

2018-02-02 13页 doc 40KB 14阅读




山东省青岛四方实验小学山东省青岛四方实验小学 冰灯 山东省青岛四方实验小学 胡洋 教学目标: 1、 能够正确认读本课的9个生字。 2、 学生能够正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 3、 通过了解父亲给孩子做冰灯的故事~体会父亲对儿子的关爱~品味父子之 间的深情。 教具准备:冷冻的冰、电脑课件、生字卡片。 教学过程: [课前活动] 1、同学们喜欢做游戏吗,课前我们先来做一个“热身活动”~老师给你提一个 要求:只能用手~不能说出来。 2、,有的同学面部表情非常丰富~有的还用动作表现出来~真不错,它是什么, 你有什么感觉,,冷, 3、...
山东省青岛四方实验 冰灯 山东省青岛四方实验小学 胡洋 教学目标: 1、 能够正确认读本课的9个生字。 2、 学生能够正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 3、 通过了解父亲给孩子做冰灯的故事~体会父亲对儿子的关爱~品味父子之 间的深情。 教具准备:冷冻的冰、电脑课件、生字卡片。 教学过程: [课前活动] 1、同学们喜欢做游戏吗,课前我们先来做一个“热身活动”~老师给你提一个 要求:只能用手~不能说出来。 2、,有的同学面部表情非常丰富~有的还用动作表现出来~真不错,它是什么, 你有什么感觉,,冷, 3、谁能把冰捧在手里一会儿,你能用什么词语形容这种感觉,,寒冷,,刺骨, 板书 4、还有谁想试,再坚持一会行吗,还不到1分钟呢,,发麻,,笑谈,~再找最 后一个,,冰凉, 一、在体验中导课 有一位父亲,有一位平凡而伟大的父亲~就在寒冬腊月~就在大年三十~用一块有着这些感觉的冰~做了一盏灯~今天我们就来学习这篇文章~伸出你写字的右手~和我一起郑重地写~慢慢地写~[板书:冰灯]~齐读课。 二、 学习生字 1、 以往我们都是读了课文再学生字~今天我们换过来~我们来个挑战自我~好 吗,看老师出示的生字~你会读吗,[出示电脑课件] ,1,自由读 ,2,小老师领读,这个词读的不准~请再读一遍, ,3,开火车[出示生字卡片] ,4,质疑“后悔”,这是用近义词的方法解答~真不错,,你会联系我们的生活 实际来解词~也很不错, circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high ,5,生:同学们互相解答的非常棒~我又学到了很多知识~谢谢大家的支持。 ,6,师:感谢小X老师的精彩讲解~让胡老师也倍感压力~但压力背后就是动 力。 三、 初读课文~质疑。 1、 ,出示电脑课件,冰灯这个故事发生在一个偏僻的小山村里~来让我们仔细 看看图片~看看当时的环境,你都观察到什么,,观察的很细致,窗帘有点 破~麻袋打着补丁~床露出了砖头~从这一切的一切~你感受到什么,,贫 穷的家, ,效果:电脑插图的运用~不仅将学生带进了文本~感受到那个贫穷的家庭~为下文体会父亲质朴的感情作铺垫~还培养了学生的观察能力~并通过观察调动感知。, 2、 就是在这样贫穷的家里~发生了一个感人的故事~来~自己读读书~听清老 师的要求:,自由读, ,1,读不好的地方就多读几遍。 ,2,读不懂的地方就顺手画下来。 3、 大家读的真带劲~有谁愿意把课文读给全班听,边听边想~是否还有别的疑 问~没划出来,,指读全文, ,1,他们读的时候~其他同学做什么,,认真听,,认真听也是一个读课文的 过程, ,2,评价一下。,看得同学很认真~读的同学也比以前大有进步了。