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[教材]营养学家认为这八种氨基酸是必需的[教材]营养学家认为这八种氨基酸是必需的 Difficult Language Points and Key to Part of the Exercises, Reading Course, Book 3 UNIT ONE Passage 1 A White Heron 1. (Line 5) Sylvia felt a part of the gray shadows and the moving leaves. ? felt a part: felt to be part of 2. (Line 21) But ...
[教材]营养学家认为这八种氨基酸是必需的 Difficult Language Points and Key to Part of the Exercises, Reading Course, Book 3 UNIT ONE Passage 1 A White Heron 1. (Line 5) Sylvia felt a part of the gray shadows and the moving leaves. ? felt a part: felt to be part of 2. (Line 21) But she said her name, and dropped her head like a broken flower. ? dropped: lowered 3. (Line 32) “You might do better if you went out to the road a mile away…” ? do better: have more success 4. (Line 35) Sylvy, step round, and set a plate for the gentleman! ? step around: hurry up 5. (Line 72) If she climbed it early in the morning, she could see the whole world. ? the whole world: for miles 6. (Line 87) Sylvia?s face shone like a star…. ? like a star: happily Key to Exercise II 1. The girl was living in the woods with her grandmother. 2. He was a scientist who collected birds. He was looking for a heron. 3. It was love. 4. Because the girl could show the man where the heron was. 5. Yes, she knew the forest well. 6. The bird was living happily in the forest and was as much part of nature as she herself. They had together watched the sun rise from the top of the tree. She could not tell its secret and give its life away. Passage 2 The Nutrients in Food 1. (Line 22) If adults eat too many carbohydrates and fats, they can add another 45 kilograms. ? another: more, in addition 2. (Line 32) Nutritionists call eight of these amino acids essential because the body does not manufacture them.. ? call: consider to be manufacture: produce Translation: 营养学家认为这八种氨基酸是必需的,因为人体不能自己制造它们。 3. (Line 72) Their hearts beat faster so their bodies can get more oxygen. ? so: with the purpose (that) 4. (Line 81) Vitamin A in the diet comes from deep yellow fruits and vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables, and whole milk. Key to Exercise II 1. Because they provide the body with heat and energy. 2. Milk and hard cheese. 3. Proteins are necessary for life. They can build and repair body tissues. They are an important part of muscles, organs, skin and hair. 4. Some nutrients provide fuel for energy, some build body tissues and some help control different processes of the body. 5. If a person does not have enough iron, the person will get a disease called anemia. Passage 3 Creativity Will Dominate Our Time th1. (Line 8) Then, in the latter decades of the 18 century, as the industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, there was another transition in which the symbols of work were no longer the hoe and plow; they were replaced by the mill and the assembly line.. ? latter: recent, belonging to the end Translation: 在18世纪后半叶,英国工业革命的开始带来了一个变革:工作的象征不再 是锄头和犁耙,而代之以作坊和生产线。 2. (Line 20) With the Industrial Revolution, machinery – powered first by steam, then by electricity and internal combustion engines – took over the hard physical tasks and relieved the strain on human and animal muscles. ? take over: accept the duties or responsibilities 3. (Line 29)…day after day there is always the sour sense of endless doing something unpleasant under compulsion, something that stultifies one?s minds and wastes one?s life. ? under compulsion: because one must (被迫地) Translation: 日复一日,总有一种被迫做无止境的不愉快事情的感觉,做这种事会使大脑 迟钝,会浪费生命。 4. (Line 37) The electronic computer, invented in the 1940s and improved at breakneck speed, was a machine that, for the first time, seemed capable of doing work that had until then been the preserve of the human mind. ? at breakneck speed: at a dangerously fast speed 5. (Line 68) In the first place, the computer age will introduce a total revolution in our notions of education, and is beginning to do so now… ? in the first place: firstly (首先) cf. in the second place(其次), in the last place(最后) 6. (Line 71) It will undoubtedly turn out that the “average” child is much more intelligent and creative than we generally suppose. ? turn out: prove to be in the end 7. (Line 78) Granted, now that the problems of unemployment and education will be the way toward solution, what kind of work will there be aside from what is involved in that solution? ? aside from: apart from 8. (Line 108) Nor will this have to be done on the spot. ? on the spot: immediately, then and there 9. (Line 133) We will be building factories that will be turning out products making use of these properties, products that could be turned out only with difficulty, if at all, on Earth?s surfaces. ? if at all: if those products could be turned out at all Key to Exercise II 1. 历史上周期性地出现一些大的转折时期,在这些转折时期“工作”的含义发生了变化。 2. 现在我们正处在一个变革的边缘,这个变革将是最伟大的,因为古老意义上的工作将会 彻底消失。 3. 事实上,21世纪将因为它所有的进步,成为人类历史上最伟大的开创时期,因为人们 将在全新的条件下,以全新的方式做全新的工作,冒着全新的风险去获得全新的胜利。 UNIT TWO Passage 4 I Have a Dream 1. (Line 14) So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition. ? dramatize: describe or represent dramatically 2. (Line 19) …they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. ? promissory note: literally it means a signed document containing a written promise to pay a stated amount to a particular person at a specified date or on demand. Here in the text it is used figuratively to refer to the rights guaranteed in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence of the United States. ? fall heir: become heir (成为继承人) 3. (Line 45) Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. ? blow off steam: allow steam to escape forcibly; to get rid of superfluous energy in a noisy way ? rude awakening: a sudden disillusionment (突然觉醒) 4. (Line 56) We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. ? on the high plane: on the high level 5. (Line 95) I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed… ? live out: fulfill 全文参考译文 我有一个梦—马丁?路德?金 一百年前,一位伟大的美国人签署了《解放黑奴宣言》,今天我们就是在他的雕像前集会。这一庄严宣言犹如灯塔的光芒,给千百万在那摧残生命的不义之火中受煎熬的黑奴带来了希望。它之到来犹如欢乐的;黎明,结束了束缚黑人的漫漫长夜。 然而一百年后的今天,我们必须正视黑人还没有得到自由这一悲惨的事实。一百年后的今天,在种族隔离的镣铐和种族歧视的下,黑人的生活仍然很悲惨。一百年后的今天,黑人仍生活在物质繁荣的汪洋大海所包围的贫穷孤岛上。一百年后的今天,黑人仍蜷缩在美国社会的偏僻角落,感到自己是自己国家里的流放者。