

2017-09-01 23页 doc 109KB 7阅读




西安到武当山旅游攻略西安到武当山旅游攻略 D1: 早6:30驱车前往道观仙山—武当山(350公里左右,行车约4.5小时左右), 抵达后参观三十六岩中风景最优美的——南岩宫(游览时间1.5小时左 右);祈愿龙头大香、两仪殿内求得父母健康长寿、天乙真庆宫内石门石屋 石梁枋、太子卧龙床、打金钟得吉祥、《卧虎藏龙》外景地飞升崖上,看虔 诚信徒朝山的神道蜿蜒如长蛇匍匐于神山之上,南岩是真武得道飞升之 地;游览武当山保存最完整的宫殿也是武当山最大的道场紫霄宫(游览 时间40分钟左右)。 晚餐 十堰 D2: 早餐后乘景区环保车赴琼台(时间40分钟...
西安到武当山旅游攻略 D1: 早6:30驱车前往道观仙山—武当山(350公里左右,行车约4.5小时左右), 抵达后参观三十六岩中风景最优美的——南岩宫(游览时间1.5小时左 右);祈愿龙头大香、两仪殿内求得父母健康长寿、天乙真庆宫内石门石屋 石梁枋、太子卧龙床、打金钟得吉祥、《卧虎藏龙》外景地飞升崖上,看虔 诚信徒朝山的神道蜿蜒如长蛇匍匐于神山之上,南岩是真武得道飞升之 地;游览武当山保存最完整的宫殿也是武当山最大的道场紫霄宫(游览 时间40分钟左右)。 晚餐 十堰 D2: 早餐后乘景区环保车赴琼台(时间40分钟左右)乘索道上山(自理95,用时25分钟左右),或徒步上山(2-3个小时)抵观景台,参观皇经堂 太和宫,高山之颠的紫金城、爬九连登、到达海拔1612米的天柱峰,参观中国最大的、保存最好的、铸造于明永乐年间的铜铸镏金的道教著名殿堂——金殿,朝拜玄天上帝——真武大帝(游览时间60分钟左右),参观父母殿、转运殿祈福转运。后游“海市蜃楼”太子坡古建筑群“四绝”:参观九曲黄河墙,一里四道门,十里桂花香,一柱十二梁(游览时间30分钟左右); 早晚餐 十堰 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 D3: 早餐后驱车前往(行车1.5小时)襄樊古隆中景区,历史上著名的刘备三顾茅庐的史事和兴汉蓝图“隆中对策”都发生在这里。游览诸葛草庐、武侯祠、古柏亭、抱膝亭、躬耕田、小虹古桥、六角井等。之后乘车赴丹江(约2个小时)丹江口,亚洲天池---南水北调中线工程源头取水处,远观:丹江大坝,乘船游库区小太平洋,参观结束后返西安(400公里左右,行车5小时左右)。结束愉快自驾之旅,回到温馨的家。 报价 810元/人(成人) 360元/人(儿童) 接待 1、住宿:挂牌四星酒店双人标准间; 2、特色膳食:2早2正餐(高标准膳食); 3、门票:所列景点首道门票;(不含景区索道费用) 4、保险:游客意外险及旅行社责任险; 5、服务:全程引导车服务;地方导游讲解服务; 6、交通:自备车 备注 1、车辆所产生的费用自理(油费、过路桥费、修理费)(备注:车辆过路桥费约300元/台油费约450元/台左右,按1.8排量计); 2、儿童为12周岁以下,身高1.4米以下,其费用含:膳食、门票、保险;4岁以下儿童免费; 3、里程简介:西安/武当山350公里;武当山/十堰33公里;十堰/古隆中200公里左右;古隆中/西安400公里左右。 武当山介绍 武当山,又名太和山,谢罗山,参上山,仙室山,古有“太岳”、“玄岳”、“大岳”之称。位于湖北省西北部的十堰市丹江口境内, 属大巴山东段。西界堵河,东界南河,北界汉江,南界军店河、马南河,背倚苍茫千里的神农架原始森林,面临碧波万顷的丹江口水库(中国南水北调中线工程取水源头),是联合国公布的世界文化遗产地,是中国国家重点风景名胜区、道教名山和武当拳发源地。 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 简介 武当山[3]?,位于湖北省丹江口市西南部,是我国著名的道教圣地之一。景区面积古称“方圆八百里”,现有312平方千米。东接历史名城襄樊市,西靠车城十堰市,南依原始森林神农架林区,北临大型人工淡水湖丹江口水库。武当山不仅拥有奇特绚丽的自然景观,而且拥有丰富多彩的人文景观。可以说,武当山无与伦比的美,是自然美与人文美高度和谐的统一,因此被誉为“亘古无双胜境,天下第一仙山”。武当山,作为国家重点风景名胜区、4A级旅游区、全国武术之乡、全国八大避暑胜地之一, [空中鸟瞰武当山太和宫就像一只龟] 空中鸟瞰武当山太和宫就像一只龟 其古建筑群被列入《世界文化遗产名录》,并先后荣获“全国文明风景名胜区”称号和“全国文明风景旅游区示范点”称号。 2009年,武当山入选中国世界纪录协会中国道教第一山。 武当山高峰林立,天柱峰海拔1612米。武当山山体四周低下,中央呈块状突起,多由古生代千枚岩)板岩和片岩构成,局部有花岗岩。岩层节理发育,并有沿旧断层线不断上升的迹象,形成许多悬崖峭壁的断层崖地貌。山地两侧多陷落盆地,如房县盆地)郧县盆地等。气候温暖湿润,年降水量 900,1200毫米,多集中夏季,为湖北省暴雨中心之一。原生植被属北亚热带常绿阔叶)落叶阔叶混合林,次生林为针阔混交林和针叶林,主要有松)杉)桦 )栎等。药用植物有400多种,产曼陀罗花)金钗)王龙芝)猴结)九仙子)天麻)田七等名贵药材。 武当山有七十二峰)三十六岩)二十四涧)十一洞)三潭)九泉)十池)九井)十石)九台等胜景,风景名胜区以天柱峰为中心有上)下十八盘等险道及“七十二峰朝大顶”和“金殿叠影”等 。 武当山,是著名的山岳风景旅游胜地。胜景有箭镞林立的72峰、绝壁深悬的36岩、激湍飞流的 24涧、云腾雾蒸的11洞、玄妙奇特的10石9台等。主峰天柱峰,海拔1612米,被誉为“一柱擎天”,四周群峰向主峰倾斜,形成“万山来朝”的奇观。武当山的药用植物丰富,在《本草纲目》记载的1800多种中草药中,武当山就有 400多种。据1985年药用植物普查结果,已知全山有药材617种,因此,武当山有“天然药库”之称。 武当山古建筑群规模宏大,气势雄伟。据统计,唐至清代共建庙宇500多处,庙房20000余间,明代达到鼎盛,历代皇帝都把武当山道场作为皇室家庙来修建。