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外商投资企业联合年检操作手册外商投资企业联合年检操作手册 全国外商投资企业网上联合年检操作手册(企业用户) 目录 第一章 概述 .................................................................. 3 1.1 概述 ..................................................................... 3 1.2 年报须知 ...........................................................
外商投资企业联合年检操作手册 全国外商投资企业网上联合年检操作手册(企业用户) 目录 第一章 概述 .................................................................. 3 1.1 概述 ..................................................................... 3 1.2 年报须知 .............................................................. 4 1.3 运行环境 .............................................................. 4 1.4 年报主页 .............................................................. 5 第二章 企业操作流程 .................................................... 7 第三章 系统功能 ........................................................... 8 3.1 在线注册 ............................................................. 8 3.2 用户登录 ............................................................13 3.3 CA证书申请 ........................................................14 3.4 找回密码 ............................................................19 3.5 系统设置 ............................................................21 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura1 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.6 年报报告书 .........................................................32 3.7财政报表 .............................................................41 3.8外表 .............................................................51 3.9其他报表 .............................................................52 3.10报表上报 ...........................................................54 3.11查看确认详情 ....................................................55 3.12报表打印 ...........................................................55 第四章 常见问题 ..........................................................62 第五章 技术支持 ..........................................................68 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura2 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第一章 概述 1.1 概述 网上年报是通过使用互联网络技术与现有证照审查管理系统相结合来完成企业年报的计算机应用系统,是网上办公的一种行政管理业务,是一种互联网的增值服务。简单的说,就是企业利用互联网向年报机关报送年报资料,年报机关在网上对企业报送的年报数据进行审核,并通过网络告知企业年报结果的过程。 企业年报的目的是为加强对企业的监督管理,保护企业的合法权益,依法按年度对企业进行检查,确认企业继续经营资格的法定。随着我国投资环境的改善,越来越多的外商投资企业反映年报“手续太多,时间太长,效率太低,办事太难”。 《全国外商投资企业网上联合年报》是一套综合的网络化联合年报操作平台,是实现年报网上申报、网上审核,构架全新的年报集中办公平台。特点就在于操作简单方便,把复杂的业务逻辑封装在系统逻辑业务层,采用向导型用户操作模式,可以极大地节约政府资源、提高工作效率、提高数据的准确性。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura3 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 1.2 年报须知 “全国外商投资企业网上联合年报”系统流程: 1)参检企业登录“全国外商投资企业网上联合年报”网站 ov.cn) ,凭企业的用户代码和用户密码进入系统,据实(www.lhnb.g 填写“年报报表”。对于需要填写审计报告附表的企业,可由会计师事务代填、代审,审核通过上报后,才能将“年报报表”提交“全国外商投资企业网上联合年报”网站的中心服务器。 2)审核部门通过“全国外商投资企业网上联合年报”系统,审核企业上报的年报报表,并将企业年报审查的有关情况提交“全国外商投资企业网上联合年报”系统的中心服务器。然后企业再次登录“全国外商投资企业网上联合年报”系统查询审核结果,如网上年报审核结果为“打回修改”,则企业可以修改“年报报告书”并再次提交。 