今天我们在这里集会,就是要把这种骇人听闻的情况公之于众。 就某种意义而言,今天我们是为了要求兑换诺言而汇集到我们国家的首都来得。我们共和国的缔造者写下宪法和《独立宣言》中气壮山河的词句时,就是向每一个美国人许下了诺言。他们承诺给予所有人以生存、自由和追求幸福的不可剥夺的权利。 就有色公民而论,美国显然没有实现她的诺言。美国没有履行这种神圣的义务,只是给黑人开了一张空头支票,支票上盖着“资金不足”的印章退了回来。但是我们不相信正义的银行已经破产。我们不相信,这个国家巨大的机会之库里已没有足够的储备。因此今天我们要求将支票兑现—一这张支票给予我们宝贵的自由和正义的保障。我们来到这个圣地也是为了提醒美国,现在是非常急迫的时刻。现在绝非奓探冷静下来或用渐进主义的镇静剂的时候,现在是实现民主的诺言的时候。现在是从种族隔离的荒凉阴暗的深谷登上种族平等的光明大道的时候。现在是向上帝所有的儿女开放机会之门的时候。现在是把我们的国家从种族不平等的流沙中拯救出来,置于兄弟情谊的磐石上的时候。 倘若美国忽视时间的紧迫性,低估了黑人的决心,那么,对美国来说,这将是致命的。自由和平等的爽朗秋天如不到来,黑人义愤填膺的酷暑就不会过去。一九六三年并不意味着斗争的终结,而是开始。有人希望,黑人只要消消气就会满足;如果国家安之若素,毫无反应,这些人必会清醒过来。黑人得不到公民的权利,美国就不可能有安宁或平静。正义的光明的一天不到来,反叛的旋风就将继续动摇这个国家的基础。 但是对于等候在正义之殿门口的人们,有些话我是必须说的。在争取合法地位的过程中,我们不要采取错误的做法。我们不要为了满足对自由的渴望而抱着敌对和仇恨之杯痛饮。我们斗争时必须永远举止得体,纪律严明。我们不能容许我们具有崭新内容的抗议蜕变为暴力行动。我们要不断地升华到以精神力量对付物质力量的崇高境界中去。现在黑人社团充满着了不起的新的战斗精神,但是我们却不能因此而不信任所有的白人。因为我们的许多白人兄弟已经人生到,他们的命运与我们的命运是紧密相连的,他们的自由与我们的自由是息息相关的。他们今天参加游行集会就是明证。我们不能单独行动。 当我们行动时,我们必须保证向前进。我们不能倒退。有人问热心民权运动的人:“你们什么时候才能满足,”只要黑人仍然遭受警察难以形容的野蛮迫害,我们就绝不会满足。只要我们在外奔波而疲乏的身躯不能在公路旁的汽车旅馆和城里的旅馆找到住宿之所,我们就绝不会满足。只要黑人的基本活动只是从小贫民区转移到大贫民区,我们就绝不会满足。只要密西西比仍然有一个黑人不能参加选举,只要纽约有一个黑人认为他投票无济于事,我们就绝不会满足。不~我们现在并不满足,我们将来也不满足,除非正义和公正犹如江海之波涛,汹涌澎湃,滚滚而来。 我并非没有注意到,参加今天集会的人中,有些受尽苦难和折磨;有些刚刚走出窄小的牢房;有些由于寻求自由,曾惨遭疯狂迫害,曾遭受警察暴行。你们时人为痛苦的长期受难 者。坚持下去吧,要坚决相信,忍受不应得的痛苦是一种赎罪。 让我们回到密西西比去,回到亚拉巴马去,回到南卡罗来纳去,回到乔治亚去,回到路易斯安那去,回到我们北方城市中的贫民区和少数民族居住区去,要知道,这种状况是能够也必将改变的。我们不要陷入绝望而不能自拔。 朋友们,今天我对你们说,在此时此刻,我们虽然遭受种种困难和挫折,我仍然有一个梦想。这个梦想深深扎根于美国的梦想中。 我梦想有一天,这个国家会站立起来,真正实现其信条:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等。” 我梦想有一天,在乔治亚的红山上,昔日奴隶的儿子将能够和昔日奴隶主的儿子坐在一起,共叙兄弟情谊。 我梦想有一天,甚至连密西西比州这个正义匿迹、压迫成风、如同沙漠般的地方,也将变成自由和正义的绿洲。 我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将在一个不是以他们的肤色、而是以他们的品格优劣来他们的国度里生活。 我今天有一个梦想。 我梦想有一天,亚拉巴马州能够有所转变,尽管该州州长现在仍然满口异议,反对联邦法令,但有朝一日,那里的黑人男孩和女孩将能与白人男孩和女孩情同骨肉,携手并进。 我今天有一个梦想。 我梦想有一天,幽谷上升,高山下降,坎坷曲折之路成坦途,圣光显露,满照人间。 这就是我们的希望。我怀着这种信念回到南方。有了这个信念,我们将能从绝望之山采凿出一块希望之石。有了这个信念,我们将能把这个国家的刺耳争吵之声,变成一支洋溢手足之情的优美交响曲。有了这个信念,我们将能一起工作,一起祷告,一起斗争,一起坐牢,一起维护自由;因为我们知道,终有一天,我们会获得自由。 Passage 5 Books 1. (Line 23) We often find in books what we thought and felt, could we have expressed ourselves. ? could we: if we could Translation: 如果我们能清楚地表达自己的想法和感受的话,在书中我们时常会发现自己 所想过的和感受过的东西。 2. (Line 25) We discover one feature in Emerson, an expression in Homer, a glimpse of ourselves in Dante, and so on until we spell out our whole individuality. ? Spell out: make clear Translation: 我们在爱默生的书里发现一个特点,在荷马的诗里发现某种表情,在但丁的 诗里憋见我们自己的某种形象,如此等等,一直到我们清清楚楚地明白我们自己的整个 个性。 3. (Line 41) We cannot escape the influence of what we read any more than we can escape the influence of the air that we breathe. ……同样不? not…any more than 和 Translation: 正如我们不能避免受呼吸的空气的影响一样,我们也不能避免受所读书籍的 影响。 4. (Line 76) The conversation of a man who reads for improvement or pleasure will be flavored by his reading; but it will not be about his reading. ? flavored: given taste to Translation: 为了进步或乐趣而读书的人, 读书会使他的谈吐增添风趣;但谈话的内容并 不涉及他所读的书。 5. (Line 82) He is the best reader who consumes the most knowledge and converts it into character. Translation: 最会读书的人能消化最多的知识并将之转化为自己的品质。 Key to Exercise II 1. 世上或许没有别的东西像书籍那样有这种力量使穷人摆脱贫困,使不幸者脱离悲伤,使 肩负重担者忘掉负担,使病人忘掉痛苦,使伤心人忘掉忧伤,使受压迫的人忘掉屈辱。 2. 确实,从朋友那里我们可以获得许多有关自己的令人愉快的意见,从敌人方面得知自己 许多缺陷,从世界各个方面一点点了解到自己的特性;但在书里我们会平静而公平地发 现自己的大部分情况,我们的优点、弱点、博大、局限、观点、爱好、融洽和不协调, 以及诗意或平淡的品质。 Passage 6 Ecosystems in and out of Balance 1. (Line 27) A well-balanced system will change very slowly, perhaps unnoticeably, in the course of direct human experience. ? in the course of: in the process of 在……的进程中 2. (Line 31) It follows that if a change is made in one or more of the factors that affect balance, the ecosystem itself will also change. ? It follows: it occurs as a consequence Translation: 其结果是当影响平衡的一种或多种因素发生了变化,生态系统自身也会发生 变化。 3. (Line 44) Given favorable conditions, every species has a biotic potential to increase its population. ? given favorable conditions=if every species is given favorable conditions 4. (Line 122) The result is that extinctions are occurring at a distressingly fast rate, a rate which is more than likely to increase in the future. ? more than likely: very likely Translation: 灭绝正以令人担忧的速度发生,这种速度很有可能在将来继续加快。 5. (Line 156) This is overgrazing in a figurative sense, but if carried to the end point, the results will be just as fatal. ? to the end point: to the final stage of a process or period Key to Exercise II 1. 一个物种的生物潜能是其自身的繁殖能力;从广义上讲,是指适合物种繁殖的所有因素 的集合。 2. 农业生产通过大量使用农药来控制害虫才得以微弱的平衡,而这些农药又造成了生态平 衡并使害虫问题变得更加严重。 3. 总之,人类不可避免地要面对适用于其他物种和生态系统的最终生态制衡。 UNIT THREE Passage 7 Kid with a Knife (Part I) 1. (Line 17) I knew my old muscles were no match against his youth, but I had no intention of giving him anything without a struggle. ? match against: something equal to Translation: 我知道我这把老骨头根本不是这小子的对手,但我也绝不想让他轻易抢走我 的东西。 2. (Line 20) For a moment the surprise action caught him off guard. ? caught him off guard: made the young man unable to deal with the sudden attack Translation: 这突然的举动让他在一刹那间有些不知所措。 3. (Line 30) Struggling to my feet, I managed to make it to the couch, where I sat a few moments to shake the cobwebs from my addled brain. ? managed to make it to the couch: succeeded in trying to reach the couch ? to shake the cobwebs from my addled brain: to try my best to make my old mind clear about what had happened just now Translation: 我努力地站起来,设法挪到沙发跟前。我在沙发上坐了一会儿,努力地想从 昏乱的脑子里理出个头绪来。 4. (Line 58) Eddie helped me straighten up the apartment and calculated my losses. ? straighten up: to tidy Translation: 埃迪帮我收拾了房间,并计算了我的损失。 5. (Line 68) I promised to act my age and to come down and look at mug shots later. ? “Act my age” here refers to doing things according to the old man?s age. In other words, he should try to avoid anything too violent. Translation: 我答应不再莽撞,并会去警察署辨认犯案盗贼的照片。 6. (Line 78) He had worked with his hands most of his life. ? worked with his hands: Here it means Sam had been a craftsman in his whole life. He was a wood carver. Translation: 他大半生都是在做手艺活。 7. (Line 82) He had been frugal all his life and had plenty to see him through, even with inflation the way it was. ? had plenty to see him through: had plenty of money to live till the very end of his life ? even with inflation the way it was: although inflation was so high Translation: 他一生节俭,有充裕的生活费用,尽管通货膨胀一直居高不下。 