

2018-04-12 14页 doc 158KB 16阅读




最省油的6款SUV车型最省油的6款SUV车型 雅虎汽车原创 SUV具有着出色的通过性以及优越的安全防护能力,因此一直是市场上非常受关注的产品系列。但传统意义上的SUV车型多半都来自美国市场或者应对的都是美国消费者的需求,因此,虽然具有空间大的优势,节油能力却表现平平,然而随着能源问题的日益突出,SUV也开始走上节油之路。那么,国内市场上热销的SUV中,谁更具有节油优势, 大众途观(车型 配置 图片 报价) 综合工况油耗 9.3L (L/100km) 国产途观(车型 配置 图片 报价)是在进口途观的基础上经过了上海大众本土适应性调整之后登场亮...
最省油的6款SUV车型 雅虎汽车原创 SUV具有着出色的通过性以及优越的安全防护能力,因此一直是市场上非常受关注的产品系列。但传统意义上的SUV车型多半都来自美国市场或者应对的都是美国消费者的需求,因此,虽然具有空间大的优势,节油能力却现平平,然而随着能源问题的日益突出,SUV也开始走上节油之路。那么,国内市场上热销的SUV中,谁更具有节油优势, 大众途观(车型 配置 图片 报价) 综合工况油耗 9.3L (L/100km) 国产途观(车型 配置 图片 报价)是在进口途观的基础上经过了上海大众本土适应性调整之后登场亮相的。国产后其车身尺寸为4525mm、1809mm、1685mm,其中车长增加了68mm。同时轴距也增加了80mm。特别是轴距的加长对后排乘客的舒适性提升带来了极大的帮助。当然,车身长度的改良并不会对原有车型的设计产生影响,设计师依旧保留了很多原汁原味的德系SUV风格,之上在视觉上能够保持传统。 官方价格:19.98,30.98万 上海大众-途观 车型 | 图库 | 配置 | 报价 内饰的设计依旧保留着大众传统的设计风格,造型简约但却保持精良做工。三幅式方向盘握感极佳,中控台设计低调但却充满质感。位于正中央的显示屏能够为你提供很多的行车设置,当然其控制和调节的方式也非常容易上手。不过,从审美的角度出发,现在的大众车型在内饰的设计上过于雷同,这让人们很难找出新意,多少会产生一些视觉疲劳。 在动力匹配方面,途观使用了上海大众最常用的两款发动机,不说您也知道,1.8TSI以及2.0TSI。但是与一汽大众目前匹配非常广泛的DSG变速箱不同,途观依旧使用的是6速手动或6速自动变速器。从使用的效果来说,除了在换挡过程中依旧会有短暂的迟滞,其实这款6速Tiptronic手自一体变速箱还是与TSI发动机匹配度较高的,毕竟这套动力总成已经在大众体系内使用了多年,可靠性较高。 途观的2.0L车型全部使用的是四驱系统,而1.8L车型则有两驱可供选择。在油耗方面,途观1.8L车型市区燃料消耗量13.3L /100km,市郊燃料消耗量7.5L/100km,综合燃料消耗量9.6L/00km;2.0L市区燃料消耗量12.8L /100km,市leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 郊燃料消耗量7.3L /100km,综合燃料消耗量9.3L/00km。需要指出的是2.0L发动机在市郊的燃油消耗比1.8L还要低,确实表现非同一般。 本田CR-V 综合工况油耗:10.03L(2.0L排量)、9.1L(2.4L排量) 在城市SUV的市场上,本田CRV(车型 配置 图片 报价)的地位恐怕无人能及。从05年上市至今,本田CRV(车型 配置 图片 报价)一直都是SUV销量排行上的领军人物。虽然随着市场上的车型越发丰富,销量有所下滑,但过去一直都以加价提车它绝对是市场上风云车型。 官方价格:18.98,26.28万 东风本田-本田CRV 车型 | 图库 | 配置 | 报价 本田CRV有着典型的日式含蓄造型设计。其车头具有层次感丰富的线条画处理,车身侧面则是饱满的车体轮廓,而在尾部则用圆润的线条过渡车体的棱角。难怪在途观出现之前,人们对于本田CRV有着浓厚的兴趣, 造型设计的领先决定了其市场上的号召力。而在内饰方面,CRV采用了双色搭配,黑色的稳重加上米黄色的温馨,是时下国内最为流行的内饰组合。