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结婚双方婚前协议结婚双方婚前协议 婚前协议204条 一. 合同填写说明 1. 【填写说明】本合同总共包括7章内容,为了在确保合同执行力度的同时简化夫妻双方对于本合同的法律学习过程,设置本填写说明,本填写说明双方都应确保认真阅读,以最大限度保护自身权利义务 2. 【填写说明】拿到合同后先从第二章和第三章开始填写,描述双方的姓名,基本的权利义务,婚前婚后财产及区分的时间,所有的下划线都应当填写 3. 【填写说明】第四部分和第五部分由男女双方分别填写,请注意男女双方应当如实填写,当婚姻关系存续期间因不实的承诺发生纠纷时,协议内容将视为婚前...
结婚双方婚前协议 婚前协议204条 一. 合同填写 1. 【填写说明】本合同总共包括7章内容,为了在确保合同执行力度的同时简化夫妻双方对于本合同的法律学习过程,设置本填写说明,本填写说明双方都应确保认真阅读,以最大限度保护自身权利义务 2. 【填写说明】拿到合同后先从第二章和第三章开始填写,描述双方的姓名,基本的权利义务,婚前婚后财产及区分的时间,所有的下划线都应当填写 3. 【填写说明】第四部分和第五部分由男女双方分别填写,请注意男女双方应当如实填写,当婚姻关系存续期间因不实的承诺发生纠纷时,协议内容将视为婚前双方互相的承诺,违背该承诺做出的不实陈述有可能导致严重后果 4. 【填写说明】第六部分描述争议发生时的解决,请不带有抵触情绪的认真阅读并共同填写; 5. 【填写说明】第七部分描述违约责任,违约责任在本协议中分为5级,每个条款前面有一个括号,请将您认为合适级别填入括号中,没有填写的,视为2级违约; 6. 【填写说明】节约时间的填写合同是怠于行使权利和对自己不负责任的现,即便不需要的条款,仍然希望填写合同的双方认真地阅读,以增强对婚姻相关法律及合同约定的认识,本协议大部分条款都与法律规定相同,法律没有规定的部分适用当事人民事意思自治的原则 7. 【填写说明】本协议由男女一方填写或代笔的,不影响其对双方产生约束力 8. 【填写说明】本协议正式签订后,双方可以协商进行修订,修订可以撰写本协议的补充协议,或者对协议条款进行增添和修改,但修改和增加需经相对方在修改处附近签字方具有对相对方的约束力,否则只约束书写方 9. 【填写说明】由于本协议空白处的填写内容无法区分时间,为避免事后发生争议,协议原则上应当一次用同一支笔书写完毕,协议空白的地方尽量全部填满,不填写内容的可以划叉。 二. 背景与通则 10. 【男方身份】男方姓名______身份证号__________________ 11. 【女方身份】女方姓名______身份证号__________________ 12. 【真实性承诺】双方声明签署本协议所有空白不隐瞒真实情况,隐瞒真实情况视为违约,且可作为相对方; 13. 【法律适用】本协议适用中华人民共和国婚姻法及相关司法解释; 14. 【管辖法院】本协议产生的纠纷由被告住所地法院管辖,被告离开住所地超过一年的,由原告住所地法院管辖 15. 【结婚时点】双方约定于_______年_______月________日作为婚姻登记的时间,当实际婚姻登记时间与约定的时间不一致时,以办理婚姻登记的时间为准 16. 【个人财产】双方约定在婚姻登记之前取得的财产为双方个人财产,离婚时不参与分割 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 17. 【个人财产】男方在签署本协议时,将男方名下的____银行的账户/卡号_______作为男方和女方相处过程中永远属于个人财产的部分,该部分不因婚姻关系的存续与否改变其婚前个人财产的性质,但是除女方外,或本协议约定外其他任何人无权将婚后的共同收入存入该账户 18. 【个人财产】女方个人财产:男方在签署本协议时,将女方名下的____银行的账户/卡号_______作为男方和女方相处过程中永远属于个人财产的部分该部分不因婚姻关系的存续与否改变其婚前个人财产的性质,但是除男方外,或本协议约定外其他任何人无权将双方婚后的共同收入存入该账户 19. 【个人财产】男女双方个人财产的账户(以下简称个人专用账户)用于双方在相处过程中区别个人财产及发生的转化,以及履行本协议过程中发生违约行为及其他引起钱款支付的行为时,用于支付罚金或违约金; 20. 【个人财产】男女双方不得未经对方同意将应属于双方共同财产的收益归于个人账户 21. 【个人财产】任意一方违反上条规定的,其个人账户将永久视为男女双方共同账户,凡流经该账户的财产,无论转移至何处,相对方皆有权要求分割; 22. 【个人财产】条件允许的情况下,男女双方自愿出资________元作为履行本协议的保障金,双方应在_____银行建立银行资金监管账户/卡号 23. 【个人财产】双方同意,男方每月可将_____元收入作为男方个人财产予以保留,女方每月可将_____元收入作为女方个人财产予以保留 24. 【个人财产】双方同意,男方每月可将_____元收入作为女方个人财产予以保留,女方每月可将_____元收入作为男方个人财产予以保留 25. 