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广州白云高级技师学院服装设计大专中专课程广州白云高级技师学院服装设计大专中专课程 E301 服装设计大专课程 课程编号:E301 课程名称:服装设计大专课程 培养目标:培养具有开发能力的高级纸样版师、技术总监、服装设计师、服装平面设计和服装跟单等工作的高技能人才。 学习期:10个月 开班日期:2、5、8、10月15日 费用合计:20470元(其中学费:17300元;考证费:170元;住宿费:3000元(每天10元)) 毕业发证:服装裁剪工中级证,符合条件的学员可报考助理服装设计师(费用另计) 主干课程及主要内容: 序号 课程名称 主要内容 服...
广州白云高级技师学院服装大专中专课程 E301 服装设计大专课程 课程编号:E301 课程名称:服装设计大专课程 培养目标:培养具有开发能力的高级纸样版师、技术总监、服装设计师、服装平面设计和服装跟单等工作的高技能人才。 学习期:10个月 开班日期:2、5、8、10月15日 费用合计:20470元(其中学费:17300元;考证费:170元;住宿费:3000元(每天10元)) 毕业发证:服装裁剪工中级证,符合条件的学员可报考助理服装设计师(费用另计) 主干课程及主要内容: 序号 课程名称 主要内容 服装美术基础 素描造型的基本因素及手段,透视变化规律及应用,白描仕女图,人物速写,1 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 色彩基础知识,配色训练。 时装画技法 人体静、动态绘画技巧,头部、手、脚画法,各服装款式着装衣纹现,水粉、2 水彩、彩铅、马克笔等上色技法,各种织物质感表现,各类服装的表现技法, 上色技法。 服饰图案设计 图案构成法则,图案素材来源,图案纹样设计,图案运用手法。图案系列设计。3 手绘与洗水工艺,绣花印花工艺。民族服饰图案研究及应用,扎染蜡染手工艺。 风格服饰图案应用。 服装款式设计 服装造型分析,服装生产图绘画,款式与色彩整体搭配.服装流行趋势把握与4 预测。 服装品牌介绍,品牌服装操作模式,店铺视觉陈列设计,品牌服装产品的季节5 品牌服装设计 波段与货品整体搭配设计。产品设计的成本核算。市场调研,消费群体的定位, 风格主题收集,系列设计 ,款式的审图,成衣制作与修改。 基础纸样设计 服装纸样构成原理、西裙、男女西裤、牛仔裤出样、缩水计算、上衣纸样设计、6 男女西装的头板制作、各种领型、袖子的出样方法与技巧、工业纸样制作流程、 生产制单编写及纸样的复核和调整修改、看样制版、工业纸样放码,外单纸样 设计、各种成衣缝制、厂前工业制版训练 高级女装纸样设女装人体结构分析,人体净尺寸分析,人体活动对服装纸样的影响,三维立体7 计 裁剪,人体体膜形成,人体体膜研究与分析,服装纸样成型技术,服装纸样结 构分析,服装修身结构技术,女装纸样设计与制作,各种袖型变化原理与技巧, 插肩袖构成原理与制作技术,韩版女装外套版型研究,品牌版型设计与研究。 高级男装纸样设男装人体结构分析,人体净尺寸分析,人体体表与结构特征,男人体与服装纸8 计 样的关系,三维立体裁剪技术,人体体膜构成原理,人体体膜结构研究与分析, 男装纸样成型技术,男装修身版型设计,男式流行衬衫设计,意大利西服制版 技术,韩版修身西服版型设计,意大利西服缝制工艺,男装品牌版型分析。 服装电脑美术设CorelDRAW基础知识、服饰零部件绘制,裙子、牛仔裤、T恤、夹克、西装、9 计 时装款式的绘制,服饰图案、艺术文字的设计。Photoshop的基础知识,服装 线描稿处理,服装电脑改款,面料纹样设计,服装人体着装,服装效果图处理。 服装纸样输入,服装电脑纸样修改,服装电脑放码,服装电脑看单打板,时装10 服装CAD技术 应用 电脑打板,服装电脑排版,服装排版输出。(学习软件富怡、ET、格博) 服装材料 服装用纤维品种特征与主要性能,服装面料主要品种、特征、性能及用途,面11 料鉴别,服装辅料品种、特征及主要用途,面料市场调研。 服装跟单技术 订单资料管理,面料辅料质量检验与质量控制,成衣样板跟进,服装生产进度12 控制、质量检验与质量控制,样衣成本核算。服装跟单流程和沟通技巧。 实训教学: trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 学生作品: trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, E201服装工业制衣与电脑设计中专课程 课程编号:E201 课程名称:服装工业制衣与电脑设计中专课程 学习期:5.5个月 开班日期:2、5、8、10月15日 费用合计:11620元(其中学费:9800元;考证费:170元;住宿费:1650元(每天10元)) 毕业发证:服装裁剪工中级证,符合条件的学员可报考助理服装设计师(费用另计) 主干课程及主要内容: 序号 课程名称 主要内容 服装美术基础 素描造型的基本因素及手段,透视变化规律及应用,白描仕女图,人物速写,1 色彩基础知识,配色训练。 服装款式设计 服装造型分析,服装生产图绘画,款式与色彩整体搭配.服装流行趋势把握与2 预测。 基础纸样设计 服装纸样构成原理、西裙、男女西裤、牛仔裤出样、缩水计算、上衣纸样设计、3 男女西装的头板制作、各种领型、袖子的出样方法与技巧、工业纸样制作流程、 生产制单编写及纸样的复核和调整修改、看样制版、工业纸样放码,外单纸样 设计、各种成衣缝制、厂前工业制版训练 高级女装纸样设女装人体结构分析,人体净尺寸分析,人体活动对服装纸样的影响,三维立体4 计 裁剪,人体体膜形成,人体体膜研究与分析,服装纸样成型技术,服装纸样结 构分析,服装修身结构技术,女装纸样设计与制作,各种袖型变化原理与技巧, 插肩袖构成原理与制作技术,韩版女装外套版型研究,品牌版型设计与研究。 高级男装纸样设男装人体结构分析,人体净尺寸分析,人体体表与结构特征,男人体与服装纸5 计 样的关系,三维立体裁剪技术,人体体膜构成原理,人体体膜结构研究与分析, 男装纸样成型技术,男装修身版型设计,男式流行衬衫设计,意大利西服制版 技术,韩版修身西服版型设计,意大利西服缝制工艺,男装品牌版型分析。 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 服装电脑美术设CorelDRAW基础知识、服饰零部件绘制,裙子、牛仔裤、T恤、夹克、西装、6 计 时装款式的绘制,服饰图案、艺术文字的设计。Photoshop的基础知识,服装 线描稿处理,服装电脑改款,面料纹样设计,服装人体着装,服装效果图处理。 服装纸样输入,服装电脑纸样修改,服装电脑放码,服装电脑看单打板,时装7 服装CAD技术 应用 电脑打板,服装电脑排版,服装排版输出。(学习软件富怡、ET、格博) 服装材料 服装用纤维品种特征与主要性能,服装面料主要品种、特征、性能及用途,面8 料鉴别,服装辅料品种、特征及主要用途,面料市场调研。 实训教学: trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 学生作品: trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them,
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