内饰用料依然是本田一贯的风格——偏硬,好在整体做工不错,弥补了材质质感方面的不足。 本田CRV的轴距达到了2620mm,虽不算是出类拔萃,却也能够为后排来带较为理想的坐姿。得益于后排座椅的折叠式设计,CRV的后备箱空间能够从的524L容积扩充到955L,对于有着一般家庭出游需求的消费者来说足够用了。 至于动力方面,本田在国内并没有投产增压发动机,CRV上也依旧是2.0L和2.4L两款自然吸气发动机,并具有i-VTEC气门技术,能够提升发动机的动力输出以及改善燃油经济性。CRV同样提供四驱与两驱的动力形式,可选择6挡手动和5挡自动变速箱。至于油耗,2.0L综合油耗为10.03L,而2.4L则为9.1L。 ASX劲炫 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 综合工况油耗:8L 三菱ASX劲炫(车型 配置 图片 报价)采用了与师兄欧蓝德相同的平台系统,也就是三菱的Project Global mid-size platform(全球中级车平台)。虽然ASX的轴距与老大哥欧蓝德相同都为2670mm,但ASX车身尺寸显明小了一圈,为4295mm、1770mm、1625mm。ASX劲炫依旧有着三菱标志的家族脸谱,梯形进气格栅,犀利凌厉的三角大灯搭配相对低矮的车身,使其看上去个性十足。 官方价格:18.38,23.98万 三菱(进口)-三菱ASX劲 车型 | 图库 | 配置 | 报价 炫 内饰方面,ASX劲炫的设计较为保守,中控台的样式简单明了,镀铬装饰提升了车内的档次。但整体布局上来说稍显不足,特别是中控台上方的原装导航似乎并不能很好的贴合整体风格。不过,和传统的三菱越野车一样,在主驾驶席的设计上三菱还是体现出其人机工程上的优势,特别是在城市SUV中,ASX劲炫为数不多能够带有方向盘换挡拨片配置的车型。 ASX的空间表现非常不错,虽然车身尺寸缩小了一些,但轴距依旧和欧蓝德一样,因此它的后排空间表现非常出众。其实三菱希望这款车型能够更多满足那些女性消费者,因此才会出现轴距更大,但车身尺寸更小的城市SUV。 动力总成上ASX搭载一台代号为4B11的2.0L发动机,最大功率110Kw,峰值扭矩为197N.m,并匹配一台6速CTV变速箱。使用一台2.0L的发动机拖动一台不到1.5吨的ASX,这样的动力已经属于大马拉小车的配置等级,再加上三菱具备的CVT变速箱,除了运转平顺性上更有保障外,燃油经济性也是值得一提的。在工信部提供的燃油消耗上,ASX劲炫2.0L车型的综合油耗居然为8L。 现代ix35(车型 配置 图片 报价) 综合工况油耗:8.5L leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 过去,现代在国内市场上一直都依靠经济实惠的伊兰特(车型 配置 图片 报价)与悦动(车型 配置 图片 报价)来撑起整个场面,虽然也会有新款车型投入国内市场,但终究没有一款能够与ix35的魅力相抗衡。这款现代汽车全新设计的SUV车型有着明显的欧洲风格,前脸采用了六边形进气格栅,而流体化的线条布局,营造出一张凶悍犀利的面孔,同时车身侧面利用外凸的轮眉营造出力感十足的霸气留给人非常深刻的印象。 官方价格:16.98,24.28万 北京现代-现代ix35 车型 | 图库 | 配置 | 报价 ix35的内饰也很大程度上延续着外观设计的特点,整个中控台呈现出“X”造型,与束状出风口搭配的非常和谐,极富前卫感,并且个性的设计也没有影响其实用性的表现。配置方面ix35保持了现代一贯的高标准,标志性的全景天窗,无钥匙一键启动,座椅加热,定速巡航,DVD导航+倒车影像等一应俱全。虽然内饰用料上还需要提升,但至少总体上令人感到满意。 动力方面,现代为ix35选搭了两款不同排量的Theta II系列发动机,分别为2.0L和2.4L,两款机型都具备CVVT可变气门正时以及VIS可变进气歧管,变速箱则是5挡手动和6挡手自一体变速箱。从经济性方面来看,六速手自一体变速箱表现稳定运转平顺,而更重要的是,就是它让现代成为了全球第三家可以自己研发6速自动变速箱的厂家。 