明永乐年间,大建武当,史有“北建故宫,南建武当”之说,共建成9宫、9观、36庵堂、72岩庙、39桥、12亭等33座道教建筑群,面积达160万平方米。明嘉靖三十一年(1552年)又进行扩建,形成“五里一庵十里宫,丹墙翠瓦望玲珑。楼台隐映金银气,林岫回环画镜中”的建筑奇观,达到“仙山琼阁”的意境。现存较完好的古建筑有129处,庙房1182间,犹如我国古代建筑成就的展览。金殿、紫霄宫、“治世玄岳”石牌坊、南岩宫、玉虚宫遗址分别于1961年、1982年、1988年、1996年、2001年被列为国家重点文物保护单位。除古建筑外,武当山尚存珍贵文物7400多件,尤以道教文物著称于世,故被誉为“道教文物宝库”。 武当武术,又称“内家拳”,源远流长,玄妙飘灵,是中国武术的一大流派,素有“北崇少林,南尊武当”之说。它以静制动,以柔克刚,炼气凝神,刚柔相济,内外兼修,是极好的健身养性之术。富有神韵的武当道教音乐,具有中庸、委婉和庄重、典雅的特点,与武 - determination of calibration should be parallel 3?nts: order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following poi 1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In-1 mol • L-1-ge of 0.01 mol • Lon ranolution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentratity of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard squantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quali 1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both-on is about 0.1mol • L1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentrati-aration of 0.1mol • Lo determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the prepItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) t2ingent. The "quantity" conceptfigures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stricant on concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several signifric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solutirochlothe original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydnd preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, tion aion are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparace, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentratbalanof calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process aduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be gr-and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of Lacid s of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration withmulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrationy accuck solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too man, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stoettesthe best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pip t be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size,uce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should no in order to red?4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. 当武术同享盛名。武当传说故事、民歌、民俗风情等丰富多彩,异彩纷呈。 《飞狐外传》写到了武当派的威名,武当为内家拳剑之主。《倚天屠龙记》中,少年张三丰在武当山创立门派,最后成为中国 武术史上的不世奇才,金庸把这一回题拟为武当山顶松柏长,就是比喻张三丰开创的武当基业。 武当山神奇的自然景观和丰富的人文景观融为一体,其物华天宝又兼具人杰地灵的特质给世人留下极大的想像空间。