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2017-11-11 38页 doc 86KB 65阅读




大脑皮质与皮层大脑皮质与皮层 大脑(Brain)包括左、右两个半球及连接两个半球的中间部分,即第三脑室前端的终板。大脑半球被覆灰质,称大脑皮质,其深方为白质,称为髓质。髓质内的灰质核团为基底神经节。在大脑两半球间由巨束纤维—相连。 具体内容有大脑半球各脑叶、大脑皮质功能定位、大脑半球深部结构、大脑半球内白质、嗅脑和边缘系统五大部分。 大脑半球表面凹凸不平,布满深浅不同的沟,沟间的隆凸部分称脑回。大脑半球的背侧面,各有一条斜向的沟,称为侧裂(lateral fissure)。侧裂的上方,约当半球的中心处,有一由上走向前下方的脑沟,称为中...
大脑皮质与皮层 大脑(Brain)包括左、右两个半球及连接两个半球的中间部分,即第三脑室前端的终板。大脑半球被覆灰质,称大脑皮质,其深方为白质,称为髓质。髓质内的灰质核团为基底神经节。在大脑两半球间由巨束纤维—相连。 具体内容有大脑半球各脑叶、大脑皮质功能定位、大脑半球深部结构、大脑半球内白质、嗅脑和边缘系统五大部分。 大脑半球面凹凸不平,布满深浅不同的沟,沟间的隆凸部分称脑回。大脑半球的背侧面,各有一条斜向的沟,称为侧裂(lateral fissure)。侧裂的上方,约当半球的中心处,有一由上走向前下方的脑沟,称为中心沟(central fissure)。每一半球又分为四个叶(lobe)。在中心沟之前与侧裂之上的部位,成为额叶(frontal lobe),为四个脑叶中之最大者,约占大脑半球的三分之一;侧裂以下的部位,称为颞叶(temporal lobe);中心沟之后与侧裂之上的部分,称为顶叶(parietal lobe);顶叶与颞叶之后,在小脑之上大脑后端的部分,称为枕叶(occipital lobe)。以上各脑叶,均向半球的内侧面和底面延伸,而在各脑叶区域内,各有许多小的脑沟,其中蕴藏着各种神经中枢,分担不同的任务,形成了大脑皮质的分区专司功能。 各叶的位置、结构和主要功能如下: 1、额叶:也叫前额叶。位于中心沟以前。在中心沟和中心前沟之间为中心前回。在其前方有额上沟和饿下沟,被两沟相间的是额上回、额中回和额下回。额下回的后部有外侧裂的升支和水平分支分为眶部、三角部 和盖部。额叶前端为额极。额叶底面有眶沟界出的直回和眶回,其最内方的深沟为嗅束沟,容纳嗅束和嗅球。嗅束向后分为内侧和外侧嗅纹,其分叉界出的三角区称为嗅三角,也称为前穿质,前部脑底动脉环的许多穿支血管由此入脑。在额叶的内侧面,中心前、后回延续的部分,称为旁中心小叶。负责思维、计划,与个体的需求和情感相关。 2、顶叶:位于中心沟之后,顶枕裂于枕前切迹连线之前。在中心沟和中心后沟之间为中心后回。横行的顶间沟将顶叶余部分为顶上小叶和顶下小叶。顶下小叶又包括缘上回和角回。响应疼痛、触摸、品尝、温度、压力的感觉,该区域也与数学和逻辑相关。 3、颞叶:位于外侧裂下方,由颞上、中、下三条沟分为颞上回、颞中回、颞下回。隐在外侧裂内的是颞横回。在颞叶的侧面和底面,在颞下沟和侧副裂间为梭状回,,侧副裂与海马裂之间为海马回,围绕海马裂前端的钩状部分称为海马钩回。负责处理听觉信息,也与记忆和情感有关。 4、枕叶位于枕顶裂和枕前切迹连线之后。在内侧面,,距状裂和顶枕裂之间为楔叶,与侧副裂候补之间为舌回。负责处理视觉信息。 5、岛叶:位于外侧裂的深方,其表面的斜行中心钩分为长回和短回。 6、边缘系统:与记忆有关,在行为方面与情感有关。 在正常情形之下,大脑两半球的功能是分工合作的,胼胝体是两半球信息交流的桥梁,完成各功能区的分工合作。 对大脑半球的功能,可归纳为以下几点熟悉: 大脑分左右两个半球,每一半球上分别有运动区、体觉区、视觉区、听觉区、联合区等神经中枢。由此可见,大脑两半球是对称的。 在神经传导的运作上,两半球相对的神经中枢,彼此配合,发生交叉作用:两 半球的运动区对身体部位的治理,是左右交叉、上下倒置的;两半球的视觉区与两眼的关系是:左半球视觉区治理两眼视网膜的左半,右半球视觉区治理两眼视网膜的右半;两半球的听觉区共同分担治理两耳传入的听觉信息。 两半球的联合区,分别发挥左右半球相关各区的联合功能。 在整个大脑功能上,两半球并不是各自独立的,两者之间仍具有交互作用;而交互作用的发挥,乃是靠胼胝体的连接,得以完成。 在正常情形之下,大脑两半球的功能是分工合作的,在两半球之间,由神经纤维构成的胼胝体,负责沟通两半球的信息。假如将胼胝体切断,大脑两半球被分割开来,各半球的功能陷入孤立,缺少相应的合作,在行为上会失去统合作用。 人类大脑的两半球,在功能划分上,大体上是左半球管右半身,右半球管左半身。每一半球的纵面,在功能上也有层次之分,上是上层管下肢,中层管躯干,下层管头部。如此形成上下倒置,左右分叉的微妙构造。在每一半球上,有各自分区为数个神经中枢,每一中枢各有其固定的区域,分区专司形成大脑分化而又统合的复杂功能。在区域的分布上,两半球并不完全相同:其中布氏语言区与威氏语言区,只分布在左脑半球,其他各区则两半球都有。 运动区(motor area) 运动区是治理身体运动的神经中枢,其部位在中心沟之前的皮质内, 身体内外所有随意肌的运动,均受此中枢的支配。运动中枢发出的神经冲动,呈左右交叉上下倒置的方式进行。 体觉区(somatosensory area) 体觉区是治理身体上各种感觉的神经中枢。身体上所有热觉、冷觉、压觉、触觉、痛觉等,均受此中枢的治理。体觉区位于顶叶的皮质内,隔中心沟与运动区相对。体觉区的功能与身体各部位的关系,也是上下颠倒与左右交叉的。 视觉区(visual area) 视觉区是治理视觉的神经中枢。视觉区位于两个半球枕叶的皮质内,交叉控制两只眼睛。由视神经通路(neural pathway)可以看出:每只眼球内视网膜(retina)的左半边,均经由视神经通路,与左半球的视觉区连接。这说明左半球的视觉区,同时控制左右两只眼睛。同样,右半球的视觉区也同时控制左右两只眼睛。视野(visual field)是指在眼不转头不摇的情形下目光所见及的广阔面;只有出现在视野之内的东西,才有可能看见。视网膜是光线刺激的感受器,其功用相当于照相用的软片。视神经(optic nerve)是传导视觉神经冲动的神经元。视交叉(optic chiasma)位于视丘之下,是视神经通路的交会点。视神经(optic tract)是两眼视神经冲动会合后通往视觉中枢的通路。 听觉区(auditory area) 听觉区是治理两耳听觉的神经中枢。位于两半球的外侧,属于颞叶的区域。每一半球的听觉区均与两耳的听觉神经连接,但与视觉区的特征又不相同。每一半球的听觉区,均具有治理两耳听觉的功能,其中一半球的 听觉区受到伤害时,对个体的听觉能力只有稍微的影响。 联合区(association area) 联合区是具有多种功能的神经中枢。在每一半球上均有两个联合区。其一是从额叶一直延伸到运动区的一大片区域,成为前联合区(frontal association area)。它的功能主要是于解决问题的记忆思考有关。其二是后联合区(posterior association area),分散在各主要感觉区四周。如:额叶的下部就与视觉区有关,此区域受伤会减低视觉的辨识力,对物体的不同外形,就不轻易辨识。 大脑皮质为中枢神经系统的最高级中枢,各皮质的功能复杂,不仅与躯体的各种感觉和运动有关,也与语言、文字等密切相关。根据大脑皮质的细胞成分、排列、构筑等特点,将皮质分为若干区。 现在按Brodmann提出的机能区定位简述如下: 皮质运动区:位于中心前回(4区),是支配对侧躯体随意运动的中枢。它主要接受来自对侧骨骼肌、肌腱和关节的本体感觉冲动,以感受身体的位置、姿势和运动感觉,并发出纤维,即锥体束控制对侧骨骼肌的随意运动。返回 皮质运动前区:位于中心前回之前(6区),为锥体外系皮质区。