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【图】点评中国在产汽车(想买车的朋友可以细读,很有参考价值)_速腾【图】点评中国在产汽车(想买车的朋友可以细读,很有参考价值)_速腾 【图】点评中国在产汽车(想买车的朋友可以细读,很有参考价值)_速腾俱乐部_汽车之家登录 注册 在线会员新手指南汽车质量投诉 汽车之家 » 汽车社区 » 速腾俱乐部 » 点评中国在产汽车(想买车的朋友可以细读,很有参考价值) 标题搜索用户搜索 RAV4装先锋P90RS我家小宝和大QQS40 2.4i轮胎升级改思迪-加入碳纤维从山东开到新疆爨底下村归来自驾骏捷回西安上一主题 | 下一主题 395 1 2 3 4 5 6 下一...
【图】点评中国在产汽车(想买车的朋友可以细读,很有参考价值)_速腾 【图】点评中国在产汽车(想买车的朋友可以细读,很有参考价值)_速腾俱乐部_汽车之家登录 注册 在线会员新手汽车质量投诉 汽车之家 » 汽车社区 » 速腾俱乐部 » 点评中国在产汽车(想买车的朋友可以细读,很有参考价值) 标搜索用户搜索 RAV4装先锋P90RS我家小宝和大QQS40 2.4i轮胎升级改思迪-加入碳纤维从山东开到新疆爨底下村归来自驾骏捷回西安上一主题 | 下一主题 395 1 2 3 4 5 6 下一页 ..20 刷新本帖 点评中国在产汽车(想买车的朋友可以细读,很有参[点49239/回397] 只看楼主 考价值) 穷鬼车迷 级别支柱会员 俱乐部雨燕 来自广东 精华0 帖子4 威望266 推荐积分1 注册2007-07-31 查看博客文集0F点击楼层复制帖子链接[类别:车友评车]发表于 2007-09-02 23:19 点评中国在产汽车(想买车的朋友可以细读,很有参考价值) 奇瑞: QQ(现称QQ3),奇瑞最热的车,造型灵巧,价格低。做个代步工具可以了,毕竟国人收入不高。只是毛病相对奥托要多一点,但是大毛病不多。 QQ6车小空间大,性能尚可,可惜三厢造型太差,可评为最差造型奖了,不知道厂家怎么想的。 瑞虎,各方面都有惊喜,造型做工空间都可以,只是从排气管看,有待改进,因为行驶时一颤一颤的,不由得令人想起穿开裆裤的男孩,总感觉档次不高。目前很好的适应了该区间的市场,是除长城哈弗外的重要车型。 旗云,奇瑞的另一支柱产品。相对5万左右的车来说,比较值。工艺有很大改进,但仍需进一步改进。 东方之子,宽大,低价位的中高级车,不过奇瑞品牌号召力不行,虽然配置丰富,大家还是认可合资品牌。感觉造型侧面比较难看。虽然底盘是莲花公司调教,仍有待提高操控性能。 A5,有人称典型的大车小空间,但也说明车壳结实啊,所以碰撞测试它通过了。造型有点普通,不够吸引人。 奇瑞是很有民族气节的企业,能造发动机,非常有希望的民族汽车品牌,所以把它排在首位。希望奇瑞在制造工艺上多下功夫,多出精品。 大众系列: 上汽大众:依靠桑塔纳赚了很多钱,但是这是他们应得的报酬,不要忘记,改革开放后我国与其他品牌谈合资时,是大众义无反顾的与我们合作,而其他品牌则是不屑一顾。 桑塔纳:虽然是很久的车型,但是不要小看它,因为萨特说过:存在即是真理。说明它很适合我国的国情。皮实,配件便宜,保养方便。 桑塔纳2000、3000:曾经很风光,但是相信它不如普桑,唯一的优点就是空间大。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( ppt). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 波罗:是一款精贵的小车。尤其是刚上市时由于较贵的配件,致使很长时间不被国人认可。驾驶感觉不像小车,就是发动机有点小,很多人说加速有点肉,其实是很多人的驾驶习惯导致。 帕萨特:比较好的中级车,听关车门声就知道是很安全的车子,在中级车里,它是工艺最好的,没有车的关门声能超过它。 操控也很好,加速和变线指标都很高,但有两个缺点:一是方向盘偏沉,纤弱的女性朋友可能不喜欢,但是高速表现很好。二是车身拉长10cm,对操控影响很大,转弯激烈操控会导致一只后轮离地,原因是因为国人喜欢空间大。另一后果是5万公里以上轮胎偏磨,原因是后悬挂采用半独立悬挂,虽然增强刚性,提高转弯倾侧,但是加长后更加促使具半扭力梁的变形,所以一定公里后需要及时进行四轮定位。 变速箱采用5档手自一体,单从这一点来说,大众的价格不贵,与竞争车型相比,大部分是4档变速器,更没有手自一体。