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日产天籁发动机维修手册(2)日产天籁发动机维修手册(2) 日产天籁发动机维修手册 (二) 发动机控制系统 1( 燃油控制系统 因为燃油压力调节器安装在油箱内,VQ35DE发动机的燃油系统是没有回油管路的;而且燃油不从温度较高的发动机侧循环再回到油箱,所以油箱内的燃油温度较低,蒸发到碳罐的蒸气就少。 燃油压力调节器的泄压阀设定为350kPa,而且与发动机的进气歧管真空度无关。较高的燃油压力有助于提高发动机的热起动性能,还可以减少在较高温度的发动机侧的油管内形成气阻的可能。在发动机舱供油管上装有两个燃油压力缓冲器,一个缓冲器装在发动机左侧缸盖进油管...
日产天籁发动机维修手册(2) 日产天籁发动机维修手册 (二) 发动机控制系统 1( 燃油控制系统 因为燃油压力调节器安装在油箱内,VQ35DE发动机的燃油系统是没有回油管路的;而且燃油不从温度较高的发动机侧循环再回到油箱,所以油箱内的燃油温度较低,蒸发到碳罐的蒸气就少。 燃油压力调节器的泄压阀设定为350kPa,而且与发动机的进气歧管真空度无关。较高的燃油压力有助于提高发动机的热起动性能,还可以减少在较高温度的发动机侧的油管内形成气阻的可能。在发动机舱供油管上装有两个燃油压力缓冲器,一个缓冲器装在发动机左侧缸盖进油管侧,另一个装在右侧。 燃油压力缓冲器 从油箱到发动机舱燃油管是塑料制成的,其外面包裹一层橡胶,这种结构可以减少燃 油蒸气从油管处泄漏,以满足越来越严格的排放法规要求从各方面减少的排放。 在燃油压力缓冲器与喷油嘴的油管之间加装一个编号为 KV101 17600的专用工具, 就可以测量燃油系统的压力。 2( 加速踏板位置传感器(APPS) 加速踏板位置传感器装在加速踏板总成上,向ECM传递驾驶员加速或收油的信号, 然后由ECM控制电子节气门(ECT)打开或关闭。加速踏板位置传感器没有怠速位置 开关或全开开关。加速踏板位置传感器与加速踏板虽然通过螺丝固定,但它没有单独的 零件号,必须与加速踏板一起订购。 3( 电子节气门(ETC) J31采用电子节气门来控制发动机转速,已取消AAC阀及其它怠速控制装置。在 TCS(牵引力控制系统)或VDC(车辆动态控制系统)要求发动机限制扭矩和防止车轮 打滑时,ECM会控制电子节气门(ETC)工作。 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of 汽车与维修技术专业系列课程 《汽油发动机管理系统故障诊断与修理》—维修资料 电子节气门执行器 电子节气门与节气门位置传感器协调工作,节气门位置传感器将节气门当前的位置信号传给ECM,作为反馈信号。电子节气门在没有电负荷时的自由位置,节气门稍为打开,可以为发动机提供了故障失效保护功能。因此当电子节气门(ETC)出现故障时,汽车可以20Km/H左右的车速行驶。 如果断开过ECM或APPS的插头,则一定要执行下述操作(详细操作信息参见维修手册): , 节气门关闭位置学习; , 怠速空气量学习; , 加速踏板释放位置学习。 4( 加速踏板位置传感器(APPS)输出电压信号读取 ECM读取来自电子节气门的TPS信号和来自加速踏板机构的APPS信号。TPS和APPS的插头端口电压值特征与途乐车(Y61)TB48DE发动机类似,ECM是将TPS和APPS的计算值输给CONSULT-II,因此用电压表所测的数值与CONSULT所显示的不一致。 用数字表测量APS1与TPS1的输出电压与CONSULT-II所显示的值一样;用数字表测量APS2与TPS2的输出电压值与CONSULT-II上显示的值不一样,但在CONSULT-II上显示的计算值应当一样(APS1=APS2;TPS1=TPS2)。 5(压缩压力检查 如果要检查气缸压缩压力,必须将加速踏板踩到底同时起动发动机,加速踏板踩到底时节气门只打开5/8开度,必须在这种状态下检查气缸压缩压力。在测量内侧汽缸压力时,必须拆下进气歧管来检查,因此在起动发动机时注意防止将异物吸入节气门体,否则会严重损坏发动机。 