
美女上错身 第三季 第五集 drop dead diva S3E5 人人双语字幕.doc

2017-09-25 50页 doc 139KB 90阅读




美女上错身 第三季 第五集 drop dead diva S3E5 人人双语字幕.doc美女上错身 第三季 第五集 drop dead diva S3E5 人人双语字幕.doc 美女上错身 第三季 第五集 Drop dead diva S3E5 根据人人双语字幕整理 看见那个满怀抱负的模特没 就是我 黛比 直到我死的那天我以 为我会直接上天堂 但是出了点小乱子 结果我在别人的躯体中醒 来 所以现在我成了简 一名拥有个人助理的超忙律师 我有了新 的生活 新的衣着 而唯一知道真相的人是我的闺蜜史黛西还有我 的守护天使弗雷德 我一直觉得世间万事必有其因好吧 我真希望 我没想错 See that aspirin...
美女上错身  第三季  第五集 drop dead diva S3E5 人人双语字幕.doc
美女上错身 第三季 第五集 drop dead diva S3E5 人人双语字幕.doc 美女上错身 第三季 第五集 Drop dead diva S3E5 根据人人双语字幕整理 看见那个满怀抱负的模特没 就是我 黛比 直到我死的那天我以 为我会直接上天堂 但是出了点小乱子 结果我在别人的躯体中醒 来 所以现在我成了简 一名拥有个人助理的超忙律师 我有了新 的生活 新的衣着 而唯一知道真相的人是我的闺蜜史黛西还有我 的守护天使弗雷德 我一直觉得世间万事必有其因好吧 我真希望 我没想错 See that aspiring model there? That was me -- Deb -- until the day I died. I thought I'd go straight to heaven, but there was a bit of a mix-up and I woke up in someone else's body. So now I'm Jane, a super-busy lawyer with my very own assistant. I got a new life, a new wardrobe, and the only people who really know what's going on with me are my girlfriend Stacy and my guardian angel, Fred. I used to think everything happened for a reason... ...and, well, I sure hope I was right. 你眨眼了 Ha! You blinked. 见鬼 Damn it. 正如我所说 在对视比赛中 我所向披靡 你干嘛非要比呢 Like I said, no one has ever beaten me in a staring contest. Why are you even trying? 因为帕克今天要给我绩效评估 而赢得绩效评估的秘诀就在于不间 断的眼神交流 Because I have this performance review with Parker today, and the secret to a successful performance evaluation is unbroken eye contact. 你这是从哪儿听来的 Where'd you hear that? 你知道啦 Oh, you know, 从我神经外科医师男友那里 我昨晚才见了他 From my neurosurgeon boyfriend, whom I saw last night. 和你今晚要见的神经外科医师男友是一个人吗 The same neurosurgeon boyfriend you're seeing tonight? 对 Yep. 连着两晚约会 说明你"神经上很认真" Two nights in a row doth make this "Neuro-serious." 我也觉得 而且感觉很棒只不过... I think so. And it's -- it's totally awesome. Well, except... 只不过怎样 Except? 只不过他的手术安排决定着我们的约会安排 就像今天 他好不容 易才挤出点时间 在骨瓣手术和脑室手术之间和我吃个午晚餐 Except his surgery schedule dictates our dating schedule. Like today -- He's squeezing me in for a late lunch between a craniectomy and a ventriculostomy. 你这可不对 怎么能一边炫耀自己在和神经外科医师约会 一边又 抱怨他工作太忙呢 Well, you can't brag about dating a very busy neurosurgeon in one breath and complain that he's very busy in the next. 天啊 我得赶紧收拾收拾 不然要迟到了 Oh! Oh, my god! I have to get ready, or I'm gonna be late. 慢着 干什么迟到 Wait. Late for what? 有几个姑娘听见我和我的美甲师 谈论模特心得 于是她们邀请我 去她们高中的时尚俱乐部演讲 Some girls heard me talking to my manicurist about being a model, and they asked me to speak at their high school's fashion club. 什么 What? 我的研讨会名为"做模特 确实要以貌取人" 简 赢得对视比赛的 关键在于 不要直视你对手的眼睛 而是盯着对方的鼻子 屡试不 爽 My seminar is entitled "Modeling, do judge a book by its cover." Oh, Jane... The trick to winning a staring contest is not to look your opponent in the eye, but to focus on their nose -- Works every time. 谢谢 Thank you! 嗨 汉克 制服男还真是有点吸引力 小法警绝对可以有大作为 Hey, Hank. Wow, there really is something about a man in uniform. You know, the bailiff could totally be a superhero. 我也经常听人这么说 I get that a lot. 简在吗 我需要她的帮助 Hey, uh, is Jane in? I need her help. 她在接受绩效考核 找她什么事 She's in a performance review. What's going on? 我妻子离开了我 My wife left me. 真遗憾 你什么时候结的婚 I'm sorry. When did you get married? 大概二个月之前 About two months ago. 离婚案可不是简的特长 - 看到那边那个男人了吗 -看到 怎么 Well, Jane is not the right lawyer for this one. - See that man over there? - Yeah? 在圣坛前被落跑新娘抛弃了 无论你是什么情况 我觉得他会很乐 意接你的案子 Dumped at the altar by his runaway bride. Whatever you've got in mind, I think he'll like your case. 谢谢你 泰丽 Thanks, Teri. 天 要是谁参加绩效考核 我就能管谁要钱就好了 Man, I hate that I can't bill anybody for these performance reviews. 我鼻子上有东西吗 Do I have something on my nose? -没有 -优点咱就不说了 - No. - Uh, okay, let's just skip over all the good stuff, 谁想听那些啊 对吧 'cause who really wants to hear that, right? 对 但是朱莉?安德鲁斯说过 Right, but, you know, in the words of Julie Andrews, 满满的赞扬... A spoonful of sugar -- 《欢乐满人间》歌词 宾格温 你最近在工作上的表现一如既往 Bingum, lately, you've been a very consistent employee. 这可是个不错的开始 Well, now, that was a very good start. 一如既往地情绪化 Consistently emotional. 天啊 才不是那样呢 Oh, my god! That's not even true! 两年前 你工作时不会为任何事而分心 现在 你的朋友们三天两 头地现身 这让我对你的专业性产生了质疑 Look, two years ago, nothing distracted you from your work. Now your friends just seem to show up anytime. It makes me question your professionalism. 朋友们 什么朋友们 Friends? Okay, what friends? 打扰一下 简 我有事找你 十万火急 我们在你办公室等 Excuse me, Jane. I need to borrow you. It's an emergency. We'll wait in your office. 失陪 Excuse me. 简 我来向你介绍妮娜和茱莉亚 她们是马顿塞德高中时尚俱乐部 的成员 Jane, I'd like you to meet Nina and Julia. They're members of the Mountainside High-School Fashion Club. 见到你们很高兴 什么事十万火急 Oh, nice to meet you both. So, what's the emergency? 结束演讲之后 我开始回答她们的现场提问 After my speech, I hung out for the Q&A. 我想了解更多有关摆造型的事 I wanted to know more about posing. 当然 Sure. 我强调了手指分开的重要性 那样你就不会像个假人模特了 I stressed the importance of separating your fingers so you don't look like a mannequin. 摆造型的艺术 非常重要 但你说十万火急 The artistry of posing -- very important, but you said it was an emergency. 对 所以我们就开始讨论 他们高中不允许她们参加舞会 Right. So, we got to talking. Their high school is not allowing them to attend prom. 为什么 Why not? 她们想要一起参加 They want to go together. 你们是"在一起"的"一起" Oh, you're "together" together. 我们俩是彼此忠贞的恋爱关系 但学校不让我们买情侣票 舞会就 在这个周末举行 所以说是十万火急 We're in a committed relationship, but the school won't let us buy a couples ticket. And that's why it's an emergency, because prom is this weekend. 我一直以来都梦想着 参加舞会时的场景 而现在我不能和我爱的 人一起去 I've been dreaming about going to prom since, well, like, forever. And now I can't go with the person I love. 