作为中华民族大好河山的一块瑰宝,令世人神往,让我们走进钟灵毓秀、自然天成的武当山,去感悟她的玄妙、空灵和神韵„„ 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 历史简介 武当地名源于先秦,汉袭秦制设武当县。武当山是真武大帝的道场,武当山上的武当派也是中国古代有名的教派之一。 武当山历史地位的变迁:"武当"之名最早出现在《汉书》中,汉末至魏晋隋唐时期,是求仙学道者的栖隐之地.至宋代,道经始将传说中的真武神与武当山联系起来,将武当山附会成真武的出生地和飞升处,为它以后的显荣尊贵打下了基础,入明以后,由于统治者对真武的尊崇,武当山被封为"太岳"、"玄岳",成为"天下第一名山".清以后, 武当山的地位大为下降,它对周边地区和区域社会的影响,主要通过朝山进香等民俗活动来体现。 华中理工大学建筑系教授张良皋先生在《中国建筑宏观设计的顶峰--武当山道教建筑群》一文中说:"明朝称武当为'太岳',名位在五岳之上„„我们若试将武当山的建筑与五岳之首的泰山相比,泰山尽管历史悠久,建筑却非一气呵成,在总体上就先逊一筹。泰山的岱宗坊比之武当山玄岳门,东岳庙比之玉虚宫,碧霞元君祠比之紫霄宫,南天门比之太和宫,玉皇顶比之金顶,亦都要输分。其余四岳,远让泰山,更难与武当颉颃。" 武当山被世人尊称为“仙山”、“道山”。《太和山志》记载“武当”的含义源于“非真 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 南岩 武不足当之”,意谓武当乃中国道教敬奉的“玄天真武大帝”(亦称真武帝)的发迹圣地。因此,千百年来,武当山作为道教福地、神仙居所而名扬天下。历朝历代慕名朝山进香、隐居修道者不计其数,相传东周尹喜,汉时马明生、阴长生,魏晋南北朝陶弘景、谢允,唐朝姚简、孙思邈、吕洞宾,五代时陈抟,宋时胡道玄,元时叶希真、刘道明、张守清均在此修炼。 武当山之盛名,还得益于它远离繁华喧嚣的宁静、清秀和奇异的风光。登上海拔1612米的主峰 “天柱峰”,置身云端,所有尘世烦忧尽消于足下。环顾四周,七十二峰凌耸九霄,且都俯身颔首,朝向主峰,宛如众星捧月,俨然“万山来朝”。元人有诗曰: “七十二峰接天青,二十四涧水长鸣。”武当山天柱峰一带,山高谷深,溪涧纵横,身入其境,会有俗念顿消的出世之感。 武当山的宫观、道院、亭台、楼阁等宏伟的古建筑群,遍布峰峦幽壑,历经千年,沐风雨而不蚀,迎雷电竟未损,似是岁月无痕,堪称人间奇绝。 武当道乐“戛玉撞金,鸣丝吹竹,飘飘云端”,但凡亲耳聆听者皆肃然起敬,尊之为“仙乐”、“梵音”。 武当山武术以“内家功夫”而著称,是中国武术中与少林齐名的重要流派,誉为“北崇少林、南尊武当。”传说有的道士曾练成在万丈悬崖上步履如飞的功夫,其卓绝处令人景仰。 武当山以天机生化的旨趣和透脱通达的胸怀,将山的雄奇与妩媚,水的流荡与静谧,雾的生腾与凄婉,人生意态的高远与宽阔,在中原腹地凝聚成一种奇特的人文景观,千百年来,令游子心荡神迷,令神仙留连忘返„„ 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 道教起源 在北宋尚未出现玄武神话以前,[2]武当山已经成为道教的名山。武当山的名称在后汉时 3 (126-221)已有之。《后汉书》记载有朱穆隐居于武当山。 南北朝时(386-582)郦道元(,-527)撰《水经注》,记载武当山又名太和山、参上山、仙室、谢罗山等。 道教称仙人所居的地方为洞天福地,共有十大洞天,三十六洞天,七十二福地。唐代著名道士司马承祯(647-735)编的《洞天福地》尚未把武当山列入其中。 到了杜光庭(850-933)在901年编《洞天福地岳渎名山记》则将武当山列入七十二福地中的第九福地。 由此可见最迟在第九世纪末,十世纪初,武当山已经成为道教的圣地之一了。 宋代以前有关武当山的文献并不多见。除了上面已经提到的《后汉书》、《水经注》和《洞天福地岳渎名山记》外,另有唐代李吉甫(758-814)撰《元和郡县图志》, 都没有提到玄武。在北宋初期李昉(925-996)编《太平御览》卷四十三「武当山」条,引用的有《武当山记》、《南雍州记》、《阴君内传》,《甄异传》,记载历代在武当山修道成仙者有尹喜、阴长生、戴生、谢允等人,未提及玄武事迹。 乐史(925-1002)撰《太平寰宇记》卷一百四十三「武当山」条也没有关于玄武的记载。 此可以作为北宋初期人们尚未把武当山与玄武牵上关系的左证。 武当山成为祀奉玄武的圣地应该是在《元始天尊说北方真武妙经》出现以后。宋徽宗宣和年间(1119-1125)在武当山大顶之北创建紫霄宫祭祀玄武, 可能是武当山上首座以祭祀玄武为主的 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 天柱峰金殿 宫观。到了南宋,玄武的信仰已经非常普遍,玄武修道武当山的传说已经深入民心。董素皇的《玄帝实录》对太和山,即武当山有较详细的描述,说明了武当山的地理位置是在海外,位于翼轸二星的下方。而且增加了玉清圣祖紫元君传授玄武道法,命他到武当山修行的情节。《玄帝实录》记载:「王子(玄武)十五岁辞父母,离宫寻访幽谷。于是感动玉清圣祖紫元君授无极上道。元君曰:子可越海往东,在翼轸之下有山„„子可入是山,择众峰之中冲高紫霄者居之。„„王子乃依师语,越海东,果见师告之山。山水藏没,有七十二峰,一峰耸翠,上凌云霄,当阳虚寂。于是采师之诫,目山曰太和山,峰曰紫霄峰。岩曰紫霄岩,因卜居焉。潜虚玄一,默会万真,四十二年,大得上道。」„„ 宋元交兵之际,均州也遭兵灾, 武当山的宫观受到严重的破坏。例如紫霄宫在1260年以后已杳无人迹。 1267年元世祖忽必烈定都于燕京。1269年冬天,有龟蛇出现在燕京西郊高梁河,众人以为是玄武显灵,象征元王朝国运兴隆, 元帝室因而崇奉玄武。1270年在高梁河筑昭应宫以祭祀玄武。 道士汪贞常入武当山,于1275年率领徒众鲁大宥等人重建五龙观。 1278年以道法术数著名于世的道士赵守节,领其徒重修武当佑圣观。 