它发出纤维至丘脑、基底神经节、红核、黑质等。与联合运动和姿势动作协调有关,也具有植物神经皮质中枢的部分功能。 皮质眼球运动区:位于额叶的8枢和枕叶19区,为眼球运动同向注视中枢,治理两眼球同时向对侧注视。 皮质一般感觉区:位于中心后回(1、2、3区),接受身体对侧的痛、 温、触和本体感觉冲动,并形成相应的感觉。顶上小叶(5、7)为精细触觉和实体觉的皮质区。 额叶联合区:为额叶前部的9、10、11区,与智力和精神活动有密切关系。 视觉皮质区:在枕叶的距状裂上、下唇与楔叶、舌回的相邻区(17区)。每一侧的上述区域皮质都接受来自两眼对侧视野的视觉冲动,并形成视觉。返回 听觉皮区:位于颞横回中部(41、42区),又称Heschl氏回。每侧皮质均按来自双耳的听觉冲动产生听觉。 嗅觉皮质区:位于嗅区、钩回和海马回的前部(25、28、34)和35区的大部分)。每侧皮质均接受双侧嗅神经传入的冲动。 内脏皮质区:该区定位不太集中,主要分布在扣带回前部、颞叶前部、眶回后部、岛叶、海马及海马钩回等区域。 语言运用中枢:人类的语言及使用工具等非凡活动在一侧皮层上也有较集中的代表区(优势半球),也称为语言运用中枢。它们分别是:?运动语言中枢:位于额下回后部(44、45区,又称Broca区)。?听觉语言中枢:位于颞上回42、22区皮质,该区具有能够听到声音并将声音理解成语言的一系列过程的功能。?视觉语言中枢:位于顶下小叶的角回,即39区。该区具有理解看到的符号和文字意义的功能。?运用中枢:位于顶下小叶的缘上回,即40区。此区主管精细的协调功能。?书写中枢:位于额中回后部8、6区,即中心前回手区的前方。返回 大脑半球深部结构 基底神经节:基底神经节是大脑皮质下的一组神经细胞核团,它包括纹状体、杏仁核和屏状核(带状核)。 纹状体又包括尾状核、豆状核两部分。纹状体是丘脑锥体外系重经结构之一,是运动整合中枢的一部分。它主要接受大脑皮质、丘脑、丘脑底核和黑质的传入冲动,并与红核、网状结构等形成广泛的联系,以维持肌张力和肌肉活动的协调。 内囊:内囊位于豆状核、尾状核和丘脑之间,是大脑皮层与下级中枢之间联系的重要神经束的必经之路,形似宽厚的白质纤维带。内囊可分三部,额部称前肢,枕部称后肢,两部的汇合区为膝部。 大脑半球内的白质为有髓纤维所组成,也称为髓质。它分为三类。 连合系:即两侧大脑半球之间或两侧的其他结构之间的纤维束。主要的有3个 连合纤维:胼胝体、前连合、海马连合。 固有连合系:固有连合系为大脑半球同侧各部皮质之间互相联合的纤维。 投射系:投射系是指大脑皮质、基底神经节、间脑、脑干、脊髓等结构之间的连接纤维,如内囊的纤维,视放射的纤维等。 嗅脑:位于脑的底面,包括嗅球、嗅束和梨状皮质。 边缘系统:由皮质结构和皮质下结构两部分组成。皮质结构包括海马结构(海马和齿状回)、边缘叶(扣带回、海马回和海马回钩)、脑岛和额叶眶后部等。边缘系统不是一个独立的解剖学和功能性实体,它是治理着学习经验、整合新近与既往经验,同时为启动和调节种种行为和情感反应的复杂神经环路中重要的一部分。 转自cpo生理健康网 **本帖评分记录:水晶:+100(cell) 珍稀资源~惊世骇俗~10 >>> 2007-03-04 10:11 sea溅出的水花儿: 大脑皮质cerebral cortex是覆盖在大脑半球表面的灰质,也是中枢神经系发育最为复杂和完善的部位。据估计,人类大脑皮质约有26亿个神经细胞(Pakkenberg,1966),它们依照一定的规律分层排列并组成一个整体。原皮质(海马和齿状回)和旧皮质(嗅脑)为3层结构,新皮质基本为6层结构。大脑皮质的神经细胞可分为两类:?传出神经元(包括大锥体细胞、梭形细胞和大星状细胞;?联络神经元,包括小锥体细胞、短轴星状细胞、水平细胞和Martinotti细胞。 (2)大脑皮质的分区:大脑皮质的构筑虽以6层为基本型式,但各处并不完全相同,甚至有很大差别。为了便于进行形态研究和机能,学者们根据细胞构筑和神经纤维的配布对大脑皮质进行分区。各家分区的标准和数目很不一致,较常用的是Brodmann的52区,按此分区法,第I运动区为4区,第I感觉区为3,l,2区,第1视区为17区,听区为 41、42区。 (4)大脑皮质的机能定位:大量的实验和临床资料表明,随着大脑皮质的发育和分化,不同的皮质区具有不同的功能。一般,将这些具有一定功能的脑区称为“中枢”。必须指出,这些中枢只是治理某种功能的核心部分,皮质的相邻或其他部分也可有类似的功能。当某一中枢损伤后,其他有关脑区可在一定程度上代偿该项功能。因此,大脑皮质机能定位的概念是相对的。而且,除了一些具有特定功能的中枢外,还存在着广泛的脑区,它们不局限于某种功能,而是对各种信息进行加工和整合,完成更 高级的神经精神活动,称为联络区 1)第,躯体运动区:位于中心前回和中心旁小叶前部,包括Brodmann第4区和第6区。身体各部在此区的投影特点为:?上下颠倒,但头部是正的。中心前回最上部和中心旁小叶前部与下肢运动有关,中部与躯干和上肢的运动有关,下部与面、舌、咽、喉的运动有关。?左右交叉,即一侧运动区支配对侧肢体的运动。但一些与联合运动有关的 肌则受两侧运动区的支配,如面上部肌、眼球外肌、咽喉肌、咀嚼肌、呼吸肌和躯干、会阴肌,故在一侧运动区受损后这些肌不出现瘫痪。?身体各部投影区的大小与各部形体大小无关,而取决于功能的重要性和复杂程度。例如,手的代表区比足的大得多。第,躯体运动区接受中心后回、背侧丘脑腹前核、腹中间核和腹后外侧核的纤维,发出纤维组成锥体束,至脑干运动核和脊髓别角。 2)第1躯体感觉区:位于中心后回和中心旁小叶后部,包括3、l、2区。接受背侧丘脑腹后核传来的对侧半身痛、温、触、压以及位置党和运动党。身体各部在此区的投射特点是:?上下颠倒,但头部也是正的。中心旁小叶的后部与小腿和会阴部的感觉有关,中心后回的最下方与咽、舌的感觉有关。?左右交叉,一侧躯体感觉区治理对侧半身的感觉。?身体各部在该区投射范围的大小也与形体的大小无关,而取决于该部感觉的敏感程度。例如,手指和唇的感受器最密,在感觉区的投射范围就最大。 3)视区:位于枕叶内侧面距状沟两侧的皮质(17区)。一侧视区接受同侧视网膜颞侧半和对侧视网膜鼻侧半的纤维经外侧膝状体中继传来的视觉信息。损伤一侧视区,可引起双眼视野同向性偏盲。 4)听区:位于大脑外侧沟下壁的颞横回上(41、42区)。每侧听区接受自内侧膝状体传来的两耳听觉冲动。因此,一侧听区受损,不致引起全聋。 5)平衡觉区:在中心后回下端头面部代表区四周。 6)味觉区:可能位于中心后回下方的岛盖部。 7)嗅觉区:位于海马旁回的钩四周。 人类大脑皮质与动物的本质区别是能进行思维、意识等高级神经活动,并用语言进行表达。因此,人的大脑皮质还存在特有的语言中枢。一般认为,语言中枢在一侧半球发展起来,即善用右手(右利)者在左侧半球,善用左手(左利)者其语言中枢也在左侧半球,只有一部分人在右侧半球。故左半球被认为是语言区的“优势半球”。临床观察证实,90,以上的失语症都是左侧大脑半球受损伤的结果。语言区包括说话、听话、书写和阅读4个区。 8)运动性语言中枢:位于额下回的后部(44、45区),又称Broca区。此区受损,产生运动性失语症,即丧失了说话能力,但仍能发音。 9)听觉性语言中枢:位于颞上回后部(22区)。此区受损,患者虽听觉正常,但听不懂别人讲话的意思,也不能理解自己讲话的意义,称感觉性失语症。 10)书写中枢:位于额中回后部(8区),靠近中心前回的上肢代表区。此区受损,虽然手的运动正常,但不能写出正确的文字,称失写症。 11)视觉性语言中枢:位于角回(39区),靠近视区。此区受损时,视觉正常,但不能理解文字 >>> 2007-05-03 22:23 sea溅出的水花儿: 这都是网上能找到的, 其他的还有一些功能区没有解释,如BA43、BA47、BA23,38等等。不知 哪位有更为详尽的解释。 另外,请问Sub-lobar翻译成什么最合适。 >>> 2007-05-03 22:28 sea溅出的水花儿: Brodmann%26;s area 1 Sensory cortical area in the crest of the postcentral gyrus; this area is a component of the primary somatosensory cortex. Location: anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus) Function: processes somatic sensory sensations See Also: Central sulcus Parietal lobe Paracentral lobule Primary somatic sensory cortex Brodmann%26;s area 2 Brodmann%26;s area 3 Brodmann%26;s area 2 Sensory cortical area in the crest and posterior bank of the postcentral gyrus; this area is a component of the primary somatosensory cortex. Location: anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus) Function: processes somatic sensory sensations See Also: Central sulcus Parietal lobe Paracentral lobule Primary somatic sensory cortex Brodmann%26;s area 3 Brodmann%26;s area 1 Brodmann%26;s area 3 Sensory cortical area in the posterior bank of the central sulcus (postcentral gyrus); this area is a principal component of the primary somatosensory cortex. Area 3 is further subdivided into area 3a, which receives proprioceptive signals that originate in deep receptors, and area 3b, which receives discriminitive mechanosensory signals that arise from cutaneous receptors. Location: anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus) Function: processes somatic sensory sensations See Also: Central sulcus Parietal lobe Paracentral lobule Primary somatic sensory cortex Brodmann%26;s area 2 Brodmann%26;s area 1 Brodmann%26;s area 4 Motor cortical area in the anterior bank of the central sulcus (precentral gyrus); this area corresponds to the primary motor cortex, which governs the execution of volitional movement. Location: posterior frontal lobe (precentral gyrus) Function: involved in motor execution See Also: Precentral gyrus Primary motor cortex Central sulcus Thalamus, ventral lateral nucleus Premotor cortex Brodmann%26;s area 5 Associational cortical area in the superior parietal lobe, just posterior to the somatosensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus; this area is involved in maintaining a spatial reference system for goal oriented behavior. Location: superior parietal lobe Function: involved in spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functions See Also: Parietal lobe Somatic sensory cortex Postcentral gyrus Brodmann%26;s area 7 Superior parietal lobule Brodmann%26;s area 6 Motor cortical area in the posterior frontal lobe just anterior to the primary motor cortex; this area contains the lateral and medial divisions of the premotor cortex that participate in the planning and execution of volitional movement. Location: posterior frontal lobe Function: involved in motor planning and execution See Also: Frontal lobe Premotor cortex Primary motor cortex Brodmann%26;s area 7 Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the superior parietal lobe; this area is involved in maintaining a spatial reference system for goal oriented behavior. Location: superior parietal lobe Function: involved in spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functions See Also: Parietal lobe Somatic sensory cortex Postcentral gyrus Brodmann%26;s area 5 Superior parietal lobule Brodmann%26;s area 8 Motor cortical area in the dorsal-lateral prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area contains