

2017-09-02 19页 doc 55KB 33阅读




最长的英语单词最长的英语单词 最长的英语单词,你知道有多长吗,/英语的常用单词大概有多少个 5000,8000,以什么单词书能基本覆盖全部常用 一个美国人,如果要正常交谈的话,其实只需要4000就可以了.这些词大学英语四级基本有,但你要懂得一些俚语,例如:gotta sorta kinda 等等.甚至一些比较粗俗的话,例如 suck jerk (这种词一般书上是不会写在美语的地道意思的,但是美国人基本天天都用它们.)基本上就可以交谈了. 如果是一个城市人,接触各个行业,甚至一些高新技术,大概需要8000就够了.专业四级里基本都有. ...
最长的英语单词 最长的英语单词,你知道有多长吗,/英语的常用单词大概有多少个 5000,8000,以什么单词书能基本覆盖全部常用 一个美国人,如果要正常交谈的话,其实只需要4000就可以了.这些词大学英语四级基本有,但你要懂得一些俚语,例如:gotta sorta kinda 等等.甚至一些比较粗俗的话,例如 suck jerk (这种词一般书上是不会写在美语的地道意思的,但是美国人基本天天都用它们.)基本上就可以交谈了. 如果是一个城市人,接触各个行业,甚至一些高新技术,大概需要8000就够了.专业四级里基本都有. 另外:能过专业八的话(约13000),你去美国,可以教训美国人,说他们讲的话不够,太俗套了.......哈哈哈哈~ 以下是一组与英语单词有关的趣闻,说明一下:下面提到的“英语单词”,通常是指固有单词,比如ice或cream,而不是指ice-cream这样的派生单词。 (1)英语单词的准确数量,没有正式的统计,语言学家一般认为,英语单词(不包括专用词汇、人名、地名等),大约有17万个,其中约7万个是已经或者即将废弃的,因此英语单词的大致数量是10万个。 (2)英语单词中,不会连续出现三个相同的字母,但如果我们给单词添加后缀,则可能出现这种情况,比如governess(女总督)变成governessship(女总督职务)。 (3)英语单词中,按照字母顺序,同时出现五个元音字母(aeiou)的单词是:abstemious(有节制的)。 (4)英语单词中,不按照字母顺序,连续出现五个元音字母(aeiou)的单词是:Rousseauian([法国思想家]卢梭的)。 (5)有些专业方面的英语单词,比如化工方面的英语单词,长达几十个、甚至几百个字母,但只有专家们才能看懂它们。在英语中,一般人即能看懂的最长单词是antidisestablishmentarianism(赞同国家对教会的支持),由28个字母组成。 (6)英语单词中,字母不重复的最长单词是uncopyrightable(不能获得版权保护的),由15个不重复的字母组成。 (7)许多人都知道下面第一句话,它包含了英语的26个字母,其实还有更短的一句话,请看下面第二句话: intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision ?The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.(一只敏捷、灰色的狐狸跳过一只懒惰的狗) ?Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt fox.(关于砖头的测验把一只跳跃的草原狐狸给难住了) (8)英语中最著名的一个回文,是拿破仑被流放到Elba岛时说的一句话:Able was I ere I saw Elba(在我看到Elba岛之前,我曾所向无敌),这句话不论是从左向右看,还是从右向左看,内容都一样。 最长的英语单词,你知道有多长吗, 我们先来看看通用的英语单词中 A: acquaaintanceship n. 相识,认识;交往关系 共16个字母 B: biotransformation n.[生物] 生物转化 共17个字母 C: chemiluminescence n.[化学] 化合光;化学反光,在化学反应中,低温反光 共17个字母 D: dihydrostreptomycin n.[药学] 二氢链霉素(结核病特效药) 共19个字母 E: electroencephalography n.[医学] 脑波纪录仪 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 共22个字母 F: flibbertigibbet n. 轻浮的女子 共15个字母 G: great-granddaughter n. 曾孙女;外曾孙女 共18个字母 H: hyperparathyroidism n.[医学] 副甲状腺机能亢进 共19个字母 I: internationalization n. 国际化;国际管理化 共20个字母 J: Johannisberger n.一种白葡萄酒 共14个字母 K: Kaiserslautern n. [地名]凯撒劳坦(德国西部一城市) 共14个字母 L: lexicostatistics n.[语言学]词汇统计 共16个字母 M: intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision microminiaturization n.[电子学] (电子设备的)超小型化 共20个字母 N: noncontradiction n. 无矛盾 共16个字母 O: omnidirectional adj.[电学] 全方向的 共15个字母 P: parliamentarianism n.[政治学] 议会主义;议会制政体;议会制 go-vern-ment 共18个字母 Q: quadricentennial n. 四百年纪念(日);四百年祭典 共16个字母 R: radiobroadcasting n.[电子学] 无线电广播 共18个字母 S: self-actualization n.[心理学] 自我实现 共17个字母 T: tetrachloroethylene n.[化学] 四氯乙烯 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 共19个字母 U: unenthusiastically adv. 不热心地;不关心地;冷淡地 共18个字母 V: vasoconstriction n.[医学] 血管紧缩;血管缩小 共16个字母 W: well-proportioned adj. 很平衡的;(身体)很均匀的 共16个字母 X: xerophthalmia n.[医学]干眼病,结膜干燥症 共13个字母 Y: yesterdayness n. 