

2018-02-13 50页 doc 362KB 10阅读




毕业设计-卡拉OK歌库管理系统—论文毕业设计-卡拉OK歌库管理系统—论文 目 录 1引言 ............................................................................................................................... 3 2系统及需求 ......................................................................................................
毕业设计-卡拉OK歌库管理系统— 目 录 1引言 ............................................................................................................................... 3 2系统及需求 .................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 系统需求 ................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 可行性分析 ............................................................................................................. 4 3系统规划 ....................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 项目规划 ................................................................................................................. 5 3.2 数据流图与数据字典 ............................................................................................. 6 3.3 数据库规划 ............................................................................................................. 7 3.4 系统开发的其它方面 ............................................................................................. 9 4系统设计和实现 .......................................................................................................... 10 4.1 数据表设计 ........................................................................................................... 10 4.2 模块的设计与实现 ............................................................................................... 11 4.3 系统完成 ............................................................................................................... 17 5结束语 ......................................................................................................................... 18 参考文献 ........................................................................................................................ 19 Abstract ............................................................................................................................. 2 致 谢 .............................................................................................................................. 20 卡拉OK歌库管理系统的设计与实现 摘 要: 卡拉OK歌库管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS)。本文使用Microsoft 公司的Visual FoxPro开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具进行开 发本系统。本文主要介绍了卡拉OK歌库管理系统的开发与研究方向,并阐述了本 系统编程环境的选择依据,以及系统各模块的设计。该系统主要利用表单实现歌 曲档案的浏览和编辑,以及系统维护功能,重点实现了对歌曲进行多条件查询。 关键词: 歌曲; 编辑; 模块; 查询 The Design and Realization of the karaoka disc song storehouse Administrative System Abstract: The song storehouse administration system of Karaoka disc is a typical system of information management (MIS ). This text utilizes the various target -oriented development instruments which Visual FoxPro developing instrument of Microsoft Company supplies with to develop this system. This text mainly introduces the direction of the system’s development and research and expounds the choosing basis of the systematic programming environment and the design of each functional module of this system. The system chiefly realizes the browsing and edition of the song files by using form. The text focuses on realizing the multi-conditioned inquiry of the songs. Keywords: Song; Edit; Module; Inquiry 1引言 随着社会的发展,科学的进步,在国内外各个领域,出现了各种各样的应用软件、系统软件,为广大工作人员提供了更方便、更快捷、更易操作的工作界面,我们经常见到的有超市会员管理系统、图书馆管理系统、工资管理系统等,在大城市的许多娱乐场所,卡拉OK歌库系统是近年来各高级宾馆、酒店等都很重视的一个方向,为了更好的管理歌库系统资料,也为了提高工作效率,开发研究《卡拉OK歌库管理系统》是很必要的。卡拉OK歌库系统中所有歌库资料存储在该系统中,提供方便的增删歌曲功能,本系统提供多种分类检索方式:按字数、语种、 查询;方便、简单、易用、易学、符合人们歌星姓名、歌曲序号及歌曲拼音进行 以往的习惯;随着科学技术的发展,制作技术和系统功能日趋完善。本论文所实现的系统主要具有以下功能: (1) 实现歌曲管理的多条件查询。 (2) 实现歌曲资料的自由录入、修改、删除。 (3) 实现歌曲资料的打印。 (4) 采取一定的以实现系统的保密性。 2系统及需求 2.1 系统需求 根据调查,要求卡拉OK歌库管理系统具有以下功能: (1) 由于操作人员的计算机知识普遍较差,要求有良好的人机界面,也即对 用户 较透明。 (2) 由于该系统的使用对象比较单一,只有系统管理员才能对本系统的所有 功能 进行操作,因此,不必对系统设置级别认证。 (3) 原始数据修改简单方便,支持多条件修改;在歌库里不时的有新歌曲的 录入, 旧歌曲的删除,再有输入时难免有出错的时候,所以数据必须不断得到更新。 (4) 方便的数据查询,支持多条件查询;即可根据歌曲的不同进行查询, 如: 编号、语种、字数等。 (5) 在相应模块下,删除数据方便简单。 (5) 报表打印功能,在对歌曲进行查询后,有时需要打印相关资料,这时就 需要 有报表打印功能。 (7) 安全退出系统。 2.2 可行性分析 目前开发数据库的工具有Visual Basic、Visual C++、Visual FoxPro等,其中微软公司的Visual FoxPro是Windows应用程序开发工具,是目前最为广泛、易学易用的面向对象的开发工具,它提供了完整的向导机制,使用方便快捷,使界面统一;升级方便;提供了数据字典;使用报表实现打印功能,具有严谨的数据库结构,先进的面向对象模型、完善的主从式结构,是一个高生产力、高效率、高弹性且易用的开发工具。由于本系统管理的对象单一,且每个歌曲内容基本是一致的,基本不实现计算过程,所以用Visual FoxPro6.0开发本系统是完全可以“胜任”的。因此,实现本系统使用Visual FoxPro作为开发工具是个比较好的 选择。 3系统规划 3.1 项目规划 卡拉OK歌库管理系统是一个典型的数据库应用程序,它主要由系统登录模块、歌曲浏览模块、歌曲编辑模块、查询模块、报表打印模块、系统维护模块等部分组成,下面就本系统对这些模块进行一下说明: 系统登录模块 (1) 该模块的主要任务是保证系统数据的安全性,防止其它无关人员进入本系统,可能有意或无意的破坏数据,因而设置了该登录模块。 (2) 歌曲浏览模块 该模块的主要功能是负责综合浏览歌曲记录,由于数据量大,所以该模块的设计应从方便管理员的角度出发。由于歌库管理系统所涉及的资料信息较多,且不同的信息放在不同的表中,管理员无法直接得到相关的综合资料,所以设计此模块是非常必要的。 (3) 歌曲编辑模块 歌曲编辑模块主要是对歌曲的资料进行添加、修改、删除,由于输入的数据量大,管理员不时的对歌曲资料进行新歌的输入和旧歌的输出,还有输入时难免会有出错的时候,设计此模块是非常重要的,分别对歌曲列表、歌星资料、语言、字数四个表进行编辑,因此,管理员可以方便的对歌库资料进行修改。 (4) 查询模块 查询模块是该系统中最重要的模块。为了方便用户,本系统提供了多种查询方式。如:按语种查询、按编号查询、按拼音查询、按字数查询、按歌星姓名。管理员可以根据一个条件进行查询,也可以根据多个条件综合起来进行查询,查询结果可以随时被打印,打印部分见报表打印模块。 (5) 报表打印模块 每次进行查看歌曲资料时,都可随时打印出所需歌曲资料的报表,其内容由查询结果决定。 (6) 系统维护模块 系统维护功能主要是指对数据进行备份和数据的初始化,如:数据的转入和数据的转出。还有是对系统设定用户修改功能,使管理员可以方便的对密码进行修改。 3.2 数据流图与数据字典 (1) 数据流图(DFD) 经过分析,得出的数据流图如图3.1、图3.2、图3.3所示。 卡拉OK歌 编辑与查询 歌曲记录 库管理系 歌曲档案管理部门 系统管理员 统 操作结果 图3.1 顶层数据流图 歌曲档案 添 加 处 理 添加 歌曲档案 分 类 修改 歌曲档案 歌曲 修 改 处 理 处 理 ? 删除 歌曲档案 删 除 处 理 图3.2 一层数据流图(a) 查询记录歌曲管理报表 分 类 管理 查询 查询 在案 处 理 人员 处理 ? ? 图3.3 一层数据流图(b) (2) 数据字典 歌曲档案管理要求=[歌曲档案的添加|歌曲档案的修改|歌曲档案的删除|歌 曲档案的查询|歌曲档案的打印|系统管理的设置] 歌曲档案的录入=序号+歌曲名称+语言分类ID+歌星分类ID+字数分类ID+简 拼+是否新歌+情歌对唱+发行公司 歌曲档案的修改=序号+歌曲名称+语言分类ID+歌星分类ID+字数分类ID+简 拼+是否新歌+情歌对唱+发行公司 歌曲档案的删除=序号+歌曲名称+语言分类ID+歌星分类ID+字数分类ID+简 拼+是否新歌+情歌对唱+发行公司 查询要求=[多条件查询] 报表=[符合查询条件的歌曲档案资料] 系统用户设置=用户名+密码 (3) 加工小说明 加工编号:? 加工名:分类处理(编辑) 加工逻辑:对管理部门提出的添加、删除、修改操作进行处理。 加工编号:? 加工名:分类处理(查询) 加工逻辑:根据用户输入的查询条件进行查询处理,将结果以报表的形式反 馈给用户。 3.3 数据库规划 (1) 分析数据要求 由于本系统的使用对象单一,所以,对于数据查询,可利用VFP6.0中提供的 数据库,以加快系统的响应速度。由于管理人员可能存在调动的可能,所以,系 统中应有添加新用户、删除旧用户、修改密码并确认密码的功能。 (2) 确定数据库 由于VFP6.0的数据管理比较完善,在设计系统时,不同主题的信息应储在不同的表中,并遵循下列规则:同一信息只保存在不同的表中;以防止删除有用信息时对其它信息造成不必要的修改;只有在同一信息只保存一次的前提下,才能减少数据冗余性和出错的可能性,而为了防止删除有用信息,最好的解决方法仍然是把不同主题的信息放在不同的表中。 