the frontal eye fields, which participate (together with the superior colliculus) in the control of saccadic eye movements. Location: frontal lobe Function: involved in governance of eye movements (contains frontal eye fields) See Also: Frontal lobe Superior colliculus Brodmann%26;s area 9 Associational cortical area in the dorsal-lateral prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: frontal lobe Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Brodmann%26;s area 10 Associational cortical area in the anterior-polar prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: frontal pole Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Brodmann%26;s area 11 Associational cortical area in the orbital-medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: ventral frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Orbitofrontal cortex Brodmann%26;s area 12 Associational cortical area in the orbital-medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Orbitofrontal cortex Brodmann%26;s area 13 Associational cortical area in the insula. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: insula Function: associational cortex See Also: Insula Brodmann%26;s area 14 Associational cortical area in the insula. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: insula Function: associational cortex See Also: Insula Brodmann%26;s area 15 Associational cortical area in the insula. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: insula Function: associational cortex See Also: Insula Brodmann%26;s area 16 Associational cortical area in the insula. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: insula Function: associational cortex See Also: Insula Brodmann%26;s area 17 Sensory cortical area in the banks of the calcarine sulcus (lingual and cuneus gyral formations of the medial occipital lobe); this area corresponds to the primary visual cortex (also known as striate cortex). Location: medial occipital lobe Function: processes visual information See Also: Occipital lobe Calcarine sulcus Primary visual cortex Cuneus Lingual gyrus Brodmann%26;s area 18 Sensory cortical area in the medial and lateral aspect of the occipital lobe; this area is part of the extrastriate visual cortex that surrounds the primary visual cortex (area 17 is also known as striate cortex). Location: occipital lobe Function: processes visual information See Also: Occipital lobe Primary visual cortex Brodmann%26;s area 19 Sensory cortical area in the medial and lateral aspect of the occipital lobe; this area is part of the extrastriate visual cortex that surrounds the primary visual cortex (area 17 is also known as striate cortex). Location: occipital lobe Function: processes visual information See Also: Occipital lobe Primary visual cortex Brodmann%26;s area 20 Associational cortical area in the inferior temporal gyrus; this area participates in the analysis of visual form and the representation of objects. Location: ventral temporal lobe (inferior temporal gyrus) Function: processes visual information See Also: Temporal lobe Inferior temporal gyrus Brodmann%26;s area 21 Associational cortical area in the middle temporal gyrus; this area participates in the analysis of visual signals related to object form and motion. Location: lateral temporal lobe (middle temporal gyrus) Function: involved