

2017-09-21 8页 doc 27KB 21阅读




父亲节快到了想给父亲写一封信父亲节快到了想给父亲写一封信 为爸爸写一封信 在这里我想说:我非常荣幸,有这么一位疼爱我的爸爸。 小时候,不管我要什么,都会满足我。而我却不曾说谢谢,直到长大以后,才懂得其实您也挺不容易。每天日晒雨淋,为了我们一家人过得幸福。记忆里,您从没对我们诉过苦,总是装作很轻松的样子。每次看到您出门的背影,心里有点酸酸的,(您又出去奋斗了)爸,您很伟大~~您就像一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着您繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。晴天有你遮阳,雨天有你避雨,风风雨雨中总有你。随着时间的流逝,您慢慢的变老,我想对时光说:你慢些吧...
父亲节快到了想给父亲写一封信 为爸爸写一封信 在这里我想说:我非常荣幸,有这么一位疼爱我的爸爸。 小时候,不管我要什么,都会满足我。而我却不曾说谢谢,直到长大以后,才懂得其实您也挺不容易。每天日晒雨淋,为了我们一家人过得幸福。记忆里,您从没对我们诉过苦,总是装作很轻松的样子。每次看到您出门的背影,心里有点酸酸的,(您又出去奋斗了)爸,您很伟大~~您就像一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着您繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。晴天有你遮阳,雨天有你避雨,风风雨雨中总有你。随着时间的流逝,您慢慢的变老,我想对时光说:你慢些吧~不想再让你变老,我愿意用我的一切来换取岁月长留,一生要强的爸爸,我能为你做些什么,微不足道的关心收下吧在我受到挫折的时候,总鼓励我,勇敢点~一天,您笑着对我说:“父亲节快到了,你送什么给我”。我没回答,而今天我也没陪你过,想说:对不起,爸。想起小时侯,您总是喜欢唱歌给我们听,喜欢我们骑在您的背上,像小孩子样跟我们一起玩耍。到现在还能清楚记得我们那时幸福的笑 1 脸,爸,谢谢您为我们做的一切,双手撑起我们的家,总是竭尽所有,把最好的给我们。 我知道我是你的骄傲,现在长大,不要我们而担心。我听您的好好读书,我知道这段日子,您和妈很幸苦~ 非常感谢一路上有您们的陪伴~~父亲节,快乐~ 广东湛江霞山区符小丹高二:符小丹 篇二:作文 父亲节快到了 父亲节快到了。请你用英语写一篇介绍你父亲的简短文章。 【写作】 只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。 父亲节快到了。请你用英语写一篇介绍你父亲的简短文章。 【写作要求】 只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。 父亲节快到了。请你用英语写一篇介绍你父亲的简短文章。 【写作要求】 只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。 My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply 2 loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future. My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future. My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of 3 my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future. My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 y ears. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I’m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future. 随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人选择走出家门去 探索世界、体验生活。相较于传统的团队游,自助游越来越 受到年轻人的青睐。但在享受自助游的同时,也存在一些问 题。请按下列要求用英语写一篇150词左右的短文: 1(自助游的优点和缺点; 2(你的观点。 参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation 随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人选择走出家门 去探索世界、体验生活。相较于传统的团队游,自助游越来 越受到年轻人的青睐。但在享受自助游的同时,也存在一些 4 问题。请按下列要求用英语写一篇150词左右的短文: 1(自助游的优点和缺点; 2(你的观点。 参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation 随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人选择走出家门去探索世界、体验生活。相较于传统的团队游,自助游越来越受到年轻人的青睐。但在享受自助游的同时,也存在一些问题。请按下列要求用英语写一篇150词左右的短文: 1(自助游的优点和缺点; 2(你的观点。 参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation 随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人选择走出家门去探索世界、体验生活。相较于传统的团队游,自助游越来越受到年轻人的青睐。但在享受自助游的同时,也存在一些问题。请按下列要求用英语写一篇150词左右的短文: 1(自助游的优点和缺点; 2(你的观点。 参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation 随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人选择走出家门去 5 探索世界、体验生活。相较于传统的团队游,自助游越来越 受到年轻人的青睐。但在享受自助游的同时,也存在一些问 题。请按下列要求用英语写一篇150词左右的短文: 1(自助游的优点和缺点; 2(你的观点。 