱、粉刺具有很好的疗效,脸上或身上的痘痘猖獗时,请多多饮用。 柳橙凤梨汁 主料:柳橙1个,凤梨100克,西红柿1/2个,洋芹5克 副材料:蜂蜜1小茶匙,柠檬1/3个 做法: 柳橙去皮,凤梨(又称菠萝)去皮与心,西红柿去蒂,各切成适当大小。柠檬去皮垢 ,与洋芹等...
果汁和蔬菜汁的做法 草莓综合果汁 主材料:草莓100克,优酪乳1/2杯 副材料:柠檬1/3个,冰片1-2片,方糖1小茶匙 做法: 将草莓、柠檬去皮, 全部放进压榨器中榨汁,并与优酪乳混合。 再注入杯中,放进冰片与甜料。 作用: 草莓是维生素C含量最高的水果,对面疱、粉刺具有很好的疗效,脸上或身上的痘痘猖獗时,请多多饮用。 柳橙凤梨汁 主料:柳橙1个,凤梨100克,西红柿1/2个,洋芹5克 副材料:蜂蜜1小茶匙,柠檬1/3个 做法: 柳橙去皮,凤梨(又称菠萝)去皮与心,西红柿去蒂,各切成适当大小。柠檬去皮垢 ,与洋芹等全部放进压榨器中榨汁,再随喜好添加蜂蜜。 作用: 本品维生素A含量甚浓的果汁。可提高皮肤的新陈代谢,增强肌肤对刺激及细菌的抵抗力,预防皮肤老化。 紫沙果酿美肤 材料:李子3颗、葡萄200克、苹果1/2颗、柠檬1/4颗 做法:1、材料洗净,李子不必削皮、去核、切成四块,柠檬削皮、果肉切块。 2、材料分别放入果汁机中打成纯汁。 3、四种纯汁搅拌均匀后,室温下饮用或依个人喜好冷藏后饮用。 青果薄荷美白 材料:奇异果3颗、苹果1颗、薄荷叶2-3片 做法: 1、材料洗净,奇异果削皮、切成四块,苹果不必削皮、去核切块。 2、薄荷叶放入果汁枫叶打碎,再加入奇异果、苹果一起打成汁。 3、搅拌均匀后,室温下饮用或依个人喜好冷藏后饮用。 橘香甜汁除斑 材料:橘子3颗、胡萝卜1根 做法:1、洗净材料,橘子去皮,剥成小瓣。 2、胡萝卜洗净,去头尾、纵切成长条,放入榨汁机中榨纯汁。 3、橘子放入果汁机中打成汁,加入胡萝卜,搅拌均匀后即可饮用。 苹果菠萝生姜汁 原料:1厘米生姜根,1/2个苹果,1/3个大的菠萝做法:生姜和菠萝去皮。将苹果洗净,然后切成块。将菠萝切成可榨汁的薄片。先将生姜榨汁,再将苹果和菠萝榨汁。将所榨的汁混合并搅拌直到起泡。做好后立即饮用。 杏猕猴桃汁 原料:4个杏,1个猕猴桃做法:将所有原料洗净,并将杏核取出。如果不喜欢猕猴桃皮的味道,可以去皮。然后榨汁,搅拌均匀,立即饮用。 纯樱桃汁 原料:250克樱桃做法:将樱桃洗净,去核,榨汁并立即饮用。 葡萄菠萝杏汁 原料:1小串葡萄,1/3个菠萝,2个杏做法:将葡萄和杏洗净,去掉杏中的核,但葡萄中的子则可留下。将菠萝去皮。所有水果都切成合适大小的块,榨汁并立即饮用。 纯芒果汁 原料:2,3个芒果做法:将芒果去皮,去掉其中的核,榨汁后搅拌并立即饮用。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 橙子胡萝卜汁 原料:2个橙子,3个胡萝卜做法:将橙子去皮,胡萝卜擦洗干净。榨汁后立即饮用。如果你觉得汁太甜,可以加入一些薄荷叶。 木瓜生姜汁 原料:2个木瓜,1厘米生姜根做法:将木瓜去皮或洗净,挖出中间的子。将生姜擦洗干净。榨汁后立即饮用。 桃柿子汁 原料:1个桃,1个柿子做法:将桃子和柿子彻底洗净,去掉桃子中间的核。榨汁、搅拌,然后立即饮用。 纯树莓汁 原料:2篮树莓做法:将树莓洗净,榨汁,饮用。 树莓苹果汁 原料:1篮树莓,3个苹果,1个香蕉做法:用流水将树莓和苹果彻底洗净,然后将苹果切成块。香蕉去皮,并首先榨汁。然后是树莓和苹果榨汁。充分混合并立即饮用。 西兰花胡萝卜辣椒汁 原料:1个大西兰花,2个大的胡萝卜,1个红辣椒做法:将所有蔬菜洗净,去掉辣椒的蒂和子。将所有蔬菜切成合适大小的块(片),榨汁,搅拌后立即饮用。 胡萝卜苹果汁 原料:4个胡萝卜,2个大的苹果做法:将胡萝卜擦洗干净,保留其顶部的有机叶子。