

2018-01-06 26页 doc 69KB 71阅读




一清胶囊试题库一清胶囊试题库 一、单选题: 1. 一清胶囊被用于上呼吸道感染的原因是: 。 (C) A、一清胶囊可以有效抑制导致上感的细菌 B、一清胶囊可以有效止咳、祛痰,从而改善患者的咳嗽、咳痰症状 C、一清胶囊可以有效清除内毒素,从而可以改善红、肿、热、痛等上火症状 D、一清胶囊可以有效抑制导致上感的病毒 2. 细菌死亡之后,会释放出: 。 (C) A.外毒素 B.病毒 C.内毒素 D.神经毒素 3. 一清胶囊的崩解时间是 分钟以内 (B) A.15分钟 B.30分钟 C.60分钟 D.90分钟 4. 可以启动细菌感染...
一清胶囊试题库 一、单选题: 1. 一清胶囊被用于上呼吸道感染的原因是: 。 (C) A、一清胶囊可以有效抑制导致上感的细菌 B、一清胶囊可以有效止咳、祛痰,从而改善患者的咳嗽、咳痰症状 C、一清胶囊可以有效清除内毒素,从而可以改善红、肿、热、痛等上火症状 D、一清胶囊可以有效抑制导致上感的病毒 2. 细菌死亡之后,会释放出: 。 (C) A.外毒素 B.病毒 C.内毒素 D.神经毒素 3. 一清胶囊的崩解时间是 分钟以内 (B) A.15分钟 B.30分钟 C.60分钟 D.90分钟 4. 可以启动细菌感染后的炎症反应。 (B) A.外毒素 B.内毒素 C.病毒 D.神经毒素 5. 清除内毒素可以帮助细菌感染患者 (A) A、减轻炎症反应,改善上火症状 B、缩短病程 C、升高血压 D、升高血糖 6. 内毒素产生自: (C) A.胸腔 B.颅腔 C.肠道 D.关节腔 7. 内毒素产生自: (C) A.脾脏 B.心脏 C.感染灶 D.肾脏 8. 体内对内毒素有天然清除、中和作用的是 (B) A.脑细胞 B.肝细胞 C.神经元 D.心肌细胞 (D) 9. 体内对内毒素有天然清除、中和作用的是 A.肺泡细胞 B.T细胞 C.B细胞 D.枯否细胞 10. 体内对内毒素有天然清除、中和作用的是 (A) A.高密度脂蛋白 B.低密度脂蛋白 C.血红蛋白 D.血蓝蛋白 11. 以下属于清热解毒药的是 (A) A.一清胶囊 B.比拜克 C.安宫牛黄丸 D.万应胶囊 12. 以下属于清热解毒药的是 (B) the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase A.清开灵 B.三黄片 C.金熊炎必克 D.维C银翘片 13. 以下属于清热解毒药的是 (B) A.麻黄汤 B.黄连上清丸 C.玉屏风 D.华盖散 14. 以下属于解药的是 (C) A.万应胶囊 B.黄连上清丸 C.玉屏风 D.清开灵 15. “热入心包”是指 (C) A.温病时并发心肌炎的 B.温病时并发心包炎的 C.温病后期出现抽搐、谵妄等中枢症状的 D.温病后期出现出血征兆的 16. 开窍剂主要适用于: (D) A.卫分症 B.气分症 C.血分症 D.热入心包 17. 以下不属于开窍剂的: (A) A.金莲花分散片 B.安宫牛黄丸 C.清开灵 D.紫雪 18. 以下不属于清热止痉药的: (A) A.蒲地蓝消炎口服液 B.比拜克 C.金熊炎必克 D.万应胶囊 19. 使用抗生素后,由于大量细菌死亡,会释放出大量 (D) A.外毒素 B.神经毒素 C.病毒 D.内毒素 20. 使用敏感抗生素后,部分患者反而病情加重的现象称为: (B) A.张氏反应 B.赫氏反应 C.巴彬斯基征 D.条件反射 21. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病不包括: (B) A.鼻出血 B.抑郁症 C.肝硬化 D.肝炎 22. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病不包括: (D) A.