但是中国的消费者,汽车知识太少,不懂。 保养也比较便宜。但是有几个问题,主要是涡轮问题,1.8T的长时间行驶后不宜马上熄火,应怠速运行3分钟以后熄火,不然涡轮易损坏,损坏后更换要以万元计。还有就是水泵和正时皮带问题,在6-8万公里时一定要换,不然会损坏发动机,这是设计败笔。在4S店保养,也要自己小心,一般说明书上说7500公里、10000公里保养间隔进行,但是店里都说要7500公里保养一次,其实没必要。 帕萨特领驭:这是适合中国人口味的改款车,重点有二:一是舒适性,就是将原来的悬挂改软,中国人大部分喜欢软悬挂,所以适应潮流,但是为保证操控,厂家只好将车体下降了几公分,根据有关理论,车体下降1厘米,操控性能可提高好几个数量级别。二是内饰和车外形。中国人也重内饰,所以厂家下了大功夫,提高很多层次。车外形就是车头和车尾改动较大,其实帕萨特的造型是比较经典的,波罗、帕萨特、奥迪A6三款车的造型,在世界汽车史上应该是非常有地位的,当然这需要有美术基础的人,否则也不会有现在的改款了,厂家只有迎合大众的口味。另外附带的车门也改了,后门改得很大,其后果是直接导致碰撞测试成绩不高,肯定不如原来的帕萨特。 途安:一款好车,但是并没有适合大家的习惯,大众如果将一款经济型越野车拿来的话,肯定很好。可惜MPV没被大家接受。说明大众的营销工作没做好,还是以产品为中心,而不是以顾客为中心。工艺是目前上汽最好的,无论内饰还是机械部分。操控也很好,但是毕竟车型高,驾驶感觉上在转弯倾侧上不如轿车。 斯柯达明锐:从操控指标上看很好,也应用了大众最新的TSI发动机技术。底盘也是PQ35平台,前后都是独立悬挂,6档手自一体,这些是竞争车型所不具备的哦,可能4-5年内是没人突破的,这是大众因为斯柯达品牌而照顾的产物,速腾也没有最新的发动机技术。不过毕竟是中低级车,用料方面很算计,车壳感觉不如帕萨特等,当然不是同档次不好比,上市后如何有待市场检验。 一汽大众:德国人比较重视一汽,但是个人感觉一汽的管理不如上汽。虽然产品是很好的,产品线也很丰富,但是销量并不是都居老大。 TOP 回复 举报 穷鬼车迷 级别支柱会员 俱乐部雨燕 来自广东 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 精华0 帖子4 威望266 推荐积分1 注册2007-07-31 查看博客文集1F 发表于 2007-09-02 23:19 捷达:与桑塔纳非常接近的车型,应该比桑塔纳高档,也在中国红火相当长时间,车也皮实,很奇怪,就一样,一汽一直没解决,就是后悬挂问题,时间一长,这车就塌屁股,应该不是设计问题,而是悬挂的用料问题,这么多年一直没解决,说明一汽的激励机制有问题,所以一汽很难造出民族品牌也不足为怪。 宝来:一款很舒适的驾驶车,虽然说驾驶者之车有点狂,但毕竟开起来很舒服,无论手动还是自动,无论1.6还是1.8T,女性朋友也很喜欢,方向盘轻,转弯半径小,悬挂也很舒适的那种。 当然,操控也较好,就是倾侧有点大,舒适和操控是一对矛盾,关键看如何取舍如何平衡。虽然德国车世界一流,但是在中国许多地方往往卖不过日本车,原因就在于民族理念的冲突,亚洲人重舒适,欧洲人重操控,德国人要坚持造车理念的话,得先改造中国人的用车理念。 宝来最大的缺点就是后座空间,不然它早就登上销量冠军榜,可能会再造一个桑塔纳或捷达神话。还有一个缺点就是看上去车身太短,有点臃肿,所以为很多家庭主妇所不喜欢。看来大众在中国还是缺少营销调查,没有了解中国家庭的需求。 还有现在的改款,尤其是屁股,迎合低级趣味,庸俗。 速腾: 是宝来的升级版,但是造型并不好看,有点类似三厢飞度。驾驶座位相对不如宝来视野开阔,需要适应。操控比宝来升级了不少,但是发动机并未升级,不如明锐。与明锐将处于竞争地位。 高尔夫:比较经典的大众车,在中国却有点水土不服,原因是多方面的,两厢车,空间不够大,配件较贵(与销量有关),车头造型不符合国人习惯,众多因素导致高尔夫不能再续欧洲的传奇,进一步印证了市场营销的重要性,不要以为市场是可以复制的,所以这也直接导致大众不敢拿欧洲同步的高尔夫过来 奥迪A4:一款好车,就是空间小了点,因为品牌,价格高,当然工艺也不一样,只是相对群体狭窄,又受宝马品牌的打压,销量不怎么样。 奥迪A6:原来的造型非常经典,线条圆润,非常像丰满的少妇,雍容华贵,含蓄而不张扬。对比帕萨特,非常明显,帕萨特的屁股,就是男人的屁股,刚性,像刀子一样下切,有棱有角,奥迪A6的则是少妇的屁股,曲线分明,波罗的则小巧精灵,就像还没有发育好的少女,轻盈灵动但不失庄重。