将苹果洗净。先将胡萝卜榨汁,然后再将苹果榨汁。混合、搅拌,并立即饮用。 洋葱块根芹黄瓜汁 原料:1/2个块根芹,1/2个小洋葱,1个黄瓜,2个胡萝卜 做法:将块根芹、黄瓜和胡萝卜洗净,切成合适大小的块。将洋葱去皮。每种原料轮换榨汁——由于块根芹的密度较大,需要被切得更细一点。充分搅拌后立即饮用。 作用:这道汁中块根芹的坚果味和黄瓜所含的大量水分能有效中和洋葱的浓烈味道。如果你感觉腹胀或希望治疗感冒,喝这道汁非常有好处。如果想要这道汁更甜一点,可以再加一个胡萝卜。 辣椒生姜汁 原料:2个胡萝卜,1个黄椒,1大片菠萝,1厘米生姜根 做法:去掉菠萝和生姜的皮以及黄椒中的子。将生姜、胡萝卜和黄椒洗净,然后榨汁。搅拌后立即饮用。 作用:这是一种美味的具有辛辣味道的混合汁,其颜色为令人惊讶的黄色。这是一种优质的排毒剂,可刺激消化系统和内循环系统,降低血压,防止癌症和感染。 甘薯韭葱胡萝卜汁 原料:1个大的甘薯,1根韭葱,2个胡萝卜,2根芹菜 做法:将所有原料洗净,榨汁并立即饮用。 作用:这是一种具有强效抗氧化作用的混合汁,非常有益于全面的身体健康,特别有助于减轻头痛症状。另外也是身体的清洁剂和能量补充剂。 豆瓣菜苹果汁 原料:1/2把豆瓣菜,3个甜苹果 做法:将原料洗净,榨汁,饮用。 作用:这道混合汁是一种非常好的身体排毒剂。它能清洁血液,降低胆固醇,粉碎肾结石和膀胱结石,另外还能作为利尿剂和缓泻剂。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 苹果汁:调理肠胃,有助肾机能,防高血压。 香蕉汁:健肌肉、润肺、通血脉。 西瓜汁:暑天利尿、消炎、降血压。 芒果汁:助消化,防昏船呕吐,治喉咙痛。 菠萝汁:可去肿、消食,治肾炎、咽炎。 葡萄汁:有利尿、补血安神、强肾肝功能。 橙子汁:可化痰、健胃,防心脏病和中风。 柚子汁:降胆固醇,防感冒,止咳化痰。 柠檬汁:化咳止痰,有助排除体内毒素。 椰子汁:防心脏病,可健肤、止咳。 木瓜汁:止咳润肺,帮助消化蛋白质。 蜂蜜芹菜汁:新鲜芹菜适量。洗净榨汁,添加适量蜂蜜,每天饮服2,3次,每次一汤匙,饭前饮服,对尿 道结石、前列腺炎、皮炎等都有良好的辅助治疗作用。 蜂蜜番茄汁:番茄适量,洗净榨汁,一玻璃杯番茄汁添加一汤匙蜂蜜调匀,每天饮服2,3次,能增强 食欲,加快消化过程,预防动脉粥样硬化,增强造血功能,并可保持人体内酸碱平衡。 番茄-每2份用1个 红白菜-每2份用1个 红萝菠-每2份用1个 苹果-同上 香蕉-同上 蒜-同上 塔巴斯哥辣酱油酱-很大一份 七种香料的混合-随意(大量) 大豆粉-2杯 水-50cc 要洗白菜,剥香蕉皮,苹果,和红萝菠 用果汁机搅拌材料! 青椒-每2份使用一个 白菜-50g 菠菜-50g 芹菜-50g 芥菜-50g 荷兰芹-30g 绿葱-2-3条 柠檬汁-1杯 蜂蜜-1杯 姜-10g 水-50cc 把以上所有的材料放在果汁机里搅拌! joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 青椒 半个 高丽菜 50g 菠菜 50g 西洋芹 50g 油菜 50g 西洋香菜 50g 青紫苏 柠檬 ,~~,片 蜂蜜 一大茶匙 姜 一大茶匙 水 50c.c 做法 1. 把青椒的子剔掉。 2. 把所有的食材切成段 3. 把切成段的食材,一气丢进榨汁机。 4. 用慢速(或弱力)搅榨约一分~~一分,,秒 蕃茄 半个 红椒 半个 红萝卜 半个 苹果 半个 香蕉 半个 墨西哥辣酱油 一大茶匙 大蒜 半个 七味 一小撮 黄豆粉 两大茶匙 水 50c.c 做法 : 1. 把红色青椒的子剔掉 2. 把香蕉剥皮 3. 红萝卜&苹果不去皮,直接跟其他食材一起切成段 4. 