3)各审核部门审核通过后,参检企业将打印的年报报表的书式文本加盖公章后,与其它年报材料一同提交给指定审核部门办理复核、加盖年报公章手续。 1.3 运行环境 所需计算机系统的配置 硬 件:主频800MHz以上CPU,内存储空间128M以上,可用硬盘空间1GB以上; 操作系统:Windows NT/2000/XP; 浏 览 器:IE 6.0或以上。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura4 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 1.4 年报主页 连接到“全国外商投资企业网上联合年报”网站主页: www.lhnb.gov.cn) ( 您将看到如下界面: 选择你所在地 区的链接,进入 年报系统 企业根据自身所属区域,选择相应的服务器后,可以进入以下登录界面: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura5 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 登录界面的左边提供了三种登录方式:移动证书登录,文件证书登录和普通登录。 在全国的签章试点地区必须使用移动证书或者文件证书方式登录系统,非试点地区则使用普通登录方式登录系统。 1(在线注册:如果企业是第一次使用该系统,需要对该企业进行网上注册来取得用户的用户口令。具体细节请参考(在线注册) 。 2(移动证书登录:以USB KEY作为数字证书的存储介质,USB KEY 中的证书不可拷贝,具有唯一性。证书中同时存有用户信息和证书密码,即使,USB KEY发生了丢失,也不用担心他人会登录系统。 3(普通登录:用户只需在用户名里填写13位企业代码,在密码栏里填写注册时输入的登录密码即可登录年报系统。 4(找回密码:当用户密码丢失,可以在此找回其密码。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura6 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第二章 企业操作流程 一、企业用户访问全国外商投资企业网上联合年报专用网站 (www.lhnb.gov.cn),凭用户代码和用户口令登录全国外商投资企业 网上联合年报系统,进入企业操作界面,进行网上年报数据填报。 二、企业填写年报报表,对于审计报告附表,企业可根据当地审核部门 的设置,由企业自己填写或直接委托事务所代替填写,但最后必需 由会计师事务所审核,证明表的真实性,然后上报年报报表。 三、会计师事务所对需要由其代审的企业审计报告进行代审工作。 四、商务、工商、税务、海关、外汇和财政等审核部门对经会计师事务 所审核通过的已上报企业的年报报表进行审核。如果审核结果为 “打回修改”,则企业需修改并重新上报报表。 五、各审核部门审核通过后,企业可在线打印全套年报材料加盖公章后 携审计报告原件等其它年报纸面材料至所在地联合年报审核部门 办理复核、加盖年报公章手续。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura7 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第三章 系统功能 3.1 在线注册 第一次使用年报系统的用户,请点击进行注册;参加过上一年度年报的用户或已注册的用户请直接录入用户代码和用户密码进行登录;企业登录代码为外商投资企业批准证书上的13位企业代码;如果忘记密码请点击重新索取用户密码。 步骤:点击首页面的“注册”链接,进入网上在线注册页面。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura8 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 页面中的“注册”链接进入注册页面: 或者点击 或者点击页面中的“在线注册”链接进入注册页面: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura9 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized , 点击“注册”链接后,进入如下图所示: , 输入完企业代码后,点击下一步进入填写用户信息页面: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura10 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 1)企业代码 指的是您的外商投资企业批准证书上的13位企业代码,同时这也是企业登录该系统的用户代码。 2)密码 将是您登录到本系统的重要凭证。输入完后,在“确认密码”中再次输入您所设定的密码,以保证您所输入的密码无误。密码长度不少于6位且不大于20位。 3) 电子邮箱 指您常用的电子信箱。请正确输入您的信箱地址,如果您的用户密码遗失可以通过本信箱重新获取密码;同时也便于我们以后与您联系。如果信箱地址的格式输入错误的话,系统将会自动提示。 输入注册信息,点击“注册”按钮即可完成注册。 完成注册操作 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura11 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 后,系统显示注册成功页面并显示注册时填写的信息。如下图所示: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura12 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 全国外商投资企业网上联合年检操作手册(企业用户) 3.2 用户登录 登录“全国外商投资企业网上联合年报系统”网站主页, 选择一种方式登录系统后,进入如下图所示的首页面: 首页主要有以下组成: 1(功能栏:显示主要的功能按钮。 2(显示企业数据的当前状态。以及具体部门的审核情况。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura13 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3(显示最新与年报有关的政策法规、最新通知和注意事项等。点击链接可 查看具体信息。 3.3 CA证书申请 只有在年报系统中注册过的用户才可以申请CA证书,申请方式见下文。 