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吉纳皮带变频器说明书吉纳皮带变频器说明书 目录 第一章 前言................................................................................................ 2 概述 ......................................................................................................... 2 1.2 警告.............................
吉纳皮带变频器说明书 目录 第一章 前言................................................................................................ 2 概述 ......................................................................................................... 2 1.2 警告................................................................................................. 3 1.3 产品型号 ......................................................................................... 3 第二章 设计原则及依据 ............................................................................. 5 第三章 变频器详解 ...................................................................................... 7 3.4.1 面板操作按键 ......................................................................... 8 3.4.2参数分类 ................................................................................... 9 B00 MOTOR (电机参数) ............................................................ 11 C00 PERFORMANCE (系统性能参数) ...................................... 11 D00 PROTECTION (系统保护功能设定) ................................... 14 E00 STOP/START (电机停车方式/系统重起动) ......................... 16 F00 REFERENCES (系统给定速度基准的设定) ........................ 17 SPEED REFERENCES(给定速度基准) ....................................... 17 G00 INPUT/OUTPUT (设定数字量输入/输出功能) ...................... 18 G15 RELAY 1(继电器1) G16 RELAY 2(继电器2) ................... 19 故障信息: ...................................................................................... 20 第四章 物料清单.............................................................................................................22 第五章 调试参数…………………….…………………………………………………23 第六章 图纸…………………………………………….……………………24 disease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve root 第一章 前言 概述 BPJ7—400/1140矿用隔爆兼本质安全型交流变频器是一种集真空磁力起动器、数字式变频调速装置及相关的散热技术为一体的高新技术产品。该产品适用于交流50Hz、额定电压1140V的异步电动机重负荷软起动、软停车和运行过程控制,具有起动电流小、起动速度平稳、起动性能可靠、对电网冲击小等优点,其起动曲线有“S”型和线性二种。该曲线可根据现场实际工况进行调整,从而减少起动时对设备的动张力。此外,变频器具有在线控制功能,可根据电机的负荷变化,调整电机工作电源电压和频率,从而达到所需转矩。具有明显的节能效应,可实现经济运行。随着煤矿自动化程度的不断提高,变频器正以其节能、高效、安全、可靠的特点,逐渐成为今后煤矿电机设备调速控制的发展方向,并得以广泛的应用。 警告:用户在使用时必须按说明书及操作手册的要求操作 严禁带电开盖,严禁损伤防爆面~ 矿用隔爆兼本质安全型变频调速装置使用说明书 ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rooticarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl2 上海伟肯实业有限公司 1.2 警告 安全注意事项 安装、运行、维护或检查之前要认真阅读本说明书。 说明书中有关安全运行的注意事项,指出潜在的危险情况,如果不避免,可能会导致人身伤亡。所以在任何情况下要遵守这些重要的注意事项。 ? 注意 为了确保正确的运行而采取的步骤。 警告标记呈现在变频调速装置的前盖上。 使用变频调速装置时要遵守这些指导。 , 安装运行前请阅读产品说明书。 , 切断电源,并至少等待十五分钟后方可开盖。 , 严禁连接交流电源至输出端。 , 即使变频器处于不工作的状态时,变频的以下部分端子仍然可能带有危险电压,在 维修时请特别注意: ——电源端子1L1、1L2、1L3;2L1、2L2、2L3; ——连接电抗器及电动机的端子 U、V、 W;2D1、2D2、2D3; , 变频器严禁将电源线或其他一切有源电线接到变频器的输出侧,否则会严重损坏变 频器。 , 必须可靠接地。 , 运行过程中禁止随意切换远近控旋钮,以及控制方式旋钮,必须在停机时进行切换 选择~ , 使用屏蔽电缆~ , 上级使用变频专用馈电开关。 