妮娜 你对此怎么想 我超想和茱莉亚一起去 但是她爸爸不想让 她大肆张扬 Nina, how do you feel about this? I want to go with Julia more than anything, but... Her dad doesn't want her to make waves. 我懂了 你们和校长谈过了吗 I see. Uh, have you talked with the principal? 每次我们一去他办公室 秘就说他刚走 他就是不和我们谈 Every time we go to his office, the secretary says we just missed him. He just won't talk with us. 他肯定会和我谈的 Well, he will certainly talk with me. 我是通过一个叫做"国际新娘"的公司认识我妻子艾瑞娜的 I met my wife, Irina, through a company called International Brides. 她是邮购来的新娘吗 She was a mail-order bride? 我更喜欢称其为在线约会服务 只不过这些女人都是外国人而已 而且会员费要六千块 头几个月 我觉得这是我这辈子花得最值的 的钱 但之后艾瑞娜就决定要... I prefer to think of it as an online dating service, except the women are exotic and membership costs $6,000. For the first few months, I thought it was the best money I ever spent. But then Irina decided to -- 格雷森 一个邮差刚刚把这个送到前台 是瓦内萨寄给你的 Grayson? Um, a messenger just dropped this off for you at the front desk. It's from Vanessa. 汉克正在给我讲他妻子的事情 她离开了他 Hank was just telling me about his wife. Uh, she left him. 我很乐意帮忙 Um...I'm free to help. 好 艾瑞娜和我是通过电邮联系的 而且我们一拍即合 所以我决定 说 "管他呢" 我决定赌一把 去俄罗斯见了她 Okay, um, well, Irina and I corresponded by e-mail, and we hit it off instantly. So I decided, "What the heck?" I took a gamble and went to Russia to meet her. 邮购新娘吧 是具有异国色彩的高端在线婚介服务 Uh, mail-order bride? Exotic, expensive online matchmaking service. 了解了 Got it. 我知道自己想和她共度余生 她说她也这么想 于是我们结婚了 结果两个月之后 她出去买日用品 一去不返 I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She said she felt the same way, so we got married. Then, two months later, she goes out for groceries and never comes back. 这样可不对... 她那样伤你的心 That is just wrong -- Her breaking your heart like that. 我觉得是那个网站的错 他们保证会仔细审查这些女性 我想要回 我的6000美元 还有我花在订婚戒指上的那3886美元 I blame the website. They promised to thoroughly vet these women. I want my $6,000 back, plus the $3,886 I spent on the engagement ring. 抱歉 这案子站不住脚... I'm sorry. There's really not a case here -- 我们将起诉他们违反附随义务 我今天下午就提起诉讼 We'll go after them for breach of collateral contractual obligations. I'll file and serve the complaint this afternoon. 简约了校长今天下午见面我们要确定正义得以伸张 Jane got a meeting with the principal this afternoon, and we're gonna make sure justice is served. -"我们" -是啊 - "We"? - Mm-hmm. 弗雷德 这是我第一次期待去校长办公室 Fred, this is the first time I have ever looked forward to going to the principal's office. 谁在一直给你发短息 Who keeps texting you? 时尚俱乐部主席给我做了Facebook粉丝网页 现在我是学校最受欢 迎的女孩 The Fashion Club president made me a Facebook fan page, and now I am the most popular girl at school... 历史重演哦 again. 而这一次 我都不必用吃香蕉就是让男生意乱情迷那种吃法 And this time, I didn't even have to eat a banana in a way that made the boys blush. 打扰一下 你是个演员吗 Excuse me, but are you an actor? 什么事 我是演员 你看过我的作品吗 Why, yes, I am. Have you seen my work? 不是你 是他 Not you -- him. 我在为新能量饮料"激爽"的广告选角 你很适合 I'm casting a commercial for the new energy drink adrenaline Rush, and you're perfect. -他吗 -我吗 - He is? - I am? 等等 可他根本不是演员 Wait. But he's not even an actor. 演戏能有多难 对吧 你的外形气质正合我意 How hard can it be, right? You have the exact look I've been searching for. 人家的确是不经意间流露出了某种微妙的气质啦 Well, I-I guess I have been known to exude a certain je ne sais quoi. 那你是同意喽 So you're in? 为什么不呢 Uh, why not? 好 给我办公室打电话 All right. Give my office a call. 哇 没想到在这里 这么容易就能当上演员 Wow! Who knew it was so easy to get work as an actor in this town? 每个人都要吃晚餐嘛 Well, you know, everyone needs to eat dinner. 对了 这应该算午餐 Or is this lunch? 我被认出来了 I've been spotted. 狗仔队吗 Paparazzi? 病人 正挥手呢 A patient. And now she's waving. 抱歉 你介意我... I'm sorry. Do you mind if I just... 不介意 得满足粉丝需求啊 Of course not. You got to give the fans what they want. 是我男朋友的手机 他是位神经外科医生 我应该接电话 说不定 有急诊 肯德尔医生的电话 他现在不方便接听 能为你留言吗 没问题 我会转告他的 好 谢谢 雪莉 It's my boyfriend's phone. It's -- he's a neurosurgeon. Oh, I should actually probably get this in case it's an emergency. Dr. Kendal's phone. He's not available right now. May I take a message? Sure, I'll tell him. Okay. Thanks...Sherry. 夏皮罗太太的头不痛了 她还做了苹果派对我表示感谢 好消息 Good news. Mrs. Shapiro's headaches have stopped, and she's making a strudel to thank me. 真贴心 对了 怕是急事 我接了你的电话 但不是要紧事 是雪 莉打来的 How thoughtful. Oh, by the by, I answered your phone, in case it was an emergency, but it wasn't. It was Sherry. 谢谢 Thanks. 她说她会睡得很晚 你可以打给她 Oh, she said she'd be up late, so feel free to call. 好 Okay. 好 Okay. 饿死了 你准备好点菜了吗 I am famished. You ready to order? 是的 Yes, I am. 那... 睡得晚的雪莉她也是你的病人吗 So... Sherry-who-stays-up-late. Is she also a-a patient? 雪莉吗 不是 我要点奶酪焗鸡 你呢 Sherry? No. Uh, I'm gonna have the chicken parm. You? 烤三文鱼 我只是好奇雪莉是... Grilled salmon. I'm just wondering. Sherry would be... 她是我约会的另外一个女人 She's another woman I'm also dating. 抱歉 我没听清 什么 I'm sorry. I didn't catch that. What? 我很喜欢你 你既聪明又漂亮 还很风趣 I really like you. You're smart. You are pretty. You make me laugh. 我感觉后面还有个"但是" I'm sensing a "but." 我觉得咱们不必只局限于对方 我是说 我们刚开始约会 我想你 也在跟别人约会吧 I-I didn't think we were exclusive. I mean, we just started dating. I'm sure you're seeing other people, too. 当然 好多人呢 Totally. Tons of people. 很高兴我们谈开了 因为我不确定你是不是跟我一样 也在和别人约 会 So glad that's out in the open, 'cause I-I wasn't sure if you were dating other people, too, also, as well as me -- 跟我一样在和别人约会 As well as I am seeing other people. 再一想 我还是不点烤三文鱼了 You know, on second thought, maybe I won't have the grilled salmon. 不是吧 又一位患者 我去 失陪 马上回来 Oh, seriously? Another patient. Ugh. Excuse me. I will be right back. 好 Sure. 他跟我说雪莉不过是他的另一个约会对象 于是我说"你跟别人约会 我没意见 事实上 我也在跟别人约会" 我知道我不该沮丧 但我 愚蠢地认为我们是彼此专一的 我在想什么呢 我们还都不了解对 方 Then he told me Sherry was just someone else he's dating, just like that. So I said, "I'm totally okay with you seeing other people. In fact, I'm seeing other people, too." I know I shouldn't be upset, but I stupidly thought that we were exclusive. I mean, what was I thinking? We hardly know each other. 