, 四、 细致学习课文 ,在臵疑中解决1-4段, 1、 读了课文~你有什么不明白的地方,,知道么~发现一个问题~往往比解决 十个问题更难能可贵:, 2、 学生臵疑,特别,,,留在“我”心里,, 3、 ,父亲为什么要给我做冰灯,,师:这个问题可以自己解决~自己读读1—4 自然段~看能不能超越自己~,指读1-4段, A、现在能解决了吗,,生~大军的灯很漂亮我也想要,,通过读书~你能自己 解决自己的疑惑~了不起, B、那你能用读的形式~赞美大军的灯吗,,你能从书中寻找答案解决问题真了 不起,,指读, circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high ,把按下,,,心情,,,不冷,, 4、 大家提了这么多的问题~相信学了课文~一定能从中找到你们想要的答案的。 ,5—10自然段, 1、生活中~总会有一个瞬间让我们感动~默读课文,5—10自然段,~画出课文 中令你感动的~多读几遍~想一想为什么会令你感动,也可以信手批注 下来。 ,第五自然段, 1、老师欣喜的发现~你们是学习的有心人~抓住了那么多让我们感动的瞬间~ 已经画处出了很多的句子~看来收获一定不小~谁来分享, 2、,1,生:“冰太凉……把手放在棉袄里暖一会”,指读, 师:你能不能用上我们课前的词~说一说父亲坐冰灯时的感受, A带着这种感受~谁想读给全班听,,指读,~ B、是呀~冰太凉~寒冬腊月呀~冷吗,,让我们一起来感受一下,,齐读, ,2,这段中还有令你很感动的地方吗,,“光线很暗”这说明什么,“离炕很远”这又说明什么,, ,3,是呀~在这大年三十的早上~在这寒风呼啸~天色蒙蒙的早上~父亲已经在不停的打磨那曾被我们捧在手中~连一分钟不到就已经刺骨的冰了:,电脑出示“风声”,~谁再来体会体会,指读。,来~让我们再来看一看这质朴、感人的画面~把你的情融进去,,出示电脑课件, ,效果:有时再多的语言熏染~都比不上听觉上的直接感官~所以此环节教师播放“风声”~毋庸赘言~学生已经感受到环境的恶劣~做冰的艰辛~这时~再让学生观察图片~学生的感受就比第一次看图时~更多地融入了自己的感情和思想~对理解父亲的爱~也就更深刻了。, ,4,听了同学的朗读~你仿佛看到了什么,听到了什么,,,看来大家都已经把自己的感情融入到课文中了, ,5,谁来带着你的情读给大家听,指读。,你的字字句句都能感受到父亲磨冰的辛苦, ,第6—9自然段, 多么慈爱的父亲~此情此景~我问:,师生合作读~师读旁白~生读问句, 1(刚才有同学问“为什么一把按下,”~此时此刻~你体会到了吗, circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 2(,是呀~我们都说母爱伟大~今天~我们生生地看到了一个平凡而伟大的父 亲~他用他质朴的语言表达对儿子的爱,从刚才父子的对话中~你还体会到 什么,,儿子后悔了,,从儿子的话语中~同样能感受到儿子对父亲的心痛, 3(父亲连声说道:“我不冷~不冷”~现在你能解决“不冷”的问题吗, 4(哪两个人想体会着再读读,,指读对话, 5(父亲心痛儿子~儿子也心痛父亲~父子之情是多末的深厚呀~此情此景不仅 使我想起我父母对我的爱~你能说说父母对你的爱吗,,请记住这难以忘怀 的爱,,母子之情特别深厚,,这爱千言万语也说不完, 6(就让我们带着这种爱~再来感受着读一读,师生合作读,,电脑课件配乐, ,效果:适时的配乐朗读掀起了全文的高潮~在音乐中~学生各自读出自己的感受~一切在音乐中渲染~再读中感受。, ,第10自然段, 同学们~父亲虽然嘴里连连说着我不冷,引读,可是当父亲得手碰着了我得手~他的手……,引读, 1(此时此刻~我为什么后悔了,,体会到了父亲手冰凉, 2是呀~我为父亲冰凉的手心痛~我为一时的话语而后悔~如果时间可以倒退~我一定不会让父亲做这盏能透亮的灯笼。 