1.3 产品型号 BP J 7 — XXX /XXXX 额定电压 额定电流 设计序号 隔爆兼本质安全型 变频器 主要规格参数: a)输入电压: AC1140V,50/60Hz,75%Ue,110% Ue,电网不平衡度:最大为电网线电压的? 3%。 b) 输出电压:电压随频率呈线性变化。 c) 额定功率:315kW,功率因素:0.97(额定负载下);频率分辨率:0.1Hz。 es, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseasdial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocaring dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and 3l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve root d) 额定电流:190 A; e) 起动频率:0.5,60Hz 可调设定,频率分辨率:0.01Hz。 f) 工作制:连续工作制或短期工作制。 g) 本安电源:本安输出最高开路电压:24.2VDC;本安输出最大电流:0.5A; h) 冷却方式:热管风冷却。 1.4 安装环境 a) 海拔高度不超过1000m,压力(80,106)kPa。 b) 周围环境温度不超过-10?,+40?。 c) 周围空气湿度不大于95%?3%(25??3?时)。 d) 有爆炸性气体及煤尘爆炸危险的场合。 e) 无显著摇动和剧烈振动、冲击的地方。 f) 无漏水的地方。 g) 污染等级不高于3级。 icarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl4ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve root 上海伟肯实业有限公司 第二章 设计原则及依据 2.1 通用 进口电器设备遵守国际电工委员会IEC标准 , GB50070-94 《矿山电力设计规范》 , GB50054-95 《低压配电设施规范》 , GB16424-1996 《金属非金属地下矿山安全规程》 , GB/T13926-1992 《工业过程测量和控制装置的电磁兼容性》 , 《煤矿安全规程》 2.2 其他标准 , GB 191—2000 《包装储运图示标志》 , GB 2681—1995 《电工成套装置中的导线颜色》 , GB 2682—1995 《电工成套装置中的指示灯按钮的颜色》 , GB 3836.1—2000 《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第1部分:通用要求》 , GB 3836.2—2000 《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第2部分:隔爆型“d”》 , GB 3836.3—2000 《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第3部分:增安型“e”》 , GB 3836.4,2000 《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第4部分:本质安全型“i”》 , GB/T 311.7—2003 《高压输变电设备的绝缘配合使用导则》 , GB/T 2423.4—1993 《电工电子产品环境试验规程 试验Db:交变湿热试验方法》 , GB/T 3859.1 《半导体变流器 基本要求的规定》 , GB/T 3859.2 《半导体变流器 应用导则》 , GB/T 3859.3 《半导体变流器 变压器和电抗器》 , GB/T 12325—2003 《电能质量 供电电压允许偏差》 l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootes, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseasdial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocaring dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and 5 , GB/T 12326—2000 《电能质量 电压波动和闪变》 , GB/T 12668.2—2000 《调速电气传动系统 第2部分:一般要求 低压交流变频电气传动系统 额定值的规定》 , GB/T 12668.3—2003 《调速电气传动系统 第3部分:产品的电磁兼容性标准及其特定的试验 方法》 , GB/T 13384—1992 《机电产品包装通用技术条件》 , GB/T 14048.1—2000 《低压开关设备和控制设备 总则》 , GB/T 14549—1993 《电能质量 公用电网谐波》 , GB/T 15543—1995《 电能质量 三项电压允许不平衡度》 , GB/T 15945—1995 《电能质量 电力系统频率允许偏差》 , GB/T 17625.1—2003 《电磁兼容 限值 谐波电流发射限值(设备每项输入电流?16A)》 , GB/Z 17625.3—2000 《电磁兼容 限值 对额定电流大于16A的设备在低压供电系统中产生的 电压波动和闪烁的限制》 6ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rooticarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl 上海伟肯实业有限公司 第三章 变频器详解 3.0系统功能概述 3.0.1本安操作台 本系统配备本安型操作台,在显眼位置安装指示灯,对重要故障及主要单元的运行给出明确指示,以方便司机对现场情况的处理。 配备10英寸全彩显示屏,可详细显示系统的实时数据以及实时故障报警,并且对故障报警进行存储,方便查询。 配备模式选择开关: 【集控/就地】在集控模式下,可以同多条皮带组成的系统联网,实现本皮带的自动启停;在就地模式下,可以对本条皮带进行启停控制。 【正转/反转】该模式可以控制电机的运转反向。 【速度一/二/三】该模式可以控制皮带的运行速度,可以根据运煤量的多少选择合适的速度。 【半自动/手动/检修】在半自动模式下,皮带张紧、变频器、闸盘可以按顺序自动进行启停。在手动模式下,需对皮带张紧、变频器、闸盘按顺序依次启停。在检修模式下,可以实现低速运行,以方便对整套系统的检修。 3.0.2电控箱 电控箱核心采用西门子S7-200PLC,对变频器及皮带保护的各种信号进行实时高效率的处理,实现整套系统安全高效运行。 3.0.3变频器 采用进口吉纳变频器技术,主从变频器采用RS485通讯,实现两台电机功率平衡的要求。 3.1 变频调速简介 变频调速是电机调速的主要技术。交流电动机转速的达式为: 60f(1,s) n= p ——定子供电电源的频率 其中:f p——电动机的极对数 s——电动机的转差率。 