根据以上分析,从数据库中取出的信息可分成四个主题:每个主题都是一个 独立 的表,即歌曲档案管理系统中应包括五个表:歌曲列表、歌星资料、语言、字数、用户表。 (3) 系统总体结构图 主程序 系统进入 系统登录 系统主界面 歌歌查系 曲曲询统 浏编歌维 览 辑 曲 护 图3.4 总体结构图 查询歌曲 按按按按按 语字编歌拼 种数号星音 查查查查查 图3.5 查询结构图 (4) 系统维护模块 此模块除完成数据的一般性维护如数据的备份、数据的定期删除,还提供了本系统的部分维护功能,如系统的初始化(该项功能将删除数据库中所有数据,所以仅在系统初始生成时使用)。尽管系统中采取各种保护措施来防止数据的安全性和完整性的破坏,问题仍然是不可避免的,而且这些故障轻则造成运行事务非正常中断,影响数据库中数据的正确性,重则破坏数据库,使数据库中全部或部分数据丢失。因此作为一个完整的信息管理系统,数据的备份当然是少不了的,在这里我们使用数据转出方法对数据进行备份,即将数据拷贝到A磁盘上。这一点在数据维护模块中实现。 3.4 系统开发的其它方面 在这一节中,我们主要讨论了系统的测试问题。由于程序员本身能力的局限性,所以编写的代码,即使经过反复检查也难免出错,所以在本阶段力求使用有限的时间找出尽可能多的错误,力求系统尽量正确。我们在本系统的测试中使用了黑盒法(即不关心程序内部的逻辑结构,而是根据程序的成功来设计和检测)请一位不熟悉本系统的人来进行随意性的操作,打破习惯顺序,从中发现错误,在此阶段系统的大量错误得到了改正。 4系统设计和实现 4.1 数据表设计 因本系统中涉及的计算基本没有,所以对表之间的关系运算基本不多,故本 系统中的表全部采用临时表的形式。本系统主要用到五个表:歌曲列表、歌星资 料、语言、字数、用户表。 表4.1 歌曲列表 字段名 类型 索引 序号 C(10) 主索引 歌曲名称 C(20) 语言分类ID C(4) 普通索引 歌星分类ID C(4) 普通索引 字数分类ID C(4) 普通索引 简拼 C(10) 是否新歌 L(1) 情歌对唱 L(1) 发行公司 C(10) 表4.2 歌星资料 字段名 类型 索引 歌星分类ID C(4) 普通索引 姓名 C(16) 简拼 C(8) 表4.3 语言 字段名 类型 索引 语言分类ID C(4) 普通索引 分类名称 C(10) 表4.4 字数 字段名 类型 索引 字数分类ID C(4) 普通索引 分类名称 C(10) 表4.5 用户表 字段名 类型 索引 用户名 C(10) 密码 C(6) 4.2 模块的设计与实现 [2] (1) 登录模块的设计与实现 此模块由xtdl.scx表单实现,用于接收用户名/密码输入,判断是否为合法用户,该表单的数据环境为用户表.dbf,在此表单上加入spinner控件,其值由[确定]按钮的click事件设置,表示当前用户是否合法用户。 ? 登录模块的设计 卡拉OK歌库管理系统属于一个机密的管理系统,若每一进入系统的人都能够对系统进行操作,就可能有意或无意的破坏数据,对用户产生不良影响,甚至造成无法估量的损失。因此,在进入系统之前要设置密码输入功能,本系统启动后,进入登录表单,按“确定”后运行口令程序,本系统采用的是一种动态的口令程序设计方法。 系统登录表单界面如下: 图4.1 系统登录界面 程序源代码xtdl.scx的代码部分: locate all for alltrim( 用户表.用户名 )==alltrim(thisform.combo1.value) if found() if alltrim(thisform.text1.value)==alltrim(用户表.密码) x=0 do form xtzjm.scx else thisform.spinner1.value=thisform.spinner1.value+1 if thisform.spinner1.value>=3 messagebox("对不起,你不是合法用户~") thisform.release quit endif messagebox("口令不正确~请重新输入~",48,"登录信息") thisform.text1.setfocus thisform.text1.value="" thisform.refresh endif endif ? 封面程序模块的设计与实现 系统的封面程序往往是一个系统的门面,为了使界面美观,此模块采用了以下方法:以一幅图象(jpg文件)为背景;对标签对象采用隶书字,并用程序设计成为彩色变换效果;表单的windowstate属性为(2---最大化)。 (2) 歌曲浏览模块的设计与实现 歌曲浏览模块是管理人员对歌库管理系统中所有歌曲综合资料的的提取,由于歌曲资料所涉及的内容较多,为了方便管理,设计时把不同的信息放在不同的表中进行管理。因此,需要有一个综合所有内容的表单。设计此表单时,应新建一个视图,把所有相关的内容联系起来成为一个可供浏览的表。 浏览界面如下: 图4.2 gqll表单界面 [2,3](3) 歌曲编辑模块的设计与实现 对于歌曲档案管理系统来说,歌曲记录[添加]|[修改]|[删除]是最基本的功能,也是最重要的功能。由于歌曲管理系统所涉及的表较多,为了用户的方便,在此设计综合了歌曲列表、歌星资料、语言和字数四个表编辑的表单,以提供不同的需求。 gqsd.scx编辑表单的部分代码如下: 界面如下: thisform.pageframe1.page1.grid1.setfocus if messagebox(" 是否确认删除当前记录~",32+4+256," 删除记录")=6 this.tag=thisform.pageframe1.page1.grid1.recordsource delete next 1 pack thisform.pageframe1.page1.grid1.recordsource=this.tag thisform.refresh else messagebox(" 你选择的记录未被删除,仍在数据库之中,可以继续使用~") endif 图4.3 gqsj表单界面 [2,3](4) 查询模块设计 查询模块设计得好,可使用户很快找到所需的信息。该系统的查询为多条件查询,结构化查询语言(SQL)是一种数据记录的命令,目前已有ANSI(美国国家局)版本。本系统的查询模块设计全部采用了SQL语言,因为利用SQL命令除简化程序代码外,其执行效率也是主要的原因。 本系统的查询功能主要在shaxun.scx表单实现,在此表单上先设置pageframe1页框,以供不同类型的查询需求,在三个page页面中设置grid1表格中的记录应满足的条件,即过滤那些不需要的记录(并非删除,只是不显示而已)。为了方便设置条件,用户可以从check复选框中选择某一类型,在text中输入所要查询的内容,单击[执行查询]按钮,则grid1中只显示指定条件的歌曲记录。若要重新清空条件,必须单击下方的[取消查询]按钮。若所有条件均空,则不显示歌曲记录。 查询歌曲表单界面如下: 图4.4 chaxun表单界面 部分代码如下: sele dtjcx if thisform.pageframe1.page3.check1.value=1 if thisform.pageframe1.page3.check2.value=1 set filter to 分类名称_a =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text1.value) and 姓名 =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text2.value) if thisform.pageframe1.page3.check3.value=1 set filter to 分类名称_a =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text1.value) and 姓名 =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text2.value) and 分类名称_b =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text3.value) this.parent.parent.refresh endif else „ 本表单还设计了对所查询的结果进行打印的功能,部分代码如下: if i==1 set filter to 分类名称 _a=alltrim( thisform.pageframe1.page1.text1.value) report form w to print preview else if i==2 set filter to 分类名称 _b=alltrim( thisform.pageframe1.page1.text1.value) report form w to print preview else report form w to print preview endif endif (5) 报表打印模块设计 本系统的报表打印的类型比较多,除了对所需的数据表进行打印以外,主要是被chaxun.dbf部分调用,当查询到相关内容时,直接被打印出来。 [1](6) 系统维护模块的设计与实现 用户管理模块的使用对象是系统管理员,其他用户禁止使用。在此模块中,系统管理员可以修改用户的重要信息(如密码)等。本系统的系统维护模块在xtwh.scx表单上实现,该表单列出了系统维护功能的选项,供系统用户选择以执行相应的功能。该表单的数据环境为空,它主要有如下四个选项: ? 歌曲记录转出:这里指数据的备份,即将系统中的数据存在A软盘上。 ? 歌曲记录转入:指将A软盘上的数据复制到本系统中的数据表里。 ? 用户权限维护:主要是对系统用户密码的修改等进行管理。 ? 数据初始化 :这里主要是对系统中数据表进行清空。 数据转入部分代码为: use 歌曲列表 in 0 select 歌曲列表 append from A:歌曲列表 use in 歌曲列表 „ use 字数 in 0 select 字数 append from A:字数 use in 字数 系统维护界面表单如下: 图4.5 xtwh表单界面 其中,当用户单击用户权限维护按钮时,进入如下表单: 图4.6 xtqxwh表单界面 4.3 系统完成 (1) 建立项目文件 用VFP的器可把歌库管理程序的表单、表、程序及其它文件统一管理起来,生成项目文件klok.pjx。 (2) 运行 在全部任务设计完成之后,将整个项目连编为可执行文件(klok.exe文件),从而运行本系统。 5结束语 经过一个月的开发和设计,卡拉OK歌库管理系统的设计与实现基本开发完毕,其功能基本符合用户需求,能够完成歌曲基本信息的添加、修改、删除,歌曲的多条件查询以及相关报表的打印,并提供部分系统维护功能,使用户方便进 行数据备份与数据删除。 本系统主要使用的语言是SQL语言,开发环境是Visual FoxPro6.0数据库开发环境系统需求说明书主要参照了清华大学出版社的《Visual FoxPro课程设计与系统开发案例》一书中的需求分析文档。 由于毕业设计时间较短,加之本人水平有限,所以该系统还有许多不尽人意的地方,比如用户界面不够美观,出错处理不够完善等多方面问题,这些都有待进一步改善。 参考文献 [1] 李春葆.Visual FoxPro 7.0数据库系统设计与开发[M].清华大学出版 社,2003 [2] 伍俊良. Visual FoxPro 课程设计与系统开发案例[M].清华大学出版 社,2003 [3] 蔡卓毅.中文Visual Foxpro6.0数据库程序设计与实例[M].冶金工业出版 社,2003 [4] Martin J.Principles of Data Base Management.1976 [5] 萨师煊, 王珊.数据库系统概论[M].高等教育出版社,1991 [6] 翁正科.Visual FoxPro6.0数据库开发教程[M].清华大学出版社,2000 [7] Korth H,Silberschatz A.Database System Concepts.McGraw-Hill,1986 致 谢 首先感谢我的指导教师郭梅英老师~从毕业设计的选题、设计到论文的撰写 过程,我得到了郭老师的悉心指导和孜孜不倦的教诲,在此表示深深的感谢。 感谢王建国主任和胡志军老师,他们一直在鼓励我克服学习和生活中的困难,使我顺利完成论文。 同时感谢学院领导对我们的关心和支持,感谢计算机科学与技术系的其他老师在学习和生活中给予我的支持和帮助,感谢李朝霞老师在系统设计方面对我的指导,感谢周围同学对我的帮助。我在忻州师范学院不仅学到了知识,而且从各位老师那里学到了严谨的治学态度、踏实认真的工作精神和为人正直的作风,这都将使我终身受益。最后还要感谢我的父母,是他们一直在背后支持着我。 最后向所有支持和帮助过我的老师和同学表示衷心的感谢~ 目 录 1引言 ............................................................................................................................... 3 2系统及需求 .................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 系统需求 ................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 可行性分析 ............................................................................................................. 4 3系统规划 ....................