油耗表现上,根据工信部的油耗数据表明,ix35 2.0L车型市区燃料消耗量12L /100km左右,市郊燃料消耗量6.5L/100km左右,综合燃料消耗量8.5L/00km左右。而2.4L车型由于发动机排量增大,因此经济性表现一般。 Jeep指南者(车型 配置 图片 报价) 综合工况油耗:8.7L JEEP也能省油,如果只看过去的大切诺基(车型 配置 图片 报价)以及牧马人(车型 配置 图片 报价),问题的肯定是否定的。但随着全球能源需求的紧张程度一再加深,Jeep这样的传统高油耗代表也已经开始“从良”了。Jeep指南者(车型 配置 图片 报价)是在传统Jeep越野车型的基础上针对城市用户市场开发的一款车型,除了保留Jeep特有的越野通过性之外,更符合城市道路需求的一款产品。 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 官方价格:23.59,27.89万 吉普(进口)-指南者 车型 | 图库 | 配置 | 报价 新一代的指南者在造型上更偏向传统的Jeep造型,方正的体格,经典的九孔格栅,你怎么看都觉得这是一个缩小版的大切诺基(车型 配置 图片 报价)。其实除了造型上相似,内饰方面也与大切诺基保持了风格上相似。只不过为了能够凸显精致化路线,很多细节上都有调整。 新款Jeep指南者搭配的2.4升4缸发动机,搭载了双可变气门正时系统,拥有125千瓦的最大功率和220牛?米的最大扭矩。0-100km加速时间仅仅为11.3秒。配级领先的 CVT II第二代无级变速箱,综合工况下的油耗仅为8.7升/百公里,郊外工况更是低至7.1升/百公里。 当然,为了保持Jeep的传统性,指南者上还配备的Freedom-Drive 主动全时四驱系统,能够实现前后50:50的比例分配扭矩。只是由于指南者面对城市道路需求,因此并不具备绝对的越野能力,只是面对湿滑道路或者复杂路况时可以迅速脱离。 斯巴鲁新森林人(车型 配置 图片 报价) 综合工况油耗:8.2L 森林人(车型 配置 图片 报价)经过改款之后,摒弃了过去较为个性的设计,而现款车型则主要凸显时尚与休闲风格。新款森林人的车身尺寸为4560mm*1780mm*1700mm,属于标准的紧凑级SUV车型,而升级后的轴距也达到了2615mm,算是符合现在消费者对于后排空间的需求了。 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 官方价格:22.98,35.98万 斯巴鲁-森林人 车型 | 图库 | 配置 | 报价 森林人的内饰设计依旧非常的简单,借鉴了驰鹏(车型 配置 图片 报价)环保式车身设计的它多少还有些人性化的体现。多功能方向盘上的巡航定速、电话和音响,控制起来极为便利。各个按键手感很棒,找不到明显的瑕疵。更值得一提的是,它的天窗非常宽大,几乎是车顶总面积的一半。该车全系标配了ESP、上坡辅助、定速巡航、自动空调。 动力上,新款森林人使用三款发动机配置。分别是2.0L与2.5L自然吸气发动机,以及一款2.5L涡轮增压发动机。从产品的定位上来说,如果受到价格限制的话可以选择较低的2.0L车型,而追求运动则建议购买2.5L涡轮机型。而2.5升自然吸气发动机版本的森林人则就是介于两者之间的产品。2.5升自然吸气发动机配备了智能气门提升系统(i-actice valve lift system),这套系统比成熟的气门正时技术(vvt)要先进很多,效果也更好。 在安全保障方面,除了斯巴鲁特有的左右对称四轮全时驱动,能提供常规汽车难以实现的行驶稳定性和良好抓地力以外,全系车标配了车身动态控制系统(vdc);为了防止操作不当造成的事故,森林人还配置了刹车辅助,在坡道上起步即使油门没有跟上,车子也会自动保持稳定,不会往后溜滑。当然,6个安全气囊是最后的安全保障。 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and
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