1286年世祖忽必烈命法师叶希真、刘道明、华洞真充任武当山都提点,并屡降御香至武当山祝愿祈福。 元代,武当山因帝王的崇拜及诸道士的经营使香火更加兴盛,玄武与武当山的关系传说也有新的发展。刘道明撰《武当福地总真集》对武当山名称的由来提出了新的看法。他认为武当山原名太和山,由于玄武在此修道成功,飞升之后,此山非玄武不足以当之,而改名为武当。 其书中充满了玄武在武当山修道降魔的遗迹。兹以五龙观为例,说明元代将武当山的风物附会玄武的情形。 据可能是董素皇撰的〈五龙观记碑〉所载, 五龙观兴建的原因是由于姚简到武当山祷雨有验,将此灵异奏闻唐太宗(627-649在位)。太宗降旨就武当山建观以表其圣迹。 南宋末,王象之等附会五龙观为玄武隐居的地方。刘道明更据此而编造出玄武得道飞升的时候,有五条龙掖驾上升,所以在他旧隐的地方建五龙观以祭祀之。 成书稍后于《武当福地总真集》的《玄天上帝启圣录》,在修道武当山的故事,添饰了历经考验的情节,使玄武的传记更符合道教神仙传记的惯用结构,即修道者从开始修道,历经考验,最后升登仙界。 而且新增加的情节都注明有遗迹。例如玄武离家修行时,父王派五百人追寻,到武当山时,遇涧受阻,后来这五百人决心随玄武修行,此涧即今九渡涧,此 ?nts: order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following poi 1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In-1 mol • L-1-ge of 0.01 mol • Lon ranolution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentratity of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard squantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quali 1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both-on is about 0.1mol • L1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentrati-aration of 0.1mol • Lo determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the prepItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) t4ingent. The "quantity" conceptfigures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stricant on concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several signifric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solutirochlothe original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydnd preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, tion aion are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparace, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentratbalanof calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process aduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be gr-and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of Lacid s of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration withmulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrationy accuck solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too man, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stoettesthe best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pip t be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size,uce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should no in order to red?4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. - determination of calibration should be parallel 3 五百人即五百灵官。玄武修炼时曾经想半途而废,他的师父化为一老妇女在磨铁杵以勉励他有志竟成,今有磨针涧。玄武感悟磨针的话后,折梅枝寄于榔梅树,发誓若道成,此树开花结果。此树即今榔梅树。玄武修炼时,曾经有蓬莱仙侣化成九美人来诱惑,其地即今仙侣岩。 