由上式可知,当平滑地改变f时,n也可得到平稳的改变。所以,变频调速技术的关键是如何获得频率可变的大功率供电电源。 3.2 变频器物理构成 , 集成大模块, 1140V电压用IGBT耐压3300V,电流800A。 ing dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and 7l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootes, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseasdial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocar , 输入加电抗器,输出电抗器,以改善逆变输出波形,同时能抑制对周围其他设备的干扰信号 。 , EMC是一个综合装置,包括输入共模滤波器、电抗器、输出电抗器、正弦滤波器及抗高频干扰 的磁环等(用户可根据实际需要选择配置)。 3.3 变频调速装置的综合技术特性 ?输入输出特性 ? 输入电压:1140V ? 输入频率:50Hz ? 输出电压范围:0,1140V ? 输出频率范围:0,60Hz ?外围接口特性 ? 可编程数字输入:4路输入, I/O 卡可扩展4路输入; ?可编程模拟量输入,3路模拟量输入; ? 可编程数字输出:整机标配2路输出,可扩展,本系统扩展至3路 ? 继电器输出:2 路输出,可扩展,本系统配备7路输出~ ?模拟量输出:1 路输出,可扩展,本系统扩展至3路; ?控制方式 , 就地控制:多用于现场调试时使用,通过防爆门板上的按钮以及转换开关进行 控制变频器的启停以及速度给定等基本功能~ , 远控控制:通过远端操作台或者是操作箱给予启停以及速度给定信号,实现远 端控制~ , 上位机集中控制:通过485接口与变频器内的PLC通讯来实现对变频器的启停 以及速度的给定控制~ 3.4 变频器参数 3.4.1 面板操作按键 按照电器安装图连接电机和供电电源,根据用户需要连接控制线和进行必要的设定。在通电之前,应检查并确保电机的转动不会对人员或设备造成损害。接通电源之后,建议首先查阅一下 B00 MOTOR (电机)菜单项的参数,并根据用户需求进行必要的设置。以防止电机在运行时出现意外情况。 参数设定界面如下: icarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl8ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve root 上海伟肯实业有限公司 控制面板由?FWD 、?REV、ENTER、ESC、? STOP共5个按键及显示屏组成,用户可根据需要通过操作面板进行参数设置。刚上电时,变频器型号,软件版本号和系统散热片的温度等信息将显示约2秒钟。 在运行模式下按ESC 按钮进入菜单模式,利用?和?键将逐个显示每个菜单项。如欲进入当前菜单,按 ?(确认)键,按下该键后,系统将进入其子菜单,或显示其当前设定值以便用户进行调整。 3.4.2参数分类 A00 DISPLAY (显示参数) A01 RUN VARIABLE (运行参数) 用户可从下列运行参数中选择一个,以便在运行显示模式下进行观察 ? V01 Hz ? V02 rpm ? V03% Load ? V04 Amps ? V05 Volts DC ? V06 kW sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocaring dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and 9l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootes, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseasdial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular ? V07 Volts AC ? V08 ºC ? V09 ºF ? V10 I2t used 输出频率 电机转速 电机负载率 系统输出电流 直流母线电压 系统输出功率 系统输出电压 散热片温度(摄氏) 散热片温度(华氏) 当前I2t 的值 A02 RUN SCALE (显示比率) 默认值:50.0 系统默认显示参数输出频率单位为Hz,这是唯一一个可被用户重新设置其显示范围的参数。它可被设置为从1到9999之间的任何一个值(或带一位小数999.9) 当显示屏上最上面一行显示A02 RUN SCALE(显示比率)时,按回车键将显示该参数的显示比率,同时进入编辑状态。用户可以通过按?和?键来调整每一位,按?(回车键)将进入下一位,无论何时想放弃编辑操作,按ESC键即可。当最后一位调整完毕后,按 ? 键,设定值将显示在屏幕上,并等待设定小数点的位置,用?或?键移动小数点的位置,并按? (回车键)确认。按 ESC 键返回到上一级菜单A00 DISPLAY(显示参数)。 A03 RUN UNITS (显示单位) 默认值:Hz MSC-3能以用户所定义的速度单位来显示电机转速。系统默认的设置是用 Hz 表示输出 频率,但是用户可根据自己的喜好加以改变,例如:mtr/min,Cans/hr等。只有输出频率的单位是可变的。系统可提供的字节符号如附件A所示。 当 A03 RUN UNITS(显示单位)在显示屏的顶行出现时,按? (回车)键,当前设定的运行参数的单位将在第二行出现。可通过按?或?键选择不同的单位。 A04 MENU PROTECT(菜单保护) 为了防止有人随意修改系统设置,系统对整个菜单模式设置了一个带密码的保护功能。当用户激活该项功能,并返回运行显示模式后,如有人欲通过按ESC 键进入菜单模式时需输入密码。 用?或?将数值调整为默认密码:1470。按? (回车)键确认,如果所输入的密码正确,将显示出用户所熟悉的菜单模式。如果输入的密码有误,系统将返回运行显示状态。 A05 SET DEFAULTS(恢复出厂默认设置) 该菜单允许用户恢复系统出厂时的设定值,在恢复默认值之前,必须使MSC-3 处于未激活状态。在断电情况下,断开端子1 和6 之间的连接,按?(回车)键,系统将显示A06 CHECK WIRING(检查接线),这是一个提示信息,让用户确认当前的控制接线方式 10ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rooticarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl 上海伟肯实业有限公司 是否与系统出厂时的默认设定一致,否则系统可能会出现误操作而导致事故。再次按?(回车)键,系统将恢复出厂时的设定值。 B00 MOTOR (电机参数) 该菜单允许用户输入电机铭牌参数,按? (回车)键可显示、修改电机的额定电压、额定电流、额定工作频率和额定转速。 