首页 > 6个月的宝宝正常体温是多少


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6个月的宝宝正常体温是多少6个月的宝宝正常体温是多少 患者性别:女 患者年龄:6个月 主要症状:6个月的宝宝体温37.8是不是正常 发病时间:11月21日 化验检查结果:有谁知道谢谢 首先别忙着退烧,而是要搞清楚孩子发烧的原因.发烧不是一种疾病,它就像是身体的一个警钟,提醒你身体内部出现异常情况.同时,发烧也是我们身体对付致病微生物的一种防御措施,从某种程度来讲,适当的发烧有利于增强人体的抵抗力,有利于病原体的清除.所以如果孩子不是高烧,就不要急于马上退烧,否则会掩藏真正的病因.在一般情况下,药物退热治疗应该只用于高烧的孩子.服用的方法和剂量一...
6个月的宝宝正常体温是多少 患者性别:女 患者年龄:6个月 主要症状:6个月的宝宝体温37.8是不是正常 发病时间:11月21日 化验检查结果:有谁知道谢谢 首先别忙着退烧,而是要搞清楚孩子发烧的原因.发烧不是一种疾病,它就像是身体的一个警钟,提醒你身体内部出现异常情况.同时,发烧也是我们身体对付致病微生物的一种防御措施,从某种程度来讲,适当的发烧有利于增强人体的抵抗力,有利于病原体的清除.所以如果孩子不是高烧,就不要急于马上退烧,否则会掩藏真正的病因.在一般情况下,药物退热治疗应该只用于高烧的孩子.服用的方法和剂量一定要按医生的要求去做.建议:在体温超过38.5摄氏度再给孩子吃退烧药.如果孩子以往有高热惊厥史,不妨在38摄氏度时就给孩子吃退烧药. 除了药物退烧,运用一些物理方法也可以帮助发烧的孩子降温 温水擦浴就是用37?左右的温水毛巾擦孩子的四肢和前胸后背.使皮肤的高温(约39?)逐渐降低,让宝宝觉得比较舒服.这时还可以再用稍凉的毛巾(约25?)擦拭额头脸部.需要注意的是:在进行这些降温处理时,如果孩子有手脚发凉,全身发抖,口唇发紫等所谓寒冷反应,要立即停止.为什么呢?当病源侵入人体后,体温都要升到一个相应的温度,这就是设定温度.降低设定温度是给孩子退烧的关键.因为设定温度若不改变,散热的同时,身体仍然会发动产热作用来达到目标体温.这时用冷水给孩子擦澡,企图通过散热来退烧,不但无效,反而让孩子发抖寒战,非常痛苦,所以必须先用退烧药物,降低设定温度,这时再辅助物理散热,体温才会真正降下来. 病情: 正常小儿的基础体温为36.9?~37.5?.一般当体温超过基础体温1?以上时,可认为发热.其中,低热是指体温波动于38?左右,高热时体温在39?以上.连续发热两个星期以上称为长期发热. 上述基础体温是指的直肠温度,即从肛门所测得,一般口腔温度较其低0.3?~0.5?,腋下及颈部温度又较口腔温度低0.3?~0.5?. 意见建议: 我的原则是38.5度以下,不要吃退烧药,打退烧针,要给宝宝多喝水.注意环境温度是否过高.在炎热的夏季,气温很高,婴儿自身调节体温的能力又差,妈妈抱着婴儿时热气不易散发,使体温升高.但是这种发热一般时间不会太久,再给孩子放在凉爽的地方,稍微扇一扇,给孩子饮一些清凉的水果汁,或给孩子洗个温水澡,几小时后体温就会降到正常.在冬季,如果室内温度过高,婴儿又包裹得过多,也会使婴儿体温升高. 若高烧38.5度以上,请立即让医生确诊是病毒感染的,还是细菌感染的,病毒感染就用抗病毒药(如:利巴韦林),细菌感染的就用抗菌素(如头孢类),不要急于退烧,烧只是表象,要把病因找出来. 生活护理: 另外我想说的是不要迷信输液.医生说了,可以吃药的不要打针,可以打针的不要输液,关键是要用对药,而不是用重药. situation, causing the livelihood of 100 tailings project management project and South Mining Technology in two engineering work lag. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not contrary to published The central and provincial Party committee decided to talk, not to divulge the secrets of the party and the state, do not make no illegal organization and participate in various activities, political, spread rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity of speech, do not damage the unity of things, and never allow individuals above the organization. 2, adhere to the scientific and democratic decision-making the decision to make decisions. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents and so on. To improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit opinions, experts, public hearings and other health system. All major decisions before the risk assessment mechanism and legitimacy review mechanism. Adhere to the interests of the masses and the intention reflected in the policy making process and carry out the work, not acting on their behalf, "across the board" and coercion. (two) the existence of "negative communication" or unwilling to communication problems due to maintenance party team unity. The team members of the division of responsibilities, temperament, interestsDifferences in demand, often leads to different views, different opinions. Individual members of organization and coordination ability, team spirit