面对现实吧 亲爱的 你到新泽西了 Face it, sweetie -- you're in New Jersey. 什么 怎么会在新泽西 恋情就像前往东海岸的公路旅行 你从阳 光明媚的佛罗里达州出发 幸运的话 你会抵达纽约 几次约会后 就好比到达了新泽西 What? I'm where? Relationships are like a road trip up the eastern seaboard. You start off in sunny Florida, and if you're lucky, you end up in New York city. New Jersey is where you're at after a few dates. -我不要待在泽西 -没人愿意 - I don't want to be in Jersey. - No one does. 谁都愿意直达曼哈顿 那里有剧院和凯莉?蕾帕 You want to go straight to Manhattan. They have theater and Kelly Ripa. 凯莉?蕾帕:美国电视节目主持人 但是我们上床了 But we slept together. 那是在第一次约会 那时好比在迈阿密 On your first date, when you were still in Miami. 茱莉亚来了 Oh, Julia's here. 真不敢相信你这么快就约到他了 I can't believe you got a meeting so soon. 我威胁要去找学校董事会 结果他突然很神奇地有时间了 Well, I threatened to go to the school board, and, magically, his schedule opened up. 妮娜呢 她爸爸不让她来 Oh, where's Nina? Her dad didn't let her come. 要改时间吗 Should we reschedule? 不用 她知道我过来了 见面一结束 我就要给她打电话 Oh, no, she knows I'm here, and I'm supposed to call her the minute the meeting's over. 走吧 Let's do it. 汉克?斯潘瑟婚姻的终止 不是任何人的错 我们请求驳回上诉 The dissolution of Hank Spencer's marriage is no one's fault, and we ask you to dismiss. 他们的"婚介服务"跟骗局毫无二致 代表我的委托人 我对你的语 气表示不满 代表我的委托人 我对你们表示不满 Their "matchmaking service" is nothing more than a scam. On behalf of my client, I resent your tone. On behalf of my client, I resent you. 你具体指控什么 What exactly are you alleging? 与他相遇并结婚的那位女性 留下了成堆的账单 并拿走了订婚戒 指 The woman he met and ultimately married racked up credit-card bills and absconded with her engagement ring. 国际新娘公司没有促成一段姻缘 International Brides didn't arrange a marriage -- 而是导致我的委托人既伤心又破财 They arranged to have this man's heart broken and his wallet stolen. 肯特先生 婚姻走向终结有诸多原因 而加州实行无过错离婚 Mr. Kent, marriages end for a variety of reasons, and California is a no-fault divorce state. 如果可以的话 我想让辩方律师 把审查这些女性的流程告知法庭 If I may, I'd like opposing counsel to tell the court how the women on their website are vetted. 说来听听 律师 Let's hear it, counselor. 我的委托人通过独立第三方 核查她们的逮捕记录和基本资料 My client screens for arrests, and their bios are verified by an independent party. 做这些就收取6000美元吗 You charge 6 grand for that? 美国52%的婚姻都不美满 其中只有10%的人选择离婚 由此看来 公司的做法起到了作用 52% of all marriages in the United States fail. Only 10% of our marriages end in divorce. So whatever the company's doing seems to be working. 然而在这个案子中你的公司有过失 Nevertheless, your company was negligent in this case. 服务过失与感情不幸是两码事 There's a difference between negligent service and being unlucky in love. 虽然你很有激情 但是你的案子缺乏确凿的证据 我同意驳回上诉 Despite your passion, you have failed to prove a prima facie case. I am granting the motion to dismiss. 布莱克校长 这是件很简单的事 我的委托人想和她的女朋友一起 参加毕业舞会 Principal Blake, this is a very simple matter. My client wants to go to prom with her girlfriend. 你们就不能一人买一张单身票吗 你们一起入场 一起离开 这不 是一样的吗 How about you each buy a singles ticket? You show up together, you leave together. Same thing. 可我们不是单身 并且情侣票还包含 情侣合照 鲜花以及一盒心 形巧克力 更何况 单身学生晚宴的座位是随机安排的 我们想要 坐到一起 Except we're not single. And the couple’s tickets include a couple’s photo, flowers, and a box of chocolate hearts. Not to mention single students get assigned to random seats at dinner. We'd like to sit with each other. 我很乐意帮忙 但是同性伴侣参加校园舞会违反了学校的规定 I would love to help, but same-sex couples at school dances violate school policy. 但是如果校规侵犯了她们的公民权益 你难道不应该反映给主管人 吗 抱歉 我用了疑问的语气 但其实这是个陈述句 所以如果你 不向主管人反映 相信我 我会反映的 But when the school's policy violates their civil rights, then isn't it your job to bring it up to the superintendent? Oh, I'm sorry. I posed that as a question, but it's actually a statement. So if you don't bring it up to the superintendent, trust me, I will. 你已经说得很明白了 我明天就打电话给主管人向他传达你的观点 你觉得怎么样 You've made your point. I will call the superintendent tomorrow and express your concerns. How does that sound? 谢谢你的合作 Well, thank you for your cooperation. 你好 汉克 你们在这干嘛 Hi...Hank. What's going on in here? 我们在讨论下一步怎么办 We're discussing our next move. 你听到了法官的判决 这个案子了结了 所以...没有下一步了 Well, you heard the judge -- the case is over, so...no next move. 我想通了 我们不该起诉国际新娘 I had a revelation. We shouldn't be suing International Brides. 这不是你想通的 是法官的裁决 That's not a revelation -- it's the judge's ruling. 我们在追踪艾瑞娜 汉克说她还在国内 We are going after Irina. Hank says she's still in the U.S. 我上个星期在健身房看到了她 她还在用我买给她的会员卡 I saw her at my gym last week. She was using the membership that I bought for her. 你不能因为一个女人伤了你的心而起诉她 Okay, you can't sue a woman for breaking your heart. 诉由是感情转变 更不必说故意的精神伤害 Cause of action is conversion, not to mention intentional infliction of emotional distress. 真的吗 你想拿精神损害老调重弹吗 你以为你是谁 年轻的林肯 律师吗 Seriously? You're dusting off the old tort of outrage? Who are you -- young Abe Lincoln, attorney at law? 汉克 你愤怒吗 Hank, are you outraged? -很愤怒 -你看 - Outraged. - There you go. 看见了吧 恐吓可是很有效的手法 As you can see, a threat can be highly effective. -你真了不起 简 -谢谢你 - That was awesome, Jane. - Well, thank you. 那我呢 我呢 What about me? What about me? 一级棒 Amazing. 一切都会解决的 This is all gonna work out. 我的车不见了 My car's gone. 打扰一下 Excuse me. 那辆车呢 刚还在这里 Where's the other car? It was right here. 刚被拖车拖走 Tow truck just left. 这是教工停车场 学生不能在这里停车 This is a faculty lot -- no student parking. 是你叫她停在这里的 You told her to park here. 我绝不会告诉学生这里可以停车 I would never tell a student they could park here. 我们看到你指挥她停进那个车位的 We saw you direct her to this spot. 出什么事了吗 Uh, is -- is there a problem? 是的 你的保安把茱莉亚的车拖走了 Yes, your security guard had Julia's car towed. 每个学生都知道不能在这里停车 否则将面临自动停学三天的处罚 Well, every student knows they can't park here. It carries an automatic three-day suspension, 也就是说也就是说茱莉亚没有资格参加舞会了 which means... Which means Julia is ineligible to attend prom. 