在登录页面里点击如下图所示的『申请证书』 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura14 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 点击此处 申请证书 点击『申请证书』后进入如下图所示的页面,用户在此页面中填写注册 信息、选择证书种类、填写证书资料以及证书密码,最后下载/安装证书: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura15 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第一步:输入注册信息 第二步:填写申请信息 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura16 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 证书种类分为:文件证书和移动证书,可根据需要进行选择,关于证书说明可参见证书介绍。 按照上图中所示填入相关信息即可。 用户代码:为营业执照上13位的企业代码 用户名称:即企业名称 联系人:企业联系人 联系电话:企业联系电话 电子信箱:企业电子信箱 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura17 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第三步 灌制证书 此时,插入企业获取的USB-KEY,点击“灌制此证书”后,系统将会将证 书信息自动保存在USB-KEY中。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura18 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 全国外商投资企业网上联合年检操作手册(企业用户) 3.4 找回密码 在普通登录的页面中,系统提供了找回密码的功能,如下图所示: 如忘记登录的密码,点击如上图所示的按钮,进入下图所示 窗口: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura19 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 你可以通过三种方式进行找回密码: 1、 企业代码+注册邮箱找回密码,在该页面输入用户名和邮箱地址, 点击提交按钮,进行找回密码。 2、 企业代码+注册手机找回密码,在该页面输入企业代码,点击下一 步,进行找回密码。 3、 通过客服邮箱找回密码 发送邮件至客服邮箱chinalhnj@126.com saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura20 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.5 系统设置 从页面上方的功能条上,点击“系统设置”链接,可进入系统设置界面。 包括4项参数的设置,如下图所示: 部分地区的功能条为: 3.5.1 企业信息 电子信箱是找回所遗失的密码的一个重要途径,所以请确保信箱地址的有效性。 您若想要更换您的电子信箱地址,在“企业信息”中,输入您想更换的电子信箱地址,点击“确定”按钮,即完成修改邮箱的操作。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura21 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.5.2 修改密码 可以更换您的登录密码。按照对应的项输入,点击“确定”按钮即可。原密码是指原先的登录密码,新密码和重新输入框是输入您想更换的密码。输入原密码和新密码,点击“确定”按钮,即完成修改密码操作。 3.5.3 主管部门 主管部门,可以设置企业报表需要上报的审核部门,主要包括: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura22 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 商务、国税、地税、外汇、统计、财政。 在选择审核部门时~请正确查证企业所属的部门,如果审核部门 选择错误~所上报的报表将无法自动分发到相应的审核部门。 点击“选择”按钮,弹出如下窗口,选择相应审核部门,点击选择 按钮完成该审核部门的设置。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura23 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 选择相应审核部门,点击“选择”按钮,可完成该审核部门的设置。 选择好所有的审核部门后,点击 “确定”按钮,即完成指定主管部门的操作。 3.5.4会计师事务所 企业年报报告书必须由会计师事务所审核通过后,企业才能上报到各主管部门审核。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura24 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 如未指定会计事务所,则点击页面中的“选择”按钮弹出如下“选 择会计师事务所”窗口: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura25 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 选择所需的会计师事务所,点击相对应的“选择”按钮即可。 企业根据会计师事务所的确认状态和说明进行相应的操作: 1(如果该事务所长时间没有接收您的指定,您可以单击“撤消指定”按 钮重新进行指定。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura26 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 2(当显示“重新指定信息”时,如发现有些报表不能修改,则需要点 击“撤消指定”按钮,进入会计师事务所指定页面,重新指定。 3(企业需根据会计师事务所的要求修改报表数据,并单击“修改完成” 按钮,重新等待会计师事务所的确认。 4(会计师事务所已经填写相关数据。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura27 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 5(会计师事务所已经确认了您的年报相关报表。