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分时图黄线和白线的巧用分时图黄线和白线的巧用 股票投资投资者总想成是高不可测,很玄奥的事情,其实不然,完全在于我们对最基本的东西的理解,也正所谓“万丈高楼平地而起 根基最重要”,那股票投资同样如此,简单的东西的“深入理解”,便能悟出很多具有指导性意义的操作方法,本文就分时图上“白线与黄线”的巧用,作一简述 一、基本概念的理解,从指数与个股两个方面给予分别得定义: 1、首先指数上,很多人知道两条线的“结果含义”,却不知道怎么得来,具体看看基本含义 白色曲线:表示大盘加权指数,即证交所每日公布媒体常说的大盘实际指数。 黄色曲线:大盘不含加权的指...
分时图黄线和白线的巧用 股票投资投资者总想成是高不可测,很玄奥的事情,其实不然,完全在于我们对最基本的东西的理解,也正所谓“万丈高楼平地而起 根基最重要”,那股票投资同样如此,简单的东西的“深入理解”,便能悟出很多具有指导性意义的操作,本文就分时图上“白线与黄线”的巧用,作一简述 一、基本概念的理解,从指数与个股两个方面给予分别得定义: 1、首先指数上,很多人知道两条线的“结果含义”,却不知道怎么得来,具体看看基本含义 白色曲线:表示大盘加权指数,即证交所每日公布媒体常说的大盘实际指数。 黄色曲线:大盘不含加权的指标,即不考虑股票盘子的大小,而将所有股票对指数影响看作相同而计算出来的大盘指数。 简单理解:白线加权价格指数(受总股本大小的影响);黄线平均价格指数。("傻瓜式"理解的方法为:黄线指:小盘股,白线指:大盘股) A)当大盘指数上涨时,黄线在白线之上,表示流通盘较小的股票涨幅较大;反之,黄线在白线之下,说明盘小的股票涨幅落后大盘股。 B)当大盘指数下跌时,黄线在白线之上,表示流通盘较小的股票跌幅小于盘大的股票;反之,盘小的股票跌幅大于盘大的股票。 bridge, in the response from the crowd was great, and Wang soon expanded to 2 battalions. Has developed more than 40 party members on the party organization in the army and local people. Only political training Department on the development of the Zhuang Xueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department of development of the KMT was deeply disturbed by activities suffered seems scary or unusual or, rating and no. The same month, by Shen Liqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies in the South, head of the Bureau took the opportunity to appoint Wang Yi titles and be incorporated as a third mission for security in the South. Party organizations of Wang's actions to discourage invalid. End of the year, Wang Hesong first battalion and regimental headquarters to liyang and consolidation, and soon, Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, the entire force controlled by the Jiangsu national security headquarters. Presence in the tomb of the second battalion, according to the next higher party organization for instructions, led by Zheng Communist party organizations in order to organize people, arousing the masses against Japan, in organizations "Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, on the current situation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. In order to solve the reading books issue, Shao working through relationship, from the Shanghai underground secrets back to some banned books, including the protracted war and the popular philosophy and the theory of new democracy, and so on; there are many magazines, such as the woman crafts such as, set up an underground 300 people, 13 employees of the school. 1938 three lunar new year in early June (Gregorian calendar, June 30), the Japanese "sweeps" to Yan Zhen, South Street elementary school was the Japanese burned, robbed more than things, on fire. Bei Jie, the former girls ' school were Japanese invaders burned down. The next day, the Japanese education center and the gymnasium built in 20 of the people [in the tomb of the stadium (now the tongluo secondary 2、其次个股上: 个股分时图上黄线是成交均价,白线是实时成交价. 白色是即时成交价线,波动非常明显,代表当前成交的即时价格。黄线是当日平均成本线,是根据每笔成交量按照移动加权计算的价格的反映,体现当日的平均成本。 二、基本要诀: 1、与K线均线的道理一样,白线向上脱离黄线较高时通常会向下回档,向黄线靠近;而白线向下跌离黄线较远时通常会向上反弹,向黄线靠拢。因此,追涨当日被套大部分就是在白线向上脱离黄线太远时才追涨买入,结果买入后当日就下跌。同时,该股在日K线图上股价位置又向上远高于5日均线,基本短线肯定被套。扣除只有涨停或者接近涨停,跌停或者接近跌停的比较极端的行情不适用。如:下图 bridge, in the response from the crowd was great, and Wang soon expanded to 2 battalions. Has developed more than 40 party members on the party organization in the army and local people. Only political training Department on the development of the Zhuang Xueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department of development of the KMT was deeply disturbed by activities suffered seems scary or unusual or, rating and no. The same month, by Shen Liqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies in the South, head of the Bureau took the opportunity to appoint Wang Yi titles and be incorporated as a third mission for security in the South. Party organizations of Wang's actions to discourage invalid. End of the year, Wang Hesong first battalion and regimental headquarters to liyang and consolidation, and soon, Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, the entire force controlled by