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安徽财经大学会计专硕培养方案安徽财经大学会计专硕培养方案 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bend...
安徽财经大学会计专硕培养 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 会计学专业 专 业 代 码:120201 所属学科门类:管理学 所属一级学科:工商管理学 所属学院(所):会计学院 一、培养目标 培养具有开阔的国际视野,能够把握学术前沿的综合能力和素质,适应我国政治、经济、文化、社会发展需要,理论联系实际,能够从事科研、教学和国家、地方、行业实际工作的高层次、高素质专门人才。基本要求是: 1(努力学习马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,坚持科学发展观,拥护党的领导,热爱祖国,遵纪守法。具有较强的社会责任感和使命感,兼备善于创新的科学精神和底蕴深厚的人文素质,严格遵守学术道德和学术。 2(刻苦钻研,勤奋学习,具有扎实的经济学、管理学理论基础和系统的会计学专业知识,了解会计学的国内外发展动态,具有从事科学研究的能力或独立担负专业技术工作的能力;具有较宽的知识面,具有较强的创新能力、实践能力和创业精神。毕业后,能够胜任会计管理部门、大中型企业及有关单位的财务、会计或审计工作,或高等院校和科研机构的教学科研工作。 3(熟练掌握一门外国语,能阅读本专业该语种的外文资料,并能运用该语种进行简单的专业论文写作。熟悉现代信息技术,熟练掌握网络信息资源的检索和处理。 二、学习年限和时间安排 本专业硕士研究生每年秋季入学,在校学习年限为2. 5年。前三个学期用于课程学习、课外阅读、社会实践、学术活动和学位论文开题等,第四、第五学期用于教学实践、调查研究、撰写学位论文及进行学位论文答辩。 在规定的时间内,未完成学分和学位论文者,可申请延长学习年限,累计延长学习年限一般不超过2年。 三、研究方向 1(会计理论研究 本方向侧重会计理论和研究,包括制度环境与会计发展、会计准则国际趋同与体系建设、会计政策选择与经济后果、会计信息质量、成本管理会计等研究领域。 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 2(公司财务研究 本方向侧重财务理论和方法研究,覆盖公司治理、财务管理、财务估值、财务绩效、资本市场中的财务会计问题等研究领域。 3(审计与内部控制研究 本方向侧重审计理论和方法研究,涉及国内外审计发展史、审计准则变迁、审计质量及其影响因素、内部控制制度建设与评价、责任审计等研究领域。 四、课程设置和学分要求 研究生课程分为学位公共课、学位基础课、专业必修课、专业选修课、任意选修课五个类别。其中学位公共课、学位基础课、专业必修课为学位课,其他为非学位课。 研究生培养实行学分制,包括课程学分、科研学分和实践学分三个部分,课程学习总学分为36学分。 学位公共课(共6学分),是全体研究生必须研修的课程,结合中宣部、教育部有关文件精神和研究生培养的需要,设置中国特色社会主义理论与实践和英语二门课程,分别为2学分和4学分。 学位基础课(共10学分),设置制度与信息经济学、企业理论与组织行为学、金融市场与金融工具、计量经济学、实用统计分析方法课程,使学生掌握经济管理学基本的理论知识和研究方法,每门课程2学分。 专业必修课(共10学分),体现本专业研究生在专业知识应具备的宽度和水准,包括课程有会计理论研究、审计理论与内部控制、财务理论与公司治理、成本与管理会计研究、会计研究方法课程。其中,会计理论研究课程3学分,会计研究方法课程1学分,其他课程2学分。 专业选修课(6学分),反映学科前沿并有利于扩大研究生知识面,开设课程有资本市场会计问题研究、国际会计动态、财会审经典文献导读、审计专题研究、价值链管理与成本控制专题、行为财务学。每门课程2学分,学生需至少选修三门课程。 任意选修课(4学分),着力培养学生的责任感和人文修养,开设课程有徽商文化与现代理财、财经观察、社会责任与公益文化、危机管理与媒体公关、国学经典导读。每门课程2学分,学生需至少选修两门课程。 跨专业入学和以同等学力入学的会计专业硕士研究生需按要求补修与本专业相关的大学本科课程,补修形式为导师组指定辅导书目学生自学,补修课的考试由研究生处统一组织。 