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 项目规划 ................................................................................................................. 5 3.2 数据流图与数据字典 ............................................................................................. 6 3.3 数据库规划 ............................................................................................................. 7 3.4 系统开发的其它方面 ............................................................................................. 9 4系统设计和实现 .......................................................................................................... 10 4.1 数据表设计 ........................................................................................................... 10 4.2 模块的设计与实现 ............................................................................................... 11 4.3 系统完成 ............................................................................................................... 17 5结束语 ......................................................................................................................... 18 参考文献 ........................................................................................................................ 19 Abstract ............................................................................................................................. 2 致 谢 .............................................................................................................................. 20 卡拉OK歌库管理系统的设计与实现 摘 要: 卡拉OK歌库管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS)。本文使用Microsoft 公司的Visual FoxPro开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具进行开 发本系统。本文主要介绍了卡拉OK歌库管理系统的开发与研究方向,并阐述了本 系统编程环境的选择依据,以及系统各模块的设计。该系统主要利用表单实现歌 曲档案的浏览和编辑,以及系统维护功能,重点实现了对歌曲进行多条件查询。 关键词: 歌曲; 编辑; 模块; 查询 The Design and Realization of the karaoka disc song storehouse Administrative System Abstract: The song storehouse administration system of Karaoka disc is a typical system of information management (MIS ). This text utilizes the various target -oriented development instruments which Visual FoxPro developing instrument of Microsoft Company supplies with to develop this system. This text mainly introduces the direction of the system’s development and research and expounds the choosing basis of the systematic programming environment and the design of each functional module of this system. The system chiefly realizes the browsing and edition of the song files by using form. The text focuses on realizing the multi-conditioned inquiry of the songs. Keywords: Song; Edit; Module; Inquiry 1引言 随着社会的发展,科学的进步,在国内外各个领域,出现了各种各样的应用 软件、系统软件,为广大工作人员提供了更方便、更快捷、更易操作的工作界面,我们经常见到的有超市会员管理系统、图书馆管理系统、工资管理系统等,在大城市的许多娱乐场所,卡拉OK歌库系统是近年来各高级宾馆、酒店等都很重视的一个方向,为了更好的管理歌库系统资料,也为了提高工作效率,开发研究《卡 歌库资料存储在该系拉OK歌库管理系统》是很必要的。卡拉OK歌库系统中所有 统中,提供方便的增删歌曲功能,本系统提供多种分类检索方式:按字数、语种、歌星姓名、歌曲序号及歌曲拼音进行查询;方便、简单、易用、易学、符合人们以往的习惯;随着科学技术的发展,制作技术和系统功能日趋完善。本论文所实现的系统主要具有以下功能: (1) 实现歌曲管理的多条件查询。 (2) 实现歌曲资料的自由录入、修改、删除。 (3) 实现歌曲资料的打印。 (4) 采取一定的措施以实现系统的保密性。 2系统及需求 2.1 系统需求 根据调查,要求卡拉OK歌库管理系统具有以下功能: (6) 由于操作人员的计算机知识普遍较差,要求有良好的人机界面,也即对 用户 较透明。 (7) 由于该系统的使用对象比较单一,只有系统管理员才能对本系统的所有 功能 进行操作,因此,不必对系统设置级别认证。 (8) 原始数据修改简单方便,支持多条件修改;在歌库里不时的有新歌曲的 录入, 旧歌曲的删除,再有输入时难免有出错的时候,所以数据必须不断得到更新。 (9) 方便的数据查询,支持多条件查询;即可根据歌曲的不同内容进行查询, 如: 编号、语种、字数等。 (5) 在相应模块下,删除数据方便简单。 (10)报表打印功能,在对歌曲进行查询后,有时需要打印相关资料,这时就 需要 有报表打印功能。 (7) 安全退出系统。 2.2 可行性分析 目前开发数据库的工具有Visual Basic、Visual C++、Visual FoxPro等,其中微软公司的Visual FoxPro是Windows应用程序开发工具,是目前最为广泛、易学易用的面向对象的开发工具,它提供了完整的向导机制,使用方便快捷,使界面统一;升级方便;提供了数据字典;使用报表实现打印功能,具有严谨的数据库结构,先进的面向对象模型、完善的主从式结构,是一个高生产力、高效率、高弹性且易用的开发工具。由于本系统管理的对象单一,且每个歌曲内容基本是一致的,基本不实现计算过程,所以用Visual FoxPro6.0开发本系统是完全可以“胜任”的。因此,实现本系统使用Visual FoxPro作为开发工具是个比较好的选择。 3系统规划 3.1 项目规划 卡拉OK歌库管理系统是一个典型的数据库应用程序,它主要由系统登录模块、歌曲浏览模块、歌曲编辑模块、查询模块、报表打印模块、系统维护模块等部分组成,下面就本系统对这些模块进行一下说明: 系统登录模块 (1) 该模块的主要任务是保证系统数据的安全性,防止其它无关人员进入本系统,可能有意或无意的破坏数据,因而设置了该登录模块。 (2) 歌曲浏览模块 该模块的主要功能是负责综合浏览歌曲记录,由于数据量大,所以该模块的设计应从方便管理员的角度出发。由于歌库管理系统所涉及的资料信息较多,且不同的信息放在不同的表中,管理员无法直接得到相关的综合资料,所以设计此模块是非常必要的。 (3) 歌曲编辑模块 歌曲编辑模块主要是对歌曲的资料进行添加、修改、删除,由于输入的数据量大,管理员不时的对歌曲资料进行新歌的输入和旧歌的输出,还有输入时难免会有出错的时候,设计此模块是非常重要的,分别对歌曲列表、歌星资料、语言、字数四个表进行编辑,因此,管理员可以方便的对歌库资料进行修改。 (4) 查询模块 查询模块是该系统中最重要的模块。为了方便用户,本系统提供了多种查询方式。如:按语种查询、按编号查询、按拼音查询、按字数查询、按歌星姓名。管理员可以根据一个条件进行查询,也可以根据多个条件综合起来进行查询,查询结果可以随时被打印,打印部分见报表打印模块。 (5) 报表打印模块 每次进行查看歌曲资料时,都可随时打印出所需歌曲资料的报表,其内容由查询结果决定。 (6) 系统维护模块 系统维护功能主要是指对数据进行备份和数据的初始化,如:数据的转入和 数据的转出。还有是对系统设定用户修改功能,使管理员可以方便的对密码进行 修改。 3.2 数据流图与数据字典 (1) 数据流图(DFD) 经过分析,得出的数据流图如图3.1、图3.2、图3.3所示。 卡拉OK歌 编辑与查询 歌曲记录 库管理系 歌曲档案管理部门 系统管理员 统 操作结果 图3.1 顶层数据流图 歌曲档案 添 加 处 理 添加 歌曲档案 分 类 修改 歌曲档案 歌曲 修 改 处 理 处 理 ? 删除 歌曲档案 删 除 处 理 图3.2 一层数据流图(a) 查询记录歌曲管理报表 分 类 管理 查询 查询 在案 处 理 人员 处理 ? ? 图3.3 一层数据流图(b) 数据字典 (2) 歌曲档案管理要求=[歌曲档案的添加|歌曲档案的修改|歌曲档案的删除|歌 曲档案的查询|歌曲档案的打印|系统管理的设置] 歌曲档案的录入=序号+歌曲名称+语言分类ID+歌星分类ID+字数分类ID+简 拼+是否新歌+情歌对唱+发行公司 歌曲档案的修改=序号+歌曲名称+语言分类ID+歌星分类ID+字数分类ID+简 拼+是否新歌+情歌对唱+发行公司 歌曲档案的删除=序号+歌曲名称+语言分类ID+歌星分类ID+字数分类ID+简 拼+是否新歌+情歌对唱+发行公司 查询要求=[多条件查询] 报表=[符合查询条件的歌曲档案资料] 系统用户设置=用户名+密码 (3) 加工小说明 加工编号:? 加工名:分类处理(编辑) 加工逻辑:对管理部门提出的添加、删除、修改操作进行处理。 加工编号:? 加工名:分类处理(查询) 加工逻辑:根据用户输入的查询条件进行查询处理,将结果以报表的形式反 馈给用户。 3.3 数据库规划 (1) 分析数据要求 由于本系统的使用对象单一,所以,对于数据查询,可利用VFP6.0中提供的 数据库,以加快系统的响应速度。由于管理人员可能存在调动的可能,所以,系 统中应有添加新用户、删除旧用户、修改密码并确认密码的功能。 (2) 确定数据库 由于VFP6.0的数据管理比较完善,在设计系统时,不同主题的信息应储在不 同的表中,并遵循下列规则:同一信息只保存在不同的表中;以防止删除有用信息时对其它信息造成不必要的修改;只有在同一信息只保存一次的前提下,才能减少数据冗余性和出错的可能性,而为了防止删除有用信息,最好的解决方法仍然是把不同主题的信息放在不同的表中。 根据以上分析,从数据库中取出的信息可分成四个主题:每个主题都是一个 独立 的表,即歌曲档案管理系统中应包括五个表:歌曲列表、歌星资料、语言、字数、用户表。 (3) 系统总体结构图 主程序 系统进入 系统登录 系统主界面 歌歌查系 曲曲询统 浏编歌维 览 辑 曲 护 图3.4 总体结构图 查询歌曲 按按按按按 语字编歌拼 种数号星音 查查查查查 询 询 询 询 询 图3.5 查询结构图 (4) 系统维护模块 此模块除完成数据的一般性维护如数据的备份、数据的定期删除,还提供了本系统的部分维护功能,如系统的初始化(该项功能将删除数据库中所有数据,所以仅在系统初始生成时使用)。尽管系统中采取各种保护措施来防止数据的安全性和完整性的破坏,问题仍然是不可避免的,而且这些故障轻则造成运行事务非正常中断,影响数据库中数据的正确性,重则破坏数据库,使数据库中全部或部分数据丢失。因此作为一个完整的信息管理系统,数据的备份当然是少不了的,在这里我们使用数据转出方法对数据进行备份,即将数据拷贝到A磁盘上。这一点在数据维护模块中实现。 3.4 系统开发的其它方面 在这一节中,我们主要讨论了系统的测试问题。由于程序员本身能力的局限性,所以编写的代码,即使经过反复检查也难免出错,所以在本阶段力求使用有限的时间找出尽可能多的错误,力求系统尽量正确。我们在本系统的测试中使用了黑盒法(即不关心程序内部的逻辑结构,而是根据程序的成功来设计和检测)请一位不熟悉本系统的人来进行随意性的操作,打破习惯顺序,从中发现错误,在此阶段系统的大量错误得到了改正。 4系统设计和实现 4.1 数据表设计 因本系统中涉及的计算基本没有,所以对表之间的关系运算基本不多,故本 系统中的表全部采用临时表的形式。