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英语翻译证书测验四级证书测验[精华]英语翻译证书测验四级证书测验[精华] 英语翻译证书考试四级证书考试 本文由4m01qrelgp贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 英语翻译证书考试四级证书考试 一、级别描述与适用对象 通过四级考试的考生能够从事基本的笔译和口译工作:笔译包括简单书面材料的翻译;口译包 括简单的会谈、接待和陪同翻译。参加本考试的考生应掌握 6000 左右的词汇量。 本级别考试适用对象为: 1(英语专业大专或高职毕业生; 2(英语专业本科二年级学生; 3(具有同等水平的各类英语学习者。...
英语翻译证书测验四级证书测验[精华] 英语翻译证书考试四级证书考试 本文由4m01qrelgp贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 英语翻译证书考试四级证书考试 一、级别描述与适用对象 通过四级考试的考生能够从事基本的笔译和口译工作:笔译包括简单书面的翻译;口译包 括简单的会谈、接待和陪同翻译。参加本考试的考生应掌握 6000 左右的词汇量。 本级别考试适用对象为: 1(英语专业大专或高职毕业生; 2(英语专业本科二年级学生; 3(具有同等水平的各类英语学习者。 二、考试形式、与考试时间 考试形式、 考试分为笔译和口译两项。 笔译分为两个部分:第一部分为单句翻译,分 A、B 两节。A 节为英译汉,有 10 个句子,共约 200 词左右;B 节为汉译英,有 10 个句子,共约 200 字左右。第二部分为短文翻译,分两节,A 节 是英译汉,要求考生将一篇约 200 词的英语短文译成汉语;B 节为汉译英,要求考生将一篇约 200 字的汉语短文译成英语。笔译考试时间为 150 分钟。 包括试与答题纸,请考生将答案写在答题纸上。 口译分为三个部分:第一部分为对话,要求考生将一个长度约 300 词/字的对话分别口译成汉 语或英语。第二部分为英译汉,要求考生将一个长度约 200 词的发言或讲话译成汉语。第三部分为 汉译英,要求考生将一个长度约 200 字的发言或讲话译成英语。 口译采取听录音做翻译的方式进行。考生将听到的一段英文或中文讲话分别译成中文或英文, 并同时录在磁带上。 每段讲话录音中, 每一至三句后有一段停顿, 停顿时间约为播放录音时间的 1, 2 倍;该时间是留给考生翻译的时间。听录音时,考生可以做笔记,并充分利用停顿的时间进行翻 译。 三、考试计分方式与合格证书 两项考试均采取百分制计分方式, 满分为 100 分。 笔译第一、 二部分分别占总分的 40,和 60,。 笔译合格标准为总分 60 分(含)以上。口译第一部分满分为 20 分,第二、三部分满分各为 40 分。 口译合格标准为总分 60 分(含)以上。 考生的单项(口译或笔译)合格成绩可以保留到下一考次。在同一次考试或相邻两次考试中, 口译和笔译均 合格的考生,由教育部考试中心核发英语四级翻译证书考试合格证 书。在一次考试中 仅单项考试成绩合格的考生,将获得教育部考试 中心发放的单项合格成绩通知单。 1 全国外语翻译证书考试英语四级笔译 Part One Sentence Translation Section A Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. 1.Australia has a well-developed education system with participation among the highest in the world. 2.The growing potential of China’s tourism market is most lucrative not only to European countries but also to the whole world. 3.With more than 1,000 foreign media correspondents based in London, it is a city with a voice that is heard all around the world. 4.In general, enterprises with foreign investments established in special economic zones are eligible for a reduced corporate income tax rate of 15%. 5.Frequent scheduled flights from international airports located throughout the country provided direct access to other countries. 6.Without exports small countries would not be able to industrialize their economies, regardless of the cost involved. 7.In the maturity stage, as the marketplace becomes saturated and the number of new customers dwindles, sales reach a plateau. 8.Any disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration. 9.Large companies should derive enormous survival advantage from the richness of their resources and the reach of their economic and political influence. 10.Transfers are usually determined on the basis of the department head’s recommendation and the personnel committee’s judgment. Section B Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. 1.中国的春节在农历正月初一,是举家团圆的时刻。 2. 北京市作为一个旅游胜地,其特点是人文景观与自然景观最巧妙的结 合。 2 3.奥林匹克公园的独特体现了 21 世纪“新北京”的城市 4.上海是中国的经济、金融和国际贸易中心,它交通便利、风貌。 东西方文化交融。 5.在腹地经济持续快速发展的推动下,广州港货 物吞吐量持续增长。 6.中国主张在平等、互利、互惠的基础上同世 界各国发展经贸关系,共同发展。 7.在高度竞争化的时代,建立一 个国际性的分销与服务网络是十分迫切。 8.