

2017-09-30 19页 doc 114KB 55阅读




超重力旋转床性能简介超重力旋转床性能简介 超重力旋转床(高效精馏机)简介 超重力旋转床又称(高效精馏机),是一种可以将已溶于水中的有机溶剂或多项混合有机溶剂、化学制品有机溶剂等从水中分离、萃取、精馏出来的成套完整工艺设备,其根本特性是有效替代精馏塔完成上述物理性化工处理过程,并具有节能、增效、净化尾液残留等显著特点,不能等同于仅仅是替代了精馏塔的工作环境。在强调节能环保的今天,超重力旋转床的使用,将还给企业、社会与环境带来明显的经济利益和社会效益。它可以广泛的被运用在制药、化工、酿酒、食品添加剂等生产过程中的有机溶剂回收利用。 例举:制药回...
超重力旋转床性能简介 超重力旋转床(高效精馏机)简介 超重力旋转床又称(高效精馏机),是一种可以将已溶于水中的有机溶剂或多项混合有机溶剂、化学制品有机溶剂等从水中分离、萃取、精馏出来的成套完整工艺设备,其根本特性是有效替代精馏塔完成上述物理性化工处理过程,并具有节能、增效、净化尾液残留等显著特点,不能等同于仅仅是替代了精馏塔的工作环境。在强调节能环保的今天,超重力旋转床的使用,将还给企业、社会与环境带来明显的经济利益和社会效益。它可以广泛的被运用在制药、化工、酿酒、食品添加剂等生产过程中的有机溶剂回收利用。 例举:制药回液中的有机溶剂回收利用的意义: 制药行业,总体说来,不外乎是萃取与合成着两种工艺过程的实现。 萃取:是将植物或动物体内有药用价值的物质提取出来的过程。我们中药的熬煎过程实际就是简单的萃取。 如从黄姜中萃取“皂甙”,首先将黄姜清洗、粉碎,经过酸解或酶解,使其木质细胞壁被破坏(破壁处理),将处理后的黄姜侵泡在有机溶剂中,细胞内的“皂甙”物质,被溶剂溶出。最后将溶剂加温汽化转移,就可以得到相对纯洁的“皂甙”,这个过程就是萃取。在萃取的过程中,溶剂中会混入一定量的水。 合成:是将两种不同的化学制品合成为一个全新的化学制品。 紫罗兰酮”为基本原料,如:“维生素A”的生产过程,“维生素A”以“β— 经过与乙炔气进行反应,在醇纳的催化下与C5醛缩合生成“维生素A醋酸酯”。“维生素A”不溶于水,只溶于醇、醚、烃、卤代烃等大多数有机溶剂。因此在它的合成反应中都只能在有机溶剂中进行,而部分反应剂和催化剂是溶于水的,所以反应后的溶剂中将存在大量的水,而对于“β—紫罗兰酮”精确控制要求溶剂必须在无水和单一的状态之下。所以,在溶剂被使用后就无法再次使用了。 制药行业对有机溶剂的使用广泛且严格,超重力旋转床的推广使用,会给制药行业带来巨大的经济效益与工艺提升和工艺便捷。 一、超重力旋转床(高效精馏机)的工作原理: 超重力旋转床是利用设备中活动塔板的高速旋转,产生的被分离精馏液 体的重力加速度,来替代精馏塔将精馏液从高空向地面抛洒的自由落体的运 动速度。机械力的旋转加速,使其对处理液施加N×G的加速度,大大增加 了液体自身的运动能量,这个能量在液体气液交换的传质过程中,加大了传 质的能力,从而,提高了传质的效率与结果。 超重力旋转床仅用0.8m , 1.2m的设备高度(不包括底部支架和上端管 路)替代了精馏塔10m , 15m的流程高度,当被加温到沸点的混合液态经 旋转床上方注入孔注入后,旋转塔板托盘以1000转/分钟的速度高速旋转, 混液在离心力的作用下,涌向旋转塔板边缘并通过板壁小孔以液丝的形式射 向固定塔板,液丝在撞击后被击碎成极微小的颗粒,有效增大了气液交换的 总体面积、有效提高了传质的效率。 二、超重力旋转床(高效精馏机)的工作过程: 1、再沸器对混合液的加温过程:通过再沸器对混合液的加温,高温导致 混液中的液体以不同的沸点温度发生相变,完成液体向蒸汽变化,而在蒸汽 中沸点低的物质一定占多数。 