is not good, work style is not real, simple working methods, lack of knowledge of the wisdom of the people, forgiveness and art for the people, can not deal with different opinions, there are "self sweep the snow in front of the door, all kinds of responsibility fields". Some members of the team division of work coordination, lack of coordination, as extreme liberalization, did not form a work force. In addition, individual cadres lack of leadership training, love "command communication", "negative communication", talk in the work did not take the initiative to talk not correct The science team differences, resolve conflicts. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to further strengthen the education and guidance on the implementation of the central eight provisions, the provincial nine provisions of the county committee of the "ten provisions" extensive publicity, eliminate the ideological 宝宝腹泻问全指南 每个婴幼儿由于排便习惯不同,每天的排便次数也会不同。临床上,出生6个月内的宝宝,每天排便在6、7次之内,6-12个月的宝宝,每天排便约2、3次,都属于正常现象。另外,宝宝会因遗传、个性、体质和进食不同等因素,有不同的排便性状,但只要每天能维持固定的排便习惯,且没有特别异常的现象,就可不必过于担心。 1、解析宝宝腹泻 如果宝宝排便次数增多、便便的颜色以及性状发生了很大的变化,那么,妈妈们就要加以注意了。根据临床表现,宝宝的腹泻可分为轻度腹泻和重度腹泻。 轻度腹泻: 宝宝大便每天约3,10次,黄色或绿色,稀糊状或蛋花汤样,常见白色或黄白色奶瓣或泡沫,有酸味,偶尔有恶心、呕吐。宝宝精神状态好,体重轻度下降,体温大多正常,偶有低热,无明显脱水症状。这样的情况多数是因为进食不当、消化不良或者着凉所导致的非细菌感染性的腹泻。 便便解析: 宝宝的消化系统尚未发育成熟,神经系统调节功能也不完善,人工喂养的宝宝添加辅食过快,改变了饮食的种类或者转奶等突然的改变超过消化道的承受能力时,会增加消化道的负担,引起消化功能紊乱而导致腹泻。也可能是气候的变化或者护理不当引起的。 便便应对,教您6招: 1)母乳喂养或者选择添加了接近母乳中的组合比例的益生元的配方奶粉。通常母乳喂养宝宝的大便非常通畅,一天可能排便多到6~8次,大便往往较软,大多稀稀糊糊不成形,并略带一点酸味。研究显示,用含有国际专利益生元组合的金装多美滋喂哺的宝宝,其大便性状与母乳喂养的宝宝非常接近。 2) 喂养应定时、定量。按时逐步增添辅食,但不宜过早、过多添加淀粉类或脂肪类食物,也不宜突然改变辅食的种类。可以给宝宝加喂些苹果汁和胡萝卜水,以达到收敛肠道内过多水分的目的。 3) 转奶的过程应该循序渐进,切忌速战速决。一般转奶需要2周的时间,第一次转奶应从每天的中间餐数开始,然后每隔几天增加一次转奶的餐数,直到完全转为新的奶粉。考虑到宝宝的体质各不相同,转奶的步骤也可因人而宜,酌情调整。 4)注意气候变化,及时增减衣服,注意腹部的保暖。每次便便后,都要用温水清洗宝宝的肛周,勤换尿布,及时处理粪便并洗手消毒,以免重复感染。加强体格锻炼,预防感冒、肺炎、中耳炎等疾病。 5)如果是在母乳转换配方奶粉的过程中出现情况,应注意观察喂食配方奶粉婴儿的大便,通常呈糊状或条状软便,颜色有黄色,也有绿色。一般来说,每一个宝宝便便的情况都不太一样,只要宝宝的饮食、生活起居正常,生长发育一直很好,父母不必为宝宝排便的次数、形状及颜色太过于操心。 6)一旦出现水样的便便,应提防轮状病毒性腹泻,又称秋季腹泻,是一种好发于秋季的感染性肠炎,绝大多数患儿是因为感染了轮状病毒后才发病的。此病是一种自限疾病,病程3-8天,主要治疗是补液和抗病毒以及对症治疗。 7)偏食淀粉或糖类食物过多时,可使肠腔中食物增加发酵,产生的大便呈深棕色的水样便,并带有泡situation, causing the livelihood of 100 tailings project management project and South Mining Technology in two engineering work lag. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not contrary to published The central and provincial Party committee decided to talk, not to divulge the secrets of the party and the state, do not make no illegal organization and participate in various activities, political, spread rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity of speech, do not damage the unity of things, and never allow individuals above the organization. 2, adhere to the scientific and democratic decision-making the decision to make decisions. