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好多刚装修完得朋友问家里放什么植物对身体比较好好多刚装修完得朋友问家里放什么植物对身体比较好 好多刚装修完得朋友问家里放什么植物对身体比较好,就发些常见植物的功效吧…… 1:滴水观音:有清除空气灰尘的功效。 (温馨提示:滴水观音茎内的白色汁液有毒,滴下的水也是有毒的,误碰或误食其汁液,就会引起咽部和口部的不适,胃里有灼痛感。应当特别注意防止幼儿误食。但是滴水观音并不属于致癌植物。 ) 2:非洲茉莉:产生的挥发性油类具有显著的杀菌作用。可使人放松、有利于睡眠,还能提高工作效率。 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High eff...
好多刚装修完得朋友问家里放什么植物对身体比较好 好多刚装修完得朋友问家里放什么植物对身体比较好,就发些常见植物的功效吧…… 1:滴水观音:有清除空气灰尘的功效。 (温馨提示:滴水观音茎内的白色汁液有毒,滴下的水也是有毒的,误碰或误食其汁液,就会引起咽部和口部的不适,胃里有灼痛感。应当特别注意防止幼儿误食。但是滴水观音并不属于致癌植物。 ) 2:非洲茉莉:产生的挥发性油类具有显著的杀菌作用。可使人放松、有利于睡眠,还能提高工作效率。 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 3:白掌:抑制人体呼出的废气,如氨气和丙酮.同时它也可以过滤空气中的苯、三氯乙烯和甲 醛。它的高蒸发速度可以防止鼻粘膜干燥,使患病的可能性大大降低。 4:银皇后:以它独特的空气净化能力著称:空气中污染物的浓度越高,它越能发挥其净化 能力~因此它非常适合通风条件不佳的阴暗房间。 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 5:铁线蕨:每小时能吸收大约20微克的甲醛,因此被认为是最有效的生物"净化器"。成天 与油漆、涂料打交道者,或者身边有喜好吸烟的人,应该在工作场所放至少一盆蕨类植物。 另外,它还可以抑制电脑显示器和打印机中释放的二甲苯和甲苯。 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 6:鸭脚木:给吸烟家庭带来新鲜的空气。叶片可以从烟雾弥漫的空气中吸收尼古丁和其他有 害物质,并通过光合作用将之转换为无害的植物自有的物质。另外,它每小时能把甲醛浓度 降低大约9毫克。 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 7:吊兰:能吸收空气中95%的一氧化碳和85%的甲醛. 吊兰能在微弱的光线下进行光合作用,吊兰能吸收空气中的有毒有害气体,一盆吊兰在8~10 平米的房间就相当于一个空气净化器.一般在房间内养1~2盆吊兰,能在24小时释放出氧气, 同时吸收空气中的甲醛,苯乙烯,一氧化碳,二氧化碳等致癌物质.吊兰对某些有害物质的吸收 力特别强,比如空气中混合的一氧化碳和甲醛分别能达到95%和85%.吊兰还能分解苯,吸收 香烟烟雾中的尼古丁等比较稳定的有害物质.所以吊兰又被称为室内空气的绿色净化器. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 8:芦荟:一盆芦荟相当于九台生物空气清洁器 盆栽芦荟有空气净化专家的美誉.一盆芦荟就等于九台生物空气清洁器,可吸收甲醛,二氧化 碳,二氧化硫.一氧化碳等有害物质.尤其对甲醛吸收特别强.在4小时光照条件下..一盆芦荟可 消除一平方米空气中90%的甲醛,还能杀灭空气中的有害微生物,并能吸附灰尘,对净化居室 环境有很大作用.当室内有害空气过高时芦荟的叶片就会出现斑点.这就是求援信号.只要在 室内再增加几盆芦荟.室内空气质量又会趋于正常. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 9:龟背竹:夜间吸收二氧化碳,改善空气质量 龟背竹净化空气的功能略微弱一些,它不像吊兰.芦荟是净化空气的多面手.但龟背竹对清除 空气中的甲醛的效果比较明显.另外,龟背竹有晚间吸收二氧化碳的功效.对改善室内空气质 量,提高含氧量有很大帮助.加上龟背竹一般植株较大,造型优雅.叶片又比较疏朗美观.所以是 一种非常理想的室内植物.龟背竹的果实成熟后可以做菜.香味像凤梨或者香蕉. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 10:常春藤:吸收甲醛的冠军. 常春藤是目前吸收甲醛最有效的室内植物,每平方米的常春藤的叶片可以吸收甲醛1.48毫克.而2盆成年的常春藤的叶片总面积大约0.78平方米.同时常春藤还可以吸收苯这种有毒有害物质,24小时光照条件下可吸收室内90%的苯.根据推测,10平方米的房间,只需要放上2-3盆常春藤就可以起到净化空气的作用.它还能吸附微粒灰尘. 11:橡皮树:消除有害物质的多面手 橡皮树是一个消除有害植物的多面手.对空气中的一氧化碳,二氧化碳,氟化氢等有害气体有一定抗性.橡皮树还能消除可吸入颗粒物污染,对室内灰尘能起到有效的滞尘作用. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 12:文竹:消灭细菌和病毒的防护伞 文竹含有的植物芳香有抗菌成分,可以清除空气中的细菌和病毒,具有保健功能.所以文竹释 放出的气味有杀菌益菌之力.此外,文竹还有很高的药用价值.挖取它的肉质根洗去上面的尘 土污垢.晒干备用或新鲜即用.叶状枝随用随采.均有止咳润肺凉血解毒之功效. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 13:棕竹:消除重金属污染和二氧化碳 棕竹的功能类似龟背竹.同属于大叶观赏植物的棕竹能够吸收80%以上的多种有害气体,净化 空气.同时棕竹还能消除重金属污染并对二氧化硫污染有一定的抵抗作用.当然作为叶面硕大 的观叶植物,他们最大的特点就是具有一般植物所不能企及的消化二氧化碳并制造氧气的功 能. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 14:富贵竹:适合卧室的健康植物 富贵竹可以帮助不经常开窗通风的房间改善空气质量,具有消毒功能,尤其是卧室,富贵竹可 以有效的吸收废气,使卧室的私密环境得到改善 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 15:发财树:对抗烟草燃烧产生的废气. 发财树四季长青,能通过光合作用吸收有毒气体释放氧气.能比较有效的吸收一氧化碳和二氧 化碳的污染,对抵抗烟草燃烧产生的废气有一定作用. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 16:绿萝:改善空气质量消除有害物质。绿萝的生命力很强,吸收有害物质的能力也很强,可以 帮助不经常开窗通风的房间改善空气质量.绿萝还能消除甲醛等有害物质,其功能不亚于长春 藤,吊兰. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 17:仙人掌:减少电磁辐射的最佳植物 仙人掌具有很强的消炎灭菌作用,在对付污染方面,仙人掌是减少电磁辐射的最佳植物.此外 仙人掌夜间吸收二氧化碳释放氧气。晚上居室内放有仙人掌,就可以补充氧气,利于睡眠. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there 18:君子兰:释放氧气.吸收烟雾的清新剂 一株成年的君子兰,一昼夜能吸收1立升空气,释放80%的氧气,在极其微弱的光线下也能 发生光合作用。它在夜里不会散发二氧化碳.在十几平方米的室内有两三盆君子兰就可以把 室内的烟雾吸收掉.特别是北方寒冷的冬天,由于门窗紧闭,室内空气不流通,君子兰会起到很 好的调节空气的作用.保持室内空气清新. coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, there
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