【个人财产】双方同意,下列财产无论自然增值、孳息、一方或双方投资行为导致的增值,皆不影响其个人财产的性质: (1). _____________________________________________ (2). _____________________________________________ (3). _____________________________________________ 26. 【共同财产】双方共同财产的计算时间自 ?本协议签订之日起 ?结婚登记之日起 27. 【共同财产】共同财产的使用和支配,本协议有约定的遵照协议约定,本协议未约定的,一次性支付______元以下的部分不需要征得相对方的同意,高于此数额事先未征得相对方同意的,若事后相对方不同意,则使用该费用的一方构成违约 28. 【共同财产】男女双方共同享有财产的收益权和使用权,共同享有对共同财产的一切知情权,男女双方持有共同财产的比例为_____________(默认为50%:50%) 29. 【共同财产】若上述条款约定男女双方持有共同财产的比例不同,则持有较大比例的一方,在协商不一致的情况下可以最终确定财产的支配和使用,但支配和使用如果侵犯了相对方的利益,则该行为构成违约 30. 【共同财产】一方个人财产在婚后产生的收益,除孳息和自然增值外,应认定为共同财产。 31. 【自然增值及孳息】下列情况属于自然增值或孳息: in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep (1). 房价上涨导致的房屋升值 (2). 在婚姻登记前买入的股票未经过任何交易的股权增值 (3). 在婚姻登记前通过借贷关系在婚后取得的利息 (4). 在婚姻登记前买入的贵金属、收藏品、奢侈品等投资品未经交易价格变化导致的增值 (5). ___________________________________ 32. 【婚前赠与】双方经协商以结婚为目的互赠财物,赠与以结婚为目的,具有彩礼的性质,若双方未办理结婚登记,或受赠方过错导致双方感情破裂并离婚的,当事人可要求返还该赠与,不能返还的,应按照实际市场价格进行补偿。下列财产属于该财产: (1). _____________________________________________ (2). _____________________________________________ 三. 双方约定 33. 【财产保管】银行卡及存折的保管: (1). 名称 银行卡A 卡号/存折号________ 用户名_______ 开户行_________ 由___方负责保管; (2). 名称 子女教育储蓄存折 卡号/存折号________ 用户名_______ 开户行_________ 由___方负责保管; (3). (4). (5). (6). (7). 34. 【财产保管】网银账户及网银U盾的保管: (1). 网银U盾 35. 【财产保管】财务的保管:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 36. 【财物保管】投资理财:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 37. 【劳动分工】消费品采购:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 38. 【劳动分工】费用交纳(水、电费等):?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 39. 【劳动分工】洗衣服:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 40. 【劳动分工】叠衣服:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 41. 【劳动分工】整理衣柜:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 42. 【劳动分工】扫地:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 43. 【劳动分工】擦窗:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 44. 【劳动分工】洗杯子:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 45. 【劳动分工】买菜:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 46. 【劳动分工】准备早点:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 47. 【劳动分工】准备午饭:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 48. 【劳动分工】准备晚饭:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 49. 【劳动分工】洗碗:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 50. 【劳动分工】整理家具的摆放:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 51. 