改款车的造型完全改变了这些经典形象,奥迪A6像张开血盆大口,有点像悍妇,领驭的屁股改得像小日本的女人,扭怩小气,波罗则作了变性手术,完全是男人的模样,从眼睛到后部,总有点怪味。 奥迪的操控是很好的,尽管拿到中国的新A6又是令人憎恶的加长车,而操控与宝马也是有得一拼的,说明奥迪的进步很快。既舒适又有操控性,空间又大,内饰又精细,所以销量很好,奥迪的品牌深入中国人的心理,这是大众公司做得最好 的车型。 马自达6:一款强调操控的车。但是马6相对不那么像日本车。 虽然强调操控,但这款车有着重大设计缺陷,就是跑偏,据说是无法纠正的,当the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 然很多人感觉不出来,更多人不知道,有许多人知道了也认为没关系。 还有就是底盘过低,要提高操控,技术上不如德国车,唯一法宝就是降低车身,马自达6 的的车身之低是中级车之最,不然紧急变线速度和绕桩速度就不会取得好成绩。根据测试,与速腾、福克斯是有的一拼的。 底盘做得太糙是一缺点,如果不信,钻入大众车和M6底下就会看出区别。车壳太薄、车重过轻是另一缺点,安全性有一定隐患。虽然厂家都说有溃缩区,但是这一功能仅能应付碰撞测试,现在的碰撞测试是拿汽车碰墙壁,就像鸡蛋碰石头,当然硬壳的先碎,软壳的可能不碎,但是拿鸡蛋碰鸡蛋可能还是软壳的先碎,而实际生活中大都是鸡蛋碰鸡蛋,很少碰墙壁。所以这是聪明的日本鬼子钻的空子。 广州本田: 本田品牌在东部沿海发达地区销量很好,本田的品牌早在摩托车时代给人们以很深的印象。80、90年代的本田摩托车,质量过硬,很少维修,给这些地区留下了深刻的印象。因此,捎带给现在的本田轿车带来了很好的销量。曾经一直加价销售,饥饿销售给国人留下了难以磨灭的印记。如果杭州不出结婚门事件,本田神话的传奇可能还要继续演绎。 本田的操控自然不如德国车,可是国人喜欢,尽管它的操控指标不好,但大多数人喜欢它的方向盘感受,喜欢敏感的油门,喜欢舒适的悬挂,喜欢精细的内饰,喜欢较大的空间。 不过日本人号称的省油其实在中级车上是丝毫体现不出来的,自从国家发改委发布各车型油耗后,日本车省油的神话被打破了。差不多的自重、同样宽的轮胎,基本上德国车、日本车的油耗是相同的。 但是保养周期是不同的,一般日本车保养周期短,5000公里是比较普遍的,因此费用就不怎么经济。在此可以看出发动机的精细程度,从变速器看,普遍日系车不如德系车,当时帕萨特出来的时候,就是5档手自一体,甚至现在大部分日系车,还只是4档自动,技术含量不可同日而语。 本田车的另一优点是精细,小毛病较少,这为它赢得了较好的口碑。 但是从婚礼门事件来看,本田车工艺与德系车相差较远,仅焊接技术就相差很多。 本田的造型还可以,就是眼睛太凶,像鹰眼。而且小日本经常小改款,勤换马甲,这?:学习大众波罗搞了飞度,原来搞了市场调研,认为中国人有三厢车情节,于是搞出了三厢飞度。呵呵,外貌奇丑。直到后来感觉不对才推出两厢车。总体感觉还可以,但是缺少大车的感觉,悬挂过软,在后座乘坐,短距离就会晕车。 TOP 回复 举报 穷鬼车迷 级别支柱会员 俱乐部雨燕 来自广东 精华0 帖子4 威望266 推荐积分1 注册2007-07-31 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 查看博客文集3F 发表于 2007-09-02 23:20 凯旋:雪铁龙系列,法国人的浪漫体现在造型上,非常前卫,可惜国人有点跟不上,凯旋的造型足以令人眼睛一亮。 凯旋的底盘很有雪铁龙的味道,悬挂不失硬朗,但是较舒适,过坎的时候,很明显,有怦怦的响动但没有传递到人身上,操控很有信心。 缺点是装配工艺不够严谨,有小毛病。 东风在许多地方4S店布点不够多,严重影响了他的经济性,维修保养是除了油耗外另一重要因素。 总体凯旋应属于中低级车,很多人将之与中级车比,过了,看它的用料都是很算计的。 丰田: 一个值得鄙视又值得学习的品牌。曾经是中国第一个希望引进合资的品牌,也是第一个生硬回绝中国的品牌。大家都曾记得“车到山前必有路,路上必有丰田车”的广告词,丰田车深深的植根于老一辈人的脑海里。 皇冠:一款40-50岁中年人特别钟爱的车,可惜,这批人也大多不懂车。皇冠的漏机油事件非常有名,可惜中国的媒体大部分是软骨头,报道非常少,报道频率远不如以前的宝马和奔驰。不仅漏机油,该车的操控也差,140迈以上就会吃不消了,就像中年人的身体,仅适合慢跑、短距跑。