参考词汇:团队游 package tour;自助游 self-organized tour;住宿 accommodation Compared with the traditional ones, self-organized tours are rapidly gaining popularity among the youth. During a self-organized tour, arrangements of sightseeing can be flexible and changeable depending on our own interests. Thus, we can spend the time freely and heard for our favorite destinations directly, only in which way can we fully expose ourselves to the local cultures and customs. Nevertheless, self-arranged tour can bring about great inconvenience in the arrangements of transportation and accommodation. At the same time, the discounts for package tour may not be available. Also, lack of safety guarantees makes it easy to get hurt. In my opinion, the advantages of self-organized tour seem to outweigh its disadvantages. Thus I suppose that self-organized tour can’t be a wiser choice to enjoy ourselves 6 to the fullest. Compared with the traditional ones, self-organized tours are rapidly gaining popularity among the youth. During a self-organized tour, arrangements of sightseeing can be flexible and changeable depending on our own interests. Thus, we can spend the time freely and heard for our favorite destinations directly, only in which way can we fully expose ourselves to the local cultures and customs. Nevertheless, self-arranged tour can bring about great inconvenience in the arrangements of transportation and accommodation. At the same time, the discounts for package tour may not be available. Also, lack of safety guarantees makes it easy to get hurt. In my opinion, the advantages of self-organized tour seem to outweigh its disadvantages. Thus I suppose that self-organized tour can’t be a wiser choice to enjoy ourselves to the fullest. Compared with the traditional ones, self-organized tours are rapidly gaining popularity among the youth. During a self-organized tour, arrangements of sightseeing can be flexible and changeable depending on our own interests. Thus, we can spend the time freely and heard for 7 our favorite destinations directly, only in which way can we fully expose ourselves to the local cultures and customs. Nevertheless, self-arranged tour can bring about great inconvenience in the arrangements of transportation and accommodation. At the same time, the discounts for package tour may not be available. Also, lack of safety guarantees makes it easy to get hurt. In my opinion, the advantages of self-organized tour seem to outweigh its disadvantages. Thus I suppose that self-organized tour can’t be a wiser choice to enjoy ourselves to the fullest. 篇三:父亲节,给父亲一句 又是一个父亲节,同学们都不约而同地给父亲忙着买礼 物,写祝福语,连住宿不能回家的人也给父亲打电话,祝父 亲节日快乐。我面对他们的举动,无动于衷。也有一两个同 学让我去给父亲打电话,我仍是迟迟未动。我认为表现出来 的爱太做作,只有心底里埋藏的那份爱才是最真挚的。我不 想对父亲说什么,正是出于我心底里对父亲那份真挚的爱。 父亲是一名普普通通的乡下电工,长着一副亿万普通大众拥 有的脸孔。他像其他电工一样,抄表)收电费)修电灯,有 时也冒着雨去给人家维修电路,有时也顶着烈日登门收费。 他也像所有农民一样,春耕秋收。累了就近或蹲或坐休息, 8 渴了就近在哪户人家里找口水喝。他是一个典型的乡下淳朴农民。父亲也没读过多少书,上完中学,觉得上学太辛苦,便不上了。好几次他对我讲他上学的故事的时候,都连连叹息,后悔自己当年太愚蠢,他是应该上学的。否则他或许还可以上大学那也不用像现在那样当个农民那么辛苦了。然而父亲终究是认命了,毕竟是过去了,现实总归是要接受的。父亲很爱睡懒觉。有时一觉睡到大天亮,到吃早饭了,他才磨磨蹭蹭地起床)洗脸)吃饭。或许懒得直接不吃,一下子睡到日上三竿。即便吃了早饭,他也会歇一会儿后继续睡。如果没人打扰,这一觉便又睡到吃午饭了。不过说他懒,也便太片面了。这样的一天,只是他在劳累了好久之后,才全释放出来罢了。每每与父亲重逢,看到他那瘦弱的身躯和被生活重担压弯的腰,心中便泛起一阵阵酸楚。但是,我没有哭过。在父亲面前,我是个坚强的孩子~很小的时候,父亲曾因为我的顽皮,因为我对大人的无礼,用鞋底)皮带木棍狠狠的揍过我。那时,我哭得是那么厉害,狼也般地嚎,而父亲却是无动于衷。从那以后,我不曾在父亲面前落过一滴眼泪。我明白,对于饱经风霜的父亲,眼泪是没有任何价值的。在我的记忆里,与父亲的沟通是寥寥无几的。也许是因为小时侯父亲打过我的缘故吧,然而我心中对父亲毕竟是没有哪怕丝毫的恨意。父亲有辆摩托车,当年他是为了到那些偏远山沟里上门服务才买的。如今,这辆摩托车已陪了他八 9 年了,很旧了,也很久了。要知道,我也才只在他身边呆了十四年。可能因为时间久了,产生了一点感情,他不愿丢弃它吧。父亲的工友曾要他买辆新的,他说:“咋还不换新的,”父亲只轻轻一笑,说:“现在全身心都在我儿子身上,哪有心思顾别的,”我不知是不是我多心,对于父亲工友的话,我想得很复杂,不知谈话人当初是否有这意思。母亲也曾告诉我,父亲对我期望很高,希望我考上大学,他的一生全在我身上了。我似乎听出了一些什么,似乎明白我的生命已是父亲未走完的路的一种延续,我不能让这条路又一次走断,不能让这条路在一旁冷冷地搁在那儿几十年。父亲没法再挽回这条路了,他的生命已错过了这段路~而我有机会,我能让这条路走完~也许多年之后,父亲会微笑地看这我,不会再叹息。我的生命便是他未走完的路的延续~父亲节,我只在心中说:父亲,我会努力~ 10
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