8. (Line 118) Now, as the thought took form in my brain, I realized that I might be able to help a few youngsters who were traveling down a path to certain imprisonment or an early death. ? as the thought took form in my brain: when the idea had become clearer in my mind ? who were traveling down a path to certain imprisonment: who were becoming worse and worse and would soon end up in prison Translation: 现在,随着这个想法在我的脑子里变得清晰,我意识到我可以帮助一些误入 歧途的青年,甚至救他们一命。 Key to Exercise II 1. Because be hated to be robbed, especially when robbed by a youngster. 2. On his carpet. 3. Between the table and the couch. 4. No, he wasn?t happy because he thought it too risky for the old man to fight back when being robbed. 5. Less than one year. Passage 8 Kid with a Knife (Part II) 1. (Line 9) The next morning, I went down to the police station and plowed through the mug books. ? plowed through the mug books: (fig.) to try hard to find the picture of the young robber from many pictures of robbers Translation: 第二天早上,我去了趟警察局,在一大堆罪犯的照片里翻了好半天。 2. (Line 28) …where he bought pastries of some sort and then returned to his room. ? pastry: pie of meat, fruit, jam, etc. enclosed in pastry and baked without a dish Translation: 在那里,他买了一些馅饼类的食物,然后回到他的房子。 3. (Line 92) I thought you?d be satisfied with conking me over the head and breaking my leg. ? conking me over the head: hitting me on the head Translation: 你砸了我的头,打断了我的腿,我想你该满意了吧。 4. (Line 103) You set me up! ? “Set up” means to plan something in order to deceive somebody or to trap somebody into doing something. “You set me up” means “It was you who got me into a trap”. Translation: 是你陷害我~ 5. (Line 108) “Well, Uncle George, he?s our boy, isn?t he?” ? “He’s our boy” means he is the boy who has robbed you in your house a few weeks ago and now he should be taken to the police station and placed under arrest. Translation: “怎么样,乔治叔叔,他就是我们在找的男孩,对吗,” 6. (Line 127) Oh, I?ll explain everything to him once the kid gets straightened out. ? straighten out: to remove difficulties, esp. bad behavior or worries, in one?s life. Translation: 噢,一旦那孩子改邪归正,我一定会向他解释明白。 Key to Exercise II 1. 因证据不足,对他的两起小偷小摸的指控被取消;但他曾因袭击和抢劫而被判监禁。 2. 看到周围没人,我便迅速把我新弄来的维萨卡塞进他的口袋里,然后匆匆走进街角的一 家商店里,打电话叫来了一辆救护车。 3. 我坐在一把椅子上,从那儿可以看清他的脸。然后,我从衣袋里掏出了那只木刻松鼠。 4. 在我介绍了约翰?史密斯就是那位雕刻松鼠的男孩后,他们俩便聚精会神地讨论起了木 雕,把我全忘了。 Passage 9 You Call This a Mugging? 1. (Line 1) Leftover drops to rain dribbled from greening leaves onto the soggy yellow ones that seem to inhabit the Spring as a reminder of Fall. ? soggy: completely wet; heavy and usu. unpleasant with wetness Translation: 残存的雨滴从绿意萌发的树叶滴到湿透的黄树叶上,这黄树叶好像是为了让 人们想起春天里还有那么一丝秋意。 2. (Line 28) Scared excitement started welling up inside of me and I thought that maybe I should grab the old schoolbooks and make a run for it before it was too late. ? well up: (literary) spring up Translation: 恐惧和兴奋开始涌上我的全身。我想我应该拿上我的破课本尽早逃离这里才 对。 3. (Line 72) I threw my raggedy Kleenex on the ground and looked carefully at my mugger who was shuffling the junk from my purse on the wet sidewalk. ? raggedy: (also ragged) old and torn; with uneven edges or surfaces ? shuffling the junk: moving the worthless things Translation: 我把手里皱巴巴的克里内克丝面巾纸仍到地上,然后仔细看着这个劫匪,他 把我钱包里那些并不值钱的东西倒在潮湿的人行道上,正在翻找。 4. (Line 90) I should?ve given him a karate chop or hit him with my five-pound English literature book when he wasn?t looking. ? karate: Japanese system of unarmed combat using hands, feet, etc. , as weapons Translation: 我本可以用我的空手道去猛击他,或者在他不注意的时候,用我那五磅重的 英国文学课本去砸他的脑袋。 Key to Exercise II 1. i 2. e 3. g 4. j 5. d 6. b 7. h 8. a 9. c 10. f UNIT FOUR Passage 10 Man Searches for Life in Space 1. (Line 9) If it is, dose this preclude some form of life that man has never dreamed of? ? preclude: restrain, prevent, rule out Paraphrase: If the previous question has a positive answer, does this rule out the possibility of certain forms of life on Jupiter that man has never imagined? 2. (Line 11) Now, for the first time, man is beginning to grasp the almost magic key that may unlock the mystery of whether or not life in some form exists on the other planets of our solar system. Paraphrase: Today, humankind is able to begin to make use of the technology of space travel to try to find out whether there is any form of life on the other planets of solar system. 3. (Line 25) Scientists know that organisms like it flourished and multiplied almost two billion years ago. ? organisms: living beings, creatures “It” refers to the “microscopic plant”. Translation: 科学家们知道在近二十亿年以前就有这种藻类有机体繁殖生息了。 4. (Line 31) Life itself, they have decided, began spontaneously a little later ? about four billion two hundred million years ago. ? spontaneous: occurring without external cause 自然的,自发的 e.g. spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling 强烈感情的自然流露 5. (Line 82) Since this happened on earth during its earliest days, it is more than likely that it also happened on other planets. ? more than likely 是常见的一种搭配,它由more than + 形容词或副词构成,如:I am more than happy to help you. 我非常高兴能给你帮点忙。 6. (Line 109) Cultures, microscopes, and other devices will search out microbes and organisms. ? culture: within this context, culture refers to the growth of bacteria for scientific study Key to Exercise II 1. 目前已知的最古老的化石是一种极微小植物的化石。它的形状与池塘和湖泊中常见的水 藻相似。科学家们知道类似的生物在将近20亿年前曾经在地球上郁郁地生长和繁衍过。 然而水藻是一种比较复杂的生物,所以比它简单的生物肯定在这之前就已经出现。 2. 通过施加能量,产生了简单的有机分子。虽然这并不意味着这些分子具有生命,然而它 们由构成生命的物质组成,尤其是它们含有氨基酸,一种被称作是生命基础材料的物质。 3. 也许它们的温度并不太低。还有,或许在它们上面形成了某种完全不同的生命?——种 与地球生物不同的含碳生物,或者也许是一种根本不基于碳的生物系统。 Passage 11 Journey to the Bottom of the Earth 1. (Line 1) The flight to the South Pole has a strict dress code. ? code: regulation, law and discipline Paraphrase: If a person wants to fly to the South Pole, he must dress strictly in accordance with the regulations. 2. (Line 11) What?s the deal? ? deal: matter, transaction Paraphrase: What is the matter? What will we do? 3. (Line 15) Fortunately, the LC130 military cargo plane has skis. ? military cargo plane:军用运输机 4. (Line 17) For me ,to be traveling to the South Pole is living dream: to stand on the bottom of the planet, to see how people live in a land that bears no life, to wake up at three in the morning with the sun shining brightly. ? living: strong , active, and lively bear: bring, produce, give birth to Translation: 对我来说,去南极旅游是梦寐以求的:站在这个星球的最底端,去看一看在 这寸草不生的地方人们如何生活的;去感受一下凌晨三点醒来看到太阳高照的生活。 