是一款真正的“轿”车,很有面子,慢吞吞的四平八稳是它最好的写照。急性子、年轻人、钱不多的人、嫌麻烦的人建议不要买,它曾与锐志一起登上浙江省汽车投诉榜前茅。 锐志:看上去年轻,其实也肾衰----漏机油,浙江台州的车主曾经集体投诉。自吹与宝马一样,后轮驱动,驾驶性能好,可也没见公布变线速度、绕桩速度。 紧急变线速度和绕桩速度是测试汽车性能的重要指标,如果没有这些参数,基本上都是瞎吹。遗憾的是许多自诩专业的汽车媒体,很少测试这些指标,其测试结果只能是误导消费者,或者就是他们的托。 凯美瑞:这是一款欺骗人的车,样子大气端庄,骨子里是小车,金玉其外、败絮其中。一上120迈左右,小车的感觉就出来了,噪音很大,操控不灵,即使你不相信这些,打开机舱盖,你会发现偌大的机舱安装着如此小的发动机,空着很大的空间,底下空空的,这是所有车型都不会有的。很明显,发动机不是为该车设计的,严重的小马拉大车。凯美瑞的价位是依靠原有的进口凯美瑞提升上去的,原来的要卖40万元,现在只要20万,所以人们趋之若鹜,感觉很赚啊。 这种事也只有丰田做得出来,也只有中国人会买,真的很佩服丰田。他们对中国人的心理摸得一清二楚,非常危险啊~ 卡罗拉:其实就是花冠。同样价格有点高,所以花冠和卡罗拉,就当前的价位,不是很值得购买,因为它是最没有特点的车,噪音较大,底盘还是花冠的底盘,后悬挂是非独立悬挂,不如斯柯达明锐,变速箱还是4档自动,与明锐的6档手自一体差不少档次。说舒适不是最舒适,说操控不是很好,说经济吗又不经济,说价格吗又不低,各方面都比较中庸。而且日系车在维修保养上比较频繁,经济性不好,讲究样子的、对钱不在乎的、比较重视丰田品牌的人值得一买。丰田车在其他国家大行其道,靠得是价格,在中国仿佛要走高端路线。消费者可不要上当,当年的威驰甚至卖到20万,非常不保值。 通用: 美国人是最会做生意的,所以他们是世界第一老大。市场营销的理论就发端于美the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 国,菲利普.科特勒的营销管理理论很好的指导了美国的企业,汽车业也不例外,一切以顾客为中心,而不是产品为中心。虽然美国的汽车技术在世界上都是较次的,但这丝毫不影响他们的利润。盘点中国市场上的通用车型,技术含量都是最低的,但是同样销量很好,他们深深懂得,合适的才是最好的。 别克君威:最大的特点就是外表大气,有点美国牛仔的味道。驾驶舒适,看看他们的轮胎就行,非常厚,同时自重也重,虽然外表大,而内部空间比较狭窄,这一点与日本车相比恰恰相反,说明美国车做得厚实,这并不说明美国先进。对油耗的影响却是比较大的。还有长距离行驶,后座的人会不舒服。 该车的防盗也不好,与日系车类似,很多车钥匙,一般的锁店都能搞定。 君越:类似君威。就是内部空间太窄,180cm以上的同志建议不要坐或开君越,内部空间要比你想像的窄得多。如果要做做面子,该车是很合适的,车身很长,宽度也很宽。操控也不如德系车。 优点是价位??技术,中国市场适宜打价格战,价格是战胜对手的重要法宝。 虽然通用系列的车油耗大,但是通过拉低总体车价,与其他竞争车型相比,是很有竞争力的。 林荫大道:有待观察,定位于气派豪华。该车有着最长的轴距,做家庭车不合适,适合商务。可能比荣御更适合中国国情。 凯越:以之为例,该车型所处区域是目前竞争比较激烈的,凯越依靠的就是总体价格低来竞争,对于其他方面,如操控、舒适等等都不如人家,即使是高油耗,按照目前的油价以10年寿命、每年2万公里,总体计算,还是要比宝来、标致、卡罗拉等要便宜,所以对于强调经济性、手头比较拮据的家庭是比较适宜的。而且三厢凯越比较大气,又不失面子。 雪佛兰:车型特点基本上与上面类似,是通用的品牌策略。 通用似乎希望别克做高中端,雪佛兰做中低端。 别克商务车:做的非常好的一款车,在这一区域内对手不多,占了先机,日系的只有本田奥得赛,德系的没有,所以占领了很多市场。如果经常两户人家出游,经济宽裕,不计油耗,又经常有商务活动的家庭可以购买。 很奇怪通用没有把欧宝引进中国,欧宝是相对技术含量要高的车,说真的国外汽车公司是很惧怕中国的,很少拿最先进的汽车进来,美国、日本、法国都一样,这一点还是德国大众值得表扬,把帕萨特B6,即迈腾引入中国,这是其他厂家所做不到的,非常值得期待。 TOP 回复 举报 穷鬼车迷 级别支柱会员 俱乐部雨燕 来自广东 精华0 帖子4 威望266 推荐积分1 注册2007-07-31 查看博客文集4F 发表于 2007-09-02 23:21 福特:福特也是美国的老牌汽车。