the Jiangsu national security headquarters. Presence in the tomb of the second battalion, according to the next higher party organization for instructions, led by Zheng Communist party organizations in order to organize people, arousing the masses against Japan, in organizations "Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, on the current situation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. In order to solve the reading books issue, Shao working through relationship, from the Shanghai underground secrets back to some banned books, including the protracted war and the popular philosophy and the theory of new democracy, and so on; there are many magazines, such as the woman crafts such as, set up an underground 300 people, 13 employees of the school. 1938 three lunar new year in early June (Gregorian calendar, June 30), the Japanese "sweeps" to Yan Zhen, South Street elementary school was the Japanese burned, robbed more than things, on fire. Bei Jie, the former girls ' school were Japanese invaders burned down. The next day, the Japanese education center and the gymnasium built in 20 of the people [in the tomb of the stadium (now the tongluo secondary 2、白色线围绕黄色线上下波动是常态;白色线始终在黄线之上,偶尔会向下破黄线,短时间内重新拉回黄线之上为强势,黄线构成对白线的支撑;白色线与黄线始终向下,偶尔会上穿黄线,短时间内重新回到黄线以下,黄线构成对白线的压力为弱势。 3、常态行情,特别是盘整中的个股,小阴小阳夹杂的走势,可以在分时图中采取以下做法做短差:在白色线掉在黄线下较远的地方买入,在次日白色线在黄线以上较高的地方抛出。这是短线实战能力较强的股友在盘整中搏短差的做法。如下图: 三、介绍几种典型的分时图形态的操作策略 bridge, in the response from the crowd was great, and Wang soon expanded to 2 battalions. Has developed more than 40 party members on the party organization in the army and local people. Only political training Department on the development of the Zhuang Xueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department of development of the KMT was deeply disturbed by activities suffered seems scary or unusual or, rating and no. The same month, by Shen Liqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies in the South, head of the Bureau took the opportunity to appoint Wang Yi titles and be incorporated as a third mission for security in the South. Party organizations of Wang's actions to discourage invalid. End of the year, Wang Hesong first battalion and regimental headquarters to liyang and consolidation, and soon, Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, the entire force controlled by the Jiangsu national security headquarters. Presence in the tomb of the second battalion, according to the next higher party organization for instructions, led by Zheng Communist party organizations in order to organize people, arousing the masses against Japan, in organizations "Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, on the current situation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. In order to solve the reading books issue, Shao working through relationship, from the Shanghai underground secrets back to some banned books, including the protracted war and the popular philosophy and the theory of new democracy, and so on; there are many magazines, such as the woman crafts such as, set up an underground 300 people, 13 employees of the school. 1938 three lunar new year in early June (Gregorian calendar, June 30), the Japanese "sweeps" to Yan Zhen, South Street elementary school was the Japanese burned, robbed more than things, on fire. Bei Jie, the former girls ' school were Japanese invaders burned down. The next day, the Japanese education center and the gymnasium built in 20 of the people [in the tomb of the stadium (now the tongluo secondary 1:“拉旗杆”形态。这种形态往往是庄家在次日开盘后迅速在15分钟内抬高股价,然后全天横盘,让当日的换手成本比前一日高出一截。这种形态往往在股价上升时伴有大的成交量,是庄家自买自卖对敲所致。出现这种形态时,可以迅速跟进,胜算较大。如果成交量显著放大,这种形态的股有可能出现涨停。 再看下图,虽然分时图前十五分钟走势与上图相仿,但由于股价大势是在下降通道中,属于反弹受阻。把日K线图与分时图结合起来,大家看得就比较明显了: 注意点:因此,永远别只根据一个局部的信号来买卖股票。所有指标形态都要结合股价的趋势,及所处位置是高位还是低位,是支撑还是压力来融会贯通的考虑。 2:“抢反弹”的典型形态。不过,这种分时图走势的出现不一定非要在抢反弹的时候才出现。上升通道中的个股也会有这种走势。横盘不介入,在白线突然向上穿过黄线,伴有在大单成交时,迅速跟进。 