in processing visual information, among other temporal associational functions See Also: Temporal lobe Middle temporal gyrus Brodmann%26;s area 22 Associational cortical area in the lateral aspect of the superior temporal gyrus; this area participates in the analysis of auditory signals and the reception of language (this area is a major component of Wernicke%26;s area). Location: lateral temporal lobe (superior temporal gyrus) Function: involved in auditory processing and language reception See Also: Temporal lobe Superior temporal gyrus Wernicke%26;s area Brodmann%26;s area 23 Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the cingulate gyrus; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate gyrus) Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Brodmann%26;s area 24 Associational cortical area in the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system that is involved in emotional processing, the control of facial expressions and the affective dimensions of pain. Location: medial frontal lobe (anterior cingulate gyrus) Function: involved in emotional and cognitive processing See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Brodmann%26;s area 25 Associational cortical area in the medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that governs personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Subcallosal area Brodmann%26;s area 26 Associational cortical area in the transitional region between the posterior cingulate gyrus and the medial temporal lobe; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate gyrus) Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Temporal lobe >>> 2007-05-03 22:48 sea溅出的水花儿: Brodmann%26;s area 27 Associational cortical area in the medial temporal lobe; this area corresponds to Ammon%26;s horn division of the hippocampal formation, which is subdivided into (cornu ammonis) fields, CA1-CA4. Together with the other parts of the hippocampal formation in the medial temporal lobe, the hippocampus proper is involved in short-term declarative memory processes. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: medial temporal lobe: hippocampal formation Function: hippocampal formation: short-term declarative memory See Also: Temporal lobe Hippocampal formation Hippocampus CA1 CA3 Brodmann%26;s area 28 Associational and sensory cortical area in the anterior-medial temporal lobe. This area is part of the olfactory cortex; it also is a component of the entorhinal division of the hippocampal formation. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: involved in olfaction and hippocampal processing See Also: Temporal lobe Entorhinal cortex Primary olfactory cortex Brodmann%26;s area 29 Associational cortical area in the transitional region between the posterior cingulate gyrus and the medial temporal lobe; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate gyrus) Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Temporal lobe Parietal lobe Brodmann%26;s area 30 Associational cortical area in the transitional region between the posterior cingulate gyrus and the medial temporal lobe; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Temporal lobe Brodmann%26;s area 31 Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the cingulate gyrus and the posterior banks of the cingulate sulcus; the cingulate part