但是到中国的布点有点迟。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 福特旗下品牌,包括沃尔沃、捷豹、路虎、马自达等,福特与长安公司进行合作。 蒙迪欧:是一款中级车,原来与帕萨特、雅阁的价位非常接近,但是当时福特公司的实际定价还是很准的(看购置税的计税价格),远低于帕萨特,或许是原来价位过高的缘故,没有抢占市场,导致现在市场占有率不高。该车的广告经常说自己是德国开发的,这说明在美国人心中造车偶像还是德国人。该车是有德国味,操控像欧洲车,配置比较丰富,缺点是变速箱欠缺火候,还有就是小毛病相对较多,有些车偶尔会有发动机启动困难的毛病。 福克斯:一款运动型车,它的扬名得益于WRC赛场,年轻人比较喜欢,变线速度和绕桩速度和速腾、M6等都比较接近,操控比较好,底盘不错,不过排档与大众的还是没得比的,无论波罗、宝来还是速腾,大众车现有的手动档感觉真的是一流的,无人能出其右。福克斯的缺点是工艺有待精良,底盘防护做得比较次,这是厂家比较抠的缘故,一定程度影响了形象,还有就是一些车主反映发动机爆震、熄火。真不知那些叱咤风云的WRC赛车在赛场上会不会出现这种情况。这些厂家可能会解决,就像以前宝来的点火线圈问题。希望厂家加强工艺,增加维修站的布点,这样才能赢得消费者的心,提高经济性。 S-MAX:该车本土化不够,连名字都是洋名让人记不住,可能如同大众的途安会水土不服。从该车的长宽高参数看与奥得赛接近,比途安要大,虽然该公司销售负责人说不属于MPV,创造了新名词,关键还是市场,如果中国的家庭主妇不认可,你创造再多名词也没用。使用这种车型的家庭一般都比较前卫,除非是商务,否则他们还都在满足于三厢情节。要想争夺市场,不如拿款如福特翼虎般的越野车来。 现代: 现代进入中国市场较迟,却发展迅速,成立了北京现代公司,为北京市政府贡献了不少财政收入,可是也加速了北京成为不宜人居的城市----工业企业无一例外都要用水,都要排废气。 韩国最近经济发展比较快,在军事上的发展也是咄咄逼人,这里也有中国人的贡献,积极购买韩货,希望韩国人不要成为另一个强邻。韩国人对于中国人的心理摸得比日本人更透。韩国人造的车一般是配置最丰富的。 途胜:吃透中国人需求的产物。很多家庭在拥有了三厢中级车后的第二辆车,往往都是越野车,而不是MPV,当然这些越野车,都是稍许越野功能的,以公路性能为主的,舒适型的,不是严格意义上的越野车。真正的越野车耗油,一般家庭经不起,真正的野地,一般人也下不去,老婆、孩子在旁边也受不了那个颠簸。 这时途胜出现了,价位不高,16-20多万,配置丰富,外观霸气,高底盘,有着一定的越野功能,它准确的占领了市场,把CR-V挤下去,(因为它价高),同价位的车,没了。虽然途胜的悬挂偏软,操控模糊,但是软也有它的好处,直线行驶,遇到沟沟坎坎时(中国常见的道路),它能几乎毫不减速的过去,驾乘人员感觉不明显,悬挂硬的就不行了,要减速,否则就受不了;弯道行驶慢点就行了,何必那么快啊。加速慢点也无所谓,反正是越野车吗。这就是现代车,它的取胜之道。中国的现状是有他们生存的理由。 伊兰特:新三样的代表之一(不知还是否能够延续),家庭喜爱理由有四:价格低、三厢、方向盘轻盈、悬挂舒适。新三样成功的原因:价格低、有看上去过得去空间的三厢(不是吉利、夏利、波罗的那种)、造型不能都是方头方尾(那是老三样过去的造型)。技术含量、性能不在考虑之列。这是中国普通家庭的选择造就了新三样。技术含量低,一般意味着可靠,维护方面简单。所以本人认为,老三样如果换个马甲起个新名,做些广告,说是全球同步发布、专为中国市场重新设计,说不定就能重新夺回阵地。 从造型看,伊兰特车头小气,线条过多,弧线过多。 悬挂软是韩国车的特点,可能很多人喜欢。操控轻盈也是另一特点,许多中国人the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 希望一个手指头就能转动方向盘,大街上到处是边开车边打电话的,这时谁不希望用一只手指头操控啊。边开车边打电话的人,伊兰特也是较好的选择。 索纳塔:造型线条复杂、弧线过多,类似伊兰特。其他特点类似伊兰特。曾经卖过20多万的好价钱,后来人们明白了,价格下来了。 御翔:索纳塔的改款,头是现代的头,侧面是帕萨特的,尾部是雅阁的。底盘有改进。 起亚:特点类同现代,很多方面不如现代。 三菱:轿车技术较次,其技术主要体现在越野车。