痤疮 B.银屑病 C.扁桃体炎 D.糖尿病肾病 23. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病不包括: (D) A.牙龈炎 B.鼻疖 C.外耳道疖 D.先心病 24. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病不包括: (C) A.肛裂 B.便秘 C.21三体综合症 D.动脉粥样硬化 25. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病不包括: (A) A.地中海贫血 B.痔病 C.荨麻疹 D.急性咽炎 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase 26. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病不包括: (B) A.甲型肝炎 B.唇裂 C.乙型肝炎 D.牙周炎 27. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病不包括: (D) A.皮炎 B.带状疱疹 C.单纯疱疹 D.猫叫综合征 28. 以下哪种病原微生物的膜结构中没有内毒素: (D) A.钩端螺旋体 B.阴性菌 C.阳性菌 D.DNA病毒 29. 以下哪种病原微生物的膜结构中没有内毒素: (D) A.立克次体 B.支原体 C.衣原体 D.RNA病毒 30. 对中医典籍《温热论》:“在卫,汗之可也;到气,才可清气”,以下理解错误的 是: (B) A.温病初起,病邪还在卫分,发汗解表就可以了 B.治疗温病时,要尽早使用清热解毒药“清气” C.治疗温病时,只有待病邪已经传变到气分,才可以“清气” D.温病初起,病邪还在卫分,不能使用清热解毒药,以免“引邪入里” 31. 对 “引邪入里”,以下理解错误的是: (B) A.表症,应该解表 B.表症,应该清解里热,以引导病邪入里,然后就可“关门打狗” C.表症,不能清解里热,以免病邪入里,加重病情 D.上感初期,由于还没有足够内毒素启动炎症反应,此时清除内毒素,相反会导 致病情加重 32. 对 “肺与大肠相表里”,以下理解错误的是: (C) A.肺病可治肠 B.肠病可治肺 C.通大便不可能治疗肺炎 D.通大便可以治疗肺炎 33. 一清胶囊的源方三黄泻心汤是由 医师所创 (A) A.张仲景 B.李时珍 C.孙思邈 D.华佗 34. 一清胶囊的源方三黄泻心汤出自 医学著作 (C) A.本草纲目 B.黄帝内经 C.伤寒杂病论 D.千金要方 35. 一清胶囊的规格是 (A) the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase A.0.5g/粒 B.0.35g/粒 C.0.45g/粒 D.0.3g/粒 36. 一清胶囊药品书标明的用法用量为:口服,一次 粒,一日3次 (B) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.1-2 37. 一清胶囊的有效期为 月 (D) A.6 B.12 C.18 D.24 38. 一清胶囊的生产企业为 (A) A.成都康弘制药有限公司 B.四川济生堂药业有限公司 C.四川康弘医药贸易有限公司 D.成都大西南制药股份有限公司 39. 一清胶囊的源方三黄泻心汤创立于 代 (B) A.秦 B.汉 C.唐 D.宋 40. 关于一清胶囊三焦祛火的论述, 是错误的 (D) A.黄芩清上焦火 B.黄连清中焦火 C.大黄清下焦火 D.黄芩清下焦火 41. 一清胶囊中具有通便功效的药物成分是 (C) A.黄芩 B.