of this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial parietal lobe Function: participates in limbic and parietal associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Brodmann%26;s area 32 Associational cortical area in the medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that governs personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: involved in emotional and cognitive processing See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Brodmann%26;s area 33 Associational cortical area in the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus just dorsal to the corpus callosum; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system that is involved in emotional processing and the affective dimensions of pain, among other functions. Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: involved in emotional and cognitive processing See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Corpus callosum Brodmann%26;s area 34 Associational and sensory cortical area in the anterior-medial temporal lobe; this area is a principal division of the olfactory cortex; it also is a component of the entorhinal division of the hippocampal formation. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: involved in olfaction and hippocampal processing See Also: Temporal lobe Entorhinal cortex Primary olfactory cortex Brodmann%26;s area 35 Associational cortical area in the medial temporal lobe near the position of the rhinal sulcus; this area (also known as the perirhinal cortex) is a component of the hippocampal formation. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: participates in hippocampal associational functions See Also: Temporal lobe Rhinal sulcus Hippocampal formation Parahippocampal gyrus Brodmann%26;s area 36 Associational cortical area in the medial temporal lobe; this area lies at the interface of visual processing systems in the inferior temporal lobe and semantic memory systems in the medial temporal lobe. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: involved in visual and hippocampal associational functions See Also: Temporal lobe Hippocampal formation Brodmann%26;s area 37 Associational cortical area in the temporal lobe that extends from the medial to lateral sides of this lobe; this area participates in the analysis of visual form, motion, and the representation of objects. Location: posterior temporal lobe Function: involved in visual recognition See Also: Temporal lobe Brodmann%26;s area 38 Associational cortical area in the anterior pole of the temporal lobe; this temporal area is related to networks in the amygdala and orbital prefrontal cortex that govern personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: temporal pole Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Temporal lobe Temporal pole Amygdala Orbitofrontal cortex Brodmann%26;s area 39 Associational cortical area in the angular gyrus at the interface between the posterior parietal and occipital lobes. Location: lateral junction of temporal, parietal and occipital lobes Function: involved in processing language, spatial orientation and semantic representation See Also: Angular gyrus Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Inferior parietal lobule Brodmann%26;s area 40 Associational cortical area in the inferior parietal lobe, including