道教徒之所以选择武当山为玄武修道的圣地,乃由于武当山在唐末五代以来,已成为道教的仙境福地之一,再加上武当山的名字与玄武都有「武」字,便附会玄武曾修炼于武当山。 刘道明所说武当山一名的由来乃是因为玄武的缘故,显然不是事实,然而却得到普遍的认同。 元代武当山的风物大量附会为玄武的遗迹,一方面表现了地方风物的情趣,一方面也表明了玄武信仰的流传,武当山为祭奉玄武的圣地。 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 世界文化遗产 中文名称:武当山古建筑群 英文名称: Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains 编号: 200-013 武当山古建筑群于1994年12月15日根据世界文化遗产遴选标准C(I)(II)(VI)入选《世界遗产名录》。 世界遗产委员会评价 武当山古建筑中的宫阙庙宇集中体现了中国元、明、清三代世俗和宗教建筑的建筑学和艺术成就。古建筑群坐落在沟壑纵横、风景如画的湖北省武当山麓,在明代期间逐渐形成规模,其中的道教建筑可以追溯到公元七世纪,这些建筑代表了近千年的中国艺术和建筑的最高水平。 概 况 明代(公元1368,1644年)时,武当山被皇帝敕封为“大岳”、“玄岳”,地位在“五岳” 诸山之上。 武当山古建筑群始建于唐代贞观年间(公元627,649年)。明代是其发展的鼎盛时期,这一时期在武当山兴建了大批建筑,到嘉靖三十一年(公元1552年)“治世玄岳”牌坊建成,武当山建筑群终于形成了今天见到以八宫两观为主体的庞大规模。 现在武当 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 世界文化遗产武当山 山古建筑群主要包括太和宫、南岩宫、紫霄宫、遇真宫四座宫殿,玉虚宫、五龙宫两座宫殿遗址,以及各类庵堂祠庙等共200余处。建筑面积达5万平方米,占地总面积达100余万平方米,规模极其庞大。被列入的主要文化遗产包括:太和宫、紫霄宫、南岩宫、复真观、“治世玄岳”牌坊等。 太和宫位于武当山主峰天柱峰的南侧,包括古建筑20余栋,建筑面积1600多平方米。太和宫主要由紫禁城、古铜殿、金殿等建筑组成。紫禁城始建于明成祖永乐十七年(公元1419年),是一组建筑在悬崖峭壁上城墙,环绕于主峰天柱峰的峰顶。古铜殿始建于元大德十一年(公元1307年),位于主峰前的小莲峰上,殿体全部由铜铸构件拼装而成,是中国最早的铜铸木结构建筑。金殿始建于明永乐十四年(公元 1416年),位于天柱峰顶端,是中国现存最大的铜铸鎏金大殿。 南岩宫位于武当山独阳岩下,始建于元至元二十二年(公元1285年)。现保留有天乙真庆宫石殿、两仪殿、龙虎殿等建筑共21栋。 紫霄宫是武当山古建筑群中规模最为宏大、保存最为完整的一处道教建筑,位于武当山东南的展旗峰下,始建于北宋宣和年间(公元1119,1125年),明嘉清三十一年(公元1552年)扩建。主体建筑紫霄殿是武当山最具有代表性的木构建筑,殿内有金柱36根,供奉玉皇大帝塑像,其建筑式样和装饰具有明显的明代特色。 5 “治世玄岳”牌坊又名“玄岳门”,位于武当山镇东4公里处, 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 武当山太和宫 道教建筑之瑰宝 武当山道教建筑群始终由皇帝亲自策划营建,皇室派员管理。现存建筑其规模之大,规划之高,构造之严谨,装饰之精美,神像、供器之多,在中国现存道教建筑中是绝无仅有的。 反映出我国古代科技的伟大成就 武当山金殿及殿内神像、供桌等全为铜铸馏金,铸件体量巨大,采用失蜡法(蜡模)翻铸,代表了中国明代初年(16世纪)科学技术和铸造工业的重大发展。 具有重大的历史意义 武当山建筑群的兴建,是明代皇帝朱橡在扩展外交的同时,对内大力推崇道教,灌输“皇权神授”思想,以巩固其内部统治,具有重大的历史和思想信仰等意义。 武当山古建筑群中的主要遗产有太和拱、南岩宫、紫云宫、复真观和“治世玄岳”石坊等。 此外,在全山各宫观中还保存着铜、铁、木、石各类造像1486件,其中明代以前制品近干件,宋、元、明、清碑刻、摩岩409通,法器、供器682件以及图书经籍等,均是珍贵的文化遗产。 武当山古建筑群 是进入武当山的第一道门户。牌坊始建于明嘉靖三十一年(公元1552年),坊身全部以榫铆拼合,造型肃穆大方,装饰华丽,雕刻有多种人物、花卉的图案,堪称明代石雕艺术的佳作。 此外,武当山各宫观中还保存有各类造像1486尊,碑刻、摩岩题刻409通,法器、供器682 件,还有大量图书经籍等,也是十分珍贵的文化遗存。 武当山古建筑群集中体现了中国古代建筑装饰艺术的精华。在这里还衍生出武当道教、武当道乐和武当武术等文化范畴的精髓,为中国民族的传统文化增添了新内容。 西安到武当山自驾游|西安至湖北武当山自驾车路线距离路书|西安至十堰自助游 文化遗产 武当山古建筑群历经沧桑,现存4座道教宫殿、2座宫殿遗址、2座道观及大量神词、岩庙。在布局、规制、风格、材料和工艺等方面都保存了原状。建筑主体以宫观为核心,主要宫观建筑在内聚型盆地或山助台地之上,庵堂神祠分布于宫观附近地带,自成体系,岩庙则占峰踞险,形成“五里一底十里宫,丹墙翠瓦望玲珑”的巨大景观。在建筑艺术、建筑美学上达到了极为完美的境界,有着丰富的中国古代文化和科技内涵,是研究明初政治和中国宗教历史以及古建筑的实物见证。武当山古建筑群具有以下主要特征: 规划严密,建筑杰出 武当山古建筑群分布在以天柱峰为中心的群山之中,总体规划严密,主次分明,大小有序,布局合理。建筑位置选择,注重环境,讲究山形水脉布疏密有致。建筑设计的规划或宏伟壮观,或小巧精致,或深藏山坳,或濒临险崖,达到了建筑与自然的高度和谐,具有浓郁的建筑韵律和天才的创造力。 高超的技术与艺术成就武当山古建筑群类型多样,用材广泛,各项设计、构造、装饰、陈设,不论木构宫观、铜铸殿堂、石作岩庙,以及铜铸、木雕、石雕、泥塑等各类神像都达到了高度的技术与艺术成就。 