黄柏 C.大黄 D.黄连 42. 一清颗粒和一清软胶囊等其他厂家生产的一清制剂溶于水后会生成较多沉淀,原 (D) 因是药物有效成分间发生了 A.酸碱反应 B.酯化反应 C.交联反应 D.络合反应 43. 一清胶囊具有的专利是 (C) A.化合物专利 B.组合物专利 C.工艺专利 D.没有专利 44. 卫生部规划本科教材中推荐一清胶囊可用于 (D) A.鼻血 B.口腔溃疡 C. 牙龈炎 D.急慢性咽炎、扁桃体炎 45. 未进入国家医保目录 (C) A.一清胶囊 B.一清颗粒 C.一清软胶囊 D.三黄片 46. 中药经过干燥后,药物活性成分会有所损失,为避免药物干燥后活性成分的损失, 一清胶囊只经过 次干燥 (A) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 47. 医学上的所谓上呼吸道不包括 (B) A.鼻 B.肺泡 C.喉 D.咽 48. 普通感冒即“伤风”的主要症状表现为 (A) A.鼻部卡他症状 B.咽部红肿 C.声音嘶哑 D.呼吸道啰音 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase 49. 一清胶囊的贮藏条件为 (B) A.阴凉处 B.常温 C.15?以下 D.20?以下 50. 每粒一清胶囊中的辅料含量约为 (A) A.12% B.30% C.40% D.50% 51. 关于一清胶囊“清热解毒”作用中所谓的“毒”是指 (C) A.药物中毒 B.农药中毒 C.内毒素 D.重金属中毒 52. 上呼吸道感染不包括 (C) A.急性扁桃体炎 B.急性咽炎 C.急性中耳炎 D.感冒 53. 一清胶囊的工艺专利使小檗碱与 反应生成可以水解的盐,从而 大大减少了沉淀的生成 (B) A.黄芩苷 B.大黄酸 C.前花青素 D.黄酮 54. 属于上焦有火的临床表现是 (D) A.尿频、尿急、尿痛 B.便秘、腹胀、腹痛 C.胁痛、黄疸 D.咽喉肿痛 55. 对于重症痤疮患者,可以建议一清胶囊 (B) A.减量使用 B.内服外敷 C.泡酒服用 D.静脉使用 56. 一清胶囊的功能主治不包括 (C) A.清热燥湿 B.泻火解毒 C.补脾益肺 D.化瘀止血 57. 康弘一清胶囊没有获得 (C) A.四川名牌产品称号 B.卫生部规划教材推荐药品 C.巴拿马博览金奖 D.中国中药协会推荐为优质优价中成药 58. 一清胶囊治疗痤疮的作用不包括 (D) A.清热燥湿 B.泻火解毒 C.活血化瘀 D.补脾益气 59. 呼吸道疾病好发于秋、冬季以及冬春换季之时,这些时候应加大呼吸科和 科的拜访频率 (D) A.皮肤科 B.肛肠科 C.口腔科 D.耳鼻喉科 60. 其他厂家的一清制剂倒入水中会形成较多沉淀,沉淀物主要是 (D) A.黄芩苷 B.小檗碱 C.大黄素 D.连芩络合物 61. 一清胶囊的干燥方式是 (C) A.常压烘干 B.减压浓干 C.三效浓缩喷雾干燥 D.以上均不正确 62. 一清胶囊由康弘制药独家生产,不允许其他企业仿制的原因在于获得了 (D) the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase A.国家基本药物 B.国家医保药物 C.优质优价中成药 D.国家中药品种保护 63. 一清胶囊根据其产品特点,特别容易在 推广 (A) A.耳鼻喉科 B.妇科 C.儿科 D.神经内科 64. 一清胶囊根据其产品特点,容易在 推广 (D) A.精神科 B.妇科 C.儿科 D.皮肤科 65. 一清胶囊必须获得 专家普遍认同,才可能充分挖掘出市场潜力 (B) A.精神科 B.呼吸科 C.儿科 D.内分泌科 66. 所谓卡他症状主要指 (B) A.烧心、嗳气、恶心、呕吐 B.鼻塞、流涕、喷嚏 C.