B01 MOTOR VOLTS (电机额定电压) 用?或?键调整该参数。按? (回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消设置。 B02 MOTOR AMPS (电机额定电流) 默认值:系统额定电流 范 围:18%,137% 倍的系统最大连续输出电流 根据电机铭牌,用?或?键设定该参数。按 ?(回车)键确认,或ESC 键取消设置。 该项参数的设定将影响磁通补偿和转差补偿的动作值,但并不会限制系统的输出电流。有关系统 B03 MOTOR Hz (电机额定频率) 默认值:50 范 围:30,200 Hz (回车)键确认,或ESC 键取消设置。 根据电机铭牌,用?或?键设定该参数。按? 该参数不影响系统的最小输出频率和最大输出频率。请参阅本手册第18 页C01 MIN Hz(最小频率) 和C02 MAX Hz(最大频率)菜单项。 B04 MOTOR RPM (电机额定转速) 默认值:1465rpm 范 围:500rpm 至先前输入电机额定频率的60 倍 根据电机铭牌转速,用?或?键设定该参数。按?(回车)键确认,或ESC 键取消设置。 C00 PERFORMANCE (系统性能参数) 此菜单项允许用户设置系统的各项性能参数 C01 MIN Hz (最小输出频率) 默认值:0 Hz 范 围:0—195 Hz 该参数用来设定系统起动时的最小输出频率,单位Hz。Min Hz(最小输出频率)设定值和MaxHz(最大输出频率)设定值之间至少应有5 Hz 的差值。如:当 MAX Hz (最大频率)为45Hz 时,用户所能设定的Min Hz(最小输出频率)的最大值为40 Hz。请注意:当用户使用模拟量输入功能时,该参数的调整将影响到R01 REF AT 0%(最小模拟量输入对应值) 和R02 REF AT 100%(最大模拟量输入对应值)的设定,详情请参阅本手册 l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootes, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseasdial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocaring dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and 11 第25 页MSC3 系统模拟量输入对应比例关系计算。 C02 MAX Hz (最大输出频率) 默认值:50 Hz 范 围:5—200 Hz 该项功能用来设定系统运行时的最大输出频率。Min Hz(最小输出频率)设定值和Max Hz(最大输出频率)设定值之间至少应有5 Hz 的差值,用?或?键设定该参数,按?(回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消设置。 C03 RAMP (加/减速时间设置) 系统具有可编程的加/减速时间设置,用户可以分别设定系统的线性加速、减速时间和S 形曲线的时间。线性加/减时间和S 形曲线时间可单独设置。当电机加速时,线性加速时间和S 形曲线时间将起作用,当电机减速时,线性减速时间和S 形曲线时间将有效。按?(回车)键进入菜单,按?或?键进行调整。注意:当系统在运行ESO 模式时,不允许对此参数进行任何的改变。 C04 ACCEL TIME (线性加速时间) 默认值:10 秒 范 围:0.5—600 秒 线性加速时间是指电机从零速加速到额定转速所用的时间 (假设S 形曲线的时间设定为最小值)。如:额定工作频率为50Hz 的电机,当系统的C04 ACCEL TIME(线性加速时间)设定为10 秒时,意味着电机从OHz 加速至50Hz 将用10 秒的时间。使用?或?键设定该参数,按?(回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消设置。 C05 DECEL TIME (线性减速时间) 默认值:10 秒 范 围:0.5—600 秒 线性减速时间是指电机从额定转速降至零速所用时间(假设S 形曲线的时间设定为最小值)。如:工作在50Hz 的电机,当C05 DECEL TIME(线性减速时间)设定为10 秒时,意味着电机将用10秒时间从50Hz 降至0 Hz。用?或?键设定该参数,按?(回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消设置。请注意,线性减速时间是否起作用取决于用户设定的停机方式。 12ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rooticarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl 上海伟肯实业有限公司 C06 S TIME (S 形曲线时间) 默认值:0.01 秒 范 围:0.01—-40.00 秒 S 形曲线时间是为了使系统加/减速更平滑而设定的,其值越大,则系统的加/减速过程越平滑。设置S 形曲线时间将延长电机启动/停机时间,大约为2 倍C06 S TIME(S 形曲线时间)与C04ACCEL TIME(线性加速时间)或C05 DECEL TIME(线性减速时间)之和。 C07 FLUX PLUS % (磁通补偿) 默认值:25% 范 围:0—150% 系统通过无速度传感器矢量控制算法来控制电机的运行。这种控制算法在整个电机的速度范围内都可以很精确的控制电机的磁通,对电机的参数变化具有很强的适应性。它利用在B00 MOTOR(电机)菜单中所输入的额定值为基础计算并控制电机的磁通。对于一台电机而言,如欲其输出最大转矩,系统必须为其提供正确的磁通, 当电机运行在低速时尤其如此。当需要电机提供更大的转矩时, 磁通补偿功能可以通过观测并调整电机的磁通,使电机输出更大的电磁转矩。该功能实际是通过矢量控制算法增加电机的磁通,从而使电机在同样的电流下产生更大的输出转矩。所能增加的转矩与电机的类型、电机的尺寸、电机的效率和其当时的速度有关。增大该项的值可以使电机输出更大的转矩,但在实际操作时,注意应以小的步长逐渐调整该参数,以防止系统进入限流保护。如系统确已进入了限流保护,应将该值稍减小一些,这同时也说明,此时电机所能提供的转矩已达到其最大值。用?或?键调整设定值,按?(回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消设置。 C08 HI SPD FLUX+ (高速磁通补偿) 可选项:H00 ENABLE(激活) H01 DISABLE(禁止)(默认) 若负载要求较高的启动转矩,但运行过程中不需要额外的转矩补偿,则用户无需修改该项设置。禁止该功能时,系统输出的补偿磁通将随电机速度的增加而减少,但可使系统的运行效率更高。如果负载在整个速度范围内都需要高转矩(大于额定转矩),则可以激活该功能项。用?或?键进行选择,按?(回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消设置。 