5. (Line 41) Seismic monitoring at the pole, for example, picks up not only earthquakes around the globe but also clandestine nuclear testing. ? pick up: succeed in seeing, hearing, or acquiring, usually by means of apparatus Paraphrase: The instruments used for measuring earthquakes around the globe are also employed to detect secret nuclear tests. 6. (Line 53) To call my space a “ room ” is something of an overstatement. It?s five-by-eight feet… ? overstatement: 夸大的叙述 five-by-eight feet:: 5英尺 × 8英尺 Paraphrase:My allotted room is so small that it cannot be regarded as a real one, with a size of eight feet in length and five feet in width. 7( (Line 64) Skinny-Sprinting. ? “Skinny” here means “naked”; therefore “skinny-sprinting” refers to the action of naked running. 8. (Line 65) Fruits and vegetables are flown in form New Zealand twice a month and stored in a walk-in “refrigerator,” which is actually heated, not cooled , to keep produce from freezing. ? a walk-in “refrigerator”: a refrigerator that is big enough for you to walk into to get food. produce: a noun, originally meaning “物产”. Here it simply refers to the food, the “fruit and vegetables.” 9. (Line 69) In winter it hovers around 60 below, with occasional dips into the triple digits. Paraphrase: On winter days, the temperature is usually about 60 below zero; but sometimes it can be lower than 100 below zero. 10. (Line 79) In addition to frostbite, altitude sickness is one of the most common complaints at “Club Med, ” the station?s sick bay. ? altitude: the height above sea level. ”Altitude sickness” is the uncomfortable feeling of a person when he is staying at a high altitude. Med: the abbreviation of medical and medicine. “Club Med” is the name of “the station?s sick bay”, i.e., the clinic of the research station. 11. (Line 93)In rougher days, the base had a distinctly frontier-town feel. ? rough: windy and rainy or stormy frontier-town feel: a frontier-town is usually not cultivated or civilized, therefore people there are not polite. A “frontier-town feel ” expresses the feeling of people in bad weather days ,they tend to be rude, in bad temper and speak dirty words. Paraphrase: In bad weather days, the people in the research station become rude and impolite. 12. (Line 99) The absence of children and pets takes getting used to. ? absence: lack take: take time, needs great efforts Paraphrase: Learning to get used to the life without children and pets is not easy. 13. (Line 121) Despite everyone?s best efforts, personality conflicts and mood extremes are common. Paraphrase: Although everybody tries his best, there is still a lot of quarrels and sadness. 14. (Line 122) Cleavelin describes the winter as “like being cooped up with 25 brothers and sisters, and you?re all expected to get along without Mom and Dad being there.” ? coop up: confine, put in a cage, have no freedom. Key to Exercise II 1. 一分钟以前我还从未认真考虑过这类事情,可是当我从舷窗看出去时却发现那片熟悉的 白色正以令人惊恐的速度逼近,而且看不到跑道。这是在干什么, 2. 随着机身急剧倾斜,我的视线从白色跳跃到记忆中从未见过的最亮丽的蓝天。 3. 天气恶劣时,基地则会有一种蛮荒边镇的味道,许多平常很有礼貌、举止得体的男人讲 话时变得像街头流氓一样,他们的人数如此之多,以至于有人给这种现象起了一个名字, 叫做基地脏话。 4. 在南极过冬使人遭受禁闭和与世隔绝之苦,这使得它成为一个可利用的太空旅行模型。 意识到这点后,一组由(美国)国家科学基金会资助的人类学家不久前对南极长冬对人 的影响进行了研究,旨在确定哪些性格的人最适宜于长时间在隔离状态下一块工作。 5. 站在风砌风琢、熠熠生辉的雪堆上,目力所及唯见蓝白交汇,天雪相合。 Passage 12 Entropy 1. (Line 1) It was about two months ago when I realized that entropy was getting the better of me. ? get the better of :gain an advantage over; conquer 2, (Line 10) After all, what was the point of spending half of Saturday at the Laundromat if the clothes were dirty all over again the following Friday? ? what was the point of doing sth: what was the use of doing sth Paraphrase: Anyway, the clothes will get dirty again after you wear them for a week, thus what is the meaning of washing them and wasting half a day? 3. (Line 16) …entropy does not work both ways. … The road to disorder is a one-way street. ? one-way street: a road on which drivers can only go in one direction. Here it means once disorder or chaos has been created, it can only become worse. Translation: 熵不能双向做功,……通向混乱之路是条有去无回的单行道。 4. (Line 75) It was my ability to play it that had atrophied, or entropied, as the case may be. ? as the case may be: alternatively, according to how one looks at it. Translation: 看来是我吹笛子的能力退化了,或者说是熵化了。 5. (Line 88) But take billions of warm and cold molecules mixed together, and the chances that all the cold ones will wander toward the refrigerator and all the warm ones will wander away from it are virtually nil. ? take: take… for example virtually: almost Translation: 但是,如果空气中有几十亿的热分子和冷分子混合在一起,那么所有的冷分 子都向着冰箱运动而所有的热分子都背离冰箱运动的可能性几乎为零。 6. (Line 97) …constant collisions will bounce us on to random paths, get us off the track. get us off the track: to make us leave the correct or intended path Paraphrase: Because there are many ways to make a mess and far fewer ways to clean it up, we may regard the ways to clean things up as “the track”; therefore, every possible obstacle and accident might become the excuse of our taking the “random paths” and “getting off the track”. 7. (Line 120) The more pieces in the puzzle, the harder it is to put back together once the order is disturbe. ? puzzle:a toy with many pieces that may be joined together to form a complete picture Translation:拼图一旦被打乱,那么拼片越多,就越难把它们拼起来。 Key to Exercise II 1. 如果下个星期五衣服又会变脏,那么星期六在洗衣店花掉半天时间又有何意义, 2. 当夫妇双方过于忙碌以至于无暇顾及生活中的细节时,婚姻中的熵退便显而易见了。 3. 然而困难之处在于生育一个婴儿需要许多能量。同样,一棵树长成也需要能量。无序之 路毫不费力,创造之途充满艰辛。 4. 生活中的不顺与意外几乎注定了一个接一个的磕磕撞撞将会任意改变我们的人生道路, 使我们偏离原来的方向。 UNIT FIVE Passage 13 On the Seventh Day of the Christmas 1. (Line 48) If Henry wanted, the kite could be the adventure. Paraphrase: If Henry wanted a kite as a gift, Carmella could ask him to fly it and have fun, making their childhood dreams come true. Flying a kite could be a very good experience for them and for their two kids. 2. (Line 57) Little by little, until Henry grew accustomed to he play of the kite, cord and wind; until he felt the power to control it with his hands and fingers… ? grew accustomed to the play of the kite: got used to the movement of the kite 3. (Line 80) Henry pulled a face and screwed a finger up against the side of his head. ? pull a face: also as make a face, pull faces; to make an expression with the face to show rude amusement, disagreement, dislike, pain, etc. 4. (Line 96) First, we gotta keep hope flying. ? gotta: (American slang) have got to 5. (Line 106) Carmella tasted the words like some delicate divine nectar on the tip of her tongue. “Tasted the words like some delicate divine nectar” means that the words were sweet to Carmella, she enjoyed saying and hearing them ringing out. Translation: 卡梅拉回味着这些祝福的话语,心里就像喝了圣酒那样甜蜜无比。 