尿频、尿痛、尿急 D.腹痛、腹泻、腹胀 67. 连芩络合物是指由 形成的 (C) A.大黄和黄连 B.大黄和黄芩 C.黄连和黄芩 D.黄柏和黄芩 68. 一清胶囊在皮肤科首推治疗的疾病是: (A) A.痤疮 B. 皮炎湿疹 C. 银屑病 D. 牛皮癣 69. 一清胶囊是 年上市推广的 (B) A. 1994年 B. 1995年 C. 1996年 D. 1997年 70. 对老年患者和体弱患者,一清胶囊的推荐用法是 (A) A. 餐后1小时 B. 餐前1小时 C. 随餐服用 D. 以上都不是 71. 一清软胶囊的崩解时间高达 分钟以上(C) A.15分钟 B.30分钟 C.60分钟 D.90分钟 72. 一清胶囊的生产工艺专利避免了盐酸小檗碱与 成分发生络合反应 (A) A.黄芩苷 B.没食子酸 C.儿茶素 D.大黄酸 73. 一清软胶囊的贮藏条件要求阴凉处贮藏,所谓阴凉处是指 摄氏度以下 (C) A.10? B.15? C.20? D.25? 74. 一清软胶囊的有效期为 月 (C) A.6 B.12 C.18 D.24 75. 关于三焦位置的论述, 是错误的 (A) A.颈以上属上焦 B.膈肌至脐属中焦 C.脐以下属下焦 D.膈肌以上属上焦 76. 下列 药物是国家中药保护品种 (A) the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase A.一清胶囊 B.一清颗粒 C.一清软胶囊 D.三黄片 77. 一清胶囊被卫生部规划 本科教材收载 (D) A.内科学 B.皮肤性病学 C.口腔科学 D.耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科学 78. 一清胶囊的二重途径是指苦寒清热与 (A) A.通腑泻热 B.平肝潜阳 C.舒肝理气 D.止咳化痰 79. 被中国中药协会推荐为优质优价中成药 (A) A.一清胶囊 B.一清颗粒 C.一清软胶囊 D.三黄片 80. 经过干燥后,药物活性成分难免有所损失,一清软胶囊要经过 次干燥 (B) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 81. 从药物有效成分看,一清胶囊与三黄片是完全不同的两种药物,三黄片的成分 是 (B) A.生大黄、黄连、黄芩浸膏 B.生大黄、盐酸小檗碱、黄芩浸膏 C.生大黄、黄柏、黄芩浸膏 D.黄连、黄柏、黄芩浸膏 82. 急性喉炎最主要的临床表现是 (D) A.鼻流清涕 B.畏寒发热 C.扁桃体肿大 D.声音嘶哑、讲话困难 83. 一清胶囊不含 (B) A.黄芩 B.黄柏 C.大黄 D.黄连 84. 一清软胶囊的贮藏条件要求为 (A) A.阴凉处 B.常温 C.15?以下 D.25?以下 85. 牙龈炎的典型症状表现为 (A) A.牙龈肿痛、牙龈出血 B.牙齿持续性钝痛 C.牙齿松动和脱落 D.以上均不是 86. 牙龈炎的典型症状不包括 (D) A.牙龈肿痛 B.牙龈出血 C.腹泻 D.龋齿 87. 牙周炎的治疗药物常用除甲硝唑外,还可联用 (B) A.感咳双清胶囊 B.一清胶囊 C.镇咳宁胶囊 D.胆舒胶囊 88. 一清胶囊的崩解时间比一清软胶囊短,这意味着 (A) A.一清胶囊比一清软胶囊起效快速 B.一清胶囊比一清软胶囊起效慢 C.一清胶囊与一清软胶囊起效时间相当 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase D.一清胶囊的不良反应少于一清软胶囊 89. 一清胶囊的辅料含量少于一清软胶囊,这意味着每粒药物的有效成分 (A) A.一清胶囊高于一清软胶囊 B.一清胶囊低于一清软胶囊 C.一清胶囊等于一清软胶囊 D.一清胶囊的成本低于一清软胶囊 90. 