如果发现报表数据有 误,您可以 请求事务所修改,也可以 设置为自行修改(根据地方需要 开启该功能)。 3.5.5 证书管理 在导航栏中点击『系统设置』,然后在显示出的二级导航栏目中点 击『证书管理』,如下图所示: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura28 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 进入“证书管理”,如下图所示: 注:证书信息修改后要更新证书~然后重新下载。 单击按钮,进入证书管理登录界面: 输入登录密码,单击“登录”按钮即可。 “证书管理”页面如下: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura29 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 包括了证书查看、证书更新、印章管理和密码修改四部分。 1、证书查看 显示证书信息:用户代码、颁发给、颁发者和有效期。 2、证书更新 系统会自动提示证书是否需进行更新。证书更新完毕后,需要重新下载证书,下次登录系统后使用该此下载的新证书。 3、印章管理 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura30 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 点击“导入印章”按钮,则将服务器中的印章导入到USB KEY中或安 装到电脑中。使用移动证书登录,系统将自动读取印章。 4、密码修改 按照如上图所示的页面中提示进行修改密码即可。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura31 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.6 年报报告书 企业的年报报表主要包括“年报报告书”、“财政报表”和“其他 报表”。 点击功能栏中的“”按钮,即转入报表填写页面。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura32 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.6.1企业基本情况表 企业基本信息表填写说明: , 企业名称:详细填写企业的注册名称。 , 投资者名称:在填写投资者名称时,填写的内容会与企业类别中 的一些选项相关联。当企业类别选的是“合资”、“合作”或“股 份”时,投资者名称中,中方和外方都至少要填写一家企业的名 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura33 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 称;当企业类别选择的是“独资”时,至少要填写一个外方投资 者,但不能填写中方投资者的名称。 , 填写国家(地区)代码时,输入框中是不能直接填写的。正确的 操作方法是,点击输入框后面的“选取”按钮;此时会弹出一个 如下的对话框。 在下拉框中找到所需的国家或地区代码,点击“确认”按钮完成国家或地区代码的选择操作。 , 经营期限:填写营业执照标明的期限(如30年、50年),股份公 司和章程未规定经营期限的填写“长期”。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura34 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.6.2企业出资情况表 出资及本年度生产经营情况表填写说明: , 的各数据涉及填报的企业基本信息数据金额应精确到 “百美元”,即小数点后保留两位,小数点两位以后的金额 四舍五入,例如 “880168.68”美元,表中以万美元为金额 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura35 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 单位应填写为“88.01”;涉及填报的企业财务信息数据应精 确到“元人民币”,如有小数点请按照四舍五入原则取整, 例如“880168.68”元,表中以元为金额单位应填写为 “880169”。 , 表中分中、外方的指标,如本企业有多个中方或多个外方的, 应填写合计数据。 , 欠缴出资原因:用简练文字表述。 , 中方以国有资产出资:指历年累计中方以现金和实物、工业 产权、非专利技术、土地使用权等国有资产作价出资折合的 金额。中方投资者为两个以上的应合并计算。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura36 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 全国外商投资企业网上联合年检操作手册(企业用户) 3.6.3对外投资情况表 3.6.4分支机构情况表 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura37 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 全国外商投资企业网上联合年检操作手册(企业用户) 3.6.5本年度生产经营情况表 本年度生产经营情况表填写说明: , 销售(营业)收入:指企业在销售商品、提供劳务及让渡资 产使用权等日常主要经营活动中所形成的经济利益的总流 入,按企业当年审计报告中“损益表”所披露的主营业务收 入科目发生额填列。 , 服务营业收入:指企业服务性业务营业收入额。 , 纳税总额:指企业根据税法法律、法规、关税税则规定向税 务机关和海关缴纳的各种税款的总和。 , 关税:指企业缴纳关税税款的总和。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura38 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized , 利润总额:指营业利润加上投资收益、补贴收入、营业外收 入,减去营业外支出后的金额,反映企业实现的利润或者发 生的亏损,亏损用“-”表示。请按企业当年审计报告中“损 益表”所披露的利润总额科目发生额填列。 , 净利润:是指利润总额减去所得税后的金额,亏损用“-” 表示。请按企业当年审计报告中“损益表”所披露的净利润 科目发生额填列。 , 资产总额:是指企业流动资产、长期投资、固定资产、无形 资产和其他资产的总和。请按企业当年审计报告中“资产负 债表”所披露的资产总额科目余额填列,并将长期投资科目 余额单独列示。 , 负债总额:是指企业流动负债和长期负债的总和。请按企业 当年审计报告中“资产负债表”所披露的负债总额科目余额 填列。 , 长期负债:指偿还期在一年或超过一年的营业周期以上的债 务,一般包括长期借款、应付债券、融资租入固定资产应付 款、长期应付款等。请按企业当年审计报告中“资产负债表” 所披露的长期负债科目余额填列。 , 亏损及非正常生产原因:用简练文字表述。 , 是否已报财务年报、季报:填写“已报财务年报、季报”、“未 报财务年报、季报”。 , 财务年报查出问题处理情况:填写“全部处理”、“部分处理”、 “未处理”。 承包经营年限:填写具体承包经营年限(如5年、10年等)。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura39 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.6.6企业其他情况表 企业其他情况表填写说明: , 从业人数:指在企业工作并取得劳动报酬或者经营收入的全部人 员。“新增就业人数”指本年度新增加的劳动者人数。 , 批准日期:指企业在商务部门首次领取“外商投资企业批准证书” 的日期。 , 海关注册登记号要求:海关注册号为必输项,不得为空(10位); 如果企业从未到海关办理注册登记(即无海关企业注册号),则输 入10位数字9;海关企业注册号前两位一般应与外经贸部13位 代码前两位一致,如不一致,应进一步核查;海关企业注册号不 应出现数字以外的其他字符;海关企业注册号第五位只能出现数 字“1”、“2”、“3”、“4”、“9”。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura40 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 全国外商投资企业网上联合年检操作手册(企业用户) 3.6.7外商投资企业外方权益确认表 提示:如果您对联合申报书中的指标不清楚,可以下载 年报报告书说明文档、结汇、售汇及付汇管理规定 阅读。 3.7财政报表 今年系统新增六张财政报表,分别是外资单户封面、资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表、所有者权益变动表和财务指标补充资料表。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura41 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.7.1外资单户封面 3.7.2资产负债表 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura42 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized , 结算备付金:反映企业为证券交易的资金清算与交收而存入指定清 算代理机构的款项,应根据“结算备付金”科目的期末余额填列。 仅由金融企业填报。 , 拆出资金:反映企业拆借给境内、境外其他金融机构的款项,应根 据“拆出资金”科目的期末余额,减去“贷款损失准备”科目所属 相关明细科目期末余额后的金额分析计算填列。仅由金融企业填 报。 , 交易性金融资产:反映企业持有的以公允价值计量,且其变动计入 当期损益的以交易为目的所持有的债券投资、股票投资、基金投资、 权证投资等金融资产,应根据“交易性金融资产”科目的期末余额 填列。 , 应收账款:企业应根据“应收账款”科目所属各明细科目的期末借 方余额合计减去“坏账准备”科目中有关坏账准备期末余额后的净 额填列。 , 应收保费:反映按照原保险合同约定应向投保人收取的保费,应根 据期末余额减去“坏账准备”科目中有关坏账准备期末余额后的净 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura43 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 额填列。仅由金融企业填报。 3.7.3利润表 , 营业总收入:包括营业收入、?利息收入、?已赚保费和? 手续费及佣金收入四部分内容。 , 营业收入:反映企业经营主要业务和其他业务所确认的收入 总额,应根据“主营业务收入”和“其他业务收入”科目的 发生额分析填列。 , 主营业务收入:反映企业在销售商品、提供劳务等日常活动 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura44 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 中所产生的收入总额,应根据“主营业务收入”科目发生额 分析填列。 , 粮食企业以及有国家特准储备物资的企业,应以主营业务收 入扣减“抵减销售收入的应交款”和“转出差价收入(转出 差价支出以“,”号计算)”后的余额填列。 , 利息收入:反映企业经营贷款业务等确认的利息收入,应根 据“利息收入”科目的发生额分析填列。仅由金融企业填报。 , 已赚保费:反映“保险业务收入”项目金额减去“分出保费”、 “提取未到期责任准备金”项目金额后的余额。仅由金融企 业填报。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura45 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.7.4现金流量表 , 客户存款和同业存放款项净增加额:反映财务公司和商业银 行本期客户存款和同业存放款项的净增加额。仅由金融企业 填报。 , 向中央银行借款净增加额:反映财务公司和商业银行本期向 中央银行借入款项的净增加额。仅由金融企业填报。 , 向其他金融机构拆入资金净增加额:反映商业银行和财务公 司本期从境内外金融机构拆入款项的净增加额。仅由金融企 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura46 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 业填报。 , 收到原保险合同保费取得的现金:反映保险公司本期收到的 原保险合同保费取得的现金净额。包括本期收到的原保险合 同收入、本期收到的前期应收原保险合同保费、本期预售的 原保险合同保费和本期代其他企业收取的原保险合同保费, 扣除本期保险合同提前结束以现金支付的退保费。仅由金融 企业填报。 , 收到再保险业务现金净额:反映保险公司本期从事再保险业 务实际收支的现金净额。仅由金融企业填报。