2、冷凝过程:蒸汽上升至冷却设备,蒸汽被冷凝。冷凝液中原始混合液management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 中沸点低的物质浓度会大幅的升高,即完成初级精馏。 3、传质过程:冷凝液回流进入超重力旋转床(高效精馏机),在冷凝液被击碎、微小颗粒在塔板间快速运动时,与从旋转床底部进入的经过再沸器加热后的混液热蒸汽相遇,热蒸汽将微小液态颗粒加热,沸点低的物质被汽化,而蒸汽中沸点高的物质被冷凝,完成传质过程。 4、冷凝分离:完成传质后的蒸汽,再次进入冷凝器进行冷凝,沸点低的物质进一步得到浓缩,冷凝液再送回旋转床传质,往复多次,直至冷凝后的液体中沸点低的物质浓度达到工艺标准,被搜集回用。 5、平衡调节:当冷凝液达到工艺标准后为了能使传质过程继续保持高效的传质状态,使后续的工艺平稳持续,就必须把一部分达标冷凝液回流进旋转床,回流比要按工艺要求进行调整,直至工艺稳定平衡。 6、再沸分离:沸点高的物质,在旋转床的传质过程中,被冷凝通过冷凝液回流管路回到再沸器中。再沸器将回液再次加热,沸点低的物质被快速汽化,随蒸汽进入旋转床进行传质过程,沸点高的物质被越来越多的积存与再沸器的底部,当底部残液达到工艺标准时,被排出。最终实现将水与溶剂、溶剂与溶剂、溶剂与萃取物的彻底分离。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 超重力旋转床(精馏机)工艺与传统的精馏塔工艺有着很大的区别。其优势也非常的明显。 1高度的区别:精馏塔高最少要10米以上,故他想要有很多的地面建筑来支持,个人在每次开机时要几上几下,劳动强度很大,人工相对也要更多。而旋转床单机设备仅1.7米高,全套装置(含再沸器、冷凝器、调节阀、流量计等总高也只有3.5米,而工人的最高操作高度也没有超过1.5米,为开机调节创造了方便,也能节省人工。同时,也带来了维修的方便。 2 精馏质量的区别:原精馏塔要想将混合原料提取提纯到99%以上,难度很大,且耗费功能(塔高及往复次数决定)。而由于旋转床降低了高度,往复的路程被缩短,同时多程塔板加大了精馏的过程次数,借助物料相近相容的原理,浓度越大、距离越近、传质越理想,所以旋转床能很轻松的将物料浓度提纯到99.5%以上。 3 能量损耗的区别:在前面已经提到,由于旋转床与精馏塔的高度差别,高度越高,液体所需泵入过程的压力就会越大,所需能耗就越多。每一次的往复叠加在一起,是一个不小的数字。 4 尾液残留的区别:所有的精馏设备都存在一个尾液残留问题。精馏塔由于技术所定,它的尾液中至少还残留有不少于10%(平均残留度为13%)的被提management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 取物质。而旋转床尾液残留物均不超过0.5%(平均残留度为0.4%,因此旋转床的尾液可以达到国家允许排放的标准范围内。 5 成本的区别:A、建设成本的区别:在初次建设时,精馏塔由于需要有一个整体的地面建筑为其支撑服务,因此综合算下来远高于旋转床,甚至可以达到技术旋转床的一倍以上。而旋转床仅为几个单件设备组合,仅需一组支架便可安装使用,因此费用支出也仅限于设备的购置费用。B、更换主体设备的区别:在不存在地面建筑的前提下,精馏塔的投资要小于旋转床的投资,但精馏塔的内部形式的不同,费用的差距也较大,综合对比精馏塔的投资差异要大于旋转床。C、日常维护及使用成本区别:在日常的维护中,精馏塔要考虑到自然环境的侵害与高度带来的震动、摇摆、风蚀等需要定期维护保养。而旋转床是普通设备结构加之外层保温,因此无需日常维护,只是设备内部的密封件在使用到一定工作时间后(一般为期一年)需更换,更换时也仅需3,4的小时即可完成,更换密封件属三包范围,设备供应方提供技术支持。