把食材一气丢入榨汁机 5. 用慢速(或弱力)搅榨,~~,分 夏威夷蓝果汁 1勺半(大) 豆奶 100cc 醋 1小勺 柠檬汁 1大勺 梅干 1个 奶酪粉 1小勺 水 50cc joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 胡萝卜汁 胡萝卜汁含有丰富的β胡萝卜素,这些营养素能提高人的食欲和对病菌感染的抵抗力。同时还能补充人体最易失去的维生素B2。 建议: 每天以一根鲜胡萝卜配上半个橙子,榨一杯鲜果蔬汁饮用,能改善身体机能状况,配橙子可改变单纯胡萝卜入口的口感,喝来更美味。 芹菜汁 芹菜味道清香,可以增强人的食欲,对排除体内毒素、对有“三高”症状患者更是一道不错的方法。 建议: 初春的季节里,每天清晨起床后,以半根西芹或香芹配以适量的温开水榨汁,饮用时添加点蜂蜜或少许的盐,喝来口感会清爽可口,对“三高”人群的人来说,在两餐之间喝上一小杯芹菜汁则更好。 白菜汁 白菜中含有丰富的维生素C,平时多吃点包菜或白菜能缓解体内维生素缺乏症,特别是对患牙周病者更是一款补充体内维生素的饮品。 建议: 以白菜或包菜配上一点胡萝卜榨汁饮用,白菜和胡萝卜混合汁,不仅为人体提供大量维生素C,还可以清洁口腔,同时因其是粗纤维素,对排除体内毒素也有帮助。 黄瓜汁 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 黄瓜汁在强健心脏和血管方面甚有功效,还能调节血压,预防心肌过度紧张和动脉粥样硬化,黄瓜汁还能增强人的记忆力。 建议: 黄瓜汁因含脂肪和糖较少,对女性而言,还是款较理想的减肥饮品,饮用黄瓜汁最好不添加任何一方配料,这样才能品尝到黄瓜汁中的那股清甜的口味。 番茄汁 医学专家认为,每人每天吃上2个番茄,就可以满足一天维生素C的需要。若喝上一大杯番茄汁,可以得到一昼夜所需要的维生素A的一半。番茄汁更适合女人,每天坚持饮用番茄汁,还可使皮肤健美。 建议: 以一个番茄汁配半个苹果榨汁,味道很爽口也很美味,若配上几片嫩南瓜,一片柠檬片同榨,经常喝点还能起到减肥的疗效。 综合蔬菜汁 配料:芹菜25克,小青菜25克,卷心菜30克,香菜20克,柠檬70克,苹果60克,黄豆粉15克,脱脂奶粉5克,蜂蜜15毫克,凉开水30毫升。 制作方法:将苹果去皮、核,然后切成小块。柠檬切块后去皮及核。将芹菜、小青菜、香菜和卷心菜洗净,切碎。将上述原料依次放进捣碎机,注入凉开水,搅打关分钝。然后加入黄豆粉。然后加入黄豆粉、脱脂奶粉、蜂蜜继续搅打均匀,取其汁备用。 特点:综合蔬菜汁富含蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,容易被人体吸收。其营养价值极高。 西红柿汁:能保护皮肤弹性,促进骨骼发育,减退雀斑和面部色素沉着,其维生素P 可保护血管、防治高血压。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 藕汁:富含铁、钙等微量元素, 植物蛋白质、维生素以及淀粉,有明显的补宜气血、增强人体免疫力作用。既通便又止泻, 健脾开胃,增进食欲。 甜椒汁:甜椒没有普通辣椒的强烈刺激,但又具备辣椒族降脂减肥、增进食欲、帮助消化等作用,其辣椒素还能预防癌症。最傲人的还有它丰富的维生素C。 黄瓜汁:能有效促进机体的新陈代谢, 减肥抗衰老,还可使神经系统镇静、增强记忆力,辅助治疗失眠。 胡萝卜汁:能增强人体免疫力,防癌抗癌,尤其适宜于糖尿病患者作为辅助治疗食物。还能保护视觉系统,刺激胆汁分泌, 中和胆固醇,增加肠壁弹性,安抚神经。 芹菜汁:安定情绪,舒缓内心焦虑和压力,是现代高节奏人士的良伴,是营养师给熬夜人群的必补推荐,最为关键的是,芹菜汁对高血压患者有明显降压作用。