恐怕是的 Afraid so. 什么 简... What?! Jane -- 这是个圈套 This was all a setup. 很抱歉 但我爱莫能助 我明天不用去打扰主管了 I'm sorry, but my hands are tied. I, uh, won't be bothering the superintendent tomorrow. 别管什么主管了 我们法庭上见 看看我开的什么车 你就知道我 可是个厉害角色 Forget the superintendent. We'll see you in court. Oh, and in case you couldn't tell by the kind of car I drive, I'm really good at my job. 这是马顿塞德高中教工停车场 昨天下午五点的录像 没有车停那 里 除了我的保时捷 事实上 那里有很大的空地 大到足够容纳 大型的马戏演出 以及诺德斯特姆公司的货架 然而学校仍然拖走 了我委托人的汽车 This is the faculty parking lot at Mountainside High yesterday at 5:00 p.m. -- no cars. Well, except for my Porsche. In fact, there are so many empty spaces, there's enough room for a three-ring circus, ooh, and a Nordstrom's rack. Yet the school still towed my client's car. 美国西海岸最大的服装专卖店 她违反了校规 She violated policy. 因为保安叫她停在那里 Because the security guard told her to. 你是谁 And who are you? 史黛西 简的死党 Stacy. I'm Jane's B.F.F. 我没有问你在她的年鉴里的签名是什么 I didn't ask how you signed her yearbook. 我是问你与本案有何关联 I meant who are you in relation to this case? 我是...目击证人 I'm a...witness. 布莱克先生 Mr. Blake, 简的死党说的是事实吗是有人让此学生将车停到教工停车场的 is Jane's B.F.F. correct -- this student was told to park in the faculty lot? 据我所知不是这样 Not to my knowledge. 骗子 Liar. 你为何要浪费一位权威法官的时间呢 此案交给学生会处理更合适 Why are you wasting the time of a very important judge? This seems more like a matter for the student council. 既然这样 我们应该都同意 这是个业余时间的误会 That being said, I think we can all agree this was an after-hours mistake. 等等 法官大人 在你落锤之前你应该知道停车违例仅仅只是个借 口 Wait, your honor, before you bang your gavel, you should know that the parking violation was just a pretext. 什么的借口 A pretext for what? 茱莉亚?坎贝尔请求和她的女友 一起去参加毕业舞会 却被拒绝了 我现在请求一份强制令 依照加州民事诉讼法第1085条 请求法院 要求学校 准许我的委托人与她的伴侣一起参加舞会 Julia Campbell asked permission to go to the prom with her girlfriend, and she was denied. I am now requesting a writ of mandate, pursuant to section 1085 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, asking that the court require the school to allow my client to attend prom with her chosen partner. 你怎么能一口气说完这么多 你练过吗有特殊训练吗 How did you say all that in one breath? Do you practice? Special exercises? 法官大人 这是校董事会的决议 坎贝尔小姐的结社自由遭到侵犯 Your honor, this is an issue for the school board. Ms.Campbell is being denied her freedom of association. 我们站在正义的一方 这跟结社自由没有任何关系 法官大人 这 是出于对坎贝尔小姐安全的考虑 毕业舞会上出现同性伴侣 很有 可能引起暴力事件 We're in the right place. This has nothing to do with free association, your honor. It's about safety concerns for Ms.Campbell. There's a real possibility of violence In reaction to a gay couple at prom. 我的朋友知道我是同性恋他们还在舞会委员会上为我投票 My friends know I'm a lesbian, and they voted me onto the prom committee. 我的委托人给出了极佳的证明 并且 就算安全方面有问题 在弗 里克状告林奇一案中 法院裁定学校必须保护同性恋学生免遭身体 伤害 My client makes an excellent point. Oh, and even if safety were a concern, in Fricke vs. Lynch, the court ruled that schools must protect gay students from bodily harm. 此案为同性恋案件中的里程碑 我会复审所有的证据并尽快做出裁决 I'll review the citings and issue an opinion forthwith. 只是友情提醒一下 舞会两天后就要举行 Ooh, just as a friendly reminder, prom is in two days. "尽快"的意思就是"马上" 宾格温小姐 现在我能落锤了吧 还是宾 格温小姐死党想来落锤 "Forthwith" means "soon," Ms. Bingum. Can I bang my gavel now, or maybe Ms. Bingum's B.F.F. Would like to do it? 没门 Not a chance. 涅斯捷连科小姐 我委托人的档案里 哪点最先吸引了你 汉克看 起来很有本事 他说他开了家法院 但是当我发现他只是个法警后... 我并不在意 Ms. Nesterenko, what first drew you to my client's profile? Hank seemed like a powerful man. He said he ran the court, but when I found out he was just a bailiff... I didn't mind. 你现在是这么说 但当你发现他既没钱又没权之后 就离开了他 不是吗 Well, you say that now, but didn't you leave him as soon as you found out he wasn't rich or powerful? 不是的 我以为我爱汉克他想要结婚 他的兴奋劲感染了我 No. I thought I loved Hank. He wanted to get married, and I got caught up in the excitement. 请您解释一下 从深信自己爱着某人到再也不想见到他 你是怎么 做到的 Help me understand something -- how do you go from believing you love someone to never wanting to see them again? 我变心了 I had a change of heart. 你甩甩手就走了 不辞而别没说"再见" 也没说"对不起" 你曾对这 个男人说你爱他 但却是用短信跟他说的分手 你不为自己感到羞 愧吗 You just took off. You just left. No "Goodbye," No "I'm sorry." You told this man you loved him, and you broke up with him in a text message. Are you ashamed of yourself?! 反对 无理纠缠 Objection -- badgering. 没关系 他说得对 汉克... 这事我处理得很不妥当 我非常抱歉 我不是故意伤害你的 It's okay. He's right. Hank... I'm not proud of how I handled the situation. I'm very sorry. I never meant to hurt you. 问话完毕 No more questions. 我很抱歉让你经历这些 I'm sorry you had to sit through that. 至少她道歉了 Well, at least she apologized. 现在该我道歉了 汉克 我明知咱们没机会赢却还鼓励你打官司 实在抱歉 我没法证明她是故意欺骗你的 Now it's my turn. I'm sorry I encouraged you, Hank, but we don't have a chance. I can't prove she set out to deceive you. 简直太棒了 How great was that? 你说什么呢 What are you talking about? 那女人是个骗子 她说了对不起 却还留下了戒指 这简直是自相 矛盾 还有 她在道歉的时候 眼神飘忽 不敢直视 撒谎的典型 表现 That woman is a fraud. She can't say she's sorry but also keep the ring. It's totally inconsistent behavior. Not to mention -- she couldn't sustain eye contact during that lame apology of hers. It's a classic tell. 我正想放弃呢 I was just saying we should drop this. 你开玩笑吗 Are you kidding me? 汉克 无意冒犯--我不喜欢她 也不信任她 我刚才给泰丽打了个 电话 她会进行全面的背景调查 Hank, no offense -- I don't like her, and I don't trust her. I just got off the phone with Teri, and she's running a full background check. 就当我刚才什么都没说 Forget what I said. 你好 Hello. 你好 真开心你能来 其实我也不确定能待多久 Hi. I'm so glad you're here. Actually not sure how much time I've got. 我正在等法官宣判 所以... I'm waiting for a judge to issue a decision, so... 昨天雪莉来电话后 你就不爱搭理我了 You got awfully quiet yesterday after Sherry called. 我... 