在使用成本上,由于能耗、维护等成本上的差异,旋转床要低于精馏塔许多。 6、环保区别:精馏塔尾液排放不能达到环保要求,因此不可以排放。旋转床能达标,因此不影响环境,是环保的选择。 传统精馏塔与高效精馏机对比2 序号项目超重,场精馏传统精馏 ,体积小,构造简单,去复杂的体积大,需配合接口设备,工程,,1设备成本管线结,因此投资成本大,浩大,因此设置的成本较大。,可应用于贵重属制造设备。 ,,使用面积小,于迁移与厂房配使用空间大,尤其在板多的情2占地空间置。况下。 3能源耗用输送,径短,热散失低。大,的能源使用在加热与,却。 启动后,需较久时间达到稳定。启动快,,于达到稳定,态;操操作特性局限于初始设计,在特作范围大,操作,可随转速增加定条件下要有特定的设备与周边4操作特性,于试验工厂级的实验测试。配合,且处,,愈大就愈需要,同一套设备可操作,同系统,如大设备。在程序放大的研究上需真空或高黏,系统。多套设备,因应实验测试的需求。 拆装、清洗、维修容,。,,拆装、清洗与维修。5维修改装填充物的改装较容,。填充物的改装困难,用,较多。management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 序号项目超重,场精馏传统精馏 2530不含地面建筑约,万元一次性投入(全套设备钥匙工程)6投入成本80120120150,万元含地面建筑约,万元 仅需更换密封机件每年约需经常更换精馏塔板约为每年7维护成本12,万元4,6万元。 有机溶剂残留很低,可以达到排残液中仍有大量的有机溶剂,属8尾液排放放标准。不可排放的污水。 15%将含有有机溶剂尾液提纯至 99.5%可再用有机溶剂,单台每 2T2011日可生产高纯度溶剂,按不符合排放标准的尾液,需支付9使用收益33300年月无水甲醇每吨元,创一定的处理费用。 66008200/产值元;无水乙醇元 16400吨,创产值元。 1、安装方便,适应环境强 2、调试方便,适应小批量生产10使用便捷性装置体积庞大,带来众多不便。3、设备小型化,适合在生产环节 中的工序、工段分别配置。 选择超重力旋转床(精馏机)是大量使用有机溶剂企业的明智之举,它能给企业带来超乎预料的收获,在已经安装了旋转床的制药企业,普遍的反应是节约带来的效益远远的超出了他们对产品运用未来的预计。 例案:杭州下沙药业,他是一个以生产“维生素A”为主业的制药集团,他们在08 年为解决甲醇的回收再用,引入第一套“旋转床精馏设备”,从甲醇与水的混合废液中,回收成含量为99.5%的无水甲醇。该厂的甲醇废液主要来自合成车间的两种浓度的混合液,一个为94%,另一个为50%,平均每天产生废液浓度为72%左右的甲醇混液20T。过去这些废液只能以低价卖出,作为清洗液使用。有时卖不出去,成为了企业生产的负担。而企业每天要购入99.5%浓度的无水甲醇15T,回补生产线上的使用。随着甲醇价格的不断上涨,企业生产成本也不断的加大。最后企业在进行了充分的市场调查之后,分析了旋转床与精馏塔的利弊得失之后,断然引入了旋转床技术设备,企业在当时投入了40万元(08年设备价格,而且许多的工艺配套为自己配置)安装了旋转床,将废液提纯回用,仅节省购买甲醇一年就给企业带来500多万元的效益,加之生产线的稳定效益及环保、节能、人力、开车时限以及低能源的节省,排放残液的处理等综合技改效益500万元,一个40万元的投入,给企业带来近1000万元的效益,难怪企业在09年、10年两次为其联合企业购入共计18套旋转床成套设备。 使用超重力旋转床(精馏机)的绩效分析: 超重力旋转床(精馏机)是一个投入产出比很大的系统工艺设备,它的回报率接近了1:10,特别是针对水中单一有机溶剂的分离,效果十分明显。