

2018-08-02 14页 doc 61KB 40阅读




新参保单位办理社保缴费登记流程图新参保单位办理社保缴费登记流程图 新参保单位办理社保缴费登记流程图 2011社保缴费基数: 下限-上限 有新变化另行通知) 养老:1818-9090元; 生育和医疗保险:2461-12303元; 工伤与失业保险:1300-12303元。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made...
新参保单位办理社保缴费登记流程图 新参保单位办理社保缴费登记流程图 2011社保缴费基数: 下限-上限 有新变化另行通知) 养老:1818-9090元; 生育和医疗保险:2461-12303元; 工伤与失业保险:1300-12303元。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 首次社会保险办理流程 一、白云区政务中心(机场路生活区561号) (2010年新开企业,地税发证时已注 明单位社保号,可省去此步) 提交资料:《税务(社保缴费)登记表》一份——取 得社保号 二、白云区人力资源和社会保障局(景云路22号) 1.《广州市劳动用工单位资料登记表》一式两份 2.组织机构代码证副本原件、复印件 3.营业执照副本的原件、复印件 三、地税(白云花园华益街5—7号) 1(《税务(社保缴费)登记表》一式两份 2.法人(负责人)身份证件原件及复印件各一份 3.执业证照原件及复印件各一份 4.《社会保险费个人明细登记表》一式两份 5.增减人员身份证复印件 6.税务登记证副本复印件 7.委托银行代划缴税、费书 8.银行开户许可证复印件 9.缴费单位缴险种登记表 增减员办理手续 劳动局(景云路22号) (流动人员备案) 1. 广州市劳动用工和社会保险增减员表 一式两份 2. 流动人员暂住证复印件 3. 生育复印件 4. 社会保险费个人明细等记表 5. 身份证复印件 6. 营业执照副本原件 7. 组织机构代码证复印件一份 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; (广州市城镇居民备案) 1( 身份证和户口本复印件(身份证、户口本首页和个人本页复印在同一张A4纸内) 2( 《广州市劳动用工和社会保险增减员表》一式三份(连同电子版,另存为U盘) 3( 单位组织机构代码证副本原件和复印件 4( 《广东省就业失业手册》或《失业证》,如未能提供。应填写《广州市劳动力资源登记表》 5( 小一寸彩照两张。 (广州市农村劳动力用工备案) 1. 营业执照副本原件和组织机构代码证复印件一份 2. 《广州市劳动用工单位资料登记表》一式两份 3. 经劳动者签名和用人单位盖章《广州市劳动用工和社会保险增减人员表》一式三份(连同电子版、另存为U盘) 4. 招用广州市农村劳动力的身份证、户口本复印件(身份证、户口本首页和个人本页复印在同一张A4纸内) 5. 《广东省就业失业手册》或《广州市农村劳动力就业手册》,如未能提供的,应填写《广州市劳动力资源登记表》 6. 提供小一寸彩照两张 社保中心 1. 社会保险费个人明细登记表 一式两份 2. 增减人员身份证复印件 3. 税务登记证副本原件和复印件(地税) 4. 减员的须提供解除劳动合同证明 若在网上申报,则可在月中之前报社保,再到劳动局做备案。 全部需要盖公章。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 办理设立登记需提交资料 一、单位纳税人(法人机构) 1.《税务(社保缴费)登记表》(本可在各区地税服务厅领取或从广州地税网站下载。如选择“免填表”服务,办理时由受理窗打印本表格,纳税人审核后在表格上加盖公章)一式二份,并加盖公章; 2.工商营业执照(或其他执业证件、有关部门批准设立文件)副本原件及复印件一份(事业单位办理社保缴费登记,需一并提供成立批文); 3.《组织机构代码证》副本原件及复印件一份; 4.法定代表人的居民身份证、护照(或户口簿、临时身份证;港、澳、台人士往来大陆通行证)等有效身份证明文件原件及复印件一份; 5.