五、培养方式和方法 1(硕士研究生培养实行导师制,研究生入学后第一个月内在导师组指导下进行师生weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has “双向选择”,确定每位研究生的指导教师。指导教师确定后应即制订每位研究生个人培养方案,并报研究生处和所在院(所)备案。 2(充分发挥导师指导硕士研究生的主导作用,导师根据研究生的个人才能和特长,注重培养研究生的创新能力和提高其综合素质。 3(以导师个人指导与导师组集体培养相结合为原则,建立和完善有利于发挥学术群体作用的培养机制。 4(发挥硕士研究生的主动性、自觉性、创造性,注重自学能力的培养。在拓宽、加深专业知识的基础上,积极关注本学科的最新发展动向,研究实务中出现的新问题,并注意了解、掌握相关学科的新知识。 5(采用以课堂教学(含讲授、讨论、案例分析)为主,并与学生自学、社会调查、教学实践、课题研究和论文写作相结合的方式对硕士研究生进行培养,加强对研究生自学能力、表达能力、写作能力的培养和训练。为方便课堂讨论及案例分析,原则上每班不超过30名学生,否则分班授课。选修课开课一般选修人数要达到6人方可开课。为确保研究生的培养质量,加强课堂教学考核,学生缺课课时达到课时总量30%以上后取消该课程的学习资格。 6(18学时即1学分课程建议9周内完成。 六、科研和实践能力的培养 (一)科研能力 1(硕士研究生在学习期间,要掌握研究方法,鼓励硕士研究生承担或参加导师或其他老师主持的课题,使硕士研究生逐步具有进行独立研究的能力。 2(硕士研究生在学习期限内,在导师的指导下开展科学研究活动。积极参加各种学术交流活动和较广泛地阅读中文和外文资料,拓宽自己的视野,关心和了解学科发展前沿,撰写并公开发表学术论文与研究报告。在学期间应至少在校定期刊发表一篇与专业相关的学术论文(鼓励与导师合作)。 3(硕士研究生在学习期间,应积极参加本专业及相关专业的学术活动,以培养和提高学生的学术交流能力,提高科研能力。具体为:在第一、第二学年,学生每学年应研读专业著作至少两本,专业权威期刊论文六篇以上,听取专业学术报告三场以上。阅读著作和期刊论文后要求提供书面的阅读笔记,听取学术报告后需完成报告记录,包括报告时间、地点、报告人及报告内容等详细信息。每学年末学生将阅读笔记和报告记录等提交给各培养点与导师,给予考核评分(合格与不合格),合格者给予1学分。 4(硕士研究生参加校级及以上学术活动论文获奖,论文入选参加国内外学术会议或者科研培训项目,可凭获奖证书、参会和学习证明等资料,获得学术学分1分,也可据此抵breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 免每学年的学术考核。 (二)实践环节 1(社会实践 社会实践是硕士研究生培养过程中提高社会实践能力的必要环节。硕士研究生应注重理论联系实际,对于未曾参加工作的研究生应参加不少于1个月的社会实践。对于已参加工作的硕士研究生可修,也可不修,但须以修其他课程所获学分替代。 2(调研实习 调研实习主要有结合课程的短期实习、学年(学期)调查和毕业调研三种。短期实习一般1—2天或简短性的2—3次,由任课教师安排;每学期或学年的社会调查,一般7—10天,主要是围绕某一专题进行调研,要求写出3000字以上的调查报告,并由导师评阅给出成绩;毕业调研实习,从第四个学期开始,一般1—2月,要求与本人学位论文紧密结合,研究生应填写调研实习申请,在导师指导下制定出实习(包括实习项目、实习目的、实习方法和时间安排等),经导师同意、学院批准、研究生处备案后,在导师指导下执行,学生应按期完成调研实习,实习结束后,应写出5000字左右的调研实习报告并取得调研单位鉴定,指导教师要对学生的实习报告写出评语,并采用五级记分制评定出成绩。 3(教学实践 自第四学期开始,硕士研究生必须参加一定的教学实践工作。授课对象为校内本科生,讲授的课程应为本专业课程,教学工作量要求至少完成18学时。学院负责对教学实践环节制定统一的工作计划,负责进行组织安排,负责对教学效果的考核。硕士生应认真备课,讲究教学效果,及时听取指导意见并不断改进,以提高教学质量。授课后,应由导师或该课程主讲教师写出评语,并采用五级记分制评定出成绩。 社会实践考核合格者给予1学分。 