bridge, in the response from the crowd was great, and Wang soon expanded to 2 battalions. Has developed more than 40 party members on the party organization in the army and local people. Only political training Department on the development of the Zhuang Xueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department of development of the KMT was deeply disturbed by activities suffered seems scary or unusual or, rating and no. The same month, by Shen Liqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies in the South, head of the Bureau took the opportunity to appoint Wang Yi titles and be incorporated as a third mission for security in the South. Party organizations of Wang's actions to discourage invalid. End of the year, Wang Hesong first battalion and regimental headquarters to liyang and consolidation, and soon, Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, the entire force controlled by the Jiangsu national security headquarters. Presence in the tomb of the second battalion, according to the next higher party organization for instructions, led by Zheng Communist party organizations in order to organize people, arousing the masses against Japan, in organizations "Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, on the current situation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. In order to solve the reading books issue, Shao working through relationship, from the Shanghai underground secrets back to some banned books, including the protracted war and the popular philosophy and the theory of new democracy, and so on; there are many magazines, such as the woman crafts such as, set up an underground 300 people, 13 employees of the school. 1938 three lunar new year in early June (Gregorian calendar, June 30), the Japanese "sweeps" to Yan Zhen, South Street elementary school was the Japanese burned, robbed more than things, on fire. Bei Jie, the former girls ' school were Japanese invaders burned down. The next day, the Japanese education center and the gymnasium built in 20 of the people [in the tomb of the stadium (now the tongluo secondary :典型的弱势形态,黄色均价线与白色即时线开盘即同时向右下方一泻千里。3 当然,这种形态也有可能出现在上升通道中的震仓,但在对震仓或者回调等走势 把握不准时,少碰分时图上这种形态的股。 bridge, in the response from the crowd was great, and Wang soon expanded to 2 battalions. Has developed more than 40 party members on the party organization in the army and local people. Only political training Department on the development of the Zhuang Xueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department of development of the KMT was deeply disturbed by activities suffered seems scary or unusual or, rating and no. The same month, by Shen Liqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies in the South, head of the Bureau took the opportunity to appoint Wang Yi titles and be incorporated as a third mission for security in the South. Party organizations of Wang's actions to discourage invalid. End of the year, Wang Hesong first battalion and regimental headquarters to liyang and consolidation, and soon, Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, the entire force controlled by the Jiangsu national security headquarters. Presence in the tomb of the second battalion, according to the next higher party organization for instructions, led by Zheng Communist party organizations in order to organize people, arousing the masses against Japan, in organizations "Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, on the current situation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. In order to solve the reading books issue, Shao working through relationship, from the Shanghai underground secrets back to some banned books, including the protracted war and the popular philosophy and the theory of new democracy, and so on; there are many magazines, such as the woman crafts such as, set up an underground 300 people, 13 employees of the school. 1938 three lunar new year in early June (Gregorian calendar, June 30), the Japanese "sweeps" to Yan Zhen, South Street elementary school was the Japanese burned, robbed more than things, on fire. Bei Jie, the former girls ' school were Japanese invaders burned down. The next day, the Japanese education center and the gymnasium built in 20 of the people [in the tomb of the stadium (now the tongluo secondary
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