C09 SLIP COMP (转差补偿) 默认值:0% 范 围:0%—150%的电机转差 电机转差是指电机轴速和电机同步转速(与电机的工作频率有关)之间的差异,与负载大小有关。SLIP COMP(转差补偿)可为变化的转差提供补偿,使电机在各种负载下速度都能保持不变。系统根据用户在MOTOR(电机)菜单里的设定参数和电机的实际负载来计算电机的转差。如将该参数设定为100%,将使电机达到其同步速度。该功能可与C07 FLUX PLUS%(磁通补偿)相结合来提高电机在低速时的输出转矩。按?(回车)键选中该菜单,用?或?键调整设置值,然后按?(回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消。 C11 AUDIBLE FREQ (载波频率) 可选项:C12 2KHz l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootes, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseasdial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocaring dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and 13 C13 4KHz C14 8KHz C15 16KHz C16 Auto Select 系统自动选择(默认) 该选项用来设定系统在输出PWM 波时的载波频率,该频率可使电机在运行中产生一定的噪音。一般来说,载波频率越高,电机运行时的噪音越小,但系统的开关损耗会随之呈几何级数增加,从而产生多得多的热量,使系统的效率下降。载波频率为2KHz 时,系统的效率最高。Auto Select(系统自动选择)是指系统根据电机的负载情况和散热片的温度自动选择载波频率,能使电机运行时的噪音降至最小,但系统效率并不是最高的。按?(回车)键选中该菜单,用?或?键进行选择,然后按?(回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消。 D00 PROTECTION (系统保护功能设定) 该菜单项允许用户系统的各项保护功能 D01 CURRENT LIM (限流保护) 默认值:系统过载电流范 围:18%—100%系统最大过载电流(详情请参阅本手册第39 页,系统输出电流规范)该项用来设置MSC-3 系统的最大输出电流。当负载大于该电流值时,变频器将只输出该电流,直到过载状态消失。限流保护是通过降低电机速度实现的。所设定的限流保护值不能高于变频器允许输出的最大电流值。 D02 I2t (电机过载保护) 默认值:系统正常连续输出电流 范 围:18%—100%系统最大过载电流(详情请参阅本手册第39 页,MSC-3 系统输出电流规范) I2t 保护是根据电机负载来估算电机的发热量,当系统到实际I2t 的值超过I2t 的设置值时,电机将过载保护。当电机在设定的I2t 电流的110%运行时,系统能继续正常运行约2 分钟,I2t 保护是反时限特性,实际电流超过I2t 设定值越大电机电流超过I2t 值越大,系统跳闸就越快。如系统因I2t 保护而跳闸,在重新启动变频器之前应确保电机温度已降下来。电机低速大负载运转时,应当有外部冷却装置和电机温度测量装置,如温度开关或热敏电阻等来更好地保护电机。I2t 参数能设定为输出频率的函数。I2t 能够对运行在低速大负载且没有外部冷却的电机进行保护。下图是I2t 保护值与输出频率对应关系的一个例子。 icarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl14ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve root 上海伟肯实业有限公司 D03 I2t ZERO Hz(零速时 I2t 的保护值)) 默认值:系统正常连续输出电流 范 围:18%—100%系统最大过载电流(详情请参阅本手册第39 页,MSC-3 系统输出电流规范) 该菜单项用来设定电机速度为0 时I2t 保护值。该值不能大于D02 I2t 的设定值。 回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消。 用?和?键调整该参数,按?( D04 I2t cnr Hz (I2t 保护值的切换点) 默认值:10 Hz 范 围:2,200 Hz 该项菜单是用来设定I2t 保护值与输出频率对应关系曲线中I2t 保护值的切换频率,当系统输出的频率大于该设定值时,系统按照D02 I2t 的设定值进行电机过载保护;当系统输出频率小于该设定值时,系统按照D02 I2t 的设定值与D03 I2tzero Hz(零速时 I2t 的保护值)的设定值所对应的线性关系进行电机过载保护。用?和?键调整该参数,按?(回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消。 D05 REVERSE (电机反转) 可选项:H00 ENABLE(激活) H01 DISABLE(禁止)(默认) 为防止因电机意外反转对设备造成损害,MSC-3 系统在出厂时已禁止其反转功能。按?(回车)键可查看该项的设定,用?或?进行选择,再按?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 D08 DC INPUT (直流电源供电) 可选项:H00 ENABLE(激活) H01 DISABLE(禁止)(默认) 该功能可允许MSC-3 系统直接由直流电源供电。直流电源的电压至少应为电机额定电压1.414倍,否则系统的输出将无法达到其额定值。按?(回车)键查看当前设定,用?或?键激活或禁止该功能。 dial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocaring dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and 15l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootes, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseas E00 STOP/START (电机停车方式/系统重起动) E01 STOPPING (电机停车方式) 可选项:E02 RAMP TO STOP (可控停车)(默认值) E03 COAST (自由停车)此选项用来设定系统接到停车命令时,如何控制电机停车。 E02 RAMP TO STOP (可控停车)RAMP TO STOP (可控停车)是指MSC-3 系统将控制电机在由DECEL TIME(线性减速时间) 和S TIME(S 形曲线时间)设定的时间内停下来。 