作为国家二级中药保护品种,一清胶囊的保护期为 (B) A.5年 B.7年 C.8年 D.10年 91. 属于下焦有火的临床表现是 (A) A.尿频、尿急、尿痛 B.面部痤疮 C.胁痛、黄疸 D.咽喉肿痛 92. 以下哪种性质的中药材不适宜做成软胶囊 (C) A.油性药物 B.疏水性药物 C.水溶性药物 D.具不良气味的药物 93. 关于一清胶囊的工艺专利特点叙述, 是正确的 (A) A.成功解决了成分之间相互反应生成沉淀致有效成分无法被吸收的问题,大大提 高了产品的生物利用度 B.成功解决生产工艺各环节不配套致使加工效率低下,成本上升问题 C.成功解决产品质量控制精度问题,大大提升产品质量 D.成功解决产品原料来源及筛选工艺的问题,大大节约了人力成本 94. 软胶囊壳中的明胶成分会与含醛基的化合物发生化学反应,致使软胶囊壳老化变 硬,这种反应叫做 (C) A.中和反应 B.酯化反应 C.交联反应 D.络合反应 95. 中医中的“中焦”是指 (B) A.膈肌以下 B.膈肌以下脐以上 C.膈肌以上 D.脐以下 96. 中医中的“下焦”是指 (D) A.膈肌以下 B.膈肌以下脐以上 C.膈肌以上 D.脐以下 97. 急性咽炎若无并发症者,一般 天内可愈 (C) A.3 B.5 C.7 D.10 98. 下列关于中医“苦寒”的描述正确的是 (A) A. 苦能燥湿,寒能清热 B. 苦能泻火,寒能燥湿 C. 苦能化瘀,寒能清热 D. 苦能泻下,寒能清热 99. 下列关于中医“经方”的描述正确的是 (C) A. 经典方剂 B. 《神农本草经》记载的方剂 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase C. 《伤寒杂病论》记载的方剂 D. 宋、元以后的方剂 100. 下列对“结肠黑变病”描述不正确的是 (C) A. 结肠黑变病是一种可逆的良性病变 B. 结肠黑变病是由服用蒽醌类药物引起的 C. 结肠黑变病是不可逆传的恶性肿瘤病 D. 结肠黑变病停用蒽醌类药物3-6月后可以自行消失 二、多选题: 1. 内毒素并非产生自: (A.B.D) A.胸腔 B.颅腔 C.肠道 D.关节腔 2. 内毒素并非产生自: (A.B.D) A.脾脏 B.心脏 C.感染灶 D.肾脏 3. 体内对内毒素没有天然清除、中和作用的是 (A.C.D) A.脑细胞 B.肝细胞 C.神经元 D.心肌细胞 4. 体内对内毒素没有天然清除、中和作用的是 (A.B.C) A.肺泡细胞 B.T细胞 C.B细胞 D.枯否细胞 5. 体内对内毒素没有天然清除、中和作用的是 (B.C.D) A.高密度脂蛋白 B.低密度脂蛋白 C.血红蛋白 D.血蓝蛋白 6. 以下不属于清热解毒药的是 (B.C.D) A.一清胶囊 B.比拜克 C.安宫牛黄丸 D.万应胶囊 7. 以下不属于清热解毒药的是 (A.C.D) A.清开灵 B.三黄片 C.金熊炎必克 D.维C银翘片 8. 以下不属于清热解毒药的是 (A.C.D) A.麻黄汤 B.黄连上清丸 C.玉屏风 D.华盖散 9. 以下不属于解表药的是 (A.B.D) A.万应胶囊 B.黄连上清丸 C.玉屏风 D.清开灵 10. 性质的中药材适宜做成软胶囊 (A.B.D) A.油性药物 B.疏水性药物 C.水溶性药物 D.具不良气味的药物 11. 一清胶囊的功能主治包括 (A.B.D) A.清热燥湿 B.泻火解毒 C.止咳平喘 D.化瘀止血 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase 12. 一清胶囊在呼吸科可用于改善下列 疾病的炎症反应 (C.D) A.哮喘 B.肺纤维化 C.上呼吸道感染 D.肺炎 13. 导致急性咽炎的病因主要包括 (A.B.C) A.