本系统主要用到五个表:歌曲列表、歌星资 料、语言、字数、用户表。 表4.1 歌曲列表 字段名 类型 索引 序号 C(10) 主索引 歌曲名称 C(20) 语言分类ID C(4) 普通索引 歌星分类ID C(4) 普通索引 字数分类ID C(4) 普通索引 简拼 C(10) 是否新歌 L(1) 情歌对唱 L(1) 发行公司 C(10) 表4.2 歌星资料 字段名 类型 索引 歌星分类ID C(4) 普通索引 姓名 C(16) 简拼 C(8) 表4.3 语言 字段名 类型 索引 语言分类ID C(4) 普通索引 分类名称 C(10) 表4.4 字数 字段名 类型 索引 字数分类ID C(4) 普通索引 分类名称 C(10) 表4.5 用户表 字段名 类型 索引 用户名 C(10) 密码 C(6) 4.2 模块的设计与实现 [2] (1) 登录模块的设计与实现 此模块由xtdl.scx表单实现,用于接收用户名/密码输入,判断是否为合法用户,该表单的数据环境为用户表.dbf,在此表单上加入spinner控件,其值由[确定]按钮的click事件设置,表示当前用户是否合法用户。 ? 登录模块的设计 卡拉OK歌库管理系统属于一个机密的管理系统,若每一进入系统的人都能够对系统进行操作,就可能有意或无意的破坏数据,对用户产生不良影响,甚至造成无法估量的损失。因此,在进入系统之前要设置密码输入功能,本系统启动后,进入登录表单,按“确定”后运行口令程序,本系统采用的是一种动态的口令程序设计方法。 系统登录表单界面如下: 图4.1 系统登录界面 程序源代码xtdl.scx的代码部分: locate all for alltrim( 用户表.用户名 )==alltrim(thisform.combo1.value) if found() if alltrim(thisform.text1.value)==alltrim(用户表.密码) x=0 do form xtzjm.scx else thisform.spinner1.value=thisform.spinner1.value+1 if thisform.spinner1.value>=3 messagebox("对不起,你不是合法用户~") thisform.release quit endif messagebox("口令不正确~请重新输入~",48,"登录信息") thisform.text1.setfocus thisform.text1.value="" thisform.refresh endif endif ? 封面程序模块的设计与实现 系统的封面程序往往是一个系统的门面,为了使界面美观,此模块采用了以下方法:以一幅图象(jpg文件)为背景;对标签对象采用隶书字,并用程序设计成为彩色变换效果;表单的windowstate属性为(2---最大化)。 (2) 歌曲浏览模块的设计与实现 歌曲浏览模块是管理人员对歌库管理系统中所有歌曲综合资料的的提取,由于歌曲资料所涉及的内容较多,为了方便管理,设计时把不同的信息放在不同的表中进行管理。因此,需要有一个综合所有内容的表单。设计此表单时,应新建一个视图,把所有相关的内容联系起来成为一个可供浏览的表。 浏览界面如下: 图4.2 gqll表单界面 [2,3](3) 歌曲编辑模块的设计与实现 对于歌曲档案管理系统来说,歌曲记录[添加]|[修改]|[删除]是最基本的功能,也是最重要的功能。由于歌曲管理系统所涉及的表较多,为了用户的方便,在此设计综合了歌曲列表、歌星资料、语言和字数四个表编辑的表单,以提供不同的需求。 gqsd.scx编辑表单的部分代码如下: 界面如下: thisform.pageframe1.page1.grid1.setfocus if messagebox(" 是否确认删除当前记录~",32+4+256," 删除记录")=6 this.tag=thisform.pageframe1.page1.grid1.recordsource delete next 1 pack thisform.pageframe1.page1.grid1.recordsource=this.tag thisform.refresh else messagebox(" 你选择的记录未被删除,仍在数据库之中,可以继续使用~") endif 图4.3 gqsj表单界面 [2,3](4) 查询模块设计 查询模块设计得好,可使用户很快找到所需的信息。该系统的查询为多条件查询,结构化查询语言(SQL)是一种数据记录的命令,目前已有ANSI(美国国家标准局)版本。本系统的查询模块设计全部采用了SQL语言,因为利用SQL命令除简化程序代码外,其执行效率也是主要的原因。 本系统的查询功能主要在shaxun.scx表单实现,在此表单上先设置pageframe1页框,以供不同类型的查询需求,在三个page页面中设置grid1表格中的记录应满足的条件,即过滤那些不需要的记录(并非删除,只是不显示而已)。为了方便设置条件,用户可以从check复选框中选择某一类型,在text中输入所要查询的内容,单击[执行查询]按钮,则grid1中只显示指定条件的歌曲记录。若要重新清空条件,必须单击下方的[取消查询]按钮。若所有条件均空,则不显示歌曲记录。 查询歌曲表单界面如下: 图4.4 chaxun表单界面 部分代码如下: sele dtjcx if thisform.pageframe1.page3.check1.value=1 if thisform.pageframe1.page3.check2.value=1 set filter to 分类名称_a =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text1.value) and 姓名 =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text2.value) if thisform.pageframe1.page3.check3.value=1 set filter to 分类名称_a =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text1.value) and 姓名 =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text2.value) and 分类名称_b =alltrim(thisform.pageframe1.page3.text3.value) this.parent.parent.refresh endif else „ 本表单还设计了对所查询的结果进行打印的功能,部分代码如下: if i==1 set filter to 分类名称 _a=alltrim( thisform.pageframe1.page1.text1.value) report form w to print preview else if i==2 set filter to 分类名称 _b=alltrim( thisform.pageframe1.page1.text1.value) report form w to print preview else report form w to print preview endif endif (5) 报表打印模块设计 本系统的报表打印的类型比较多,除了对所需的数据表进行打印以外,主要是被chaxun.dbf部分调用,当查询到相关内容时,直接被打印出来。 [1](6) 系统维护模块的设计与实现 用户管理模块的使用对象是系统管理员,其他用户禁止使用。在此模块中,系统管理员可以修改用户的重要信息(如密码)等。本系统的系统维护模块在xtwh.scx表单上实现,该表单列出了系统维护功能的选项,供系统用户选择以执行相应的功能。该表单的数据环境为空,它主要有如下四个选项: ? 歌曲记录转出:这里指数据的备份,即将系统中的数据存在A软盘上。 ? 歌曲记录转入:指将A软盘上的数据复制到本系统中的数据表里。 ? 用户权限维护:主要是对系统用户密码的修改等进行管理。 ? 数据初始化 :这里主要是对系统中数据表进行清空。 数据转入部分代码为: use 歌曲列表 in 0 select 歌曲列表 append from A:歌曲列表 use in 歌曲列表 „ use 字数 in 0 select 字数 append from A:字数 use in 字数 系统维护界面表单如下: 图4.5 xtwh表单界面 其中,当用户单击用户权限维护按钮时,进入如下表单: 图4.6 xtqxwh表单界面 4.3 系统完成 (1) 建立项目文件 用VFP的项目管理器可把歌库管理程序的表单、表、程序及其它文件统一管理起来,生成项目文件klok.pjx。 (2) 运行 在全部任务设计完成之后,将整个项目连编为可执行文件(klok.exe文件),从而运行本系统。 5结束语 经过一个月的开发和设计,卡拉OK歌库管理系统的设计与实现基本开发完毕,其功能基本符合用户需求,能够完成歌曲基本信息的添加、修改、删除,歌曲的多条件查询以及相关报表的打印,并提供部分系统维护功能,使用户方便进 行数据备份与数据删除。 本系统主要使用的语言是SQL语言,开发环境是Visual FoxPro6.0数据库开发环境系统需求说明书主要参照了清华大学出版社的《Visual FoxPro课程设计与系统开发案例》一书中的需求分析文档。 由于毕业设计时间较短,加之本人水平有限,所以该系统还有许多不尽人意的地方,比如用户界面不够美观,出错处理不够完善等多方面问题,这些都有待进一步改善。 参考文献 [1] 李春葆.Visual FoxPro 7.0数据库系统设计与开发[M].清华大学出版 社,2003 [2] 伍俊良. Visual FoxPro 课程设计与系统开发案例[M].清华大学出版 社,2003 [3] 蔡卓毅.中文Visual Foxpro6.0数据库程序设计与实例[M].冶金工业出版 社,2003 [4] Martin J.Principles of Data Base Management.1976 [5] 萨师煊, 王珊.数据库系统概论[M].高等教育出版社,1991 [6] 翁正科.Visual FoxPro6.0数据库开发教程[M].清华大学出版社,2000 [7] Korth H,Silberschatz A.Database System Concepts.McGraw-Hill,1986 致 谢 首先感谢我的指导教师郭梅英老师~从毕业设计的选题、设计到论文的撰写 过程,我得到了郭老师的悉心指导和孜孜不倦的教诲,在此表示深深的感谢。 感谢王建国主任和胡志军老师,他们一直在鼓励我克服学习和生活中的困难,使我顺利完成论文。 同时感谢学院领导对我们的关心和支持,感谢计算机科学与技术系的其他老师在学习和生活中给予我的支持和帮助,感谢李朝霞老师在系统设计方面对我的指导,感谢周围同学对我的帮助。我在忻州师范学院不仅学到了知识,而且从各位老师那里学到了严谨的治学态度、踏实认真的工作精神和为人正直的作风,这都将使我终身受益。最后还要感谢我的父母,是他们一直在背后支持着我。 最后向所有支持和帮助过我的老师和同学表示衷心的感谢~ As Alexander went off duty he noticed the bobbing flicker of ships' lights far to port and starboard. Sea Shepherd ploughed on towards Miami. 4. All ashore Susan opened her arms, as if to greet a long-lost friend. The sun had returned--not the half-hearted, hide-and-seek sun of recent weeks. No, this was the real thing, pure gold pouring out of a perfect sky. She felt the warmth seeping deep into her skin. Slowly the shore floated forward to meet them, or so it seemed. Miami! Without asking, she helped herself to the binoculars hanging round Gary's neck. Fumbling, she adjusted the focus. She wanted to see everything. Susan gave a little grunt of pleasure: white sand, palm trees, high hotels whose reflecting windows signalled like lighthouses, elegant yachts leaning on the wind and combing creamily through the smooth blue water. Blue! The sea was so blue! Travel brochure-blue. Susan gazed in wonder. Could this be the same Atlantic whose grey-green waves had made her stomach churn and driven her into her bunk? She handed back Gary's binoculars. Both were shading their eyes. The sun shone everywhere, from above and from below, sparking silver on the water, teeming and gleaming like a shoal of surfacing fish ... "Warm enough for you?" Ben Bellingham stood between