抱歉我应该把铃声关掉 我今晚不值班看来打来电话的不是 病人或医院 And I -- oh, I'm sorry about that. I should have turned the ringer off. I'm not on call. So it's not a patient or the hospital. 谁都有可能 Really could be anyone. 听着 我... 能渐渐了解你 我很开心我只是... 我没准备好要确定 关系 Look, I, uh... I'm really enjoying getting to know you. I'm just -- I'm not ready to commit. 我也没指望你能准备好 I wouldn't expect you to. 那我们没问题了吧 So we're cool? 完全没问题 就 一个问题... 除了雪莉... 你还同时和几个女人约会 还是... 两个 佳丽三千吗 是我的电话响了... 我的电话 Totally cool. Um, just one question -- Other than Sherry... How many other women are you dating? One or... two? Times Square on New Year's Eve? Oh, oh. That's my phone -- my phone. 你好 你需要什么 Hello? Oh, what do you need? 莱特法官一小时内 会把她的裁决电邮过来 茱莉亚和妮娜快到你 办公室了 Judge Wright will be e-mailing her verdict within the hour. Julia and Nina are on their way to your office. -好吧 -再见 - Okay. - Bye. 我很抱歉 我该赶回办公室了 裁决要出来了 I am so sorry. Uh, you know what? I should get back to the office. It could be decision time. -再见 -再见 - Bye. - Bye. 简 我好紧张 万一法官判我们败诉怎么办 Jane, I'm so nervous. What if the judge says no? 万一我们胜诉怎么办 What if she says yes? 那舞会的准备工作可就落后喽 We're way behind in our prom planning. 妮娜 你的骨架很匀称 你梳个高发髻 肯定很漂亮 Now, Nina, you have great bone structure. You would look fantastic in an up do. 谢谢 Thanks. 茱莉亚说你在庭上超赞 我很抱歉没能过去 Julia said you were awesome in court. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. 我能理解 I understand. 爸爸 Dad? 妮娜 我想让你回家 Nina, I want you to come home. 求你了 我等到裁决结果就走 行吗 Please, just let me wait for the verdict, okay? 邓恩先生 你的女儿是同性恋你有意见吗 Mr. Dunn, do you have a problem with your daughter being gay? 你是茱莉亚的律师 You're Julia's attorney? 没错 That's right. 对于一切影响我女儿学习的事 我都有意见 她明天有大学预修历 史考试 I have a problem with anything that distracts my daughter from her studies. She has an A.P. history test tomorrow. 打扰了 我刚刚接到了电话 法官判你方获胜 Excuse me. I just got the call. The judge ruled in your favor. 什么 What? 我们可以一起参加毕业舞会了吗 We can go to prom together? 开始适应高跟鞋吧 姑娘们 到时候可别磨出水泡 Start breaking in the heels, girls. You don't want to get blisters. 先省省高跟鞋吧 我还有个坏消息 学校律师发布了即时声明他们 取消了毕业舞会 Hold your heels. I have some bad news. The school's lawyer issued an immediate statement -- They're canceling prom. 我不明白 I don't understand. 很显然 如果有拉拉要参加毕业舞会 那么学校就干脆不办了 Apparently, if a lesbian couple is going to prom, then the school isn't having one. 大家都会恨我们俩的 Everybody's gonna hate us. 好美的酒 这是要庆祝什么 Ooh, fancy drinks. What are we celebrating? 庆祝我要拍广告了 We are celebrating my commercial. 我们应该和一些名人聊聊 I thought we should hobnob with some celebs. 我好像看见贾斯汀?汀布莱克和杰西卡?贝尔了 I think I saw Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel. 不太可能 他俩分手了 她在努力证明自己对这事满不在乎 Doubtful. They broke up. Now she's trying too hard to prove that she's okay with it. 我们需要讨论一下你的表演技巧 So, we need to discuss your acting gig. 我是天生的演员 没什么问题 Oh. I'm a natural. I'll be fine. 你需要严肃对待 我给你带了本书《表演 比你想象得要难》答应我 一定要读 好吗 You need to take this seriously. I brought you a book. "Acting. It's harder than it looks." Promise me you'll read it, okay? 只要你开心 做什么都行 Anything to make you happy. 你的绩效评估还没做完 We still need to finish your evaluation. 能等等吗 Oh, can it wait? 我在工作 而且压力很大 I'm working, and I'm kind of under the gun. 女同的那个案子吗 The lesbian case? 没错 That's right. 舞会被取消了 别纠结了 The prom was canceled. Move on. 没那么简单 It's just not that easy. 说回你的绩效评估 你对委托人投入太多感情了 你需要学会何时 放手 尤其是无偿性案件的委托人 Which brings me back to your evaluation. You get too involved with your clients. You need to learn when to let go. Especially when they're pro bono 因为公司赚不到什么钱 and the firm isn't making any money. 你就好像我肚子里的蛔虫 It's like you're in my head. 我要回家了 I'm going home. 很好 休息一下 Great. Get some rest. 我要回家煮一壶咖啡 然后找出逼迫校长重开舞会的办法 学校应 当教育学生公平和平等 所以我不会放弃这个案子 I'm going home to make a pot of coffee and figure out a way to force the principal to reinstate prom. Schools are supposed to teach fairness and equality, so I will not just move on. 宾格温 你听到我刚才的话了吗 Bingum, did you just hear anything I said? 很抱歉 没有 你可能应该在我的评估中加上一条"注意力不集中" Oh, I'm sorry. No. You know, you should probably add "distracted" to my evaluation. 帕克先生 你对学校取消舞会这件事作何感想 Mr. Parker, are you reacting to the prom being canceled? 看到这所学校为逃避对两位学生的宪法义务 而强行取消了舞会 我深感悲哀 It's sad to see this school twisting itself into a pretzel to avoid its constitutional obligation to two students. 简 这好疯狂 Jane, this is so crazy! 是呀 是的 Yeah, it is. 谢谢你 THank you. 帕克 这是怎么回事 你搞得我很被动 Parker, what's going on? You sandbagged me. 边走边说 毕业舞会被取消的消息一出 就有大量媒体找上门来 你当时没在办公室 Walk with me. When word got out that the prom was canceled, we got bombarded with media requests. You weren't at the office -- 你知道我回家了 You knew I went home. 我的错 My bad. 马特?劳厄 NBC新闻节目《今日秀》主播 现在马特?劳厄要采访你 So now that Matt Lauer wants to talk to you, 你就马上对我的案子产生兴趣了 you suddenly have an interest in my case? 是我们的案子 而且我喜欢同性恋人士 一直都是 Our case. And I love the gays -- always have. 好吧 无所谓 Fine. Whatever. 只要法院一开门... As soon as the courthouse opens -- 我昨晚就提交诉状了 I filed last night. 下班之后吗 After hours? 书记员欠我一个人情 去年我送他去里维埃拉度假 The clerk owes me a favor. I got him onto Riviera last year to play a round. 里维埃拉 地中海沿岸的度假胜地 午饭后就可以开庭 We're due in court after lunch. 那"我们的案子"到底是什么情况 So what, exactly, is our case? 祸不单行 It's a double whammy -- 去申请一份临时强制禁制令 要求学校举办舞会 再利用宣告式判 决 解除今后对同性情侣参加任何集会的歧视性限制 a preliminary mandatory injunction that compels the school to hold the prom and a declaratory judgment ending discrimination against same-sex couples at any future functions. 令人佩服 我对此有信心 宾格温 I'm impressed. I believe in this, Bingum. 而且 如果我们赢了 我就终于能获得人道主义社会奖了 我以前 输给了那群斯莱特&阿登律所的混蛋 他们赢过为残疾人争取坡道 和保护鲸鱼的案子 Plus, if we win, I'll finally get that Humanitarian Society Award. I've had it with those jerks from Slate & Arden winning for things like handicap ramps and saving the whales. 