病毒感染 B.高温、烟雾、粉尘、刺激性气体等环境因素 C.细菌感染 D.以上均不是 14. 一清胶囊的不良反应包括 (A.B.C.D) A.皮疹 B.恶心 C.腹泻 D.腹痛 15. 一清胶囊属于 (A.B.C.D) A.国家基本药物 B.国家医保药物 C.优质优价中成药 D.国家中药品种保护 16. 一清胶囊可用于改善热盛迫血妄行所致的 上火症状 (A.B.C.D) A.吐血 B.咯血 C.鼻血 D.内痔出血 17. 一清胶囊在耳鼻咽喉科可用于改善 疾病的上火症状 (A.B.C.D) A.急性咽喉炎 B.急性扁桃体炎 C.鼻血 D.外耳道疖 18. 一清胶囊在口腔科可用于改善下列 疾病的上火症状 (A.B.C.D) A.牙龈炎 B.牙周炎 C.口腔溃疡 D.拔牙术后 19. 一清胶囊在肛肠科可用于改善下列 上火症状 (A.B.C) A.内痔出血 B.肛裂 C.便秘 D.四肢厥冷 20. 一清胶囊优于一清软胶囊的理由包括 (A.B.C.D) A.有效成分含量高,服用剂量小 B. 质量更稳定,贮藏条件无特殊要求 C.崩解时间短,起效更快速 D.中保/优质优价/教材推荐,证明疗效更可靠 21. 康弘一清胶囊祛火的两条途径包括 (A.C) A.苦寒清热 B.滋阴降火 C.通腑泻热 D.甘辛化热 22. 上火的症状包括 (A.B.C.D) A.舌头红、口渴 舌苔黄 B.口臭、口腔粘膜溃疡牙龈肿痛 C.便血、便秘 D.口角、头面部生疮 23. 急性上呼吸道感染包括 (A.B.C.D) A.普通感冒 B.病毒性咽炎、喉炎 C.疱疹性咽峡炎 D.细菌性咽,扁桃体炎 24. 服用一清胶囊后出现腹泻,应该 (A.B.C.D) the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase A.告知大便次数,3次/日,是通腑泻热,排除内毒素的表现 B.建议餐后1小时服药,可以减轻对胃肠道的刺激 C.建议减小服药剂量,让胃肠道逐渐适应 日应该停药观察,多饮水,症状重者应服用止泻药 D.告知大便次数,3次/ 25. 急性咽炎好发于 季节 (A.D) A.冬、春季之交 B.夏季 C.雨季 D.冬季 26. 一清胶囊说明书中的“口疮”包括 疾病 (A.B.C) A.口腔溃疡 B.口唇疱疹 C.口角炎 D.以上均不正确 27. 关于痔疮论述正确的有 (A.B.C) A.内痔生于齿线以上,以出血和脱出为主要症状,往往没有疼痛症状 B.外痔位于齿线以下,以疼痛和有异物感为主要症状 C.混合痔具有内痔和外痔两者的共同特点 D.以上均不正确 28. 痤疮中医辨证主要分 三型 (A.C.D) A.肺经风热 B.肝阳上亢 C.胃肠湿热 D.痰瘀互结 29. 关于痤疮临床表现的论述 是正确的 (A.B.C) A.初期以粉刺为主、可有少量丘疹 B.中期以丘疹为主、可有少量脓疱 C.晚期以囊肿、结节为主 D.以上均不正确 30. 一清软胶囊壳中含有 添加剂 (A.B.C) A.防腐剂 B.遮光剂 C.色素 D.以上均不是 31. 引起鼻出血的局部原因有__________三种 (A.B.C) A.外伤 B.肿瘤 C.炎症 D.低血压 32. 急性咽炎若不能有效治疗,可蔓延到 __________ (A.B.C) A.中耳 B.鼻窦 C.下呼吸道 D.以上都不是 33. 急性咽炎是指 的急性炎症 (A.B) A.咽粘膜 B.咽粘膜下组织 C.呼吸道 D.以上都不是 34. 一清胶囊可在___________推广 (A.B.C.D) A.ENT B.皮肤科 C.老年科 D.中医科 35. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病包括: (A.C.D) A.鼻出血 B.抑郁症 C.