早些年在日本甚至三菱公司就很少有人喜欢三菱的轿车,主要是可靠性问题。所以后来出现了隐瞒质量事件,多年来危机重重。三菱与国内公司的关系也很复杂。三菱曾为国内提供了发动机技术,应用广泛。 菱帅:虽说许多人认为有改装潜力,但作为家用不合适,尤其是刹车不过关。 欧兰德:老款车已停产,样子有点标新立异,技术一般,新款车为进口车。 戈蓝:外观非常漂亮时尚,三菱公司为了重树形象不惜血本着重外观设计。在操控上有点不像日本车。 对于买车我们必须考虑其今后的维修、保养等,对于这样的品牌,建议大家购车之前应三思。 铃木:与我国几家厂家有联系,比较有名的是长安。铃木是日本专做小车的厂家。在小车方面有着过人之处。奥托是比较经典的,很多地方对轿车的认识都是从奥托开始的。如果说皮实是不好形容单薄的奥拓话,可靠、耐用是它的特点。 雨燕:外观漂亮,操控灵活,除了发动机不先进、变速器稍差外,甚至可以媲美波罗,经济性要好于大众车。 天语:三厢的不如两厢的好看、符眼。发动机是全新技术,显现了铃木对中国市场开始重视,稍高的底盘,增强了通过性,操控也不差,悬挂与雨燕类似,操控表现并没有因高底盘有很大的影响,原配的宽大轮胎会令人惊讶。很适合不怎么讲究越野功能的、有一定经济基础的家庭的第二辆车。可见日本人、韩国人对市场真的很敏感,仅仅抓住一些中国家庭第二辆车的市场。反观德系、美系车,还没有动作,比较迟钝。这大概是文化差异所致吧。 TOP 回复 举报 穷鬼车迷 级别支柱会员 俱乐部雨燕 来自广东 精华0 帖子4 威望266 推荐积分1 注册2007-07-31 查看博客文集5F 发表于 2007-09-02 23:21 福美来:新三样的代表之一。样子尚可,新三样中最有运动特点,悬挂最硬,燃油经济性最好。由于与马自达的合作终止,前景如何有待观察,非常希望海马排除万难、走自力更生之路,不辜负福美来车主和国人的期望,创立新的民族品牌。 普力马:较早出现在中国市场的MPV,过早,接受的人群较少,销量自然上不去。the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 缺点是底盘过低,另外对承载能力也感到怀疑,经常看到路上的普力马几乎肚子贴着路面在行驶很是替他们担心。MPV的车,应该有较大的承载能力,因为看中这种车的车主一般都喜欢搬运东西,或者家庭里有不少人,承载量大是必须的。从指标上看,承载质量大于途安、小于毕加索。 新CR-V,上面有评论,目前这级别做的最好,国内竞争车型太少了。途安与奥德赛实际不是同个级别,与奥德赛同级别的应是夏朗,大众没有引进。途安应说这级别最好的。与奥德赛竞争的是别克GL8还有福特S-MAX,奥德赛采用雅阁的发动机和底盘,好像质量不如雅阁稳定。从皮实的角度讲应选别克,福特有待观察。 沃尔沃:S40,长安福特生产,与奥迪A4、宝马3的竞争车型,沃尔沃相对价格低。长期印象中沃尔沃是高安全性的,采用了特种钢,由于国内还没有进行碰撞测试,具体如何不得而知。外观内敛含蓄,不张扬的人建议买它。 宝马3:华晨的宝马,与进口的在配置上也有些差距。宝马的操控不言而喻,与奥迪A4各有千秋,宝马是后驱代表,奥迪是前驱,长期开前驱的需要习惯。相对奥迪A4,宝马底盘过低,道路不好的地区不合适,另外宝马的保养完全是宝马的价格,比奥迪要贵,同样的机油,宝马维修站的就是比其它地方贵。 中华系列:民族品牌的高级品牌。外观是意大利名师设计,非常英俊,底盘是保时捷调教的。操控确实不一般,可以盖过许多中级车。1.8T发动机也出来了,各车型价格也令人惊喜,建议大家都支持国货。至于德国的碰撞测试,动机和公正性值得怀疑。其实政府应该像当初支持大众一样支持它,政府采购,中华、奇瑞、吉利应该优先,城市出租车的选择也行。北京市选择现代为出租车,真是令人大跌眼镜,外国人还以为到了韩国呢。如果北京要支持国货,至少北京应该使出租车全部用中华。反观韩国当时为了推广泡菜,化了多大的精力,奥运会期间韩国专门推广泡菜令人印象深刻,至今泡菜产业每年的增长速度都在20-30,左右。奥运期间是推广中华等民族品牌最好的时节。政府??呼吁。推广国货不能仅在口头上。 天津和南京的两车厂,都有边缘化的倾向,成为天津一汽后更是明显,曾经的夏利非常有名,夏利2000也曾红火过,帕里奥也是好车,可惜接下去的功夫两车厂都没做足,新产品乏力,前景如何拭目以待。 吉利: 非常善于作秀的民族品牌。在国外不失时机的高调亮相是其他民族品牌所欠缺的,正是它的出现给我国的车市带来了新的气象。