为了防止在起动过程中将燃油喷入缸内,先拔下油泵保险丝。油泵保险丝在仪表保险丝盒内,其位置在保险丝盒盖上已标明。 6(曲轴位置(POS)及凸轮轴相位(PHASE)传感器 J31发动机有两个凸轮轴相位传感器,它分别装在靠近两进气凸轮轴的缸盖尾端;曲轴位置传感器装在油底壳的后端。曲轴位置传感器和凸轮轴相位传感器均为霍尔型传感器。 曲轴位置传感器感应飞轮的凹槽信号,凸轮轴相位传感器感应相应的凸轮轴的凹槽信 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matte23 rs,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of 号。ECM利用每一侧缸的相位传感器信号和曲轴位置信号就可以判断凸轮轴的绝对位置。 ECM利用上止点前(BTDC)110度的相位信号来计算下一个到达上止点的气缸。例如,当ECM读到左侧的相位刻度数为1以及右侧相应的相位刻度数为2时,则判断下一个达到压缩上止点的气缸是第3缸。 7(空气流量传感器MAF 进气温度传感器与空气流量传感器做成一体,空气流量传感器是5线插头,只提供电瓶电源,取消5V电压线。空气流量计的地线已不是独立的,它与其它接地线连接在一起。 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of 汽车检测与维修技术专业系列课程 《汽油发动机管理系统故障诊断与修理》—维修资料 8(爆振传感器 爆振传感器是两线插头,在插头内有一个屏蔽线接地端口。 9(加热型氧传感器 每一侧缸有两个加热型氧传感器,共4个。前加热型氧传感器以螺纹配合方式安装在排气歧管出口处;后氧传感器安装在三元催化器的出口处,用来测量三元催化器的转化效率。 在日产车系中,有两种4线式氧传感器。这两种传感器都不是通过传感器自身接地,有一种如V35地平线(Skyline)车,传感器通过线束在发动机缸体处接地,而不是到ECM接地;另一种通过ECM接地。要经常查看相应的维修手册来确认传感器线路类型。 VQ35DE前后氧传感器均为4线传感器,它是通过ECM接地与而不是通过底盘接地。早期的4线传感器通过底盘接地,三线传感器通过自身接地。早期的线路可能会导致传感器加热器线路失效,因为如果其它线路的接地不良,就会通过该传感器接地,这样进入闭环工作的加热时间延长,可能会导致油耗升高。 该4线传感器采用世界通用,这种传感器将用于所有现在生产的车上。 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matte25 rs,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of (直接到ECM接地,而不是通过发动机或底盘接地) 10(动力转向压力传感器 VQ35DE采用动力转向油压传感器而不是压力开关。变化的油压产生线性的电压输出。这种设计可以让发动机的工作更平稳。 11(燃油蒸发系统(EVAP) 碳罐装在车的后部下方,靠近油箱处,真空管接头与油管接头类似,采用快接头形式。 EVAP电磁阀安装在进气歧管上,由ECM的对其进行占空比式控制,以控制碳罐的通气。 ,(油泵、滤清器和油压调节器 ,(加油管 ,(油箱盖 ,(通气管 ,(快速接头 ,(油气分离器 ,(燃油管 ,(,,,,碳罐 ,(,,,,单向阀 ,(,,,,管路 ,(燃油管 ,(油箱 ,(加油管 ,(,,,,碳罐 12(电控发动机支承架 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of 汽车检测与维修技术专业系列课程 《汽油发动机管理系统故障诊断与修理》—维修资料 J31发动机由一个大的副悬挂架支承。发动机前后支承架都是液压型,可以增加或降低其刚度。一个小型电机控制支承架两个腔之间的旁通孔,怠速时该孔打开,液体可在上下两腔之间自由流动,加强悬架的减震效果;当发动机有负荷行驶时,ECM给电机一个信号关闭旁通孔,限制液体在两个腔之间的流动,加强发动机悬架的刚度。 