Key to Exercise II 1( 此时此刻,看着孩子们轮流坐在圣诞老人的膝上,卡梅拉真希望自己能重返童年,无 忧无虑,除了告诉圣诞老人她是多么希望能在圣诞节里得到一个音乐跳绳,或者去放风 筝。 2( 渐渐地,亨利适应了那只风筝和线绳的摆动和微风的影响。直到他觉得自己的手指可 以控制风筝的时候,他才让这红白相间的风筝迎风而起。用深蓝色大写英语字母写成的 “HOPE(希望)”占满了风筝面,这是按照卡梅拉的意思写的。 3(“祝愿所有的人新年快乐~”卡梅拉回味着这些祝福的话语,心里就像喝了圣酒那样甜蜜 无比。 4(卡罗尔和约翰尼穿着睡衣,肩上披着毛毯,也在盯着看,哆嗦着,尖叫着。 5(接着一件新奇事使他们很兴奋,因为风筝变成了一个闪烁的白星,四周都是冰柱,像一 个没有做完的花环。他们的生活也随着风筝的改变进入了新年的第一天。 Passage 14 The Borrowed Daughter 1. (Line 7) Edward needed desperately to talk about it, but he could not intrude so roughly upon her happiness. intrude so roughly upon her happiness: to raise this delicate topic while she was engaged in her happy wedding. Translation: 爱德华非常想和女儿谈谈这件事,但他不愿意在这个时候粗暴地破坏女儿的 喜悦。 2((Line 71)The locket had simply prepared the ground. Paraphrase: The story of that locket was just the beginning of a long story. There were more to come. 3. (Line 105) He forced himself to sit quietly on the bed and talk to her, reassuring her, calming her, until at last she flung herself into his arms, weeping a little girl?s tears that were a long time quieting. Translation: 他强迫自己平静下了,坐在床边和她说话,打消她的疑虑,使她安静下来, 直到最后她扑进他的怀里,小姑娘般地流着眼泪,很长时间后才停止。 4. (Line 137) The doors to the chapel swung open and the wedding march swelled out. ? swell out: break out Key to Exercise II 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T Passage 15 The Night Before Christmas 1. (Line 20) Everyone would be in a gala mood with local musicians. ? gala: (of) a feast-time or special public amusement. We could also say a gala occasion, a gala event, a gala night, a gala feeling, etc. 2. (Line 43) Miraculously we were able to get away from the soldiers during one rainy night. ? get away from: to succeed in leaving or escaping from somebody or a place. 3. (Line 54) I remembered how the nectar from these beautiful flowers had always attracted insects, making them drowsy enough to fall to the ground to become food for crows and lizards. ? drowsy: very sleepy Translations: 我记得那些美丽花朵分泌出的花蜜总是吸引来大量飞虫,使它们昏昏欲睡, 掉到地上,成了乌鸦和蜥蜴的美餐。 4. (Line 83) Now circumstances had brought them to our village at this time on this night before Christmas. ? circumstances: Here the word refers to the things these travelers happened to meet on their way to their homes or relatives? for the Christmas. Key to Exercise II 1. 圣诞节是探亲访友的季节,因此不同部族的人们都怀着愉快的心情来来往往。 2. 就这样直到我生病的祖母看到盛开的红色和黄色鲜花,我们称之为“山之焰”。“山之焰” 树长在市场中央,已经有好几代人的年头了。每当圣诞节快要到来的时候,树上就开满 了“山之焰”。 3. 这怎么能算是圣诞节呢,圣诞节应该是我们庆祝和平之子诞生的日子。可自四月份以来 我们就没有了和平,只有战争和痛苦。 4. 当我继续回味过去圣诞节的快乐和现今的痛苦时,我们听到了汽车的喇叭声,不是一辆 汽车,而是好几辆,向我们的村子驶来。 5. 这时,我明白希望是存在的。我知道无论怎样,圣诞节都会到来。圣诞节时刻在我们的 心里。那天晚上圣诞节就来到了我们村庄。 UNIT SIX Passage 16 A Boy with a Mission 1. (Line 5) Everything Mark Earle made through fishing in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, Canada, Reuben?s mother, Dora, stretched like elastic to feed and clothe their five children. Literally „elastic? means a rubber band, which can be stretched longer and thinner. In this text, it is used metaphorically to mean that Reuben?s mother had to try hard to make the money last longer or to make the best use of it. The normal syntactic order of the above sentence should be: Reuben’s mother, Dora, made the best use of everything that Mark Earle made through fishing in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, Canada, stretching it like elastic to feed and clothe their five children. The author put “everything Mark Earle made through fishing in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, Canada” at the beginning of the sentence for the purpose of emphasis. Paraphrase: What Reuben?s father earned through fishing was barely enough to support the family, so his mother had to try really hard to make the best use of the money in order to provide food and clothes for their five children. Translation: 为了让五个孩子吃饱穿暖,鲁本的爸爸在加拿大纽芬兰岛罗伯特湾靠打鱼赚 来的每一分钱,他的妈妈朵拉都恨不得掰成两半来用。 2. (Line 17) Reuben respectfully touched his worn cap and walked out into the sunlight with the bay rippling in a freshening wind. Paraphrase: Reuben showed his respect and thanks to the shop owner by a salute and walked out of the shop. Outside, everything looked splendid: the golden sunlight, the freshening wind and the rippling sea in the bay. Translation: 鲁本用手轻触一下旧帽子以示敬意和感谢,然后走出商店,步入金色的阳光 中,海湾中轻风送爽,碧波荡漾。 3. (Line 32) Near his house stood the ancient barn that housed the family?s goats and chickens. The normal order of the above sentence should be: The ancient barn that housed the family’s goats and chickens stood near his house. The foregrounding of “near his house” functions to connect this sentence with “home” in the previous one. Here students? attention can be directed to the construction of discourse. Translation: 在他们的房子附近伫立着古老的谷仓,家里的羊圈和鸡窝都在那儿。 4.(Line58)Often he was cold, tired and hungry, but the thought of the object in the shop window sustained him. “Often” is put at the beginning for the purpose of emphasis. Normally, we would say: “He was often cold…” “Sustain” means to keep an effort going. This sentence, with just a few words, indicated the hardships that Reuben experienced and portrayed a brave and resolute child. Translation: 鲁本经常又冷又累又饿,但是想到商店橱窗里的东西,他坚持了下来。 4. (Line 102) Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arm. Paraphrase: She was so deeply moved that she could not speak a word, but she smiled happily and embraced her son. Translation: 她激动得说不出话来,幸福地微笑着把儿子搂进了怀里。 Key to Exercise II 1. 从窗户射进的阳光使她齐肩的金发更添光泽。 2. 她窈窕而美丽,是这个家的中心,是让这个家成为一体的粘合剂。 3. 他大步走着,步伐中显示出意志和决心。 4. 他决定自己筹集这些钱,不告诉任何人。 5. 终于,春天来了,万物生机勃发,鲁本也精神焕发。 Passage 17 This Boy’s Life 1. (Line 10) A former U.S Army lieutenant and a highly decorated veteran of combat Vietnam, John also knew what a human body could look like after violent death of traumatic injury. Paraphrase: John had been an Army officer in the past and had won medals fighting in the Vietnam war, and had seen what a human body could look like after death from severe injury. Translation: 约翰以前是一个军官,在越战中获得过勋章。