汉克 你可能还不知道艾瑞娜原来结过婚 她嫁过一个住在密西西 比的美国人 两个月后离婚 艾瑞娜是在另一个俄国婚介网站上 结识了她的第一任丈夫 泰勒?卡拉汉 So, Hank, this may come as a surprise, but Irina was married before. She was married to an American from Mississippi for two months. Then it ended. Irina met her first husband, Tyler Callahan, on a different Russian-brides website. 我毫不知情 I had no idea. 我们想让泰勒作证 这样可以建立一个行为模式 证明艾瑞娜经常 诈骗渴望爱情的寂寞男人 We hope to get Tyler to testify so we can establish a pattern of behavior that proves that Irina preys on lonely men desperate for love. 你认为我又寂寞又饥渴吗 You think I'm lonely and desperate? 对不起 不是故意冒犯你 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. 来 汉克 咱们赶紧离开这个恶毒女人的办公室 Come on, Hank. Let's get out of the mean lady's office. 天哪 天哪 你没事吧 Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Are you okay? 我在放松我的下巴 I'm relaxing my jaw. 你干嘛压低声音 Why are you whispering? 不好意思 我在保护声带 这是你给我的书里写的 顺便说下 非 常感谢 Oh, sorry. I'm saving my vocal cords. It's in the book that you gave me. Thank you very much, by the way. 很高兴能帮到你 I'm glad I could help. 你愿不愿意... 和我一起对台词 Oh, hey, uh, would you mind... running my lines with me? 当然愿意 Of course. 只有你一个人有台词 You're the only one with lines. 是 不是...那本书上说演员需要一位支持他的朋友 才能取得成功 所以... Yeah, no, um, the book says that an actor needs a supportive friend in order to achieve greatness, so... 瓶盖一开 活力无穷 激爽 I turn it on to get it on. Adrenaline Rush. 停 我们能再来一遍吗 Cut! Can we take that again? 你为什么要停 Why did you stop? 我没有想象出情境 你没注意到吗 I wasn't visualizing my space. You didn't get that? 没有 Nope. 也许就是因为这点 你才接不到新角色 Maybe that's why you're not getting more parts. 你说什么 你看了一本书 就以为自己是专家了 Excuse me?! You read one book, and you think you're some sort of an expert?! 你尖叫的时候 声带会收紧 The way you're screaming, you're stressing your vocal cords. 我才不在乎什么声带也不在乎你的破广告 I don't care about my vocal cords or your stupid commercial! 1961年伯明翰被要求取消对公共泳池的种族隔离 但市政府不愿让 黑人孩子和白人孩子一起游泳 于是他们关闭了泳池 In 1961, Birmingham was ordered to integrate their public pools, but the city didn't want African-American kids swimming alongside Caucasian kids, so they shut the pools down. 真的吗 我倒是头一次听说 继续 让我找只笔 把这些有趣的例 子记下来 Really? Well, this is news to me. Hold on. Let me get a pen so I can write some of these fun facts down. 法官大人 您应该也同意 我们不需要在这上历史课 Your honor, I think you'll agree we don't need a history lesson here. 不 这不是历史 现在就是历史重演 马顿塞德高中被要求 允许 同性情侣参加舞会 但负责人不愿意 让同性恋和异性恋的孩子在 一起跳舞 于是取消了舞会 No, no. It's not history. The same thing is happening right now. Mountainside High was ordered to grant a gay couple access to their prom, but the administration didn't want gay kids dancing near the straight kids, so they shut the prom down. 你的说法太武断了 You're just pontificating. 真的吗 Really? 这才叫武断 马顿塞德高中基于性取向的原因 对我的委托人表现 出了事实歧视 Pontificate this -- Mountainside High is engaging in de facto discrimination based on the sexual orientation of my client. 取消舞会与任何形式的歧视都无关,这样做符合联邦政策 The prom's cancelation has nothing to do with discrimination, de facto or otherwise. It has to do with upholding federal policy. 什么 What?! 1996年 联邦政府通过了《婚姻保护法》 其中将婚姻定义为一位 男性与一位女性的结合 In 1996, the federal government passed the Defense of Marriage Act, defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman. 得了吧 这两个女孩又不是要结婚 她们只想以情侣身份跳电步舞 Oh, please. These girls aren't asking to get married. They just want to do the electric slide as a couple. 是的 但允许同性情侣参加舞会 违反了联邦法律的精神 True, but allowing a same-sex couple to attend prom violates the spirit of the federal law. 你还真是绞尽脑汁 找出这么多理由 阻止茱莉亚和妮娜参加舞会 想象一下 你可以用这样的创造力干些什么 我听说制作剪贴簿很 有趣 Isn't it exhausting coming up with all these reasons to deny Julia and Nina access to their prom? I mean, imagine what you could do with all that creativity. I hear scrapbooking is fun. 我不许法庭上的任何人贬低剪贴簿 I will not allow anyone in this court to demean scrapbooking. 法官大人 法庭发出禁制令的前提是具有造成不可弥补伤害的风险 而本案中只涉及到一场舞会而已 Your honor, for the court to order an injunction, there has to be the risk of irreparable harm. We're just talking about a dance. 尽管校方的辩词是在歪曲法律 但没有造成不可挽回的伤害 驳回 禁制令申请 但有充分的证据 支持民事权利索赔 损失赔偿案的 审理定于下月进行 Although the school's argument is a stretch, I don't see irreparable harm. The injunction is denied. However, I do see sufficient evidence to support a civil rights claim. Trial for damages will be set for next month. 下个月 那两个孩子就去不成舞会了 Next month? But then these kids won't get a prom. 我没去过舞会 还不是活得好好的 I didn't go to prom, and I lived. 卡拉汉先生 你是在哈萨克肤色网站上认识涅斯捷连科女士的 对 吗 Mr. Callahan, you met Ms. Nesterenko on the site Kazak Kuties -- is that correct? 对 但是...你们已经知道了啊 Uh, yes, but... you already know that. 泰勒 这是庭前准备 目的是让你在法庭上应对自如 可以继续了 吗 Tyler, this is a prep session. Want you to feel comfortable in court. Can we keep going? 当然可以 Of course. 你在俄国见到艾瑞娜后 你们两人就结婚了 And after you met Irina in Russia, the two of you got married? 对 然后我们搬回了密西西比 猫王的出生地 Yep, and then we moved back to Mississippi, birthplace of Mr. Elvis Presley. 你是一名销售经理吗 And you are a marketing executive? 对 Yeah, that's right. 生意怎么样 How's business? 生意一度很好但销售业总会率先受到经济萧条的冲击 Well, it was pretty good for a while, but marketing is usually the first thing cut once the economy tanks. 是啊 艾瑞娜是在那时离开你的吗 Yeah. And that's when Irina left you? 不是她离开了我 而是我离开了她 No. She -- she didn't leave me. I left her. 什么 What? 我当时很难过但几个月以后 我发现她不适合我 I felt terrible, but after a couple of months, I just kind of realized she wasn't right for me. 你自己发现的吗 You realized that? 对 我还以为找到了真命天女 但是.. 看来我错了 Yeah. I mean, I thought I'd found the one, but... guess I was wrong. 她是否滥刷过你的信用卡 Did she run up any bills on your credit card? 没有 No. 订婚戒指呢 What about the engagement ring? 她还给我了 She gave it back to me. 