3、谁想体会着再读读,,这是一番发自肺腑的感受,,指读, ,最后一段, 1而现在当我提着这盏透亮的灯时~心情怎样,请大家读读最后一个自然段~看看能不能解决“特别”“心情这两个问题”,自由读, 1我的灯笼是最特别的~为什么“特别”,[板书:父亲亲手做] ,刚开始我还羡慕大军的高级玻璃灯~现在大军为什么却羡慕我呢,——想想看~大军仅仅是羡慕我的灯笼吗,还会羡慕什么,, 2,是呀~父亲是用情、用心、用爱为我亲手做的这盏灯,提着父亲这盏亲手做的灯~我的心情怎样,,又高兴又伤心, 3(是呀~我喜~小伙伴们都称赞我的冰灯~就连大军也有点羡慕我,我忧~父亲那冰凉的手~那昏暗光线下婆娑的身影~过了几天~灯融化了~变成了一片水。但是~它从此留在了我的心里~想一想是什么留在我心里,[板:留在“我”心里] 4、是呀~千言万语汇成一个字~那就是“爱”。[板书:爱] circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 5、谁再来读读最后一个自然段~老师相信~心会跟爱一起走,电脑配乐指读, ,效果:此环节的电脑配乐~掀起了全文的最高潮~当学生结合自己的亲身经历学习这篇文章时~已经的心潮暗涌~泪流满面~此时的配乐朗读~就给了学生一个情感宣泄的空间~学生以情促读~又以读促情。, 6、,你饱含爱的语言~感染了我~感染了你~感染了我们所有的人,爱的语言是质朴的~如果你就是这位小作者~你会对父亲说什么,,爹你辛苦了……, 7、同学们的千言万语~作者永远把这份深沉的父爱~埋在心里,板画“心”, 8、希望你们也能把父母的爱深深的留在心里,下课, 教学反思: 我所讲述的北师大版三年级,上,的《冰灯》~是一篇感人至深、有着浓浓父子情的文章~在本文的讲述中~我抓住情感这条主线~通过学生亲自试冰~讲述自己爱的故事等方式~走进父子的世界~但这一切最终要归于学生的朗读~以读动情~以读促情~以读升情…… 课堂~是应该波澜起伏的~在一次次电脑课件运用中~推动学生情感的递进~掀起一次次高潮—— 以《圣殿》为背景的小提琴协奏曲~为学生的情感推波助澜~学生的情自然而然的流露出来~以一个自我感染学生的读~感染了全班及全体在坐的老师~同时也为下一个环节~“假如你就是小作者~你会对父亲说些什么,”积聚情感——“爹~您辛苦了:” “爹~如果时间可以倒流~我一定不会让你做那盏会透亮的灯,如果时间不能倒流~我一定会好好学习来报答您对我的爱:” 三年级的孩子~能自然而然的脱口说出这样的质朴的语言~作为他们的老师我欣慰了~同时我也感受到了“爱留在了他们的心间”。 三年级的孩子~好多孩子课上哭了~为这父与子的爱~为自己父母对自己的爱。 在一次卷子的作文《最难忘的一次课》中~30多名孩子的作文~写到了这篇《冰灯》~三年的时光~学了几何文章~能真正打动学生的文章能有多少,能真正走进学生心灵的文章能又有多少, 一篇情感浓厚的文章~不用教师说教~不用教师按部就班地课文~不用帮助学生逐词逐句的理解课文~只需恰到好处的创设情景~运用课件辅助教学~引着学生身临其境地去体验故事的起起落落~真情实感自然铭记在心:通过这节课~我明白了一个道理:教学中~只要你把学习的主动权交给孩子~留给他们广阔的思维空间~让他们去想象、去思考、获得切身的体会~你就会收到超乎想象的教学效果。 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high
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