
快速瘦臀部和大腿(Fast lean hips and thighs)

2017-10-16 6页 doc 23KB 13阅读




快速瘦臀部和大腿(Fast lean hips and thighs)快速瘦臀部和大腿(Fast lean hips and thighs) 快速瘦臀部和大腿(Fast lean hips and thighs) Accumulate easily on the lower leg. In addition to diet to reduce the absorption of salt, can also eat foods containing potassium, because potassium helps expel excess salt, potassium containi...
快速瘦臀部和大腿(Fast lean hips and thighs)
快速瘦臀部和大腿(Fast lean hips and thighs) 快速瘦臀部和大腿(Fast lean hips and thighs) Accumulate easily on the lower leg. In addition to diet to reduce the absorption of salt, can also eat foods containing potassium, because potassium helps expel excess salt, potassium containing foods including tomatoes, bananas, potatoes, celery etc.. Fourteen kinds of food that make legs thin and beautiful How can you make your legs more slender and well proportioned? I'm sure you'll be interested to know! In fact, Cereals, many foods contain a lot of acquire a thing easily, nutrients required for beautiful legs, but often because of the beauty of the partial eclipse, was left out in the cold. We not only want to tell you what nutrients are essential for a beautiful lady, but also to provide you with insatiable rigorous selection of 14 kinds of food out of the legs. These foods not only cheap and everywhere, each containing nutrients so that the legs of the fascinating attractions. Filed basket, ready to search these good food for his leg! First of all, let's take a look at the weight loss element in the nutrient zone" 1. vitamin A The lack of vitamin A is the end of the sebaceous glands, sweat glands weakened, and gradually thickening of the stratum corneum, the skin began to become dry. Think about it. Are these legs beautiful? 2. vitamin E Vitamin E breaks down the accumulation of fat and cholesterol. It also helps the circulation of blood and sends fresh blood to the heart's most legs, giving the cells new oxygen and nutrients. If the vein stops and the tissue fluid stops, the legs become thicker. 3. K The main thing about thin legs is not to eat too much salt. Excessive salt intake, the body will want to drink plenty of water, leading to moisture accumulation in vivo, the formation of edema of the puffiness. Potassium salt can help the metabolism of the body, improve the symptoms of obesity. 4. calcium The body has about 1 kilograms of calcium, want to have straight legs, calcium in the bones must not be less. Inadequate calcium intake can affect nerve transmission and intellectual development, and even produce muscle spasms. Don't forget to add calcium to your legs in order to reduce your injuries! 5. vitamin B group Legs often fatigue, vitamin B1 can improve this situation, the lack of time or even get beriberi. It converts carbohydrates into energy, so people who like to eat desserts consume much more vitamin B1. Vitamin B2 can speed up the metabolism of fat, think of excessive body fat people, should be more vitamin B2 supplement. 6. cellulose We all know that cellulose can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, cure constipation have superior efficacy, but do not know constipation will affect the abdominal blood circulation, impeding the flow of lymph, the waste can not be ruled out smoothly, resulting in swelling fullness below the waist, in addition, the growth in fiber each other hotbeds of intestinal bacteria, can promote vitamin B2 and the growth of B6, there are direct and indirect help for the decomposition of fat. Now it's the turn of the food zone's weight-loss model: 1. seaweed There are vitamin A, B1, B2 seaweed, and minerals and cellulose, regulating body fluid balance Echinochloa masuyoshi many, want to slim legs can not miss it. 2. sesame seeds Provide the human body needs vitamins E, B1, calcium, especially its "linoleic acid" component can be attached to the vessel wall to remove cholesterol, before eating sesame powder, or directly buy sesame seed to fully absorb the nutrients of these legs! 3. bananas Banana somewhat high, in fact, can be eaten as a meal, it contains more potassium. Fat and sodium are low, in line with the nutritional needs of beautiful legs. 4. apples It is the offbeat fruits, fruits rich in calcium than normal, helps to metabolize excess salt. "Malic acid" can metabolize heat, prevent lower body fat. 5. red bean It inside the "stone alkaline acid" component can increase enterogastric peristalsis, promote urination, eliminate edema, heart or kidney disease caused by. The cellulose, help the body excrete salt, fat and other waste, there are 100% effect on the leg. 6. papaya Eat too much meat, easy accumulation of fat in the lower body. Papaya enzyme protein, papain. Can help the decomposition of meat. Reduce the workload of the gastrointestinal, so sensual legs slowly restore vitality. 7. watermelon Cool watermelon, with diuretic elements, so that the smooth discharge of salt with urine, cystitis, heart disease, kidney disease also has a curative effect. In addition, it has a lot of potassium, so it can not be underestimated its ability to modify legs. 8. eggs Vitamin A in the egg, give your legs tender and tender skin, vitamin B2 can eliminate fat, other phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, to remove the lower part of the meat, can not ignore the effect. 9. grapefruit The unique "citrate" component, so that the The new supersedes the old. more smoothly, low in calories, the potassium content of fruit is at the top. Eager to join the ranks of Miss legs, first try grapefruit sour taste! 10. celery It has a large number of glial calcium carbonate, easily absorbed by the body, to supplement the calcium needed for straight legs, celery is good for the heart, but also has plenty of potassium, can prevent the lower part of swelling. 11. spinach Eat more vegetables, you can make the blood ring more active, the fresh nutrients and oxygen to the legs, restore leg strength. Fear of leg skin dry, early wrinkles, please learn Popeye Popeye, eat spinach! 12. peanuts As "vitamin B2 king" Blair said, are rich in vitamin B2, a very high protein content, in addition to the legs, liver disease in healthy food protein is caused by a lack of. 13. kiwi fruit Kiwi fruit has many vitamin C, which is known to all. In fact, it is also very rich in fiber content, fiber absorption of water expansion, avoid excess fat, so that leg thickening. 14. tomatoes It has diuresis and the effect of removing sore. Long standing beauty can eat more tomatoes and remove leg fatigue. Tomatoes are advised to be eaten raw, made into salads, juices or eaten directly. After cooking, the tomatoes are lost in nutrients
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