them. "Temperature's in the nineties on the mainland." They chatted for a minute or two. "Look, there's a pelican." Ben pointed. "A brown pelican, quite common around the Florida coast. People love watching their antics." The big bird, which reminded Gary of a pterodactyl, was making a reconnaissance flight parallel to Sea Shepherd. Suddenly the pelican plunged. A splash, a quick gobbling movement, and another fat fish was stored away in the bird's expandable throat pouch. "Pelicans use their elastic bills as scoop-nets," Ben explained. "And they vary the height of their dive depending on the depth of the fish. Eat two pounds a day, those fellas, a quarter of their body weight." The bird came in to land on an old jetty. Now it looked clumsy, swaying and teetering down invisible steps to alight on flat webbed feet. Soon after, a dishevelled chick was rummaging in the adult's beak. "Must have a nest nearby," commented Bellingham. He shook himself. "Well, gotta be going. I'll see you again before we disembark. By the way, better alter your watches--it's 9#10 local time, five hours behind England." The bear-like naturalist shambled away. To think Susan had once felt shy, almost frightened of meeting him! She sensed, rather than saw, a new presence and peeked sideways. It was Yves. He was draped over the ship's rail and looked about as happy as someone being seasick. Why so glum? Susan's eyes took in the scene farther along the deck. Ah, that was it. Vanessa. Wearing a polka-dot sun-suit that showed off her slender figure and shapely legs. Talking to Johnny Masterson, the handsome he-man security officer, in khaki shirt and shorts. Obviously enjoying themselves. Poor Yves! The pelican had resumed its patrol. Susan inched nearer to Yves. "Hello," she said lightly. "See the pelican? Betcha it catches something in a minute?" Yves lifted his head. Immediately the pelican obliged with a spectacular swoop. "Told you, didn't I?" Susan chirped. Yves feigned interest, but his face let him down. Susan switched her gaze from the bird to Yves, from Yves to Vanessa, and back to Yves. The pelican flapped off. "Never mind," she murmured, "there are plenty more fish in the sea." Yao: And I am Yao, king of the rock. And there's nothin' you girls can do about it. Ling [taking a fighting stance]: Oh, yeah? Well, I think Ping [elbowing Mulan] and I could take you. Mulan [wading away]: I really don't want to take him anywhere. Ling [following Mulan]: Ping, we have to fight! Mulan: No we don't. [unnaturally] We could just close our eyes and swim around. Ling: C'mon don't be such a g--Ouch! Something bit me. Mushu [popping out of the water between Mulan and Ling]: What a nasty flavor. Ling [with fear and gusto]: Snake! Chien-Po [while all three of them climb up the rock and on each other]: Snake, snake. [Mulan whistles for Khan and wades back to shore. Khan comes close enough to shore and Mulan hides behind Khan as she wraps a towelaround her body] [Cut to Yao, Ling and Chien-Po calmed down sitting on the rock] Ling: Some king of the rock! [Yao pushes him off the rock] [Cut to Mulan with towel wrapped around her] Mulan: Boy, that was close. Mushu [brushing his teeth]: No, that was vile! You owe me big! Mulan: I never want to see a naked man again. [the rest of the troops run by naked and jump into the lake] Mushu: Hey, don't look at me. I ain't biting any more butts. [Cut to Mulan outside Chi Fu's Tent having dressed fully. Chi Fu and Shang are talking from inside] Chi Fu [fading in]: You think your troops are ready to fight? Hah! They would not last a minute against the Huns. Shang: They completed their training. Chi Fu: Those *boys* are no more fit to be soldiers than you are to be Captain. Once the general reads my report, your troops will neversee battle. Mushu [from outside the tent]: Oh no you don't. I've worked to hard to get Mulan into this war. [to Cri-Kee] This guy's messing with myplan. Shang [grabbing onto the front of Chi Fu's clip board]: We're not finished. Chi Fu [pulling the board away]: Be careful, Captain. The General may be your father, but I am the Emperor's council. And, oh, by theway, huh, I got that job on my own. [opens the entrance to the tent for Shang] You're dismissed. [Shang storms out of the tent and starts to walk by Mulan] Mulan [in a manly voice]: Hey, I'll hold him and you punch, heh, heh... [Shang walks by without reacting] or not. [calling out to Shang] For what it's worth, I think you're a great captain. [Shang pauses to glance back, then continues forward] Mushu [looking at Mulan's fixed gaze on Shang]: I saw that! Mulan [innocently]: What? Mushu [teasing]: You like him don't you? Mulan: No, I-- Mushu: Yeah right, Yeah sure. Look, [pointing to Mulan's tent] go to your tent. [Mulan walks away with a look of delight. Mushu talks toCri-Kee] I think it's time we took this war into our own hands [rubbing hands together]. [Mushu and Cri-Kee wait outside Chi Fu's Tent. Chi Fu emerges with carrying a scrub brush and wrapped in a towel and with bigshowering slippers on his feet. He whistles as he walks off. Mushu and Cri-Kee enter his tent. Cri-Kee uses his legs to write up a letter. Hefinishes and Mushu takes the paper] Mushu: Okay, okay, let me see what you've got. From General Li, dear son, we're waiting for the huns at the pass and it would mean a lotif you'd come and back us up. [sarcastically] That's great except you forgot, "and since we're all out of potpourri, maybe you wouldn'tmind bringing up some." Hellooooo, this is the army! Make it sound more urgent, please! You know what I'm talkin' about? [Cri-Kee startswriting the note again] That's better, much better. [taking the note] Okay, Let's go. [Cut to Khan drinking water from the trough. Mushu is on his back] Mushu: Khan-ie baby, hey, we need a ride. [Khan squirts Mushu off his back with water from his mouth] [Cut to Chi Fu walking out of the lake wrapped in a towel, sounds of laughter can be heart from the troops] Chi Fu [muttering]: Insubordinate ruffians. [then calling to the troops] You men owe me a new pair of