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雅思学习:雅思高分范文赏析雅思学习:雅思高分范文赏析 沈阳英语培训 www.ln-peixun.com 雅思大作文学生往往在短时间内提高有限,而雅思小作文却因套路很多,句 式有限,在短时间内只要认真学习,就不难提高。之前沈阳中智外语雅思培训基 础班有一考生,把时间都花在了雅思小作文上,雅思大作文只写了个开头,但居 然拿到了5分,所以雅思培训小编特别提醒广大考生,尤其是时间非常仓促的考 生,千万不要忽略了雅思小作文的学习! 以下沈阳中智外语雅思培训小编为大家整理了雅思高分范文赏析:曲线图作 文范文,后附雅思写作考官评语,同学们对照自己的作文,看是否...
雅思学习:雅思高分范文赏析 沈阳英语 www.ln-peixun.com 雅思大作文学生往往在短时间内提高有限,而雅思小作文却因套路很多,句 式有限,在短时间内只要认真学习,就不难提高。之前沈阳中智外语雅思培训基 础班有一考生,把时间都花在了雅思小作文上,雅思大作文只写了个开头,但居 然拿到了5分,所以雅思培训小编特别提醒广大考生,尤其是时间非常仓促的考 生,千万不要忽略了雅思小作文的学习! 以下沈阳中智外语雅思培训小编为大家整理了雅思高分范文赏析:曲线图作 文范文,后附雅思写作考官评语,同学们对照自己的作文,看是否能达到6分的 : 题目: WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph below gives information about cinema attendancein Australia between 1990 and the present, with projections to 2010.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words. 图作文实例 【考生样文】 The graph shows percentages of cinema attendance at least once a year in Australia between 1990 to 2010 with projections for the future. The graph is described by 4 groups of different ages which are 14 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 49 and over 50 year olds. The youngest age group people have been going to cinema more than any other age groups and the percentage has been keeping very high at approximately90% since 1990. It is predicted to keep the high and to increase more from 2006. The middle age groups people have enjoyed going cinema between 60% to 80%. The percentage of age 25 to 34 group has been higher than the one of age 35 to 49 group but from 2006 the percentage of 25 to 34 year olds people will decrease while the one of 35 to 49 year olds people will increase and get higher than the other one. The oldest people seem to go cinema less than the other groups but the percentageof the attendance has slightly going up by 15% from 40% to 55% between 1990 to 2004 and it will keep increasing to 60% by 2010. Overall, it seems the younger age people, the more going to cinema. (210 words) 【考官评语】 Band 6 This response addresses the requirements of the task and selects relevant material to describe. Key features and an overview are presented, although clearer highlighting, more support and a more comprehensive overview would be needed to reach a higher band. Information is well-organised and there is a clear overall progression in the response. There is some effective use of cohesive devices, but only limited use of reference and substitution. The range of vocabulary is not wide, but it is adequate for the task. Control of word form and spelling is consistentlygood, although there are some clumsy noun phrases that indicatelimited flexibility. The candidate attempts to use a mix of simple and complex sentences, but control is variable and grammatical errors or omissionsare quite intrusive at times. Figures are poorly integrated into sentences and indicate evident limitations. 下面是沈阳中智外语雅思小编整理的一些雅思作文经典代表句子,希望可以 帮助到你,祝雅思考试考生顺利。 一. 上升增长 1.…add up to… 增加了 eg. The total amount of … added up to 14 billion pounds(14%) in 1994. 2. to jump to / to soar to.. 一跃达到/ 猛增到… eg. The total working days lost soaredto 10 million in 1979. 3.…an increase of about…percent as compared with.. 与…相比大约增 加了… eg. In August as many as 39 car accidents were reported, indicating an increase of about 79% as compared with the number of January. 4.…to experience an increase/incline …有了增长 eg. Tobacco consumption is experiencing an incline. 二. 下降,减少 1.…to sink/drop/reduce to… 减少到… eg. The rate of strikes sank/dropped to the lowest point in 1979. 2.…to experience a decrease/decline …有了减少 eg. Tobacco consumption is experiencing a decrease. 注意: 修饰上升/减少的副词有: rapidly slowly dramatically respectively 表达上升/减少的最后状态的 词有: the highest peak the lowest point 10 million 10% 三. 起伏 1.…to go up and down …起伏不定 eg. The strike rate went up and down during the period from 1952 to 1967. 2.There be ups and downs …有起有伏 eg. Between 1972 and 1979, there were several ups and downs in (某 方面). 四. 稳定 1.…to remain steady/level/unchanged …保持稳定,几乎不变 eg. The rate of …remained steady(fairly level/almost unchanged) during the four years from 1963 to 1967. 2.…to level off (vi.) eg. After a steady decline for a whole decade, the …rate shows signs of leveling off. 注意: 修饰起伏或稳定状态的副词有: almost fairly 可以用于表达起伏,稳定状态的句子中的词组或句型: the general situation was not worsening show indications of improvement it can be predictedthat… eg. The rate of …remained steady during the four years from 1963 to 1967,and it can be predicted that the general situation was not worsening. eg. The rate of …remained steady during the four years from 1963 to 1967,showing signs of improvement in … 五. 成正比,反比 1.…be in direct /inverse ratio to/with 与…成正比/反比 eg. Male illustrations are in direct ratioto /with the advancement of grades, while female illustrations are in inverse ratio. 六. 占百分之几,几分之几 1….to form/comprise/make up/constitute ….percent …占百分之… eg. Women comprise more than 50% of the US.population. eg. Females make up only 24% of the illustrations whereas males constitute 76%. 2.…to form/comprise/constitute a half/third/fourth of……占…的 1/2,1/3,1/4 eg. Female illustrions form less than a fourth of the total. 3.…account for…percent占百分之几 eg. ……, accounting for approximately 20 percent of… . 倍数 七 1.A be …times as much/many as B eg. The annual rainfall of Hunan is 5 times as much as that of Sichuan. 2.A doubles/is half/triples B A是B的两倍,一半,三倍 eg. The annual rainfall of Jidda doubles that of Janta, but is only half the amount of rain Kuwait receiveseach year. 附一 圆盘比例型图表 例: 一个圆盘显示了大学生在food, books, transportations, entertainment, clothes, unknown中的开销,它们各自占的 比例依次是60%,3%,5%,10%,10%,12%,要求你描叙这个圆盘图。 描述: The above pie chart consists of 6 segments, the largest one representing food, which accounts for 60% of the total. Clothes and entertainment each takes up 10%. 5% goes to transportation and 3% books. All the rest expenses, 12% of all ,is spend on unknown items. 雅思写作模式: …pie chart consists of…segments, the largest one representing…,which accounts for …of the total.…each takes up….…goes to….All the rest…, …of all,……. . 八. 原因结果 1….(结果)…, owing to (原因) [owing to 为分词结构] 2….(结果)…, attributableto(原因) [attributable to为形容词短语] 3….(结果) lie in the fact that(原因) [ 同位语从句 ] 4….(结果)result from(原因) [句型一般] 5. It is precisely because (原因)…that (导致结果)… [强调结构] 6. …, as a result, …(导致结果)… [as a result做插入语] 7. (原因)be responsible for(结果) [常见句型] 8. (原因),which in turn(结果) eg. They give rise to unfair competition, which in turn throws originalbusinesses into a commercial panic. 雅思考试-雅思写作细节修改 雅思听力数字题备考策略 雅思写作经典句型赏析 雅思5.5分班 ?雅思考试-雅思写作细节修改 ?雅思考试-高分范文赏析:曲线图
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