虽然一开始吉利豪情看上去是在不怎么样,单单是模仿奔驰的头,就让人不由的想起了东施效颦的成语。可是通过近几年的扩张,在中国到处可以看到吉利的身影,不由的让人想起当年福特的豪言壮语:要造每个工人都买得起的车。福特通过流水线生产技术实现了他的豪言壮语,不知中国的汽车狂人通过什么手段来实现全世界都跑吉利车的梦想,没有重大的技术革新或技术发明,要让中国这个蹒跚学步的汽车小孩战胜世界汽车巨头无异于痴人说梦。吉利是真正意义上的私企造车,不像奇瑞、中华有着地方政府的背景,各种艰难不言而喻。当前的市场地位证明了老百姓的肯定。CVVT发动机、自动变速器的研制成功,金刚等的下线让我们看到了他的生命力。金刚等车的造型,完全看不出仿造的影子,用脱胎换骨来形容一点也不为过。汽车的关键在于发动机、悬挂、变速器和外形,可以说现在吉利,四者有其三,相信坚持下去肯定有着较好的成长性。希望吉利加倍努力。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy (来源于汕头二手汽车交易网,觉得不错所以贴了过来,,但网站没有写明出处,刚才 有空,百度了一下,原创作者为:无忧杞人 特此声明) [ 本帖最后由 穷鬼车迷 于 2007-09-04 20:08 编辑 ] TOP 回复 举报 奔五 级别青铜长老 俱乐部瑞虎3 来自内蒙古 精华0 帖子12 威望706 推荐积分0 注册2007-05-04 查看博客文集6F 发表于 2007-09-02 23:33 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,已近视。 TOP 回复 举报 yesh80 级别三星会员 俱乐部雨燕 来自广东 精华0 帖子0 威望63 推荐积分0 注册2007-08-15 查看博客文集7F 发表于 2007-09-03 00:54 顶好贴,全面、准确。看完,已弱视。 TOP 回复 举报 壮志飞扬 级别白银长老 俱乐部QQ6 来自四川 精华0 帖子0 威望1620 推荐积分0 注册2007-04-15 查看博客文集8F 发表于 2007-09-03 11:33 路过,顶一下 TOP 回复 举报 老利 级别三星会员 俱乐部雨燕 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 来自浙江 精华0 帖子4 威望112 推荐积分0 注册2007-07-29 2007-09-03 12:31 查看博客文集9F 发表于 说得真好~-----您被评为中国最有发言权的评车专家。 TOP 回复 举报 北京翰墨画廊 级别青铜长老 俱乐部旗云 来自北京 精华0 帖子58 威望560 推荐积分0 注册2006-09-15 查看博客文集10F 发表于 2007-09-03 12:47 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,已对眼。 TOP 回复 举报 zhongxcn 级别新手上路 俱乐部奔驰SLK 来自浙江 精华0 帖子0 威望2 推荐积分0 注册2007-08-22 查看博客文集11F 发表于 2007-09-03 13:44 好贴!强调了在中国买车,主妇起决定性作用!国车的发展不是5年或是十年能上的去 的,这和整个国家的教育是相关的!没有优秀的汽车人才就很难造出中国自己的好车,一汽真 的让我失望,弄出的奔腾还是M6的底盘,失望!为什么不拿JETTA的呢?加上好的外行,换个什 么FSI发动机,比明锐便宜个3万肯定很好卖!不知道一汽的高层怎么想的,弄不明白! TOP 回复 举报 呼0o呼 级别三星会员 俱乐部雨燕 来自湖南 精华0 帖子0 威望67 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 推荐积分0 注册2007-08-23 查看博客文集12F 发表于 2007-09-03 14:00 支持国产自主品牌~~~~~~~ 偶4恐龙偶怕 谁~谁~ TOP 回复 举报 fengss2008 级别三星会员 俱乐部,,, 来自海南 精华0 帖子3 威望112 推荐积分0 注册2007-08-14 查看博客文集13F 发表于 2007-09-03 14:24 晕了,奶奶的,怎弄这么长呢?