货物的检验将由目的港 中国商检局进行,他们发出的质量和重量证明书对买卖双方将是决定 性的、 有约束力的。 9.在国际市场上占有一席之地,可以为公司创 造极大的价值。 10.一个企业的前途怎样,在很大程度上要看它的经 营管理人员,尤其是市场管理人员的素质。 Part Two Passage Translation Section A Translate the following passage from English to Chinese. Dell Service Dell's award-winning customer service, industry-leading growth and financial performance continue to differentiate the company from competitors. At the heart of that performance is Dell's unique direct-to-customer business model. Why are computer-systems customers and investors increasingly turning to Dell and its unique direct model? Price for Performance By eliminating resellers, retailers and other costly intermediary steps together with the industry's most efficient procurement, manufacturing and distribution process Dell offers its customers more powerful, more richly configured systems for the money than competitors. Customization Every Dell system is built to order. Customers get exactly, and only, what they want. Latest Technology Dell's efficient model means the latest relevant technology is introduced in its product lines much more quickly than through slow-moving indirect distribution channels. Inventory is turned over every 10 or fewer days, on average, keeping related costs low. 3 Dell is continuously refining its direct approach to manufacturing, selling and servicing personal-computing systems. The company is committed to extending the advantages inherent in what is already the industry's most efficient business model. The Internet, the purest and most efficient form of the direct model, provides greater convenience and efficiency to customers and, in turn, to Dell. Dell services are focused on enhancing computing solutions for, and simplifying the system buying decisions of, current and potential customers. Section B Translate the following passage from Chinese to English. 中国国际旅行社总社(China International Travel Service Head office,英文缩写:CITS) 中国国际旅行社总社成立于 1954 年,是目前国内规模最大、实力最强的旅行社企业集团, 名列国 家 统计局公布的“中国企业 500 强”,是 500 强中唯一的旅游企业。 “中国国旅、CITS”已成为品牌价值高、主营业务突出、在国内外享 有盛誉的中国旅游企业,品 牌价值 103.64 亿元,居旅游业第一。 2000 年,国旅总社通过了 ISO9001 国际质量体系认证。 中国国际 旅行社总社是新中国第一家接待海外游客的旅行社,历年来,共招徕、 接待海外旅游者 1000 多万人次,创汇 30 多亿美元。国旅总社是第 一批获得国家特许经营出境旅游的旅行社,出境、国内 旅游业务以 年均 40%的幅度快速增长。 4 全国外语翻译证书考试英语四级口译 考试时间:约 30 分钟 一、考生须知 1(考试开始前,请在录 音磁带的 A 面标签上正确填写你的姓名、考点、考号。 2(考试方 式:口译采取听录音做翻译的方式。考生在语音室内头戴耳机,听到 一段英语或汉语 讲话后把它们分别译成汉语或英语并通过麦克风录 到磁带上。 讲话当中有停顿, 考生需充分利用停顿 时间进行翻译。 3(听录音时,可做笔记 可做笔记。 可做笔记 4(翻译时要沉着冷 静,不要紧张。 二、考试内容 本考试共分三部分。 第一部分:对 话口译 史密斯先生来小张的纺织厂参观,小张在做介绍。请将他们 的讲话分别译成英语或汉语。 第二部分:英译汉 这篇演讲讨论的是 因全球变暖而导致气候恶化以及如何防止气候进一步恶化的措施。 第三部分:汉译英 这是一篇关于世界特殊奥运会夏季运动会首次在 中国上海举行的报道。 三、考试结束后,再次检查是否在录音磁带 的 A 面标签上正确填写了自己的姓名、考点和考号,检 考试结束后, 再次检查是否在录音磁带的 面标签上正确填写了自己的姓名、考点 和考号, 查完毕,离开考场。请勿将磁带和考试用纸带出考场。 查 完毕,离开考场。请勿将磁带和考试用纸带出考场。 