最近;昨天性 共13个字母 Z: Zoroastrianism n. 袄教,拜火教 共14个字母 通用之外呢, 在美国马萨诸塞州伍斯特县南部与康涅狄格州的接界处,有一个长不过4.8 公里的小湖,它在地理上并无值得称道的特色,但是湖名却长得出奇,用英文 示共有44个字母: Chargoggagoggmanhaugagoggchaubunagungamaugg intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 音译成中文则有19个字: 查尔戈格加戈格曼乔加戈格乔布纳根加莫格 还有呢 1. honorificabilitudinitatibus 这个字是由27个字母组成的。出现在大文豪莎士比亚的剧本「空爱一场」里,意思是「不胜光荣」。 2. antidisestablishmentarianism 这个字是由28个字母组成的。根据范克和华格若尔斯编的「英语新标准辞」里面的解释,这个字的意思是「反对教会与国家分开学说」。它曾被英国首相格来斯顿(william ewart gladstone,1809-1898)引述过一次。 3. floccinaucinihilipipification 这个字是由29个字母组成的。「牛津英文辞典」里就有这个字,意思是「把某事的价值加以抹杀的行为或习惯」。 4. supercalifragilisticexpiadocious 这个字是由34个字母组成的。出现在一部名叫mary poppins的电影里,意思是「好」。 5. hepaticocholecystostcholecystntenterostomy 这个字是由40个字母组成的。出现在高德编的「医学辞典」里,为一个外科术语,亦即在胆囊与胆管之间或肠子与胆囊之间接人工管子的手术。 6. pneumonoultramicyoscpicailicovolcanoconiosis 这个字是由45个字母组成的。出现在韦氏辞典第八版的版本中意思是「吸入硅酸盐细末或石英岩灰而形成的肺尘埃沉着病」。矿工特别容易得这种病。 7.antipericata,,,,anaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoops of the coprofied 这个字是由50个字母组成的。有个图书馆的书架上,陈列着法国作家拉伯雷着的「葛甘塔和潘特古」故事系列。其中有一本,书名就是这个长长的英文字。 8. osseocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary 这个字是由51个字母组成的。它是人体构造一术语,曾出现在英国作家皮考克?thomas love peacock,1785-1866?那本名叫headlong hall的小说中。 9. aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolie 这个字是由52个字母组成的。它是英国医学作者爱德华.史特罗哲?dr edward strother,1675-1737?创造的字,专用来形容英格兰格洛斯特夏布瑞斯陀这个地方的矿泉水成分。 10.bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntr ovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk 这个字是由100个字母组成的。就出现在爱尔兰作家乔埃斯(james joyce,1882-1942)作品finnegans wakeintensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 的扉页,象征,代表亚当和夏娃的堕落。 11. lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon 这个字是由182个 字母组成的。它是从希腊字英译过来的英文字,源出自希腊喜剧作家亚里斯多 芬尼斯)aristophanes,448?-385)的剧本the ecclesiazusae中。它是指由剩 余的菜和牛肉函煮而成的辣味食物。 还有一个特别长的: “色氨酸合成酶A蛋白质”(一种含有267种氨基酸酶)的全称,一般的 字典上是见不着的。可以翻翻医学专用词汇字典,它一共有1913个字母哩~ Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylp henylalanylvalylprolyphenylalanYlvalythreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylsErylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylthreonylleucylIsoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylasparthlalanylleucylglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylphenylalanylseRylaspartylprolyl leucylalanylaspartylglycylpRolylthreOnylisoleucylglutaminylasPfraginylalanylthreonylleucylarfinylalanylphenylalanylalanylalanylglycylvalythreonylprolylalanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylalanylglutamylmethionylleucylalanylleuOylisoleucylarginylglutaminyllysyhistidylprolylthreonylisoleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucylmethionyltyrosylalanylasparaginylleucylvalylphenylalanylasparaginyllysyglycylisoleucylaspartylglutamylphenylalanylthrosylalanylglutaminylcysteinylglutamyllysylvalylglycylvalylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylalnylaspartylvalylprolylvalylglUtaminylglutamylserylalanylprolylphenylalanylarginylglutaminylalanylalanylleucylarginylhistidylasparaginyvalylalanylprolylisoleucylprolylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylcysteinylproly lprolylaspartylalanylaspartylaspartylaspartylleucylleucylarginylglutaminylisoleucylalanylseryltyrosylglycylarginylglycyltyrosylthreonyltyrOsylleucylleucylserylarginylalanylglycylvalylthreonylglycylalanylglutamYlasparainylarginylalanylalanylleucylprolylleucylasparaginylhis tidylleucylValylalanyllysylleucyllysylglutamyltyrosylasparaginylalanylalanylprolylprolylleucylglutaminylglgycylphenylalanylglycylisoleucylserylalanylprolylaspartylglutaminylvalyllysylalanylalanylisoleucylaspartylalanylglycylalanylalanylglycylalanylisoleucylserylglycylserylalanylisoleucylvalyllysylisoIeucylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylHistidylasparaginyliSoleucylglutamylprolylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucyllysylvalylphenylalanylcalylglutaminylprolylmethionlysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 1,honorificabilitudinitatibus 这个字是由27个字母组成的。出现在大文豪莎士比亚的剧本「空爱一场」love's labour's lost里,意思是「不胜光荣」。 2. antidisestablishmentarianism 这个字是由28个字母组成的。根据范克和华格若尔斯编的「英语新标准辞」里面的解释, 这个字的意思是「反对教会与国家分开学说」。它曾被英国首相格来斯顿william ewart gladstone,1809-1898引述过一次。 3. floccinaucinihilipipification 这个字是由29个字母组成的。「牛津英文辞典」里就有这个字,意思是「把某事的价值加 以抹杀的行为或习惯」。 4. supercalifragilisticexpiadocious 这个字是由34个字母组成的。出现在一部名叫mary poppins的电影里,意思是「好」。 5. hepaticocholecystostcholecystntenterostomy 这个字是由40个字母组成的。出现在高德编的「医学辞典」里,为一个外科术语,亦即在 胆囊与胆管之间或肠子与胆囊之间接人工管子的手术。 6. pneumonoultramicyoscpicailicovolcanoconiosis 这个字是由45个字母组成的。出现在韦氏辞典第八版的版本中意思是「吸入硅酸盐细末或 石英岩灰而形成的肺尘埃沉着病」。矿工特别容易得这种病。 7. antipericata,,,,anaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoops of the coprofied 这个字是由50个字母组成的。有个图书馆的书架上,陈列着法国作家拉伯雷着的「葛甘塔 和潘特古」故事系列。其中有一本,书名就是这个长长的英文字。 8. osseocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary 这个字是由51个字母组成的。它是人体构造一术语,曾出现在英国作家皮考克thomas lovepeacock,1785-1866那本名叫headlong hall的小说中。 9. aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolie 这个字是由52个字母组成的。它是英国医学作者爱德华.史特罗哲dr edward strother, 1675-1737创造的字,专用来形容英格兰格洛斯特夏布瑞斯陀这个地方的矿泉水成分。 10.bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnsk awntoohoohoordenenthurnuk 这个字是由100个字母组成的。就出现在爱尔兰作家乔埃斯james joyce,1882-1942作品 finneganswake的扉页,象征,代表亚当和夏娃的堕落。 11.lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatake chymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiosir aiobaphetraganopterygon intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 这个字是由182个字母组成的。它是从希腊字英译过来的英文字,源出自希腊喜剧作家亚 里斯多芬尼斯aristophanes,448-385的剧本the ecclesiazusae中。它是指由剩余的菜和牛 肉函煮而成的辣味食物。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision
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