the supramarginal gyrus. Location: inferior parietal lobe Function: involved in spatial orientation and semantic representation See Also: Parietal lobe Supramarginal gyrus Inferior parietal lobule Brodmann%26;s area 41 Sensory cortical area in the superior aspect of the temporal lobe (located in a series of transverse gyri, called Heschl%26;s gyri, that form the inferior bank of the lateral fissure); this area corresponds to the primary auditory cortex. Location: superior temporal lobe Function: processes auditory information See Also: Temporal lobe Superior temporal gyrus Primary auditory cortex Lateral fissure Brodmann%26;s area 42 Sensory cortical area in the superior aspect of the temporal lobe and the dorsal-lateral margin of the superior temporal gyrus; this area is part of a belt of higher-order auditory areas that surround the primary auditory cortex (area 41). Location: superior temporal lobe Function: processes auditory information See Also: Temporal lobe Superior temporal gyrus Primary auditory cortex Lateral fissure Brodmann%26;s area 43 Sensorimotor cortical area in the inferior margin of the postcentral and precentral gyri where the frontal-parietal operculum merges with the insula just below the inferior termination of the central sulcus; this area may participate in the sensorimotor representation of the mouth and taste reception. Location: junction of insula, frontal and parietal lobes Function: involved in sensorimotor representation and taste processing See Also: Postcentral gyrus Precentral gyrus Insula Central sulcus Brodmann%26;s area 44 Motor cortical area in the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus; this division of the lateral premotor cortex is involved in the production of language, especially in the left hemisphere (also known as Broca%26;s area). Location: inferior frontal lobe (inferior frontal gyrus) Function: involved in language production See Also: Inferior frontal gyrus Brodmann%26;s area 45 Broca%26;s area Premotor cortex Inferior frontal gyrus, pars opercularis Inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularis Brodmann%26;s area 45 Associational cortical area in the anterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus; the posterior part of this area may contribute (with area 44) to the production of language (Broca%26;s area), while other circuits in this area participate in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: inferior frontal lobe (inferior frontal gyrus) Function: involved in language production and participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Inferior frontal gyrus Brodmann%26;s area 44 Broca%26;s area Premotor cortex Inferior frontal gyrus, pars orbitalis Brodmann%26;s area 46 Associational cortical area in the middle frontal gyrus and anterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: lateral frontal lobe (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Inferior frontal gyrus Middle frontal gyrus Prefrontal cortex Brodmann%26;s area 47 Associational cortical area in the anterior-ventral part of the inferior frontal gyrus; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: inferior frontal lobe (inferior frontal gyrus) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Inferior frontal gyrus Prefrontal cortex 以上来自sylvius。 >>> 2007-05-03 22:58 sea溅出的水花儿: A Brodmann area is a region in the brain cortex defined in many different species based on its cytoarchitecture. Cytoarchitecture is the organization of the cortex as observed when a tissue is stained for nerve cells. Brodmann areas were originally defined by Korbinian Brodmann and referred to by numbers from 1 to 52. Some of the original areas have been subdivided further and referred to, e.g., as 23a and 23b. The same number in different species does not necessarily represent structurally homologous areas. CriticismWhen von Bonin and Bailey were to construct a brain map for the macaque monkey they found the description of Brodmann inadequate and wrote: Brodmann (1907), it is true, prepared a map of the human brain which has been widely reproduced, but, unfortunately, the data on which it was based was never published[1] They instead used the cytoarchitechtonic scheme of Economo and Koskinas published in 1925 which had the only acceptable detailed description of the human cortex. Brodmann areas for human beings:1, 2 %26 3 - Somatosensory Cortex (frequently referred to as Areas 3, 1, 2 by convention) 4 - Primary Motor Cortex 5 - Somatosensory Association Cortex 6 - Pre-Motor and Supplementary Motor Cortex 7 - Somatosensory Association Cortex 8 - Includes Frontal Eye Field 9 - Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 10 - Frontopolar area (most rostral part of superior and middle frontal gyri) 11 - Orbitofrontal area (orbital and rectus gyri, plus part of the rostral part of the superior frontal gyrus) 12 - Orbitofrontal area (used to be part of BA11, refers to the area between the superior frontal gyrus and the inferior rostral sulcus) 13 - Insular cortex 17 - Primary Visual Cortex 18 - Visual Association Cortex 19 - Visual Association Cortex 20 - Inferior Temporal gyrus 21 - Middle Temporal gyrus 22 - Superior Temporal Gyrus, of which the rostral part participates to Wernicke%26;s area 23 - Ventral Posterior cingulate cortex 24 - Ventral Anterior cingulate cortex 25 - Subgenual cortex 26 - Ectosplenial area 28 - Posterior Entorhinal Cortex 29 - Retrosplenial cingular cortex 30 - Part of cingular cortex 31 - Dorsal Posterior cingular cortex 32 - Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex 34 - Anterior Entorhinal Cortex (on the Parahippocampal gyrus) 35 - Perirhinal Cortex (on the Parahippocampal gyrus) 36 - Parahippocampal cortex (on the Parahippocampal gyrus) 37 - Fusiform gyrus 38 - Temporopolar area (most rostral part of the superior and middle temporal gyri 39 - Angular gyrus, part of Wernicke%26;s area 40 - Supramarginal gyrus part of Wernicke%26;s area 41 %26 42 - Primary and Auditory Association Cortex 43 - Subcentral area (between insula and post/precentral gyrus) 44 - pars triangularis, part of Broca%26;s area 45 - pars opercularis Broca%26;s area 46 - Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 47 - Inferior prefrontal gyrus 48 - Retrosubicular area (a small part of the medial surface of the temporal lobe) 52 - Parainsular area (at the junction of the temporal lobe and the insula) [ 此贴被sea在2007-05-03 23:44重新编辑 ] >>> 2007-05-03 23:06 wonder溅出的水花儿: Quote:引用第2 楼sea于2007-05-03 22:28发表的 : 这都是网上能找到的,其 他的还有一些功能区没有解释,如BA43、BA47、BA23,38等等。不知哪 位有更为详尽的解释。 另外,请问Sub-lobar翻译成什么最合适。 sub,lobar应该是小叶的意思,如顶上小叶。
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