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软件开发控制程序软件开发控制程序 北京中科国信科技股份有限公司 文件编号 ZLCX-02.11-2010 版 次 C 0编制部门 研发部 页 数 共 04页 受控状态 实施日期 2010-06-03 软件设计和开发控制程序 编 制/日期: 校 对/日期: 审 核/日期: 标准化/日期: 批 准/日期: 行政 质量 总经办 商务部 财务部 销售部 研发部 工程部 生产部 分发 人资部 管理部 分发部门 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 范围 数量 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 volunteer...
软件开发控制程序 北京中科国信科技股份有限公司 文件编号 ZLCX-02.11-2010 版 次 C 0编制部门 研发部 页 数 共 04页 受控状态 实施日期 2010-06-03 软件和开发控制程序 编 制/日期: 校 对/日期: 审 核/日期: 化/日期: 批 准/日期: 行政 质量 总经办 商务部 财务部 销售部 研发部 工程部 生产部 分发 人资部 管理部 分发部门 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 范围 数量 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 34 软件设计和开发控制程序 1 目的 对软件开发全过程进行控制,确保软件产品质量满足规定要求。 2 范围 适用于公司所有软件的开发。 3 引用文件 ZLCX-02.10-2010 《硬件设计和开发控制程序》 4 术语 4.1软件 软件指计算机程序和相应的数据和文档,包括固件中的程序和数据。 4.2文档 文档是对软件的书面描述和说明,它定义了软件的功能、性能、组成、设计、测试和使用等。 5 管理活动及其流程 软件需求分析 软件设计 软 件 评软件实现 审 软件测试 软 件 验 收 软件配置管理 软件运行和维护 6 职责 a) 研发部是本程序的主管部门,负责组织软件的开发、评审和文档的审核; volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 文件编号:ZLCX-02.11-2010 版次C 0 b) 软件项目设计人员负责软件的设计和开发,负责编制软件文档; c) 总工程师或副总工程师负责文档的批准; d) 质量管理部对软件质量负责。 7 程序 软件项目负责人根据《合同》或《研制任务书》对软件项目的开发进行策划,编制《软件开发计划》,该计划内容应符合GJB437-1988《军用软件开发规范》中规定。 7.l软件需求分析 根据《合同》或《研制任务书》的技术要求,进行软件需求分析,应确定与软件产品有关的要求,形成需求分析报告,并经顾客认可,确保软件需求得到双方共同理解。 软件需求分析报告具体应包括以下内容: a) 系统设计要求; b) 系统性能要求; c) 设备要求; d) 接口设计要求; e) 操作使用要求; f) 系统设计标准; g) 系统备份和维护要求。 填写《软件需求分析报告》,《软件需求分析报告》应进行评审,视情况评审时可请顾客参加,并形成软件需求分析评审报告。 7.2软件设计 软件项目组根据软件需求分析报告进行软件设计,编制软件设计功能框图、软件流程图,确认软件界面并与用户沟通。软件设计分为概要设计和详细设计两个部分,所产生的软件设计报告文档需进行校对、审核、批准三级签署,并形成《软件设计评审报告》。 7.3软件实现 依据软件设计说明软件项目组进行软件编码、调试,使其能够满足产品使用要求。软件实现过程中各阶段工作完成后应通过相关的检查、验证后才能转入下阶段工作。 7.4软件测试 软件项目组编制《软件测试计划》,依据《软件测试计划》实施分级、分阶段软件测试,该测试活动可与硬件系统同时进行,也可软件单独测试。测试内容应包括:可安装性测试、性能测试、可靠性测试、人机界面测试、外部接口测试、安全性测试。检查软件产品是否能实现或满足软件需求所规定的功 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a,- 35 - the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 36 能和性能要求,将测试结果编写成软件测试报告。 7.5软件评审 在软件开发阶段,应进行软件需求评审、软件设计评审、软件测试评审、软件验收评审。 7.5.1软件需求评审 检查评价编制的软件需求规格说明是否合理可行,主要评审每个软件配置项的软件需求说明的正确性、可理解性和完整性。 7.5.2软件设计评审 审查每个设计单元设计的正确性,软件文档是否符合有关技术规范。 7.5.3软件测试和验收评审 对软件进行综合评审,主要检查软件的功能、性能实际测试结果与要求的一致性,程序代码与软件设计的一致性,文档描述与程序的一致性以及文档的完整性、准确性。对于非独立的软件产品,可结合硬件产品或系统同时进行。 7.6软件验收 软件项目组编制软件验收所需的文档及软件验收申请报告,顾客组织软件验收,以检验软件是否满足《合同》或《研制任务书》的指标要求。 内部验收由计算机技术人员和有关的专家组成软件验收小组,负责软件验收的全部技术工作,外部验收由顾客组织。 验收时应填写软件验收报告。 7.7软件配置管理 7.7.1配置标识 为确保软件开发有步骤地进行,必须确定开发基线。制定和执行文档管理规程,如标题编号编目及命名规则等。 7.7.2配置控制 制定和执行软件及文档的修改规程。 7.7.3配置状态记实 制定配置状态纪实规程,确保软件报告、软件状态、开发基线和软件修改的一致性。 7.8软件运行和维护 软件维护是在软件交付使用后,为纠正故障改善性能或其它属性,或使软件适应改变了的环境所进行的修改活动。主要包括完善性维护、适应性维护和改正性维护。软件维护主要由研发部软件设计人员负责。软件维护过程中应形成完整的记录。 a) 软件和硬件一起交付后投入运行,并做好维护和管理工作; volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 文件编号:ZLCX-02.11-2010 版次C 0 b) 如果顾客需要,项目组需编制培训计划并进行培训,应填写培训记录; c) 如果需要维护、升级,应首先提出软件维护申请报告。经主管领导批准和使用方同意后方可进 行维护,维护结果应形成软件维护报告和软件版本控制记录; d) 如果需要修改软件,其修改内容应经主管领导审批和使用方批准,获得批准后方可修改,修改 后应重新测试或回归测试,填写《软件修改报告单》。 8 文档 文档是软件开发、维护和使用的重要资料,是软件产品的重要组成部分,必须根据合同要求保证文档的一致性和成套性。 软件文档编写种类可参照《软件工程化管理》的规定。不同等级的软件编写不同种类的文件。 9 质量记录 《软件需求评审表》 ZKGX-05-06006 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a,- 37 - the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the
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