【劳动分工】保持窗台、桌面整洁:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 52. 【劳动分工】日常家居装饰:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 53. 【劳动分工】铺床:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 54. 【劳动分工】床单被套清洗:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 55. 【劳动分工】照顾子女:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 56. 【劳动分工】接子女上学:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 57. 【劳动分工】送子女上学:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 58. 【劳动分工】交通工具的保养维护:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 59. 【劳动分工】服装采购:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 60. 【劳动分工】照顾男方父母及其他亲属:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 61. 【劳动分工】照顾女方父母及其他亲属:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 62. 【劳动分工】慰问品、礼品采购:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 63. 【劳动分工】药品及医疗采购:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 64. 【劳动分工】婴幼儿换洗尿布:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 65. 【劳动分工】婴幼儿日间(早8点到晚12点)喂奶:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 66. 【劳动分工】婴幼儿夜间(晚12点到早8点)喂奶:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 67. 【劳动分工】照料婴幼儿入睡:?由男方负责 ?由女方负责 ?双方共同负责 68. 【劳动分工】其他关于劳动的补充一:_____________________________________ 69. 【劳动分工】其他关于劳动的补充二:_____________________________________ 70. 【劳动分工】在没有相反约定的情况下,上述劳动为日常事务的,每周至少工作6天,上述劳动为常态事务的,每周原则上不少于一次,为突发性事件的,原则上由承担义务的一方负责,雇佣他人或委托他人完成工作的,应征得相对方的同意; 71. 【隐私权/知情权】下列工具及密码属于隐私权/知情权的范围: 72. 【隐私权/知情权】QQ账号及密码 ?隐私权 ?知情权 73. 【隐私权/知情权】MSN等其他通讯工具账号及密码 ?隐私权 ?知情权 74. 【隐私权/知情权】银行卡账号及密码 ?隐私权 ?知情权 75. 【隐私权/知情权】身份证 ?隐私权 ?知情权 76. 【隐私权/知情权】户口本 ?隐私权 ?知情权 77. 【隐私权/知情权】工作资料 ?隐私权 ?知情权 78. 【隐私权/知情权】个人电脑 ?隐私权 ?知情权 79. 【隐私权/知情权】个人手机 ?隐私权 ?知情权 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 80. 【隐私权/知情权】个人博客 ?隐私权 ?知情权 81. 【隐私权/知情权】电子邮局 ?隐私权 ?知情权 82. 【隐私权/知情权】选为隐私权的项目,双方皆有权拒绝透露给相对方,任何未通过当事人授权而进行盗取、监听、跟踪或偷看的行为,皆属于违约; 83. 【隐私权/知情权】选为知情权的项目,双方皆应无条件的公开给相对方,任何隐藏、修改密码、刻意隐瞒的行为皆属于违约; 84. 【异性朋友】双方( ?可以 ?不可以)有异性朋友; 85. 【异性朋友】下列异性不属于本协议约定的异性朋友范畴: (1). 年龄差距10岁以上且不大于18岁或大于40岁的女性; (2). 下班时间一小时外不往来的异性同事; (3). 三代以内直系异性亲属; 86. 【异性朋友】暧昧尺度:与异性朋友单独共同进餐每月不超过____次; 87. 【不良嗜好】不良嗜好:不得有下列不良嗜好 88. 【不良嗜好】嗜烟:每天抽香烟___根以上的视为嗜烟; 89. 【不良嗜好】酗酒:每周醉酒____次以上的视为酗酒; 90. 【不良嗜好】赌博:进赌场赌博或其他一切性质的赌博活动,或涉及一次性赌注___元以上属于赌博; 91. 【不良嗜好】彩票:每周购买彩票现金价值超过_____元的属于不良嗜好; 92. 