七、学位论文 (一)学位论文 攻读硕士学位研究生按本专业培养方案的要求,在全部课程学习结束并取得规定的学分后,方可进入撰写论文阶段(一般从第四学期开始进行)。 1(论文选题与开题报告要求 论文选题要从其研究方向范围内提出,论文的观点、结论和建议应在学科发展上和社会主义经济建设中具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。选题面要宽窄适当,并在本学科内具有一定的先进性。选题要尽可能与导师的研究方向一致,也可根据本人专业兴趣和原有基础选题。选题时要尽量避免与他人重复。 硕士研究生的选题应在导师指导下进行,经导师审核同意后,以书面和讲述两种方weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 式,就论文选题的有关内容向导师组作开题报告,书面报告一般应在5000字左右。开题报告一般应包括:选题依据(理论与实践意义);国内外有关本题的研究动态、先期成果;研究方案(研究目标、内容,拟解决的有关问题、特色与创新性、研究方法、计划及时间)等内容。开题报告通过后应经导师、导师组、学院审批,并报研究生处备案。 开题报告应在第四学期开学后一个月内完成。 2(论文撰写要求 硕士学位论文的撰写,必须在导师指导下,由硕士生本人独立按时完成,并打印成册。论文中能够运用会计学的基本理论和方法研究与解决问题,理论联系实际,内容丰富,结构层次分明,语句精练通顺,文字图表清晰整齐,观点正确,论证充分,并有一定的创新。硕士学位论文应在30000字以上,论文摘要应在2000字左右,并附英文摘要。导师应对学位论文写出详细评语。 学位论文(打印成册)应于第五学期第八周前完成。 3(论文答辩要求 硕士研究生全面完成本专业培养方案规定的课程学习、调研实习、教学实践、学术活动等项目,经考核取得学分,且学位课程成绩必须达到75分以上,完成硕士学位论文的撰写,经导师同意后,可提出论文答辩申请,经导师组及所在学院批准、研究生处审核后,方可组织论文评阅和答辩。申请答辩时,应交出打印完成的论文及其摘要。 学位论文答辩委员会应由5至7人组成,其中答辩委员会主席为校外知名会计学专家。根据学位论文、研究生陈述、对所提问题的回答情况,答辩会成员以无记名投票方式,就是否通过学位论文和建议授予学位等作出决议,并写出评语。论文获全体答辩委员三分之二以上多数通过并经学位评定分委员会同意后,方能提交校学位评定委员会审批。 学位论文答辩工作一般应在毕业前一个月完成。 (二)学位申请条件 按《安徽财经大学硕士学位授予工作细则》第二章第三条执行。 (三)学位授予 硕士研究生按照培养方案的要求,完成各项教学环节,修满规定的学分,通过论文答辩,准予毕业。经校学位评定委员会批准,授予硕士学位。 学位论文答辩未通过的,经答辩委员会同意,可在一年内进行修改,并重新申请答辩。答辩通过者,准予毕业。经校学位评定委员会批准,授予硕士学位。答辩仍未通过者,由学校发给结业证书,不授予硕士学位。 没有完成课程学习或学位论文的,做肄业处理。 研究生毕业、结业、肄业后,按照双向选择的原则自主就业。 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 八、研究生阅读书目 具体参看附件。 九、其他 本培养方案一经制定,必须严格贯彻执行。如有变动,必须履行学校规定的审批手 续。 本培养方案从2012级研究生开始执行。 审核:程昔武 weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 附件1: 会计学专业硕士研究生课程计划 总 周开课学期 课程 课程 学考核 任课教师所课 程 名 称 学 学备注 类别 代码 分 方式 在教学单位 1 2 3 4 5 时 时 外国语 研究生英语模块? 4 108 3 ? ? 考试 学院 按模 学位 中国特色社会主义 块选 公共课 0350061 2 36 2 ? 考试 思政部 经济理论 0271201 微观经济学 2 36 2 ? 考试 0391201 计量经济学 3 54 3 ? 考试 学位 计10 基础课 学分 0300001 管理学研究方法 2 36 2 ? 考试 0310004 会计理论研究 3 54 3 ? 考试 0280065 金融市场与金融工具 2 36 2 ? 考试 0311205 信息经济学 2 36 2 ? 考试 计10学0310003 成本与管理会计研究 2 36 2 ? 