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura47 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.7.5所有者权益变动表 , 上年年末余额:1行12-22栏反映企业上上年资产负债表中的年末所有者权益金额。1行1-11栏与31行12-22栏一致。 , 会计政策变更和前期差错更正:仅填列表中12-22栏,反映企业本年及上年会计政策变更和会计差错更正等对上上年及以前年度所有者权益的累积影响金额。 , 会计政策变更:反映企业采用追溯调整法处理的会计政策 变更的累积影响金额。 , 前期差错更正:反映企业采用追溯重述法处理的会计差错 更正的累积影响金额。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura48 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized , 本年年初余额:4行12-22栏反映企业在上上年年末所有者权益 金额的基础上,考虑本年及上年会计政策变更和前期差错更正等 对上上年及以前年度所有者权益的累积影响调整后的上年年初所 有者权益金额。4行1-11栏反映企业考虑本年会计政策变更及前 期差错更正等对以前年度的影响调整后得出的本年初所有者权益 金额,与1行1-11栏一致。 , 本年年末余额:31行12-22栏反映企业考虑本年会计政策变更及 前期差错更正等对以前年度的影响调整后得出的上年年末所有者 权益金额。31行1-11栏反映企业本年年末所有者权益金额。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura49 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.7.6财务指标补充资料表 , 产品出口企业户数:指凡经商务部门确认及考核,领取了产品出 口企业证书的外商投资企业户数。 , 先进技术企业户数:指凡经商务部门确认及考核,领取了先进技 术企业证书的外商投资企业户数。 , 高新技术企业户数:指凡经科技部门确认及考核,领取了高新技 术企业证书的外商投资企业户数。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura50 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized , 已交所得税企业户数:指当年或以前年度已经缴纳过企业所得税 的企业户数。 , 合同投资总额:反映合资、合作企业合同中规定的投资总额或外 资企业经批准的投资总额。其中,合资、合作企业的外方或外资 企业的投资者认缴的出资额和企业计划向国外借款的数额,还应 在该项目下单列的“计划外资额”项目中反映。企业的投资总额 如因计划增资或增加借款而发生变化的,也应按上述要求一并反 映。 提示: 如果您对财政报表中的指标不清楚,可以下载 财政报表说明文档 阅读。 3.8外汇报表 系统功能功能条中包含“外汇报表”,具体操作如下: 点击“外汇报表”进入模块,如下图: 外汇直投系统年报报表是由国家外汇管理局直投系统把企业填写的年 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura51 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 报数据同步到全国外商企业年度运营情况网上联合申报及共享系统。 此页面只是方便企业查看数据功能, 若企业想填写(修改)数据,请进 入外汇直投系统进行填写。如有疑问请咨询当地外汇主管部门。 3.9其他报表 3.9.1外商投资研发机构信息调查表 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura52 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 注意:只有企业是研发机构或者已内设研发机构(包括分公司)才需要填写此表 如果不是请选否,并在附件2各项中填无或者没有。 3.9.2外商投资研发机构调研提纲 注意:如果附件1中企业不是研发机构而且也不是已内设研发机构(包括分公司), 此表各项请填无或者没有。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura53 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.10报表上报 当企业用户确认已经将各报表完全填写好后,可进行年报报表的上报工作;点击导航栏中的“报表上报”按钮,可进入报表上报的功能界面。 企业报表上报前,请核对是否已设置了正确的上报部门。 企业报表上报后您可在此页面查看各部门的审核情况。 在企业上报之前,系统会自动进行报表的逻辑判断:是否超过年报的接受时间,数据报表是否填写完整,数据间的是否存在逻辑错误,审核主管部门是否选择完整等等。如果不符合以上条件,系统会做出错误提示,且企业将无法上报报表。如图:在每一个步骤前都有和 来提示在哪一步没有完成。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura54 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 后,将出现的经系统逻辑判断无误后,即全部实现 按纽。点击按钮,即完成数据上报操作。 3.11查看确认详情 企业上报后,可以从企业版首页面中及时查看各主管部门的确认情况。 点击上图页面中的“查看确认详情”按钮,可进入“确认详情”界面,实时了解到各部门对企业年报报表的确认状态。 3.12报表打印 报表打印,提供了可将网上填写好的年报报表打印成书面材料的功能。在未通过部门确认前打印的报表都会带有“样本”字样;如果企业已经通过了部门确认,则直接打印出整个年报报告书,此时,年报报告书的封面上带有条形码供部门复核时使用。 步骤:点击导航栏上的“报表打印”按钮,可转入打印列表页面。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura55 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 点击与各报表对应的“点击打印报表”链接,即可打印各张报表, 如图: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura56 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura57 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 注:只有在全部通过的情况下~才能打印出年报报告书~打印全 部的年报报表。 