【不良嗜好】吸毒:吸毒即构成违约; 93. 【不良嗜好】嫖娼:嫖娼即构成违约,出入声色场所每周不超过____次; 94. 【生活费】生活必需品:生活必需品包括食材、房租、水电、交通费、卫生纸等; 95. 【生活费】生活必须品每月支出不超过_____元; 96. 【生活费】服装购买: (1). 男方每月购买服装的费用不应超过_____元 (2). 女方每月购买服装的费用不应超过_____元 97. 【生活用品】男方个人用品:男士香水、领带、衬衣、鞋油、剃须刀等; 98. 【生活用品】男方个人用品可由双方购买,男方用共同财产采购个人用品的支出每月不超过_____元; 99. 【生活用品】生活必需品:生活必需品包括食材、房租、水电、交通费、卫生纸、卫生巾等; 100. 【生活用品】生活必须品由女方负责购买,每月支出不超过_____元; 101. 【生活用品】女方个人用品:包括化妆品、奢侈品、服装箱包、女鞋等; 102. 【生活用品】女方个人用品可由双方购买,女方用共同财产采购个人用品的支出每月不超过_____元; 103. 【吵架】吵架: (1). 每周主动挑起争吵不得超过两次 (2). 每次吵架不得超过10分钟 104. 【吵架】无论对错事后一定要先和对方道歉的一方是:?男方 ?女方 ?双方 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 105. 【离家出走】一方有过错的,另一方可以离家出走 106. 【离家出走】一方没有过错的,另一方在争吵后离家出走视为违约 107. 【其他日常生活】避孕:________________________________________________ 108. 【其他日常生活】教育:一方有机会接受教育和培训,该培训有益于双方共同的 事业和生活时,另一方应无条件支持 109. 【其他日常生活】做饭/忌口:_____________________________________________ 110. 【其他日常生活】外卖:一方负责做饭的时间,负责做饭的一方提出外出就餐或 外卖的,另一方有权拒绝; 111. 【其他日常生活】女方需定期服用避孕药物避孕直到双方登记结婚之日; 112. 【其他日常生活】做饭:女方需负责______________________的做饭; 113. 【其他日常生活】外卖:女方负责做饭的时间,女方提出外出就餐或外卖的,男 方有权拒绝; 四. 女方填写部分: 114. 【女方说明】女方的身高:_______ 115. 【女方说明】女方的血型:_______ 116. 【女方说明】女方的民族:_______ 117. 【女方说明】女方的信仰:_______ 118. 【女方说明】女方的工作及收入情况:______________________________________ 119. 【女方说明】女方的房产情况:_________________________________________ 120. 【女方说明】女方的家庭情况:_________________________________________ 121. 【女方说明】女方的股权情况:_________________________________________ 122. 【女方说明】女方的债务情况:_________________________________________ 123. 【女方说明】女方的其他财产情况:________________________________________ 124. 【女方说明】女方结婚前的婚姻状态是 ?未婚 ?离异 ?丧偶 125. 【女方说明】女方是否患有不适合结婚的疾病 ?是 ?否 126. 【女方说明】女方是否曾经进行过整容手术 ?是 ?否 127. 【女方说明】如果进行过整容手术,具体的手术内容为: ________________________ 128. 【女方说明】女方患有哪些需要男方注意的疾病:_________________________ 129. 【女方说明】因上述疾病女方需要男方进行的照顾包括: _______________________ 130. 【女方说明】女方是否曾经流产 ?是 ?否 131. 【女方说明】女方是否能够怀孕 ?是 ?否 132. 【女方说明】女方是否要求必须生育 ?是 ?否 133. 【女方说明】女方是否已有子女 ?是 ?否 134. 【女方说明】女方写给男方的话:__________________________________________ 135. 【女方说明】女方的缺点包括:( ),男方应尽可能容忍女方上述缺点,不应因 上述缺点作为主张感情破裂的原因 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 五. 男方填写部分: 136. 【男方说明】男方的身高:_______ 137. 【男方说明】男方的血型:_______ 138. 【男方说明】男方的民族:_______ 139. 【男方说明】男方的信仰:_______ 140. 【男方说明】男方的工作及收入情况:______________________________________ 141. 【男方说明】男方的房产情况:_________________________________________ 142. 