虽然已经退役,但他仍很清楚 受重创而死的人的身体看起来会多么可怕(此处暗指他不敢想象这样的事或许会发生在 蒂姆身上)。 2. (Line 20) At the time, they chose not to dwell on the possibility that, some day, his pledge might need to be honored. Paraphrase: At the time, they preferred not to think about the possibility that Tim might die. Translation: 当时,他们不愿意考虑是否有一天蒂姆的誓言可能有机会实现。 3. (Line 61) Now,more than two years later, Wester was going at full throttle, even playing league softball and golf. Paraphrase: Now, two years after receiving Tim?s liver, Wester was fully recovered. He could even play league softball and golf. 4. (Line 70) In a phone conversation two days earlier, Neace spoke of battling coronary and circulatory problems so severe that they necessitated open-heart surgery and 70 blood transfusions. Paraphrase: In a phone conversation with Neace two days earlier, he talked about how hard he fought coronary and circulatory problem. He suffered so severely that he had to have open-heart surgery and 70 blood transfusions. 5. (Line85) Melendez pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree murder, expecting leniency from the court in return. Translation: 梅伦德斯承认两项二级谋杀德罪状,期望法庭从宽处决。 6. (Line 126) And none were more dramatically helped than those who gathered in Raleigh to honor Tim?s lifesaving bequest. Paraphrase: It was those who gathered at Tim?s home at Raleigh that benefited the most from his lifesaving gift. Key to Exercise II 1. traumatic 2. riveted 3. assault 4. fraud 5. futile 6. crest-fallen 7. pledge 8. conviction Passage 18 My Brother’s Way 1. (Line 47) And then slowly, he grew more committed to his work with kids, until it took hold of his mind and heart. Paraphrase: He gradually became highly devoted to teaching, until it wholly occupied his mind and heart. 2. (Line 92) I shuttled between New York and Chicago, and at the end of April 1 spent several days with him. “Look at this,” Steve said, as he showed me a bunch of hair on his pillow. “It?s all falling out. I told the doctor, I didn?t say I wanted to look like Michael Jordan; I just said I wanted to play like him”. The author?s intention here is to show to readers Steve?s humorous and brave character, but it also has the effect of making them feel sad and regretful. Paraphrase: I frequently traveled to Chicago to see Steve from New York. At the end of April, his hair was falling when I stayed with him for a few days. Michael Jordan, a famous basketball player, was bald. Steve joked that he wanted to play like Jordan, not look like Jordan. 3. (Line 124) Four days later Steve developed critical pneumonia and was put on a respirator. Paraphrase: Four days later, Steve became seriously infected with pneumonia and had to rely on respirator for breathing. 4. (Line 147) There are the people in the spotlight whom we honor but who often go about their lives in selfish pursuits. Paraphrase: Some people receive a lot of public attention and respect, but are actually selfish and only care about their own interests. Key to Exercise II 1. Because of the age difference when they were young.. After they grew up, they worked in different places. 2. Steve thought Ira looked down upon him because he neglected to introduce him to former Chicago White Sox baseball pitcher Saul Rogovin. 3. The author meant that elder brothers were usually more capable and could receive more attention in both family and school. In his case, his brother Steve tried very hard to be as good as he was but failed. So the author had all the attention and praise while Steve was usually forgotten. 4. Steve?s students loved him profoundly both as their teacher and best friend because he cared about not only their studies, but also their life and future. 5. Because Steve admired Paavo Nurmi for the determination and perseverance that he showed in running. UNIT SEVEN Passage 19 The Brewer’s Son 1. (Line 1) When I was a teenager, my dad did everything he could to dissuade me from becoming a brewer. Paraphrase: My dad tried all his means to persuade me not to become a brewer when I was a teenager. 2. (Line 9) In my second year of graduate school, I had something of an epiphany. th“Epiphany” is also a Christian festival which is celebrated on the 6 of January. It commemorates the arrival of the wise men who came to see Jesus Christ soon after he was born, so the meaning of the word in the present context is associated with being wise. The truth of things, which is usually revealed by wise men, occurred to the author. Translation: 在读研究生的第二年,我领悟到了事物的真谛。 3. (Line 12) The future was closing in on me a lot earlier than I wanted. “Close in on” means “move nearer and nearer and gradually surround a person or place.” Translation: 将来比我设想的来得早得多,它愈来愈近,迫使我做出抉择。 4. (Line 30) Still,after working there five years, I was haunted by doubt. “Be haunted” here means “be constantly troubled by something.” In this context, it means that the author had been in constant doubt of his career decision. Translation: 工作了五年以后,我仍然经常怀疑自己是否选对了职业。 5. (Line 40) When I told my dad, I was hoping he?d put his arm round me and get misty about reviving tradition. “Misty” here has the same meaning as “misty-eyed”, which means making him so happy, sentimental, or nostalgic that he was going to cry. He expected his dad to be greatly moved as what he planned to do would bring back to life the family tradition. Translation: 当我告诉爸爸我的想法时,我希望他会拥抱我并对复兴家庭传统感到激动不 已。 Key to Exercise II 1. Samuel Adams was a brewer and also a patriot who organize the Boston Tea Party to fight against British rule. This event is associated with the War of Independence, and stirs patriotic feeling in the American people. 2. Yes, it contributed to the success of the beer. It makes people associate the beer with one of the leaders in the War of American Independence and plays on feelings of patriotism. 3. He sold it direct. He went to bars and introduced the beer himself. 