优点是使怠速时振动不会传到车身,而在加减速时发动机的运动又受到限制。 发动机后支承 怠速时状态 加速、高速时状态 27 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of 13(日产直接点火系统(NDIS) J31发动机采用日产直接点火系统(NDIS),共有六个单独的点火线圈;每一个点火线圈又有一个单独的功率晶体管;在点火线圈连接杆内,串联有一个附加电阻,用于消除电器噪音的干扰,这种设计在现在日产所生产的汽油车上是常见的。火花塞是铂金NGK型,使用寿命可达90,000公里。 与目前所生产的大多数汽油发动机一样,火花塞的螺纹部分加长了,其目的是增强导热效果,降低火花塞温度,以利于防止爆震。日产直接点火系统(NDIS)和铂金火花塞,在其设计寿命周期内可提供良好的点火性能,这些部件不可用其它型号替代,维修时也只能使用纯正日产部件。因为有一半的火花塞位于进气歧管下方,所以在更换后排火花塞时,必需拆掉进气歧管。 14(人工读取故障码及发动机怠速空气量自学习的 可通过CONSULT-II检测仪对ECCS系统进行发动机怠速空气量自学习;也可以通过人工的方法进行,具体方法如下: 模式1:怠速空气量自学习 打开点火开关关闭 II诊断测试模式(自诊7秒5秒10多于秒。 断结果)开始。3秒之内ECM擦除内存 完全踩下完全松开10约秒 加速踏板 I模式 I模式II模式诊断测试模式 模式2:自诊断结果 在这种模式下,如果自诊断结果发现故障,由MIL的闪烁方式来指示。 DTC14481110举例:号和DTC号变化 14481110显示显示 单位:秒 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of 汽车检测与维修技术专业系列课程 《汽油发动机管理系统故障诊断与修理》—维修资料 这是一种切换诊断测试模式的新方法。从现在起,该方法在新车上作为标准形式使用。这种方法需要操作加速踏板,而不必连接数据接口。 模式3:加热型氧气传感器 在这种模式下,空燃比的稀和浓用MIL的闪烁方式来显示。 发动机故障指示灯 燃油混合物状况 空燃比反馈控制状况 亮 稀 闭环系统 灭 浓 保持亮或灭 任何状况 开环系统 *:仅在切换到开环之前保持原有状态。 15(故障失效保护模式 故障码 故障内容 故障失效模式 P0102 空气流量传感器 由于燃油切断功能,发动机转速不超过2400rpm P0103 及其线路故障 P0122 P0123 节气门位置传感器 ECM控制节气门马达动作速度低于正常情况下的速度; P0222 及其线路故障 因此加速性能不良。 P0223 P2135 如果由于节气门回位弹簧的原因导致节气门马达无法正 常工作,发动机转速将不超过2200rpm; P1121 电子节气门控制马达 如果检测到节气门阀卡滞,发动机将通过燃油切断功能, 降低车速,当车辆停下来时自动熄火;如果发动机重新 起动,发动机转速将不超过1000rpm P1122 电子节气门控制功能 P1124 节气门马达继电器 P1126 通过回位弹簧,节气门开度将固定在5度范围内; P1128 节气门马达 P1129 传感器电源线路 P2122 节气门开度将固定在10度范围内; P2123 加速踏板位置传感器 ECM控制节气门马达动作速度低于正常情况下的速度; P2127 因此加速性能不良。 P2128 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matte29 rs,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of P2138 附:发动机ECCS系统控制简图 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of
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