好的 我们该问的都问完了 多谢您的配合 Okay, um, I think that's all we need. Thank you so much for your time. 谢谢 Thanks. 谢谢 Thank you. 哇 真没想到是这样 我不太明白 他只是娶了个漂亮俄国妞的普通 人 经济不景气时的定律是 握紧你所拥有的 而不是将其一脚踢 开 Wow. I did not see that one coming. Yeah, I don't get it. He's a regular guy married to a cute Russian. The rules of a bad economy -- hold on to what you have. You don't kick it to the curb. 万事都有例外 There are exceptions to every rule. 抱歉 I'm sorry. 为什么 For what? 书中第七章写道 永远不要低估你的支持者 史黛西 你是我唯一 的支持者 Chapter 7 -- never underestimate your support network. Stacy, you are my entire network. 每个演员都会偶尔忘乎所以 Well, every actor gets carried away. 没错 Yeah. 我不该嫉妒你 I shouldn't have been so jealous. 抱歉我没照顾到你的感受 如果你希望我放弃这个商业广告 I'm sorry I was insensitive. If you want, I can cancel the commercial. 什么 不用 What? No. No, no, no. 来吧 开始排练 Come on. Let's hear you rehearse. 好的 Okay. 瓶盖一开 活力无穷 I turn it on to...get it on. 怎么了 What's wrong? 书中第九章写道 我需要点灵感 Chapter 9 -- I need some inspiration. 我听说舞会的事了 抱歉 Hey, I heard about prom. Sorry. 是啊 他们不该那么对我的客户 Yeah, my client deserves better. 现在已经是周五晚上九点了 你还在办公室 你不该这么对自己 Wait, it's 9:00 p.m. On a friday night, and you're at the office. you deserve better. 不至于吧 你也还在啊 Yeah, well, you're here, too. 上周我未婚妻抛弃了我 Well, my fianc ran out on me last week. 你的理由是什么 What's your excuse? 那个貌似在跟我约会的男人说他很忙 很可能是跟另一个女人 出 去约会了 The guy that I'm kind of dating said he was busy, which means he is probably out with one of the other women he is kind of dating. 想让我揍他一顿吗 Want me to beat him up? 是啊 不用 没什么 我在努力适应 Yep. No, it's -- no, it's fine. I'm really trying to be fine with it. 虽然我在这方面的建议没太有有说服力 但我相信一件事 Well, I shouldn't be giving relationship advice, but I do know one thing. 什么 What's that? 这家伙还没意识到 和你在一起有多幸运 真是个白痴 The guy's an idiot if he doesn't realize what he has with you. 多谢 Thanks. 晚安 简 Good night, Jane. 晚安 Good night. -早上好 -话别说太早 - Good morning. - Don't be so sure. -怎么了 -布莱克校长刚打电话来 - What? - Principal Blake just called. 希望你和姑娘们立刻去他办公室 He wants to meet with you and the girls in his office immediately. 茱莉亚和妮娜在路上了 Julia and Nina are on their way. 他没说为什么吗 Did he say why? 没有 不过安全起见 还是校外停车吧 No, but to be safe, park off-campus. 没错 Yeah. 我想和你们做个交易舞会的情侣票 I want to make you girls an offer. A couple’s ticket to prom?! 这是什么意思 What's the catch? 校董事会不愿被卷入冗长的诉讼案 所以我们恢复了舞会 并且允 许你和妮娜作为情侣参加 The school board wants to avoid a lengthy legal battle, so we're reinstating the dance, and we're letting you and Nina go as a couple. 太棒了 我们要去舞会了 Oh! We did it! We're going to prom! 等等 你说这是个交易 你想交换什么 Wait. You said it was an offer, so what do you want from them? 作为交换条件 希望你们撤销控诉 收回宣告式判决和索赔要求 We're asking that you drop the case for declaratory judgment and damages, a quid pro quo. -好吧 -不行 - Okay. Fine. - Uh, no. 十年级的卡尔和查理怎么办 他们不会被允许以情侣身份参加舞会 的 What about Kyle and Charlie in 10th grade? They won't be allowed to go to their prom as a couple. 你真不用为他们操心 You really don't need to worry about them. 当我没说 Forget it. 现在听我说 姑娘们 Now, listen here, young lady -- 不 不 你听着 No, no. No, you listen here. 你提供了交换条件 她们可以选择是否接受 你别想威胁我女儿从 现在开始 妮娜 我很抱歉之前... You've made an offer. They will decide whether or not to accept it. You will not intimidate my daughter -- Not anymore. Nina, I'm so sorry I didn't -- 爸爸 没关系 Dad, it's -- it's okay. 你妈妈会为你骄傲的 Your mom would be proud. 布莱克先生 我们不会参加舞会了 而且我们会继续上诉 Mr. Blake...Prom will be going on without us. And we will continue with the lawsuit. 法庭见 See you in court. 好的 好的 这不需要你 Fine. Fine, I don't need you. 好了各位 彩排开始 All right, rehearsal is up, everyone. 弗雷德 你的小短裤 美腿展示吗 Ooh, Fred, look at those shorts! Wow, you're showing a lot of leg. 这是演出服 我是个演员了 Well, it's official. I'm an actor! 小心 乔治?克鲁尼 我就要追上你了 Look out, George Clooney -- I'm in your rearview. 各位 彩排开始 All right, rehearsal's up, everyone. 场景 Places. 很好弗雷德 各就各位 All right, Fred, on your mark. 多谢 Oh, thank you. 喝一口饮料 Take a sip of your drink. 开拍 And...action. 瓶盖一开 活力无穷 激爽 I turn it on to get it on. Adrenaline rush. 抱歉 停 你是谁 为什么要说我的台词 Whoa, whoa. I'm sorry. Uh, cut! Who are you, and why are you saying my lines? 弗雷德 你在干什么 Fred, what are you doing? 这是我的活 这家伙鬼鬼祟祟地躲在罐子里还跑出来抢我的台词 My job, but this dude was lurking in the tunnel and ran out and said my lines. 你没有台词 You have no lines. 你有没有弄清楚 我是个失败者 喝了你的饮料 跑进罐子 以胜 利者的姿态出现 然后说出我的台词 Have you been paying attention? I'm the loser who drinks your drink, runs into the tunnel, and then emerges a winner, and then I deliver my lines. 没错 伙计 你是失败者 你跑进罐子里然后他出来 说他的台词 Seriously, dude, you're the loser. You run into the tunnel, and he runs out, delivering his lines. 你觉得我是个失败者吗 你没看到我女朋友长什么样吗 史黛西 你会跟一个失败者约会吗 You think I'm the loser? Cause have you seen the woman that I'm dating? Stacy, would you date a loser? 我确定一定以及肯定不会 I most certainly would not. 这只是表演 弗雷德 每个人都可以演 It's just acting, Fred. Anyone can do it. 抱歉 当演员需要天份 我可没有足够的天份去演个失败者 Well, I'm sorry, but it -- it takes talent to be an actor, and I don't have enough talent in me to act like a loser. 我不干了 I quit. 好吧 先是比基尼女郎 然后又是失败者 Great, first my bikini girl bails, and now the loser quits. 别这么叫我 Stop calling me that. 比基尼女郎不演了吗 Your bikini babe quit? 我可以演 我读过剧本 我们没准备你的衣服 Cause I could do it. I've read the script. Well, we haven't fitted you for wardrobe. 书中第十一章写道 演员要时刻准备着 Chapter 11 -- an actor is always prepared. 卡拉汉先生 结婚仅两个月 你就突然离婚了 是这样吗 Mr. Callahan, after two months, your marriage ended abruptly -- isn't that right? 是的 而且正如我所说 那是我的决定 That's right, and like I told you before, it was my decision. 你不爱她了吗 You just fell out of love? 是的 Yeah. 就这么简单吗 Just like that? 我失业了 失去了自信 那段时间压力很大 I was unemployed. I'd lost my self-confidence. It was a stressful time. 现在还没工作吗 Are you still unemployed? 