E03 COAST (自由停车)自用停车是指系统在接到停车命令后将不再控制电机,直到电机在惯性的作用下逐渐减速,最后停车。自由停车的效果与断开电机的供电电源相同。 E06 DYNAMIC BRK(动态制动) 可选项:H00 ENABLE (激活) H01 DISABLE(禁止)(默认) 动态制动是指利用外部电阻来消耗电机停车时的回馈能量,从而达到迅速停车的一种停车方式,这种停车方式常用于位能性负载或大惯性负载的系统。如欲激活该功能,则用户在定货时需注明,因为需加装动态制动可选项。关于制动电阻的选择计算及动态制动的应用,请参阅动态制动应用手册,用?或?键查看设定状态,按?(回车) 键确认或按ESC 键取消。 E07 AUTO RESTART (自动重起动) 该功能允许变频器在因故障跳闸后,自动尝试重起动。如果MSC-3 系统跳闸,10 秒钟后将试着复位故障。如果故障仍然存在,将按A/RS ALLOWD(自动重起动次数)的设定值每10 秒钟试一次,如故障已复位,在A/RS CLR TIME(自动重起动复位时间)设定的时间内,系统正常运行而且没有再次跳闸,自动重起动次数将复位到设定值。如用户以任何别的方式复位了故障,A/RS ALLOWD(自动重起动次数)也复位到设定值。注意:当MSC-3 系统在ESO 方式下运行时,不允许对自动重起动参数进行任何修改。 E08 A/Rs ALLOWED(自动重起动次数) 默认值: 0 范 围: 0,15 次 该菜单项用来设定MSC-3 系统在跳闸后将进行自动重起动的次数,如欲使系统在故障复位后能够继续运行,必须使运行命令有效。该值设定为0 将关闭AUTO RESTART (自动重起动)功能。用?或?键调整设定值,按?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 E09 A/R CLR TIME (自动重启动复位时间) 默认值:20 范 围:0.1,20 分钟 如果系统成功自动复位并重新启动,并在该菜单项的设定时间内,系统没有再次出现故障保护,系统就会将 E02 A/Rs ALLOWED(自动重启次数)复位到其设定值。如果用户将该项设置为0.1 分钟(最小值),系统将会无数次地尝试自动重启动。用?或?键调整设定值,按?(回车) )键确认或按ESC 键取消。 E10 Reset by PF (掉电自动复位) 可选项:H00 ENABLE (激活) H01 DISABLE (禁止)(默认) 激活该菜单项将允许MSC-3 系统在瞬间掉电时复位所有故障。这个功能在上电自动运行 16ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rooticarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl 上海伟肯实业有限公司 系统中特别有用,用户不需要额外的控制逻辑来复位故障,只要将电源断开,然后再直接送电即可复位系统所有的故障,不用等到系统完全放电后再送电。利用?或?键查看设定状态并进行选择,按?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 F00 REFERENCES (系统给定速度基准的设定) F01 REMOTE (端子控制方式给定速度基准) 默 认 值:Analog Input 1(模拟量输入1) 其他选项: R03 PRESET(预置速度),R04 MOTORIZE POT(电动电位器),R07 CONSOLE REF (控制面板)给定,其它可选项(配可选板) 当系统被设置为端子控制运行方式时,系统将根据该菜单设定的给定速度基准来控制系统的输出。用户可用?或?键来选择不同的速度基准,按 ?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 F02 LOCAL (面板控制方式下给定速度基准) 默 认 值:Console Ref(控制面板) 其他选项: Analog Input 1(模拟量输入1),R03 PRESET(预置速度),R04 MOTORIZE POT(电动电位器),其它可选项(配可选板)当系统被设置为面板控制方式时,系统将根据该菜单设定的给定速度基准来控制系统的输出。用户可用?或?键来选择不同的速度基准,按 ?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 F03 ESO (ESO 运行方式下给定速度基准) 默 认 值:R03 PRESET(预置速度)其他选项:Analog Input 1(模拟量输入1),R04 MOTORIZE POT(电动电位器),R07 CONSOLE REF(控制面板),其它可选项(配可选板) 当系统被设置为ESO 运行方式时,系统将根据该菜单设定的给定速度基准来控制系统的输出。用户可用?或?键来选择不同的速度基准,按 ?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 F04 JOGFWD (正向点动运行方式下给定速度基准) 值:R03 PRESET(预置速度) 默 认 其他选项:Analog Input 1(模拟量输入1),R04 MOTORIZE POT(电动电位器),R07 CONSOLE REF(控制面板),其它可选项(配可选板)当系统被设置为正向点动运行方式时,系统将根据该菜单设定的速度基准来控制系统的输出。用户可用?或?键来选择不同的速度基准,按 ?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 F05 JOGREV (反向点动运行方式下给定速度基准) 默 认 值:R03 PRESET(预置速度) 其他选项:Analog Input 1(模拟量输入1),R04 MOTORIZE POT(电动电位器),R07 CONSOLE REF(控制面板),其它可选项(配可选板)当系统被设置为反向点动运行方式时,系统将根据该菜单设定的速度基准来控制系统的输出。用户可用?或?键来选择不同的速度基准,按 ?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 SPEED REFERENCES(给定速度基准) R00 AN1 (模拟量输入1) 当用户选择了模拟量输入作为其所设定系统运行方式的给定速度基准时,系统将提 17l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootes, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseasdial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocaring dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and 示用户设置以下两个参数: R01 REF AT 0%(最小模拟量输入对应值)和R02 REF AT 100%(最大模拟量输入对应值)。