4. It is worthwhile to take time to find out what you really want to do. It is no good to rush or to let others make career choices for you. Passage 20 When the Wolf Was at the Door 1. (Line 21) Dad was in a hurry. The bush wasn?t. The full form of these two sentences should be: Dad was in a hurry. The bush wasn?t in a hurry. The meaning of these two sentences are in contrast, and the structures are balanced. It uses the rhetorical technique of antithesis, creating a special effect of urgency and a sense of humor. 2. (Line 27) Like a windmill Dad?s bough moved---and how he rushed for another when that was used up. The normal order of the sentence should be: Dad?s bough moved like a windmill… The reversed order of the sentence achieves a much stronger effect in showing how hard Dad tried to put out the fire. Translation: 爸爸挥舞着树枝,像风车旋转一般,当一根树枝烧得不能用时他是怎样着急 地冲过去折新的呀。 3. (Line 81) No one appeared in any humor to talk at the table. “Humor” means “mood” in the text: No one was in the mood to talk at the table. Translation: 饭桌上没有人有心情说话。 4. (Line 95) Whereupon Dad jumped up in a tearing passion. ”Damn your insolence,” he said to Dan.” Make a jest of it, would you?” Paraphrase: (They had run out of flour for bread that morning, but at the dinner table Dan asked Dave whether he was not going to have any bread.) At that point Dad was furious because he thought Dan was joking about the poor family situation. Translation: 顿时爸爸暴跳如雷,对丹喊道:“你这个该死的无理的家伙,你拿这(没有面 包)开玩笑,是吧,” 5. (Line 147) And how Dan talked of tallies, bellywool, and ringers, and implored Dad, over and over again, to go shearing, or rolling up, or branding -----anything rather than work and starve on the selection. Translation: 丹无比热情地谈论羊头数、羊腹毛、剪羊毛快手,并且一次又一次地恳求爸 爸与其在选地上饿死,还不如去剪羊毛,或者卷羊毛,或者给羊打烙印。 Key to Exercise II 1. This story depicts the hardship of life of the early Australian settlers and their love of land. 2. He was a hard-working, kind-hearted and determined person. He loved his family very much. But no matter how hard he tried, his family was on the edge of starvation. In these circumstances, he felt depressed and appeared hot-tempered. 3. She was kind and scanty of words. She devoted herself to her family and without complaint. Passage 21 The Spark She Can’t Explain 1. (Line 35) It?s a gift she could never explain, but a generation of moviegoers with sagging jaws have since listened to pitch-perfect replication of foreign accents to match the ancestry of the diverse characters she has played----Polish, British, Australian, Italian and Irish. Paraphrase: Streep has played many characters from foreign countries who speak English with foreign accents. She has perfectly reproduced each accent, whether it is Polish, British, Danish, Australian, Italian or Irish English. She cannot explain how she manages to do so, but hundreds of people watching those movies have been astonished at the authenticity. 2. (Line 62) In a span of 16 months she had played eight theatre roles to glowing reviews. Paraphrase: In a period of 16 months, she played eight roles in theatres and all of them received high raise form reviewers. 3. (Line 101) Asked about the fulfillment that comes from her profession, Streep says that it comes from seeing actors on stage bringing characters to full life who would otherwise have lain inert on the printed page. Paraphrase: When Streep was asked about the satisfaction that she got from work, she replied that her greatest contentment was to see the lifeless characters on printed pages brought to life on stage by actors. 4. (Line 106) All of them inhabit another planet from the assembly line of prostitutes and sex objects that is the typical Hollywood fare. “Planet” here refers to dramatically different living environment. Paraphrase: The characters that Streep has played are very different from the female roles typical of so many Hollywood films. They are far more complex. Key to Exercise II 1. 在十六个月的时间里,她演出了八个剧目,全部赢得了评论家的赞扬。 2. 斯特里普的表演天赋来源于她的巨大的同情心和人道精神。这就是为什么她能够与所扮 演的角色产生认同感,这也是她为什么能够体会她们的情感并且所扮演的角色令人感到 惊讶地逼真可信。 3. 当被问到她的职业给她带来的成就感时,斯特里普说她的成就感来自于看到演员把原本 印在剧本上的无生命的人物变成了舞台上活生生的人。 4. 无论谁扮演情人都会爱上他,无论谁扮演恶棍都回害怕她。 5. 伟大表演的力量能使观众的感觉变得敏锐,就像大雨过后来到户外的感觉一样。 UNIT EIGHT Passage 22 Dolly’s False Legacy 1. (Line 15) …roughly 10 times as high as normal before birth and three times as high after birth… Paraphrase: about 10 times as high as the normal incidence of death in natural reproduction before birth and three times as high as that after birth 2. (Line 16) Distressing enough for those working with animals, these failure rates surely render unthinkable the notion of applying such treatment to humans. ? unthinkable: being contrary to what is reasonable, likely or probable; too shocking or unlikely to be imagined as true; being out of the question e. g. You can?t imagine what it would be like to have your dog hanged that way-----it?s quite unthinkable. Paraphrase: Since these failure rates are already unpleasant enough for those working with animals, they surely make the idea of human cloning hard to imagine. 3. (Line 33) Why “copy” people in the first place? Paraphrase: Why should we clone humans anyway? 4. (Line 33) Couples unable to have children might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than accept the intrusion of genes from a donor. ? rather than: Meaning instead of, used when talking about preference, and usually in ” parallel structures” ----with two infinitives, adjectives, adverbial expressions, nouns, pronouns, etc. e.g. Why don?t you wear the black shoes rather than the brown ones? 5. (Line 47) Each of us can imagine hypothetical families created by the introduction of a cloned child---a copy of one partner in a homosexual relationship or of a single parent, for example. ? a single parent: a parent who is not married. Paraphrase: Anybody can imagine forms of families that do not yet exist, such as those where the child is cloned from a single parent or one partner in a homosexual relationship. 6. (Line 73) At what age would a child be too old to be copied in the event of death? ? in the event of: if it should happen; in case e.g. In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors. Paraphrase: At what age would a child be banned from being copied if he died (if it should happen that the child died)? 