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents and so on. To improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit opinions, experts, public hearings and other health system. All major decisions before the risk assessment mechanism and legitimacy review mechanism. Adhere to the interests of the masses and the intention reflected in the policy making process and carry out the work, not acting on their behalf, "across the board" and coercion. (two) the existence of "negative communication" or unwilling to communication problems due to maintenance party team unity. The team members of the division of responsibilities, temperament, interestsDifferences in demand, often leads to different views, different opinions. Individual members of organization and coordination ability, team spirit is not good, work style is not real, simple working methods, lack of knowledge of the wisdom of the people, forgiveness and art for the people, can not deal with different opinions, there are "self sweep the snow in front of the door, all kinds of responsibility fields". Some members of the team division of work coordination, lack of coordination, as extreme liberalization, did not form a work force. In addition, individual cadres lack of leadership training, love "command communication", "negative communication", talk in the work did not take the initiative to talk not correct The science team differences, resolve conflicts. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to further strengthen the education and guidance on the implementation of the central eight provisions, the provincial nine provisions of the county committee of the "ten provisions" extensive publicity, eliminate the ideological 沫。父母可适当调整宝宝的饮食,减少淀粉或糖类食物的摄入。 以上几种情况多是轻度非细菌感染性腹泻的表现,妈妈们不要过于担心,只要根据宝宝的实际情况找到原因,合理调整饮食,恰当护理,好好调整,宝宝在23周内自然会恢复。 掌握就医时机: 婴幼儿腹泻病情变化快,宝宝的耐受力差,应谨慎对待。如果宝宝腹泻超过3天,病情仍不见好转,出现以下任何一种症状,应立即带宝宝去医院就诊。 1) 腹泻次数和量增加 2) 频繁呕吐 3) 明显口渴 4) 不能正常饮食 5) 发热 6) 大便带血 中重度腹泻: 除了与细菌感染有关外,可能是轻度腹泻加重所致。如果宝宝排便频繁,每日便便十次至数十次 。便中水分增多,偶有粘液,呈黄或黄绿色,有腥臭味。换尿布不及时者,常腐蚀臀部皮肤,表皮剥脱而发红。食欲低下,常伴呕吐。多有不规则低热,重者高热。上述这些情况都可能是细菌感染导致的。感染性腹泻主要是由于致病微生物所致。 对症支招: 应速到医院就诊,在医生的指导下用药,千万不可以自行用药。治疗掌握四原则:让胃肠适当休息、控制感染、纠正水与电解质紊乱、良好的护理。 区分宝宝生理性与病理性腹泻: 大便次数多,消化不好,含水量较多,都称之为腹泻。但婴儿腹泻,有的是病,可有的却不是病.通常腹泻又可分为生理性腹泻和病理性腹泻。 2、莫为宝宝的生理性腹泻而发愁 有的妈妈只要宝宝的便便有所增加,就认为是腹泻,就开始给宝宝喂药,其实这里面存在着误区。有时宝宝发生腹泻并不是由于疾病,而可能是由于饮食、天气以及生活习惯的改变等所致,这属于生理性腹泻。 生理性腹泻: 有些宝宝尤其是纯母乳喂养的,会在喂奶后后24小时排便510次,大便松散,有奶块或少量粘液 。除腹泻外,宝宝无其它异常情况,精神愉快、食欲正常、睡眠安稳,体重按正常速率增加,无脱水表现,大便化验无异常。另外部分生理性腹泻可能是对新食物不适应,一般出现在奶粉的转换或者饮食不当等。对此父母不必担心,只要您悉心照顾,加之宝宝对转奶或饮食的逐渐适应,宝宝的便便就会好转的。 切莫遗漏病理性腹泻 - 3 -situation, causing the livelihood of 100 tailings project management project and South Mining Technology in two engineering wor k lag. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not contrary to published The central and provincial Party committee decided to talk, not to divulge the secrets of the party and the state, do not make no illegal organization and participate in various activities, political, spread rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity of speech, do not damage the unity of things, and never allow individuals above the organization. 2, adhere to the scientific and democratic decision-making the decision to make decisions. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents and so on. To improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit opinions, experts, public hearings and other health system. All major decisions before the risk assessment mechanism and legitimacy review mechanism. Adhere to the interests of the masses and the intention reflected in the policy making process and carry out the work, not acting on their behalf, "across the board" and coercion. (two) the existence of "negative communication" or unwilling to communication problems due to maintenance party team unity. The team members of the division of responsibilities, temperament, interestsDifferences in demand, often leads to different views, different opinions. Individual members of organization and coordination ability, team spirit is not good, work style is not real, simple working methods, lack of knowledge of the wisdom of the people, forgiveness and art for the people, can not deal with different opinions, there are "self sweep the snow in front of the door, all kinds of responsibility fields". Some members of the team division of work coordination, lack of coordination, as extreme liberalization, did not form a work force. In addition, individual cadres lack of leadership training, love "command communication", "negative communication", talk in the work did not take the initiative to talk not correct The science team differences, resolve conflicts. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to further strengthen the education and guidance on the implementation of the central eight provisions, the provincial nine provisions of the county committee of the "ten provisions" extensive publicity, eliminate the ideological 若宝宝发生腹泻反应,请仔细观察宝宝便便的性状、精神状况、尿量、体重增长的情况,并且要取婴儿的新鲜大便进行常规检查,经医生检查后,方可诊断为生理性腹泻。 3、如何护理腹泻宝宝 宝宝拉稀,又臭又脏,还不停地哭闹。在家中,父母该如何护理呢, 1)及时补充液体 护理腹泻宝宝的时候要特别注意及时补充液体,防止因大便中的水分丢失过多而发生脱水。可随时喂水、米汤、果汁,最好喂服口服补液盐。口服补液盐内含有葡萄糖、氯化钠、氯化钾、枸橼酸钠等成分,可补充因腹泻、呕吐所丢失的电解质及体液,调节人体水、电解质和酸碱平衡。 服用方法是将一小袋从药房购来的口服补液盐按指示用液体冲调至要求的浓度,在一天内分多次服用。服用量的多少以“丢失多少,补充多少”为原则。 还可以给宝宝喝些胡萝卜汁。鲜胡萝卜250克洗净切碎入锅,加细盐3克,适量水煮烂后去渣取汁,每天分2~3次服用,有健脾消食止泻作用。 2)及时调整饮食 腹泻宝宝饮食治疗的原则是:调整饮食、继续进食。母乳喂养的宝宝应继续母乳喂养,若宝宝不是母乳喂养,可以在医生建议下转腹泻奶粉。6个月以上的宝宝可继续吃已习惯的平常饮食,如苹果泥,每天2~3次,每次30~60克;苹果汤,苹果1个洗净切碎,加盐0.8~0.9g克,糖5克,水250毫升共煎汤分2~3次饮用,苹果内含有鞣酸,具有止泻作用。还可以喂些粥、面条、鸡蛋、蔬菜等。但加工要细、使之容易消化。避免在腹泻时变化食物品种或给予不易消化的食物。 3)做好消毒卫生 护理感染性腹泻的宝宝,应做好消毒隔离,食具、水杯、水瓶要经常消毒。衣物要勤洗、勤晒。护理宝宝后的双手应反复清洗后,再做其它事情。 4)保护好宝宝的小屁屁 由于宝宝排便的次数增加了许多,所以会不断地污染小屁屁。而且,腹泻时排出的粪便对皮肤刺激较大。因此,宝宝每次排便后,妈妈都要用温水(尽量不要用肥皂或消毒液)清洗小屁屁,最好用柔软清洁的棉尿布,且要勤换洗,以免发生红臀及尿路感染。如果小屁屁发红了,应将它暴露在空气中自然干燥,然后涂抹一些尿布疹膏。 5)注意观察记录 护理过程中应注意观察并记录大便次数、性状、颜色及量的变化,为医生制定治疗提供依据;还要注意观察病情,如果宝宝在家治疗护理期间病情不见好转,出现水样便次数频繁,口渴明显,双眼凹陷,尿量明显减少等脱水表现及高热等症状,应带宝宝到医院做进一步治疗。 6)腹部保暖切莫忘 腹泻的宝宝往往因肠道痉挛引起腹痛,腹部保暖可缓解肠道痉挛,达到减轻疼痛的目的。宝宝睡觉时应盖好腹部,防止受凉;环境温度过低时,可用热水袋热敷,但应掌握温度避免烫伤宝宝;喝些热饮料或用温手揉摸宝宝的腹部。 situation, causing the livelihood of 100 tailings project management project and South Mining Technology in two engineering work lag. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not contrary to published The central and provincial Party committee decided to talk, not to divulge the secrets of the party and the state, do not make no illegal organization and participate in various activities, political, spread rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity of speech, do not damage the unity of things, and never allow individuals above the organization. 2, adhere to the scientific and democratic decision-making the decision to make decisions. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents and so on. To improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit opinions, experts, public hearings and other health system. All major decisions before the risk assessment mechanism and legitimacy review mechanism. Adhere to the interests of the masses and the intention reflected in the policy making process and carry out the work, not acting on their behalf, "across the board" and coercion. (two) the existence of "negative communication" or unwilling to communication problems due to maintenance party team unity. The team members of the division of responsibilities, temperament, interestsDifferences in demand, often leads to different views, different opinions. Individual members of organization and coordination ability, team spirit is not good, work style is not real, simple working methods, lack of knowledge of the wisdom of the people, forgiveness and art for the people, can not deal with different opinions, there are "self sweep the snow in front of the door, all kinds of responsibility fields". Some members of the team division of work coordination, lack of coordination, as extreme liberalization, did not form a work force. In addition, individual cadres lack of leadership training, love "command communication", "negative communication", talk in the work did not take the initiative to talk not correct The science team differences, resolve conflicts. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to further strengthen the education and guidance on the implementation of the central eight provisions, the provincial nine provisions of the county committee of the "ten provisions" extensive publicity, eliminate the ideological 请注意观察,宝宝有无食用某种食品后发生的特异性腹泻,若有,请就医以排除食源性、过敏性疾病 建议继续服用妈咪爱调整肠道菌群。同时要注意水分的补充,哺乳的妈妈不要吃太油腻的食物。如果仍无好转,复查便常规并及时就诊。 气候变化过快,温差过大,受凉后导致肠蠕动增强,或气温过高,消化酶分泌减少,均可引起腹泻。某些过敏体质的婴儿,外表虚胖,常有湿疹,较易发生腹泻。此外,婴儿和成人一样,细菌及病毒感染也是常见的病因。致病菌有大肠杆菌、空肠弯曲菌、耶尔森肠炎菌及沙门菌等。病毒则以轮状病毒、腺病毒、诺瓦克病毒为多见。其他如霉菌性肠炎,可发生于营养不良、长期应用肾上腺皮质激素或广谱抗生素后。还有如肠梨形鞭毛虫感染,偶尔也可引起腹泻。 婴儿腹泻的主要症状为大便变稀,次数增多。如蛋花汤状或泡沫状,可呈黄绿色,或混有少量粘液及不消化的如肥皂块样的物质,偶有恶心、呕吐。轻型患者可无失水,或伴有轻到中度失水。重型患者腹泻次数每日可达十余次,甚至数十次,丢失水分较多,可伴有发热、食欲差、呕吐,有中度或重度的失水,以及电解质丧失与酸碱不平衡的症状,使婴儿精神萎靡或烦躁不安,腹痛,皮肤苍白、干燥,眼窝、前囟下凹,哭时泪少,四肢发凉,尿量减少,进而可发生休克。 治疗婴儿腹泻应分析其病因,给予相应的处理。如由喂养不当引起的,要合理哺育,及时循序添加辅助食品。急性腹泻期则应停止给予不易消化的和脂肪类食物,呕吐严重的暂时禁食,,,小时,使消化道休整后再喂食。用母乳喂养者,则先恢复哺乳,人工喂养者可给米汤、稀牛奶或低脂奶。由气候变更引起的,要注意保暖或散热,使婴儿有一个相对恒温的环境。对于秋冬季常见的病毒性腹泻,则以纠正失水,补充电解质及对症治疗为主。对细菌性腹泻,需给予药物治疗,如复方新诺明、庆大霉素、磷霉素、氟哌酸、痢特灵等,一般以,,,天即可,最长不超过,周。 