随着有机management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 溶剂的价格上涨,以及环保意识的增强、环保执法力度的加大,越来越多的企业 会认识到旋转床的主要作用。提前为企业的未来做好准备,在战略上赢得利好。 是企业发展的重要决策。因此,我们仅一甲醇和乙醇的绩效率做出一个参考。 绩效分析•按单台超重力精馏机日处理能力15T计 •75%浓度废液可提取99.5%无水甲醇10T•50%浓度废液可提取99.5%无水甲醇7.5T•15%浓度废液可提取99.5%无水甲醇2.2T•残液甲醇含量低于0.5%。 •无水甲醇按3300元/T计, •日产生直接经济效益: •3.3万元、2.47万元、0.7万元 •投资回收期分别为: •20天、25天、80天 •年直接效益(250工作日) •825万元、610万元、175万元 •年间接效益 •1650万元、1210万元、350万元 绩效分析 •按单台超重力精馏机日处理能力10T计 •75%浓度废液可提取99.5%无水乙醇7.5T •50%浓度废液可提取99.5%无水乙醇5T •15%浓度废液可提取99.5%无水乙醇1.5T •残液乙醇含量低于0.5%。 •无水乙醇按8200元/T计, •日产生直接经济效益 •6.15万元、4.1万元、1.2万元 •投资回收期分别为: •9天、15天、50天 •年直接效益(生产250天) •1500万元、1025万元、300万元 •年间接效益 •3000万元、2000万元、600万元 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 超重力旋转床(精馏机)的优势 1、 安全:超重力旋转床(精馏机)为业内最新最专业设计,为世界先 进设备,最长在用期限已经超过6年,尚无出现任何安全问 题。 2、 实用:超重力旋转床(精馏机)体积小,结构简单,可以安放在厂 内任何位置,也可以跟随生产线的需求,为单独生产线单独 设置。亦可结合企业特点综合配套。 3、 价格:超重力旋转床(精馏机)全套设备(钥匙工程)在80万元, 120万元左右(日处理含醇废液10,20吨左右,不含特种材 质及特种需求) 4、 产品:超重力旋转床(精馏机)以形成系列产品,但依据企业需求 的具体情况,对设备绩效单独微调,以适应不同企业、不同 条件、不同环境、不同工况的需要。 5、 方便:由于设备小型化,不需要基建,所以可以根据生产线位置的 要求进行安装,使整个生产线的流程变短,节约能源与资源。 现阶段,超重力旋转床已在制药行业得到广泛的应用(目前在用设备已经接近400台,而我国在册制药企业多达两万多家),制药企业容易接受的原因在于制药行业多是有机溶剂用量少,生产产品品种多,需要经常调整精馏浓度和工艺工程。因此,旋转床的使用优势与经济效益更加明显。此技术项目正处于被药业广泛认知与接受阶段,机会与市场都是很好的快速成长期,据我们进行的多家了解,现在的制药企业一般更希望设备生产企业进行工艺设备集成,也就是所谓的“交钥匙工程” 。更重要的是旋转床的核心技术目前仍是一个很难被仿冒的高技术性产品,目前只有杭州科力化工一家企业可以产生旋转床主机,但工厂的销售人员对于制药工艺的了解与认知相对薄弱,很难对整个工艺工厂进行配置,正适合专业营销企业进行配套销售。市场不会出现混乱竞争的局面。只要能发挥其营销优势和配套能力,做长、做大、做好是完全有可能的。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten
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