录音稿 Certificate of English Interpretation: Level 4 Now please listen to the instructions about this exam. I’ll give you a brief introduction before each part of the exam begins and leave you enough time to do the interpreting. This exam is divided into 3 parts. Each part is divided into a number of segments and at the start of each segment you’ll hear this tone [TONE]. At each pause where you are expected 5 to start interpreting, you’ll also hear this tone [TONE]. You’ll hear each segment only once. Let’s start with Part 1, the dialogue. Part 1 Dialogue This dialogue is about Mr. Smith’s visit to a textile company. Please interpret the English speaker’s remarks into Chinese and the Chinese speaker’s remarks into English. Let’s begin. (//表示停顿) [TONE] A:Good morning, I am in the line of textile business in America. Could you be so kind to show me around your showroom? [TONE] // [TONE] B:我很乐意。我们经营纺织品已有八年。我们的 产品在本国市场上很受欢迎。[TONE] // [TONE] A:Oh, there are so many new products that I have never seen in other showrooms. Let me have a good look at them. [TONE] // [TONE] B:我们最 近推出了不少新产品。它们质量上乘,价格也不是很贵。也许您有兴 趣看看我们上个月才 推出的新品,别的地方肯定看不到。[TONE] // [TONE] A:They look really nice! I guess people in our country will love them. Can I have your catalogues that tell us more about them? [TONE] // [TONE] B:有的。这些产品目录中有所有您 今天看到的产品的全部介绍。[TONE] // [TONE] A:Thank you. Your products have impressed me. I will read your catalogues carefully and see if there is a possibility that we can make a deal. [TONE] // [TONE] B:感谢您对我们的产品有兴趣。这是我 的名片。如果您想知道我们公司和产品有关的情况,请随时 和我联 系。[TONE] // [TONE] That’s the end of Part 1. Now we move on to Part 2. Part 2 Consecutive interpretation: English to Chinese 6 In this part you will hear a presentation delivered in English about climate change and the ways of dealing with the impacts of climate change. Please interpret this presentation into Chinese. Let’s begin. [TONE] Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: Climate change is a serious global challenge. Temperature increases are likely to bring widespread changes around the world. [TONE] // [TONE] Our country is vulnerable to climate change. Between 1970 and 2004, global greenhouse gas emissions increased 70 per cent. [TONE] // [TONE] There are two key ways of dealing with the impacts of climate change. First is to work to reduce the growth of greenhouse gases, and eventually to stop global emissions. Second is to prepare for and adapt to changes as best we can. [TONE] // [TONE] But with concerted global action, we could do much to reduce potential threats to human well-being and security. It is a sensible, practical and comprehensive approach to a formidable challenge. [TONE] // [TONE] That’s the end of Part 2. Now we move on to Part 3. Part 3 Consecutive Interpretation: Chinese to English In this part you will hear a report on The 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games held in Shanghai, China. Please interpret this presentation into English. Let’s begin. [TONE] 2007 年世界特殊奥运会夏季运动 会从 2007 年 10 月 2 日至 11 日在中国上海举行。[TONE] // [TONE] 此次盛会标志着世界特殊奥运会夏季运动会首次在亚洲举 行,而且仅第二次在美国之外的地方举行。 [TONE] // [TONE] 除了 7,500 名运动员之外, 特殊奥运会 2007 年夏季运动会吸 引了 40,000 名志愿者和来自各大洲成千 上万的观众和记者。[TONE] // [TONE] 举办 2008 年奥运会的中国成为历史上第一个在 12 个 月之内举办世界特奥会和奥运会的国家。 全世界 的目光注视着中 国。[TONE] // [TONE] That’s the end of the exam. Thank you. 7 1
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