轻度或中度失水,无呕吐者可少量多次饮用淡盐水(每1000毫升中加入食盐3.5克)。如有“补液盐”服用则更好。婴儿按每天每千克体重需100,150毫升计算即可。吐泻严重者,则需静脉输液。 腹泻迁延不愈,但无发热,大便中也无粘液脓液的,可用止泻收敛药,如鞣酸蛋白、复方苯乙哌啶等。 预防婴儿腹泻,要加强保健,出生几个月以内的应提倡母乳喂养。注意气候变化,加强护理,热天多喂水,夏季不宜给婴儿断乳。 食物止泻 以下几种食物不仅能提供婴儿必须的营养,而且还有一定的止泻作用。 1、焦米汤:将米粉或奶膏研磨成粉,炒至焦黄,再加水和适量的糖,煮沸成稀糊状即可。焦米汤易于消化,它的碳化结构还有较好的吸附止泻作用,是婴儿腹泻的首选食品。 2、胡萝卜汤:胡萝卜是碱性食物,所含果胶能使大便成形,吸附肠道致病细菌和毒素,是良好的止泻制菌食物。胡萝卜汤制作方法如下,将胡萝卜洗净,切开去茎,切成小块,加水煮烂,再用纱布过滤去渣,然后加水成汤(按500克胡萝卜加1000毫升水的比例),最后加糖煮沸即可。每天2~3次,每次100~150毫升,腹泻好转后停用。 3、苹果泥:苹果也是碱性食物,含有果胶和鞣酸,有吸附、收敛、止泻的作用。取一个新鲜、质地酥软的苹果切成两半,用调匙刮成泥状即可. situation, causing the livelihood of 100 tailings project management project and South Mining Technology in two engineering wor- 5 - k lag. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not contrary to published The central and provincial Party committee decided to talk, not to divulge the secrets of the party and the state, do not make no illegal organization and participate in various activities, political, spread rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity of speech, do not damage the unity of things, and never allow individuals above the organization. 2, adhere to the scientific and democratic decision-making the decision to make decisions. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents and so on. To improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit opinions, experts, public hearings and other health system. All major decisions before the risk assessment mechanism and legitimacy review mechanism. Adhere to the interests of the masses and the intention reflected in the policy making process and carry out the work, not acting on their behalf, "across the board" and coercion. (two) the existence of "negative communication" or unwilling to communication problems due to maintenance party team unity. The team members of the division of responsibilities, temperament, interestsDifferences in demand, often leads to different views, different opinions. Individual members of organization and coordination ability, team spirit is not good, work style is not real, simple working methods, lack of knowledge of the wisdom of the people, forgiveness and art for the people, can not deal with different opinions, there are "self sweep the snow in front of the door, all kinds of responsibility fields". Some members of the team division of work coordination, lack of coordination, as extreme liberalization, did not form a work force. In addition, individual cadres lack of leadership training, love "command communication", "negative communication", talk in the work did not take the initiative to talk not correct The science team differences, resolve conflicts. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to further strengthen the education and guidance on the implementation of the central eight provisions, the provincial nine provisions of the county committee of the "ten provisions" extensive publicity, eliminate the ideological
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