7. (Line 83) What if the child does not live up to the hopes and dreams of the parent…? ? live up to: to achieve what is expected, esp. high standards e.g. Can discoveries about the genetic code live up to our hopes and end disease? Paraphrase: What would happen if the child fails to meet the parent?s expectations…? Key to Exercise II 1. 这样高的死亡率足以让克隆动物的人感到头痛,克隆人的想法自然变得不切实际。 2. 我们每个人都可以假象这样的家庭:比如说,对同性恋者双方中的任何一个,或一个单 亲进行复制,造出一个孩子,从而给他们创造一个家庭。但是,在所有的这些情况中我 们却没有考虑这样对克隆的孩子有什么好处。 3. 难就难在,因为悲痛的双亲想要的不是一个新宝宝,而是希望找回逝者。 Passage 23 Unlock Your Own Creativity 1. (Line 4) When I tried it on a kindergarten class, a forest of hands shot up. ? forest: something resembling a forest, especially in quantities or abundance; a large number of things; a thick cluster Paraphrase: When I used this demonstration in a kindergarten class to see what their response would be, many children promptly raised their hands. 2. (Line 5) “A Mexican hat,” piped one kid. ? pipe: speak in a high-pitched voice or piercing tone 3. (Line 6) “Now, that?s a burnt hamburger,” said another. ? now: used in statements or questions to introduce or give emphasis to what you are saying e.g. Hurry, now, or you?ll miss the bus! Now, you don?t really mean it. 4. (Line 25) Usually it takes a whack on the head, like Newton supposedly had when an apple striking his skull awakened him to the laws of gravity. ? supposedly: assumably; according to what is supposed ? awake to/ awaken sb. to: realize; understand; to come or bring to awareness of e.g. He awoke to the realities of life. I awakened him to his responsibilities for his children. 5. (Line 31) … if we have already been chipping away at the “mental locks” that close our minds. ? chip: to cut or hew with an edged tool Paraphrase: … if we have already been gradually destroying the “mental locks” that prevent us from thinking freely and creatively. 6. (Line 56) We have got some people rowing at full beat, some at one-half beat, and some dead- beats. ? beat: a single stroke or blow, esp. in a series; a driving impact or force Paraphrase: We have got some people working really hard, some less hard, and some who almost never work. 7. (Line 57) This man made himself the missing “drummer,” with the result the operation smoothed out. ? make: appoint; name e.g. The president made him his special envoy. Paraphrase: This man appointed himself to the vacant post of “drummer”. As a result, business operations of the company began to proceed smoothly. 8. (Line 74) … but this engineer was talking to “idea” men who brushed aside the impracticality and started thinking. ? brush aside: disregard; ignore e.g. Our complaints were simply brushed aside. 9. (Line 82) … 141 tenth-graders were treated to a recording of a popular comedian. ? treat to: to give something to somebody that will offer him special pleasure e.g. Employees are treated to a one-semester holiday for every seven years they have served the University. Paraphrase: 141 tenth-graders were offered a recording of a popular comedian as an entertainment. 10. (Line 94) … after the Boston Red Sox star collected his 3000th hit, a reporter asked, “Hey, Yaz, aren?t you afraid all this attention will go to your head?” ? go to your head: usually let it go to your head, meaning to become too proud; have a swelled head e.g. So you won the golf tournament. Don?t let it go to your head. Paraphrase: After the Boston Red Sox star successfully made his 3000th hit, a reporter asked, “Hey, Yaz, don?t you feel you might become too proud with all this popularity you enjoy?” 11. (Line 99) That fact alone keeps me from getting a swelled head ? swelled head: an unduly high opinion of oneself; conceit e.g. If I win the talent contest, I promise not to get a swelled head. Paraphrase: That fact alone holds me back from getting too proud. For that fact only I won?t become too proud. 12. (Line 107) The successful hunter ranges widely, keeps a sharp eye out, and knows his prey when he sees it. ? range: to move or travel freely Paraphrase: The successful hunter covers a large area, is constantly on the alert, and can spot something worth shooting the moment it comes into sight. 13. (Line 124) And when we put ourselves down as not creative, we set in motion a self-fulfilling prophecy. ? put down: to belittle or disparage ? set/ put (a machine/ process) in motion: to start if Paraphrase: If we look down upon ourselves as not being creative, we will become uncreative, because we do not expect more of ourselves. In this way the prediction will fulfill itself. Key to Exercise II 1. 生活中有许多时候这样做也许是件幸事,因为我们不可以下班回家时独辟蹊径,沿着高 速公路逆行而行。 2. 重击是多种多样的,它可以是件很重要的事情,比如说,失去一份工作,也可能是件微 不足道的事,比如晚宴上缺乏一道特别的菜。 3. 硬性的逻辑思维可能会扼杀新的想法,因为它往往将那些似乎矛盾的选项加以排除。软 性思维的松散土壤更有利于创新思想的萌发,因为它可以在不同事物或者状态之间发现 相似之处和内在联系。 4. 这个人让自己坐上了“鼓手”的空位子,其结果是公司的运营得以顺利进行。 5. 创新思维的产生最初需要可能性所代表的广阔领域,而非实用性所代表的狭小空间。 Passage 24 Sleep and Dreams 1. (Line 18) In stage three, which you reach in less than thirty minutes, the brain waves are less active and stretched out. ? brain wave: a rhythmic fluctuation of electric potential between parts of the brain 脑波 2. (Line 49) Some people get relief from bad dreams by writing them down and then changing the negative stories or thoughts into positive ones on the written paper. Paraphrase: Some people reduce the effect of a bad dream by writing it down and then changing those parts that cause bad feelings into ones that make them feel good. 3. (Line 57) They usually grow out of it by the time they become adolescents. ? grow out of: to become too large or mature for somebody/ something; to become too old or sensible to like somebody/ something. e.g. Don?t worry, he?ll soon grow out of wanting to be a fireman. The baby?s grown out of all her dresses. He will grow out of these picture books in a few months. Paraphrase: They usually develop out of sleepwalking when they become adolescents. 4. (Line 80) You cannot save hours of sleep the way you save money in the bank. Translation: 你不能像在银行存钱那样预存睡眠时间。 5. (Line 97) Continue up the body, tensing and relaxing the muscles until you reach the head. Paraphrase: Repeat the same activities on your body till you have done it with the head. Key to Exercise II 1. 有许多关于打鼾的笑话,可实际上并不可笑。 2. 如果你总是在大约同一时间睡觉和起床,你的生活就会有一个良好而健康的节奏。咖啡 因会使人保持清醒。睡觉前吃得过多也会影响睡眠。晚饭宜早。
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