用户可以利用?或?键来改变其设定值,按 ?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 R01 REF AT 0%(最小模拟量输入对应值) 默认值:0% 范 围:-1000,1000% 该项用来设定当模拟量输入为最小值时所对应的给定值。对4-20mA 模拟量输入信号,该项需设定为-25%。 R02 REF AT 100%(最大模拟量输入对应值) 默认值:100% 范围:最大输入值的-1000---1000% 该项用来设定当模拟量输入为最大值时所对应的给定值。 R03 PRESET(预置速度) 默认值:60% 范 围:-100,+100% 的C02 MAX Hz(最大输出频率)设定值 如果用户选择了该项作为系统的给定速度基准,则用户必须设定该项。用?或?键进行调整,按 ?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 R04 MOTORIZE POT(电动电位器) 这种给定速度要求有两个控制端子:增加和减少。如果增加控制端有效,系统给定速度将增加;反之,如果减少控制端有效,系统给定速度将降低;如果两个输入端都无效,系统将保持以前的给定速度不变。如果用户选择了该项作为系统给定速度基准,则必须设置其工作方式。 可选项: R05 PersistENT (掉电保持) R06 RESET(默认)(掉电复位) 在掉电保持工作方式下,当系统断电时,系统将保存当时的给定速度,当再次上电时,系统将自动运行在该给定速度上。在掉电复位工作方式下,当系统断电时,系统不会保存当时的给定速度,当再次上电时系统的给定速度将从0 开始,使用?或?键来选择 R05 PERSISTENT 还是 R06 RESET。按 ?(回车)键确认或按ESC 键取消。 R07 CONSOLE REF (操作面板给定) 当用户选择该项作为给定速度的基准时,用户可以通过按操作面板上的?或?键来调整系统的给定速度。 G00 INPUT/OUTPUT (设定数字量输入/输出功能) G11 DIG IN1 (数字量输入1) G12 DIG IN1 (数字量输入2) G13 DIG IN3 (数字量输入3) G14 DIG IN1 (数字量输入4) 用户可通过这四个菜单项对各个控制端的功能进行重新设置。选中对应菜单项按?(回车)键,系统将首先显示该控制端的当前设置,所有的控制端均为高电平有效。在列表中,用?或?键进行选择,按 ?(回车)键确认或按ESC键取消。 所需设定参数如下表: I00 FWD&LATCH(I00 正向运行带自锁) 该控制端瞬时有效即可起动电机正向运行当输入端断开后,电机将继续正向运行(带自锁)。如欲使控制端自锁功能无效并让电机停下来,需使 I02 STOP(停止)功能有效。 18ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rooticarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl 上海伟肯实业有限公司 I01REV&LATCH(I01 反向运行带自锁) 该控制端瞬时有效即可起动电机反向运行当输入端断开后,电机将继续反向运行(带自锁);如欲使控制端自锁功能无效,让电机停下来,需使I02 STOP(停止)功能有效 I02~STOP(I02 停车) 欲使电机保持在运行状态,该输入端必须保持闭合状态;当其断开时,任何带 自锁的控制端都将被清除,电机将停止运行该控制端一般与正向运行(带自锁)和反向运行(带自锁)两个控制端配合使用,以控制电机停车。 I03 FWD(正向运行) 当该输入端保持闭合状态时,电机将正向运行;当输入端断开时,电机将停止运行(不带自锁) I04 REV(反向运行) 当该输入端保持闭合状态时,电机将反向运行;当输入端断开时,电机将停止运行(不带自锁) I05 UP(I05 增加) 在电动电位器方式下,用来增加系统给定速度无 I06 DOWN(I06 减少) 在电动电位器方式下,用来减少系统给定速度用户如欲使用增加和减少两个控制功能,则须选择电动电位器操作方式的速度基准,同时要求其他的控制端来起动和停止电机。 I07 RESET(I07 复位) 用来复位系统故障无 I08 ESO(I08 ESO工作模式) 该控制输入端有效将使系统运行在ESO 运行方式下。用户在选择了该功能后,系统将要求用户设定给定速度基准当系统在强制运行方式下运行 I09 JOGFWD(I09 正向点动运行) 该输入端闭合将使电机正向运行在用户设定的速度上。同时,它将断开所有的带自锁功能的输入端。当该输入端断开时,电机将停止运行。用户在选择了该功能之后,系统将要求用户选择给定速度基准。 I10 JOGREV(I10 反向点动运行) 该输入端闭合将使电机反向运行在用户设定的速度上。同时,它将断开所有的带自锁的输入端。当该输入端断开时,电机将停止运行。用户在选择了该功能 之后,系统将要求用户选择给定速度基准 I11 REMOTE(I11 端子控制) 该控制端闭合后,系统将受控于用户的控制端子,电机将依照端子控制方式下所给定速度基准运行当该控制端断开后,系统将受控于控制面板,电机将依照面板控制方式下所给 定速度基准运行该控制端要求其它控制端配合起动和停止电机。用户选择该功能后,系统将要求用户设定端子控制方式的给定速度基准和面板控制方式的给定速度基准如果用户没有将某一个控制端子的功能指定为 I11 REMOTE(端子控制),则用户将无法实现端子控制的功能2 个速度基准。 G15 RELAY 1(继电器1) G16 RELAY 2(继电器2) 这两项菜单允许用户单独设定每一个继电器的输出功能。当用户按下?(回车)键后,系统将首先显示其当前设定:用户可用?或?键查看所有可选项,按?(回车)键确认,或按ESC 键取消。一些继电器的输出功能要求用户设定相应参数。当用户选择了该功能后,系统将显示其当前设定值,用户可用?或? 键修改该设置。 sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocaring dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and 19l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootes, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseasdial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular 继电器输出功能表: O00 RUN(运行) 系统正在正向或反向运行 O01 TRIP(故障) 系统因某种故障而停止输出 O02 ESO(ESO 运行方式) 系统正在 ESO 运行方式下运行 O03 PROOF(待运行) 系统已激活,且无故障存在 O04 ZERO SPEED(零速) 系统的输出转速为零 O05 AT SPEED(等速) 电机的转速已达到设定值 06 