Tips:芹菜根不要扔掉,它含有丰富的维生素A、维生素B 1、维生素B2、维生素C和维生素P,尤其适合维生素缺乏者。 橙汁:夏日饮用解烦止渴,帮助消除疲劳。能强化血管,降低毛细血管脆性,防止微血管出血、胃肠充气、促进消化。对感冒、咳嗽也有辅助预防作用。 西瓜汁:西瓜含有大量水分、多种氨基酸及糖,是清热解暑当仁不让的佳品。同时还可治疗咽喉及口腔炎症,也是尿道感染和大便干燥的救星。 苹果汁:苹果汁的诱惑力在于它益智、增强记忆力。此外,苹果健胃, 止泻通便,能消除人体疲劳感,它富含的钾能综合体内过剩的钠使之排出体外,因此也有降压作用。 木瓜汁:可有效补充人体养分,增强机体的抗病能力。更为人们乐道的是它的通乳及治疗淋巴性白血病(即血癌)作用。 猕猴桃汁:显著的乌发美容效果使得猕猴桃被称为“美容果”,但它的作用远不止于此。它能阻断致癌物在人体内合成,预防多种癌症的发生。还可降低胆固醇及甘油三酯水平,对高血压、高血脂、冠心病都有辅助治疗作用。 西柚汁:柚的诱人之处在于它的抗菌抗病毒作用,它能抑制大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌等多种菌类,尤其适宜夏季。另外,它还能祛痰镇咳、降低血糖。 西红柿+芹菜+柠檬汁=减肥。 橙子+胡萝卜=美容除斑、降低胆固醇。注意:最好分开榨汁再合饮。 猕猴桃+苹果+薄荷叶=调养肌肤、滋润美白,减少皱纹产生。 木瓜+蜂蜜+橙汁=适合体力不足、消化不良、便秘、肠胃弱者引用。 芹菜+胡萝卜+苹果=预防及稳定高血压及血管硬化。注意:最好分开榨汁再合饮。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 莲藕+西瓜=防止舌咽干燥、口渴、干咳、皮肤干燥、毛发干枯、大便秘结等症候。 芹菜+蜂蜜=清热解毒,养肝滋阴,降血压。 黄瓜+柠檬+橙子+胡萝卜+蜂蜜=美容,可使皮肤柔细光滑。注意:黄瓜、胡萝卜含丰富维生素C生化酵素,应该最后加入。 芹菜+西红柿+蜂蜜=适合男性、慢性病患者、女性、工作疲劳者饮用。可预防血管硬化、除烦安神、帮助入眠;预防癌症,强精、健胃;可改善过敏体质。 胡萝卜+苹果+蜂蜜=适合儿童、视力较差、慢性疾病患者、中老年男性、女性等饮用。有增强抵抗力、改善皮肤粗糙; 预防眼疾、癌症、慢性病;强壮骨骼、保护牙齿的作用。 芹菜+西瓜+蜂蜜=强心、利尿、消肿;消除疲劳,帮助消化;预防种脉硬化、高血压。 西瓜+黄瓜+蜂蜜+柠檬= 利尿解热、净血、调节身体机能,适合肾脏机能不佳、易水肿者饮用。注意:黄瓜最后放。 西柚+菠萝+苹果+柠檬+蜂蜜=适宜晒后皮肤保养。 猕猴桃+胡萝卜+苹果+蜂蜜+柠檬=供给脑部及神经活力;预防贫血、眼疾、气喘、糖尿病;净化血液,美化肌肤;帮助毛发发育。注意:胡萝卜最后放。 芹菜+莴苣+菠萝+苹果+柠檬+蜂蜜=适合女性、男性、精力不足、熬夜工作者饮用。预防雀斑、日晒、皮肤粗糙具良好美容效果;增强精力、安定神经、对失眠有效。 西红柿汁:能保护皮肤弹性,促进骨骼发育,减退雀斑和面部色素沉着,其维生素P 可保护血管、防治高血压。 藕汁:富含铁、钙等微量元素, 植物蛋白质、维生素以及淀粉,有明显的补宜气血、增强人体免疫力作用。既通便又止泻, 健脾开胃,增进食欲。 甜椒汁:甜椒没有普通辣椒的强烈刺激,但又具备辣椒族降脂减肥、增进食欲、帮助消化等作用,其辣椒素还能预防癌症。最傲人的还有它丰富的维生素C。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 黄瓜汁:能有效促进机体的新陈代谢, 减肥抗衰老,还可使神经系统镇静、增强记忆力,辅助治疗失眠。 胡萝卜汁:能增强人体免疫力,防癌抗癌,尤其适宜于糖尿病患者作为辅助治疗食物。