经营、业务场所证明(房产证、租赁合同或预售房发票、宅基地使用证、产权人证明等)原件及复印件一份(注:经营、业务场所证明文件上所列地址应与工商营业执照或其他执业证件上的地址完全一致); 6.自然人投资者的居民身份证(或户口簿、临时身份证;外籍人士为其护照、香港、澳门、台湾居民为其往来大陆通行证)等有效身份证明文件原件及复印件一份(有自然人投资者的纳税人提供); 7.验资(外资企业除外)或评估报告原件及复印件一份; 8.公司章程、合同、协议书原件及复印件一份(合伙企业必须提供合伙协议文件原件及复印件); 9.外经贸批文、批准证书复印件一份(外资企业提供); 10.关联企业的《组织机构代码证》副本复印件一份(有关联企业的纳税人提供); 11.《广州市地方税务局税企廉政公约》一式二份(需加盖公章)。 广州市地方税务局登记分局及属下各登记点 白云区登记点:广州市机场路561号(机场路与远景路交界处)(白云政务中心内) 电话:8601 4203 公交:机场生活区公交站 新参保单位社会保险登记 1、地税部门盖章的《税务(社保缴费)登记表》; 2、《营业执照》副本(或批准成立文件)复印件; 3、《基本存款帐户许可证》原件及复印件,或开户银行出具的《核准通知书》原件及复印件; 4、《组织机构统一代码证》副本复印件; 5、《地方税务登记证》副本复印件; 6、法人身份证复印件 7、填写《社会保险登记表》 8、《广州市劳动用工和社会保险增减员表》电子版及已办理用工备案的“打印简化版”一式两份 受理地点:单位所属市或区社保经办机构 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 新参保单位领取《社会保险登记证》 1、新参保单位办理好社会保险登记手续后,将由社会保险经办机构发放《社会保险登记证》。 参保单位今后办理所有社会保险业务,均需携带《社会保险登记证》原件。 2、《社会保险登记证》的遗失补领、到期重发 遗失《社会保险登记证》的,单位需提供书面,陈述遗失经过,向所属的社会保险经办机构申请补发。 3、《社会保险登记证》的年审 年审的具体时间、所需材料以广州市劳动和社会保障局发布的通告为准 单位人员社会保险日常业务的办理 (一)单位人员增减变动的办理 已参保单位每月人员有变动的,需在每月月底前办理有关手续,并提供以下资料: 1、《广州市劳动用工和社会保险增减员表》电子版及已办理用工备案的“打印简化版”一式两份 (二)参保人员年度缴费工资的申报 每年 3-5月,用人单位应根据本单位全部参保职工上年度月平均工资收入情况,向社会保险经办机构申报新一年度缴费工资(原则上要求用电子文档方式申报、自助服务区申报和网上申报)。 社会保险费的核定 一、养老保险 二、工伤保险 三、生育保险 四、失业保险 五、基本医疗保险 1城镇职工基本医疗保险 2住院和特殊门诊医疗保险(简称“住院保险”) 3外来从业人员医疗保险 4补充医疗保险 (一)新参保单位办理社会保险登记手续 用人单位在领取《营业执照》或获准成立后 30天内,必须依法办理社会保险登记及申报缴费,办理手续时请提供以下资料: 1、《营业执照》副本(或批准成立文件)复印件; 2、《基本存款帐户许可证》原件及复印件,或开户银行出具的《核准通知书》原件及复印件; 3、《组织机构统一代码证》副本复印件; 4、《地方税务登记证》副本复印件; 5、私营企业、个体工商户还需提供《验资报告》及复印件; 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 6、股东身份证复印件,已在广州市统筹范围外参保的,请提供参保地社保经办机构出具的 参保证明; 7、填写《社会保险登记表》; 8、《广州市劳动用工和社会保险增减员表》电子版及已办理用工备案的“打印简化版”一式两 份。 9、于办理后的次月10号前到相对应地税部门办理缴款协议。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed;
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