【男方说明】男方的家庭情况:_________________________________________ 143. 【男方说明】男方的股权情况:_________________________________________ 144. 【男方说明】男方的债务情况:_________________________________________ 145. 【男方说明】男方的其他财产情况:________________________________________ 146. 【男方说明】男方结婚前的婚姻状态是 ?未婚 ?离异 ?丧偶 147. 【男方说明】男方是否患有不适合结婚的疾病 ?是 ?否 148. 【男方说明】男方是否曾经进行过整容手术 ?是 ?否 149. 【男方说明】如果进行过整容手术,具体的手术内容为: ________________________ 150. 【男方说明】男方患有哪些需要女方注意的疾病:_________________________ 151. 【男方说明】因上述疾病男方需要女方进行的照顾包括: _______________________ 152. 【男方说明】男方是否能够生育 ?是 ?否 153. 【男方说明】男方是否要求必须生育 ?是 ?否 154. 【男方说明】男方是否已有子女 ?是 ?否 155. 【男方说明】男方写给女方的话:__________________________________________ 156. 【男方说明】男方的缺点包括:_____________________________________,女方 应尽可能容忍男方上述缺点,不应因上述缺点作为主张感情破裂的原因 六. 离婚 157. 【感情破裂】凡属下列情形之一的,视为夫妻感情确已破裂,且对相对方违约 158. 【感情破裂】一方患有法定禁止结婚疾病的,或一方有生理缺陷,或其它原因不 能发生性行为,且难以治愈的。 159. 【感情破裂】婚前缺乏了解,草率结婚,婚后未建立起夫妻感情,难以共同生活 的。 160. 【感情破裂】婚前隐瞒了精神病,婚后经治不愈,或者婚前知道对方患有精神病 而与其结婚,或一方在夫妻共同生活期间患精神病,久治不愈的。 161. 【感情破裂】一方欺骗对方,或者在结婚登记时弄虚作假,骗取《结婚证》的。 162. 【感情破裂】双方办理结婚登记后,未同居生活,无和好可能的。 163. 【感情破裂】包办、买卖婚姻、婚后一方随即提出离婚,或者虽共同生活多年, 但确未建立起夫妻感情的。 164. 【感情破裂】因感情不和分居已满3年,确无和好可能的,或者经人民法院判决 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 不准离婚后又分居满1年,互不履行夫妻义务的。 165. 【感情破裂】一方与他人通奸、非法同居,经教育仍无悔改表现,无过错一方起诉离婚,或者过错方起诉离婚,对方不同意离婚,经批评教育,处分,或在人民法院判决不准离婚后,过错方又起诉离婚,确无和好可能的。 166. 【感情破裂】一方重婚,对方提出离婚的。 167. 【感情破裂】一方好逸恶劳、有赌博等恶习,不履行家庭义务、屡教不改,夫妻难以共同生活的。 168. 【感情破裂】一方被依法判处长期徒刑,或其违法、犯罪行为严重伤害夫妻感情的。 169. 【感情破裂】一方下落不明满二年,对方起诉离婚,经公告查找确无下落的。 170. 【感情破裂】受对方的虐待、遗弃,或者受对方亲属虐待,或虐待对方亲属,经教育不改,另一方不谅解的。 171. 【感情破裂】女方擅自中止妊娠,男方因是否生育发生纠纷(本协议中选择必须生育),致使感情确已破裂。 172. 【感情破裂】签订本协议时隐瞒了真实情况,致使双方感情破裂的。 173. 【感情破裂】双方可起诉至法院请求离婚,但在不能证明感情破裂的前提下,起诉方将面临败诉风险,并且在六个月内不能再次提起离婚诉讼;六个月后再次提出离婚诉讼的,起诉方将有较大的可能离婚。本条款为风险告之条款,不具有法律效力。 174. 【分居】男女双方在婚姻关系存续期间因感情不合而分居的,不影响本协议的效力及夫妻共同财产的认定。 175. 【财产分割】本协议并非离婚协议,不对离婚时的财产进行约定,但本协议在任何离婚发生时,若当事人经三次有录音的两小时以上的磋商不能达成合意,则双方所有共同财产转化为个人财产,转化的比例为各自50%; 176. 【股权分割】一方婚前持有的股份,婚后因双方共同努力增值,但增值部分无法举证的,另一方可要求获得不低于20万元的现金补偿; 177. 【股权分割】一方名义在有限责任公司的出资额,另一方不是该公司股东的,男女双方协商一致将出资额部分或者全部转让给另一方,过半数股东同意、其他股东明确表示放弃优先购买权的,另一方可以成为该公司股东;过半数股东不同意转让,但愿意以同等价格购买该出资额的,男女双方就转让出资所得财产进行分割。过半数股东不同意转让,也不愿意以同等价格购买该出资额的,视为其同意转让,另一方可以成为该公司股东。 178. 【股权分割】一方名义在有限责任公司的出资额,另一方不是该公司股东的,若持有股份的一方过错大于另一方,则另一方有权选择是否无条件取得相应份额的股份。 179. 【股权分割】无过错方认为其他股东行使优先购买权的对价显著低于市场价格的,可以请求按照20万元的方式计算股权; 180. 