UNDER SPEED(欠速) 电机的转速低于设定值 O07 OVER SPEED(过速) 电机的转速大于设定值 O08 ON(吸合) 继电器带电吸合 O09 OFF(释放) 继电器断电释放 O10 A/R FAIL(自动重启动失效)系统自动重启动的次数已达用户设定值,无法继续 自动重启动 O11 FWD(正向运行) 电机正在正向运行 O12 REV(反向运行) 电机正在反向运行 O13 ENABLED(系统激活) 系统已经激活 O14 I2t TRIP(跳闸) 系统检测到电机过载 O15 OVER TEMP(过热跳闸) 故障信息: 20ts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rooticarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular diseases, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicve pers cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocardial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictirical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease specieelect nical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 emergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and theis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive heart failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clicarditses number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute myocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute peridiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patients. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cahy, Rad intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, diagnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiograpiple of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cardiac pacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves anasty (PTCA) and other Interventional therapeutic indication and application princdisease and other causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopl 上海伟肯实业有限公司 21l hypertension, epilepsy, multiple nerve rootes, 2 2 prosthetic valve endocarditis in intravenous drug addicts and 1 ... Mastering: cerebrovascular accidents, intracraniadiseasdial inflammatory 1 Congenital heart disease 2 1 for constrictive pericarditis hypertension secondary to peripheral vascular sease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) heart valve disease 2 infection sex endocaring dimergency dissolved tied operation 4 except fibrillation and the electrical cardioversion law 5 3. high requirements (1) learnt failure 5 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name cases times (?) ECG check 20 ehearmyocarditis 2 acute Crown pulse integrated levy 10 acute pericarditis 2 primary hypertension 5 rhythm disorders 5 congestive 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) acute nts. agnosis and treatment of cardiac neurosis heart echocardiography, Radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of patiepacing. About: secondary hypertension and artificial valves and intravenous drug addicts endocarditis, myocardial disease, di ardiacand other Interventional therapeutic indication and application principle of dynamic electrocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, cother causes, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment emergent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) disease and
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