还能保护视觉系统,刺激胆汁分泌, 中和胆固醇,增加肠壁弹性,安抚神经。 芹菜汁:安定情绪,舒缓内心焦虑和压力,是现代高节奏人士的良伴,是营养师给熬夜人群的必补推荐,最为关键的是,芹菜汁对高血压患者有明显降压作用。Tips:芹菜根不要扔掉,它含有丰富的维生素A、维生素B 1、维生素B2、维生素C和维生素P,尤其适合维生素缺乏者。 橙汁:夏日饮用解烦止渴,帮助消除疲劳。能强化血管,降低毛细血管脆性,防止微血管出血、胃肠充气、促进消化。对感冒、咳嗽也有辅助预防作用。 西瓜汁:西瓜含有大量水分、多种氨基酸及糖,是清热解暑当仁不让的佳品。同时还可治疗咽喉及口腔炎症,也是尿道感染和大便干燥的救星。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 苹果汁:苹果汁的诱惑力在于它益智、增强记忆力。此外,苹果健胃, 止泻通便,能消除人体疲劳感,它富含的钾能综合体内过剩的钠使之排出体外,因此也有降压作用。 木瓜汁:可有效补充人体养分,增强机体的抗病能力。更为人们乐道的是它的通乳及治疗淋巴性白血病(即血癌)作用。 猕猴桃汁:显著的乌发美容效果使得猕猴桃被称为“美容果”,但它的作用远不止于此。它能阻断致癌物在人体内合成,预防多种癌症的发生。还可降低胆固醇及甘油三酯水平,对高血压、高血脂、冠心病都有辅助治疗作用。 西柚汁:柚的诱人之处在于它的抗菌抗病毒作用,它能抑制大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌等多种菌类,尤其适宜夏季。另外,它还能祛痰镇咳、降低血糖。 西红柿+芹菜+柠檬汁=减肥。 橙子+胡萝卜=美容除斑、降低胆固醇。注意:最好分开榨汁再合饮。 猕猴桃+苹果+薄荷叶=调养肌肤、滋润美白,减少皱纹产生。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 木瓜+蜂蜜+橙汁=适合体力不足、消化不良、便秘、肠胃弱者引用。 芹菜+胡萝卜+苹果=预防及稳定高血压及血管硬化。注意:最好分开榨汁再合饮。 莲藕+西瓜=防止舌咽干燥、口渴、干咳、皮肤干燥、毛发干枯、大便秘结等症候。 芹菜+蜂蜜=清热解毒,养肝滋阴,降血压。 黄瓜+柠檬+橙子+胡萝卜+蜂蜜=美容,可使皮肤柔细光滑。注意:黄瓜、胡萝卜含丰富维生素C生化酵素,应该最后加入。 芹菜+西红柿+蜂蜜=适合男性、慢性病患者、女性、工作疲劳者饮用。可预防血管硬化、除烦安神、帮助入眠;预防癌症,强精、健胃;可改善过敏体质。 胡萝卜+苹果+蜂蜜=适合儿童、视力较差、慢性疾病患者、中老年男性、女性等饮用。有增强抵抗力、改善皮肤粗糙; 预防眼疾、癌症、慢性病;强壮骨骼、保护牙齿的作用。 芹菜+西瓜+蜂蜜=强心、利尿、消肿;消除疲劳,帮助消化;预防种joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 脉硬化、高血压。 西瓜+黄瓜+蜂蜜+柠檬= 利尿解热、净血、调节身体机能,适合肾脏机能不佳、易水肿者饮用。注意:黄瓜最后放。 西柚+菠萝+苹果+柠檬+蜂蜜=适宜晒后皮肤保养。 猕猴桃+胡萝卜+苹果+蜂蜜+柠檬=供给脑部及神经活力;预防贫血、眼疾、气喘、糖尿病;净化血液,美化肌肤;帮助毛发发育。注意:胡萝卜最后放。 芹菜+莴苣+菠萝+苹果+柠檬+蜂蜜=适合女性、男性、精力不足、熬夜工作者饮用。预防雀斑、日晒、皮肤粗糙具良好美容效果;增强精力、安定神经、对失眠有效。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding
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