【房产分割】有证据证明的一方父母出资,无论父母意思表示如何,该份额约定由双方持有的,则双方成为相应份额的债务人,应在父母需要返还时将相应的出资返还; 181. 【房产分割】在没有相反约定的前提下,婚前登记由一方出资登记在出资方一方名下的房产为婚前个人财产,一方出资登记在另一方或双方名下的,为共同财产; in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 182. 【房产分割】一方婚前个人房产,婚后用共同财产还贷的部分,还贷部分增值部分的50%在离婚时应补偿给另一方; 183. 【房产分割】双方共同出资对个人房屋进行翻盖的,该房产将转化为共同财产,转化的比例为翻盖费用占翻盖前房屋价值比例的一半。 184. 【房产分割】一方个人拥有的房屋,在婚姻存续期间发生拆迁、房改导致一方获益的,该情形视为婚前个人财产的转化,但参与拆迁或房改时涉及另一方工龄、户口或其他身份权利时,另一方应取得25%的份额; 185. 【房产分割】双方共同拥有的房屋,由计算过错影响的比例后,持有比例较高的一方决定房屋的归属,相对方应得到对应市场价值的现金补偿;双方持有比例相同的情况下,由愿意支付较高补偿的一方取得房屋;双方都不同意支付补偿,或者没有支付能力的,应将房屋拍卖对现金价值进行分割;双方既不能支付对价,又都不同意拍卖房屋的,该房屋暂不进行分割; 186. 【其他财产分割】双方共同共有,登记在一方名下的股票、理财产品、保险等财产的现金价值的分割,一方要求将股票、理财产品、保险兑现的,另一方应当同意,不同意视为违约; 187. 【财产分割的举证责任】一方有证据或充分理由表明自己不具备举证条件而相对方具备举证条件的,一方可提出任意价值由另一方提供反证,另一方能够提供反证而拒绝提供的,应承担举证不能的后果。 188. 【财产分割的比例】男女双方发生本协议约定及法律规定的过错时,财产分割时每一项过错为无过错方增加的比例为25%。当一方比例超过100%时,另一方应当赔偿。 189. 【房产分割】房产分割:双方在婚内共同出资取得的房产,分割时房屋由持有较大比例的一方享有,向另一方做出不低于市场价格的补偿。 190. 【子女抚养权】子女的抚养权在分居或离婚期间,若男女双方经三次有录音的两小时以上的磋商不能达成合意,则1周岁以上、10周岁以下的子女抚养权由无过错方或过错较小的一方决定。双方过错程度相当时,双方皆无过错时,或子女年龄小于1周岁时,女方可以优先获得抚养权,女方拒绝抚养子女的,男方同意取得子女的抚养权,男方不同意的视为违约,子女年龄大于10周岁时,子女的抚养权优先尊重子女本人的意见,子女要求一方抚养而拒绝抚养的,视为违约 191. 【抚养费】不抚养子女的一方,应按月向子女支付生活费_________元,百分之___的医疗费,百分之_____的教育费;一次性支出超过____元的需双方协商方可支出,包括且不限于出国留学、大学学费、夏令营等支出。双方同时约定_____________________________ 192. 【扶养费】女方有过错的,或女方过错大于男方的,离婚时男方不支付抚养费;男方有过错的,或男女双方过错相当的,女方有权取得_________元/月扶养费直至女方再婚之日止。男方有证据证明女方与他人同居超过6个月的,视为再婚。 七. 违约责任 193. 【违约责任】本协议违约责任共分为5个级别,违约责任的级别以条款前括号中的数字为准,没有填写的,视为2级违约 194. 【违约责任】1级违约应承担违约金_____元(推荐为100元),应在违约事由发in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 生3日内支付; 195. 【违约责任】2级违约经承担违约金_____元,由守约方保持追索权利直至婚姻关系终止后两年; 196. 【违约责任】3级违约经承担违约金_____元,由守约方保持追索权利直至婚姻关系终止后两年; 197. 【违约责任】4级违约经承担违约金_____元,由守约方保持追索权利直至婚姻关系终止后两年; 198. 【违约责任】5级违约经承担违约金_____元,由守约方保持追索权利直至婚姻关系终止后两年 199. 【违约责任】违约金由一方个人财产出资,打入另一方个人财产账户,若支付违约金的财产为共同财产,则需支付违约金的二倍 200. 【违约责任】违约事由发生后,守约方应将违约事由的发生记入守约方保管的本协议的补充协议后,1级违约金不需要相对方的签字确认 201. 【违约责任】违约金的追索,守约方应将违约事由追索的时间记入守约方保管的本协议的补充协议后,相对方应签字,并在7日内支付违约金 202. 【违约责任】婚姻关系存续期间发生但未追索的违约金,可在离婚时追索 203. 【违约责任】违约金的追索不影响过错方财产分割时的比例,亦不计入财产分割,或在分割时累计入被分割的财产份额中 204. 【违约责任】本协议涉及的所有现金利益的交付,包括且不限于分割财产、补偿金、赔偿金、违约金,逾期支付超过合理期限的,应向相对方承担逾期支付的罚金,该罚金 /日。 为______元 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep
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