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转发一篇刘春意局长微信分享的文章转发一篇刘春意局长微信分享的文章 转发一篇刘春意局长微信分享的文章,请大家学习 ~并请同志们:主动的反思,善意的批评 ,积极的改善。 正文:Sala是北京大学毕业的90后,不仅人长的漂亮,还写了一首好字,在宝洁中国的面试中,过关战将经过5个多月的努力终于成了宝洁中国的一名管培生~三次轮岗的故事让管理者及HR陷入深思,面对新生代员工,我们的培训、我们的管理,在价值观多元化的移动互联网世界应该何去何从........... 跟所有的管培生一样,Sala被派到各个部门去轮岗,宝洁HR会根据轮岗的情况,Sala被公司寄予厚望,被...
转发一篇刘春意局长微信分享的文章 转发一篇刘春意局长微信分享的文章,请大家学习 ~并请同志们:主动的反思,善意的批评 ,积极的改善。 正文:Sala是北京大学毕业的90后,不仅人长的漂亮,还写了一首好字,在宝洁中国的面试中,过关战将经过5个多月的努力终于成了宝洁中国的一名管培生~三次轮岗的故事让管理者及HR陷入深思,面对新生代员工,我们的培训、我们的管理,在价值观多元化的移动互联网世界应该何去何从........... 跟所有的管培生一样,Sala被派到各个部门去轮岗,宝洁HR会根据轮岗的情况,Sala被公司寄予厚望,被当成未来的商业领袖进行重点培养。 第一个月,Sala被分配的岗位是前台,同时分配到前台的还有另外一个管理培训生Lisa,她们都在前台的岗位上兢兢业业地工作。 一个月之后,HRD召开例行的周会,每个管理培训生都要提交一份自己的工作,和Sala一起被派到工作岗位的Lisa提交的报告是这样的:前台的工作让我更了解公司,增加了我对公司的自豪感和荣誉感;通过这一星期的工作,我学到了待人接物的很多礼仪。Lisa的报告谦虚而友好,赢得了大家的掌声~ 然而Sala在报告中经验这样写道:通过这一星期的工beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 作,我发现目前的前台工作还有许多的不足。 第一是沟通模式不符合中国国情:作为一家在中国开办的外资公司,我们采用的先用英文问候再说中文的方式是不妥的,因为打投诉电话的顾客或者下游供应商不一定都懂英文,所以一开始说英文会让大家有一种距离感,建议先说一遍中文再说一遍英文。 第二是人力资源的浪费:两个人同时做前台也是一种资源浪费,两个人都坐在前台互相不理会显得很不礼貌,难免会说话,这样给人的 印象是前台总在聊天或交头接耳,而且两个人一起在前台工作的时候容易造成责任不明、相互推诿的状况。 建议前台保持一个人,另一人机动轮岗, 当前台中途要离开的时候,另外一个人可以接替上来……”Sala的汇报引发了大家的集体沉默 行政主管觉得自己的工作权威受到了挑战,给Sala打了一个比较低的测评分,大家觉得Sala是一个挑事的90后,不懂人情世故,不懂的给主管留面子,大家开始有点不太喜欢她。 就这样第一个月的轮岗结束之后,Sala被分配到了仓库。一个月后,她再次提交了一份引发集体沉默的报告: 第一管理不善:她提出仓库管理员因工作清闲常嗑瓜子,然后用带着盐分的手去整理货品,这个容易使外包装留下不beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 清洁的印 迹,盐分的吸湿特性也会导致化妆品提前受潮。 第二工作流程有问: 她发现库管员为了省事总是直接把新产品码进货柜,有人来领货的时 候又是就近法则,就近码货、就近拿走, 被领用的都是最新入库的产品,而生产日期较久远的货品被长期压在仓库的底层或者里面,造成旧的产品一直被积压到清库 的时候已成过期产品或快过期的货品,只 能销毁或降价处理,造成公司损失。 第三仓库改造意见:更让人受不了的是,她画了一幅仓库改造图,她建议把仓库的进库和 出库分两个门,把两个管理员隔开,减少她们在工作上聊天和一起吃零食的现象, 把入库、出库账目分开,做清楚便于核对。建议把所有的货柜进行改造,把后部 打开,入库的时候就近法则把新产品码 堆,出库由相反方向,这样出库的都是相 对较早入库的产品,保证了产品在流通的 过程中能够在保质期内被优先卖出去。 没有管理者喜欢抱怨的员工,但是所有的管理者应该都喜欢挑完刺之后能找出完美解决的问题解决者~ 这份报告被提交之后,库管部门的主管被总经理叫去谈了一次话,仓库的主管受到了批评。而Sala在仓库也待不下去了,同事们开始窃窃私语,觉得她未免管得太宽,太爱出风头。 第三个月,几乎没有部门欢迎Sala,她被硬性分配到了beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 培训部。 到了培训部后,她嫌教材上的人脸图 不够漂亮,便利用业余时间把所有的教材重新都画了一遍,顺道把她觉得不够好的讲义也都按她的逻辑修改了一遍。 这下麻烦大了,培训经理Lewis是个自负惯了的狠角色,他拿到新教材,直接从上海飞过来就这个事情对公司进行了投诉。Sala被告擅作主张,自行其事,不尊重团队和领导,无法管理,要求除名。督导直接放话:“这种人留在公司必伤团队,她不走我走~” 这个Slala更狠,一句话不说,只拿出了她改过的版本和之前的,一起摊在桌上,问了管理层两个问题:第一,哪一版本更漂亮;第二,哪一个版本更容易学,当场把督导梗在那里。 然后,Sala还加上一句:“我的工资只有你的十分之一,作为高级管理干部,你该做的不是来质问我为什么改你的教材,而是检讨自己为什么不可以做得更好,”培训督导当时脸就绿了~ 接着,Sala去了销售部,当月业绩第一,第二名连她的一半都没有做到。 过了六个月试用期 之后用了两个半月直升部门主管,两年后薪水翻了十倍,升至公司在中方的高级经理。 事后~她仍充满争议,Sala却也不在乎,她说:“我是来beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 做事的,不是来交朋友的。我更关注有没有把事做好。我始 终认为职场友情固然重要,但绝不能因此姑息包庇护短、睁 一只眼闭一只眼相互放水,这样的友爱看似融洽,实则可悲, 它将导致战场上不敌对手,集体阵亡~ beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
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