slippers. And I do not squeal like agirl. [a panda bear chomps down on the slipper Chi Fu is holding] Aaaaaahhhhhh! Mushu [sitting on top of the panda bear behind a dummy of a soldier using sticks to gesticulate with the dummy's arms to push the notetowards Chi Fu. Cri-Kee works the mouth]: Urgent news from the general! [Chi Fu looks over the panda] What's the matter, you've neverseen a 'black and white' before? Chi Fu: Who are you? Mushu: Excuse me! I think the question is: who are you? We're in a war man! There's no time for stupid questions. I should have yourhat for that, [the panda starts walking forward] snatch it right off of your head [swiping with an arm at Chi Fu's hat. Mushu turns the upperhalf of the dummy around after the panda passes Chi Fu. Chi Fu begins reading the message]. But I'm feeling gracious today, so carry onbefore I report you. [the panda walks up a tree taking Mushu and Cri-Kee with him out of sight] Chi Fu [looking around for Mushu but not finding him, then runs into Shang's tent]: Captain. Urgent news from the General. We're neededat the front. Mushu [from up in the tree]: Pack your bags Cri-Kee, we're movin' out. [Cri-Kee high fives Mushu] [Song: A Girl Worth Fighting For] Army Chorus [troops walking up hill]:For a long time we've been marching off to battle Yao [close-up of Yao, then a shot of 2 cows]: In a thundering herd we feel a lot like cattle Cow [spoken]: Moo Army Chorus [showing troops marching]:Like the pounding beat our aching feet aren't easy to ignore Ling [catching up to Yao and Chien-Po]:Hey, think of instead,A girl worth fighting for [Yao, Ling and Chien-Po look upwards dreamily] Mulan [spoken from behind]: Huh? Ling [grabbing Mulan and drawing her close while pulling out a centerfold]:That's what I said, a girl worth fighting for [Mulan runs away seeing the centerfold] [artistry section where the images are drawn like painted people. Ling is seen looking at a woman and then kissing her]I want her paler than the moon with eyes that shine like stars in the mud]:He thinks he's such a lady-killer! Chi Fu:I've a girl back home who's unlike any other. Yao [aside to Mulan]:Yeah, the only girl who'd love him is his mother! [Mulan smiles] Army Men [lining up locking arms across each others shoulders with Mulan in the middle to her discontent]:But when we come home in victory they'll line up at the door! Ling [sitting on top of Chien-Po]:What do we want? Army Chorus:A girl worth fighting for! Ling:Wish that I had Army Chorus [Mulan breaks away and walks in the opposite direction of the army]:A girl worth fighting for!(whistle) [Mulan sees Ling, Yao, and Chien-Po with snowballs about to pelt her so she turns around] A girl worth fighting-- [All have stunned looks on their faces] frequent visitor at the house of the Shcherbatskys, and he was in love with the Shcherbatsky household. Strange as it may appear, it was with the household, the family that Constantin Levin was in love, especially with the feminine half of the household. Levin did not remember his own mother, and his only sister was older than he was, so that it was in the Shcherbatsky's house that he saw for the first time that inner life of an old, noble, cultured and honorable family of which he had been deprived by the death of his father and mother. All the members of that family, especially the feminine half, were pictured by him, as it were, wrapped about with a mysterious poetical veil, and he not only perceived no defects whatever in them, but, under the poetical veil that shrouded them, he assumed the existence of the loftiest sentiments and every possible perfection. Why it was the three young ladies had one day to speak French, and the next English; why it was that at certain hours they played by turns on the piano, the sounds of which were audible in their brother's room above, where the students used to work; why they were visited by those professors of French literature, of music, of drawing, of dancing; why at certain hours all the three young ladies, with Mademoiselle Linon, drove in the coach to the Tverskoy boulevard, dressed in their satin cloaks, Dolly in a long one, Natalie in a half-long one, and Kitty in one so short that her shapely legs in tightly-drawn red stockings were visible to all beholders; why it was they had to walk about the Tverskoy boulevard escorted by a footman with a gold cockade in his hat - all this and much more that was done in their mysterious world he did not understand, but he was sure that everything that was done there was very good, and he was in love precisely with the mystery of the proceedings. In his student days he had all but been in love with the eldest, Dolly, but she was soon married to Oblonsky. Then he began being in love with the second. He felt, as it were, that he had to be in love with one of the sisters, only he could not quite make out which. But Natalie, too, had hardly made her appearance in the world when she married the diplomat Lvov. Kitty was still a child when Levin left the university. Young Shcherbatsky went into the navy, was drowned in the Baltic and Levin's visits to the Shcherbatskys, despite his friendship with Oblonsky, became less frequent. But when early in the winter of this year Levin came to Moscow, after a year in the country, and saw the Shcherbatskys, he realized which of the three sisters he was indeed destined to love. One would have thought that nothing could be simpler than for him, a man of good family, rather rich than poor, and thirty-two years old, to make the young Princess Shcherbatskaia an offer of marriage; in all likelihood he would at once have been looked upon as a good match. But Levin was in love, and so it seemed to him that Kitty was so perfect in every respect, a creature so far above everything earthly, while he was a creature so low and so earthly that it could not even be conceived that other people and she herself could regard him as worthy of her. After spending two months in Moscow in a state of befuddlement, seeing Kitty almost every day in society, into which