考试 分 专业 1学分0311204 审计理论研究 1 18 2 ? 考试 必修课 课程前 9周上0311201 风险管理与内部控制 1 18 2 ? 考试 完 0311202 公司财务 1 18 2 ? 考试 0311203 公司治理 1 18 2 ? 考试 资本市场会计问题研0311218 1 18 2 ? 考查 究 0311211 国际会计研究 1 18 2 ? 考查 0311227 管理学经典文献导读 1 18 2 ? 考查 0311206 财会审经典文献导读 1 18 2 ? 考查 至少选60311215 审计专题研究 1 18 2 ? 考查 学分,第专业 三学期课价值链管理与成本控选修课 0311213 1 18 2 ? 考查 前九周上制专题 完 0311217 行为财务学 1 18 2 ? 考查 0311215 统计软件分析方法 1 18 2 ? 考查 0311212 会计研究方法 1 18 2 ? 考查 0311216 实证财务研究 1 18 2 ? 考查 0311214 企业价值评估 1 18 2 ? 考查 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 由各培养单位申 任意 报,研究生处根据计4 ? ? 考查 选修课 需要在第2-3学期学分 统一开设 科研活动 2 科研与实 践活动 实践活动 2 weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 附件2: 会计学专业硕士研究生阅读书目 必读 书 目 名 称 作者、出版社、出版时间 备注 或选读 财务会计理论(第五版) (加)斯科特著,东北财经大学出版社,2011年 必读 读后感1篇 当代会计研究:综述与评论 S?P?科塔里等主编,中国人民大学出版社,2009年 必读 读后感1篇 (美)瓦茨著,陈少华等译,东北财经大学出版社,实证会计理论 必读 读后感1篇 2006年 (美)罗斯等著,吴世农等译,机械工业出版社,公司理财 必读 读后感1篇 2012年 财务会计与资本市场实证研究:重陆正飞等主编,中国人民大学出版社,2009年 必读 读后感1篇 点文献导读 实证会计理论的研究与进展:经典许家林等主编,中国人民大学出版社,2011年 必读 读后感1篇 文献赏析 公司财务实证研究:重点文献导读 陆正飞等主编,中国人民大学出版社,2011年 必读 读后感1篇 会计信息与证券投资实证研究:重陆正飞等主编,中国人民大学出版社,2008年 必读 读后感1篇 点文献导读 审计学:一种整合方法(第12阿伦斯等著,谢盛纹译,中国人民大学出版社,2009必读 读后感1篇 版) 年 (美)B?埃斯潘?埃克布著,杨丹等译,东北财经大公司财务实证研究 必读 读后感1篇 学出版社,2011年 现代西方会计理论 葛家澍,林志军著,厦门大学出版社,2011年 选读 制度、治理与会计——基于中国制 度背景的 李增泉、孙铮著,格致出版社,2009年 选读 实证会计研究 资本市场中的会计研究 占卫华著,中国金融出版社,2007年 选读 (英)布雷利等著,赵英军译著,机械工业出版社,公司财务原理 选读 2012年 家族企业:组织、行为与中国经济 李新春、张书军主编,格致出版社,2008年 选读 理查德?M?西尔特,詹姆斯?G?马奇著,李强译,企业行为理论(第二版) 选读 中国人民大学出版社,2008年 经验会计与财务研究基础 赵景文、杜兴强编著,厦门大学出版社,2009年 选读 经验会计与财务研究方法:原理、鲁桂华著,北京大学出版社,2007年 选读 应用及SAS实现 行为经济学讲义——演化论的视角 汪丁丁著,上海人民出版社,2011年 选读 (美)弗雷德里克?D?S?乔伊,加利?K?米克著, 国际会计学(第七版) 方红星等译,东北财经大学出版社,2012年 选读 资本市场会计研究导论 菲利普?布朗著,中国人民大学出版社,2004年 选读 省级国家出资人财务监管架构研究课题组著,西南财省级国家出资人财务监管架构研究 选读 经大学出版社,2011年 填制说明:1. 请注明参考书目阅读性质为必读或选读 2. 必读书目请在备注中注明学生应提交的读后感篇数 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has
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