下次再也不看了 TOP 回复 举报 牵挂 级别三星会员 俱乐部明锐 来自广东 精华0 帖子3 威望115 推荐积分0 注册2007-07-23 查看博客文集14F 发表于 2007-09-03 14:26 的很透彻,谢谢楼主~~ TOP 回复 举报 振山虎 级别青铜长老 俱乐部标致307 来自陕西 精华0 帖子19 威望726 推荐积分2 注册2007-07-09 查看博客文集15F 发表于 2007-09-03 14:31 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,斗鸡眼 陕西狮友会QQ群:11826674 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 梦想拥有五辆车,已经实现了三辆:1、摩托——嘉陵125;2、微型——QQ3;3、小 型——307。40岁前买辆SUV;50岁前买辆房车。 TOP 回复 举报 金猪王 级别三星会员 俱乐部QQ6 来自江苏 精华0 帖子2 威望238 推荐积分0 注册2007-08-10 查看博客文集16F 发表于 2007-09-03 14:54 6F 发表于 2007-09-02 23:33 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,已近视。 7F 发表于 2007-09-03 00:54 顶好贴,全面、准确。看完,已弱视。 10F 发表于 2007-09-03 12:47 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,已对眼。 15F 发表于 2007-09-03 14:31 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,斗鸡眼 13F 发表于 2007-09-03 14:24 晕了,奶奶的,怎弄这么长呢?下次再也不看了 9F 发表于 2007-09-03 12:31 说得真好~-----您被评为中国最有发言权的评车专家。 TOP 回复 举报 偷心贼 级别三星会员 俱乐部雨燕 来自山西 精华0 帖子14 威望224 推荐积分1 注册2007-08-22 查看博客文集17F 发表于 2007-09-03 15:39 是好帖,全面,准备.看完。眼睛已模糊. the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 6F 发表于 2007-09-02 23:33 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,已近视。 7F 发表于 2007-09-03 00:54 顶好贴,全面、准确。看完,已弱视。 10F 发表于 2007-09-03 12:47 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,已对眼。 15F 发表于 2007-09-03 14:31 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,斗鸡眼 13F 发表于 2007-09-03 14:24 晕了,奶奶的,怎弄这么长呢?下次再也不看了 TOP 回复 举报 weiren 级别支柱会员 俱乐部桑塔纳3000 来自河北 精华0 帖子3 威望237 推荐积分0 注册2006-12-23 查看博客文集18F 发表于 2007-09-03 15:42 .................................. TOP 回复 举报 w9不说话 级别三星会员 俱乐部福克斯 来自江苏 精华0 帖子11 威望202 推荐积分0 注册2007-08-16 查看博客文集19F 发表于 2007-09-03 16:08 是好贴,全面、准确。看完,已老花眼 TOP 回复 举报 温故知新 级别白银长老 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 俱乐部旗云 来自湖南 精华0 帖子23 威望1419 推荐积分0 11-17 注册2006- 查看博客文集20F 发表于 2007-09-03 16:13 没图没说服力的! TOP 回复 举报 上一主题 | 下一主题 395 1 2 3 4 5 6 下一页 ..20 只看楼主 刷新本帖 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy
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