肝硬化 D.肝炎 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase 36. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病包括: (A.B.C) A.痤疮 B.银屑病 C.扁桃体炎 D.糖尿病肾病 37. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病包括: (A.B.C) A.牙龈炎 B.鼻疖 C.外耳道疖 D.先心病 38. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病包括: (A.B.D) A.肛裂 B.便秘 C.21三体综合症 D.动脉粥样硬化 39. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病包括: (B.C.D) A.地中海贫血 B.痔病 C.荨麻疹 D.急性咽炎 40. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病包括: (A.C.D) A.甲型肝炎 B.唇裂 C.乙型肝炎 D.牙周炎 41. 以下与内毒素相关的疾病包括: (A.B.C) A.皮炎 B.带状疱疹 C.单纯疱疹 D.猫叫综合征 42. 以下哪种病原微生物的膜结构中包含内毒素: (A.B.C) A.钩端螺旋体 B.阴性菌 C.阳性菌 D.DNA病毒 43. 以下哪种病原微生物的膜结构中包含内毒素: (A.B.C) A.立克次体 B.支原体 C.衣原体 D.RNA病毒 44. 对中医典籍《温热论》:“在卫,汗之可也;到气,才可清气”,以下理解正确的 是: (A.C.D) A.温病初起,病邪还在卫分,发汗解表就可以了 B.治疗温病时,要尽早使用清热解毒药“清气” C.治疗温病时,只有待病邪已经传变到气分,才可以“清气” D.温病初起,病邪还在卫分,不能使用清热解毒药,以免“引邪入里” 45. 对 “引邪入里”,以下理解正确的是: (A.C.D) A.表症,应该解表 B.表症,应该清解里热,以引导病邪入里,然后就可“关门打狗” C.表症,不能清解里热,以免病邪入里,加重病情 D.上感初期,由于还没有足够内毒素启动炎症反应,此时清除内毒素,相反会导致病情加重 46. 对 “肺与大肠相表里”,以下理解正确的是: (A.B.D) A.肺病可治肠 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase B.肠病可治肺 C.通大便不可能治疗肺炎 D.通大便可以治疗肺炎 47. 与一清胶囊清除内毒素相关的作用机制包括: (A.B.D) A.大黄可通便,帮助排除内毒素 B.黄连可显著抑制肠道细菌 C.黄连可显著抑制肺部细菌 D.黄芩可中和内毒素 48. 与一清胶囊清除内毒素相关的作用机制包括: (B.C.D) A.黄芩可显著抑制肺部细菌 B.大黄可刺激肠道细胞产生5-HT C.大黄可直接中和内毒素 D.黄芩可直接中和内毒素 49. 下列关于中医“苦寒”的描述错误的是 (B.C.D) A. 苦能燥湿,寒能清热 B. 苦能泻火,寒能燥湿 C. 苦能化瘀,寒能清热 D. 苦能泻下,寒能清热 50. 下列关于中医“经方”的描述错误的是 (A.B.D) A. 《千金方》记载的方剂 B. 《神农本草经》记载的方剂 C. 《伤寒杂病论》记载的方剂 D. 宋、元以后的方剂 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase
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