he went so as to meet her, he abruptly decided that it could not be, and went back to the country. Levin's conviction that it could not be was founded on the idea that in the eyes of her family he was a disadvantageous and worthless match for the charming Kitty, and that Kitty herself could not love him. In her family's eyes he had no ordinary, definite career and position in society, while his comrades by this time, when he was thirty-two, were already one a colonel, and another a professor, another director of a bank and railways, or chairman of a board, like Oblonsky. But he (he knew very well how he must appear to others) was a country gentleman, occupied in breeding cattle, shooting game and building barns; in other words, a fellow of no ability, who had not turned out well, and who was doing just what, according to the ideas of the world, is done by people fit for nothing else. The mysterious, enchanting Kitty herself could not love such an ugly person as he conceived himself to be, and, above all, such an ordinary, in no way striking person. Moreover, his attitude to Kitty in the past - the attitude of a grown-up person to a child, arising from his friendship with her brother - seemed to him yet another obstacle to love. An ugly, good-natured man, as he considered himself, might, he supposed, be liked as a friend; but to be loved with such a love as that with which he loved Kitty, one would need to be handsome and, still more, a distinguished man. He had heard that women often did care for ugly and ordinary men, but he did not believe it, for he judged by himself, and he could not himself have loved any but beautiful, mysterious and exceptional women. But, after spending two months alone in the country, he was convinced that this was not one of those passions of which he had had experience in his early youth; that this feeling gave him not an instant's rest; that he could not live without deciding the question as to whether she would or would not be his wife; that his despair had arisen only from his own imaginings, and that he had no sort of proof that he would be rejected. So he had now come to Moscow with a firm d, she has refused him,' thought the mother, and her face lighted up with the habitual smile with which she greeted her guests on Thursdays. She sat down and began questioning Levin about his life in the country. He sat down again, waiting for other visitors to arrive, in order to go off unnoticed. Five minutes later there came in a friend of Kitty's, married the preceding winter - Countess Nordstone. She was a thin, sallow, sickly and nervous woman, with brilliant black eyes. She was fond of Kitty, and her affection for her showed itself, as the affection of married women for girls always does, in the desire to make a match for Kitty after her own ideal of married happiness; she wanted her to marry Vronsky. Levin she had often met at the Shcherbatsky's early in the winter, and she had always disliked him. Her invariable and favorite pursuit, when they met, consisted in making fun of him. `I do like it when he looks down at me from the height of his grandeur, or breaks off his wise conversation with me because I'm a fool, or is condescending to me. I like that so - to see him condescending! I am so glad he can't bear me,' she used to say of him. She was right, for Levin actually could not bear her, and despised her for what she was proud of and regarded as a fine characteristic - her nervousness, her refined contempt and indifference for everything coarse and earthly. The Countess Nordstone and Levin had got into that mutual relation not infrequently seen in society, when two persons, who remain externally on friendly terms, despise each other to such a degree that they cannot even take each other seriously, and cannot even be offended by each other. The Countess Nordstone pounced upon Levin at once. `Ah, Constantin Dmitrievich! So you've come back to our corrupt Babylon,' she said, giving him her tiny, yellow hand and recalling what he had chanced to say early in the winter, that Moscow was a Babylon. `Come, is Babylon reformed, or have you degenerated?' she added, glancing with a simper at Kitty. `It's very flattering for me, Countess, that you remember my words so well,' responded Levin, who had succeeded in recovering his composure, and at once from habit dropped into his tone of joking hostility to the Countess Nordstone. `They must certainly make a great impression on you.' `Oh, I should think so! I always note everything down. Well, Kitty, have you been skating again?...' And she began talking to Kitty. Awkward as it was for Levin to withdraw now, it would still have been easier for him to perpetrate this awkwardness than to remain all the evening and see Kitty, who glanced at him now and then and avoided his eyes. He was on the point of getting up, when the Princess, noticing that he was silent, addressed him. `Shall you be long in Moscow? You're busy with the Zemstvo, though, aren't you, and can't be away for long?' `No, Princess, I'm no longer a member of the board,' he said. `I have come up for a few days.' `There's something the matter with him,' thought Countess Nordstone, glancing at his stern, serious face. `He isn't in his old argumentative mood. But I'll draw him out. I do love making a fool of him before Kitty, and I'll do it.' `Constantin Dmitrievich,' she said to him, `do explain to me please, what does it mean - you know all about such things - in our village of Kaluga all the peasants and all the women have drunk up all they possessed, and now they can't pay us any rent. What's the meaning of that? You always praise the mouzhiks so.' At that instant another lady came into the room, and Levin got up. `Excuse me, Countess, but I really know nothing about it, and can't tell you anything,' he said, and looked round at the officer who came in behind the lady. `That must be Vronsky,' thought Levin, and, to be sure of it, glanced at Kitty. She had already had time to look at Vronsky, and looked round at Levin. And, simply from the look