点击预览页面中的“打印”,即完成对企业基本情况表打印操作。 打印相关设置说明: , 如果在点击会出现以下对话框: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura58 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized , 点击“”则可以预览当前报表: , 点击“”,则出现打印界面: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura59 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 点击“”则关闭当前报表页面。 注:当企业通过了所有部门的审核后打印年报报告书封面~主要 包括条形码和企业信息。条形码可以被条码枪直接识别,通过校验码~ 审核部门在复核端可以自动调出企业的报表信息~并确认复核通过。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura60 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura61 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 全国外商投资企业网上联合年报操作手册(企业用户) 第四章 常见问题 1、企业何时能打印年报报告书, 企业在完成填写报表,>确认填写数据无误,>上报,>系统进行基本的逻辑校验,如果校验通过,数据即可上报,上报成功后并且通过了所有部门的年报后才可以打印年报报告书。到企业必须确定企业报表复核时打印的书面材料要与企业最后一次修改的报表一致。 2、投资者三方以上怎么办, 目前的报表格式是由相关文件规定的,不能随意修改,可选择其中最主要的三个投资方来进行填写。 3、新系统使用时能否继续使用旧系统, 不可再使用旧系统,新旧系统的数据结构不一样,为保持数据的一致性和部中心数据的完整性,只能使用新系统。 4、有无上报截止时间,到时企业无法录入了吗, 全国有统一的上报时间。如果做了限制,企业超出限制时间将不能上报。 5、填表中是否设置填表人、填表日期等, saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura62 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 填表人、填表日期将由系统自动填入。在对企业报表的查看或审核操作中可以查看到,但在报表打印中此项不显示。 6、用喷墨打印机打印出的报表条形码能识别吗, 建议使用激光打印机,或者是比较好的喷墨打印机打印。 7、能否一次打印多张报表, 可以。可以选择打印年报报告书,同时还可以选择打印多少份年报报告书。 8、企业上报的数据根据部门类型有选择地开放可以吗, 不可以。数据必须完全共享,只要企业上报数据上来,各部门均可以全部查看到,这也是为了体现联合年报的精神。 9、报表被主管部门打回修改后,是否还需要再上报报表, 需要。企业根据部门的要求将报表修改后,必需要经过报表的重新上报,否则主管部门是看不到报表的,也就不能对报表进行重新审核。 10、投资、注册资金可否不折成美元,使用企业的注册币种,折美元 可否后台自动处理, 目前采用的方式就是统一使用美元。为了统一格式,报表格式是有文件规定的。 11、如果部门将报表打回修改后,企业怎么知道需要修改哪些数据, saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura63 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 企业登录系统后,点击“查看确认详情”,可以查看到各部门的审核意见。这些审核意见,会告诉企业需要修改哪些数据的。 12、企业如果发现误选审核部门,如何进行修改, 当企业上报后发现主管部门选择错误,只有在未上报的状态下,或者该部门返回指定主管部门错误的信息后才能重新指定。 13、用户过多,系统能否快速响应, 我们在系统时已经考虑到此问题,我们采用集群技术提高系统的并发速度,可以充分满足大量用户同时使用该系统。 14、去年的登录用户名和密码还能不能用, 去年在网上参加年报的用户,仍然可以使用原有的登录用户名和密码。 15、密码丢失了怎么办, 可以在网上使用找回密码的功能,找回密码时所用到的邮箱,就是企业在注册时填写的邮箱地址。 16、打印报表时,页面设置和打印预览不可用,怎么解决, , 如果在点击“页面设置”和“打印预览”时出现如下提示窗口, 那么则表示您需要对Internet选项进行设置后,才能够正常使用 『页面设置』和『打印预览』。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura64 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized , Internet选项设置如下:从浏览器窗口的『工具』栏里选择『Internet 选项』,参见下图: , 点击『Internet选项』后,打开如下图所示的窗口:选择『安全』 ,>『Internet』,> saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura65 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 点击此处进 行相关设置 , 点击后,打开如下图所示窗口: 找到“”,> ”,“ saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura66 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 然后将其设置为“”(参见下图) 按照上述设置好后,便可以使用“页面设置”和“打印预览”。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura67 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第五章 技术支持 客服电话:400-001-0722 技术支持邮箱:chinalhnj@vip.126.com saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high satura68 tion of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized
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