order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following poi 1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In-1 mol • L-1-ge of 0.01 mol • Lon ranolution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentratity of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard squantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quali 1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both-on is about 0.1mol • L1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentrati-aration of 0.1mol • Lo determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the prepItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) t6ingent. The "quantity" conceptfigures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stricant on concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several signifric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solutirochlothe original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydnd preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, tion aion are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparace, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentratbalanof calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process aduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be gr-and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of Lacid s of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration withmulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrationy accuck solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too man, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stoettesthe best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pip t be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size,uce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should no in order to red?4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. - determination of calibration should be parallel 3?nts: 7 -ge of 0.01 mol • Lon ranolution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in the determination of standard solution concentratity of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solution. Most accurate concentrations of the standard squantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titration of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quali 1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both-on is about 0.1mol • L1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concentrated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentrati-aration of 0.1mol • Lo determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration is called calibration. For example, for the prepItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the reference material (or another material standard) t8ingent. The "quantity" conceptfigures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it should be very strict tolerances can be less stricant on concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weighing; record should be written to several signifric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, according to the requirements on the accuracy of solutirochlothe original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. And as 1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydnd preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as concentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, tion aion are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operation, not sloppy. (B) the general solution preparace, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration solution, if it were to participate in the concentratbalanof calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing standard substances requires the use of analytical reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or measuring cup amounts. But in the whole process aduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can be gr-and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentration of Lacid s of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the base material calibration. Do the titration withmulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration cannot be directly made accurate concentrationy accuck solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necessary, dilute the secondary. Dilution of too man, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperature. D calibration good of standardOperated by stoettesthe best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, such as glassware, such as volumetric flasks and pip t be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumption of standard solutions or too small in size,uce measurement error, weighing the baseline amount of substance should no in order to red?4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. - determination of calibration should be parallel 3?nts: order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calibration should pay attention to the following poi 1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In-1 mol • L-1
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