我现在是自由职业者 四处打点零工 上一份工作他们付给你多少钱 I pick up freelance jobs here and there. Your last freelance job -- how much did that pay you? 记不清楚了 I do not remember exactly. 这有一份你银行帐户的复印件 你的上一笔存款是3886美元 也就 是说 你上一份工作的报酬 跟我委托人送给艾瑞娜而她却从未归 还的那枚订婚戒指的价格完全一样 I have a copy of your bank statement. Your last deposit was for $3,886. That would mean your job paid the exact amount as the engagement ring my client bought Irina, which she never returned to him. 反对 这不是提问 Objection -- I don't hear a question. 当你失业后 你意识到可以让艾瑞娜回到俄国 重新签约当一名邮 购新娘 找个有钱人 狠敲一笔 很完美是吧 不 当缺钱时 你们 两个就预谋好 从我委托人手里骗点外快 现在你可以行使 宪法 第五次修正案规定的权利了 When you lost your job, you realized Irina could go back to Russia, sign up as a mail-order bride again, Marry a rich man, and rip him off -- isn't that right? No. In a bad economy, you two figured out a way to make a little extra cash at my client's expense. Now might be a good time for you to raise your Fifth Amendment rights. 恭喜 地方检察官已经正式起诉他们两个了 Congratulations. The D.A. is pressing charges against both Irina and Tyler. 没错 Yeah. 你看上去不是很好 And you look miserable. 我没事 I'm fine. 我明白 汉克的案子完结了 可你依然想不明白瓦内萨为什么会离 开你 I get it. Hank has closure. You're not any closer to understanding why Vanessa left you. 金 我不想谈这个 I really don't want to talk about it, Kim. 如果瓦内萨在你面前 你想和她说什么 If Vanessa were here, what would you want to say to her? 我不知道 也无关紧要 因为她不在我面前 I don't know. And it really doesn't matter, because she's not. 那-就把我当成她 -金 - Well, pretend I'm her. - Kim. 格雷森 那个女人在婚礼前一刻抛弃了你 从此在你的生命中消失 你是想你的生命永远停留在那一刻 从此一蹶不振 还是想彻底的 把她忘掉 Grayson, this woman leaves you moments before your wedding and then disappears from your life. Do you want to stay stuck in that moment, replaying it over and over again, or do you want to finally have it out with her? -你这话太离谱了 -这就离谱了 - This is crazy. - You know what's crazy? 在婚礼上抛弃新郎 那才叫离谱呢 你现在就当我是瓦内萨 有什 么火都冲我发吧 你想说什么 说出来吧 冲我说出来 Leaving someone at the altar! So pretend I'm Vanessa. Yell at me. Scream at me. Whatever you want to say to her, say to me. Let me have it. -瓦内萨 -格雷森 - Vanessa! - Yes, Grayson? 我没想吻你 That wasn't meant for you. 我懂 I kind of figured. 我吼不出来 I'm not much of a yeller. 你可以偶尔试一下 Well, you should try it sometime. 即使茱莉亚和妮娜不能参加校园舞会 至少他们可以参加这样一个 舞会 你哪来这么多钱办舞会 从前的简低价买进了一只潜力股 Even if Julia and Nina can't go to their prom, At least they can go to a prom. How did you pay for all of this? Oh, old Jane bought Netflix at $12. 什么意思 What does that mean? 就是说 我们有能力举办一场很棒的派对 高年级的所有学生都可 以参加 现在就等他们来了 It means that we get to throw a really awesome party and invite the entire senior class to attend. Let's just hope they show up. 快看 她们来了 Oh, look who's here! 太棒了 This is amazing. 这可比体育馆好太多了 This is way better than the school gym. 简 谢谢你...谢谢你所做的一切 Thank you, Jane... for everything. 不必客气 去跳个舞吧 You're welcome. Would you like to break in the dance floor? 看 你的新泽西小伙 看上去有些寂寞 Oh, hey, look, your friend from New Jersey is looking a little lonely over there. 我的舞伴来了 我去给你点个慢歌 My prom date has arrived. I will request a slow song for you. 谢了 Please do. 玩的开心吗 Are you enjoying yourself? 当然了 这可是舞会啊 我爸爸把他的雪佛兰借给我了 我们可以在 车后座亲热 Of course -- it's prom! Well, my dad let me borrow his chevy. We can totally make out in the backseat. 比尔 我们谈谈吧 Um, Bill, I-I think we need to talk. 这么严肃 Sounds serious. 我之前说 不介意你同时跟其他人约会 但其实我很介意 我想做你雪佛兰后座上的唯一的女孩 I know that I said I was cool with you seeing other people, But it turns out I'm not that cool. I want to be the only girl in the backseat of your chevy. 好吧 Okay. 你是指... "Okay" as in you -- 好的... "Okay..." 就是指... As in... 我很欣赏你的想法 但是还没到赞同的地步 I appreciate what you're saying. But you are not ready to commit. 我不急着确定关系 我们才刚开始不是吗 I'm not in a race to the finish line. We're just getting started. 感觉我在跟别人争你的宠 况且... ...我不为瓦全 I feel like I'm competing for your attention. And... ...I deserve better. 你这是要在舞会上和我分手吗 Are you breaking up with me at prom? 怎么说呢 Uh, you know what? 是的 I am. 再会了 比尔 Bye, Bill. 简 再见 Bye, jane. 史黛西 出什么事了 Stace. What happened? 看来我不能接受新泽西的习俗 Turns out I'm not a Jersey girl. 宾格温 Bingum. 帕克 Parker. 多谢邀请 不错的派对 Thanks for the invite. Nice party. -你好 -你好 - Hi. - Hey. 咱们谈谈 失陪 Uh, let's get some punch. Excuse us. 汉克 你太帅了 我就喜欢你的男子气概 但是在舞会上 要全听我的 知道吗 Hank, you're adorable, and I respect your machismo, but on the dance floor, I lead -- got it? 你高兴就好 Whatever you say. 我找到归宿了 I found a keeper. 来一杯 There you go. 帕克 出什么事了 What's going on, Parker? 我们该完成你的评估了 We need to finish your evaluation. 真的吗 我现在不急 这个可以等 Are you serious? I am not on the clock right now, so this can wait. 我想收回我之前的评价 I wanted to retract my prior critique. 那样的话 Oh. Well, in that case... 你朋友给你拉来了一个不错的案子 因为你的热情 案子办得很顺利 相当棒 你要把目前的表现保持下去 Your friend brought you a worthwhile case, and your emotions kept it on track. Commendable job. Whatever you're doing... keep doing it. 谢谢 Thank you. -失陪一下 -去吧 - Oh, will you excuse me? - Yeah. 你来了 You made it. 开什么玩笑 舞会我怎能错过 Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss prom. 是啊 Right. 跳个舞怎么样 Would you like to dance? 你知道我会同意的 You know I would. 对了 恭喜你的那个案子 听说胜诉了 Oh, congratulations on your case, by the way. I heard about the win. 谢谢 Thanks. 汉克看上不会有事了 Looks like Hank's gonna be all right. 是啊 Yeah. 格内森 你很快也会好起来的 You know, Grayson, you're gonna be all right, too. 简 快看 Jane, look! ?如此漫长 重回你的所在 一直以来 我们都在等待对方 一直以 来我都在等待着你 我们之间说的话语不能说给其他人听 所以我 义无反顾地 奔向你 我义无反顾地 奔向你 ? It's just so far ? To get back to where you are ? All this time ? we were waiting for each other ? All this time, I was waiting for you ? We got all this words, can't waste it on another ? So I'm straight in a straight line ? Running back to you, yeah ? I'm straight in a straight line ? Running back to you
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