in her eyes, that grew unconsciously brighter, Levin knew that she loved this man - knew it as surely as if she had told him in so many words. But what sort of a man was he? Now, whether for good or for ill, Levin could not choose but remain; he must find out what the man was like whom she loved. There are people who, on meeting a successful rival, no matter in what, are at once disposed to turn their backs on everything good in him, and to see only what is bad. There are people who, on the contrary, desire above all to find in that successful rival the qualities by which he has worsted them, and seek with a throbbing ache at heart only what is good. Levin belonged to the second class. But he had no difficulty in finding what was good and attractive in Vronsky. It was apparent at the first glance. Vronsky was a squarely built, dark man, not very tall, with a good-humored, handsome and exceedingly calm and firm face. Everything about his face and figure, from his short-cropped black hair and freshly shaven chin down to his loosely fitting, brand-new uniform, was simple and at the same time elegant. Making way for the lady who had come in, Vronsky went up to the Princess and then to Kitty. As he approached her, his beautiful eyes shone with an especially tender light, and with a faint, happy and modestly triumphant smile (so it seemed to Levin), bowing carefully and respectfully over her, he held out his small broad hand to her. Greeting and saying a few words to everyone, he sat down without once glancing at Levin, who had never taken his eyes off him. `Let me introduce you,' said the Princess, indicating Levin. `Constantin Dmitrievich Levin, Count Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky.' Vronsky got up and, looking cordially at Levin, shook hands with him. `I believe I was to have dined with you this winter,' he said, smiling his simple and open smile; `but you had unexpectedly left for the country.' `Constantin Dmitrievich despises and hates the town, and us townspeople,' said Countess Nordstone. `My words must make a deep impression on you, since you remember them so well,' said Levin, and, suddenly becoming conscious that he had said just the same thing before, he reddened. Vronsky looked at Levin and Countess Nordstone, and smiled. `Are you always in the country?' he inquired. `I should think it must be dull in the winter.' `It's not dull if one has work to do; besides, one's not dull by oneself,' Levin replied abruptly. `I am fond of the country,' said Vronsky, noticing, yet affecting not to notice, Levin's tone. `But I hope, Count, you would not consent to live in the country always,' said Countess Nordstone. `I don't know; I have never tried for long. I experienced a queer feeling once,' he went on. `I never longed so for the country - Russian country, with bast shoes and peasants - as when I was spending a winter with my mother in Nice. Nice itself is dull enough, you know. And, indeed, Naples and Sorrento are only pleasant for a short time. And it's just there that Russia comes back to one's mind most vividly, and especially the country. It's as though...' He talked on, addressing both Kitty and Levin, turning his serene, friendly eyes from one to the other, and saying obviously just what came into his head. Noticing that Countess Nordstone wanted to say something, he stopped short without finishing what he had begun, and listened attentively to her. The conversation did not flag for an instant, so that the old Princess, who always kept in reserve, in case a subject should be lacking, two heavy guns - the classical and professional education, and universal military service - had not to move out either of them, while Countess Nordstone had no chance of chaffing Levin. Levin wanted to, and could not, take part in the general conversation; saying to himself every instant, `Now go,' he still did not go, as though waiting for something. The conversation fell upon table turning and spirits, and Countess Nordstone, who believed in spiritualism, began to describe the miracles she had seen. `Ah, Countess, you really must take me; for pity's sake do take me to see them! I have never seen anything extraordinary, though I am always on the lookout for it everywhere,' said Vronsky, smiling. s. She felt for him with her whole heart, the more because she was pitying him for a suffering of which she was herself the cause. `If you can forgive me, forgive me,' said her eyes, `I am so happy.' `I hate them all, and you, and myself,' his eyes responded, and he took up his hat. But he was not destined to escape. just as they were arranging themselves round the table, and Levin was on the point of retiring, the old Prince came in, and, after greeting the ladies, addressed Levin. `Ah!' he began joyously. `Been here long, my boy? I didn't even know you were in town. Very glad to see you.' The old Prince embraced Levin, and, talking to him, did not observe Vronsky, who had risen, and was calmly waiting till the Prince should turn to him. Kitty felt how grievous her father's cordiality was to Levin after what had happened. She saw, too, how coldly her father responded at last to Vronsky's bow, and how Vronsky looked with amiable perplexity at her father, trying and failing to understand how and why anyone could be hostilely disposed toward him, and she flushed. `Prince, let us have Constantin Dmitrievich,' said Countess Nordstone, `we want to try an experiment.' `What experiment? Table turning? Well, you must excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, but to my mind it is better fun to play the ring game,' said the old Prince, looking at Vronsky, and guessing that it had been his suggestion. `There's some sense in that, anyway.' Vronsky looked wonderingly at the Prince with his firm eyes, and, with a faint smile, began immediately talking to Countess Nordstone of the great ball that was to come off next week. `I hope you will be there?' he said to Kitty. As soon as the old Prince turned away from him, Levin
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